def translate_task(strips_to_sas, ranges, translation_key, mutex_key, init,
                   goals, actions, axioms, metric):
    axioms, axiom_init, axiom_layer_dict = axiom_rules.handle_axioms(
        actions, axioms, goals)
    init = init + axiom_init
    #axioms.sort(key=lambda axiom:
    #for axiom in axioms:
    #  axiom.dump()

    init_values = [rang - 1 for rang in ranges]
    # Closed World Assumption: Initialize to "range - 1" == Nothing.
    for fact in init:
        pairs = strips_to_sas.get(fact, [])  # empty for static init facts
        for var, val in pairs:
            assert init_values[
                var] == ranges[var] - 1, "Inconsistent init facts!"
            init_values[var] = val
    init = sas_tasks.SASInit(init_values)

    goal_pairs = list(
        translate_strips_conditions(goals, strips_to_sas, ranges).items())
    goal = sas_tasks.SASGoal(goal_pairs)

    operators = translate_strips_operators(actions, strips_to_sas, ranges)
    axioms = translate_strips_axioms(axioms, strips_to_sas, ranges)

    axiom_layers = [-1] * len(ranges)
    for atom, layer in axiom_layer_dict.items():
        assert layer >= 0
        [(var, val)] = strips_to_sas[atom]
        axiom_layers[var] = layer
    variables = sas_tasks.SASVariables(ranges, axiom_layers, translation_key)
    mutexes = [sas_tasks.SASMutexGroup(group) for group in mutex_key]
    return sas_tasks.SASTask(variables, mutexes, init, goal, operators, axioms,
Пример #2
def translate_task(strips_to_sas, ranges, translation_key,
                   mutex_dict, mutex_ranges, mutex_key,
                   init, goals,
                   actions, axioms, metric, implied_facts):
    with timers.timing("Processing axioms", block=True):
        axioms, axiom_init, axiom_layer_dict = axiom_rules.handle_axioms(
            actions, axioms, goals)
    init = init + axiom_init
    #axioms.sort(key=lambda axiom:
    #for axiom in axioms:
    #  axiom.dump()

    if DUMP_TASK:
        # Remove init facts that don't occur in strips_to_sas: they're constant.
        nonconstant_init = filter(strips_to_sas.get, init)
        dump_task(nonconstant_init, goals, actions, axioms, axiom_layer_dict)

    init_values = [rang - 1 for rang in ranges]
    # Closed World Assumption: Initialize to "range - 1" == Nothing.
    for fact in init:
        pairs = strips_to_sas.get(fact, [])  # empty for static init facts
        for var, val in pairs:
            curr_val = init_values[var]
            if curr_val != ranges[var] - 1 and curr_val != val:
                assert False, "Inconsistent init facts! [fact = %s]" % fact
            init_values[var] = val
    init = sas_tasks.SASInit(init_values)

    goal_dict_list = translate_strips_conditions(goals, strips_to_sas, ranges,
                                                 mutex_dict, mutex_ranges)
    if goal_dict_list is None:
        # "None" is a signal that the goal is unreachable because it
        # violates a mutex.
        return unsolvable_sas_task("Goal violates a mutex")

    #assert len(goal_dict_list) == 1, "Negative goal not supported"
    ## we could substitute the negative goal literal in
    ## normalize.substitute_complicated_goal, using an axiom. We currently
    ## don't do this, because we don't run into this assertion, if the
    ## negative goal is part of finite domain variable with only two
    ## values, which is most of the time the case, and hence refrain from
    ## introducing axioms (that are not supported by all heuristics)
    goal_pairs = list(goal_dict_list[0].items())
    goal = sas_tasks.SASGoal(goal_pairs)

    operators = translate_strips_operators(actions, strips_to_sas, ranges,
                                           mutex_dict, mutex_ranges,
    axioms = translate_strips_axioms(axioms, strips_to_sas, ranges, mutex_dict,

