Пример #1
def process_x(x: Tensor,
              x_shape: torch.Size,
              allow_iid_x: bool = False) -> Tensor:
    """Return observed data adapted to match sbi's shape and type requirements.

        x: Observed data as provided by the user.
        x_shape: Prescribed shape - either directly provided by the user at init or
            inferred by sbi by running a simulation and checking the output.
        allow_iid_x: Whether multiple trials in x are allowed.

        x: Observed data with shape ready for usage in sbi.

    x = torch.as_tensor(atleast_2d(x), dtype=float32)

    input_x_shape = x.shape
    if not allow_iid_x:
        start_idx = 0
        start_idx = 1

    # Number of trials can change for every new x, but single trial x shape must match.
    assert input_x_shape[start_idx:] == x_shape[start_idx:], (
        f"Observed data shape ({input_x_shape[start_idx:]}) must match "
        f"the shape of simulated data x ({x_shape[start_idx:]}).")

    return x
Пример #2
    def sample(self, num_samples: int, context: Tensor = None, **kwargs) -> Tensor:
        Return samples from posterior distribution.

            num_samples: number of samples
            context: conditioning observation. Will be _true_observation if None
                Additional parameters passed to MCMC sampler (thin and warmup)

        Returns: samples from posterior.

        context = self._context if context is None else atleast_2d(context)

        if self._sample_with_mcmc:
            return self._sample_posterior_mcmc(
            # rejection sampling
            samples, _ = utils.sample_posterior_within_prior(
                self.neural_net, self._prior, context, num_samples=num_samples
            return samples
Пример #3
def process_observed_data(observed_data: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray],
                          simulator: Callable, prior) -> Tuple[Tensor, int]:
    """Check and correct for requirements on the observed data.
        observed_data: observed data as provided by the user.
        simulator: simulator function as provided by the user.
        prior: prior object.
        observed data: observed data with shape corrected for usage in SBI.
        observation_dim: number of elements in a single data point.

    # maybe add batch dimension, cast to tensor
    observed_data = atleast_2d(observed_data)


    # Get unbatched simulated data by sampling from prior and simulator.
    # cast to tensor for comparison
    simulated_data = torch.as_tensor(simulator(prior.sample()),

    # Get data shape by ommitting the batch dimension.
    observed_data_shape = observed_data.shape[1:]

    assert observed_data_shape == simulated_data.shape, (
        f"Observed data shape ({observed_data_shape}) must match "
        f"simulator output shape ({simulated_data.shape}).")

    observation_dim = observed_data[0, :].numel()

    return observed_data, observation_dim
Пример #4
    def __call__(
        posterior_nn: nn.Module,
        x: Tensor,
        method: str,
    ) -> Callable:
        """Return potential function.

        Switch on numpy or pyro potential function based on `method`.
        self.posterior_nn = posterior_nn
        self.prior = prior
        self.device = next(posterior_nn.parameters()).device
        self.x = atleast_2d(x).to(self.device)

        if method == "slice":
            return partial(self.pyro_potential, track_gradients=False)
        elif method in ("hmc", "nuts"):
            return partial(self.pyro_potential, track_gradients=True)
        elif "slice_np" in method:
            return partial(self.posterior_potential, track_gradients=False)
        elif method == "rejection":
            return partial(self.posterior_potential, track_gradients=True)
Пример #5
    def __call__(self, theta, track_gradients: bool = True):

        theta = atleast_2d(theta)

        with torch.set_grad_enabled(track_gradients):
            iid_ll = self.iid_likelihood(theta)

        return iid_ll + self.prior.log_prob(theta)
Пример #6
def test_atleast_2d():
    t1 = np.array([0.0, -1.0, 1.0])
    t2 = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3]])

    t3, t4 = torchutils.atleast_2d(t1, t2)

    assert isinstance(t3, torch.Tensor)
    assert t3.ndim == 2
    assert t4.ndim == 2
Пример #7
    def log_prob(self, value: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        Return ones as a constant log-prob for each input.

            value: The parameters at which to evaluate the log-probability.

