Пример #1
    def __call__(self, projectables, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create the SAR Ice composite."""
        (mhh, mhv) = projectables
        green = overlay(mhh, mhv)
        green.attrs = combine_metadata(mhh, mhv)

        return super(SARIce, self).__call__((mhv, green, mhh), *args, **kwargs)
Пример #2
    def __call__(self, projectables, nonprojectables=None, **info):
        if len(projectables) != 2:
            raise ValueError("Expected 2 datasets, got %d" %
                             (len(projectables), ))
        info = combine_metadata(*projectables)
        info['name'] = self.attrs['name']

        return Dataset(projectables[0] - projectables[1], **info)
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, projectables, *args, **kwargs):
        """Create the SAR QuickLook composite."""
        (mhh, mhv) = projectables

        blue = mhv / mhh
        blue.attrs = combine_metadata(mhh, mhv)

        return super(SARQuickLook, self).__call__((mhh, mhv, blue), *args, **kwargs)
Пример #4
def sub_arrays(proj1, proj2):
    """Substract two DataArrays and combine their attrs."""
    attrs = combine_metadata(proj1.attrs, proj2.attrs)
    if (attrs.get('area') is None and
            proj1.attrs.get('area') is not None and
            proj2.attrs.get('area') is not None):
        raise IncompatibleAreas
    res = proj1 - proj2
    res.attrs = attrs
    return res
Пример #5
    def __call__(self, projectables, **kwargs):

        day_data = projectables[0]
        night_data = projectables[1]

        lim_low = np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.lim_low))
        lim_high = np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.lim_high))
            coszen = xu.cos(xu.deg2rad(projectables[2]))
        except IndexError:
            from pyorbital.astronomy import cos_zen
            LOG.debug("Computing sun zenith angles.")
            # Get chunking that matches the data
                chunks = day_data.sel(bands=day_data['bands'][0]).chunks
            except KeyError:
                chunks = day_data.chunks
            lons, lats = day_data.attrs["area"].get_lonlats_dask(chunks)
            coszen = xr.DataArray(cos_zen(day_data.attrs["start_time"],
                                          lons, lats),
                                  dims=['y', 'x'],
                                  coords=[day_data['y'], day_data['x']])
        # Calculate blending weights
        coszen -= np.min((lim_high, lim_low))
        coszen /= np.abs(lim_low - lim_high)
        coszen = coszen.clip(0, 1)

        # Apply enhancements to get images
        day_data = enhance2dataset(day_data)
        night_data = enhance2dataset(night_data)

        # Adjust bands so that they match
        # L/RGB -> RGB/RGB
        # LA/RGB -> RGBA/RGBA
        # RGB/RGBA -> RGBA/RGBA
        day_data = add_bands(day_data, night_data['bands'])
        night_data = add_bands(night_data, day_data['bands'])

        # Get merged metadata
        attrs = combine_metadata(day_data, night_data)

        # Blend the two images together
        data = (1 - coszen) * night_data + coszen * day_data
        data.attrs = attrs

        # Split to separate bands so the mode is correct
        data = [data.sel(bands=b) for b in data['bands']]

        res = super(DayNightCompositor, self).__call__(data, **kwargs)

        return res
Пример #6
    def combine_info(self, all_infos):
        """Combine metadata for multiple datasets.

        When loading data from multiple files it can be non-trivial to combine
        things like start_time, end_time, start_orbit, end_orbit, etc.

        By default this method will produce a dictionary containing all values
        that were equal across **all** provided info dictionaries.

        Additionally it performs the logical comparisons to produce the
        following if they exist:

         - start_time
         - end_time
         - start_orbit
         - end_orbit
         - satellite_altitude
         - satellite_latitude
         - satellite_longitude

         Also, concatenate the areas.

        combined_info = combine_metadata(*all_infos)

        new_dict = self._combine(all_infos, min, 'start_time', 'start_orbit')
        new_dict.update(self._combine(all_infos, max, 'end_time', 'end_orbit'))
        new_dict.update(self._combine(all_infos, np.mean,

            area = SwathDefinition(lons=np.ma.vstack([info['area'].lons for info in all_infos]),
                                   lats=np.ma.vstack([info['area'].lats for info in all_infos]))
            area.name = '_'.join([info['area'].name for info in all_infos])
            combined_info['area'] = area
        except KeyError:

        return new_dict
Пример #7
    def __call__(self, projectables, *args, **kwargs):
        """Call the compositor."""
        projectables = self.match_data_arrays(projectables)

