def test_triple_alternating_linked_gen(self):
     tg = LineGenerator("t", "mm", 1, 5, 5)
     zg = LineGenerator("z", "mm", -1, 3, 5, True)
     yg = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 0, 4, 5, True)
     xg = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 0, 4, 5, True)
     r1 = RectangularROI([-1, -1], 5.5, 3.5)
     r2 = RectangularROI([1, 0], 2.5, 2.5)
     e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["z", "y"])
     e2 = ROIExcluder([r2], ["x", "y"])
     g = CompoundGenerator([tg, zg, yg, xg], [e1, e2], [])
     zf = True
     yf = True
     xf = True
     expected = []
     for t in range_(1, 6):
         zr = range_(-1, 4) if zf else range_(3, -2, -1)
         zf = not zf
         for z in zr:
             yr = range_(0, 5) if yf else range_(4, -1, -1)
             yf = not yf
             for y in yr:
                 xr = range_(0, 5) if xf else range_(4, -1, -1)
                 xf = not xf
                 for x in xr:
                    if z >= -1 and z < 4.5 and y >= 0 and y < 2.5 \
                         and x >= 1 and x < 3.5:
                         expected.append({"x":float(x), "y":float(y),
                             "z":float(z), "t":float(t)})
     actual = [p.positions for p in g.iterator()]
     self.assertEqual(len(expected), len(actual))
     for e, a in zip(expected, actual):
         self.assertEqual(e, a)
 def test_alternating_complex(self):
     tg = LineGenerator("t", "mm", 1, 5, 5)
     zg = LineGenerator("z", "mm", 1, 5, 5, True)
     yg = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 1, 5, 5, True)
     xg = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 1, 5, 5, True)
     r1 = RectangularROI([3., 3.], 2., 2.)
     e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["y", "x"])
     e2 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["z", "y"])
     g = CompoundGenerator([tg, zg, yg, xg], [e1, e2], [])
     g.debug = True
     points = [p.positions for p in list(g.iterator())]
     expected = []
     zf, yf, xf = True, True, True
     for t in range_(1, 6):
         r_1 = range_(1,6) if zf else range_(5, 0, -1)
         zf = not zf
         for z in r_1:
             r_2 = range_(1,6) if yf else range_(5, 0, -1)
             yf = not yf
             for y in r_2:
                 r_3 = range_(1, 6) if xf else range_(5, 0, -1)
                 xf = not xf
                 for x in r_3:
                         {"t":float(t), "z":float(z),
                         "y":float(y), "x":float(x)})
     expected = [p for p in expected if
         (p["y"] >= 3 and p["y"] <= 5 and p["x"] >= 3 and p["x"] <= 5) and
         (p["z"] >= 3 and p["z"] <= 5 and p["y"] >= 3 and p["y"] <= 5)]
     self.assertEqual(expected, points)
    def test_get_point_large_scan(self):
        s = SpiralGenerator(["x", "y"], "mm", [0, 0], 6, 1) #114 points
        z = LineGenerator("z", "mm", 0, 1, 100)
        w = LineGenerator("w", "mm", 0, 1, 5)
        t = LineGenerator("t", "mm", 0, 1, 5)
        rad1 = 2.8
        r1 = CircularROI([1., 1.], rad1)
        e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["x", "y"])
        rad2 = 2
        r2 = CircularROI([0.5, 0.5], rad2)
        e2 = ROIExcluder([r2], ["y", "z"])
        rad3 = 0.5
        r3 = CircularROI([0.5, 0.5], rad3)
        e3 = ROIExcluder([r3], ["w", "t"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([t, w, z, s], [e1, e2, e3], [])

