Пример #1
def footprint (tel, reportfile=None, equfile=None, galfile=None,
               run=None, day=None, before=False) :
    """ Draw footprint of survey
        tel: telescope brief code
        reportfile: report text file, default is current datetime,
                    set empty string will suppress output, same for figure file
        equfile: output file name for Equatorial System
        galfile: output file name for Galactic System
        run: code of run to be marked, usually as yyyymm format
        day: mjd of date to be marked, must be present with run
        before: draw covered bofore specified run or day
    # set default output file
    dt = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
    if reportfile is None :
        reportfile = "{tel}/obsed/footprint/report.{dt}.txt".format(tel=tel, dt=dt)
    if equfile is None :
        equfile = "{tel}/obsed/footprint/equ.{dt}.png".format(tel=tel, dt=dt)
    if galfile is None :
        galfile = "{tel}/obsed/footprint/gal.{dt}.png".format(tel=tel, dt=dt)

    # load fields configure file
    plans  = schdutil.load_expplan(tel)
    fields = schdutil.load_field(tel)
    plancode = list(plans.keys())

    # find all obsed file
    obsedlist = schdutil.ls_files("{tel}/obsed/*/obsed.J*.lst".format(tel=tel))

    if run is not None and day is not None :
        marklist = schdutil.ls_files("{tel}/obsed/{run}/obsed.J{day}.lst".format(tel=tel, run=run, day=day))
        marktext = "J{day}".format(run=run, day=day)
    elif run is not None and day is None :
        marklist = schdutil.ls_files("{tel}/obsed/{run}/obsed.J*.lst".format(tel=tel, run=run))
        marktext = "{run}".format(run=run, day=day)
    else :
        marklist = []
        marktext = None

    if before :
        maxmark = max(marklist)
        obsedlist = [f for f in obsedlist if f <= maxmark]

    schdutil.load_obsed(fields, obsedlist, plans, marklist)

    # generate a text report
    if reportfile != "" :
        with open(reportfile, "w") as rep :
            for f in fields.values() :
                rep.write(("{0}  {1:1d} ").format(f, f.tag))
                for p in plancode :
                    rep.write(" {:>4.1f}".format(f.factor[p]))
                for p in plancode :
                    rep.write(" {:>4.1f}".format(f.mark[p]))

    # draw Equatorial System
    plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 16,10
    # extract ra/dec/gl/gb from fields, by different tag
    # use np.where can do this better, but I am lazy
    ra0 = [f.ra for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 0]
    de0 = [f.de for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 0]
    gl0 = [f.gl for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 0]
    gb0 = [f.gb for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 0]
    n0 = len(ra0)
    ra1 = [f.ra for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 1 or f.tag == 2]
    de1 = [f.de for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 1 or f.tag == 2]
    gl1 = [f.gl for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 1 or f.tag == 2]
    gb1 = [f.gb for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 1 or f.tag == 2]
    n1 = len(ra1)
    ra3 = [f.ra for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 3]
    de3 = [f.de for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 3]
    gl3 = [f.gl for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 3]
    gb3 = [f.gb for f in fields.values() if f.tag == 3]
    n3 = len(ra3)

    if equfile != "" :
        equf = moll(lat_range=(-5,88))
        equf.grid(lat_lab_lon=0, lon_lab_lat=-5, lat_step=10)
        equf.scatter(ra0, de0, "k,", label="Future {}".format(n0))
        equf.scatter(ra1, de1, "bs", label="Done {}".format(n1+n3))
        if marktext is not None :
            equf.scatter(ra3, de3, "rs", label="{} {}".format(marktext, n3))
        plt.title("{tel} Footprint in Equatorial System".format(tel=tel))

