Пример #1
def test_vhf_from_pvhf():
    trj = md.load(get_fn("spce.xtc"), top=get_fn("spce.gro"))
    unique_atoms = get_unique_atoms(trj)
    tuples_combination = combinations_with_replacement(unique_atoms, 2)

    # obtaining g_r_t from total func
    chunk_length = 20
    r, t, g_r_t = compute_van_hove(trj, chunk_length=chunk_length)
    partial_dict = compute_van_hove(trj, chunk_length=chunk_length, partial=True)
    # obtating dict of np.array of pvhf
    partial_dict = {}

    for pairs in tuples_combination:
        pair1 = pairs[0]
        pair2 = pairs[1]
        # Set in alphabetical order
        if pairs[0].name > pairs[1].name:
            pair2 = pairs[0]
            pair1 = pairs[1]

        x = compute_partial_van_hove(
            selection1=f"name {pair1.name}",
            selection2=f"name {pair2.name}",
        partial_dict[pairs] = x[1]

    # obtaining total_grt from partial
    total_g_r_t = vhf_from_pvhf(trj, partial_dict)

    assert np.allclose(g_r_t, total_g_r_t)
Пример #2
def test_pvhf_error_is_tuple():
    trj = md.load(get_fn("spce.xtc"), top=get_fn("spce.gro"))
    unique_atoms = get_unique_atoms(trj)
    key = frozenset({unique_atoms[0], unique_atoms[1]})
    partial_dict = {}
    x = compute_partial_van_hove(
        selection1="name O",
        selection2="name O",
    partial_dict[key] = x[1]

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Dictionary key not valid. Must be a tuple"):
        vhf_from_pvhf(trj, partial_dict)
Пример #3
def test_pvhf_error_is_atom_type():
    trj = md.load(get_fn("spce.xtc"), top=get_fn("spce.gro"))
    unique_atoms = get_unique_atoms(trj)

    partial_dict = {}
    x = compute_partial_van_hove(
        selection1="name O",
        selection2="name O",
    partial_dict[("H", "O")] = x[1]

    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="Dictionary key not valid. Must be type"
        vhf_from_pvhf(trj, partial_dict)
Пример #4
def test_pvhf_error_2_atoms_per_pair():
    trj = md.load(get_fn("spce.xtc"), top=get_fn("spce.gro"))
    unique_atoms = get_unique_atoms(trj)

    partial_dict = {}
    x = compute_partial_van_hove(
        selection1="name O",
        selection2="name O",
    partial_dict[(unique_atoms[0], unique_atoms[1], unique_atoms[1])] = x[1]

    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="Dictionary key not valid. Must only have 2 atoms per pair"
        vhf_from_pvhf(trj, partial_dict)
Пример #5
def test_pvhf_error_atoms_in_trj():
    trj = md.load(get_fn("spce.xtc"), top=get_fn("spce.gro"))
    unique_atoms = get_unique_atoms(trj)
    atom = md.core.topology.Atom(
        name="Na", element=md.core.element.sodium, index=0, residue=1

    partial_dict = {}
    x = compute_partial_van_hove(
        selection1="name O",
        selection2="name O",
    partial_dict[(atom, unique_atoms[0])] = x[1]

    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="Dictionary key not valid, `Atom`"
        vhf_from_pvhf(trj, partial_dict)
Пример #6
def vhf_from_pvhf(trj, partial_dict, water=False):
    Compute the total Van Hove function from partial Van Hove functions

    trj : mdtrj.Trajectory
        trajectory on which partial vhf were calculated form
    partial_dict : dict
        dictionary containing partial vhf as a np.array.
        Key is a tuple of len 2 with 2 atom types

    total_grt : numpy.ndarray
        Total Van Hove Function generated from addition of partial Van Hove Functions
    unique_atoms = get_unique_atoms(trj)
    all_atoms = [atom for atom in trj.topology.atoms]

    norm_coeff = 0
    dict_shape = list(partial_dict.values())[0][0].shape
    total_grt = np.zeros(dict_shape)

    for atom_pair in partial_dict.keys():
        # checks if key is a tuple
        if isinstance(atom_pair, tuple) == False:
            raise ValueError("Dictionary key not valid. Must be a tuple.")
        for atom in atom_pair:
            # checks if the atoms in tuple pair are atom types
            if type(atom) != type(unique_atoms[0]):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Dictionary key not valid. Must be type `MDTraj.Atom`.")
            # checks if atoms are in the trajectory
            if atom not in all_atoms:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Dictionary key not valid, `Atom` {atom} not in MDTraj trajectory."

        # checks if key has two atoms
        if len(atom_pair) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "Dictionary key not valid. Must only have 2 atoms per pair.")

        atom1 = atom_pair[0]
        atom2 = atom_pair[1]
        coeff = (get_form_factor(element_name=f"{atom1.element.symbol}",
                                 water=False) *
                                 water=False) *
                 len(trj.topology.select(f"name {atom1.name}")) /
                 (trj.n_atoms) *
                 len(trj.topology.select(f"name {atom2.name}")) /

        normalized_pvhf = coeff * partial_dict[atom_pair]
        norm_coeff += coeff
        total_grt = np.add(total_grt, normalized_pvhf)

    total_grt /= norm_coeff

    return total_grt