Пример #1
def create_event(request, calendar_id=None, calendar_slug=None, year=None, month=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None, redirect=None):
    if calendar_id:
        calendar = get_object_or_404(Calendar, id=calendar_id)
    elif calendar_slug:
        calendar = get_object_or_404(Calendar, slug=calendar_slug)
    starttime = datetime.datetime(year=int(year),month=int(month),day=int(day),hour=int(hour),minute=int(minute))
    endtime = starttime + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)
    end_recur = endtime + datetime.timedelta(days=8)
    init_values = {
        'start' : starttime,
        'end' : endtime,
        'end_recurring_period' : end_recur
    form = EventForm(data=request.POST or None, initial=init_values)
    if form.is_valid():
        event = form.save(commit=False)
        event.creator = request.user
        next = redirect or reverse('s_event', args=[event.id])
        if 'next' in request.GET:
            next = _check_next_url(request.GET['next']) or next
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
    return render_to_response('schedule/create_event.html', {
        "form": form,
        "calendar": calendar
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #2
def showDashboard(request):

    # user not logged in
        user_email = request.session['outlook_user_email']
        access_token = request.session['outlook_access_token']
    except KeyError:

    if request.user.is_anonymous():
        return redirect('home')

    else: #logged in
        context = RequestContext(request)

        redirect_uri = request.build_absolute_uri(reverse('gettoken'))
        signin_url = get_signin_url(redirect_uri)

        if request.method == 'POST':
            profile = UserProfile.objects.get(user=request.user)
            user_calendar = Calendar.objects.get_calendar_for_object(profile)
            event_form = EventForm(data=request.POST)

            if event_form.is_valid:
                #save event in db
                event = event_form.save()
                #add the event to the users calendar
            event_form = EventForm()
        return render(request, 'dashboard/main_dashboard.html', {'event_form' : event_form,'signin_url' : signin_url,})
Пример #3
def today(request):
        This view has to get all the events from today onwards for the current
        user, up to a point (for now its a week), it then must generate two
        event lists: today, and upcoming and send those lists back to the today
    user = request.user
    print "User is authenticated: " + str(user.is_authenticated())
    print "Getting events for user " + user.username

    if request.method == 'POST':
        print "POST data detected "
        if 'confirm_remove' in request.POST:
            print "Remove request detected"
            event_id = request.POST['event_id']
            event = Event.objects.get(pk=event_id)
        if 'add_event' in request.POST:
            print "Add request detected"
            event_form = EventForm(request.POST)
            if event_form.is_valid():
                print "Its valid"
                new_event = event_form.save(commit=False)
                new_event.owner = request.user
                del event_form
                print "Saved"
                print "Its not valid"

        event_form = EventForm()

    today = datetime.now().date()
    today_plus_7 = today + timedelta(days=7)

    events = Event.objects.filter(owner=user.pk, date__gte=today, date__lte=today_plus_7).order_by('date', 'begin_time')

    print "Total number of events: " + str(events.count())

    todays_events = events.filter(date=today)
    incoming_events = events.exclude(date=today)
    return render_to_response('today.templ',
                              {'todays_events': todays_events,
                               'incoming_events': incoming_events,
                               'event_form': event_form},
Пример #4
def ajax_create_event(request, calendar_slug):
    if not request.is_ajax() or not request.POST:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest()
    form = EventForm(data=request.POST)
    if form.is_valid():
        event = form.save(commit=False)
        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        event.creator = request.user
        calendar = get_object_or_404(Calendar, slug=calendar_slug)
        event.calendar = calendar
        return HttpResponse()
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps(form.errors), content_type="application/json")
Пример #5
def create_or_edit_event(request, calendar_id=None, event_id=None, redirect=None):
    This function, if it recieves a GET request or if given an invalid form in a
    POST request it will generate the following response

    * Template: schedule/create_event.html
    * Context:
        * form: an instance of EventForm
        * calendar: a Calendar with id=calendar_id

    If this form recieves an event_id it will edit the event with that id, if it
    recieves a calendar_id and it is creating a new event it will add that event
    to the calendar with the id calendar_id

    If it is given a valid form in a POST request it will redirect with one of
    three options, in this order