    if galfile != "" :
        galf = moll()
        galf.grid(lat_lab_lon=0, lon_lab_lat=-5)
        galf.scatter(gl0, gb0, "k,", label="Future {}".format(n0))
        galf.scatter(gl1, gb1, "bs", label="Done {}".format(n1+n3))
        if marktext is not None :
            galf.scatter(gl3, gb3, "rs", label="{} {}".format(marktext, n3))
        plt.title("{tel} Footprint in Galactic System".format(tel=tel))
Пример #2
def takeoff ( tel, yr, mn, dy, run=None, day=None,
              obs_begin=None, obs_end=None,
              overwrite=False, simulate=False, check=False ) :
    """ Generate observation script
        tel: telescope code
        yr: year of obs date, 4-digit year
        mn: year of obs date, 1 to 12
        dy: day of obs date, 0 to 31, or extended
        run: run code, default is `yyyymm`
        day: day code, default is `Jxxxx`
        obs_begin: obs begin hour, float, default 1.25 hours after sunset
        obs_end, obs end hour, float, default, 1.25 hours before sunrise
        moon_dis_limit: limit of distance of good field to the moon, default 50 deg
        airmass_limit: limit of airmass, default 1.75, but for pole area, this should be greater
        ha_limit: limit of hour angle, default 3.0, should be greater for pole area
        overwrite: bool, when output dir already exists, overwrite or not
        simulate: bool, generate a obsed list or not
        check: bool, if check is true, will report for each block's selection

    # all var starts with `rep_` contains report info
    rep_start_time = Time.now()

    if not os.path.isdir(tel) or not os.path.isfile(tel+"/conf/basic.txt") :
        tea(None, common.msg_box().box(
            ["Telescope `{tel}` does NOT EXIST!!".format(tel=tel)],
            title="ERROR", border="*"))

    # load site and telescope basic data
    site = schdutil.load_basic(tel)

    # airmass lower limit, set this to avoid zenith
    airmass_lbound = 1.005  # about 84 deg
    twi_alt = -15.0 # twilight altitude of sun

    # night parameters
    # mjd of 18:00 of site timezone, as code of tonight
    mjd18 = common.sky.mjd_of_night(yr, mn, dy, site)
    # mjd of local midnight, as calculate center
    mjd24 = common.sky.mjd(yr, mn, dy, 24 - site.lon / 15.0, 0, 0,  0)
    # local sidereal time of midnight
    lst24 = common.sky.lst(mjd24, site.lon)
    # timezone correction: between local time and timezone standard time
    tzcorr = site.tz - site.lon / 15.0
    # observation start and end time, in timezone time
    sunset_mjd, sunrise_mjd = common.sky.sun_action (mjd24, lst24, site.lat, 0.0)
    twi_begin_mjd, twi_end_mjd = common.sky.sun_action (mjd24, lst24, site.lat, twi_alt)
    sunset_hour    = common.sky.mjd2hour(sunset_mjd, site.tz)
    sunrise_hour   = common.sky.mjd2hour(sunrise_mjd, site.tz) + 24.0
    twi_begin_hour = common.sky.mjd2hour(twi_begin_mjd, site.tz)
    twi_end_hour   = common.sky.mjd2hour(twi_end_mjd, site.tz) + 24.0
    # if obs time is given, use given time
    if obs_begin is None or np.isnan(obs_begin) :
        obs_begin = twi_begin_hour
    else :
        if obs_begin < 12.0 : obs_begin += 24
    if obs_end is None or np.isnan(obs_end) :
        obs_end = twi_end_hour
    else :
        if obs_end < 12.0 : obs_end += 24
    # moon position at midnight, as mean coord to calculate moon-object distance
    mpos = common.sky.moon_pos(mjd24) #astropy.coordinates.get_moon(tmjd24)
    mphase = common.sky.moon_phase(mjd24)
    # sun position at midnight
    spos = common.sky.sun_pos(mjd24) #astropy.coordinates.get_sun(tmjd24)


    # default run name rule
    if run is None or run == "" :
        run = "{year:04d}{month:02d}".format(year=yr, month=mn)
    if day is None or day == "" :
        day = "J{mjd:0>4d}".format(mjd=mjd18)
    daystr = "{year:04d}.{month:02d}.{day:02d}".format(year=yr, month=mn, day=dy)
    # schedule dir
    daypath = "{tel}/schedule/{run}/{day}/".format(tel=tel, run=run, day=day)
    if os.path.isdir(daypath) :
        if not overwrite :
            tea(None, common.msg_box().box(
                ["Schedule dir already exists.",
                 "If you want to overwrite, please set `overwrite=True`"],
                title="ERROR", border="*"))
    os.system("mkdir -p " + daypath)
    if not os.path.isdir(daypath) :
        tea(None, common.msg_box().box(
            "Can NOT make schedule dir `{}`".format(daypath),
            title="ERROR", border="*"))


