Пример #1
def TransmissionCan(can, direct, reload=True, period_t=-1, period_d=-1):
    Specify the transmission and direct runs for the can
    @param can: the transmission run
    @param direct: direct run
    @param reload: if to replace the workspace if it is already there
    @param period_t: the entry number of the transmission run (default single entry file)
    @param period_d: the entry number of the direct run (default single entry file)
    _ = reload  # noqa
    # First of all the default for all periods used to be -1. If we encounter this then set periods to ALL_PERIODS
    period_t = int(period_t)
    period_d = int(period_d)
    period_t = ALL_PERIODS if period_t == -1 else period_t
    period_d = ALL_PERIODS if period_d == -1 else period_d

    print_message('TransmissionCan("' + str(can) + '","' + str(direct) + '")')

    # Get the full file name of the run
    trans_file_name = find_sans_file(can)
    direct_file_name = find_sans_file(direct)

    # Set the command
    trans_command = DataCommand(command_id=DataCommandId.can_transmission, file_name=trans_file_name, period=period_t)
    direct_command = DataCommand(command_id=DataCommandId.can_direct, file_name=direct_file_name, period=period_d)
Пример #2
def AssignCan(can_run, reload=True, period=ALL_PERIODS):
    Sets the can scatter data.

    @param can_run: run number to analysis e.g. SANS2D7777.nxs
    @param reload: must be set to True
    @param period: the period (entry) number to load, default is the first period
    _ = reload  # noqa
    # First of all the default for all periods used to be -1. If we encounter this then set periods to ALL_PERIODS
    period = int(period)
    period = ALL_PERIODS if period == -1 else period

    # Print the output
    message = 'AssignCan("' + str(can_run) + '"'
    if period != ALL_PERIODS:
        message += ', ' + str(period)
    message += ')'

    # Get the full file name of the run
    file_name = find_sans_file(can_run)

    # Set the command
    data_command = DataCommand(command_id=DataCommandId.can_scatter, file_name=file_name, period=period)
Пример #3
def SetFrontDetRescaleShift(scale=1.0, shift=0.0, fitScale=False, fitShift=False, qMin=None, qMax=None):
        Stores property about the detector which is used to rescale and shift
        data in the bank after data have been reduced
        @param scale: Default to 1.0. Value to multiply data with
        @param shift: Default to 0.0. Value to add to data
        @param fitScale: Default is False. Whether or not to try and fit this param
        @param fitShift: Default is False. Whether or not to try and fit this param
        @param qMin: When set to None (default) then for fitting use the overlapping q region of
                     front and rear detectors
        @param qMax: When set to None (default) then for fitting use the overlapping q region of
                     front and rear detectors
    scale = float(scale)
    shift = float(shift)

    if qMin:
        qMin = float(qMin)
    if qMax:
        qMax = float(qMax)

    print_message('Set front detector rescale/shift values to {0} and {1}'.format(scale, shift))
    front_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.front_detector_rescale, values=[scale, shift,
                                                                                                     fitScale, fitShift,
                                                                                                     qMin, qMax])
Пример #4
def SetFrontDetRescaleShift(scale=1.0, shift=0.0, fitScale=False, fitShift=False, qMin=None, qMax=None):
        Stores property about the detector which is used to rescale and shift
        data in the bank after data have been reduced
        @param scale: Default to 1.0. Value to multiply data with
        @param shift: Default to 0.0. Value to add to data
        @param fitScale: Default is False. Whether or not to try and fit this param
        @param fitShift: Default is False. Whether or not to try and fit this param
        @param qMin: When set to None (default) then for fitting use the overlapping q region of
                     front and rear detectors
        @param qMax: When set to None (default) then for fitting use the overlapping q region of
                     front and rear detectors
    scale = float(scale)
    shift = float(shift)

    if qMin:
        qMin = float(qMin)
    if qMax:
        qMax = float(qMax)

    print_message('Set front detector rescale/shift values to {0} and {1}'.format(scale, shift))
    front_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.FRONT_DETECTOR_RESCALE, values=[scale, shift,
                                                                                                     fitScale, fitShift,
                                                                                                     qMin, qMax])
Пример #5
def PhiRanges(phis, plot=True):
        Given a list of phi ranges [a, b, c, d] it reduces in the phi ranges a-b and c-d
        @param phis: the list of phi ranges
        @param plot: set this to true to plot the result (must be run in Mantid), default is true

    print_message('PhiRanges( %s,plot=%s)' % (str(phis), plot))

    # todo covert their string into Python array

    if len(phis) % 2 != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Phi ranges must be given as pairs')

    reduced_workspace_names = []
    for i in range(0, len(phis), 2):
        SetPhiLimit(phis[i], phis[i + 1])
        reduced_workspace_name = WavRangeReduction()

    if plot and mantidplot:
        mantidplot.plotSpectrum(reduced_workspace_names, 0)

