def randomution(sch, pop_len, gens): if type(sch) == str: c17 = sa.read_scheme(sch) print('string') elif type(sch) == sa.scheme_alt: c17 = sch print('scheme') else: print('undefined scheme type') population = em.initial_population_rnd(c17, pop_len, 1) # generate random population max_arr = [] avr_arr = [] x_axis = [] for gen in range(gens): fitness =, population) print("GENERATION # ", gen) print("AVERAGE = ", (sum(fitness)/len(fitness))) print("MAXIMUM = ", max(fitness+max_arr)) print("=================") max_arr.append(max(fitness+max_arr)) avr_arr.append(sum(fitness)/len(fitness)) x_axis.append(gen) #if max(fitness) == 1: # return population[fitness.index(max(fitness))] population = em.initial_population_rnd(c17, pop_len, 1) # generate random population plt.plot(x_axis, avr_arr, 'b--', x_axis, max_arr, 'r') return population[fitness.index(max(fitness))]
def check_overall_TMR(in_circ_file): main_circuit_etalon = sa.read_scheme(in_circ_file) initial_area = get_area(main_circuit_etalon) initial_reliability = external_reliability(main_circuit_etalon, 100000) tmr_circ = createTMRCirc(main_circuit_etalon) new_area = get_area(tmr_circ) new_reliability = external_reliability(tmr_circ, 100000) print('Initial reliability: {}'.format(initial_reliability)) print('TMR reliability: {}'.format(new_reliability)) print('New area: {} Initial Area: {} Growth Percent: {}%'.format( new_area, initial_area, round((100.0 * new_area) / initial_area), 2))
def print_real_circuits_info(path_csv_test, path_csv_test_real): test = pd.read_csv(path_csv_test) features = get_features(test) if 1: ckt_path = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'circuits', 'LGSynth89') ckt_list = [ '5xp1.txt', 'alu2_synth.txt', 'alu4_synth.txt', 'cm138a_synth.txt', 'cu_synth.txt', 'f51m_synth.txt', 'misex1.txt', 'misex3.txt', 'misex3c.txt', 'x2_synth.txt' ] if 0: ckt_path = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning') ckt_list = [ 'ckt-19999.txt', 'ckt-19998.txt', 'ckt-19997.txt', 'ckt-19996.txt', 'ckt-19995.txt', 'ckt-19994.txt', 'ckt-19993.txt', 'ckt-19992.txt', 'ckt-19991.txt', 'ckt-19990.txt' ] ckt_list_path = [] for ckt in ckt_list: ckt_list_path.append(os.path.join(ckt_path, ckt)) total = 0 spval = dict() rel = dict() params = dict() for cp in ckt_list_path: ckt_init = sa.read_scheme(cp) ckt = create_circuit_external_yosys(ckt_init) if ckt is not None: if check_for_bufs(ckt) == 1: print('Problem [BUFs]') exit() if check_ouputs_connected(ckt) == 0: print('Problem [Output connections]') exit() print('Success') (reliability, vulnerability_map) = external_vulnerability_map(ckt, 10000) rel[total] = reliability params[total] = get_ckt_parameters(ckt) spval[total] = nt.singlepass_method_lk(ckt) params[total]['single_pass_value'] = spval[total] for f in features: if f not in params[total].keys(): params[total][f] = -1 total += 1 print_resulted_csv(params, rel, path_csv_test_real, 0, len(params))
def evolution2(sch, pop_len, gens): if type(sch) == str: c17 = sa.read_scheme(sch) print('string') elif type(sch) == sa.scheme_alt: c17 = sch print('scheme') else: print('undefined scheme type') max_arr = [] avr_arr = [] x_axis = [] inp = c17.inputs() out = c17.outputs() el = c17.elements() population = em.initial_population_rnd(c17, pop_len, 1) # generate random population fitness =, population) for gen in range(gens): print("GENERATION # ", gen) print("AVERAGE = ", (sum(fitness)/len(fitness))) print("MAXIMUM = ", max(fitness)) print("=================") max_arr.append(max(fitness)) avr_arr.append(sum(fitness)/len(fitness)) x_axis.append(gen) if max(fitness) == 1: plt.plot(x_axis, avr_arr, 'b--', x_axis, max_arr, 'r') return population[fitness.index(max(fitness))] parents = em.tournament_selection(population, fitness) offsprings = em.coupling_rnd(parents, 2, 0.5) mutants = em.mutation(offsprings, 8) fitness_mtn =, mutants) (fitness, population) = em.reduction_selective(population, mutants, fitness + fitness_mtn) plt.plot(x_axis, avr_arr, 'b--', x_axis, max_arr, 'r') return population[-1]
def find_ckts_chromosomes(num): total = 0 print('Calc CKT Chromosomes...') max_len = 0 chromos = dict() path_json = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning', 'chromos.json') while total < num: path_opt = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning', 'ckt-{}.txt'.format(total)) ckt = sa.read_scheme(path_opt) chromos[total] = sch2chromo(ckt) if len(chromos[total][1]) > max_len: max_len = len(chromos[total][1]) total += 1 save_json(path_json, chromos) return max_len, chromos
def find_ckts_singlepass_values(params, num): total = 0 print('Calc CKT Single Pass Values...') spval = dict() path_json = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning', 'sp_values.json') if (os.path.isfile(path_json)): spval = load_json(path_json) while total < num: path_opt = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning', 'ckt-{}.txt'.format(total)) ckt = sa.read_scheme(path_opt) if total not in spval: spval[total] = nt.singlepass_method_lk(ckt) params[total]['single_pass_value'] = spval[total] total += 1 save_json(path_json, spval) return spval
def find_ckts_parameters(num): total = 0 print('Calc CKT Parameters...') params = dict() path_json = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning', 'parameters.json') if (os.path.isfile(path_json)): params = load_json3(path_json) while total < num: path_opt = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning', 'ckt-{}.txt'.format(total)) ckt = sa.read_scheme(path_opt) if total not in params: params[total] = get_ckt_parameters(ckt) total += 1 if not os.path.isfile(path_json): save_json(path_json, params) return params
