def test_collapse_multiscene(): """Test collapsing a multiscene.""" from sattools.scutil import collapse_abi_glm_multiscene cont_part = {"flash_extent_density": numpy.arange(6 * 6).reshape(6, 6)} cont_full = cont_part.copy() cont_full["strawberry"] = numpy.arange(6 * 6).reshape(6, 6) in_ = satpy.MultiScene([ satpy.tests.utils.make_fake_scene(cont_full if i % 3 == 0 else cont_part) for i in range(6) ]) for sc in in_.scenes: sc["flash_extent_density"].attrs["sensor"] = "glm" if "strawberry" in sc: sc["strawberry"].attrs["sensor"] = "abi" ref = satpy.MultiScene([ satpy.tests.utils.make_fake_scene({ "flash_extent_density": cont_part["flash_extent_density"], "strawberry": 3 * cont_full["strawberry"] }) for i in range(2) ]) out = collapse_abi_glm_multiscene(in_) # cannot directly compare multiscene or scene, see # assert len(out.scenes) == len(ref.scenes) for (outscene, refscene) in zip(out.scenes, ref.scenes): assert (outscene.to_xarray_dataset() == refscene.to_xarray_dataset() ).all()
def fake_multiscene2(): """Like fake_multiscene, but with real areas (one stacked).""" from satpy.dataset.dataid import WavelengthRange from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid common_attrs = { "start_time": datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0), "end_time": datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 1) } wl = { "C08": WavelengthRange(5.7, 6.2, 6.7), "C10": WavelengthRange(6.8, 7.3, 7.8), "C14": WavelengthRange(10, 11, 12) } content = { make_dataid(name=x, wavelength=wl.get(x)): numpy.arange(5 * 5).reshape(5, 5) for x in ("C08", "C10", "C14", "C14_flash_extent_density") } sc1 = satpy.tests.utils.make_fake_scene(content.copy(), common_attrs=common_attrs) sc2 = satpy.tests.utils.make_fake_scene(content.copy(), common_attrs=common_attrs) sc3 = satpy.tests.utils.make_fake_scene( {k: numpy.concatenate([v, v], 0) for (k, v) in content.items()}, area=pyresample.geometry.StackedAreaDefinition( sc1["C14"].attrs["area"], sc2["C14"].attrs["area"]), common_attrs=common_attrs) return satpy.MultiScene([sc1, sc2, sc3])
def fake_multiscene3(fake_multiscene2): """Like fake_multiscene2, but with real areas (none stacked).""" fms = satpy.MultiScene(copy.deepcopy(fake_multiscene2.scenes)) for k in fms.scenes[2].keys(): fms.scenes[2][k].attrs["area"] = fake_multiscene2.scenes[0][k].\ attrs["area"] return fms
def fake_multiscene4(): """Like fake_multiscene2, but with varying areas (none stacked).""" from satpy.dataset.dataid import WavelengthRange from satpy.tests.utils import make_dataid common_attrs = {} wl = { "C08": WavelengthRange(5.7, 6.2, 6.7), "C10": WavelengthRange(6.8, 7.3, 7.8), "C14": WavelengthRange(10, 11, 12) } content = { make_dataid(name=x, wavelength=wl.get(x)): numpy.arange(5 * 5).reshape(5, 5) for x in ("C08", "C10", "C14") } content[make_dataid( name="flash_extent_density")] = numpy.arange(5 * 5).reshape(5, 5) + 1 areas = [ pyresample.create_area_def("test-area", { "proj": "eqc", "lat_ts": 0, "lat_0": 0, "lon_0": 0, "x_0": 0, "y_0": 0, "ellps": "sphere", "units": "m", "no_defs": None, "type": "crs" }, units="m", shape=(5, 5), resolution=1000, center=(10 * i, 20 * i)) for i in range(3) ] aids = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2] scenes = [ satpy.tests.utils.make_fake_scene(content.copy(), common_attrs=common_attrs, area=areas[i]) for i in aids ] for (i, sc) in enumerate(scenes): for da in sc.values(): da.attrs["start_time"] = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, i) da.attrs["end_time"] = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1, 0, i + 1) return satpy.MultiScene(scenes)
