def monthPlus(plus=1): global cell if plus==1: (year, month) = getNextMonth(cell.year, cell.month) elif plus==-1: (year, month) = getPrevMonth(cell.year, cell.month) else: raise ValueError('monthPlus: bad argument %s'%plus) day = min(, getMonthLen(year, month, core.primaryMode)) cell = cellCache.getCellByDate(year, month, day)
def keyPressEvent(self, event): k = event.key() print time(), 'MonthCal.keyPressEvent', k, hex(k) if k==qc.Qt.Key_Up: self.jdPlus(-7) elif k==qc.Qt.Key_Down: self.jdPlus(7) elif k==qc.Qt.Key_Right: if rtl: self.jdPlus(-1) else: self.jdPlus(1) elif k==qc.Qt.Key_Left: if rtl: self.jdPlus(1) else: self.jdPlus(-1) elif k==qc.Qt.Key_Space or k==qc.Qt.Key_Home: self.goToday() elif k==qc.Qt.Key_End: self.changeDate(ui.cell.year, ui.cell.month, getMonthLen(ui.cell.year, ui.cell.month, core.primaryMode)) elif k==qc.Qt.Key_End: self.changeDate(ui.cell.year, ui.cell.month, getMonthLen(ui.cell.year, ui.cell.month, core.primaryMode)) elif k==qc.Qt.Key_PageUp: (year, month) = getPrevMonth(ui.cell.year, ui.cell.month) self.changeDate(year, month, elif k==qc.Qt.Key_PageDown: (year, month) = getNextMonth(ui.cell.year, ui.cell.month) self.changeDate(year, month, elif k==qc.Qt.Key_Menu:# Simulate right click (key beside Right-Ctrl) self.emit(qc.SIGNAL('popup-menu-cell'), *self.getCellPos()) elif k in (qc.Qt.Key_F10, qc.Qt.Key_M): #print 'keyPressEvent: menu', event.modifiers() if event.modifiers() & qc.Qt.ShiftModifier: ## Simulate right click (key beside Right-Ctrl) print 'popup-menu-cell' self.emit(qc.SIGNAL('popup-menu-cell'), *self.getCellPos()) else: print 'popup-menu-main' self.emit(qc.SIGNAL('popup-menu-main'), *self.getMainMenuPos()) else: event.ignore() ## I dont want the event. Propagate to the parent widget. #print time(), 'MonthCal.keyPressEvent', hex(k) return event.accept() ## I want the event. Do not propagate to the parent widget.