def create_circuit_external_yosys (circuit): dfile = get_project_directory() run_path = os.path.join(dfile, "utils", "bin", "win32", "yosys") yosys_exe = os.path.join(run_path, "yosys.exe") circuit_file = os.path.join(dfile, "temp", "tmp_sheme_yosys.v") run_file = os.path.join(dfile, "temp", "tmp_runfile_yosys.txt") synth_file = os.path.join(dfile, "temp", "tmp_synth.v") converted_circuit_file = os.path.join(dfile, "temp", "tmp_synth_conv.txt") graph_file = os.path.join(dfile, "temp", "synth.svg") debug_file = os.path.join(dfile, "temp", "yosys_fail.txt") if os.path.isfile(circuit_file): os.remove(circuit_file) if os.path.isfile(run_file): os.remove(run_file) if os.path.isfile(synth_file): os.remove(synth_file) if os.path.isfile(converted_circuit_file): os.remove(converted_circuit_file) print_circuit_in_verilog_file(circuit, "circ", circuit_file) print_run_file(run_file, circuit_file, synth_file, graph_file) #print_run_file_opt(run_file, circuit_file, synth_file, graph_file) exe = yosys_exe + " < " + run_file try: ret = subprocess.check_output(exe, shell=True, cwd=run_path).decode('UTF-8') except: ret = 'Error' if not os.path.isfile(synth_file): # Если была проблема с Yosys выводим схему для последующего дебага circuit.print_circuit_in_file(debug_file) print('Yosys error') return None convert_file_to_relic_format(circuit, synth_file, converted_circuit_file) if os.path.isfile(converted_circuit_file) == False: return None new_ckt = sa.read_scheme(converted_circuit_file) return new_ckt
def find_reliability_values(num): total = 0 rel = dict() path_json = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning', 'reliability.json') if (os.path.isfile(path_json)): rel = load_json(path_json) while total < num: if total in rel.keys(): print( 'Reliability for test {} already exists: {}. Skipping!'.format( total, rel[total])) total += 1 continue file_name = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning', 'ckt-{}.txt'.format(total)) ckt = sa.read_scheme(file_name) (reliability, vulnerability_map) = external_vulnerability_map(ckt, 10000) rel[total] = reliability total += 1 save_json(path_json, rel) return rel
def evolution(sch, pop_len, gens): if type(sch) == str: c17 = sa.read_scheme(sch) print('string') elif type(sch) == sa.scheme_alt: c17 = sch print('scheme') else: print('undefined scheme type') max_arr = [] avr_arr = [] entr_arr = [] x_axis = [] inp = c17.inputs() out = c17.outputs() el = c17.elements() population = em.initial_population_entropy(c17, pop_len, 1) # generate random population time_fitness = 0 time_selection = 0 time_coupling = 0 time_mutation = 0 time_reduction = 0 total = time.time() for gen in range(gens): tmp = time.time() fitness =, population) time_fitness += tmp - time.time() entropy = em.population_entropy(population) print("GENERATION # ", gen) print("AVERAGE = ", (sum(fitness)/len(fitness))) print("MAXIMUM = ", max(fitness)) print("ENTROPY = ", entropy) print("=================") max_arr.append(max(fitness)) avr_arr.append(sum(fitness)/len(fitness)) entr_arr.append(entropy/out) x_axis.append(gen) if max(fitness) == 1: plt.plot(x_axis, avr_arr, 'b--', x_axis, max_arr, 'r', x_axis, entr_arr, 'y-') return population[fitness.index(max(fitness))] tmp = time.time() parents = em.tournament_selection(population, fitness) time_selection += tmp - time.time() tmp = time.time() offsprings = em.coupling_rnd(parents, 1, 0.9) time_coupling += tmp - time.time() tmp = time.time() mutants = em.mutation(offsprings, 0.5) # среднее число ошибок на 1 хромосому time_mutation += tmp - time.time() tmp = time.time() population = em.reduction_elite(population, mutants, fitness) time_reduction += tmp - time.time() print("time_fitness = ", time_fitness) print("time_selection = ", time_selection) print("time_coupling = ", time_coupling) print("time_mutation = ", time_mutation) print("time_reduction = ", time_reduction) print("TOTAL = ", total - time.time()) plt.plot(x_axis, avr_arr, 'b--', x_axis, max_arr, 'r', x_axis, entr_arr, 'y-') return population[-1]
def actStart(self): # ============================================================================================================== p1, p2, p3, p4, f4 = 0.2, 0.1, 0.02, 0.009, 0.2 ced_hemming = None rel_hemming = None ced_spectral = None ced_spectral_2 = None ced_spectral_4 = None rel_spectral = None ced_ldpc = None ced_ldpc_2 = None ced_ldpc_4 = None rel_ldpc = None rel_result = None result = None error_1 = False coders = None decoders = None # correlation_matrix = None # ============================================================================================================== options = [False, False] if self.checkBox_5.checkState() == 2: options[0] = True # Log file if self.checkBox_6.checkState() == 2: options[1] = True # Verilog file # ============================================================================================================== mtd = [False, False, False, False] if self.checkBox.checkState() == 2: mtd[0] = True # Clusterization if self.checkBox_4.checkState() == 2: mtd[1] = True # 3bits Hemming space if self.checkBox_3.checkState() == 2: mtd[2] = True # Spectral R-code if self.checkBox_2.checkState() == 2: mtd[3] = True # LDPC code # ============================================================================================================== if not self.path: self.textEdit.setTextColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)) self.textEdit.append('Combinational circuit is not received.') return # ============================================================================================================== if mtd[0] and not mtd[3] and not mtd[2]: self.textEdit.setTextColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)) self.textEdit.append('To perform clusterization, select method based on spectral or LDPC codes.') return # ============================================================================================================== if not mtd[3] and not mtd[2] and not mtd[1]: self.textEdit.setTextColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)) self.textEdit.append('To perform analysis, select synthesis methods of CED circuit.') return # ============================================================================================================== dt = start_time = 'Start time - {:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}'.format(dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second) # ============================================================================================================== self.textEdit.setTextColor(QColor(0, 0, 0)) self.textEdit.append('\n' + start_time + '\n') self.textEdit.append('Combinational circuit is received:') self.circuit = sch.read_scheme(self.path) self.textEdit.append(self.path) # ============================================================================================================== if mtd[2] and self.circuit.outputs() < 2: self.textEdit.setTextColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)) self.textEdit.append('For this combinational circuit, it is not possible to generate a CED circuit based on' ' Spectral R-code.') error_1 = True # ============================================================================================================== if mtd[3] and self.circuit.outputs() < 3: self.textEdit.setTextColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)) self.textEdit.append('For this combinational circuit, it is not possible to generate a CED circuit based on' ' LDPC code.') error_1 = True # ============================================================================================================== if error_1: return # ============================================================================================================== if mtd[0] and self.circuit.outputs() < 10: self.textEdit.setTextColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)) self.textEdit.append('For this combinational circuit, it is not possible to perform clustarization.') return # ============================================================================================================== self.constraint = self.spinBox.value() if self.constraint == 0: self.textEdit.setTextColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)) self.textEdit.append('Constraint on the value of structural redundancy is not received.') return # ============================================================================================================== t1 = round(float(t()), 2) # ============================================================================================================== self.textEdit.setTextColor(QColor(0, 0, 0)) self.textEdit.append('Constraint on the value of structural redundancy is received:') self.textEdit.append(str(self.constraint)) # ============================================================================================================== self.textEdit.append('Determining main characteristics of combinational circuit:') # ============================================================================================================== inp = self.circuit.inputs() k = self.circuit.outputs() n = self.circuit.elements() self.textEdit.append('PO = {}'.format(str(k))) self.textEdit.append('PI = {}'.format(str(inp))) self.textEdit.append('Structure redundancy = {}'.format(str(n))) # ============================================================================================================== if mtd[1]: self.textEdit.append('CED circuit based on coding in 3bits Hemming space:') num = 0 for element in self.circuit.__elements__: element_type = self.circuit.__elements__[element][0] if element_type == 'BUF' or element_type == 'INV': num += 1 ced_hemming = 27 * n - 15 * num + 4 * k self.textEdit.append('Structure redundancy = {}'.format(str(ced_hemming))) rel_hemming = 2 * k / ced_hemming self.textEdit.append('Reliability characteristic = {}%'.format(str(round(rel_hemming * 100, 2)))) # ============================================================================================================== if mtd[3]: self.textEdit.append('CED circuit based on LDPC code:') ced_ldpc = 2 * n + 7 * k self.textEdit.append('Structure redundancy = {}'.format(str(ced_ldpc))) beta_1 = n / ced_ldpc rel_ldpc = beta_1 * (p1 + p2 + p3 + p4) + 4 * k / ced_ldpc * 0.75 self.textEdit.append('Reliability characteristic = {}%'.format(str(round(rel_ldpc * 100, 2)))) # ============================================================================================================== if mtd[2]: self.textEdit.append('CED circuit based on Spectral R-code:') m = int(np.ceil(np.log2(k))) + 1 xor = 0 gx = list(np.sum(spectral.matrix_gx(self.circuit.outputs(), m - 1), 1)) for i in gx: if i >= 2: xor += i - 1 ced_spectral = 2 * n + 2 * xor + 3 * m + m * k + 2 * k + 2 self.textEdit.append('Structure redundancy = {}'.format(str(ced_spectral))) beta_2 = n / (ced_spectral - n - k + 1) rel_spectral = beta_2 * p3 + beta_2 * p4 * f4 + k / (ced_spectral - n - k + 1) + ( 1 - (2 ** (2 * k + 1) - 1) / (2 ** (3 * k + 1) - 1)) * ((3 * k + 1) / (ced_spectral - n - k + 1)) self.textEdit.append('Reliability characteristic = {}%'.format(str(round(rel_spectral * 100, 2)))) # ============================================================================================================== if mtd[0]: if mtd[3] or mtd[2]: self.textEdit.append('Compiling matrix of dependencies.') # correlation_matrix = cluster.gen_correlation_matrix(self.circuit) self.textEdit.append('Clusterization combinational circuit outputs into 2 groups.') clusters_2, groups_2 = cluster.clusterization(self.circuit, 1) # ====================================================================================================== if mtd[3]: self.textEdit.append('CED circuit based on LDPC code:') ced_groups = 0 ldpc_elements, ldpc_outputs = [], [] for group in groups_2: out_ldpc = [self.circuit.