        spiral = [(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(s.positions["x"], s.positions["y"])]
        zwt = [(z/99., w/4., t/4.) for t in range_(0, 5)
            for w in range_(0, 5)
            for z in range_(0, 100)]
        expected = [(x, y, z, w, t) for (z, w, t) in zwt for (x, y) in spiral]
        expected = [{"x":x, "y":y, "z":z, "w":w, "t":t}
                for (x,y,z,w,t) in expected if
                (x-1)*(x-1) + (y-1)*(y-1) <= rad1*rad1 and
                (y-0.5)*(y-0.5) + (z-0.5)*(z-0.5) <= rad2*rad2 and
                (w-0.5)*(w-0.5) + (t-0.5)*(t-0.5) <= rad3*rad3]
        points = [g.get_point(n) for n in range_(0, g.size)]
        pos = [p.positions for p in points]
        # assertEqual on a sequence of dicts is *really* slow
        for (e, p) in zip(expected, pos):
            self.assertEquals(e.keys(), p.keys())
            for k in e.keys():
                self.assertAlmostEqual(e[k], p[k])
    def test_three_dim_middle_alternates(self):
        tg = LineGenerator("t", "mm", 1, 5, 5)
        zg = LineGenerator("z", "mm", -1, 3, 5, True)
        spiral = SpiralGenerator(["s1", "s2"], "mm", [1, 1], 2, 1, True)
        yg = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 0, 4, 5)
        xg = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 0, 4, 5)
        r1 = CircularROI([0, 0], 1)
        e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["s1", "z"])
        e2 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["y", "x"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([tg, zg, spiral, yg, xg], [e2, e1], [])

        it = 0
        iz = 0
        iy = 0
        ix = 0
        tzs = []
        points = []
        for t in range_(1, 6):
            for z in (range_(-1, 4) if it % 2 == 0 else range_(3, -2, -1)):
                s1p = spiral.positions["s1"] if iz % 2 == 0 else spiral.positions["s1"][::-1]
                s2p = spiral.positions["s2"] if iz % 2 == 0 else spiral.positions["s2"][::-1]
                points += [(x, y, s1, s2, z, t) for (s1, s2) in zip(s1p, s2p)
                        for y in range(0, 5) for x in range(0, 5)
                        if s1*s1 + z*z <= 1 and y*y + x*x <= 1]
                iz += 1
            it += 1
        expected = [{"x":float(x), "y":float(y), "s1":s1, "s2":s2, "z":float(z), "t":float(t)}
            for (x, y, s1, s2, z, t) in points]
        actual = [p.positions for p in list(g.iterator())]
        for e, a in zip(expected, actual):
            self.assertEqual(e, a)
    def test_from_dict(self):

        g1 = LineGenerator("x1", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
        g1_dict = g1.to_dict()
        g2 = LineGenerator("y1", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
        g2_dict = g2.to_dict()

        r = CircularROI([0, 0], 1)
        excl_1 = ROIExcluder([r], ["x1", "y1"])
        excl1_1_dict = excl_1.to_dict()

        mutator_1 = RandomOffsetMutator(0, ["x"], {"x": 1})
        mutator_1_dict = mutator_1.to_dict()

        _dict = dict()
        _dict['generators'] = [g1_dict, g2_dict]
        _dict['excluders'] = [excl1_1_dict]
        _dict['mutators'] = [mutator_1_dict]
        _dict['duration'] = 12
        _dict['continuous'] = False

        units_dict = dict()
        units_dict['x'] = 'mm'
        units_dict['y'] = 'mm'

        gen = CompoundGenerator.from_dict(_dict)