            Tensor of as many ones as there were parameter sets.
        value = atleast_2d(value)
        return zeros(value.shape[0])
Пример #8
def samples_true_posterior_linear_gaussian_uniform_prior(
    x_o: Tensor,
    likelihood_shift: Tensor,
    likelihood_cov: Tensor,
    prior: Union[Uniform, Independent],
    num_samples: int = 1000,
) -> Tensor:
    Returns ground truth posterior samples for Gaussian likelihood and uniform prior.

        x_o: The observation.
        likelihood_shift: Mean of the likelihood p(x|theta) is likelihood_shift+theta.
        likelihood_cov: Covariance matrix of likelihood.
        prior: Uniform prior distribution.
        num_samples: Desired number of samples.

    Returns: Samples from posterior.

    # Let s denote the likelihood_shift:
    # The likelihood has the term (x-(s+theta))^2 in the exponent of the Gaussian.
    # In other words, as a function of x, the mean of the likelihood is s+theta.
    # For computing the posterior we need the likelihood as a function of theta. Hence:
    # (x-(s+theta))^2 = (theta-(-s+x))^2
    # We see that the mean is -s+x = x-s

    # Take into account iid trials
    x_o = atleast_2d(x_o)
    num_trials, *_ = x_o.shape
    x_o_mean = x_o.mean(0)
    likelihood_mean = x_o_mean - likelihood_shift

    posterior = MultivariateNormal(loc=likelihood_mean,
                                   covariance_matrix=1 / num_trials *

    # generate samples from ND Gaussian truncated by prior support
    num_remaining = num_samples
    samples = []

    while num_remaining > 0:
        candidate_samples = posterior.sample(
            sample_shape=torch.Size((num_remaining, )))
        is_in_prior = within_support(prior, candidate_samples)
        # accept if in prior
        if is_in_prior.sum():
            samples.append(candidate_samples[is_in_prior, :])
            num_remaining -= int(is_in_prior.sum().item())

    return torch.cat(samples)
Пример #9
def _log_ratios_over_trials(x: Tensor,
                            theta: Tensor,
                            net: nn.Module,
                            track_gradients: bool = False) -> Tensor:
    r"""Return log ratios summed over iid trials of `x`.

    Note: `x` can be a batch with batch size larger 1. Batches in x are assumed to
    be iid trials, i.e., data generated based on the same paramters / experimental

    Repeats `x` and $\theta$ to cover all their combinations of batch entries.

        x: batch of iid data.
        theta: batch of parameters
        net: neural net representing the classifier to approximate the ratio.
        track_gradients: Whether to track gradients.
        log_ratio_trial_sum: log ratio for each parameter, summed over all
            batch entries (iid trials) in `x`.
    theta_repeated, x_repeated = match_theta_and_x_batch_shapes(
        theta=atleast_2d(theta), x=atleast_2d(x))
    assert (x_repeated.shape[0] == theta_repeated.shape[0]
            ), "x and theta must match in batch shape."
    assert (
        next(net.parameters()).device == x.device and x.device == theta.device
    ), f"""device mismatch: net, x, theta: {next(net.parameters()).device}, {x.device},

    # Calculate ratios in one batch.
    with torch.set_grad_enabled(track_gradients):
        log_ratio_trial_batch = net([theta_repeated, x_repeated])
        # Reshape to (x-trials x parameters), sum over trial-log likelihoods.
        log_ratio_trial_sum = log_ratio_trial_batch.reshape(x.shape[0],

    return log_ratio_trial_sum
Пример #10
    def _log_likelihoods_over_trials(
        x: Tensor,
        theta: Tensor,
        net: nn.Module,
        track_gradients: bool = False,
    ) -> Tensor:
        r"""Return log likelihoods summed over iid trials of `x`.

        Note: `x` can be a batch with batch size larger 1. Batches in `x` are assumed
        to be iid trials, i.e., data generated based on the same paramters /
        experimental conditions.

        Repeats `x` and $\theta$ to cover all their combinations of batch entries.

            x: batch of iid data.
            theta: batch of parameters
            net: neural net with .log_prob()
            track_gradients: Whether to track gradients.

            log_likelihood_trial_sum: log likelihood for each parameter, summed over all
                batch entries (iid trials) in `x`.

        # Repeat `x` in case of evaluation on multiple `theta`. This is needed below in
        # when calling nflows in order to have matching shapes of theta and context x
        # at neural network evaluation time.
        theta_repeated, x_repeated = NeuralPosterior._match_theta_and_x_batch_shapes(
            theta=theta, x=atleast_2d(x))
        assert (x_repeated.shape[0] == theta_repeated.shape[0]
                ), "x and theta must match in batch shape."
        assert (
            next(net.parameters()).device == x.device
            and x.device == theta.device
        ), f"device mismatch: net, x, theta: {next(net.parameters()).device}, {x.decive}, {theta.device}."