__outputs__[group[i] - 1] for i in range(len(group))] if len(out_ldpc) >= 3: sch_ldpc = self.circuit.subscheme_by_outputs(out_ldpc) ced_groups += sch_ldpc.elements() + 7 * sch_ldpc.outputs() ldpc_elements.append(sch_ldpc.elements()) ldpc_outputs.append(sch_ldpc.outputs()) else: ldpc_elements.append(0) ldpc_outputs.append(len(group)) ced_ldpc_2 = n + ced_groups self.textEdit.append('Structure redundancy = {}'.format(str(ced_ldpc_2))) # ====================================================================================================== if mtd[2]: self.textEdit.append('CED circuit based on Spectral R-code:') spectral_groups = 0 xor = 0 m = 0 spectral_elements, spectral_outputs = [], [] for group in groups_2: out_spectral = [self.circuit.__outputs__[group[i] - 1] for i in range(len(group))] if len(out_spectral) >= 2: sch_spectral = self.circuit.subscheme_by_outputs(out_spectral) m = int(np.ceil(np.log2(sch_spectral.outputs()))) + 1 xor = 0 gx = list(np.sum(spectral.matrix_gx(sch_spectral.outputs(), m - 1), 1)) sp_elem = sch_spectral.elements() sp_out = sch_spectral.outputs() for i in gx: if i >= 2: xor += i - 1 else: sp_elem = 0 sp_out = len(group) spectral_elements.append(sp_elem) spectral_outputs.append(sp_out) spectral_groups += sp_elem + 2 * xor + 3 * m + m * sp_out + 2 * sp_out + 2 ced_spectral_2 = n + spectral_groups + 2 self.textEdit.append('Structure redundancy = {}'.format(str(ced_spectral_2))) # ====================================================================================================== self.textEdit.append('Clusterization combinational circuit outputs into 4 groups.') clusters_4, groups_4 = cluster.clusterization(self.circuit, 2) # ====================================================================================================== if mtd[3]: self.textEdit.append('CED circuit based on LDPC code:') ced_groups = 0 ldpc_elements, ldpc_outputs = [], [] for group in groups_4: out_ldpc = [self.circuit.__outputs__[group[i] - 1] for i in range(len(group))] if len(out_ldpc) >= 3: sch_ldpc = self.circuit.subscheme_by_outputs(out_ldpc) ced_groups += sch_ldpc.elements() + 7 * sch_ldpc.outputs() ldpc_elements.append(sch_ldpc.elements()) ldpc_outputs.append(sch_ldpc.outputs()) else: ldpc_elements.append(0) ldpc_outputs.append(len(group)) ced_ldpc_4 = n + ced_groups self.textEdit.append('Structure redundancy = {}'.format(str(ced_ldpc_4))) # ====================================================================================================== if mtd[2]: self.textEdit.append('CED circuit based on Spectral R-code:') spectral_groups = 0 xor = 0 m = 0 spectral_elements, spectral_outputs = [], [] for group in groups_4: out_spectral = [self.circuit.__outputs__[group[i] - 1] for i in range(len(group))] if len(out_spectral) >= 2: sch_spectral = self.circuit.subscheme_by_outputs(out_spectral) m = int(np.ceil(np.log2(sch_spectral.outputs()))) + 1 xor = 0 gx = list(np.sum(spectral.matrix_gx(sch_spectral.outputs(), m - 1), 1)) sp_elem = sch_spectral.elements() sp_out = sch_spectral.outputs() for i in gx: if i >= 2: xor += i - 1 else: sp_elem = 0 sp_out = len(group) spectral_elements.append(sp_elem) spectral_outputs.append(sp_out) if sp_elem != 0: spectral_groups += sp_elem + 2 * xor + 3 * m + m * sp_out + 2 * sp_out + 2 else: spectral_groups += 0 ced_spectral_4 = n + spectral_groups + 6 self.textEdit.append('Structure redundancy = {}'.format(str(ced_spectral_4))) # ============================================================================================================== if mtd[1] is True and ced_hemming <= self.constraint: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on encoding in 3bits Hemming space.') result = hemming.create_hemming_circuit(self.circuit) sim = hemming.error_simulation(result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][1] / sim[1] * 100, 2) method = 'H' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) # ============================================================================================================== # Without clusterization # ============================================================================================================== elif mtd[0] is False and mtd[2] is True and mtd[3] is False: # Spectral if self.constraint >= ced_spectral: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'R' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!') method = 'E' elif mtd[0] is False and mtd[2] is False and mtd[3] is True: # LDPC if self.constraint > ced_ldpc: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'L' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!') method = 'E' elif mtd[0] is False and mtd[2] is True and mtd[3] is True: # Spectral + LDPC if self.constraint >= ced_spectral and self.constraint >= ced_ldpc: if rel_spectral <= rel_ldpc: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'R' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'L' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_spectral <= self.constraint: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'R' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_ldpc <= self.constraint: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'L' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!') method = 'E' self.label_8.setText("None") self.label_9.setText("0") self.label_10.setText("0") self.label_11.setText("0") self.label_12.setText("0.00 %") self.label_13.setText("None") # ============================================================================================================== # With clusterization # ============================================================================================================== elif mtd[0] is True and mtd[2] is True and mtd[3] is False: # Spectral if ced_spectral_4 <= self.constraint and ced_spectral_4 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code with clusterization on 4 groups.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 2) method = 'R4' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_spectral_2 <= self.constraint and ced_spectral_2 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code with clusterization on 2 groups.