Пример #1
import struct
import os, select

import drive_piezo
import analog_output

home = os.getenv('HOME')
sys.path.append(home + "/src/lib/python/")
from scexao_shm import shm


dev = "/dev/serial/by-id/usb-FTDI_FT232R_USB_UART_AH01JW35-if00-port0"

Piezo_volt = drive_piezo.PIEZO(dev)  # connecting to Piezo actuators
shm_volt = shm("/tmp/ppiezo.im.shm")  # create shared memory file for Piezo

fd = os.open("/tmp/ppiezo.im.shm", os.O_RDWR)  # reading Piezo shared memory
buf = mmap.mmap(fd, 0, mmap.MAP_SHARED)

delay = 0.004

# Reading and writing Piezo actuators

def read_piezo():

    x = aoutput.read_piezox()
    y = aoutput.read_piezoy()
Пример #2
def ident_model(x, fsamp, maxpeaks, sharp_threshold, vibrange, freq_ex, novib, condition, display, mk, it2):
    # ident_model - turbulence and vibration identification procedure.
    # PURPOSE:
    # This function computes and returns models for turbulence and vibration
    # peaks made of one AR2 + measurement noise for turbulence, and a sum of n
    # AR2 signals for vibrations
    # INPUTS:
    #                x: Time sequence to analyse.
    #            fsamp: sampling frequency
    #         maxpeaks: maximum number of identified vibrations
    #  sharp_threshold: minimum sharpness of the vibrations
    #         vibrange: frequency range for the vibration identification
    #          freq_ex: Frequency ranges to exclude from the identification
    #            novib: boolean telling if there are no vibrations to identify
    #        condition: boolean to constrain a1 and a2 to a1+a2=1
    #          display: boolean to display plots along the estimation process.
    #             ifig: figure number for the display
    # OUTPUTS:
    #    model: identified vibration model. Structure with the following
    #           fields:
    #                 nvib: number of identified sharp components.
    #                aivib: array containing the a1 and a2 components for each
    #                       identified sharp component.
    #                cvvib: array containing the sigma for each identified
    #                       sharp component.
    #           vibrations: Structure made of the  the following fields:
    #                               fv: central frequency of the identified
    #                                   component.
    #                                k: dampening coefficient of the identified
    #                                   component.
    #                        sigma2vib: energy of the identified component.  
    #                          npoints: number of points of the time sequence
    #                            fsamp: sampling frequency.    
    #    modelturb: identified turbulence model
    #  noise_level: identified noise level
    npoints = len(x)
    #%%%%%%%%%% A. Turbulence+noise identification %%%%%%%%%%
    #%%%%%%%%%% 1. time sequence study %%%%%%%%%%
    x -= np.mean(x)
    window = np.hanning(npoints)
    window /= np.mean(window)
    #x *= window
    fftx = nfft.fft(x)/npoints
    res = calc_psd(x)
    psdx = res.psd
    tabfreq = make_ramp(0, fsamp/2, npoints//2)
    xr = np.array([fsamp/npoints, fsamp/2])
    concplot = np.zeros((9,npoints//2))

    # noise level: average value of psdx for frequencies between vibrange(3)
    # and fsamp/2
    indnoise = np.where(tabfreq >= vibrange[2])
    noise_level = np.mean(psdx[indnoise])
    # AR100 fit of x
    print 'starting ar20 fit'
    arcoef_x, mse_x = ts_to_ar(x, 20)
    # corresponding PSD
    res = arcoeff_to_psd(-arcoef_x, mse_x, npoints, fsamp, 0, 1)
    est_psd_x = res.psd
    #%%%%%%%%%% 2. Vibrating peaks clipping %%%%%%%%%%
    # indices of tabfreq corresponding to medium frequencies, ie between
    # vibrange(1) and vibrange (2)
    indvib = np.where((tabfreq >= vibrange[0]) & (tabfreq <= vibrange[1]))
    rangevib = np.array([np.min(indvib), np.max(indvib)])
    val1 = est_psd_x[rangevib[0]]
    val2 = est_psd_x[rangevib[1]]