        self.assertEqual(gen.generators[0].to_dict(), g1.to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(gen.generators[1].to_dict(), g2.to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(gen.mutators[0].to_dict(), mutator_1.to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(gen.excluders[0].to_dict(), excl_1.to_dict())
        self.assertEqual(gen.duration, 12)
        self.assertEqual(gen.continuous, False)
 def test_separate_indexes(self):
     x1 = LineGenerator("x1", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     y1 = LineGenerator("y1", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     z1 = LineGenerator("z1", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     x2 = LineGenerator("x2", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     y2 = LineGenerator("y2", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     x3 = LineGenerator("x3", "mm", 0, 1.0, 5, False)
     y3 = LineGenerator("y3", "mm", 0, 1.0, 5, False)
     r = CircularROI([0, 0], 1)
     e1 = ROIExcluder([r], ["x1", "y1"])
     e2 = ROIExcluder([r], ["y1", "z1"])
     e3 = ROIExcluder([r], ["x1", "y1"])
     e4 = ROIExcluder([r], ["x2", "y2"])
     e5 = ROIExcluder([r], ["x3", "y3"])
     g = CompoundGenerator([x3, y3, y2, x2, z1, y1, x1],
                           [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5], [])
     p = [(x / 2., y / 2., z / 2.) for z in range_(-2, 3)
          for y in range_(-2, 3) for x in range_(-2, 3)]
     m1 = [x * x + y * y <= 1 for (x, y, z) in p]
     m2 = [y * y + z * z <= 1 for (x, y, z) in p]
     expected_mask = [(b1 and b2) for (b1, b2) in zip(m1, m2)]
     self.assertEqual(expected_mask, g.dimensions[2].mask.tolist())
     p = [(x / 2., y / 2.) for y in range_(-2, 3) for x in range_(-2, 3)]
     expected_mask = [x * x + y * y <= 1 for (x, y) in p]
     self.assertEqual(expected_mask, g.dimensions[1].mask.tolist())
     p = [(x / 4., y / 4.) for y in range_(0, 5) for x in range_(0, 5)]
     expected_mask = [x * x + y * y <= 1 for (x, y) in p]
     self.assertEqual(expected_mask, g.dimensions[0].mask.tolist())
    def test_complex_masks(self):
        tg = LineGenerator("t", "mm", 1, 5, 5)
        zg = LineGenerator("z", "mm", 0, 4, 5, alternate=True)
        yg = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 1, 5, 5, alternate=True)
        xg = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 2, 6, 5, alternate=True)
        r1 = CircularROI([4., 4.], 1.5)
        e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["y", "x"])
        e2 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["z", "y"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([tg, zg, yg, xg], [e1, e2], [])

        t_mask = [True] * 5
        iy = 0
        ix = 0
        xyz_mask = []
        xyz = []
        for z in range_(0, 5):
            for y in (range_(1, 6) if iy % 2 == 0 else range_(5, 0, -1)):
                for x in (range_(2, 7) if ix % 2 == 0 else range_(6, 1, -1)):
                    xyz_mask.append( (x-4)**2 + (y-4)**2 <= 1.5**2 \
                        and (y-4)**2 + (z-4)**2 <= 1.5**2)
                    xyz.append((x, y, z))
                    ix += 1
                iy += 1

        self.assertEqual(t_mask, g.dimensions[0].mask.tolist())
        self.assertEqual(xyz_mask, g.dimensions[1].mask.tolist())
    def test_alternating_regions_2(self):
        z = LineGenerator("z", "mm", 1, 5, 5)
        y = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 1, 5, 5, True)
        x = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 1, 5, 5, True)
        r1 = CircularROI([3, 3], 1.5)
        e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["x", "y"])
        e2 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["z", "y"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([z, y, x], [e1, e2], [])  #20 points
        actual = [p.positions for p in list(g.iterator())]
        expected = []
        yf = True
        xf = True
        for z in range_(1, 6):
            yr = range_(1, 6) if yf else range_(5, 0, -1)
            yf = not yf
            for y in yr:
                xr = range_(1, 6) if xf else range_(5, 0, -1)
                xf = not xf
                for x in xr:
                        "x": float(x),
                        "y": float(y),
                        "z": float(z)

        expected = [
            p for p in expected if (p["x"] - 3)**2 +
            (p["y"] - 3)**2 <= 1.5**2 and (p["z"] - 3)**2 +
            (p["y"] - 3)**2 <= 1.5**2
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
    def setUp(self):
        self.r1 = CircularROI([1, 2], 3)
        self.r2 = CircularROI([4, 5], 6)

        self.r1_dict = self.r1.to_dict()
        self.r2_dict = self.r2.to_dict()

        self.e = ROIExcluder([self.r1, self.r2], ["x", "y"])
    def test_double_spiral_scan(self):
        line1 = LineGenerator(["l1"], "mm", -1, 2, 5)
        spiral_s = SpiralGenerator(["s1", "s2"], "mm", [1, 2], 5, 2.5, True)
        spiral_t = SpiralGenerator(["t1", "t2"], "mm", [0, 0], 5, 2.5, True)
        line2 = LineGenerator(["l2"], "mm", -1, 2, 5, True)
        r = CircularROI([0, 0], 1)
        e1 = ROIExcluder([r], ["s1", "l1"])
        e2 = ROIExcluder([r], ["l2", "t1"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([line1, spiral_s, spiral_t, line2], [e1, e2], [])