        # Get enhanced datasets
        foreground = enhance2dataset(projectables[0])
        background = enhance2dataset(projectables[1])

        # Adjust bands so that they match
        # L/RGB -> RGB/RGB
        # LA/RGB -> RGBA/RGBA
        # RGB/RGBA -> RGBA/RGBA
        foreground = add_bands(foreground, background['bands'])
        background = add_bands(background, foreground['bands'])

        # Get merged metadata
        attrs = combine_metadata(foreground, background)
        if attrs.get('sensor') is None:
            # sensor can be a set
            attrs['sensor'] = self._get_sensors(projectables)

        # Stack the images
        if 'A' in foreground.attrs['mode']:
            # Use alpha channel as weight and blend the two composites
            alpha = foreground.sel(bands='A')
            data = []
            # NOTE: there's no alpha band in the output image, it will
            # be added by the data writer
            for band in foreground.mode[:-1]:
                fg_band = foreground.sel(bands=band)
                bg_band = background.sel(bands=band)
                chan = (fg_band * alpha + bg_band * (1 - alpha))
                chan = xr.where(chan.isnull(), bg_band, chan)
            data = xr.where(foreground.isnull(), background, foreground)
            # Split to separate bands so the mode is correct
            data = [data.sel(bands=b) for b in data['bands']]

        res = super(BackgroundCompositor, self).__call__(data, **kwargs)
        return res
Пример #8
    def __call__(self, projectables, nonprojectables=None, **info):
        """Generate a SnowAge RGB composite.

        The algorithm and the product are described in this
        presentation :
        For further information you may contact
        Bernard Bellec at [email protected]
        Pascale Roquet at [email protected]

        if len(projectables) != 5:
            raise ValueError("Expected 5 datasets, got %d" %
                             (len(projectables), ))

        # Collect information that is the same between the projectables
        info = combine_metadata(*projectables)
        # Update that information with configured information (including name)
        # Force certain pieces of metadata that we *know* to be true
        info["wavelength"] = None

        m07 = projectables[0] * 255. / 160.
        m08 = projectables[1] * 255. / 160.
        m09 = projectables[2] * 255. / 160.
        m10 = projectables[3] * 255. / 160.
        m11 = projectables[4] * 255. / 160.
        refcu = m11 - m10
        refcu = refcu.clip(min=0)

        ch1 = m07 - refcu / 2. - m09 / 4.
        ch2 = m08 + refcu / 4. + m09 / 4.
        ch3 = m11 + m09
        # GenericCompositor needs valid DataArrays with 'area' metadata
        ch1.attrs = info
        ch2.attrs = info
        ch3.attrs = info

        return super(SnowAge, self).__call__([ch1, ch2, ch3], **info)
Пример #9
    def __call__(self, projectables, nonprojectables=None, **attrs):
        """Build the composite."""
        num = len(projectables)
        mode = attrs.get('mode')
        if mode is None:
            # num may not be in `self.modes` so only check if we need to
            mode = self.modes[num]
        if len(projectables) > 1:
            data = self._concat_datasets(projectables, mode)
            data = projectables[0]

        # if inputs have a time coordinate that may differ slightly between
        # themselves then find the mid time and use that as the single
        # time coordinate value
        if len(projectables) > 1:
            time = check_times(projectables)
            if time is not None and 'time' in data.dims:
                data['time'] = [time]

        new_attrs = combine_metadata(*projectables)
        # remove metadata that shouldn't make sense in a composite
        new_attrs["wavelength"] = None
        new_attrs.pop("units", None)
        new_attrs.pop('calibration', None)
        new_attrs.pop('modifiers', None)

            {key: val
             for (key, val) in attrs.items() if val is not None})
        new_attrs["sensor"] = self._get_sensors(projectables)
        new_attrs["mode"] = mode

        return xr.DataArray(data=data.data,
Пример #10
    def __call__(self, projectables, nonprojectables=None, **attrs):
        """Build the composite."""
        num = len(projectables)
        mode = attrs.get('mode')
        if mode is None:
            # num may not be in `self.modes` so only check if we need to
            mode = self.modes[num]
        if len(projectables) > 1:
            data = self._concat_datasets(projectables, mode)
            data = projectables[0]

