Пример #1
def adequate(chroot_name, target, package_name, analysis):
    with schroot(chroot_name) as chroot:
        chroot.copy(target, "/tmp")

        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'adequate'],

        os.environ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive'
        out, err, ret = chroot.run(
            ['dpkg', '-i', "/tmp/%s" % target],
            return_codes=(0, 1),

        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['apt-get', 'install', '-y', '-f'],

        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['adequate', package_name])

        failed = False
        for issue in parse_adequate(out.splitlines()):
            failed = True

        return analysis, out, failed, None
Пример #2
def adequate(chroot_name, target, package_name, analysis):
    with schroot(chroot_name) as chroot:
        chroot.copy(target, "/tmp")

        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'adequate'
        ], user='******')

        os.environ['DEBIAN_FRONTEND'] = 'noninteractive'
        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'dpkg', '-i',
            "/tmp/%s" % target
        ], user='******', return_codes=(0, 1), preserve_environment=True)

        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'apt-get', 'install', '-y', '-f'
        ], user='******', preserve_environment=True)

        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['adequate', package_name])

        failed = False
        for issue in parse_adequate(out.splitlines()):
            failed = True

        return (analysis, out, failed, None, None)
Пример #3
def adequate(chroot_name, packages, analysis):
    with schroot(chroot_name) as chroot:
        for deb in packages:
            chroot.copy(deb, "/tmp")

        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'adequate'
        ], user='******')

        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'dpkg', '-i'
        ] + [
            "/tmp/%s" % (x) for x in packages
        ], user='******', return_codes=(0, 1))

        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'apt-get', 'install', '-y', '-f'
        ], user='******')

        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['adequate', deb.split("_", 1)[0]])

        failed = False
        for issue in parse_adequate(out.splitlines()):
            failed = True

        return analysis, out, failed
Пример #4
def clanganalyzer(package, suite, arch, analysis):
    raise NotImplemented("Not ported")

    chroot_name = "%s-%s" % (suite, arch)
    with schroot(chroot_name) as chroot:
        # We should have the dsc file to bulid
        dsc = os.path.basename(package)
        if not dsc.endswith(".dsc"):
            raise ValueError("clanganalyzer runner must receive a dsc file")

        # Setup the chroot for scan-build run
        # 1/ install clang
        # TODO: check the return codes
        out, err, ret = chroot.run(["apt-get", "install", "-y", "clang", "wget"], user="******")

        # 2/ fake dpkg-buildpackage in the schroot
        # Replace the real dpkg-buildpackage by our script
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(
            ["mv", "/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage", "/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage.faked"], user="******"
        out += out_

        internal_report_dir = "/tmp/scan-build/"
        # We will output the scan-build plist reports there
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(["mkdir", "-p", internal_report_dir], user="******")
        out += out_
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(["chmod", "777", internal_report_dir], user="******")
        out += out_

        # Create the script
        fake_dpkg_url = "http://leo.cavaille.net/public/dpkg-buildpackage-html"
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(["wget", "-O", "/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage", fake_dpkg_url], user="******")
        out += out_

        # Make it executable
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(["chmod", "755", "/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage"], user="******")
        out += out_

        # Now run sbuild in this session chroot for the package
        out_, err, ret = run_command(
            ["sbuild", "-A", "--use-schroot-session", chroot.session, "-v", "-d", suite, "-j", "8", package]
        out += out_

        # Parse the plist reports into Firehose and return
        # WARN : if the previous run did not delete the folder, this will fail
        # worst, if we run several instances of virtual builders, this will
        # fail because by default /tmp is a bind mount from the physical server
        reports_dir = glob.glob(internal_report_dir + "*")