        points = []
        l1s = []
        tl2 = []

        s_f = True
        for l1 in line1.positions["l1"]:
            sp = zip(spiral_s.positions['s1'], spiral_s.positions['s2'])
            sp = sp if s_f else list(sp)[::-1]
            s_f = not s_f
            l1s += [(s1, s2, l1) for (s1, s2) in sp]
        l2_f = True
        for (t1, t2) in zip(spiral_t.positions['t1'], spiral_t.positions['t2']):
            l2p = line2.positions['l2'] if l2_f else line2.positions['l2'][::-1]
            l2pu = line2.bounds['l2'][1:len(line2.positions['l2'])+1]
            l2pl = line2.bounds['l2'][0:len(line2.positions['l2'])]
            if not l2_f:
                l2pu, l2pl = l2pl[::-1], l2pu[::-1]
            l2_f = not l2_f
            tl2 += [(l2, l2u, l2l, t1, t2) for (l2, l2u, l2l) in
                zip(l2p, l2pu, l2pl) if l2*l2 + t1*t1 <= 1]
        t_f = True
        for (s1, s2, l1) in l1s:
            inner = tl2 if t_f else tl2[::-1]
            t_f = not t_f
            points += [(l2, l2u, l2l, t1, t2, s1, s2, l1)
                for (l2, l2u, l2l, t1, t2) in inner if s1*s1 + l1*l1 <= 1]
        l1s_original = l1s
        l1s = [(s1, s2, l1) for (s1, s2, l1) in l1s if s1*s1 + l1*l1 <= 1]

        expected = [{"l2":l2, "t1":t1, "t2":t2, "s1":s1, "s2":s2, "l1":l1}
            for (l2, l2u, l2l, t1, t2, s1, s2, l1) in points]

        expected_idx = []
        t_f = (l1s_original.index(l1s[0])) % 2 == 0 # t_f is False
        for d1 in range_(len(l1s)):
            expected_idx += [[d1, d2] for d2 in (range_(len(tl2)) if t_f else
                range_(len(tl2) - 1, -1, -1))]
            t_f = not t_f

        expected_l2_lower = [l2l for (l2, l2u, l2l, t1, t2, s1, s2, l1) in points]
        expected_l2_upper = [l2u for (l2, l2u, l2l, t1, t2, s1, s2, l1) in points]

        gpoints = list(g.iterator())
        self.assertEqual(expected, [p.positions for p in gpoints])
        self.assertEqual(expected_idx, [p.indexes for p in gpoints])
        self.assertEqual(expected_l2_lower, [p.lower["l2"] for p in gpoints])
        self.assertEqual(expected_l2_upper, [p.upper["l2"] for p in gpoints])
    def test_horrible_scan(self):
        lissajous = LissajousGenerator(["j1", "j2"], "mm", [-0.5, 0.7],
                                       [2, 3.5], 7, 100)
        line2 = LineGenerator(["l2"], "mm", -3, 3, 7, True)
        line1 = LineGenerator(["l1"], "mm", -1, 2, 5, True)
        spiral = SpiralGenerator(["s1", "s2"], "mm", [1, 2], 5, 2.5, True)
        r1 = CircularROI([1, 1], 2)
        r2 = CircularROI([-1, -1], 4)
        r3 = CircularROI([1, 1], 2)
        e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["j1", "l2"])
        e2 = ROIExcluder([r2], ["s2", "l1"])
        e3 = ROIExcluder([r3], ["s1", "s2"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([lissajous, line2, line1, spiral], [e1, e2, e3],

        l2_f = True
        l1_f = True
        s_f = True
        points = []
        for (j1, j2) in zip(lissajous.positions["j1"],
            l2p = line2.positions["l2"] if l2_f else line2.positions["l2"][::-1]
            l2_f = not l2_f
            for l2 in l2p:
                l1p = line1.positions["l1"] if l1_f else line1.positions[
                l1_f = not l1_f
                for l1 in l1p:
                    sp = zip(spiral.positions["s1"], spiral.positions["s2"]) if s_f \
                        else zip(spiral.positions["s1"][::-1], spiral.positions["s2"][::-1])
                    s_f = not s_f
                    for (s1, s2) in sp:
                        points.append((s1, s2, l1, l2, j1, j2))