    # Return just the workspace name of the full range
    return reduced_workspace_names[0]
Пример #6
def PlotResult(workspace, canvas=None):
        Draws a graph of the passed workspace. If the workspace is 2D (has many spectra
        a contour plot is written
        @param workspace: a workspace name or handle to plot
        @param canvas: optional handle to an existing graph to write the plot to
        @return: a handle to the graph that was written to
    raise NotImplementedError(_plot_missing_str)

        import mantidplot
        workspace = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(str(workspace))
        number_of_spectra = workspace[0].getNumberHistograms() if isinstance(workspace, WorkspaceGroup) else\
        graph = mantidplot.plotSpectrum(workspace, 0) if number_of_spectra == 1 else \

        if canvas is not None:
            # we were given a handle to an existing graph, use it
            mantidplot.mergePlots(canvas, graph)
            graph = canvas
        return graph
    except ImportError:
        print_message('Plot functions are not available, is this being run from outside Mantidplot?')
Пример #7
def TransmissionCan(can, direct, reload=True, period_t=-1, period_d=-1):
    Specify the transmission and direct runs for the can
    @param can: the transmission run
    @param direct: direct run
    @param reload: if to replace the workspace if it is already there
    @param period_t: the entry number of the transmission run (default single entry file)
    @param period_d: the entry number of the direct run (default single entry file)
    _ = reload  # noqa
    # First of all the default for all periods used to be -1. If we encounter this then set periods to ALL_PERIODS
    period_t = int(period_t)
    period_d = int(period_d)
    period_t = ALL_PERIODS if period_t == -1 else period_t
    period_d = ALL_PERIODS if period_d == -1 else period_d

    print_message('TransmissionCan("' + str(can) + '","' + str(direct) + '")')

    # Get the full file name of the run
    trans_file_name = find_sans_file(can)
    direct_file_name = find_sans_file(direct)

    # Set the command
    trans_command = DataCommand(command_id=DataCommandId.CAN_TRANSMISSION, file_name=trans_file_name, period=period_t)
    direct_command = DataCommand(command_id=DataCommandId.CAN_DIRECT, file_name=direct_file_name, period=period_d)
Пример #8
def AssignCan(can_run, reload=True, period=ALL_PERIODS):
    Sets the can scatter data.

    @param can_run: run number to analysis e.g. SANS2D7777.nxs
    @param reload: must be set to True
    @param period: the period (entry) number to load, default is the first period
    _ = reload  # noqa
    # First of all the default for all periods used to be -1. If we encounter this then set periods to ALL_PERIODS
    period = int(period)
    period = ALL_PERIODS if period == -1 else period

    # Print the output
    message = 'AssignCan("' + str(can_run) + '"'
    if period != ALL_PERIODS:
        message += ', ' + str(period)
    message += ')'

    # Get the full file name of the run
    file_name = find_sans_file(can_run)

    # Set the command
    data_command = DataCommand(command_id=DataCommandId.CAN_SCATTER, file_name=file_name, period=period)
Пример #9
def PhiRanges(phis, plot=True):
        Given a list of phi ranges [a, b, c, d] it reduces in the phi ranges a-b and c-d
        @param phis: the list of phi ranges
        @param plot: set this to true to plot the result (must be run in Mantid), default is true

    print_message('PhiRanges( %s,plot=%s)' % (str(phis), plot))

    # todo covert their string into Python array

    if len(phis) % 2 != 0:
        raise RuntimeError('Phi ranges must be given as pairs')

    reduced_workspace_names = []
    for i in range(0, len(phis), 2):
        SetPhiLimit(phis[i], phis[i + 1])
        reduced_workspace_name = WavRangeReduction()

    if plot and mantidplot:
        mantidplot.plotSpectrum(reduced_workspace_names, 0)

    # Return just the workspace name of the full range
    return reduced_workspace_names[0]
Пример #10
def Set2D():
    Sets the reduction dimensionality to 2D
    set_2d_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.reduction_dimensionality,
Пример #11
def Set2D():
    Sets the reduction dimensionality to 2D
    set_2d_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.REDUCTION_DIMENSIONALITY,
Пример #12
def Set2D():
    Sets the reduction dimensionality to 2D
    set_2d_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.reduction_dimensionality,
Пример #13
def Mask(details):
    Allows the user to specify a mask command as is done in the user file.

    @param details: a string that specifies masking as it would appear in a mask file
    print_message('Mask("' + details + '")')
    mask_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.MASK, values=[details])
Пример #14
def Mask(details):
    Allows the user to specify a mask command as is done in the user file.

    @param details: a string that specifies masking as it would appear in a mask file
    print_message('Mask("' + details + '")')
    mask_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.mask, values=[details])
Пример #15
def Gravity(flag, extra_length=0.0):
    Allows the user to set the gravity correction for the q conversion.
    @param flag: set to True if the correction should be used, else False.
    @param extra_length: the extra length in meter.
    extra_length = float(extra_length)
    print_message('Gravity(' + str(flag) + ', ' + str(extra_length) + ')')
    gravity_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.gravity, values=[flag, extra_length])
Пример #16
def Gravity(flag, extra_length=0.0):
    Allows the user to set the gravity correction for the q conversion.
    @param flag: set to True if the correction should be used, else False.
    @param extra_length: the extra length in meter.
    extra_length = float(extra_length)
    print_message('Gravity(' + str(flag) + ', ' + str(extra_length) + ')')
    gravity_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.GRAVITY, values=[flag, extra_length])
Пример #17
def MaskFile(file_name):
    Loads the user file (note that mask file is the legacy description user file)

    @param file_name: path to the user file.
    print_message('#Opening "' + file_name + '"')

    # Get the full file path
    file_name_full = find_full_file_path(file_name)
    user_file_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.user_file, values=[file_name_full])
Пример #18
def MaskFile(file_name):
    Loads the user file (note that mask file is the legacy description user file)

    @param file_name: path to the user file.
    print_message('#Opening "' + file_name + '"')

    # Get the full file path
    file_name_full = find_full_file_path(file_name)
    user_file_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.user_file, values=[file_name_full])
Пример #19
def Detector(det_name):
    Sets the detector which is being used for the reduction.

