Пример #1
def search_author(name,finitial,lname,search_initial=True):
	Return all the publications for a specific author name.
	# # format the query for the URL
	# name = name.replace(' ','+author%3A')
	# print name
	# # run the query
	# ##cn-need to fix so it still works for the below... search_initial... determine by? from authorstats.py line 7 --use_initials. 
	# url = AUTHOR_SEARCH_TEMPLATE % name #urllib2.quote(name)
	# print url
	# if search_initial is True:
	# 	#url = AUTHOR_SEARCH_TEMPLATE % ('%s %s' % (finitial,lname)).replace(' ','+') #name #urllib2.quote(name)
	# 	#below also from cn 7/4
	# 	url = AUTHOR_SEARCH_TEMPLATE % ('%s %s' % (finitial,lname)).replace(' ','+author%3A') #name #urllib2.quote(name)
	# 	#updated below: cn 7/4
	# 	#url = AUTHOR_SEARCH_TEMPLATE % (finitial,lname)
	if search_initial is True:
		search_name= '%s %s' % (finitial,lname)	
	#content = query_google(url)
	#cn using other scholar search module 825
	import scholar817
	content, gspro_nfound, gspro_names, gspro_links, n_results = scholar817.import_pubs(search_name)
	return gather_publications(content,finitial.lower(),lname.lower()), gspro_nfound, gspro_names, gspro_links
Пример #2
def search_all(name,finitial,lname):
	Return all the publications for a specific author name.
	# # format the query for the URL
	# name = name.replace(' ','+')
	# # run the query
	# url = ALL_SEARCH_TEMPLATE % name
	# #print url
	# content = query_google(url)
	# #cn using other scholar search module 825
	import scholar817
	content, gspro_nfound, gspro_names, gspro_links, n_results = scholar817.import_pubs(name)

	return gather_publications(content,finitial.lower(),lname.lower()), gspro_nfound, gspro_names, gspro_links
Пример #3
def kwsearch(name,finitial,lname,keywords):
	print "cn_gscholar.kwsearch"
	content, gspro_nfound, gspro_names, gspro_links, n_results = scholar817.import_pubs(name, keywords)
	return gather_publications(content,finitial.lower(),lname.lower()), gspro_nfound, gspro_names, gspro_links, n_results