            lissajous.size * line2.size * line1.size * spiral.size,
        points = [(s1, s2, l1, l2, j1, j2)
                  for (s1, s2, l1, l2, j1, j2) in points
                  if (j1 - 1)**2 + (l2 - 1)**2 <= 4 and (s2 + 1)**2 +
                  (l1 + 1)**2 <= 16 and (s1 - 1)**2 + (s2 - 1)**2 <= 4]
        self.assertEqual(len(points), g.size)
        generated_points = list(g.iterator())
        self.assertEqual(len(points), len(generated_points))

        actual = [p.positions for p in generated_points]
        expected = [{
            "j1": j1,
            "j2": j2,
            "l2": l2,
            "l1": l1,
            "s1": s1,
            "s2": s2
        } for (s1, s2, l1, l2, j1, j2) in points]
        for e, a in zip(expected, actual):
            self.assertEqual(e, a)
        self.assertEqual((181, 10), g.shape)
    def setUp(self):
        self.r1 = MagicMock()
        self.r1_dict = MagicMock()
        self.r2 = MagicMock()
        self.r2_dict = MagicMock()
        self.r1.to_dict.return_value = self.r1_dict
        self.r2.to_dict.return_value = self.r2_dict

        self.e = ROIExcluder([self.r1, self.r2], ["x", "y"])
 def test_double_mask(self):
     x = LineGenerator("x", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     y = LineGenerator("y", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     z = LineGenerator("z", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     r = CircularROI([0.1, 0.2], 1)
     e1 = ROIExcluder([r], ["x", "y"])
     e2 = ROIExcluder([r], ["y", "z"])
     g = CompoundGenerator([z, y, x], [e1, e2], [])
     p = [(x / 2., y / 2., z / 2.) for z in range_(-2, 3)
          for y in range_(-2, 3) for x in range_(-2, 3)]
     m1 = [(x - 0.1)**2 + (y - 0.2)**2 <= 1 for (x, y, z) in p]
     m2 = [(y - 0.1)**2 + (z - 0.2)**2 <= 1 for (x, y, z) in p]
     expected_mask = [(b1 and b2) for (b1, b2) in zip(m1, m2)]
     self.assertEqual(expected_mask, g.dimensions[0].mask.tolist())
 def test_double_mask_spiral(self):
     zgen = LineGenerator("z", "mm", 0.0, 4.0, 5)
     spiral = SpiralGenerator(['x', 'y'], "mm", [0.0, 0.0], 3) #29 points
     r1 = RectangularROI([-2, -2], 4, 3)
     r2 = RectangularROI([-2, 0], 4, 3)
     e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["y", "x"])
     e2 = ROIExcluder([r2], ["y", "z"])
     g = CompoundGenerator([zgen, spiral], [e1, e2], [])
     p = list(zip(spiral.positions['x'], spiral.positions['y']))
     p = [(x, y, z) for z in range_(0, 5) for (x, y) in p]
     expected = [x >= -2 and x <= 1 and y >= -2 and y <= 2
             and z >= 0 and z <= 3 for (x, y, z) in p]
     actual = g.dimensions[0].mask.tolist()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
    def test_excluder_spread_axes(self):
        sp = SpiralGenerator(["s1", "s2"], ["mm", "mm"], centre=[0, 0], radius=1, scale=0.5, alternate=True)
        y = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 0, 1, 3, True)
        z = LineGenerator("z", "mm", -2, 3, 6, True)
        e = ROIExcluder([CircularROI([0., 0.], 1.0)], ["s1", "z"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([z, y, sp], [e], [])


        s1_pos, s2_pos = sp.positions["s1"], sp.positions["s2"]
        s1_pos = np.tile(np.append(s1_pos, s1_pos[::-1]), 9)
        s2_pos = np.tile(np.append(s2_pos, s2_pos[::-1]), 9)
        y_pos = np.tile(np.repeat(np.array([0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0]), sp.size), 3)
        z_pos = np.repeat(np.array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]), sp.size * 3)