    # slope in log scale
    a = np.log(val2/val1)/m.log(rangevib[1]/rangevib[0])
    # offset
    b = np.log(val2)-a*m.log(rangevib[1])
    # linear (in log log) spectrum model in the central zone
    prolong = np.exp(b)*indvib**a

    spectrum_lin = cp.deepcopy(psdx)
    spectrum_lin[indvib] = np.abs(prolong+noise_level-val2)
    spectrum_lin[indnoise] = noise_level
    est_psd_lin = np.concatenate((spectrum_lin, spectrum_lin[::-1]))
    # est_psd_lin is the linear gauge spectrum, We consider that the part of
    # psdx higher than 2*est_psd_lin correspond to vibrations so we clip it.
    # The clipping is performed on fftx instead of its squared modulus:
    absfft_novib = np.minimum(np.abs(fftx), np.sqrt(4*est_psd_lin))
    absfft_novib = absfft_novib-m.sqrt(noise_level)
    # the phaser is:
    fftx_phaser = fftx/abs(fftx)
    # we gather the two:
    fft_novib = fftx_phaser*absfft_novib
    # the corresponding time sequence is obtained by:
    serie_novib = nfft.ifft(fft_novib)*npoints
    serie_novib = serie_novib[1:npoints-1]
    #%%%%%%%%%% 3. AR20 fit on the clipped time sequence %%%%%%%%%%
    arcoeff_novib, mse_novib = ts_to_ar(serie_novib, 20)

    # corresponding PSD
    res = arcoeff_to_psd(-arcoeff_novib, mse_novib, npoints, fsamp, 0, 1)
    est_psd_novib = res.psd
    #%%%%%%%%%% 4. Fitting an AR2+noise to this AR20+noise %%%%%%%%%%
    print 'starting arn_to_ar2'
    modelturb = arn_to_ar2(arcoeff_novib, mse_novib, noise_level, npoints, fsamp, vibrange[2], condition)
    print 'Turbulence model: AR coefficients and noise level'
    print modelturb.aiturb
    print noise_level
    #%%%%%%%%%% B. Vibration identification %%%%%%%%%%
    if novib == 0:
        # PSD corresponding to modelturb+noise
        res = arcoeff_to_psd(-modelturb.aiturb, modelturb.cvturb, npoints, fsamp)
        psdfit = res.psd+noise_level
        psdsim = psdfit[:]
        # residual
        psdres = abs(psdx-psdfit)
        data  = Datapsd(psdres, psdx, psdfit, npoints, fsamp)
        # initialization
        indw = indvib[:]
        ctabfreq = tabfreq[:]
        cdata = cp.deepcopy(data)