        # if inputs have a time coordinate that may differ slightly between
        # themselves then find the mid time and use that as the single
        # time coordinate value
        if len(projectables) > 1:
            time = check_times(projectables)
            if time is not None and 'time' in data.dims:
                data['time'] = [time]

        new_attrs = combine_metadata(*projectables)
        # remove metadata that shouldn't make sense in a composite
        new_attrs["wavelength"] = None
        new_attrs.pop("units", None)
        new_attrs.pop('calibration', None)
        new_attrs.pop('modifiers', None)

        new_attrs.update({key: val
                          for (key, val) in attrs.items()
                          if val is not None})
        new_attrs["sensor"] = self._get_sensors(projectables)
        new_attrs["mode"] = mode

        return xr.DataArray(data=data.data, attrs=new_attrs,
                            dims=data.dims, coords=data.coords)
Пример #11
    def __call__(self, datasets, optional_datasets=None, **info):
        if len(datasets) != 3:
            raise ValueError("Expected 3 datasets, got %d" % (len(datasets), ))
        if not all(x.shape == datasets[0].shape for x in datasets[1:]) or \
                (optional_datasets and
                 optional_datasets[0].shape != datasets[0].shape):
            raise IncompatibleAreas('RatioSharpening requires datasets of '
                                    'the same size. Must resample first.')

        new_attrs = {}
        if optional_datasets:
            datasets = self.check_areas(datasets + optional_datasets)
            high_res = datasets[-1]
            p1, p2, p3 = datasets[:3]
            if 'rows_per_scan' in high_res.attrs:
            new_attrs.setdefault('resolution', high_res.attrs['resolution'])
            if self.high_resolution_band == "red":
                LOG.debug("Sharpening image with high resolution red band")
                ratio = high_res / p1
                # make ratio a no-op (multiply by 1) where the ratio is NaN or
                # infinity or it is negative.
                ratio = ratio.where(xu.isfinite(ratio) | (ratio >= 0), 1.)
                r = high_res
                g = p2 * ratio
                b = p3 * ratio
                g.attrs = p2.attrs.copy()
                b.attrs = p3.attrs.copy()
            elif self.high_resolution_band == "green":
                LOG.debug("Sharpening image with high resolution green band")
                ratio = high_res / p2
                ratio = ratio.where(xu.isfinite(ratio) | (ratio >= 0), 1.)
                r = p1 * ratio
                g = high_res
                b = p3 * ratio
                r.attrs = p1.attrs.copy()
                b.attrs = p3.attrs.copy()
            elif self.high_resolution_band == "blue":
                LOG.debug("Sharpening image with high resolution blue band")
                ratio = high_res / p3
                ratio = ratio.where(xu.isfinite(ratio) | (ratio >= 0), 1.)
                r = p1 * ratio
                g = p2 * ratio
                b = high_res
                r.attrs = p1.attrs.copy()
                g.attrs = p2.attrs.copy()
                # no sharpening
                r = p1
                g = p2
                b = p3
            datasets = self.check_areas(datasets)
            r, g, b = datasets[:3]
        # combine the masks
        mask = ~(da.isnull(r.data) | da.isnull(g.data) | da.isnull(b.data))
        r = r.where(mask)
        g = g.where(mask)
        b = b.where(mask)

        # Collect information that is the same between the projectables
        # we want to use the metadata from the original datasets since the
        # new r, g, b arrays may have lost their metadata during calculations
        info = combine_metadata(*datasets)
        # Update that information with configured information (including name)
        # Force certain pieces of metadata that we *know* to be true
        info.setdefault("standard_name", "true_color")
        return super(RatioSharpenedRGB, self).__call__((r, g, b), **info)
Пример #12
    def combine_info(self, all_infos):
        """Combine metadata for multiple datasets.

        When loading data from multiple files it can be non-trivial to combine
        things like start_time, end_time, start_orbit, end_orbit, etc.

        By default this method will produce a dictionary containing all values
        that were equal across **all** provided info dictionaries.

