def train_model(infile, embeddings): os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "1" num_feats = 100 nodes_node1, children_node1, nodes_node2, children_node2, res = network.init_net_finetune(num_feats,embeddingg) aaa = 1 labels_node, loss_node = network.loss_layer(res) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(LEARN_RATE) train_step = optimizer.minimize(loss_node) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) # config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU':0})) dictt = {} listrec = [] f = open("flistBCB.txt", 'r') line = f.readline().rstrip('\t') l = line.split('\t') z = 0 for ll in l: if not os.path.exists(ll): listrec.append(ll) continue faa = open(ll, 'r', encoding="utf-8") fff = tree = javalang.parse.parse_member_signature(fff) sample, size = _traverse_treewithid(tree) if size > 3000 or size < 10: z += 1 listrec.append(ll) continue dictt[ll] = sample f.close() print("wuxiaogeshu:", z) for epoch in range(1, EPOCHS + 1): f = open(infile, 'r') line = "123" k = 0 while line: line = f.readline().rstrip('\n') l = line.split('\t') if len(l) != 3: break if (l[0] in listrec) or (l[1] in listrec): continue k += 1 nodes11,children1,nodes22,children2,batch_labels=getData_finetune(l,dictt,embeddings) _, err, r = [train_step, loss_node, res], feed_dict={ nodes_node1: nodes11, children_node1: children1, nodes_node2: nodes22, children_node2: children2, labels_node: batch_labels } ) if aaa % 1000 == 0: print('Epoch:', epoch, 'Step:', aaa, 'Loss:', err, 'R:', r, ) aaa += 1 correct_labels_dev = [] predictions_dev = [] for i in range(0, 15): predictions_dev.append([]) ff = open("./datasetForCompareWithCDLH/BCB/devdata1.txt", 'r') line = "123" k = 0 maxf1value = -1.0 while line: line = ff.readline().rstrip('\n') l = line.split('\t') if len(l) != 3: break if (l[0] in listrec) or (l[1] in listrec): continue label = l[2] k += 1 nodes11, children1, nodes22, children2, _ = getData_finetune(l, dictt, embeddings) output =[res], feed_dict={ nodes_node1: nodes11, children_node1: children1, nodes_node2: nodes22, children_node2: children2, } ) correct_labels_dev.append(int(label)) threaholder = -0.7 for i in range(0, 15): if output[0] >= threaholder: predictions_dev[i].append(1) else: predictions_dev[i].append(-1) threaholder += 0.1 for i in range(0, 15): f1score = f1_score(correct_labels_dev, predictions_dev[i], average='binary') if f1score > maxf1value: maxf1value = f1score maxstep = i ff.close() correct_labels_test = [] predictions_test = [] ff = open("./datasetForCompareWithCDLH/BCB/testdata1.txt", 'r') line = "123" k = 0 while line: line = ff.readline().rstrip('\n') l = line.split('\t') if len(l) != 3: break k += 1 label = l[2] if (l[0] in listrec) or (l[1] in listrec): continue nodes11, children1, nodes22, children2, _ = getData_finetune(l, dictt, embeddings) output =[res], feed_dict={ nodes_node1: nodes11, children_node1: children1, nodes_node2: nodes22, children_node2: children2, } ) correct_labels_test.append(int(label)) threaholder = -0.7+maxstep*0.1 if output[0] >= threaholder: predictions_test.append(1) else: predictions_test.append(-1) print("starttest:\n") print("threaholder:") print(threaholder) p = precision_score(correct_labels_test, predictions_test, average='binary') r = recall_score(correct_labels_test, predictions_test, average='binary') f1score = f1_score(correct_labels_test, predictions_test, average='binary') print("recall_test:" + str(r)) print("precision_test:" + str(p)) print("f1score_test:" + str(f1score)) ff.close()