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 1) method = 'R2' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_spectral <= self.constraint: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code without clusterization.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'R' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!') method = 'E' self.label_8.setText("None") self.label_9.setText("0") self.label_10.setText("0") self.label_11.setText("0") self.label_12.setText("0.00 %") self.label_13.setText("None") elif mtd[0] is True and mtd[2] is False and mtd[3] is True: # LDPC if ced_ldpc_4 <= self.constraint and ced_ldpc_4 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code with clusterization on 4 groups.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 2) method = 'L4' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_ldpc_2 <= self.constraint and ced_ldpc_2 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code with clusterization on 2 groups.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 1) method = 'L2' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_ldpc <= self.constraint: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code without clusterization.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'L' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!') method = 'E' self.label_8.setText("None") self.label_9.setText("0") self.label_10.setText("0") self.label_11.setText("0") self.label_12.setText("0.00 %") self.label_13.setText("None") elif mtd[0] is True and mtd[2] is True and mtd[3] is True: # Spectral + LDPC if self.constraint >= ced_spectral and self.constraint >= ced_ldpc: if rel_spectral <= rel_ldpc: if ced_spectral_4 <= self.constraint and ced_spectral_4 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code with clusterization on ' '4 groups.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 2) method = 'R4' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_spectral_2 <= self.constraint and ced_spectral_2 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code with clusterization on ' '2 groups.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 1) method = 'R2' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_spectral <= self.constraint: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code without clusterization.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'R' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append( 'It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!') method = 'E' self.label_8.setText("None") self.label_9.setText("0") self.label_10.setText("0") self.label_11.setText("0") self.label_12.setText("0.00 %") self.label_13.setText("None") else: if ced_ldpc_4 <= self.constraint and ced_ldpc_4 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code with clusterization on 4 groups.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 2) method = 'L4' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_ldpc_2 <= self.constraint and ced_ldpc_2 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code with clusterization on 2 groups.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 1) method = 'L2' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_ldpc <= self.constraint: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code without clusterization.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'L' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append( 'It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!') method = 'E' self.label_8.setText("None") self.label_9.setText("0") self.label_10.setText("0") self.label_11.setText("0") self.label_12.setText("0.00 %") self.label_13.setText("None") elif ced_spectral <= self.constraint: if ced_spectral_4 <= self.constraint and ced_spectral_4 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code with clusterization on 4 groups.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 2) method = 'R4' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_spectral_2 <= self.constraint and ced_spectral_2 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code with clusterization on 2 groups.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 1) method = 'R2' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_spectral <= self.constraint: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on Spectral R-code without clusterization.') result, cone, coders, decoders = spectral.create_spec_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'R' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = spectral.error_simulation(result, cone, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural ' 'constraint!') method = 'E' self.label_8.setText("None") self.label_9.setText("0") self.label_10.setText("0") self.label_11.setText("0") self.label_12.setText("0.00 %") self.label_13.setText("None") elif ced_ldpc <= self.constraint: if ced_ldpc_4 <= self.constraint and ced_ldpc_4 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code with clusterization on 4 groups.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 2) method = 'L4' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_ldpc_2 <= self.constraint and ced_ldpc_2 != n: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code with clusterization on 2 groups.