        Additionally it performs the logical comparisons to produce the
        following if they exist:

         - start_time
         - end_time
         - start_orbit
         - end_orbit
         - satellite_altitude
         - satellite_latitude
         - satellite_longitude
         - orbital_parameters

         Also, concatenate the areas.

        combined_info = combine_metadata(*all_infos)

        new_dict = self._combine(all_infos, min, 'start_time', 'start_orbit')
        new_dict.update(self._combine(all_infos, max, 'end_time', 'end_orbit'))
            self._combine(all_infos, np.mean, 'satellite_longitude',
                          'satellite_latitude', 'satellite_altitude'))

        # Average orbital parameters
        orb_params = [info.get('orbital_parameters', {}) for info in all_infos]
        if all(orb_params):
            # Collect all available keys
            orb_params_comb = {}
            for d in orb_params:

            # Average known keys
            keys = [
                'projection_longitude', 'projection_latitude',
                'projection_altitude', 'satellite_nominal_longitude',
                'satellite_nominal_latitude', 'satellite_actual_longitude',
                'satellite_actual_latitude', 'satellite_actual_altitude',
                'nadir_longitude', 'nadir_latitude'
            orb_params_comb.update(self._combine(orb_params, np.mean, *keys))
            new_dict['orbital_parameters'] = orb_params_comb

            area = SwathDefinition(
                lons=np.ma.vstack([info['area'].lons for info in all_infos]),
                lats=np.ma.vstack([info['area'].lats for info in all_infos]))
            area.name = '_'.join([info['area'].name for info in all_infos])
            combined_info['area'] = area
        except KeyError:

        return new_dict
Пример #13
    def __call__(self, datasets, optional_datasets=None, **info):
        if len(datasets) != 3:
            raise ValueError("Expected 3 datasets, got %d" % (len(datasets), ))
        if not all(x.shape == datasets[0].shape for x in datasets[1:]) or \
                (optional_datasets and
                 optional_datasets[0].shape != datasets[0].shape):
            raise IncompatibleAreas('RatioSharpening requires datasets of '
                                    'the same size. Must resample first.')

        new_attrs = {}
        if optional_datasets:
            datasets = self.check_areas(datasets + optional_datasets)
            high_res = datasets[-1]
            p1, p2, p3 = datasets[:3]
            if 'rows_per_scan' in high_res.attrs:
            new_attrs.setdefault('resolution', high_res.attrs['resolution'])
            if self.high_resolution_band == "red":
                LOG.debug("Sharpening image with high resolution red band")
                ratio = high_res / p1
                # make ratio a no-op (multiply by 1) where the ratio is NaN or
                # infinity or it is negative.
                ratio = ratio.where(xu.isfinite(ratio) | (ratio >= 0), 1.)
                r = high_res
                g = p2 * ratio
                b = p3 * ratio
                g.attrs = p2.attrs.copy()
                b.attrs = p3.attrs.copy()
            elif self.high_resolution_band == "green":
                LOG.debug("Sharpening image with high resolution green band")
                ratio = high_res / p2
                ratio = ratio.where(xu.isfinite(ratio) | (ratio >= 0), 1.)
                r = p1 * ratio
                g = high_res
                b = p3 * ratio
                r.attrs = p1.attrs.copy()
                b.attrs = p3.attrs.copy()
            elif self.high_resolution_band == "blue":
                LOG.debug("Sharpening image with high resolution blue band")
                ratio = high_res / p3
                ratio = ratio.where(xu.isfinite(ratio) | (ratio >= 0), 1.)
                r = p1 * ratio
                g = p2 * ratio
                b = high_res
                r.attrs = p1.attrs.copy()
                g.attrs = p2.attrs.copy()
                # no sharpening
                r = p1
                g = p2
                b = p3
            datasets = self.check_areas(datasets)
            r, g, b = datasets[:3]
        # combine the masks
        mask = ~(da.isnull(r.data) | da.isnull(g.data) | da.isnull(b.data))
        r = r.where(mask)
        g = g.where(mask)
        b = b.where(mask)

        # Collect information that is the same between the projectables
        # we want to use the metadata from the original datasets since the
        # new r, g, b arrays may have lost their metadata during calculations
        info = combine_metadata(*datasets)
        # Update that information with configured information (including name)
        # Force certain pieces of metadata that we *know* to be true
        info.setdefault("standard_name", "true_color")
        return super(RatioSharpenedRGB, self).__call__((r, g, b), **info)
Пример #14
def msg1NDVI(dateSnap, avail_times, fldrs):
    What does this function do?
    This definition/function is meant for computing NDVI from SEVIRI data