    Previous comment: Sets the detector bank to use for the reduction e.g. 'front-detector'. The main detector is
     assumed if this line is not given
    @param det_name: the detector's name
    print_message('Detector("' + det_name + '")')
    detector_type = convert_bank_name_to_detector_type_isis(det_name)
    reduction_mode = ReductionMode.HAB if detector_type is DetectorType.HAB else ReductionMode.LAB
    detector_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.DETECTOR, values=[reduction_mode])
Пример #20
def Detector(det_name):
    Sets the detector which is being used for the reduction.

    Previous comment: Sets the detector bank to use for the reduction e.g. 'front-detector'. The main detector is
     assumed if this line is not given
    @param det_name: the detector's name
    print_message('Detector("' + det_name + '")')
    detector_type = convert_bank_name_to_detector_type_isis(det_name)
    reduction_mode = ISISReductionMode.HAB if detector_type is DetectorType.HAB else ISISReductionMode.LAB
    detector_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.detector, values=[reduction_mode])
Пример #21
def SetPhiLimit(phimin, phimax, use_mirror=True):
        Call this function to restrict the analyse segments of the detector. Phimin and
        phimax define the limits of the segment where phi=0 is the -x axis and phi = 90
        is the y-axis. Setting use_mirror to true includes a second segment to be included
        it is the same as the first but rotated 180 degrees.
        @param phimin: the minimum phi angle to include
        @param phimax: the upper limit on phi for the segment
        @param use_mirror: when True (default) another segment is included, rotated 180 degrees from the first
    print_message("SetPhiLimit(" + str(phimin) + ', ' + str(phimax) + ',use_mirror=' + str(use_mirror) + ')')
    # a beam centre of [0,0,0] makes sense if the detector has been moved such that beam centre is at [0,0,0]
    phimin = float(phimin)
    phimax = float(phimax)
    centre_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.phi_limit, values=[phimin, phimax, use_mirror])
Пример #22
def SetPhiLimit(phimin, phimax, use_mirror=True):
        Call this function to restrict the analyse segments of the detector. Phimin and
        phimax define the limits of the segment where phi=0 is the -x axis and phi = 90
        is the y-axis. Setting use_mirror to true includes a second segment to be included
        it is the same as the first but rotated 180 degrees.
        @param phimin: the minimum phi angle to include
        @param phimax: the upper limit on phi for the segment
        @param use_mirror: when True (default) another segment is included, rotated 180 degrees from the first
    print_message("SetPhiLimit(" + str(phimin) + ', ' + str(phimax) + ',use_mirror=' + str(use_mirror) + ')')
    # a beam centre of [0,0,0] makes sense if the detector has been moved such that beam centre is at [0,0,0]
    phimin = float(phimin)
    phimax = float(phimax)
    centre_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.PHI_LIMIT, values=[phimin, phimax, use_mirror])
Пример #23
def SetCentre(xcoord, ycoord, bank='rear'):
    Configure the Beam Center position. It support the configuration of the centre for
    both detectors bank (low-angle bank and high-angle bank detectors)

    It allows defining the position for both detector banks.
    :param xcoord: X position of beam center in the user coordinate system.
    :param ycoord: Y position of beam center in the user coordinate system.
    :param bank: The selected bank ('rear' - low angle or 'front' - high angle)
    Introduced #5942
    xcoord = float(xcoord)
    ycoord = float(ycoord)
    print_message('SetCentre(' + str(xcoord) + ', ' + str(ycoord) + ')')
    detector_type = convert_bank_name_to_detector_type_isis(bank)
    centre_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.CENTRE, values=[xcoord, ycoord, detector_type])
Пример #24
def SetCorrectionFile(bank, filename):
    # 10/03/15 RKH, create a new routine that allows change of "direct beam file" = correction file,
    # for a given detector, this simplify the iterative process used to adjust it.
    # Will still have to keep changing the name of the file
    # for each iteratiom to avoid Mantid using a cached version, but can then use
    # only a single user (=mask) file for each set of iterations.
    # Modelled this on SetDetectorOffsets above ...
        @param bank: Must be either 'front' or 'rear' (not case sensitive)
        @param filename: self explanatory
    print_message("SetCorrectionFile(" + str(bank) + ', ' + filename + ')')
    detector_type = convert_bank_name_to_detector_type_isis(bank)
    file_name = find_full_file_path(filename)
    flood_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.WAVELENGTH_CORRECTION_FILE,
                                      values=[file_name, detector_type])
Пример #25
def MaskFile(file_name):
    Loads the user file (note that mask file is the legacy description user file)

    @param file_name: path to the user file.
    if not file_name:
        raise ValueError("An empty filename was passed to MaskFile")

    file_path = file_name if os.path.exists(file_name) else find_full_file_path(file_name)

    if not file_path or not os.path.isfile(file_path):
        raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find MaskFile: {0}".format(file_name))