    # output filename or filename format
    rep_fn  = "{path}report.{mjd:04}.{days}.txt"  .format(path=daypath, mjd=mjd18, days=daystr)
    sumb_fn = "{path}sumblock.{mjd:04}.{days}.txt".format(path=daypath, mjd=mjd18, days=daystr)
    sumf_fn = "{path}sumfield.{mjd:04}.{days}.txt".format(path=daypath, mjd=mjd18, days=daystr)
    plan_fn = "{path}plan.{mjd:04}.{days}.txt"    .format(path=daypath, mjd=mjd18, days=daystr)
    eps_fn  = "{path}plan.{mjd:04}.{days}.eps"    .format(path=daypath, mjd=mjd18, days=daystr)
    png_fn  = "{path}plan.{mjd:04}.{days}.png"    .format(path=daypath, mjd=mjd18, days=daystr)
    chk_fn_fmt = "{path}chk.{mjd:04}.{sn:02}.{bname}.txt".format
    see_fn_fmt = "{path}see.{mjd:04}.{sn:02}.{bname}.png".format
    scr_fn_fmt = "{path}scr.{mjd:04}.{sn:02}.{bname}.txt".format

    rep_f = open(rep_fn, "w")
    tea(rep_f, "        --------========  Start : {}  ========--------\n".format(rep_start_time.iso))

    # load fields and plan
    plans  = schdutil.load_expplan(tel)
    fields = schdutil.load_field(tel)
    active_plans = {p:plans[p] for p in plans if plans[p].active}

    # find all obsed file, and mark them
    skipfile = "{tel}/obsed/skip.lst".format(tel=tel)
    obsedlist = schdutil.ls_files("{tel}/obsed/*/obsed.J*.lst".format(tel=tel))
    schdutil.load_obsed(fields, obsedlist, plans, skipfile=skipfile)
    afields = np.array(list(fields.values()))
    ara = np.array([f.ra for f in afields])
    ade = np.array([f.de for f in afields])

    # mark fields near moon and sun
    moon_dis = common.sky.distance(mpos.ra, mpos.dec, ara, ade)
    for f in afields[np.where(moon_dis < moon_dis_limit)]:
        f.tag |= 0x10
    sun_dis = common.sky.distance(spos.ra, spos.dec, ara, ade)
    for f in afields[np.where(sun_dis < 60)]:
        f.tag |= 0x10
    atag = np.array([f.tag for f in afields])

    # keep only unfinished fields, and must away from moon
    newfield = afields[np.where(atag <= 1)]

    # count histogram
    n_tag = len(afields)
    n_tag_01 = sum((atag == 0x00) | (atag == 0x01))
    n_tag_2  = sum((atag == 0x02) | (atag == 0x12))
    n_tag_10 = sum((atag == 0x10) | (atag == 0x11))
    n_tag_1f = sum((atag == 0x1F))

    # blocks and unique blocks
    newfieldblock = np.array([f.bk for f in newfield])
    newblockset = set(newfieldblock)
    n_block = len(newblockset)

    # block parameter
    newblock = {}
    for b in newblockset :
        f_in_b = newfield[np.where(newfieldblock == b)]
        newblock[b] = schdutil.block_info(b, f_in_b)

    # show prepare message
    tea(rep_f, common.msg_box().box([
        "## {tel}, on {days} (J{mjd:04}) of run `{run}`".
            format(tel=tel,days=daystr,mjd=mjd18, run=run),
        "Sun set at {s:5}, rise at {r:5}, obs time is {os:5} ==> {oe:5}".
            format( s=common.angle.hour2str(sunset_hour),  r=common.angle.hour2str(sunrise_hour-24.0),
                   os=common.angle.hour2str(obs_begin), oe=common.angle.hour2str(obs_end-24.0)),
        "Obs hours is {ol:5}, LST of midnight is {mst:5}".
            format(ol=common.angle.hour2str(obs_end-obs_begin), mst=common.angle.hour2str(lst24)),
        "Moon mean position is {ra:11} {de:11}, phase is {ph:4.1%}".
            format(ra=common.angle.dec2hms(mpos.ra), de=common.angle.dec2dms(mpos.dec), ph=mphase),
        ("Simulation included" if simulate else "No simulation"),],
        title="Night General Info", align="^<<<>"))
    tea(rep_f, common.msg_box().box([
        "{:<20} {:>5}   |   {:<20} {:>5}".format("All Fields",        n_tag,
                                                 "X: Skipped",        n_tag_1f),
        "{:<20} {:>5}   |   {:<20} {:>5}".format("X: Finished",       n_tag_2,
                                                 "X: Near Moon/Sun",  n_tag_10),
        "{:<20} {:>5}   |   {:<20} {:>5}".format("Available Fields",  n_tag_01,
                                                 "Available Blocks",  n_block) ],
        title="Fields Count", align="^^"))