        # Calculate likelihood in one batch.
        with torch.set_grad_enabled(track_gradients):
            log_likelihood_trial_batch = net.log_prob(x_repeated,
            # Reshape to (x-trials x parameters), sum over trial-log likelihoods.
            log_likelihood_trial_sum = log_likelihood_trial_batch.reshape(
                x.shape[0], -1).sum(0)

        return log_likelihood_trial_sum
Пример #11
def true_posterior_linear_gaussian_mvn_prior(
    x_o: Tensor,
    likelihood_shift: Tensor,
    likelihood_cov: Tensor,
    prior_mean: Tensor,
    prior_cov: Tensor,
) -> MultivariateNormal:
    Returns the posterior when likelihood and prior are Gaussian.

    We follow the implementation suggested by rhashimoto here:
    https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/157172 as it requires only one matrix

        x_o: The observation.
        likelihood_shift: Mean of the likelihood p(x|theta) is likelihood_shift+theta.
        likelihood_cov: Covariance matrix of likelihood.
        prior_mean: Mean of prior.
        prior_cov: Covariance matrix of prior.

    Returns: Posterior distribution.

    # Let s denote the likelihood_shift:
    # The likelihood has the term (x-(s+theta))^2 in the exponent of the Gaussian.
    # In other words, as a function of x, the mean of the likelihood is s+theta.
    # For computing the posterior we need the likelihood as a function of theta. Hence:
    # (x-(s+theta))^2 = (theta-(-s+x))^2
    # We see that the mean is -s+x = x-s

    # Take into account iid trials
    x_o = atleast_2d(x_o)
    num_trials, *_ = x_o.shape
    x_o_mean = x_o.mean(0)
    likelihood_mean = x_o_mean - likelihood_shift

    product_mean, product_cov = multiply_gaussian_pdfs(
        likelihood_mean, 1 / num_trials * likelihood_cov, prior_mean,

    posterior_dist = MultivariateNormal(product_mean, product_cov)

    return posterior_dist
Пример #12
def process_x(x: Tensor, x_shape: torch.Size) -> Tensor:
    """Return observed data adapted to match sbi's shape and type requirements.

        x: Observed data as provided by the user.
        x_shape: Prescribed shape - either directly provided by the user at init or
            inferred by sbi by running a simulation and checking the output.

        x: Observed data with shape ready for usage in sbi.

    x = torch.as_tensor(atleast_2d(x), dtype=float32)

    input_x_shape = x.shape

    assert input_x_shape == x_shape, (
        f"Observed data shape ({input_x_shape}) must match "
        f"the shape of simulated data x ({x_shape}).")

    return x
Пример #13
    def __call__(
        classifier: nn.Module,
        x: Tensor,
        method: str,
    ) -> Callable:
        r"""Return potential function for posterior $p(\theta|x)$.

        Switch on numpy or pyro potential function based on `method`.

            prior: Prior distribution that can be evaluated.
            classifier: Binary classifier approximating the likelihood up to a constant.

            x: Conditioning variable for posterior $p(\theta|x)$.
            method: One of `slice_np`, `slice`, `hmc` or `nuts`, `rejection`.

            Potential function for sampler.

        self.classifier = classifier
        self.prior = prior
        self.device = next(classifier.parameters()).device
        self.x = atleast_2d(x).to(self.device)

        if method == "slice":
            return partial(self.pyro_potential, track_gradients=False)
        elif method in ("hmc", "nuts"):
            return partial(self.pyro_potential, track_gradients=True)
        elif "slice_np" in method:
            return partial(self.posterior_potential, track_gradients=False)
        elif method == "rejection":
            return partial(self.posterior_potential, track_gradients=True)
Пример #14
Файл: mnle.py Проект: bkmi/sbi
    def log_prob_iid(self, x: Tensor, theta: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        """Return log prob given a batch of iid x and a different batch of theta.