    axiom_layers = [-1] * len(ranges)
    for atom, layer in axiom_layer_dict.items():
        assert layer >= 0
        [(var, val)] = strips_to_sas[atom]
        axiom_layers[var] = layer
    variables = sas_tasks.SASVariables(ranges, axiom_layers, translation_key)
    mutexes = [sas_tasks.SASMutexGroup(group) for group in mutex_key]
    return sas_tasks.SASTask(variables, mutexes, init, goal,
                             operators, axioms, metric)
Пример #3
def translate_task(strips_to_sas, ranges, translation_key,
                   mutex_dict, mutex_ranges, mutex_key,
                   init, init_unknown, init_oneof, init_formula, goals,
                   actions, observation_actions, axioms, metric, implied_facts):
    with timers.timing("Processing axioms", block=True):
        axioms, axiom_init, axiom_layer_dict = axiom_rules.handle_axioms(
            actions, axioms, goals)
    init = init + axiom_init
    #axioms.sort(key=lambda axiom:
    #for axiom in axioms:
    #  axiom.dump()

    if DUMP_TASK:
        # Remove init facts that don't occur in strips_to_sas: they're constant.
        nonconstant_init = filter(strips_to_sas.get, init)
        dump_task(nonconstant_init, goals, actions, axioms, axiom_layer_dict)

    # Closed World Assumption
    false_facts = list(range(len(ranges)))
    for fact in init_unknown:
        pairs = strips_to_sas.get(fact, [])
        for pair in pairs:

    facts = []
    for fact in init:
        assert fact not in init_unknown
        pairs = strips_to_sas.get(fact, [])
        for pair in pairs:
        if pairs:
            facts = facts + pairs
    for var in false_facts:
        assert fact not in init_unknown
        facts.append((var, ranges[var] - 1))
    facts_oneof = []   
    for oneof in init_oneof:
        assert len(oneof) >= 2
        for fact in oneof:
            assert fact in init_unknown
        l = []
        for one in oneof:
            l = l + strips_to_sas.get(one, [])

    # move to
    def translate_formula(formula, result, strips_to_sas, ranges, mutex_dict, mutex_ranges):
        if isinstance(formula, pddl.conditions.Atom):
            assert formula in init_unknown
            result.append(strips_to_sas.get(formula, []))
        elif isinstance(formula, pddl.conditions.NegatedAtom):
            dict_list = translate_strips_conditions([formula], strips_to_sas, ranges, mutex_dict, mutex_ranges)
            assert len(dict_list) == 1
        elif isinstance(formula, pddl.conditions.Disjunction):
            for part in
                translate_formula(part, result, strips_to_sas, ranges, mutex_dict, mutex_ranges)
        elif isinstance(formula, pddl.conditions.Conjunction):
            for part in
                translate_formula(part, result, strips_to_sas, ranges, mutex_dict, mutex_ranges)
            assert False, print(formula)
    formulae = []
    for formula in init_formula:
        result = []
        translate_formula(formula, result, strips_to_sas, ranges, mutex_dict, mutex_ranges)
    init = sas_tasks.SASInit(facts, facts_oneof, formulae)

    goal_dict_list = translate_strips_conditions(goals, strips_to_sas, ranges,
                                                 mutex_dict, mutex_ranges)
    if goal_dict_list is None:
        # "None" is a signal that the goal is unreachable because it
        # violates a mutex.
        return unsolvable_sas_task("Goal violates a mutex")

    assert len(goal_dict_list) == 1, "Negative goal not supported"
    ## we could substitute the negative goal literal in
    ## normalize.substitute_complicated_goal, using an axiom. We currently
    ## don't do this, because we don't run into this assertion, if the
    ## negative goal is part of finite domain variable with only two
    ## values, which is most of the time the case, and hence refrain from
    ## introducing axioms (that are not supported by all heuristics)
    goal_pairs = list(goal_dict_list[0].items())
    goal = sas_tasks.SASGoal(goal_pairs)

    operators = translate_strips_operators(actions, strips_to_sas, ranges,
                                           mutex_dict, mutex_ranges,
    observation_operators = translate_strips_operators(observation_actions, 
                                                       strips_to_sas, ranges, 
                                                       mutex_dict, mutex_ranges,
    axioms = translate_strips_axioms(axioms, strips_to_sas, ranges, mutex_dict,