        #if display == 1:
        #    plt.ion()
        #    plt.figure()
        #    plt.loglog(tabfreq[1:], cdata.psdtot[1:], label='Data')
        #    plt.plot(tabfreq[1:], est_psd_x[1:npoints//2], label='AR100')
        #    plt.plot(tabfreq[1:], est_psd_lin[1:npoints//2], label='lin')
        #    plt.plot(tabfreq[1:], (np.abs(fft_novib[1:npoints//2]))**2, label = 'novib')
        #    plt.plot(tabfreq[1:], est_psd_novib[1:npoints//2], label='AR20')
        #    plt.plot(tabfreq[1:], psdfit[1:npoints//2], label='AR2')
        #    #axis([xr, 1, 2], 'auto y')
        #    plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]')
        #    plt.ylabel('PSD [um^2/Hz]')
        i = 0
        docontinue = 1
        countsharp = 0
        n_ex = len(freq_ex)
        # estimation loop
        while docontinue == 1:
            cest = find_vibs(cdata, ctabfreq, indw)
            if abs(sum(abs(cdata.psdres)/abs(psdsim)/npoints*2)-1) <= 1e-6:
                docontinue = 0
                print 'Model error:'
                print sum(cest.vib_psd/psdfit)
                if countsharp == maxpeaks:
                    docontinue = 0
                    if i == 0:
                        tab_est = cp.deepcopy(cest)
                        print tab_est.vib_fv.shape
                        print cest.vib_fv.shape
                        tab_est.vib_fv = np.concatenate((tab_est.vib_fv, cest.vib_fv))
                        tab_est.vib_k = np.concatenate((tab_est.vib_k, cest.vib_k))
                        tab_est.vib_sigma2 = np.concatenate((tab_est.vib_sigma2, cest.vib_sigma2))
                        tab_est.vib_np = np.concatenate((tab_est.vib_np, cest.vib_np))
                        tab_est.vib_fsamp = np.concatenate((tab_est.vib_fsamp, cest.vib_fsamp))
                        if len(tab_est.vib_psd.shape) == 1:
                            tab_est.vib_psd = tab_est.vib_psd.reshape((npoints//2,1))
                        tab_est.vib_psd = np.concatenate((tab_est.vib_psd, cest.vib_psd.reshape((npoints//2,1))), axis=1)
                    if n_ex > 0:
                        indfreq = np.where((tab_est.vib_fv < freq_ex[0]) | (tab_est.vib_fv > freq_ex[n_ex-1]))
                        countfreq = len(indfreq)
                        if n_ex >= 4:
                            for i in range(n_ex/2-1):
                                indfreqtemp = np.where((tab_est.vib_fv > freq_ex[2*i+1]) & (tab_est.vib_fv < freq_ex[2*i+2]))
                                counttemp = len(indfreqtemp)
                                if countfreq == 0:
                                    if counttemp == 0:
                                        indfreq = -1
                                        indfreq = indfreqtemp[:]
                                    if counttemp != 0:
                                        indfreq = np.concactenate((indfreq, indfreqtemp))
                                countfreq += counttemp
                        if countfreq == 0:
                            indsmooth = -1
                            count = 0
                            indsharp = -1
                            countsharp = 0
                            indsmooth = np.where(tab_est.vib_k >= sharp_threshold)
                            count = len(indsmooth)
                            indsharptemp = np.where(tab_est.vib_k[indfreq] < sharp_threshold)
                            countsharp = len(indsharptemp)
                            indsharp = indfreq[indsharptemp]
                        indsmooth = np.where(tab_est.vib_k >= sharp_threshold)
                        count = len(indsmooth)
                        indsharp = np.squeeze(np.where(tab_est.vib_k < sharp_threshold))
                        countsharp = np.size(indsharp)
                    if display == 1:
                        if i == 0:
                            #fig  = plt.figure(1)
                            #graph = fig.add_subplot(211+mk)
                            #graph.loglog(tabfreq[1:], cdata.psdtot[1:], label='Data')
                            #if mk:
                            #    plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
                            #plt.ylabel('PSD [mas^2/Hz]')
                            if countsharp >= 1:
                                psdsim = psdfit+tab_est.vib_psd
                                #plotsim, = plt.plot(tabfreq, psdsim, color='r', label='Model w/ turbulence and vibrations')
                            #graph.plot(tabfreq, psdfit, color='c', label = 'Model w/ turbulence')
                            if countsharp == 1:
                                psdsim = psdfit+tab_est.vib_psd[:, indsharp]
                                #plotsim, = graph.plot(tabfreq, psdsim, color='r', label='Model w/ turbulence and vibrations')
                            elif countsharp > 1:
                                psdsim = psdfit+np.sum(tab_est.vib_psd[:, indsharp], axis=1)
                        #if mk == 1:
                            #plt.savefig("./Figures/identmodelPSD_"+str(it2)+".eps", clobber=True)
                        if i ==0:
                            if not os.path.isfile("/tmp/LQG_identplot.im.shm"):
                                os.system("creashmim LQG_identplot %d %d" % (npoints//2,9))
                            concplotshm = shm("/tmp/LQG_identplot.im.shm", verbose = False)
                            concplot = concplotshm.get_data()
                        concplot[0,:] = tabfreq
                        concplot[4*mk+1:4*mk+5,:] = np.vstack((cdata.psdtot, est_psd_novib[0:npoints//2], psdfit, psdsim))
                    cdata = Datapsd(abs(cdata.psdres-cest.vib_psd), cdata.psdtot, abs(cdata.psdfit+cest.vib_psd), npoints, fsamp)

                    print 'Estimated residual and vib. parameters (f, k):'
                    print [sum(psdx/psdsim*noise_level), cest.vib_fv[0], cest.vib_k[0]]
                    i += 1
        # Output computation
        #if count > 0:
            #'smooth components:'
            #temp = struct2cell(tab_est_vib);
            #temp(indsmooth, :)
        if countsharp > 0:
            # 'sharp components:'
            vib_ai = np.zeros([countsharp, 2])
            vib_sigma2 = tab_est.vib_sigma2[indsharp]
            vib_fv = tab_est.vib_fv[indsharp]
            vib_k = tab_est.vib_k[indsharp]
            print 'vib. frequencies:'
            print vib_fv
            print 'vib. damping coefficient:'
            print vib_k
            print 'vib. variance:'
            print vib_sigma2
            if countsharp == 1:
                vib_ai[0, :] = kfs_to_ar(tab_est.vib_k[indsharp], tab_est.vib_fv[indsharp], tab_est.vib_fsamp[indsharp])
                for j in range(countsharp):
                    vib_ai[j, :] = kfs_to_ar(tab_est.vib_k[indsharp[j]], tab_est.vib_fv[indsharp[j]], tab_est.vib_fsamp[indsharp[j]])
            nvib = countsharp
            nvib = 0
            vib_ai = 0
            vib_sigma2 = 0
            vib_fv = 0
            vib_k = 0
        aiturb = modelturb.aiturb
        cvturb = modelturb.cvturb
        kf = modelturb.kf