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 1) method = 'L2' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) elif ced_ldpc <= self.constraint: self.textEdit.append('Selected method based on LDPC code without clusterization.') result, coders, decoders = ldpc.create_ldpc_circuit(self.circuit, 0) method = 'L' t2 = round(float(t()), 2) sim = ldpc.error_simulation(self.circuit, result, 1, 10000) rel_result = round(sim[0][2] / sim[1] * 100, 2) else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural ' 'constraint!') method = 'E' self.label_8.setText("None") self.label_9.setText("0") self.label_10.setText("0") self.label_11.setText("0") self.label_12.setText("0.00 %") self.label_13.setText("None") else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!') method = 'E' self.label_8.setText("None") self.label_9.setText("0") self.label_10.setText("0") self.label_11.setText("0") self.label_12.setText("0.00 %") self.label_13.setText("None") else: t2 = round(float(t()), 2) self.textEdit.append('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!') method = 'E' self.label_8.setText("None") self.label_9.setText("0") self.label_10.setText("0") self.label_11.setText("0") self.label_12.setText("0.00 %") self.label_13.setText("None") # ============================================================================================================== t3 = round(float(t()), 2) t4 = round(float(t2) - float(t1), 2) self.textEdit.append('Search time = {}s'.format(str(t4))) # ============================================================================================================== if options[1] is True: if method == 'E': self.textEdit.append('CED circuit was not generated. Unable to save file in Verilog format.') else: self.textEdit.append('CED subcircuits are saved in Verilog format.') if method != 'H': for n_coder in range(0, len(coders)): verilog_filename = pathname + '//result//{}_coder_{}.v'.format(self.filename, n_coder+1) coders[n_coder].print_verilog_in_file(verilog_filename, 'coder_{}'.format(n_coder+1)) for n_decoder in range(0, len(decoders)): verilog_filename = pathname + '//result//{}_decoder_{}.v'.format(self.filename, n_decoder+1) decoders[n_decoder].print_verilog_in_file(verilog_filename, 'decoder_{}'.format(n_decoder+1)) else: verilog_filename = pathname + '//result//{}.v'.format(self.filename) result.print_verilog_in_file(verilog_filename, 'CED_circuit') self.textEdit.append('Files saved.') # ============================================================================================================== if method != 'E': self.textEdit.append('Determining main characteristics of received CED circuit:') self.textEdit.append('PO = {}'.format(str(result.outputs()))) self.textEdit.append('PI = {}'.format(str(result.inputs()))) self.textEdit.append('Structure redundancy = {}'.format(str(result.elements()))) self.textEdit.append('Reliability characteristic = {}%'.format(str(rel_result))) if method == 'H': self.label_8.setText('Hemming') elif method == 'R': self.label_8.setText('Spectral R-code') elif method == 'L': self.label_8.setText('LDPC code') self.label_9.setText(str(result.elements())) self.label_10.setText(str(result.inputs())) self.label_11.setText(str(result.outputs())) self.label_12.setText(str(rel_result) + ' %') if method == 'R4' or method == 'L4': self.label_13.setText('4 groups') elif method == 'R2' or method == 'L2': self.label_13.setText('2 groups') else: self.label_13.setText('Without clusterization') # ============================================================================================================== # LOG FILE - ON # ============================================================================================================== if options[0] is True: log_filename = pathname + '//result//{}.txt'.format(self.filename) f = open(log_filename, "a") f.write(start_time + '\n') f.write('Start program.\n') f.write('Input circuit is received.\n') f.write('Constraint to structure redundancy for CED circuit is received.\n') f.write('Constraint = {}\n'.format(self.constraint)) f.write('Determining main characteristics of combinational circuit:\n') f.write('PI = {}\n'.format(inp)) f.write('PO = {}\n'.format(k)) f.write('Structure redundancy = {}\n'.format(n)) if mtd[1] is True: f.write('Calculation of estimated structure redundancy for CED circuit based on encoding in 3bits ' 'Hemming space:\n') f.write('Structure redundancy = {}\n'.format(ced_hemming)) if mtd[3] is True: f.write('Calculation of estimated structure redundancy for CED circuit based on LDPC code:\n') f.write('Structure redundancy = {}\n'.format(ced_ldpc)) f.write('Calculation of estimated reliability characteristic for CED circuit based on LDPC code:\n') f.write('Reliability characteristic = {}%\n'.format(round(rel_ldpc, 2))) if mtd[2] is True: f.write('Calculation of estimated structure redundancy for CED circuit based on Spectral R-code:\n') f.write('Structure redundancy = {}\n'.format(ced_spectral)) f.write('Calculation of estimated reliability characteristic for CED circuit based on Spectral ' 'R-code:\n') f.write('Reliability characteristic = {}%\n'.format(round(rel_spectral, 2))) if mtd[0] is True: if mtd[2] is True or mtd[3] is True: f.write('Compiling matrix of dependencies.\n') f.write('Clusterization circuit outputs into 2 groups.\n') if mtd[3] is True: f.write('Calculation of estimated structure redundancy for CED circuit based on LDPC code:\n') f.write('Structure redundancy = {}\n'.format(ced_ldpc_2)) if mtd[2] is True: f.write('Calculation of estimated structure redundancy for CED circuit based on Spectral ' 'R-code:\n') f.write('Structure redundancy = {}\n'.format(ced_spectral_2)) f.write('Clusterization circuit outputs into 4 groups.\n') if mtd[3] is True: f.write('Calculation of estimated structure redundancy for CED circuit based on LDPC code:\n') f.write('Structure redundancy = {}\n'.format(ced_ldpc_4)) if mtd[2] is True: f.write('Calculation of estimated structure redundancy for CED circuit based on Spectral ' 'R-code:\n') f.write('Structure redundancy = {}\n'.format(ced_spectral_4)) if method == 'E': f.write('It is not possible to generate CED circuit for selected structural constraint!\n') f.write('Time {}s\n'.format(round(float(t3) - float(t1), 2))) f.close() else: f.write('Selected method based on ') if method == 'H': f.write('encoding in 3bits Hemming space.\n') elif method == 'R4': f.write('Spectral R-code with clusterization on 4 groups.