    axiom_layers = [-1] * len(ranges)
    for atom, layer in axiom_layer_dict.items():
        assert layer >= 0
        [(var, val)] = strips_to_sas[atom]
        axiom_layers[var] = layer
    variables = sas_tasks.SASVariables(ranges, axiom_layers, translation_key)
    mutexes = [sas_tasks.SASMutexGroup(group) for group in mutex_key]
    return sas_tasks.SASTask(variables, mutexes, init, goal,
                             operators + observation_operators, 
                             axioms, metric)
Пример #4
def translate_task(strips_to_sas, ranges, translation_key,
                   numeric_strips_to_sas, num_count, mutex_dict, mutex_ranges,
                   mutex_key, init, num_init, goal_list, global_constraint,
                   actions, axioms, num_axioms, num_axioms_by_layer,
                   num_axiom_map, const_num_axioms, metric, implied_facts,
                   init_constant_predicates, init_constant_numerics):
    with timers.timing("Processing axioms", block=True):
        axioms, axiom_init, axiom_layer_dict = axiom_rules.handle_axioms(
            actions, axioms, goal_list, global_constraint)
    init = init + axiom_init
    if options.dump_task:
        # Remove init facts that don't occur in strips_to_sas: they're constant.
        nonconstant_init = filter(strips_to_sas.get, init)
        dump_task(nonconstant_init, goal_list, actions, axioms,

    init_values = [rang - 1 for rang in ranges]
    # Closed World Assumption: Initialize to "range - 1" == Nothing.
    for fact in init:
        pairs = strips_to_sas.get(fact, [])  # empty for static init facts
        for var, val in pairs:
            curr_val = init_values[var]
            if curr_val != ranges[var] - 1 and curr_val != val:
                assert False, "Inconsistent init facts! [fact = %s]" % fact
            init_values[var] = val

    comparison_axioms = [{}, []]
    goal_dict_list = translate_strips_conditions(goal_list, strips_to_sas,
                                                 ranges, numeric_strips_to_sas,
                                                 mutex_dict, mutex_ranges,
    global_constraint_dict_list = translate_strips_conditions(
        [global_constraint], strips_to_sas, ranges, numeric_strips_to_sas,
        mutex_dict, mutex_ranges, comparison_axioms)
    #    print("goal_dict_list = %s" % goal_dict_list)
    #    print("comparison_axioms = %s" %comparison_axioms)
    if goal_dict_list is None:
        # "None" is a signal that the goal_list is unreachable because it
        # violates a mutex.
        return unsolvable_sas_task("Goal violates a mutex")

    assert len(goal_dict_list) == 1, "Negative goal not supported"
    ## we could substitute the negative goal literal in
    ## normalize.substitute_complicated_goal, using an axiom. We currently
    ## don't do this, because we don't run into this assertion, if the
    ## negative goal is part of finite domain variable with only two
    ## values, which is most of the time the case, and hence refrain from
    ## introducing axioms (that are not supported by all heuristics)
    goal_pairs = list(goal_dict_list[0].items())
    if not goal_pairs:
        return solvable_sas_task("Empty goal")
    sas_goal = sas_tasks.SASGoal(goal_pairs)

    assert len(
    ) == 1  # the key is the axiom fluent, the value (0) the evaluation to true

    num_init_values = [0.0
                       ] * num_count  # initialize numeric varialbes with 0.0
    #     if DEBUG:
    #         print("Strips-to-sas dict is")
    #         for entry in strips_to_sas:
    #             print("%s -> %s"%(entry, strips_to_sas[entry]))
    #         print("Numeric Strips-to-sas dict is")
    #         for entry in numeric_strips_to_sas:
    #             print("%s -> %s"%(entry,numeric_strips_to_sas[entry]))

    relevant_numeric = []
    for fact in num_init:
        var = numeric_strips_to_sas.get(fact.fluent, -1)
        if var > -1:
            val = fact.expression.value
            num_init_values[var] = val
            if fact.fluent.ntype == 'R':
                # the corresponding numeric variable is "regular" and therefore relevant