def train_model(embeddings): dictt = {} listrec = [] file_list = os.listdir('dataset/features/features2') z = 0 for file in file_list: file_path = 'dataset/features/features2' + '/' + file if not os.path.exists(file_path): listrec.append(file) continue with open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as faa: sample = json.loads( if sample == "" or sample == " " or sample == "\n": z += 1 listrec.append(file) continue dictt[file] = sample print("length of feature: " + str(len(dictt))) # print("invalid file number:", z) TrainDatalist = [] file = open("dataset/dataset/train/" + data_type + ".txt", 'r') for line in file: if line == "" or line == " ": continue TrainDatalist.append(line) print('len ( TrainData ) = ', len(TrainDatalist)) file.close() os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" nodes_node1, children_node1, nodes_node2, children_node2, res = network.init_net_finetune(feature_size, embeddingg, KERNEL) labels_node, loss_node = network.loss_layer(res) aaa = 0 global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) learn_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(LEARN_RATE, global_step, len(TrainDatalist), 0.9, True) optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learn_rate) train_step = optimizer.minimize(loss_node, global_step=global_step) config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) # config=tf.ConfigProto(device_count={'GPU':0})) for global_step in range(1, EPOCHS + 1): k = 0 random.shuffle(TrainDatalist) for line in TrainDatalist: line = line.rstrip('\n') train_data = line.split('\t') if len(train_data) != 3: continue k += 1 if (train_data[0] in listrec) or (train_data[1] in listrec): continue nodes11, children1, nodes22, children2, batch_labels = getData_finetune(train_data, dictt, embeddings) _, err, r = [train_step, loss_node, res], feed_dict={ nodes_node1: nodes11, children_node1: children1, nodes_node2: nodes22, children_node2: children2, labels_node: batch_labels, } ) learn_rate_var = aaa += 1 test_list = ['argouml', 'gwt', 'jruby', 'xstream', 'all'] print('------------Model 2' + data_type + '------------') for name in test_list: print('start test: ' + name) correct_labels_test = [] predictions_test = [] for _ in range(0, 20): predictions_test.append([]) ff = open("dataset/dataset/test/" + name + "/" + data_type + ".txt", 'r') line = "123" k = 0 while line: line = ff.readline().rstrip('\n') test_data = line.split('\t') if len(test_data) != 3: break if (test_data[0] in listrec) or (test_data[1] in listrec): continue nodes11, children1, nodes22, children2, _ = getData_finetune(test_data, dictt, embeddings) label = test_data[2] k += 1 output =[res], feed_dict={ nodes_node1: nodes11, children_node1: children1, nodes_node2: nodes22, children_node2: children2, } ) correct_labels_test.append(int(label)) threaholder = -1.0 for i in range(0, 20): if output[0] >= threaholder: predictions_test[i].append(1) else: predictions_test[i].append(-1) threaholder += 0.1 if global_step == 10: with open("dataset/cluster/2/" + name + "/" + test_data[0].split('_')[0] + '_' + test_data[1].split('_')[0] + '.txt', 'a') as fout: fout.writelines(test_data[2] + '\t' + test_data[0] + '\t' + test_data[1] + '\t' + str(output[0]) + '\n') # The choice of the threshold will not affect the clustering results # We just investigate the max accuracy of our model's prediction of the relationship between chunks maxstep = 0 maxaccuracy = 0 for i in range(0, 20): accuracy = accuracy_score(correct_labels_test, predictions_test[i]) if accuracy > maxaccuracy: maxaccuracy = accuracy maxstep = i threaholder = -1.0 + maxstep * 0.1 cm = confusion_matrix(correct_labels_test, predictions_test[maxstep], labels=[-1, 1]) tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel() accuracy = accuracy_score(correct_labels_test, predictions_test[maxstep]) print("threaholder: " + str(threaholder)) print("max combine precision_test:", tp / (tp + fp)) print("max combine recall_test:", tp / (tp + fn)) print("max seperate precision_test:", tn / (tn + fn)) print("max seperate recall_test:", tn / (tn + fp)) print("max accuracy_test:" + str(accuracy)) print("tp:" + str(tp) + " tn:" + str(tn) + " fp:" + str(fp) + " fn:" + str(fn)) # print(learn_rate_var) if name == "all": with open("dataset/cluster/2/total_result.txt", 'a') as total_result: total_result.writelines(str(tp) + '\t' + str(tn) + '\t' + str(fp) + '\t' + str(fn) + '\n') ff.close() print('---------------------------------------------')