Пример #1
 def _gen_high_data(self, msg):
     # type: (str) -> None
     ObjectPipe.send(self, (msg, True, False))
Пример #2
 def _exhaust(self):
     # type: () -> None
     ObjectPipe.send(self, (None, None, True))
Пример #3
 def _exhaust(self):
     ObjectPipe.send(self, (None, None, True))
Пример #4
 def _gen_high_data(self, msg):
     ObjectPipe.send(self, (msg, True, False))
Пример #5
 def _gen_data(self, msg):
     ObjectPipe.send(self, (msg, False, False))
Пример #6
class ISOTPSocketImplementation:
    Implementation of an ISOTP "state machine".

    Most of the ISOTP logic was taken from

    This class is separated from ISOTPSoftSocket to make sure the background
    thread can't hold a reference to ISOTPSoftSocket, allowing it to be
    collected by the GC.

    :param can_socket: a CANSocket instance, preferably filtering only can
                       frames with identifier equal to did
    :param src_id: the CAN identifier of the sent CAN frames
    :param dst_id: the CAN identifier of the received CAN frames
    :param padding: If True, pads sending packets with 0x00 which not
                    count to the payload.
                    Does not affect receiving packets.
    :param extended_addr: Extended Address byte to be added at the
            beginning of every CAN frame _sent_ by this object. Can be None
            in order to disable extended addressing on sent frames.
    :param extended_rx_addr: Extended Address byte expected to be found at
            the beginning of every CAN frame _received_ by this object. Can
            be None in order to disable extended addressing on received
    :param rx_block_size: Block Size byte to be included in every Control
            Flow Frame sent by this object. The default value of 0 means
            that all the data will be received in a single block.
    :param stmin: Time Minimum Separation byte to be
            included in every Control Flow Frame sent by this object. The
            default value of 0 indicates that the peer will not wait any
            time between sending frames.
    :param listen_only: Disables send of flow control frames

    def __init__(self,
                 can_socket,  # type: "CANSocket"
                 src_id,  # type: int
                 dst_id,  # type: int
                 padding=False,  # type: bool
                 extended_addr=None,  # type: Optional[int]
                 extended_rx_addr=None,  # type: Optional[int]
                 rx_block_size=0,  # type: int
                 stmin=0,  # type: int
                 listen_only=False  # type: bool
        # type: (...) -> None
        self.can_socket = can_socket
        self.dst_id = dst_id
        self.src_id = src_id
        self.padding = padding
        self.fc_timeout = 1
        self.cf_timeout = 1

        self.filter_warning_emitted = False

        self.extended_rx_addr = extended_rx_addr
        self.ea_hdr = b""
        if extended_addr is not None:
            self.ea_hdr = struct.pack("B", extended_addr)
        self.listen_only = listen_only

        self.rxfc_bs = rx_block_size
        self.rxfc_stmin = stmin

        self.rx_queue = ObjectPipe()
        self.rx_len = -1
        self.rx_buf = None  # type: Optional[bytes]
        self.rx_sn = 0
        self.rx_bs = 0
        self.rx_idx = 0
        self.rx_ts = 0.0  # type: Union[float, EDecimal]
        self.rx_state = ISOTP_IDLE

        self.txfc_bs = 0
        self.txfc_stmin = 0
        self.tx_gap = 0

        self.tx_buf = None  # type: Optional[bytes]
        self.tx_sn = 0
        self.tx_bs = 0
        self.tx_idx = 0
        self.rx_ll_dl = 0
        self.tx_state = ISOTP_IDLE

        self.tx_timeout_handle = None  # type: Optional[TimeoutScheduler.Handle]  # noqa: E501
        self.rx_timeout_handle = None  # type: Optional[TimeoutScheduler.Handle]  # noqa: E501
        self.rx_thread_started = Event()
        self.rx_thread = AsyncSniffer(
            store=False, opened_socket=can_socket, prn=self.on_can_recv,

        self.tx_mutex = Lock()
        self.rx_mutex = Lock()
        self.send_mutex = Lock()