    # start to make schedule
    clock_now = obs_begin
    lst_clock = lambda c : (lst24 + c - tzcorr) % 24.0  # lst of start, use lst_clock(clock_now) to call this

    tea(rep_f, "Begin to schedule from {clock}, LST {lst}\n".format(
        clock=common.angle.hour2str(clock_now), lst=common.angle.hour2str(lst_clock(clock_now))))

    # define a lambda rank function
    rank = lambda aa : aa.argsort().argsort()

    # simulation working
    if simulate :
        simu_path = "{tel}/obsed/{run}/".format(tel=tel, run=run)
        os.system("mkdir -p " + simu_path)
        simu_check_fn = simu_path + "check.J{mjd:04d}.lst".format(mjd=mjd18)
        sim_f = open(simu_check_fn, "w")
        tea(rep_f, "Simulation file: " + simu_check_fn)
    else :
        sim_f = None

    # format of output
    rep_tit = "{clock:5} [{lst:^5}]  {sn:2} | {bn:^7} ({ra:^9} {de:^9}) | {airm:4} {az:>5} {alt:>5} | {btime:>5}".format(
        sn="No", bn="Block", ra="RA", de="Dec", airm="Airm", clock="Time", lst="LST", az="Az", alt="Alt", btime="Cost")
    rep_fmt = "{clock:5} [{lst:5}] #{sn:02} | {bn:7} ({ra:9.5f} {de:+9.5f}) | {airm:4.2f} {az:5.1f} {alt:+5.1f} | {btime:>4d}s".format
    rep_war = "**:  {skip:>7} minutes SKIPPED !! {skipbegin:5} ==> {clock:5} [{lst:5}]".format

    sum_tit = "#{mjd:3} {clock:5} {lst:^5} {sn:>2} {bn:^7} {ra:^9} {de:^9} {airm:4} {az:>5} {alt:>5} {btime:>4}\n".format(
        mjd="MJD", clock="Time", lst="LST", sn="No", bn="Object", ra="RA", de="Dec", airm="Airm", az="Az", alt="Alt", btime="Cost")
    sum_fmt = "{mjd:04d} {clock:5.2f} {lst:5.2f} {sn:2d} {bn:7} {ra:9.5f} {de:+9.5f} {airm:4.2f} {az:5.1f} {alt:+5.1f} {btime:>4d}\n".format

    chk_fmt = "{ord:03d} {bn:7s} ({ra:9.5f} {de:+9.5f}) {airm:4.2f} {ha:5.2f} {az:5.1f} {alt:+5.1f} {key:>5.1f} {other}\n".format
    chk_tit = "#{ord:>2} {bn:^7} ({ra:>9} {de:>9}) {airm:>4} {ha:5} {az:>5} {alt:>5} {key:>5} {other}\n".format(
                ord="No",bn="Block", ra="RA", de="Dec", airm="Airm", ha="HA", az="Az", alt="Alt", key="Key", other="Other")

    scr_fmt = (site.fmt + "\n").format

    tea(rep_f, rep_tit)
    sumb_f = open(sumb_fn, "w")
    sumf_f = open(sumf_fn, "w")
    plan_f = open(plan_fn, "w")

    # init before loop
    block_sn = 0  # block sn, count blocks, and also for output
    skip_begin = None # time begin to skip, when no good block available
    span_skip = 1.0 / 60.0 # how long skipped each loop
    skip_count = 0
    skip_total = 0.0
    exp_airmass = [] # collect airmass
    lra, lde = float("nan"), float("nan") # last field ra, dec
    njump = 0
    keyweight = [1, 1, 1]
    # time need of a full round for a field
    plan_time = sum([(plans[p].expt + site.inter) * plans[p].repeat for p in active_plans]) / 3600.0

    while clock_now < obs_end :
        lst_now = lst_clock(clock_now)

        if len(newblock) == 0 :
            # no available block, print error message, and end procedure
            skip_begin = clock_now

        bra = np.array([b.ra for b in newblock.values()])
        bde = np.array([b.de for b in newblock.values()])
        bsize = np.array([len(b.fields) for b in newblock.values()])
        bname = np.array(list(newblock.keys()))