    return Returnmodel(aiturb, cvturb, kf, nvib, vib_ai, vib_sigma2, vib_fv, vib_k, psdsim, noise_level)
Пример #3
import numpy as np
from astropy.io import fits as pf
from PIL import Image
import time
import os
import sys
home = os.getenv('HOME')
sys.path.append(home + '/src/lib/python/')
from scexao_shm import shm

cam = shm("/tmp/pbimage.im.shm")
ndark = 1000

while (True):
    temp = np.squeeze(cam.get_data(
        True, True, timeout=1.).astype(float))  #dimensions 1,y,x
    darkcube = np.zeros(np.append(ndark, np.shape(temp)))

    for idark in range(ndark):
        darkcube[idark, :, :] = np.squeeze(
            cam.get_data(True, True, timeout=1.).astype(float))

    dark = np.median(darkcube, axis=0)
    newXImSize = np.shape(dark)[1]
    newYImSize = np.shape(dark)[0]
    fname = home+"/pizzabox/SCExAO/pbserver.main/saphcamdarks/"+\
    pf.writeto(fname, dark, clobber=True)

    print "Wrote", fname
from scexao_shm import shm



pygame.time.set_timer(TIMER_EVENT, 10)

timer_count = 0

shm_NominalVolt = shm("/tmp/pyrTT.im.shm")   # create shared memory file for Piezo
def read_NominalVolts():

    x0 = shm_NominalVolt.get_data()[0,0]
    y0 = shm_NominalVolt.get_data()[0,1]
    #x0 = -5.2
    #y0 = -5.7
    return (x0, y0)

def on_timer_event():
    global last_time
    global timer_count
    new_time = time.time()
    [x0,y0] = read_NominalVolts()
Пример #5
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore, QtGui
import numpy as np
import pyqtgraph as pg
import pyqtgraph.ptime as ptime
import time
import os,sys

home = os.getenv('HOME')
from   scexao_shm   import shm

args = sys.argv[1:]
if args == []: 
    print "no shared memory provided"
    imshm = shm("/tmp/"+args[0]+".im.shm")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#  another short hand to convert numpy array into image for display
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
def arr2im(arr, vmin=0., vmax=10000.0, pwr=1.0):
    arr2 = arr.astype('float')**pwr
    #mmin,mmax = arr2.min(), arr2.max()
    #mmax = np.percentile(arr2, 99)
    #arr2 -= mmin
    #arr2 /= (mmax-mmin)

    #test = mycmap(arr2)
Пример #6
    print("Key a: Change amplitude")
    print("Key t: Change integration time")
    print("Key n: Change number of points")
    print("Key q: Turn off the DM circle and put channel 7 to zero")

def shutdown(thread):

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#                access to shared memory structures
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

disp7 = shm('/tmp/dmdisp7.im.shm', False)  # read channel 7
disp = shm('/tmp/dmdisp.im.shm', False)
volt = shm('/tmp/dmvolt.im.shm', False)

#--------------Functions that read the shared memory array, modify the array
# ---as per user input and writes it back to the shared memory

def DM_circ(ampl, tint, nbstep):
    ''' ----------------------------------------
    calculate tip tilt phaseramp DM displacement map:
    - ampl    :  amplitude in um
    - tint   :  time interval in us
    - NBstep :  set number of points in a circle
    ---------------------------------------- '''
    global phase
Пример #7
from spkl_tools import *
from img_tools import *
from scexao_shm import shm


utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#                       global variables
# ------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
#                access to shared memory structures
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
res = shm('/tmp/aol2_DMmode_cmd1.im.shm', False)  # read mode residuals
com = shm('/tmp/aol2_DMmode_cmd.im.shm', False)  # read mode commands

class myGUI:
    # --------------------------------------------------------------

    live_plot = False

    # -------------------------------
    def pgquit(self, widget):
        self.live_plot = False
        print("The program has ended normally.")

    # -------------------------------