        self.tx_done = Event()
        self.tx_exception = None  # type: Optional[str]

        self.tx_callbacks = []  # type: List[Callable[[], None]]
        self.rx_callbacks = []  # type: List[Callable[[bytes], None]]


    def __del__(self):
        # type: () -> None

    def can_send(self, load):
        # type: (bytes) -> None
        if self.padding:
            load += b"\xCC" * (CAN_MAX_DLEN - len(load))
        if self.src_id is None or self.src_id <= 0x7ff:
            self.can_socket.send(CAN(identifier=self.src_id, data=load))
            self.can_socket.send(CAN(identifier=self.src_id, flags="extended",

    def on_can_recv(self, p):
        # type: (Packet) -> None
        if not isinstance(p, CAN):
            raise Scapy_Exception("argument is not a CAN frame")
        if p.identifier != self.dst_id:
            if not self.filter_warning_emitted and conf.verb >= 2:
                warning("You should put a filter for identifier=%x on your "
                        "CAN socket", self.dst_id)
                self.filter_warning_emitted = True

    def close(self):
        # type: () -> None
        if self.rx_thread.thread and self.rx_thread.thread.is_alive():

    def _rx_timer_handler(self):
        # type: () -> None
        """Method called every time the rx_timer times out, due to the peer not
        sending a consecutive frame within the expected time window"""

        with self.rx_mutex:
            if self.rx_state == ISOTP_WAIT_DATA:
                # we did not get new data frames in time.
                # reset rx state
                self.rx_state = ISOTP_IDLE
                if conf.verb > 2:
                    warning("RX state was reset due to timeout")

    def _tx_timer_handler(self):
        # type: () -> None
        """Method called every time the tx_timer times out, which can happen in
        two situations: either a Flow Control frame was not received in time,
        or the Separation Time Min is expired and a new frame must be sent."""

        with self.tx_mutex:
            if (self.tx_state == ISOTP_WAIT_FC or
                    self.tx_state == ISOTP_WAIT_FIRST_FC):
                # we did not get any flow control frame in time
                # reset tx state
                self.tx_state = ISOTP_IDLE
                self.tx_exception = "TX state was reset due to timeout"
                raise Scapy_Exception(self.tx_exception)
            elif self.tx_state == ISOTP_SENDING:
                # push out the next segmented pdu
                src_off = len(self.ea_hdr)
                max_bytes = 7 - src_off
                if self.tx_buf is None:
                    self.tx_exception = "TX buffer is not filled"
                    raise Scapy_Exception(self.tx_exception)

                while 1:
                    load = self.ea_hdr
                    load += struct.pack("B", N_PCI_CF + self.tx_sn)
                    load += self.tx_buf[self.tx_idx:self.tx_idx + max_bytes]

                    self.tx_sn = (self.tx_sn + 1) % 16
                    self.tx_bs += 1
                    self.tx_idx += max_bytes

                    if len(self.tx_buf) <= self.tx_idx:
                        # we are done
                        self.tx_state = ISOTP_IDLE
                        for cb in self.tx_callbacks:

                    if self.txfc_bs != 0 and self.tx_bs >= self.txfc_bs:
                        # stop and wait for FC
                        self.tx_state = ISOTP_WAIT_FC
                        self.tx_timeout_handle = TimeoutScheduler.schedule(
                            self.fc_timeout, self._tx_timer_handler)

                    if self.tx_gap == 0:
                        # stop and wait for tx gap
                        self.tx_timeout_handle = TimeoutScheduler.schedule(
                            self.tx_gap, self._tx_timer_handler)

    def on_recv(self, cf):
        # type: (Packet) -> None
        """Function that must be called every time a CAN frame is received, to
        advance the state machine."""