        # assume all fields need a full round, this is estimated center lst
        blst = lst_now + plan_time * bsize / 2.0
        # calculate airmass for all available block
        ha = common.angle.angle_dis(blst * 15.0, bra) / 15.0
        airm = common.sky.airmass(site.lat, blst, bra, bde)
        baz, balt = common.sky.azalt(site.lat, blst, bra, bde)

        # keep blocks with airm < airmlimit & hour angle < ha_limit, and then dec < min dec + 4 deg
        ix_1 = np.where((airm < airmass_limit) & (airm > airmass_lbound) & (np.abs(ha) < ha_limit))
        # no available block handler
        if len(ix_1[0]) == 0 :
            # no good block, have bad block
            # maybe not good time, skip 5 min and check again
            # set skip mark, if found new block, print warning for skipped time
            if skip_begin is None : skip_begin = clock_now
            clock_now += span_skip
        elif skip_begin is not None :
            # found good block, but before this, some time skipped, print a warning
            tea(rep_f, rep_war( skip=int((clock_now - skip_begin) * 60),
                clock=common.angle.hour2str(clock_now), lst=common.angle.hour2str(lst_now) ))
            sumf_f.write(sum_fmt(mjd=mjd18, clock=common.angle.hour2str(skip_begin), sn=0,
                bn="SKIP!!!", ra=0.0, de=0.0, airm=0.0, az=0.0, alt=0.0,
                lst=common.angle.hour2str(lst_now), btime=int(int((clock_now - skip_begin) * 3600)) ))
            skip_count += 1
            skip_total += clock_now - skip_begin
            skip_begin = None

        # add 2nd condition, dec <= min dec + 4
        ix_2 = np.where((airm < airmass_limit) & (airm > airmass_lbound) & (np.abs(ha) < ha_limit) &
                        (bde <= bde[ix_1].min() + 4.0))

        # make key for each block, key = airmass rank + ra rank + de rank
        airm_2, ha_2 = airm[ix_2], ha[ix_2]
        baz_2, balt_2 = baz[ix_2], balt[ix_2]
        bra_2, bde_2, bname_2 = bra[ix_2], bde[ix_2], bname[ix_2]
        # added 20160903, distance to previous point, make move smaller
        # forward has more priority
        if not np.isnan(lra) :
            bdis_2 = bde_2 - lde
            ix_e = np.where(bra_2 >= lra)
            ix_w = np.where(bra_2 < lra)
            bdis_2[ix_e] += 0.5 * (bra_2[ix_e] - lra)
            bdis_2[ix_w] += 1.0 * (lra - bra_2[ix_w])
            rdis_2 = rank(bdis_2)
            #rdis_2 = 0
        else :
            rdis_2 = 0
        # key formular is MOST important
        key_2 = rank(airm_2) + rank(-ha_2) + rank(bde_2) + rdis_2
        #key_2 = stdscore(airm_2) * keyweight[0] + stdscore(-ha_2) * keyweight[1] + stdscore(bde_2) * keyweight[2]
        # choose the best block
        ix_best = key_2.argmin() # the best block
        bname_best = bname_2[ix_best]
        block_best = newblock[bname_best]
        # inc sn
        block_sn += 1
        # mark candidate blocks, just for check plot
        for b in bname_2 :
            for f in newblock[b].fields :
                f.tag |= 0x04
        # mark fields in selected block
        for f in block_best.fields :
            f.tag = 0x07  # use this code, when clean candidate, it will be back to 3