    print_message('#Opening "' + file_path + '"')
    user_file_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.USER_FILE, values=[file_path])
Пример #26
def SetCorrectionFile(bank, filename):
    # 10/03/15 RKH, create a new routine that allows change of "direct beam file" = correction file,
    # for a given detector, this simplify the iterative process used to adjust it.
    # Will still have to keep changing the name of the file
    # for each iteratiom to avoid Mantid using a cached version, but can then use
    # only a single user (=mask) file for each set of iterations.
    # Modelled this on SetDetectorOffsets above ...
        @param bank: Must be either 'front' or 'rear' (not case sensitive)
        @param filename: self explanatory
    print_message("SetCorrectionFile(" + str(bank) + ', ' + filename + ')')
    detector_type = convert_bank_name_to_detector_type_isis(bank)
    file_name = find_full_file_path(filename)
    flood_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.wavelength_correction_file,
                                      values=[file_name, detector_type])
Пример #27
def AddRuns(runs,
            rawTypes=('.raw', '.s*', 'add', '.RAW'),
    Method to expose the add_runs functionality for custom scripting.
    @param runs: a list with the requested run numbers
    @param instrument: the name of the selected instrument
    @param saveAsEvent: when adding event-type data, then this can be stored as event-type data
    @param binning: where to get the binnings from. This is relevant when adding Event-type data.
                    The property can be set to "Monitors" in order to emulate the binning of the monitors or to a
                    string list with the same format that is used for the Rebin algorithm. This property is ignored
                    when saving as event data.
    @param isOverlay: sets if the the overlay mechanism should be used when the saveAsEvent flag is set
    @param time_shifts: provides additional time shifts if the isOverlay flag is specified. The time shifts are specifed
                        in a string list. Either time_shifts is not used or a list with times in secomds. Note that there
                        has to be one entry fewer than the number of workspaces to add.
    @param defType: the file type
    @param rawTypes: the raw types
    @param lowMem: if the lowMem option should be used
    @returns a success message
    # Need at least two runs to work
    if len(runs) < 1:
            "AddRuns issue: A list with at least two runs needs to be provided."

    if time_shifts is None:
        time_shifts = []

    return add_runs(runs=runs,
Пример #28
def SetCentre(xcoord, ycoord, bank='rear'):
    Configure the Beam Center position. It support the configuration of the centre for
    both detectors bank (low-angle bank and high-angle bank detectors)

    It allows defining the position for both detector banks.
    :param xcoord: X position of beam center in the user coordinate system.
    :param ycoord: Y position of beam center in the user coordinate system.
    :param bank: The selected bank ('rear' - low angle or 'front' - high angle)
    Introduced #5942
    xcoord = float(xcoord)
    ycoord = float(ycoord)
    print_message('SetCentre(' + str(xcoord) + ', ' + str(ycoord) + ')')
    detector_type = convert_bank_name_to_detector_type_isis(bank)
    centre_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.centre, values=[xcoord, ycoord, detector_type])
Пример #29
def LimitsR(rmin, rmax, quiet=False, reducer=None):
    Sets the radius limits

    @param rmin: minimal radius in mm
    @param rmax: maximal radius in mm
    @param quiet: if True then no message will be logged.
    @param reducer: legacy parameter
    _ = reducer  # noqa
    rmin = float(rmin)
    rmax = float(rmax)
    if not quiet:
        print_message('LimitsR(' + str(rmin) + ', ' + str(rmax) + ')', reducer)
    rmin /= 1000.
    rmax /= 1000.
    radius_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.MASK_RADIUS, values=[rmin, rmax])
Пример #30
def LimitsR(rmin, rmax, quiet=False, reducer=None):
    Sets the radius limits

    @param rmin: minimal radius in mm
    @param rmax: maximal radius in mm
    @param quiet: if True then no message will be logged.
    @param reducer: legacy parameter
    _ = reducer  # noqa
    rmin = float(rmin)
    rmax = float(rmax)
    if not quiet:
        print_message('LimitsR(' + str(rmin) + ', ' + str(rmax) + ')', reducer)
    rmin /= 1000.
    rmax /= 1000.
    radius_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.mask_radius, values=[rmin, rmax])
Пример #31
def CompWavRanges(wavelens, plot=True, combineDet=None, resetSetup=True):
        Compares the momentum transfer results calculated from different wavelength ranges. Given
        the list of wave ranges [a, b, c] it reduces for wavelengths a-b, b-c and a-c.
        @param wavelens: the list of wavelength ranges
        @param plot: set this to true to plot the result (must be run in Mantid), default is true
        @param combineDet: see description in WavRangeReduction
        @param resetSetup: if true reset setup at the end

    print_message('CompWavRanges( %s,plot=%s)' % (str(wavelens), plot))

    if not isinstance(wavelens, list) or len(wavelens) < 2:
        if not isinstance(wavelens, tuple):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Error CompWavRanges() requires a list of wavelengths between which '
                'reductions will be performed.')

    # Perform a reduction over the full wavelength range which was specified
    reduced_workspace_names = []

    for index in range(len(wavelens)):
        wavelens[index] = float(wavelens[index])

    full_reduction_name = WavRangeReduction(wav_start=wavelens[0],

    # Reduce each wavelength slice
    for i in range(0, len(wavelens) - 1):
        reduced_workspace_name = WavRangeReduction(wav_start=wavelens[i],
                                                   wav_end=wavelens[i + 1],

    if plot and mantidplot:
        mantidplot.plotSpectrum(reduced_workspace_names, 0)

    # Return just the workspace name of the full range
    return reduced_workspace_names[0]
Пример #32
def LimitsQXY(qmin, qmax, step, type):
        To set the bin parameters for the algorithm Qxy()
        @param qmin: the first Q value to include
        @param qmaz: the last Q value to include
        @param step: bin width
        @param type: pass LOG for logarithmic binning
    qmin = float(qmin)
    qmax = float(qmax)
    step = float(step)

    print_message('LimitsQXY(' + str(qmin) + ', ' + str(qmax) + ', ' + str(step) + ', ' + str(type) + ')')
    step_type_string = type.strip().upper()
    if step_type_string == "LOGARITHMIC" or step_type_string == "LOG":
        step_type = RangeStepType.Log
        step_type = RangeStepType.Lin
    qxy_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.qxy_limit, values=[qmin, qmax, step, step_type])
Пример #33
def LimitsQXY(qmin, qmax, step, type):
        To set the bin parameters for the algorithm Qxy()
        @param qmin: the first Q value to include
        @param qmaz: the last Q value to include
        @param step: bin width
        @param type: pass LOG for logarithmic binning
    qmin = float(qmin)
    qmax = float(qmax)
    step = float(step)

