Пример #1
    def test_uniform(self):
        """test uniform tensor train"""

        # construct uniform tensor train
        norm = 10 * np.random.rand()
        t_uni = tt.uniform(self.row_dims, ranks=self.ranks[1], norm=norm)

        # compute norms
        norm_tt = t_uni.norm()

        # compute relative error
        rel_err = (norm_tt - norm) / norm

        # check if relative error is smaller than tolerance
        self.assertLess(rel_err, self.tol)
Пример #2
utl.progress('Load data', 0, dots=39)
transitions = io.loadmat("data/QuadrupleWell3D_25x25x25_100.mat")["indices"]  # load data
utl.progress('Load data', 100, dots=39)

# construct TT operator
# ---------------------

utl.progress('Construct operator', 0, dots=30)
operator = pf.perron_frobenius_3d(transitions, [n_states] * 3, simulations)
utl.progress('Construct operator', 100, dots=30)

# approximate leading eigenfunctions
# ----------------------------------

utl.progress('Approximate eigenfunctions in the TT format', 0, dots=5)
initial = tt.uniform(operator.row_dims, ranks=[1, 20, 10, 1])
eigenvalues, eigenfunctions = evp.als(operator, initial, number_ev, 2)
utl.progress('Approximate eigenfunctions in the TT format', 100, dots=5)

# compute exact eigenvectors
# --------------------------

utl.progress('Compute exact eigenfunctions in matrix format', 0)
eigenvalues_exact, eigenfunctions_exact = splin.eigs(operator.matricize(), k=number_ev)
idx = eigenvalues_exact.argsort()[::-1]
eigenvalues_exact = eigenvalues_exact[idx]
eigenfunctions_exact = eigenfunctions_exact[:, idx]
utl.progress('Compute exact eigenfunctions in matrix format', 100)

# convert results to matrices
# ----------------------------------
Пример #3
# -----------------------------------------------------------

initial_distribution = tt.zeros([2**m, 2**(m + 1), 2**m, 2**m], [1] * 4)
initial_distribution.cores[0][0, -1, 0, 0] = 1
initial_distribution.cores[1][0, -2, 0, 0] = 1
initial_distribution.cores[2][0, 0, 0, 0] = 1
initial_distribution.cores[3][0, 0, 0, 0] = 1
initial_distribution = TT.tt2qtt(
    initial_distribution, [[2] * m] + [[2] * (m + 1)] + [[2] * m] + [[2] * m],
    [[1] * m] + [[1] * (m + 1)] + [[1] * m] + [[1] * m],

# initial guess in QTT format
# ---------------------------

initial_guess = tt.uniform([2] * (4 * m + 1), ranks=qtt_rank).ortho_right()

# solve Markovian master equation in QTT format
# ---------------------------------------------

solution = ode.implicit_euler(operator,

# compute approximation errors
errors = ode.errors_impl_euler(operator, solution, step_sizes)
print('Maximum error: ' + str("%.2e" % np.amax(errors)) + '\n')