        mask_func = lambda ps1, pz: ps1**2 + pz**2 <= 1
        mask = mask_func(s1_pos, z_pos)

        expected_s1 = s1_pos[mask]
        expected_s2 = s2_pos[mask]
        expected_y = y_pos[mask]
        expected_z = z_pos[mask]
        expected_positions = [{'s1':ps1, 's2':ps2, 'y':py, 'z':pz}
                for (ps1, ps2, py, pz) in zip(expected_s1, expected_s2, expected_y, expected_z)]
        positions = [point.positions for point in list(g.iterator())]

        self.assertEqual(positions, expected_positions)
class TestSerialisation(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.r1 = MagicMock()
        self.r1_dict = MagicMock()
        self.r2 = MagicMock()
        self.r2_dict = MagicMock()
        self.r1.to_dict.return_value = self.r1_dict
        self.r2.to_dict.return_value = self.r2_dict

        self.e = ROIExcluder([self.r1, self.r2], ["x", "y"])

    def test_to_dict(self):
        expected_dict = dict()
        expected_dict['typeid'] = "scanpointgenerator:excluder/ROIExcluder:1.0"
        expected_dict['rois'] = [self.r1_dict, self.r2_dict]
        expected_dict['axes'] = ["x", "y"]

        d = self.e.to_dict()

        self.assertEqual(expected_dict, d)

    @patch(roi_patch_path + '.from_dict')
    def test_from_dict(self, from_dict_mock):
        from_dict_mock.side_effect = [self.r1, self.r2]
        _dict = dict()
        _dict['rois'] = [self.r1_dict, self.r2_dict]
        _dict['axes'] = ["x", "y"]

        e = ROIExcluder.from_dict(_dict)

            [call(self.r1_dict), call(self.r2_dict)])
        self.assertEqual(e.rois, [self.r1, self.r2])
        self.assertEqual(e.axes, ["x", "y"])
    def test_inner_alternating(self):
        z = LineGenerator("z", "mm", 1, 5, 5)
        y = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 1, 5, 5, alternate=True)
        x = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 1, 5, 5, alternate=True)
        r1 = CircularROI([3, 3], 1.5)
        e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["x", "y"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([z, y, x], [e1], [])
        expected = []
        xy_expected = []
        x_f = True
        for y in range_(1, 6):
            for x in (range_(1, 6) if x_f else range(5, 0, -1)):
                if (x - 3)**2 + (y - 3)**2 <= 1.5**2:
                    xy_expected.append((x, y))
            x_f = not x_f
        xy_f = True
        for z in range_(1, 6):
            for (x, y) in (xy_expected if xy_f else xy_expected[::-1]):
                expected.append({"x": float(x), "y": float(y), "z": float(z)})
            xy_f = not xy_f

        expected_idx = []
        xy_f = True
        for z in range_(0, 5):
            xy_idx = range_(len(xy_expected)) if xy_f \
                else range_(len(xy_expected)-1, -1, -1)
            expected_idx += [[z, xy] for xy in xy_idx]
            xy_f = not xy_f

        points = list(g.iterator())
        self.assertEqual(expected, [p.positions for p in points])
        self.assertEqual(expected_idx, [p.indexes for p in points])
    def test_staticpointgen_in_alternating(self):
        x = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 0, 1, 3, True)
        y = LineGenerator("y", "cm", 2, 3, 4, False)
        m = StaticPointGenerator(5)
        r = CircularROI((0.5, 2.5), 0.4)
        e = ROIExcluder([r], ["x", "y"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([y, m, x], [e], [])

        expected_positions = []
        x_positions = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
        direction = 1
        for yp in [2.0, 2 + 1. / 3, 2 + 2. / 3, 3.0]:
            for mp in range_(5):
                for xp in x_positions[::direction]:
                    if (xp - 0.5)**2 + (yp - 2.5)**2 <= 0.4**2:
                        expected_positions.append({"y": yp, "x": xp})
                direction *= -1

        positions = [point.positions for point in g.iterator()]