def split_meso(ms): """Split a meso-multiscene into smaller multiscenes. Split a multiscene where the scenes have MESO areas that vary into smaller subset multiscenes where the MESO area is constant. Assumes this happens at the same scene for all channels. """ # NB: ch = next(iter(ms.first_scene.keys())) ref = ms.first_scene[ch].attrs["area"] prev = 0 for (i, sc) in enumerate(ms.scenes): if (newref := sc[ch].attrs["area"]) != ref: yield satpy.MultiScene(ms.scenes[prev:i]) ref = newref prev = i
def fake_multiscene(): """Get a fake satpy MultiScene.""" sc1 = satpy.tests.utils.make_fake_scene({ "rasberry": numpy.arange(5 * 5).reshape(5, 5), "straberry": numpy.arange(5 * 5).reshape(5, 5) }) sc2 = satpy.tests.utils.make_fake_scene({ "rasberry": numpy.arange(6 * 6).reshape(6, 6), "straberry": numpy.arange(6 * 6).reshape(6, 6) }) sc3 = satpy.tests.utils.make_fake_scene( { "rasberry": numpy.arange(5 * 5).reshape(5, 5), "straberry": numpy.arange(5 * 5).reshape(5, 5) }, area=pyresample.geometry.StackedAreaDefinition( sc1["rasberry"].attrs["area"], sc2["rasberry"].attrs["area"])) sc2["no-area"] = xarray.DataArray(numpy.arange(5)) return satpy.MultiScene([sc1, sc2, sc3])
def fake_multiscene_empty(): """Fake multiscene with empty scenes.""" return satpy.MultiScene([satpy.Scene() for _ in range(3)])
path=f"noaa-goes16/ABI-L1b-Rad{sector[0]:s}/" "{year}/{doy}/{hour}/" f"OR_ABI-L1b-Rad{sector:s}-M6C*_G16_" "s{year}{doy}{hour}{minute}{second}*_e{end_year}{end_doy}" "{end_hour}{end_minute}{end_second}*_c*.nc", name="abi", fs=fs_s3) files = list(fi for fi in abi_fileset.find(start_date, end_date) if any(f"C{c:>02d}_" in fi.path for c in chans)) return [satpy.readers.FSFile(fi.path, fs=fs_block) for fi in files] def split_meso(ms): """Split a meso-multiscene into smaller multiscenes. Split a multiscene where the scenes have MESO areas that vary into smaller subset multiscenes where the MESO area is constant. Assumes this happens at the same scene for all channels. """ # NB: ch = next(iter(ms.first_scene.keys())) ref = ms.first_scene[ch].attrs["area"] prev = 0 for (i, sc) in enumerate(ms.scenes): if (newref := sc[ch].attrs["area"]) != ref: yield satpy.MultiScene(ms.scenes[prev:i]) ref = newref prev = i yield satpy.MultiScene(ms.scenes[prev:])
scenes = [] glm = {} abi_cont = {} for old in ms.scenes: for did in sorted(old.keys()): if (sens := old[did].attrs["sensor"]) == "glm": if did["name"] == "flash_extent_density": if did not in glm: glm[did] = [] glm[did].append(old[did]) else: raise ValueError("For GLM I can only handle " f"flash_extent_density, not {did!s}") elif sens == "abi": abi_cont[did] = old[did] else: raise ValueError("I can only handle GLM and ABI, but I got " f"{sens!s}") # gone through all in the scene now... # if I had new ABI, then make new scene collecting GLM... if abi_cont: sc = satpy.Scene() for (did, val) in abi_cont.items(): sc[did] = val for (did, vals) in glm.items(): sc[did] = xarray.concat(vals, "dummy").mean("dummy") scenes.append(sc) glm.clear() abi_cont.clear() return satpy.MultiScene(scenes)