def test_unpacking(self):
        Test if message is correctly unpacked from a binary string
        back into an object

        x = 1
        y = 7.77
        msg = self.get_vector_msg(x=1, y=7.77)
        packed = struct.pack("!B", 3) + struct.pack("!f", 1) + struct.pack("!f", 7.77)

        msg = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg["x"], x)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(msg["y"], y, places=4)
    def test_unpacking(self):
        Test if message is correctly unpacked from a binary string
        back into an object

        x = 1
        y = 7.77
        msg = self.get_vector_msg(x=1, y=7.77)
        packed = struct.pack("!B", 3) + \
            struct.pack("!f", 1) + \
            struct.pack("!f", 7.77)

        msg = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg['x'], x)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(msg['y'], y, places=4)
    def test_unpacking_with_string(self):
        Test if message containing an unicode string is is correctly
        unpacked from a binary string back into an object
        msg = self.get_bar_msg(name=u'Mr ☃')
        string_length = len(bytes(u'Mr ☃', 'utf-8'))
        packed = struct.pack("!B", 1) + \
            struct.pack("!I", string_length) + \
                "!{}s".format(string_length), bytes(u'Mr ☃', 'utf-8')
            ) + \
            struct.pack("!H", 42)

        msg = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg['name'], u'Mr ☃')
        self.assertEqual(msg['score'], 42)
    def test_unpacking_with_string(self):
        Test if message containing an unicode string is is correctly
        unpacked from a binary string back into an object
        msg = self.get_bar_msg(name=u"Mr ☃")
        string_length = len(bytes(u"Mr ☃", "utf-8"))
        packed = (
            struct.pack("!B", 1)
            + struct.pack("!I", string_length)
            + struct.pack("!{}s".format(string_length), bytes(u"Mr ☃", "utf-8"))
            + struct.pack("!H", 42)

        msg = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
        self.assertEqual(msg["name"], u"Mr ☃")
        self.assertEqual(msg["score"], 42)
 def test_eating_own_dog_food(self):
     """ Test if message remaines the same after packing/unpacking cycle """
     msg = self.get_foo_msg()
     packed = pack_message(msg)
     unpacked = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
     self.assertEqual(msg, unpacked)
 def test_eating_own_dog_food(self):
     """ Test if message remaines the same after packing/unpacking cycle """
     msg = self.get_foo_msg()
     packed = pack_message(msg)
     unpacked = unpack_message(packed, self.factory)
     self.assertEqual(msg, unpacked)