    Ref: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/pytroll/pytroll-examples/blob/master/satpy/hrit_msg_tutorial.ipynb

    :param dateSnap:
    :param avail_times:
    :param fldrs:
    :return: NDVI

    # Start the logic
    import os, sys, glob
    from satpy.utils import debug_on
    from satpy.scene import Scene
    from satpy.dataset import combine_metadata
    from datetime import datetime
    from myDefinitions import nc_write_sat_level_2, embellish, imResize


    print("\n \t \t \t STARTING THE msg1NDVI run @ time: %s \t \t \t \n \n" % str(datetime.now()))
    print("\n.Processing Date set is: %s" % dateSnap)

    #  Test whether all data folders are appropriately set or not.
    basDir, datDir, outDir, logDir, webDir, geoTdir, GSHHS_ROOT = fldrs
    print("\n.Base directory is set to: %s" % basDir)
    print("\n.Data directory is set to %s" % datDir)
    print("\n.NetCDF output directory is set to: %s" % outDir)
    print("\n.Log directory is set to: %s" % logDir)
    print("\n.Web directory is set to: %s" % webDir)
    print("\n.GeoTiff directory is set to: %s" % geoTdir)

    avail_times = str(avail_times).split()
    for tt in avail_times:
        # Start for-loop-1
        print("..Started processing for time: %s" % tt)
        files = glob.glob(datDir + 'H-000-MSG1*' + dateSnap + tt + '-*')
        print(">>>>>>>>>>> Testing 123: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n")

        # Start reading filename in satpy
        scn = Scene(filenames=files, reader='hrit_msg')

        #  start the NDVI computation
        scn.load(['VIS006', 0.6])
        scn.load(['VIS008', 0.8])
        ndvi = (scn[0.8] - scn[0.6]) / (scn[0.8] + scn[0.6])
        ndvi.attrs = combine_metadata(scn[0.6], scn[0.8])
        scn['ndvi'] = ndvi

        composite = 'ndvi'
        prodStr = 'ndvi'
        capStr = 'NDVI'

        # resample the data to Indian region
        indScn = scn.resample('IndiaSC')

        #  save the data
        # # Save as netCDF data ---- TO BE IMPLEMENTED ----
        outImgStr1 = outDir + 'ind_MSG-1_RGB_' + prodStr + '_' + dateSnap + '_' + tt + '.nc'
        nc_write_sat_level_2(indScn, outImgStr1, prodStr)

        # Save as Full Resolution GeoTIFF files
        outImgStr2 = geoTdir + 'ind_MSG-1_RGB_' + prodStr + '_' + dateSnap + '_' + tt + '.tiff'
        indScn.save_dataset(composite, filename = outImgStr2, writer = 'geotiff')
        # Add graphics
        # img2 = embellish(basDir, GSHHS_ROOT, outImgStr2, capStr, dateSnap, tt)
        # img2.save(outImgStr2)

        # Save the data as resized png files
        outImgStr3 = webDir + 'ind_MSG1_RGB_' + prodStr + '_' + dateSnap + '_' + tt + '.png'
        indScn.save_dataset(composite, filename = outImgStr3, writer = "simple_image")
        outImgStr3 = imResize(outImgStr3)
        # Add graphics
        img3 = embellish(basDir, GSHHS_ROOT, outImgStr3, capStr, dateSnap, tt)
        print("msg1NDVI() says: Finished with processing of time-slot - %s - at: %s " % (tt, str(datetime.now())))
 def load_data(self):
     self.scene.load(["M15", "M16"])
     self.scene["btd"] = self.scene["M15"] - self.scene["M16"]
     self.scene["btd"].attrs = combine_metadata(self.scene["M15"],
Пример #16
def msg1NDVI(dateSnap, avail_times, fldrs):
    What does this function do?
    This definition/function is meant for computing NDVI from SEVIRI data

    Ref: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/pytroll/pytroll-examples/blob/master/satpy/hrit_msg_tutorial.ipynb