    # Try to find a 'next' GET variable
    # If the key word argument redirect is set
    # Lastly redirect to the event detail of the recently create event
    instance = None
    if event_id:
        instance = get_object_or_404(Event, id=event_id)
    calendar = None
    if calendar_id is not None:
        calendar = get_object_or_404(Calendar, id=calendar_id)
    if instance:
        form = EventForm(data=request.POST or None, instance=instance)
        starttime = datetime.datetime.now()
        endtime = starttime + datetime.timedelta(minutes=60)
        end_recur = endtime + datetime.timedelta(days=8)
        init_values = {"start": starttime, "end": endtime, "end_recurring_period": end_recur}
        form = EventForm(data=request.POST or None, initial=init_values)
    if form.is_valid():
        event = form.save(commit=False)
        if instance is None:
            event.creator = request.user
        if calendar is not None and instance is None:
        next = redirect or reverse("s_event", args=[event.id])
        if "next" in request.GET:
            next = _check_next_url(request.GET["next"]) or next
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
    return render_to_response(
        "schedule/create_event.html", {"form": form, "calendar": calendar}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)
Пример #6
def create_or_edit_event(request, calendar_id=None, event_id=None, redirect=None):
    This function, if it receives a GET request or if given an invalid form in a
    POST request it will generate the following response

    * Template: schedule/create_event.html
    * Context:
        * form: an instance of EventForm
        * calendar: a Calendar with id=calendar_id

    If this form receives an event_id it will edit the event with that id, if it
    recieves a calendar_id and it is creating a new event it will add that event
    to the calendar with the id calendar_id

    If it is given a valid form in a POST request it will redirect with one of
    three options, in this order

    # Try to find a 'next' GET variable
    # If the key word argument redirect is set
    # Lastly redirect to the event detail of the recently create event
    instance = None
    if event_id:
        instance = get_object_or_404(Event, id=event_id)
    calendar = None
    if calendar_id is not None:
        calendar = get_object_or_404(Calendar, id=calendar_id)
    form = EventForm(data=request.POST or None, instance=instance, hour24=True)
    if form.is_valid():
        event = form.save(commit=False)
        if instance is None:
            event.creator = request.user
        if calendar is not None and instance is None:
        next = redirect or reverse('s_event', args=[event.id])
        if 'next' in request.GET:
            next = _check_next_url(request.GET['next']) or next
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
    return render_to_response('schedule/create_event.html', {
        "form": form,
        "calendar": calendar
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Пример #7
def create_or_edit_event(request, calendar_slug, event_id=None, next=None,
    This function, if it receives a GET request or if given an invalid form in a
    POST request it will generate the following response

    Context Variables:
        an instance of EventForm
        a Calendar with id=calendar_id

    if this function gets a GET request with ``year``, ``month``, ``day``,
    ``hour``, ``minute``, and ``second`` it will auto fill the form, with
    the date specifed in the GET being the start and 30 minutes from that
    being the end.

    If this form receives an event_id it will edit the event with that id, if it
    recieves a calendar_id and it is creating a new event it will add that event
    to the calendar with the id calendar_id

    If it is given a valid form in a POST request it will redirect with one of
    three options, in this order

    # Try to find a 'next' GET variable
    # If the key word argument redirect is set
    # Lastly redirect to the event detail of the recently create event
    date = coerce_date_dict(request.GET)
    initial_data = None
    if date:
            start = datetime.datetime(**date)
            initial_data = {
                "start": start,
                "end": start + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30)
        except TypeError:
            raise Http404
        except ValueError:
            raise Http404
    instance = None
    if event_id is not None:
        instance = get_object_or_404(Event, id=event_id)
    calendar = get_object_or_404(Calendar, slug=calendar_slug)
    form = EventForm(data=request.POST or None, instance=instance, 
        hour24=True, initial=initial_data)
    if form.is_valid():
        event = form.save(commit=False)
        if instance is None:
            event.creator = request.user
            event.calendar = calendar
        next = next or reverse('event', args=[event.id])
        if 'next' in request.GET:
            next = check_next_url(request.GET['next']) or next
        return HttpResponseRedirect(next)
    return render_to_response(template_name, {
        "form": form,
        "calendar": calendar
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))