Пример #1
    def testWeilPairing(self):
        # this example was refered to Washington.
        e = elliptic.EC([0, 2], 7)
        P = [5, 1]
        Q = [0, 3]
        R = e.WeilPairing(3, P, Q)
        self.assertEqual(finitefield.FinitePrimeFieldElement(2, 7), R)

        # test case of extension field, characteristic 7
        p = 7
        r = 11
        F = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(p)
        PX = uniutil.polynomial({0:3,1:3,2:2,3:1,4:4,5:1,6:1,10:1},F)
        Fx = finitefield.FiniteExtendedField(p,PX)

        E = elliptic.EC([F.one,-F.one],F)
        Ex = elliptic.EC([Fx.one,-Fx.one],Fx)

        P = [3,6]
        assert E.whetherOn(P)
        assert Ex.whetherOn(P)
        assert E.mul(11,P) == E.infpoint
        Qxcoord = Fx.createElement(6*7**9+7**8+7**6+6*7**3+6*7**2+7+6)
        Qycoord = Fx.createElement(3*7**9+6*7**8+4*7**7+2*7**6+5*7**4+5*7**3+7**2+7+3)
        Q = [Qxcoord,Qycoord]
        assert Ex.whetherOn(Q)
        assert Ex.mul(11,Q) == Ex.infpoint

        w = Ex.WeilPairing(11, P, Q)
        Wp = Fx.createElement(7**9 + 5*7**8 + 4*7**7 + 2*7**5 + 7**4 + 6*7**2)
        assert w == Wp
Пример #2
    def testOrder(self):
        d = elliptic.EC([2, 6], 7)
        e = elliptic.EC([1, 3], 7)
        f = elliptic.EC([11, 3], 13)

        self.assertEqual(11, d.order())
        self.assertEqual(6, e.order())
        self.assertEqual(13, f.order())
Пример #3
    def testPoint(self):
        d = elliptic.EC([2, 6], 7)
        e = elliptic.EC([1, 3], 7)
        f = elliptic.EC([11, 3], 13)

Пример #4
 def testStructure(self):
     # this example was rechecked by MAGMA.
     e = elliptic.EC([0, 4], 997)
     f = elliptic.EC([-1, 0], 65537)
     g = elliptic.EC([0, 1], 65537)
     self.assertEqual((12, 84),  e.structure())
     self.assertEqual((256, 256),  f.structure())
     self.assertEqual((1, 65538),  g.structure())
Пример #5
 def testEqualCh19(self):
     e = elliptic.EC([2, 1], 19)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof)
     e = elliptic.EC([2, 5], 19)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof)
Пример #6
 def testEqualCh7(self):
     e = elliptic.EC([1, 4], 7)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof, str(e))
     e = elliptic.EC([2, 0], 7)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof, str(e))
     e = elliptic.EC([1, 3, 4, 0, 1], 7)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof, repr(e)) # see EllipticTest.testStr
Пример #7
 def testEqualCh5(self):
     e = elliptic.EC([1, 4], 5)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof)
     e = elliptic.EC([2, 0], 5)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof)
     e = elliptic.EC([1, 3, 4, 0, 1], 5)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof)
Пример #8
    def setUp(self):
        self.a = elliptic.EC([0,-1,1,0,0], 0)
        self.b = elliptic.EC([1,0], 0)
        self.c = elliptic.EC([0,17], 0)