        ### SCANDALOUS HACK !!
        return analysis, out, reports_dir, None
Пример #5
def upgrade(chroot):
    with schroot(chroot) as chroot:
        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            "apt-get", "update"
        ], user='******')
        print(out, err)
        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            "apt-get", "upgrade", "-y"
        ], user='******')
        print(out, err)
        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            "apt-get", "dist-upgrade", "-y"
        ], user='******')
        print(out, err)
Пример #6
def upgrade(chroot):
    with schroot(chroot) as chroot:
        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            "apt-get", "update"
        ], user='******')
        print(out, err)
        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            "apt-get", "upgrade", "-y"
        ], user='******')
        print(out, err)
        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            "apt-get", "dist-upgrade", "-y"
        ], user='******')
        print(out, err)
Пример #7
def piuparts(chroot, packages, analysis):
    cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
    if cfg.read("/etc/schroot/chroot.d/%s" % (chroot)) == []:
        raise Exception("Shit. No such tarball")

    block = cfg[chroot]

    if "file" not in block:
        raise Exception("Chroot type isn't of tarball")

    location = block['file']
    copy_location = os.path.join("/tmp", os.path.basename(location))

    with schroot(chroot) as chroot:
        chroot.copy(location, copy_location)
        for package in packages:
            chroot.copy(package, "/tmp")

        print("[     ] Installing...")
        chroot.run(['apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'piuparts'], user='******')
        print("[     ] Piuparts installed.")

        failed = False
            print("[     ] Running Piuparts..")
            out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            ] + ["/tmp/%s" % (x) for x in packages] + [
        except SchrootCommandError as e:
            out, err = e.out, e.err
            failed = True

        for x in parse_piuparts(out.splitlines(), package):

        return analysis, out, failed
Пример #8
def piuparts(chroot, packages, analysis):
    cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()
    if cfg.read("/etc/schroot/chroot.d/%s" % (chroot)) == []:
        raise Exception("Shit. No such tarball")

    block = cfg[chroot]

    if "file" not in block:
        raise Exception("Chroot type isn't of tarball")

    location = block['file']
    copy_location = os.path.join("/tmp", os.path.basename(location))

    with schroot(chroot) as chroot:
        chroot.copy(location, copy_location)
        for package in packages:
            chroot.copy(package, "/tmp")

        print("[     ] Installing...")
        chroot.run(['apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'piuparts'], user='******')
        print("[     ] Piuparts installed.")

        failed = False
            print("[     ] Running Piuparts..")
            out, err, ret = chroot.run([
                    '-b', copy_location,
            ] + [ "/tmp/%s" % (x) for x in packages ] + [
            ], user='******')
        except SchrootCommandError as e:
            out, err = e.out, e.err
            failed = True

        for x in parse_piuparts(out.splitlines(), package):

        return analysis, out, failed
Пример #9
def adequate(chroot_name, packages, analysis):
    with schroot(chroot_name) as chroot:
        for deb in packages:
            chroot.copy(deb, "/tmp")

        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'adequate'],

        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['dpkg', '-i'] +
                                   ["/tmp/%s" % (x) for x in packages],
                                   return_codes=(0, 1))

        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['apt-get', 'install', '-y', '-f'],

        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['adequate', deb.split("_", 1)[0]])

        failed = False
        for issue in parse_adequate(out.splitlines()):
            failed = True

        return analysis, out, failed
Пример #10
def clanganalyzer(package, suite, arch, analysis):
    chroot_name = "%s-%s" % (suite, arch)
    with schroot(chroot_name) as chroot:
        # We should have the dsc file to bulid
        dsc = os.path.basename(package)
        if not dsc.endswith('.dsc'):
            raise ValueError("clanganalyzer runner must receive a dsc file")

        # Setup the chroot for scan-build run
        # 1/ install clang
        # TODO: check the return codes
        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'apt-get', 'update'
        ], user='******')

        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'clang', 'wget', 'dpkg-dev',
        ], user='******')

        # 2/ fake dpkg-buildpackage in the schroot
        # Replace the real dpkg-buildpackage by our script
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
        ], user='******')
        out += out_

        # TODO: use tempfile to create a unique temporary directory
        # this would allow running several instances of debile-slave
        # at once
        # difficulty: the directory must stil exist when debile-slave
        # uploads the files to the master
        internal_report_dir = "/tmp/scan-build/"
        # clean up internal report dir
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'rm', '-rf', internal_report_dir
        ], user='******')

        # We will output the scan-build plist reports there
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'mkdir', '-p', internal_report_dir
        ], user='******')
        out += out_
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'chmod', '777', internal_report_dir
        ], user='******')
        out += out_