        data = bytes(cf.data)

        if len(data) < 2:

        ae = 0
        if self.extended_rx_addr is not None:
            ae = 1
            if len(data) < 3:
            if six.indexbytes(data, 0) != self.extended_rx_addr:

        n_pci = six.indexbytes(data, ae) & 0xf0

        if n_pci == N_PCI_FC:
            with self.tx_mutex:
        elif n_pci == N_PCI_SF:
            with self.rx_mutex:
                self._recv_sf(data[ae:], cf.time)
        elif n_pci == N_PCI_FF:
            with self.rx_mutex:
                self._recv_ff(data[ae:], cf.time)
        elif n_pci == N_PCI_CF:
            with self.rx_mutex:

    def _recv_fc(self, data):
        # type: (bytes) -> None
        """Process a received 'Flow Control' frame"""
        if (self.tx_state != ISOTP_WAIT_FC and
                self.tx_state != ISOTP_WAIT_FIRST_FC):

        if self.tx_timeout_handle is not None:
            self.tx_timeout_handle = None

        if len(data) < 3:
            self.tx_state = ISOTP_IDLE
            self.tx_exception = "CF frame discarded because it was too short"
            raise Scapy_Exception(self.tx_exception)

        # get communication parameters only from the first FC frame
        if self.tx_state == ISOTP_WAIT_FIRST_FC:
            self.txfc_bs = six.indexbytes(data, 1)
            self.txfc_stmin = six.indexbytes(data, 2)

        if ((self.txfc_stmin > 0x7F) and
                ((self.txfc_stmin < 0xF1) or (self.txfc_stmin > 0xF9))):
            self.txfc_stmin = 0x7F

        if six.indexbytes(data, 2) <= 127:
            tx_gap = six.indexbytes(data, 2) / 1000.0
        elif 0xf1 <= six.indexbytes(data, 2) <= 0xf9:
            tx_gap = (six.indexbytes(data, 2) & 0x0f) / 10000.0
            tx_gap = 0
        self.tx_gap = tx_gap

        self.tx_state = ISOTP_WAIT_FC

        isotp_fc = six.indexbytes(data, 0) & 0x0f

        if isotp_fc == ISOTP_FC_CTS:
            self.tx_bs = 0
            self.tx_state = ISOTP_SENDING
            # start cyclic timer for sending CF frame
            self.tx_timeout_handle = TimeoutScheduler.schedule(
                self.tx_gap, self._tx_timer_handler)
        elif isotp_fc == ISOTP_FC_WT:
            # start timer to wait for next FC frame
            self.tx_state = ISOTP_WAIT_FC
            self.tx_timeout_handle = TimeoutScheduler.schedule(
                self.fc_timeout, self._tx_timer_handler)
        elif isotp_fc == ISOTP_FC_OVFLW:
            # overflow in receiver side
            self.tx_state = ISOTP_IDLE
            self.tx_exception = "Overflow happened at the receiver side"
            raise Scapy_Exception(self.tx_exception)
            self.tx_state = ISOTP_IDLE
            self.tx_exception = "Unknown FC frame type"
            raise Scapy_Exception(self.tx_exception)

    def _recv_sf(self, data, ts):
        # type: (bytes, Union[float, EDecimal]) -> None
        """Process a received 'Single Frame' frame"""
        if self.rx_timeout_handle is not None:
            self.rx_timeout_handle = None

        if self.rx_state != ISOTP_IDLE:
            if conf.verb > 2:
                warning("RX state was reset because single frame was received")
            self.rx_state = ISOTP_IDLE

        length = six.indexbytes(data, 0) & 0xf
        if len(data) - 1 < length:

        msg = data[1:1 + length]
        self.rx_queue.send((msg, ts))
        for cb in self.rx_callbacks:

    def _recv_ff(self, data, ts):
        # type: (bytes, Union[float, EDecimal]) -> None
        """Process a received 'First Frame' frame"""
        if self.rx_timeout_handle is not None:
            self.rx_timeout_handle = None

        if self.rx_state != ISOTP_IDLE:
            if conf.verb > 2:
                warning("RX state was reset because first frame was received")
            self.rx_state = ISOTP_IDLE

        if len(data) < 7:
        self.rx_ll_dl = len(data)