        This is different from `.log_prob()` to enable speed ups in evaluation during
        inference. The speed up is achieved by exploiting the fact that there are only
        finite number of possible categories in the discrete part of the dat: one can
        just calculate the log probs for each possible category (given the current batch
        of theta) and then copy those log probs into the entire batch of iid categories.
        For example, for the drift-diffusion model, there are only two choices, but
        often 100s or 1000 trials. With this method a evaluation over trials then passes
        a batch of `2 (one per choice) * num_thetas` into the NN, whereas the normal
        `.log_prob()` would pass `1000 * num_thetas`.

            x: batch of iid data, data observed given the same underlying parameters or
                experimental conditions.
            theta: batch of parameters to be evaluated, i.e., each batch entry will be
                evaluated for the entire batch of iid x.

            Tensor: log probs with shape (num_trials, num_parameters), i.e., the log
                prob for each theta for each trial.

        theta = atleast_2d(theta)
        x = atleast_2d(x)
        batch_size = theta.shape[0]
        num_trials = x.shape[0]
        theta_repeated, x_repeated = match_theta_and_x_batch_shapes(theta, x)
        net_device = next(self.discrete_net.parameters()).device
        assert (
            net_device == x.device and x.device == theta.device
        ), f"device mismatch: net, x, theta: {net_device}, {x.device}, {theta.device}."

        x_cont_repeated, x_disc_repeated = _separate_x(x_repeated)
        x_cont, x_disc = _separate_x(x)

        log_prob_per_cat = torch.zeros(self.discrete_net.num_categories,
        # repeat categories for parameters
        repeated_categories = torch.repeat_interleave(
            torch.arange(self.discrete_net.num_categories - 1),
        # repeat parameters for categories
        repeated_theta = theta.repeat(self.discrete_net.num_categories - 1, 1)
        log_prob_per_cat[:-1, :] = self.discrete_net.log_prob(
        ).reshape(-1, batch_size)
        # infer the last category logprob from sum to one.
        log_prob_per_cat[-1, :] = torch.log(
            1 - log_prob_per_cat[:-1, :].exp().sum(0))

        # fill in lps for each occurred category
        log_probs_discrete = log_prob_per_cat[x_disc.type_as(
            torch.zeros(1, dtype=torch.long)).squeeze()].reshape(-1)

        # Get repeat discrete data and theta to match in batch shape for flow eval.
        log_probs_cont = self.continuous_net.log_prob(
            if self.log_transform_x else x_cont_repeated,
            context=torch.cat((theta_repeated, x_disc_repeated), dim=1),

        # Combine into joint lp with first dim over trials.
        log_probs_combined = (log_probs_discrete + log_probs_cont).reshape(
            num_trials, batch_size)

        # Maybe add log abs det jacobian of RTs: log(1/rt) = - log(rt)
        if self.log_transform_x:
            log_probs_combined -= torch.log(x_cont)

        # Return batch over trials as required by SBI potentials.
        return log_probs_combined
Пример #15
def test_mnle_accuracy(sampler):
    def mixed_simulator(theta):
        # Extract parameters
        beta, ps = theta[:, :1], theta[:, 1:]

        # Sample choices and rts independently.
        choices = Binomial(probs=ps).sample()
        rts = InverseGamma(concentration=2 * torch.ones_like(beta),

        return torch.cat((rts, choices), dim=1)

    prior = MultipleIndependent(
            Gamma(torch.tensor([1.0]), torch.tensor([0.5])),
            Beta(torch.tensor([2.0]), torch.tensor([2.0])),

    num_simulations = 2000
    num_samples = 1000
    theta = prior.sample((num_simulations, ))
    x = mixed_simulator(theta)

    # MNLE
    trainer = MNLE(prior)
    trainer.append_simulations(theta, x).train()
    posterior = trainer.build_posterior()

    mcmc_kwargs = dict(

    for num_trials in [10]:
        theta_o = prior.sample((1, ))
        x_o = mixed_simulator(theta_o.repeat(num_trials, 1))

        # True posterior samples
        transform = mcmc_transform(prior)
        true_posterior_samples = MCMCPosterior(
            PotentialFunctionProvider(prior, atleast_2d(x_o)),
        ).sample((num_samples, ), show_progress_bars=False)

        posterior = trainer.build_posterior(prior=prior, sample_with=sampler)
        if sampler == "vi":

        mnle_posterior_samples = posterior.sample(
            sample_shape=(num_samples, ),
            **mcmc_kwargs if sampler == "mcmc" else {},

            alg=f"MNLE with {sampler}",