        self.P1 = list(map(rational.Rational,[-2,3]))
        self.P2 = list(map(rational.Rational,[-1,4]))
        self.P3 = list(map(rational.Rational,[2,5]))
        self.P4 = list(map(rational.Rational,[4,9]))
        self.P5 = list(map(rational.Rational,[8,23]))
        self.P6 = list(map(rational.Rational,[43,282]))
        self.P7 = list(map(rational.Rational,[52,375]))
        self.P8 = list(map(rational.Rational,[5234,378661]))
Пример #9
 def testEqualCh233(self):
     e = elliptic.EC([2, 1], 233)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     byShanksMestre = e.Shanks_Mestre()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, byShanksMestre)
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof)
     # bug #2281173
     e = elliptic.EC([2, 5], 233)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     byShanksMestre = e.Shanks_Mestre()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, byShanksMestre)
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof)
Пример #10
 def testLine(self):
     # FIXME: need more appropriate tests
     e = elliptic.EC([0, 0, 1, -1, 0], 17)
     P = [0, 0]
     self.assertEqual(e.basefield.zero, e.line(P, P, P))
     P2 = e.mul(2, P)
     self.assertEqual(e.basefield.zero, e.line(P, P2, e.mul(-1, e.add(P, P2))))
Пример #11
 def testEqualCh65537(self):
     # 65537 is too large for naive method.
     e = elliptic.EC([0, 1], 65537)  # supersingular curve
     byShanksMestre = e.Shanks_Mestre()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(0, byShanksMestre)
     self.assertEqual(0, bySchoof)
Пример #12
 def testEqualCh311(self):
     e = elliptic.EC([12, 179], 311)
     byNaive = e.naive()
     byShanksMestre = e.Shanks_Mestre()
     bySchoof = e.Schoof()
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, byShanksMestre)
     self.assertEqual(byNaive, bySchoof)
Пример #13
 def testDivPoly(self):
     E = elliptic.EC([3, 4], 101)
     F101 = finitefield.FinitePrimeField.getInstance(E.ch)
     D = ({-1:uniutil.polynomial({0:-1}, F101),
         0:uniutil.polynomial({}, F101),
         1:uniutil.polynomial({0:1}, F101),
         2:uniutil.polynomial({0:2}, F101),
         3:uniutil.polynomial({0:92, 1:48, 2:18, 4:3}, F101),
         4:uniutil.polynomial({0:188, 1:10, 2:22, 3:118, 4:60, 6:4}, F101),
         5:uniutil.polynomial({0:48, 1:58, 2:53, 3:60, 4:28, 5:93, 6:79,
                               7:52, 8:65, 9:5, 10:85, 12:5}, F101),
         6:uniutil.polynomial({0:18, 1:24, 2:88, 3:32, 4:128, 5:44, 6:152,
                               7:56, 8:84, 9:192, 10:174, 12:114, 13:124,
                               14:28, 16:6}, F101),
         7:uniutil.polynomial({0:94, 1:77, 2:87, 3:65, 4:97, 5:45, 6:80,
                               7:22, 8:44, 9:76, 10:5, 11:49, 12:49, 13:74,
                               14:76, 15:53, 16:69, 17:47, 18:63, 19:70,
                               20:78, 21:20, 22:15, 24:7}, F101),
         8:uniutil.polynomial({0:32, 1:100, 2:58, 3:20, 4:124, 5:160, 6:82,
                               7:132, 8:158, 9:96, 10:154, 11:106, 12:134,
                               13:140, 14:10, 15:36, 16:72, 17:56, 18:116,
                               19:190, 20:134, 21:182, 22:74, 23:186, 24:50,
                               25:186, 26:122, 27:68, 28:136, 30:8}, F101)},
        [2, 3, 5, 7])
     self.assertEqual(D, E.divPoly([]))
Пример #14
 def testTatePairing(self):
     # this example was refered to Washington.
     # note that Tate pairing is only defined
     # up to a multiple by an lth power.
     e = elliptic.EC([-1, 1], 11)
     self.assertEqual(10, e.order())
     P = list(map(e.basefield.createElement,[3, 6]))
     R = e.TatePairing(5, P, P)
     l = list(map(finitefield.FinitePrimeFieldElement, [5, 6], [11]*2))
     self.assertTrue(R in l, R)
Пример #15
 def testTatePairing_Extend(self):
     # this example was refered to Kim Nguyen.
     e = elliptic.EC([0, 4], 997)
     P = [0, 2]
     Q = [747, 776]
     R = e.TatePairing_Extend(3, P, P)
     W1 = e.TatePairing_Extend(3, P, Q)
     W2 = e.TatePairing_Extend(3, Q, P)
     self.assertEqual(e.basefield.one, R)
     self.assertEqual(finitefield.FinitePrimeFieldElement(304, 997), W1)
     self.assertEqual(W1, W2.inverse())
Пример #16
 def testWeilPairingIsFunction(self):
     # e2 is isomorphic to Z/256 x Z/256
     F_65537 = finitefield.FinitePrimeField(65537)
     e2 = elliptic.EC([-1, 0], F_65537)
     P1 = list(map(F_65537.createElement, [30840, 53250]))
     self.assertFalse(256 % e2.pointorder(P1))
     P2 = list(map(F_65537.createElement, [10657, 46245]))
     self.assertFalse(256 % e2.pointorder(P2))
     weil10 = set(e2.WeilPairing(256, P1, P2) for i in range(10))
     # since Weil pairing is a function, the result is always same
     self.assertEqual(1, len(weil10))
     # Weil pairing is a function E[m]xE[m] -> mu_m
     self.assertEqual(e2.basefield.one, weil10.pop()**256)
Пример #17
 def testChangePoint(self):
     self.assertEqual([-1, 1], elliptic.EC([1, 2], 0).changePoint([1, 2], [1, 2, 3, 4]))
Пример #18
 def testChangeCurve(self):
     self.assertEqual('y ** 2 + 6/1 * x * y + 8/1 * y = x ** 3 - 3/1 * x ** 2 - 10/1 * x',
                       str(elliptic.EC([2, 4], 0).changeCurve([1, 2, 3, 4])))
Пример #19
 def testCh5(self):
     e = elliptic.EC([1, 4], 5)
     self.assertEqual(5 + 1 - e.trace(), e.order())
Пример #20
 def testSimple(self): 
     self.assertEqual('y ** 2 = x ** 3 - 432/1 * x + 8208/1', str(self.a.simple()))
     # ch > 0
     e = elliptic.EC([1, 1, 1, 3, 4], 7)
Пример #21
 def testStr(self):
     e = elliptic.EC([1, 3, 4, 0, 1], 7)