    operators = translate_strips_operators(actions, strips_to_sas, ranges,
                                           numeric_strips_to_sas, mutex_dict,
                                           mutex_ranges, implied_facts,
                                           comparison_axioms, num_init_values,

    axioms = translate_strips_axioms(axioms, strips_to_sas, ranges,
                                     numeric_strips_to_sas, mutex_dict,
                                     mutex_ranges, comparison_axioms)

    sas_num_axioms = [
        translate_numeric_axiom(axiom, strips_to_sas, numeric_strips_to_sas)
        for axiom in num_axioms
        if axiom not in const_num_axioms and axiom.effect not in num_axiom_map

    axiom_layers = [-1] * len(ranges)  # default axiom layer is -1
    ## each numeric axiom gets its own layer (a wish of a colleague for
    ## knowledge compilation or search. If you use only the translator,
    ## you can change this)
    num_axiom_layers = [-1] * num_count
    num_axiom_layer = 0
    for layer in num_axioms_by_layer:
        num_axioms_by_layer[layer].sort(lambda x, y: cmp(,
        for axiom in num_axioms_by_layer[layer]:
            if axiom.effect not in num_axiom_map:
                var = numeric_strips_to_sas[axiom.effect]
                if layer == -1:
                    num_axiom_layers[var] = -1
                    num_axiom_layers[var] = num_axiom_layer
                    num_axiom_layer += 1
#    print("comparison_axioms = %s" %comparison_axioms)
    comp_axiom_init = [2] * len(
    )  # initializing comparison axioms with value 3 (none of those)
    init_values.extend(comp_axiom_init)  #

    for axiom in comparison_axioms[1]:
        axiom_layers[axiom.effect] = num_axiom_layer
    for atom, layer in axiom_layer_dict.iteritems():
        assert layer >= 0
        [(var, val)] = strips_to_sas[atom]
        axiom_layers[var] = layer + num_axiom_layer + 1
    add_key_to_comp_axioms(comparison_axioms, translation_key)
    variables = sas_tasks.SASVariables(ranges, axiom_layers, translation_key,

    num_variables = [-1] * num_count
    num_var_types = ['U'] * num_count  # variable type is unknown
    for entry in numeric_strips_to_sas:
        num_variables[numeric_strips_to_sas[entry]] = entry
        num_var_types[numeric_strips_to_sas[entry]] = entry.ntype
    assert num_count == len(num_variables), "%d nc <-> variables %d" % (
        num_count, len(num_variables))

    numeric_variables = sas_tasks.SASNumericVariables(num_variables,
    mutexes = [sas_tasks.SASMutexGroup(group) for group in mutex_key]

    for axiom in const_num_axioms:
        #         print("Axiom = %s" % axiom)
        #         print("Axiom.effect = %s" % axiom.effect)
        #         print("corresponding variable = %s" % numeric_strips_to_sas.get(axiom.effect))
        var = numeric_strips_to_sas.get(axiom.effect)
        val =[0].value
        num_init_values[var] = val

    sas_init = sas_tasks.SASInit(init_values, num_init_values)
    #    print("SASInit is")
    #    sas_init.dump()

    # look up metric fluent
    if metric[1] == -1:
        # minimize unit cost, no metric fluent specified
        assert metric[0] == '<'
        sas_metric = metric
        assert metric[
            1] in numeric_strips_to_sas, "Metric fluent %s missing in strips_to_sas_dict" % metric[
        # look up (possibly derived) metric fluent to be optimized
        sas_metric = (metric[0], numeric_strips_to_sas[metric[1]])

#    print ("debug check metric: metric=")
#    print (metric)
#    print ("sas_metric fluent %d" % sas_metric[1])
#    print ("Returning task with global constraint = ",global_constraint_dict_list[0].items()[0])

    return sas_tasks.SASTask(variables, numeric_variables, mutexes, sas_init,
                             sas_goal, operators, axioms, comparison_axioms[1],
                             sas_metric, init_constant_predicates,