    print_message('LimitsQXY(' + str(qmin) + ', ' + str(qmax) + ', ' + str(step) + ', ' + str(type) + ')')
    step_type_string = type.strip().upper()
    if step_type_string == "LOGARITHMIC" or step_type_string == "LOG":
        step_type = RangeStepType.LOG
        step_type = RangeStepType.LIN
    qxy_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.QXY_LIMIT, values=[qmin, qmax, step, step_type])
Пример #34
def SetDetectorOffsets(bank, x, y, z, rot, radius, side, xtilt=0.0, ytilt=0.0):
        Adjust detector position away from position defined in IDF. On SANS2D the detector
        banks can be moved around. This method allows fine adjustments of detector bank position
        in the same way as the DET/CORR userfile command works. Hence please see
        http://www.mantidproject.org/SANS_User_File_Commands#DET for details.

        The comment below is not true any longer:
            Note, for now, this command will only have an effect on runs loaded
            after this command have been executed (because it is when runs are loaded
            that components are moved away from the positions set in the IDF)

        @param bank: Must be either 'front' or 'rear' (not case sensitive)
        @param x: shift in mm
        @param y: shift in mm
        @param z: shift in mm
        @param rot: shift in degrees
        @param radius: shift in mm
        @param side: shift in mm
        @param xtilt: xtilt in degrees
        @param ytilt: ytilt in degrees
    x = float(x)
    y = float(y)
    z = float(z)
    rot = float(rot)
    radius = float(radius)
    side = float(side)
    xtilt = float(xtilt)
    ytilt = float(ytilt)

    print_message("SetDetectorOffsets(" + str(bank) + ', ' + str(x)
                  + ',' + str(y) + ',' + str(z) + ',' + str(rot)
                  + ',' + str(radius) + ',' + str(side) + ',' + str(xtilt) + ',' + str(ytilt) + ')')
    detector_type = convert_bank_name_to_detector_type_isis(bank)
    detector_offsets = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.DETECTOR_OFFSETS, values=[detector_type,
                                                                                                  x, y, z,
                                                                                                  rot, radius, side,
                                                                                                  xtilt, ytilt])
Пример #35
def SetDetectorOffsets(bank, x, y, z, rot, radius, side, xtilt=0.0, ytilt=0.0):
        Adjust detector position away from position defined in IDF. On SANS2D the detector
        banks can be moved around. This method allows fine adjustments of detector bank position
        in the same way as the DET/CORR userfile command works. Hence please see
        http://www.mantidproject.org/SANS_User_File_Commands#DET for details.

        The comment below is not true any longer:
            Note, for now, this command will only have an effect on runs loaded
            after this command have been executed (because it is when runs are loaded
            that components are moved away from the positions set in the IDF)

        @param bank: Must be either 'front' or 'rear' (not case sensitive)
        @param x: shift in mm
        @param y: shift in mm
        @param z: shift in mm
        @param rot: shift in degrees
        @param radius: shift in mm
        @param side: shift in mm
        @param xtilt: xtilt in degrees
        @param ytilt: ytilt in degrees
    x = float(x)
    y = float(y)
    z = float(z)
    rot = float(rot)
    radius = float(radius)
    side = float(side)
    xtilt = float(xtilt)
    ytilt = float(ytilt)

    print_message("SetDetectorOffsets(" + str(bank) + ', ' + str(x)
                  + ',' + str(y) + ',' + str(z) + ',' + str(rot)
                  + ',' + str(radius) + ',' + str(side) + ',' + str(xtilt) + ',' + str(ytilt) + ')')
    detector_type = convert_bank_name_to_detector_type_isis(bank)
    detector_offsets = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.detector_offsets, values=[detector_type,
                                                                                                  x, y, z,
                                                                                                  rot, radius, side,
                                                                                                  xtilt, ytilt])
Пример #36
def LimitsWav(lmin, lmax, step, bin_type):
    Set the wavelength limits

    @param lmin: the lower wavelength bound.
    @param lmax: the upper wavelength bound.
    @param step: the wavelength step.
    @param bin_type: teh bin type, ie linear or logarithmic. Accepted strings are "LINEAR" and "LOGARITHMIC"
    lmin = float(lmin)
    lmax = float(lmax)
    step = float(step)

    print_message('LimitsWav(' + str(lmin) + ', ' + str(lmax) + ', ' + str(step) + ', ' + bin_type + ')')

    rebin_string = bin_type.strip().upper()
    rebin_type = RangeStepType.Log if rebin_string == "LOGARITHMIC" else RangeStepType.Lin

    wavelength_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.wavelength_limit,
                                           values=[lmin, lmax, step, rebin_type])
Пример #37
def LimitsWav(lmin, lmax, step, bin_type):
    Set the wavelength limits

    @param lmin: the lower wavelength bound.
    @param lmax: the upper wavelength bound.
    @param step: the wavelength step.
    @param bin_type: the bin type, ie linear or logarithmic. Accepted strings are "LINEAR" and "LOGARITHMIC"
    lmin = float(lmin)
    lmax = float(lmax)
    step = float(step)

    print_message('LimitsWav(' + str(lmin) + ', ' + str(lmax) + ', ' + str(step) + ', ' + bin_type + ')')

    rebin_string = bin_type.strip().upper()
    rebin_type = RangeStepType.LOG if rebin_string == "LOGARITHMIC" else RangeStepType.LIN

    wavelength_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.WAVELENGTH_LIMIT,
                                           values=[lmin, lmax, step, rebin_type])
Пример #38
def CompWavRanges(wavelens, plot=True, combineDet=None, resetSetup=True):
        Compares the momentum transfer results calculated from different wavelength ranges. Given
        the list of wave ranges [a, b, c] it reduces for wavelengths a-b, b-c and a-c.
        @param wavelens: the list of wavelength ranges
        @param plot: set this to true to plot the result (must be run in Mantid), default is true
        @param combineDet: see description in WavRangeReduction
        @param resetSetup: if true reset setup at the end

    print_message('CompWavRanges( %s,plot=%s)' % (str(wavelens), plot))

    if not isinstance(wavelens, list) or len(wavelens) < 2:
        if not isinstance(wavelens, tuple):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Error CompWavRanges() requires a list of wavelengths between which '
                'reductions will be performed.')