        # script file, using format from configuration
        jumped = False
        scr_fn = scr_fn_fmt(path=daypath, mjd=mjd18, sn=block_sn, bname=bname_best)
        block_time = 0  # time cost for this block, in seconds
        with open(scr_fn, "w") as scr_f :
            # script: plan loop, field loop, do only factor < 1
            for p in active_plans :
                for f in block_best.fields :
                    factor_work = 1.0 - f.factor[p]
                    nrepeat = int(np.ceil(factor_work / plans[p].factor))
                    for i in range(nrepeat) :
                        # output to script and simulate file
                        if max(abs(common.angle.angle_dis(lra, f.ra, 1.0/np.cos(np.deg2rad(lde)))), abs(lde - f.de)) > site.bmove :
                            plan_f.write("\n") # a mark about big move, for bok not for xao
                            njump += 1
                            jumped = True
                        scr = scr_fmt(e=schdutil.exposure_info.make(plans[p], f))
                        if simulate :
                            sim_f.write("{}\n".format(schdutil.check_info.simulate(plans[p], f)))
                        # summary file
                        clock_field = clock_now + block_time / 3600.0
                        fairm = f.airmass(site.lat, lst_clock(clock_field))
                        faz, falt = f.azalt(site.lat, lst_clock(clock_field))
                        sumf_f.write(sum_fmt(mjd=mjd18, clock=clock_field, sn=block_sn,
                            bn=f.id, ra=f.ra, de=f.de, airm=fairm, az=faz, alt=falt,
                            lst=lst_clock(clock_field), btime=int(plans[p].expt + site.inter) ))
                        lra, lde = f.ra, f.de
                        # time walking
                        block_time += plans[p].expt + site.inter
        #plan_f.write("\n")  # write a blank line to seperate blocks

        # generate a check file about selection
        if check :
            # check file, list blocks: name, ra, dec, fields, airmass, rank
            chk_fn = chk_fn_fmt(path=daypath, mjd=mjd18, sn=block_sn, bname=bname_best)
            with open(chk_fn, "w") as chk_f :
                i = 0
                for s in key_2.argsort() :
                    i += 1
                    b = newblock[bname_2[s]]
                    chk_f.write(chk_fmt(ord=i, key=key_2[s], bn=b.bname, ra=b.ra, de=b.de,
                                        az=baz_2[s], alt=balt_2[s], airm=airm_2[s], ha=ha_2[s],
                    # for b in range(len(newblock)) :
                    #    chk_f.write(chk_fmt(ord=0, bn=bname[b], ra=bra[b], de=bde[b],
                    #        airm=airm[b], ha=ha[b], key=0.0, other="*" if b in ix_2[0] else " "))

            # plot a check map
            maptitle = "{tel} {day} {now} {jump}".format(
                tel=tel, day=daystr, now=common.angle.hour2str(clock_now),
                jump=("*" if jumped else ""))
            plotmap.plotmap(ara, ade, np.array([f.tag for f in afields]),
                            pngfile=see_fn_fmt(path=daypath, mjd=mjd18, sn=block_sn,
                            mpos=(mpos.ra, mpos.dec),
                            spos=(spos.ra, spos.dec),
                            zenith=(lst_now * 15.0, site.lat))

        # clear candidate
        for b in bname_2 :
            for f in newblock[b].fields :
                f.tag &= 0x03

        # report & summary
        tea(rep_f, rep_fmt( sn=block_sn,
            bn=bname_best, ra=block_best.ra, de=block_best.de, airm=airm_2[ix_best],
            az=baz_2[ix_best], alt=balt_2[ix_best],
            clock=common.angle.hour2str(clock_now), lst=common.angle.hour2str(lst_now), btime=int(block_time) ))
        sumb_f.write(sum_fmt(mjd=mjd18, clock=clock_now, sn=block_sn,
            bn=bname_best, ra=block_best.ra, de=block_best.de, airm=airm_2[ix_best],
            az=baz_2[ix_best], alt=balt_2[ix_best],
            lst=lst_now, btime=int(block_time) ))

        # remove used block from newblock
        del newblock[bname_best]
        # clock forward
        clock_now += block_time / 3600.0

    # handle event: in last time no block available
    if skip_begin is not None :
        # found good block, but before this, some time skipped, print a warning
        tea(rep_f, rep_war( skip=int((clock_now - skip_begin) * 60),
            clock=common.angle.hour2str(clock_now), lst=common.angle.hour2str(lst_clock(clock_now)) ))
        sumf_f.write(sum_fmt(mjd=mjd18, clock=common.angle.hour2str(skip_begin), sn=0,
            bn="SKIP!!!", ra=0.0, de=0.0, airm=0.0, az=0.0, alt=0.0,
            lst=common.angle.hour2str(lst_clock(clock_now)), btime=int(int((clock_now - skip_begin) * 3600)) ))
        skip_count += 1
        skip_total += clock_now - skip_begin
        skip_begin = None