        # Create the script
        fake_dpkg_url = "http://www.mux.me/debile/dpkg-buildpackage-html"
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'wget', '-O', '/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage', fake_dpkg_url
        ], user='******')
        out += out_

        # Make it executable
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'chmod', '755', '/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage'
        ], user='******')
        out += out_

        # Now run sbuild in this session chroot for the package
        out_, _, _ = run_command([
            "--use-schroot-session", chroot.session,
            "-d", suite,
            "-j", "8",
        out += out_

        # Parse the plist reports into Firehose and return
        # WARN : if the previous run did not delete the folder, this will fail
        # worst, if we run several instances of virtual builders, this will
        # fail because by default /tmp is a bind mount from the physical server
        reports_dir = glob.glob(internal_report_dir + '/*')

        for dir in reports_dir:
            for plist in parse_scandir(dir):
                for issue in plist:

        # SCANDALOUS HACK !!
        files = list()
        for dir in reports_dir:
            for f in glob.glob(dir + '/*.html') + glob.glob(dir + '/*.js') \
                                                + glob.glob(dir + '/*.css'):

        return (analysis, out, reports_dir, None, files)
Пример #11
def honorcxx(package, suite, arch, analysis):
    chroot_name = '{0}-{1}-honorcxx'.format(suite, arch)
    with schroot(chroot_name) as chroot:
        # Let's install the real compilers
        out, err, code = chroot.run(['apt-get', 'update'], user='******')
        out_, err, code = chroot.run([
            'apt-get', '-y', '--no-install-recommends', 'install', 'gcc',
            'cpp', 'g++'
        out += out_
        out += err

        # Let's create fake-compiler
        with chroot.create_file(fake_compiler_path,
                                user='******') as fake_compiler_file:

        out_, err, code = chroot.run(['chmod', '755', fake_compiler_path],
        out += err

        # Let's create the fake gcc
        out_, err, code = chroot.run(['rm', '-f', '/usr/bin/gcc'], user='******')
        out += err

        out_, err, code = chroot.run(['rm', '-f', '/usr/bin/g++'], user='******')
        out += err

        out_, err, code = chroot.run(['rm', '-f', '/usr/bin/cpp'], user='******')
        out += err

        with chroot.create_file('/usr/bin/gcc', user='******') as fake_gcc_file:

        out_, err, code = chroot.run(['chmod', '755', '/usr/bin/gcc'],
        out += err

        for bin in ['gcc', 'g++', 'cpp']:
            out_, err, code = chroot.run(
                ['ln', '-s', '/usr/bin/gcc', '/usr/bin/{0}'.format(bin)],
            out += err

            for version in gcc_versions:
                out_, err, code = chroot.run(
                    ['rm', '-f', '/usr/bin/{0}-{1}'.format(bin, version)],
                out += err

                out_, err, code = chroot.run([
                    'ln', '-s', '/usr/bin/gcc', '/usr/bin/{0}-{1}'.format(
                        bin, version)
                out += err

                out_, err, code = chroot.run([
                    'sh', '-c',
                    'echo {0}-{1} hold | dpkg --set-selections'.format(
                        bin, version)
                out += err

                out_, err, code = chroot.run([
                    'sh', '-c',
                    'echo {0}-{1}-base hold | dpkg --set-selections'.format(
                        bin, version)
                out += err

        # cleanup previous result file
        if os.path.exists('/tmp/no-honor-cxx'):

        # let's go
        out_, _, _ = run_command([
        out += out_

        failed = False
        if os.path.exists('/tmp/no-honor-cxx'):
            failed = True
            # FIXME: firewoes complains, some data might be missing
            # File "/home/clemux/dev/debian/firewoes/firewoes/lib/debianutils.py",
            #       line 70, in get_source_url
            # >>> url_quote(message)))
            # TypeError: %d format: a number is required, not Undefined
                    location=Location(file=File('n/a', None), function=None),
                    message=Message(text='Package does not honor CC/CXX'),


        return (analysis, out, failed, None, None)
Пример #12
def clanganalyzer(package, suite, arch, analysis):
    raise NotImplemented("Not ported")

    chroot_name = "%s-%s" % (suite, arch)
    with schroot(chroot_name) as chroot:
        # We should have the dsc file to bulid
        dsc = os.path.basename(package)
        if not dsc.endswith('.dsc'):
            raise ValueError("clanganalyzer runner must receive a dsc file")