\n') elif method == 'R2': f.write('Spectral R-code with clusterization on 2 groups.\n') elif method == 'R': f.write('Spectral R-code without clusterization.\n') elif method == 'L4': f.write('LDPC code with clusterization on 4 groups.\n') elif method == 'L2': f.write('LDPC code with clusterization on 2 groups.\n') elif method == 'L': f.write('LDPC code without clusterization.\n') f.write('Search time = {}s\n'.format(t4)) f.write('Determining main characteristics of received CED circuit:\n') f.write('PO = {}\n'.format(result.outputs())) f.write('PI = {}\n'.format(result.inputs())) f.write('Structure redundancy = {}\n'.format(result.elements())) f.write('Reliability characteristic = {}%\n'.format(rel_result)) if options[0] is True: f.write('Recording Verilog files.\n') f.write('Files saved.\n') f.write('Time {}s\n'.format(round(float(t3) - float(t1), 2))) f.close() self.textEdit.append('Program execution time {}s\n'.format(str(round(float(t3) - float(t1), 2))))
def debug_ckt(): file_name = os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'machine_learning', 'ckt-{}.txt'.format(2)) ckt = sa.read_scheme(file_name) (reliability, vulnerability_map) = external_vulnerability_map(ckt, 10000) print(reliability)
def improve_circuit_by_resynthesis_ver6(in_circ_file, out_circ_file, needed_replacements, max_area_overhead): """ :param in_circ_file: File with input circuit . :param out_circ_file: File to store resulted circuit :param needed_replacements: Number of successfull replacemnts :param max_area_overhead: koeff for defined maximum area of generated circuit related to initial circuit (from 1.0) :return: true or false """ overall_start = timeit.default_timer() calc_type = 1 print("Start processing circuit:") main_circuit_etalon = sa.read_scheme(in_circ_file) initial_area = get_area(main_circuit_etalon) initial_circ_delay = getMaxLevel(main_circuit_etalon) main_circuit = sa.read_scheme(in_circ_file) (initial_reliability, vulnerability_map) = external_vulnerability_map(main_circuit, MONTE_CARLO_ITER) latest_reliability = initial_reliability success_replacements_part1 = 0 success_replacements = 0 between_replacements = 0 iterations = 50000 bestFunction = [0] * 6 bestFunctionReplace = [0] * 6 inputOutputTotal = dict() inputOutputReplacements = dict() replacementLevelIncrease = [] for zzz in range(1, iterations): print("\n|||||||||||||| Iteration " + zzz.__str__() + " ||||||||||||||") # main_circuit = cleanCKTFromBUFs(main_circuit) if calc_type == 1: rnd1 = get_random_subcircuit_v2(main_circuit, vulnerability_map, random.randint(2, 6), 1) else: rnd1 = get_random_subcircuit(main_circuit, random.randint(2, 6), 1) if rnd1.inputs() < 2: print("Too small subckt") continue if rnd1.inputs() > 9: print("Too big subckt") continue if rnd1.outputs() > 11: print("Too many outputs subckt") continue if (rnd1.inputs(), rnd1.outputs()) in inputOutputTotal: inputOutputTotal[rnd1.inputs(), rnd1.outputs()] += 1 else: inputOutputTotal[rnd1.inputs(), rnd1.outputs()] = 1 between_replacements += 1 print("OK subckt [Inputs: {} Outputs: {}]".format( rnd1.inputs(), rnd1.outputs())) trtable = create_truth_table(rnd1) data = goEspresso_external(trtable, rnd1) # Здесь добавляем произвольный набор схем претендентов на замену t1 = current_milli_time() subckt = [] try: sckt1 = createSubckt_method1(data, rnd1) subckt.append(sckt1) except: print('Error in subckt generation 1') try: sckt1 = createSubckt_method2(data, rnd1) subckt.append(sckt1) except: print('Error in subckt generation 2') try: sckt1 = createSubckt_method3(data, rnd1) subckt.append(sckt1) except: print('Error in subckt generation 3') yosys_subckt = create_circuit_external_yosys(rnd1) if yosys_subckt != None: subckt.append(yosys_subckt) if 0: tmrSubCkt = createTMRCirc(rnd1) # Проверяем что троирование не приведет к увеличению схемы сверх указанного if (get_area(main_circuit) - get_area(rnd1) + get_area(tmrSubCkt)) < initial_area * max_area_overhead: subckt.append(tmrSubCkt) else: print('TMR SUBCKT skipped due to large area growth') t2 = current_milli_time() # print('Gen {} subckt OK. Generation time: {}'.format(len(subckt), round((t2-t1)/1000, 3))) # Проверяем что все сгенерированные подсхемы работают одинаково # Это можно будет убрать после полноценного тестирования for s in subckt: try: cmp = scheme_cmp(rnd1, s) if cmp == False: print('Subckt have less inputs. Skip for now') continue elif cmp < 0.99999: print('Error with subckt it works incorrect check it') exit(0) except: print(rnd1) print(s) main_circuit.print_circuit_in_file( os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'main_circuit_io_problem.txt')) rnd1.print_circuit_in_file( os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'rnd1_io_problem.txt')) s.print_circuit_in_file( os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'subckt_io_problem.txt')) print('Error: Input/output problem') continue # Рассчитываем вероятности комбинаций на входах подсхемы iternum = pow(2, rnd1.inputs()) * 1000 t1 = current_milli_time() distr = distribution_estim_external(main_circuit, rnd1.input_labels(), rnd1.output_labels(), iternum) t2 = current_milli_time() # print('Distribution Estim C: {} seconds'.format(round((t2-t1)/1000, 3))) t1 = current_milli_time() subckt_reliability = external_reliability_uneven(rnd1, distr) t2 = current_milli_time() # print('Reliability uneven: {} seconds'.format(round((t2-t1)/1000, 3))) bestval = subckt_reliability + 1000000 # Из набора подсхем выбираем самую надежную t1 = current_milli_time() subCKTNum = 0 bestCKTIndex = 0 allVals = [] for s in subckt: subCKTNum += 1 if s.input_labels() != rnd1.input_labels(): print('Invalid input order in subckt') print(s.input_labels()) print(rnd1.input_labels()) exit() val2 = external_reliability_uneven(s, distr) allVals.append(val2) if val2 < bestval: bestckt = copy.deepcopy(s) bestval = val2 bestCKTIndex = subCKTNum bestFunction[bestCKTIndex] += 1 t2 = current_milli_time() # print('Get best CKT {}: {} seconds'.format(bestCKTIndex, round((t2-t1)/1000, 3))) print('Array of reliability: {}'.format(allVals)) if subckt_reliability > bestval + 0.05: print("Success (Stage 1) {} > {} (CKT Index {})! =)".format( subckt_reliability, bestval, bestCKTIndex)) success_replacements_part1 += 1 t1 = current_milli_time() main_circuit_new = replace_subckt_v2(main_circuit, rnd1, bestckt) t2 = current_milli_time() # print('Replace subckt: {} seconds'.format(round((t2-t1)/1000, 3))) t1 = current_milli_time() (val_main_circuit_new, vulnerability_new) = external_vulnerability_map( main_circuit_new, MONTE_CARLO_ITER) compare_same_logic_for_circuit_monte_carlo(main_circuit, main_circuit_new, 10) if latest_reliability > val_main_circuit_new: print("Success (Stage 2) {} > {} ! =)".format( latest_reliability, val_main_circuit_new)) # Заменяем карту уязвимостей vulnerability_map = copy.deepcopy(vulnerability_new) main_circuit = copy.deepcopy(main_circuit_new) latest_reliability = val_main_circuit_new cur_area = get_area(main_circuit_new) print( 'New area: {} Initial Area: {} Growth Percent: {}%'.format( cur_area, initial_area, round((100.0 * cur_area) / initial_area), 2)) success_replacements += 1 between_replacements = 0 # Статистика по входам выходам замененной подсхемы if (rnd1.inputs(), rnd1.outputs()) in inputOutputReplacements: inputOutputReplacements[rnd1.inputs(), rnd1.outputs()] += 1 else: inputOutputReplacements[rnd1.inputs(), rnd1.outputs()] = 1 # Сохраняем значение увеличения уровней подсхемы levelRnd1 = getMaxLevel(rnd1) levelBestCkt = getMaxLevel(bestckt) replacementLevelIncrease.append(levelBestCkt / levelRnd1) bestFunctionReplace[bestCKTIndex] += 1 else: print("Fail (Stage 2) {} < {} ! =(".format( latest_reliability, val_main_circuit_new)) # Для тестирования ошибок во внешней проге rnd1.print_circuit_in_file( os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'rnd1.txt')) bestckt.print_circuit_in_file( os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'subckt.txt')) main_circuit.print_circuit_in_file( os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'main_circuit.txt')) main_circuit_new.print_circuit_in_file( os.path.join(get_project_directory(), 'temp', 'main_circuit_new.txt')) t2 = current_milli_time() print('External reliability: {} seconds'.format( round((t2 - t1) / 1000, 3))) if success_replacements >= needed_replacements: break else: print("Fail (Stage 1)! =( " + subckt_reliability.__str__() + " <= " + bestval.__str__()) # Если за тысячу итераций не было успешных замен выходим if between_replacements > 1000: break endpoint_reliability = external_reliability(main_circuit, MONTE_CARLO_ITER) print("Total Iterations : " + zzz.__str__()) print("Success replacements (P1): " + success_replacements_part1.__str__()) print("Success replacements (P2): " + success_replacements.__str__()) if success_replacements_part1 == 0: percent = 100 else: percent = round( (100 * success_replacements) / success_replacements_part1, 2) print("Success rate: ", percent.__str__()) print("Initial reliability: " + initial_reliability.__str__()) print("Endpoint reliability: " + endpoint_reliability.__str__()) print("Initial number of elements: {}".format(initial_area)) print("Endpoint number of elements: {}".format(get_area(main_circuit))) print("Best subckt generators: {}".format(bestFunction)) overall_end = timeit.default_timer() print("Total runtime: {} seconds".format((overall_end - overall_start))) main_circuit.print_circuit_in_file(out_circ_file) compare_same_logic_for_circuit_monte_carlo(main_circuit_etalon, main_circuit, 1000) printInputOutputNumbersInReplaceStats(inputOutputTotal, inputOutputReplacements) printLevelIncreaseStat(replacementLevelIncrease) print("Best CKT for replace") print(bestFunctionReplace) resynt_circ_delay = getMaxLevel(main_circuit) circ_delay_percent = round((100 * resynt_circ_delay) / initial_circ_delay, 2) print("Levels in circ. Initial: {}, Resyntesized: {}, Percent: {}".format( initial_circ_delay, resynt_circ_delay, circ_delay_percent))
os.remove(os.path.join(run_path, s1_path)) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(run_path, s2_path)): os.remove(os.path.join(run_path, s2_path)) return result def eq_check(sch1, sch2): ''' Проводим проверку на эквивалентность двух схем в SchemeAlt() формате - sch1 и sch2 :return: возвращаем 1 - в случае эквивалентности 0 - в обратном случае сообщение об ошибке - при ошибке ''' dfile = os.path.dirname(get_project_directory()) run_path = os.path.join(dfile, "utils", "bin", "win32", "abc") s1_path = 'sch1.v' s2_path = 'sch2.v' sch1.print_verilog_in_file(os.path.join(run_path, s1_path), "top") sch2.print_verilog_in_file(os.path.join(run_path, s2_path), "top") ret = equivalence_check_abc() return ret if __name__ == '__main__': c17 = sc.read_scheme("..\\circuits\\ISCAS\\c17.txt") c18 = sc.read_scheme("..\\circuits\\ISCAS\\c17.txt") print(eq_check(c17, c18)) c18.__elements__['G10gat'] = ('AND', ['G1gat', 'G3gat']) print(eq_check(c17, c18))
for i in range(n_outputs): result[i] = list(bin(result[i])[2:].zfill(capacity)) for j in range(capacity): result[i][j] = int(result[i][j]) for i in range(n_outputs): check[i] = list(bin(check[i])[2:].zfill(capacity)) for j in range(capacity): check[i][j] = int(check[i][j]) result = np.transpose(result) check = np.transpose(check) for i in range(capacity): outputs_ced_check.append(np.array_equal(result[i], check[i])) # Подсчет колличества ошибок каждого типа for i in range(capacity): if outputs_ced_check[i]: t_errors[0] += 1 # Маскирование ошибки elif not outputs_ced_check[i]: t_errors[1] += 1 # Пропуск ошибки return t_errors shem = sch.read_scheme( 'C://Users//Polinka//PycharmProjects//for_resume//LGSynth89//vg2.txt') swc = create_ced(shem, 0) t_errors, num = error_simulations(swc, 10000) print('El', swc.elements()) print('SWC_err', t_errors, num) #shem.display_truth_table()