    # Perform a reduction over the full wavelength range which was specified
    reduced_workspace_names = []

    for index in range(len(wavelens)):
        wavelens[index] = float(wavelens[index])

    full_reduction_name = WavRangeReduction(wav_start=wavelens[0], wav_end=wavelens[- 1],
                                            combineDet=combineDet, resetSetup=False)

    # Reduce each wavelength slice
    for i in range(0, len(wavelens) - 1):
        reduced_workspace_name = WavRangeReduction(wav_start=wavelens[i], wav_end=wavelens[i + 1],
                                                   combineDet=combineDet, resetSetup=False)

    if plot and mantidplot:
        mantidplot.plotSpectrum(reduced_workspace_names, 0)

    # Return just the workspace name of the full range
    return reduced_workspace_names[0]
Пример #39
def PlotResult(workspace, canvas=None):
        Draws a graph of the passed workspace. If the workspace is 2D (has many spectra
        a contour plot is written
        @param workspace: a workspace name or handle to plot
        @param canvas: optional handle to an existing graph to write the plot to
        @return: a handle to the graph that was written to
        import mantidplot
        workspace = AnalysisDataService.retrieve(str(workspace))
        number_of_spectra = workspace[0].getNumberHistograms() if isinstance(workspace, WorkspaceGroup) else\
        graph = mantidplot.plotSpectrum(workspace, 0) if number_of_spectra == 1 else \

        if canvas is not None:
            # we were given a handle to an existing graph, use it
            mantidplot.mergePlots(canvas, graph)
            graph = canvas
        return graph
    except ImportError:
        print_message('Plot functions are not available, is this being run from outside Mantidplot?')
Пример #40
def AddRuns(runs, instrument='sans2d', saveAsEvent=False, binning="Monitors", isOverlay=False, time_shifts=None,
            defType='.nxs', rawTypes=('.raw', '.s*', 'add', '.RAW'), lowMem=False):
    Method to expose the add_runs functionality for custom scripting.
    @param runs: a list with the requested run numbers
    @param instrument: the name of the selected instrument
    @param saveAsEvent: when adding event-type data, then this can be stored as event-type data
    @param binning: where to get the binnings from. This is relevant when adding Event-type data.
                    The property can be set to "Monitors" in order to emulate the binning of the monitors or to a
                    string list with the same format that is used for the Rebin algorithm. This property is ignored
                    when saving as event data.
    @param isOverlay: sets if the the overlay mechanism should be used when the saveAsEvent flag is set
    @param time_shifts: provides additional time shifts if the isOverlay flag is specified. The time shifts are specifed
                        in a string list. Either time_shifts is not used or a list with times in secomds. Note that there
                        has to be one entry fewer than the number of workspaces to add.
    @param defType: the file type
    @param rawTypes: the raw types
    @param lowMem: if the lowMem option should be used
    @returns a success message
    # Need at least two runs to work
    if len(runs) < 1:
        print_message("AddRuns issue: A list with at least two runs needs to be provided.")

    if time_shifts is None:
        time_shifts = []

    return add_runs(runs=runs,
Пример #41
def WavRangeReduction(wav_start=None, wav_end=None, full_trans_wav=None, name_suffix=None, combineDet=None,
                      resetSetup=True, out_fit_settings=None, output_name=None, output_mode=OutputMode.PUBLISH_TO_ADS,
        Run reduction from loading the raw data to calculating Q. Its optional arguments allows specifics
        details to be adjusted, and optionally the old setup is reset at the end. Note if FIT of RESCALE or SHIFT
        is selected then both REAR and FRONT detectors are both reduced EXCEPT if only the REAR detector is selected
        to be reduced

        @param wav_start: the first wavelength to be in the output data
        @param wav_end: the last wavelength in the output data
        @param full_trans_wav: if to use a wide wavelength range, the instrument's default wavelength range,
                               for the transmission correction, false by default
        @param name_suffix: append the created output workspace with this
        @param combineDet: combineDet can be one of the following:
                           'rear'                (run one reduction for the 'rear' detector data)
                           'front'               (run one reduction for the 'front' detector data, and
                                                  rescale+shift 'front' data)
                           'both'                (run both the above two reductions)
                           'merged'              (run the same reductions as 'both' and additionally create
                                                  a merged data workspace)
                            None                 (run one reduction for whatever detector has been set as the
                                                  current detector
                                                  before running this method. If front apply rescale+shift)
        @param resetSetup: if true reset setup at the end
        @param out_fit_settings: An output parameter. It is used, specially when resetSetup is True, in order
                                 to remember the 'scale and fit' of the fitting algorithm.
        @param output_name: name of the output workspace/file, if none is specified then one is generated internally.
        @param output_mode: the way the data should be put out: Can be PublishToADS, SaveToFile or Both
        @param use_reduction_mode_as_suffix: If true then a second suffix will be used which is
                                             based on the reduction mode.
        @return Name of one of the workspaces created
    print_message('WavRangeReduction(' + str(wav_start) + ', ' + str(wav_end) + ', ' + str(full_trans_wav) + ')')
    _ = resetSetup
    _ = out_fit_settings