        self.assertEqual(expected_positions, positions)
        self.assertEqual(len(expected_positions), g.size)
        self.assertEqual((len(expected_positions), ), g.shape)
        self.assertEqual(["y", "x"], g.axes)
        self.assertEqual({"y": "cm", "x": "mm"}, g.units)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(g.dimensions))
Пример #19
def grid_circle_check():

    x = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 0.0, 4.0, 5, alternate=True)
    y = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 0.0, 3.0, 4)
    circle = ROIExcluder([CircularROI([2.0, 1.0], 2.0)], ['x', 'y'])
    gen = CompoundGenerator([y, x], [circle], [])

    plot_generator(gen, circle)
Пример #20
def spiral_rectangle_check():

    spiral = SpiralGenerator(['x', 'y'], ["mm", "mm"], [0.0, 0.0], 10.0)
    rectangle = ROIExcluder([RectangularROI([0.0, 0.0], 10.0, 10.0)],
                            ['x', 'y'])
    gen = CompoundGenerator([spiral], [rectangle], [])

    plot_generator(gen, rectangle)
Пример #21
def lissajous_rectangle_check():

    bounding_box = dict(centre=[0.0, 0.0], span=[1.0, 1.0], lobes=2)
    lissajous = LissajousGenerator(['x', 'y'], ["mm", "mm"], **bounding_box)
    rectangle = ROIExcluder([RectangularROI([0.0, 0.0], 0.8, 0.8)], ['x', 'y'])
    gen = CompoundGenerator([lissajous], [rectangle], [])

    plot_generator(gen, rectangle)
 def test_two_dim_inner_alternates(self):
     wg = LineGenerator("w", "mm", 0, 1, 2)
     zg = LineGenerator("z", "mm", 0, 1, 2)
     yg = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 1, 3, 3, True)
     xg = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 0, 1, 2, True)
     r1 = EllipticalROI([0, 1], [1, 2])
     r2 = SectorROI([0, 0], [0.2, 1], [0, 7])
     e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ['x', 'y'])
     e2 = ROIExcluder([r2], ['w', 'z'])
     g = CompoundGenerator([wg, zg, yg, xg], [e1, e2], [])
     actual = [p.positions for p in g.iterator()]
     expected = [(0, 3, 1, 0), (0, 2, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1, 0),
         (0, 1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0, 1), (0, 2, 0, 1), (0, 3, 0, 1)]
     expected = [{"x":float(x), "y":float(y), "z":float(z), "w":float(w)}
         for (x, y, z, w) in expected]
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
    def test_grid_double_rect_region_then_not_reduced(self):
        xg = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 1, 10, 10)
        yg = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 1, 10, 10)
        r1 = RectangularROI([3, 3], 6, 6)
        r2 = RectangularROI([3, 3], 6, 6)
        e = ROIExcluder([r1, r2], ["x", "y"])
        g = CompoundGenerator([yg, xg], [e], [])

        self.assertEqual(2, len(g.excluders[0].rois))
 def test_simple_mask(self):
     x = LineGenerator("x", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     y = LineGenerator("y", "mm", -1.0, 1.0, 5, False)
     r = CircularROI([0, 0], 1)
     e = ROIExcluder([r], ["x", "y"])
     g = CompoundGenerator([y, x], [e], [])
     p = [(x / 2., y / 2.) for y in range_(-2, 3) for x in range_(-2, 3)]
     expected_mask = [x * x + y * y <= 1 for (x, y) in p]
     self.assertEqual(expected_mask, g.dimensions[0].mask.tolist())
    def test_200_million_time_constraint(self):
        start_time = time.time()

        s = SpiralGenerator(
            ["x", "y"], "mm", [0, 0], 6, 0.02, True) # ~2e5 points
        z = LineGenerator("z", "mm", 0, 1, ZSIZE, True) #1e2 points or 1e1 for Jython
        w = LineGenerator("w", "mm", 0, 1, 10, True) #1e1 points
        r1 = CircularROI([-0.7, 4], 0.5)
        r2 = CircularROI([0.5, 0.5], 0.3)
        r3 = CircularROI([0.2, 4], 0.5)
        e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["x", "y"])
        e2 = ROIExcluder([r2], ["w", "z"])
        e3 = ROIExcluder([r3], ["z", "y"])
        om = RandomOffsetMutator(0, ["x", "y"], {"x":0.2, "y":0.2})
        g = CompoundGenerator([w, z, s], [e1, e3, e2], [om])
        g.prepare() # g.size ~3e5