    :param dateSnap:
    :param avail_times:
    :param fldrs:
    :return: NDVI

    # Start the logic
    import os, sys, glob
    #from satpy.utils import debug_on
    from satpy.scene import Scene
    from satpy.dataset import combine_metadata
    from datetime import datetime
    from trollimage.colormap import greys, greens
    from trollimage.image import Image
    from myDefinitions import nc_write_sat_level_2, embellish, imResize


    print("\n \t \t \t STARTING THE msg1NDVI run @ time: %s \t \t \t \n \n" %
    print("\n.Processing Date set is: %s" % dateSnap)

    #  Test whether all data folders are appropriately set or not.
    basDir, datDir, outDir, logDir, webDir, geoTdir, msg1Src, exeDir, GSHHS_ROOT, tmpDir = fldrs
    print("\n.Base directory is set to: %s" % basDir)
    print("\n.Data directory is set to %s" % datDir)
    print("\n.NetCDF output directory is set to: %s" % outDir)
    print("\n.Log directory is set to: %s" % logDir)
    print("\n.Web directory is set to: %s" % webDir)
    print("\n.GeoTiff directory is set to: %s" % geoTdir)
    print("\n.msg1Src directory is set to: %s" % msg1Src)
    print("\n.exeDir directory is set to: %s" % exeDir)
    print("\n.GSHHS directory is set to: %s" % GSHHS_ROOT)
    print("\n.tmpDir directory is set to: %s" % tmpDir)

    avail_times = str(avail_times).split()
    for tt in avail_times:
        # Start for-loop-1
        print("..Started processing for time: %s" % tt)
        searchStr = datDir + 'H-000-MSG1*' + dateSnap + tt + '-*'
        print("\n \t \t Testing 123: \n \n ")
        files = glob.glob(searchStr)
        #print("\n Testing 123: \n")

        # Start reading filename in satpy
        scn = Scene(filenames=files, reader='hrit_msg')

        #  start the NDVI computation
        scn.load(['VIS006', 0.6])
        scn.load(['VIS008', 0.8])
        ndvi = (scn[0.8] - scn[0.6]) / (scn[0.8] + scn[0.6])
        ndvi.attrs = combine_metadata(scn[0.6], scn[0.8])
        scn['ndvi'] = ndvi

        composite = 'ndvi'
        prodStr = 'NDVI'
        capStr = 'NDVI'

        # resample the data to Indian region
        indScn = scn.resample('India_SC')

        #  save the data
        # # # Save as netCDF data ---- TO BE IMPLEMENTED ----
        # outImgStr1 = outDir + 'ind_MSG-1_RGB_' + prodStr + '_' + dateSnap + '_' + tt + '.nc'
        # nc_write_sat_level_2(indScn, outImgStr1, prodStr)
        # # Save as Full Resolution GeoTIFF files
        # outImgStr2 = geoTdir + 'ind_MSG-1_RGB_' + prodStr + '_' + dateSnap + '_' + tt + '.tiff'
        # indScn.save_dataset(composite, filename = outImgStr2, writer = 'geotiff')
        # # Add graphics
        # # img2 = embellish(basDir, GSHHS_ROOT, outImgStr2, capStr, dateSnap, tt)
        # # img2.save(outImgStr2)

        # Save the data as resized png files
        outImgStr3 = tmpDir + 'ind_MSG1_RGB_' + prodStr + '_' + dateSnap + '_' + tt + '.png'
        outImgStr3w = webDir + 'ind_MSG1_RGB_' + prodStr + '_' + dateSnap + '_' + tt + '.png'

        #  Apply color palette from trollimage
        ndvi_data = indScn['ndvi'].compute().data
        ndvi_img = Image(ndvi_data, mode="L")
        # greys.set_range(ndvi_data.min(), -0.00001)
        # greens.set_range(0,ndvi_data.max())
        greys.set_range(-0.8, -0.00001)
        greens.set_range(0, 0.8)
        my_cm = greys + greens
        # indScn.save_dataset(composite, filename = outImgStr3, writer = "simple_image")
        outImgStr3 = imResize(outImgStr3)
        # Add graphics
        img3 = embellish(basDir, GSHHS_ROOT, outImgStr3, capStr, dateSnap, tt)

        #  move the tmp files to proper web area
        mv2WebCmd = 'mv ' + outImgStr3 + ' ' + outImgStr3w

            "msg1NDVI() says: Finished with processing of time-slot - %s - at: %s "
            % (tt, str(datetime.now())))