    # Set the provided parameters
    if combineDet is None:
        reduction_mode = None
    elif combineDet == 'rear':
        reduction_mode = ReductionMode.LAB
    elif combineDet == "front":
        reduction_mode = ReductionMode.HAB
    elif combineDet == "merged":
        reduction_mode = ReductionMode.MERGED
    elif combineDet == "both":
        reduction_mode = ReductionMode.ALL
        raise RuntimeError("WavRangeReduction: The combineDet input parameter was given a value of {0}. rear, front,"
                           " both, merged and no input are allowed".format(combineDet))

    if wav_start is not None:
        wav_start = float(wav_start)

    if wav_end is not None:
        wav_end = float(wav_end)

    wavelength_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.WAV_RANGE_SETTINGS,
                                           values=[wav_start, wav_end, full_trans_wav, reduction_mode])

    # Save options
    if output_name is not None:
    if name_suffix is not None:
    if use_reduction_mode_as_suffix:

    # Get the states
    state = director.process_commands()

    # Run the reduction
    batch_alg = SANSBatchReduction()
    batch_alg(states=[state], use_optimizations=True, output_mode=output_mode)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------
    # Return the name fo the reduced workspace (or WorkspaceGroup)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------
    reduction_mode = state.reduction.reduction_mode
    is_group = is_part_of_reduced_output_workspace_group(state)
    if reduction_mode != ReductionMode.ALL:
        _, output_workspace_base_name = get_output_name(state, reduction_mode, is_group)
        _, output_workspace_base_name_hab = get_output_name(state, ReductionMode.HAB, is_group)
        _, output_workspace_base_name_lab = get_output_name(state, ReductionMode.LAB, is_group)
        output_workspace_base_name = [output_workspace_base_name_lab, output_workspace_base_name_hab]
    return output_workspace_base_name
Пример #42
def TransFit(mode, lambdamin=None, lambdamax=None, selector='BOTH'):
        Sets the fit method to calculate the transmission fit and the wavelength range
        over which to do the fit. These arguments are passed to the algorithm
        CalculateTransmission. If mode is set to 'Off' then the unfitted workspace is
        used and lambdamin and max have no effect
        @param mode: can be 'Logarithmic' ('YLOG', 'LOG') 'OFF' ('CLEAR') or 'LINEAR' (STRAIGHT', LIN'),
                     'POLYNOMIAL2', 'POLYNOMIAL3', ...
        @param lambdamin: the lowest wavelength to use in any fit
        @param lambdamax: the end of the fit range
        @param selector: define for which transmission this fit specification is valid (BOTH, SAMPLE, CAN)
    def does_pattern_match(compiled_regex, line):
        return compiled_regex.match(line) is not None

    def extract_polynomial_order(line):
        order = re.sub("POLYNOMIAL", "", line)
        order = order.strip()
        return int(order)

    polynomial_pattern = re.compile("\\s*" + "POLYNOMIAL" + "\\s*[2-9]")
    polynomial_order = None
    # Get the fit mode
    mode = str(mode).strip().upper()

    if mode == "LINEAR" or mode == "STRAIGHT" or mode == "LIN":
        fit_type = FitType.Linear
    elif mode == "LOGARITHMIC" or mode == "LOG" or mode == "YLOG":
        fit_type = FitType.Logarithmic
    elif does_pattern_match(polynomial_pattern, mode):
        fit_type = FitType.Polynomial
        polynomial_order = extract_polynomial_order(mode)
        fit_type = FitType.NoFit

    # Get the selected detector to which the fit settings apply
    selector = str(selector).strip().upper()
    if selector == "SAMPLE":
        fit_data = FitData.Sample
    elif selector == "CAN":
        fit_data = FitData.Can
    elif selector == "BOTH":
        fit_data = FitData.Both
        raise RuntimeError("TransFit: The selected fit data {0} is not valid. You have to either SAMPLE, "
                           "CAN or BOTH.".format(selector))

    # Output message
    message = mode
    if lambdamin:
        lambdamin = float(lambdamin)
        message += ', ' + str(lambdamin)
    if lambdamax:
        lambdamax = float(lambdamax)
        message += ', ' + str(lambdamax)
    message += ', selector=' + selector
    print_message("TransFit(\"" + message + "\")")

    # Configure fit settings
    polynomial_order = polynomial_order if polynomial_order is not None else 0
    fit_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.centre, values=[fit_data, lambdamin, lambdamax,
                                                                                   fit_type, polynomial_order])
Пример #43
def WavRangeReduction(wav_start=None, wav_end=None, full_trans_wav=None, name_suffix=None, combineDet=None,
                      resetSetup=True, out_fit_settings=None, output_name=None, output_mode=OutputMode.PublishToADS,
        Run reduction from loading the raw data to calculating Q. Its optional arguments allows specifics
        details to be adjusted, and optionally the old setup is reset at the end. Note if FIT of RESCALE or SHIFT
        is selected then both REAR and FRONT detectors are both reduced EXCEPT if only the REAR detector is selected
        to be reduced