        # Setup the chroot for scan-build run
        # 1/ install clang
        # TODO: check the return codes
        out, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'apt-get', 'install', '-y', 'clang', 'wget'
        ], user='******')

        # 2/ fake dpkg-buildpackage in the schroot
        # Replace the real dpkg-buildpackage by our script
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
        ], user='******')
        out += out_

        internal_report_dir = "/tmp/scan-build/"
        # We will output the scan-build plist reports there
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'mkdir', '-p', internal_report_dir
        ], user='******')
        out += out_
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'chmod', '777', internal_report_dir
        ], user='******')
        out += out_

        # Create the script
        fake_dpkg_url = "http://leo.cavaille.net/public/dpkg-buildpackage-html"
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'wget', '-O', '/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage', fake_dpkg_url
        ], user='******')
        out += out_

        # Make it executable
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'chmod', '755', '/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage'
        ], user='******')
        out += out_

        # Now run sbuild in this session chroot for the package
        out_, err, ret = run_command([
            "--use-schroot-session", chroot.session,
            "-d", suite,
            "-j", "8",
        out += out_

        # Parse the plist reports into Firehose and return
        # WARN : if the previous run did not delete the folder, this will fail
        # worst, if we run several instances of virtual builders, this will
        # fail because by default /tmp is a bind mount from the physical server
        reports_dir = glob.glob(internal_report_dir+'*')

        ### SCANDALOUS HACK !!
        return analysis, out, reports_dir, None
Пример #13
def clanganalyzer(package, suite, arch, analysis):
    chroot_name = "%s-%s" % (suite, arch)
    with schroot(chroot_name) as chroot:
        # We should have the dsc file to bulid
        dsc = os.path.basename(package)
        if not dsc.endswith('.dsc'):
            raise ValueError("clanganalyzer runner must receive a dsc file")

        # Setup the chroot for scan-build run
        # 1/ install clang
        # TODO: check the return codes
        out, err, ret = chroot.run(['apt-get', 'update'], user='******')

        out, err, ret = chroot.run([

        # 2/ fake dpkg-buildpackage in the schroot
        # Replace the real dpkg-buildpackage by our script
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run([
            'mv', '/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage',
        out += out_

        # TODO: use tempfile to create a unique temporary directory
        # this would allow running several instances of debile-slave
        # at once
        # difficulty: the directory must stil exist when debile-slave
        # uploads the files to the master
        internal_report_dir = "/tmp/scan-build/"
        # clean up internal report dir
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(['rm', '-rf', internal_report_dir],

        # We will output the scan-build plist reports there
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(['mkdir', '-p', internal_report_dir],
        out += out_
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(['chmod', '777', internal_report_dir],
        out += out_

        # Create the script
        fake_dpkg_url = "http://www.mux.me/debile/dpkg-buildpackage-html"
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(
            ['wget', '-O', '/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage', fake_dpkg_url],
        out += out_

        # Make it executable
        out_, err, ret = chroot.run(
            ['chmod', '755', '/usr/bin/dpkg-buildpackage'], user='******')
        out += out_

        # Now run sbuild in this session chroot for the package
        out_, err, ret = run_command([
        out += out_

        # Parse the plist reports into Firehose and return
        # WARN : if the previous run did not delete the folder, this will fail
        # worst, if we run several instances of virtual builders, this will
        # fail because by default /tmp is a bind mount from the physical server
        reports_dir = glob.glob(internal_report_dir + '/*')

        for dir in reports_dir:
            for plist in parse_scandir(dir):
                for issue in plist:

        # SCANDALOUS HACK !!
        files = list()
        for dir in reports_dir:
            for f in glob.glob(dir + '/*.html') + glob.glob(dir + '/*.js') \
                                                + glob.glob(dir + '/*.css'):

        return (analysis, out, reports_dir, None, files)