        end_time = time.time()
        # if this test becomes problematic then we'll just have to remove it
        self.assertLess(end_time - start_time, TIMELIMIT)
    def test_from_dict(self, from_dict_mock):
        from_dict_mock.side_effect = [self.r1, self.r2]
        _dict = dict()
        _dict['rois'] = [self.r1_dict, self.r2_dict]
        _dict['axes'] = ["x", "y"]

        e = ROIExcluder.from_dict(_dict)

            [call(self.r1_dict), call(self.r2_dict)])
        self.assertEqual(e.rois, [self.r1, self.r2])
        self.assertEqual(e.axes, ["x", "y"])
 def test_simple_mask_alternating_spiral(self):
     z = LineGenerator("z", "mm", 0.0, 4.0, 5)
     spiral = SpiralGenerator(['x', 'y'], "mm", [0.0, 0.0], 3, alternate=True) #29 points
     r = RectangularROI([-2, -2], 3, 4)
     e = ROIExcluder([r], ["x", "y"])
     g = CompoundGenerator([z, spiral], [e], [])
     p = list(zip(spiral.positions['x'], spiral.positions['y']))
     expected = [x >= -2 and x < 1 and y >= -2 and y < 2 for (x, y) in p]
     expected_r = [x >= -2 and x < 1 and y >= -2 and y < 2 for (x, y) in p[::-1]]
     actual = g.dimensions[1].mask.tolist()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
 def test_prepare_with_regions(self):
     x = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 0, 1, 5, False)
     y = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 0, 1, 5, False)
     circle = CircularROI([0., 0.], 1)
     excluder = ROIExcluder([circle], ['x', 'y'])
     g = CompoundGenerator([y, x], [excluder], [])
     self.assertEqual(1, len(g.dimensions))
     self.assertEqual(["y", "x"], g.dimensions[0].axes)
     expected_mask = [(x / 4.)**2 + (y / 4.)**2 <= 1 for y in range(0, 5)
                      for x in range(0, 5)]
     self.assertEqual(expected_mask, g.dimensions[0].mask.tolist())
     self.assertEqual((len([v for v in expected_mask if v]), ), g.shape)
 def test_bounds_applied_in_rectangle_roi_secial_case(self):
     x = LineGenerator("x", "mm", 0, 1, 2, True)
     y = LineGenerator("y", "mm", 0, 1, 2, True)
     r = RectangularROI([0, 0], 1, 1)
     e = ROIExcluder([r], ["x", "y"])
     g = CompoundGenerator([y, x], [e], [])
     p = g.get_point(0)
     self.assertEqual({"x": -0.5, "y": 0.}, p.lower)
     self.assertEqual({"x": 0., "y": 0.}, p.positions)
     self.assertEqual({"x": 0.5, "y": 0.}, p.upper)
     p = g.get_point(2)
     self.assertEqual({"x": 1.5, "y": 1}, p.lower)
     self.assertEqual({"x": 1, "y": 1}, p.positions)
     self.assertEqual({"x": 0.5, "y": 1}, p.upper)
 def test_roi_time_constraint(self):
     a = LineGenerator("a", "mm", 0, 1, 300, True)
     b = LineGenerator("b", "mm", 0, 1, 300)
     r1 = CircularROI([0.25, 0.33], 0.1)
     e1 = ROIExcluder([r1], ["a", "b"])
     g = CompoundGenerator([b, a], [e1], [])
     g.prepare()  # ~2,800 points
     start_time = time.time()
     C = g.get_points(0, 1000)
     end_time = time.time()
     # if this test becomes problematic then we'll just have to remove it
     self.assertLess(end_time - start_time, TIMELIMIT * 0.1)
     start_time = time.time()
     C = g.get_points(0, 2800)
     end_time = time.time()
     # if this test becomes problematic then we'll just have to remove it
     self.assertLess(end_time - start_time, TIMELIMIT * 0.28)