        @param wav_start: the first wavelength to be in the output data
        @param wav_end: the last wavelength in the output data
        @param full_trans_wav: if to use a wide wavelength range, the instrument's default wavelength range,
                               for the transmission correction, false by default
        @param name_suffix: append the created output workspace with this
        @param combineDet: combineDet can be one of the following:
                           'rear'                (run one reduction for the 'rear' detector data)
                           'front'               (run one reduction for the 'front' detector data, and
                                                  rescale+shift 'front' data)
                           'both'                (run both the above two reductions)
                           'merged'              (run the same reductions as 'both' and additionally create
                                                  a merged data workspace)
                            None                 (run one reduction for whatever detector has been set as the
                                                  current detector
                                                  before running this method. If front apply rescale+shift)
        @param resetSetup: if true reset setup at the end
        @param out_fit_settings: An output parameter. It is used, specially when resetSetup is True, in order
                                 to remember the 'scale and fit' of the fitting algorithm.
        @param output_name: name of the output workspace/file, if none is specified then one is generated internally.
        @param output_mode: the way the data should be put out: Can be PublishToADS, SaveToFile or Both
        @param use_reduction_mode_as_suffix: If true then a second suffix will be used which is
                                             based on the reduction mode.
        @return Name of one of the workspaces created
    print_message('WavRangeReduction(' + str(wav_start) + ', ' + str(wav_end) + ', ' + str(full_trans_wav) + ')')
    _ = resetSetup
    _ = out_fit_settings

    # Set the provided parameters
    if combineDet is None:
        reduction_mode = None
    elif combineDet == 'rear':
        reduction_mode = ISISReductionMode.LAB
    elif combineDet == "front":
        reduction_mode = ISISReductionMode.HAB
    elif combineDet == "merged":
        reduction_mode = ISISReductionMode.Merged
    elif combineDet == "both":
        reduction_mode = ISISReductionMode.All
        raise RuntimeError("WavRangeReduction: The combineDet input parameter was given a value of {0}. rear, front,"
                           " both, merged and no input are allowed".format(combineDet))

    if wav_start is not None:
        wav_start = float(wav_start)

    if wav_end is not None:
        wav_end = float(wav_end)

    wavelength_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.wavrange_settings,
                                           values=[wav_start, wav_end, full_trans_wav, reduction_mode])

    # Save options
    if output_name is not None:
    if name_suffix is not None:
    if use_reduction_mode_as_suffix:

    # Get the states
    state = director.process_commands()

    # Run the reduction
    batch_alg = SANSBatchReduction()
    batch_alg(states=[state], use_optimizations=True, output_mode=output_mode)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------
    # Return the name fo the reduced workspace (or WorkspaceGroup)
    # -----------------------------------------------------------
    reduction_mode = state.reduction.reduction_mode
    is_group = is_part_of_reduced_output_workspace_group(state)
    if reduction_mode != ISISReductionMode.All:
        _, output_workspace_base_name = get_output_name(state, reduction_mode, is_group)
        _, output_workspace_base_name_hab = get_output_name(state, ISISReductionMode.HAB, is_group)
        _, output_workspace_base_name_lab = get_output_name(state, ISISReductionMode.LAB, is_group)
        output_workspace_base_name = [output_workspace_base_name_lab, output_workspace_base_name_hab]
    return output_workspace_base_name
Пример #44
def TransFit(mode, lambdamin=None, lambdamax=None, selector='BOTH'):
        Sets the fit method to calculate the transmission fit and the wavelength range
        over which to do the fit. These arguments are passed to the algorithm
        CalculateTransmission. If mode is set to 'Off' then the unfitted workspace is
        used and lambdamin and max have no effect
        @param mode: can be 'Logarithmic' ('YLOG', 'LOG') 'OFF' ('CLEAR') or 'LINEAR' (STRAIGHT', LIN'),
                     'POLYNOMIAL2', 'POLYNOMIAL3', ...
        @param lambdamin: the lowest wavelength to use in any fit
        @param lambdamax: the end of the fit range
        @param selector: define for which transmission this fit specification is valid (BOTH, SAMPLE, CAN)
    def does_pattern_match(compiled_regex, line):
        return compiled_regex.match(line) is not None

    def extract_polynomial_order(line):
        order = re.sub("POLYNOMIAL", "", line)
        order = order.strip()
        return int(order)

    polynomial_pattern = re.compile("\\s*" + "POLYNOMIAL" + "\\s*[2-9]")
    polynomial_order = None
    # Get the fit mode
    mode = str(mode).strip().upper()

    if mode == "LINEAR" or mode == "STRAIGHT" or mode == "LIN":
        fit_type = FitType.LINEAR
    elif mode == "LOGARITHMIC" or mode == "LOG" or mode == "YLOG":
        fit_type = FitType.LOGARITHMIC
    elif does_pattern_match(polynomial_pattern, mode):
        fit_type = FitType.POLYNOMIAL
        polynomial_order = extract_polynomial_order(mode)
        fit_type = FitType.NO_FIT

    # Get the selected detector to which the fit settings apply
    selector = str(selector).strip().upper()
    if selector == "SAMPLE":
        fit_data = FitData.Sample
    elif selector == "CAN":
        fit_data = FitData.Can
    elif selector == "BOTH":
        fit_data = FitData.Both
        raise RuntimeError("TransFit: The selected fit data {0} is not valid. You have to either SAMPLE, "
                           "CAN or BOTH.".format(selector))

    # Output message
    message = mode
    if lambdamin:
        lambdamin = float(lambdamin)
        message += ', ' + str(lambdamin)
    if lambdamax:
        lambdamax = float(lambdamax)
        message += ', ' + str(lambdamax)
    message += ', selector=' + selector
    print_message("TransFit(\"" + message + "\")")

    # Configure fit settings
    polynomial_order = polynomial_order if polynomial_order is not None else 0
    fit_command = NParameterCommand(command_id=NParameterCommandId.CENTRE, values=[fit_data, lambdamin, lambdamax,
                                                                                   fit_type, polynomial_order])