        # get the FF_DL
        self.rx_len = (six.indexbytes(data, 0) & 0x0f) * 256 + six.indexbytes(
            data, 1)
        ff_pci_sz = 2

        # Check for FF_DL escape sequence supporting 32 bit PDU length
        if self.rx_len == 0:
            # FF_DL = 0 => get real length from next 4 bytes
            self.rx_len = six.indexbytes(data, 2) << 24
            self.rx_len += six.indexbytes(data, 3) << 16
            self.rx_len += six.indexbytes(data, 4) << 8
            self.rx_len += six.indexbytes(data, 5)
            ff_pci_sz = 6

        # copy the first received data bytes
        data_bytes = data[ff_pci_sz:]
        self.rx_idx = len(data_bytes)
        self.rx_buf = data_bytes
        self.rx_ts = ts

        # initial setup for this pdu reception
        self.rx_sn = 1
        self.rx_state = ISOTP_WAIT_DATA

        # no creation of flow control frames
        if not self.listen_only:
            # send our first FC frame
            load = self.ea_hdr
            load += struct.pack("BBB", N_PCI_FC, self.rxfc_bs, self.rxfc_stmin)

        # wait for a CF
        self.rx_bs = 0
        self.rx_timeout_handle = TimeoutScheduler.schedule(
            self.cf_timeout, self._rx_timer_handler)

    def _recv_cf(self, data):
        # type: (bytes) -> None
        """Process a received 'Consecutive Frame' frame"""
        if self.rx_state != ISOTP_WAIT_DATA:

        if self.rx_timeout_handle is not None:
            self.rx_timeout_handle = None

        # CFs are never longer than the FF
        if len(data) > self.rx_ll_dl:

        # CFs have usually the LL_DL length
        if len(data) < self.rx_ll_dl:
            # this is only allowed for the last CF
            if self.rx_len - self.rx_idx > self.rx_ll_dl:
                if conf.verb > 2:
                    warning("Received a CF with insufficient length")

        if six.indexbytes(data, 0) & 0x0f != self.rx_sn:
            # Wrong sequence number
            if conf.verb > 2:
                warning("RX state was reset because wrong sequence number was "
            self.rx_state = ISOTP_IDLE

        if self.rx_buf is None:
            raise Scapy_Exception("rx_buf not filled with data!")

        self.rx_sn = (self.rx_sn + 1) % 16
        self.rx_buf += data[1:]
        self.rx_idx = len(self.rx_buf)

        if self.rx_idx >= self.rx_len:
            # we are done
            self.rx_buf = self.rx_buf[0:self.rx_len]
            self.rx_state = ISOTP_IDLE
            self.rx_queue.send((self.rx_buf, self.rx_ts))
            for cb in self.rx_callbacks:
            self.rx_buf = None

        # perform blocksize handling, if enabled
        if self.rxfc_bs != 0:
            self.rx_bs += 1

            # check if we reached the end of the block
            if self.rx_bs >= self.rxfc_bs and not self.listen_only:
                # send our FC frame
                load = self.ea_hdr
                load += struct.pack("BBB", N_PCI_FC, self.rxfc_bs,

        # wait for another CF
        self.rx_timeout_handle = TimeoutScheduler.schedule(
            self.cf_timeout, self._rx_timer_handler)

    def begin_send(self, x):
        # type: (bytes) -> None
        """Begins sending an ISOTP message. This method does not block."""
        with self.tx_mutex:
            if self.tx_state != ISOTP_IDLE:
                raise Scapy_Exception("Socket is already sending, retry later")

            self.tx_exception = None
            self.tx_state = ISOTP_SENDING

            length = len(x)
            if length > ISOTP_MAX_DLEN_2015:
                raise Scapy_Exception("Too much data for ISOTP message")

            if len(self.ea_hdr) + length <= 7:
                # send a single frame
                data = self.ea_hdr
                data += struct.pack("B", length)
                data += x
                self.tx_state = ISOTP_IDLE
                for cb in self.tx_callbacks:

            # send the first frame
            data = self.ea_hdr
            if length > ISOTP_MAX_DLEN:
                data += struct.pack(">HI", 0x1000, length)
                data += struct.pack(">H", 0x1000 | length)
            load = x[0:8 - len(data)]
            data += load

            self.tx_buf = x
            self.tx_sn = 1
            self.tx_bs = 0
            self.tx_idx = len(load)

            self.tx_state = ISOTP_WAIT_FIRST_FC
            self.tx_timeout_handle = TimeoutScheduler.schedule(
                self.fc_timeout, self._tx_timer_handler)

    def send(self, p):
        # type: (bytes) -> None
        """Send an ISOTP frame and block until the message is sent or an error
        with self.send_mutex:

            # Wait until the tx callback is called
            send_done = self.tx_done.wait(30)
            if self.tx_exception is not None:
                raise Scapy_Exception(self.tx_exception)
            if not send_done:
                raise Scapy_Exception("ISOTP send not completed in 30s")

    def recv(self, timeout=None):
        # type: (Optional[int]) -> Optional[Tuple[bytes, Union[float, EDecimal]]]  # noqa: E501
        """Receive an ISOTP frame, blocking if none is available in the buffer
        for at most 'timeout' seconds."""

            return self.rx_queue.recv()
        except IndexError:
            return None
Пример #7
class _NTLM_Automaton(Automaton):
    def __init__(self, sock, **kwargs):
        # type: (StreamSocket, Any) -> None
        self.token_pipe = ObjectPipe()
        self.values = {}
        for key, dflt in [("DROP_MIC_v1", False), ("DROP_MIC_v2", False)]:
            setattr(self, key, kwargs.pop(key, dflt))
        self.DROP_MIC = self.DROP_MIC_v1 or self.DROP_MIC_v2
        super(_NTLM_Automaton, self).__init__(recvsock=lambda **kwargs: sock,
                                              ll=lambda **kwargs: sock,

    def _get_token(self, token):
        from scapy.layers.gssapi import (GSSAPI_BLOB, SPNEGO_negToken,

        negResult = None
        MIC = None
        if not token:
            return None, negResult, MIC

        if isinstance(token, bytes):
            ntlm = NTLM_Header(token)
        elif isinstance(token, conf.raw_layer):
            ntlm = NTLM_Header(token.load)
            if isinstance(token, GSSAPI_BLOB):
                token = token.innerContextToken
            if isinstance(token, SPNEGO_negToken):
                token = token.token
            if hasattr(token, "mechListMIC") and token.mechListMIC:
                MIC = token.mechListMIC.value
            if hasattr(token, "negResult"):
                negResult = token.negResult
                ntlm = token.mechToken
            except AttributeError:
                ntlm = token.responseToken
            if isinstance(ntlm, SPNEGO_Token):
                ntlm = ntlm.value
            if isinstance(ntlm, ASN1_STRING):
                ntlm = NTLM_Header(ntlm.val)
            if isinstance(ntlm, conf.raw_layer):
                ntlm = NTLM_Header(ntlm.load)
        if self.DROP_MIC_v1 or self.DROP_MIC_v2:
            if isinstance(ntlm, NTLM_AUTHENTICATE):
                ntlm.MIC = b"\0" * 16
                ntlm.NtChallengeResponseLen = None
                ntlm.NtChallengeResponseMaxLen = None
                ntlm.EncryptedRandomSessionKeyBufferOffset = None
                if self.DROP_MIC_v2:
                    ChallengeResponse = next(v[1] for v in ntlm.Payload
                                             if v[0] == 'NtChallengeResponse')
                    i = next(i for i, k in enumerate(ChallengeResponse.AvPairs)
                             if k.AvId == 0x0006)
                        i + 1, AV_PAIR(AvId="MsvAvFlags", Value=0))
        return ntlm, negResult, MIC

    def received_ntlm_token(self, ntlm):

    def get(self, attr, default=None):
        if default is not None:
            return self.values.get(attr, default)
        return self.values[attr]

    def end(self):