    if simulate:
    print ("")
    os.system("unix2dos {}".format(plan_fn))
    tea(rep_f, "")
    # total of schedule
    tea(rep_f, common.msg_box().box([
        "Total {b} blocks, {e} exposures, {t} cost. From {s} to {f}".format(
            b=block_sn, e=len(exp_airmass), t=common.angle.hour2str(clock_now-obs_begin),
            s=common.angle.hour2str(obs_begin), f=common.angle.hour2str(clock_now)),
        "Estimate airmass: {me:5.3f}+-{st:5.3f}, range: {mi:4.2f} -> {ma:4.2f}".format(
            me=np.mean(exp_airmass), st=np.std(exp_airmass),
            mi=np.min(exp_airmass), ma=np.max(exp_airmass)),
        "Big move over {bmove} deg: {njump} jump(s),".format(njump=njump, bmove=site.bmove),
        "SKIP: {sc} session(s) encounted, {st} wasted.".format(
            sc=skip_count, st=common.angle.hour2str(skip_total))],
        title="Summary") )

    # plot task map of this night
    plotmap.plotmap(ara, ade, np.array([f.tag for f in afields]),
        title="{tel} {days} ({mjd})".format(tel=tel, days=daystr, mjd=mjd18),
        mpos=(mpos.ra, mpos.dec),
        spos=(spos.ra, spos.dec) )

    # closing report and summary
    rep_end_time = Time.now()
    tea(rep_f, "\n        --------========  End : {}  ========--------\n{:.1f} seconds used.\n".format(
        rep_end_time.iso, (rep_end_time - rep_start_time).sec))

    # call collect to finish simulation
    if simulate :
        collect.collect(tel, yr, mn, dy, run)
Пример #3
def collect ( tel, yr, mn, dy, run="" ) :
    """ collect info from check list, compare with exposure mode and plan, make obsed list
        tel: telescope brief code
        yr: year of obs date, 4-digit year
        mn: year of obs date, 1 to 12
        dy: day of obs date, 0 to 31, or extended
        run: run code, default is `yyyymm`
    site = schdutil.load_basic(tel)
    mjd18 = common.sky.mjd_of_night(yr, mn, dy, site)
    if run is None or run == "" :
        run = "{year:04d}{month:02d}".format(year=yr, month=mn)
    # search check filenames
    checklist = "{tel}/obsed/{run}/check.J{day:04d}.lst".format(tel=tel, run=run, day=mjd18)
    obsedlist = "{tel}/obsed/{run}/obsed.J{day:04d}.lst".format(tel=tel, run=run, day=mjd18)

    if not os.path.isfile(checklist) :
        print ("ERROR!! Check list NOT exists: \'{0}\'".format(checklist))

    # load configure file
    plans = schdutil.load_expplan(tel)
    modes = schdutil.load_expmode(tel)

    # load check files
    chk = []
    lines = open(checklist, "r").readlines()
    pb = common.progress_bar(0, value_from=0, value_to=len(lines), value_step=0.5)
    for line in lines :
        c = schdutil.check_info.parse(line)
        mode = c.mode()
        c.mode = mode
        if mode in modes :
            c.code = modes[mode].code
            c.factor = modes[mode].factor
        else :
            c.code = -1
            c.factor = 0.0
        # remove tailing "x", which means dithered
        if c.object.endswith("x") :
            c.object = c.object[0:-1]

    # init a empty 2-d dict `objs`, keys: obj name, plan code
    # use dict to provide an array with easy index
    uobj = set([c.object for c in chk])
    emptyobj = {-1:0.0}
    for p in plans :
        emptyobj[plans[p].code] = 0.0
    objmap = {}
    for o in uobj :
        objmap[o] = emptyobj.copy()

    # fill check info into objs
    for c in chk :
        objmap[c.object][c.code] += c.factor

    # output obsed file
    # get an fixed order, so no random between different system
    plancode = list(plans.keys())
    with open(obsedlist, "w") as f :
        for p in plancode :
            f.write(" {:>4s}".format(plans[p].name[0:4]))
        for o in objmap :
            ot = "{:<12s}".format(o)
            ft = ["{:>4.1f}".format(objmap[o][p]) for p in plancode]
            tt = ot + " " + " ".join(ft) + "\n"

    print ("Collect OK! {0} objects from {1} files of `{2}`.\n".format(
        len(objmap), len(lines), checklist))