Пример #1
    def test_trapezoidal_rule(self):
        """test for trapezoidal rule"""

        # compute numerical solution of the ODE
        operator = mdl.two_step_destruction(1, 2, 1, 2)
        initial_value = tt.zeros([2 ** 2, 2 ** (2 + 1), 2 ** 2, 2 ** 2], [1] * 4)
        initial_value.cores[0][0, -1, 0, 0] = 1
        initial_value.cores[1][0, -2, 0, 0] = 1
        initial_value.cores[2][0, 0, 0, 0] = 1
        initial_value.cores[3][0, 0, 0, 0] = 1
        initial_guess = tt.ones(operator.row_dims, [1] * operator.order, ranks=self.rank).ortho_right()
        step_sizes = [0.001] * 100 + [0.1] * 9 + [1] * 19
        solution_als = ode.trapezoidal_rule(operator, initial_value, initial_guess, step_sizes, tt_solver='als',
        solution_mals = ode.trapezoidal_rule(operator, initial_value, initial_guess, step_sizes, tt_solver='mals',
                                             max_rank=self.rank, progress=False)

        # compute norm of the derivatives at the final 10 time steps
        derivatives_als = []
        derivatives_mals = []
        for i in range(10):
            derivatives_als.append((operator.dot(solution_als[-i - 1])).norm())
            derivatives_mals.append((operator.dot(solution_mals[-i - 1])).norm())

        # check if trapezoidal rule converged to stationary distribution
        for i in range(10):
            self.assertLess(derivatives_als[i], self.tol)
            self.assertLess(derivatives_mals[i], self.tol)
Пример #2
    def test_zeros(self):
        """test tensor train of all zeros"""

        # construct tensor train of all zeros
        t_zeros = tt.zeros(self.t.row_dims, self.t.col_dims)

        # compute norm
        t_norm = np.linalg.norm(t_zeros.full().flatten())

        # check if norm is 0
        self.assertEqual(t_norm, 0)
Пример #3
order = 20
tt_rank = 4
qtt_rank = 12
step_sizes = [1] * 300
qtt_modes = [[2] * 6] * order
threshold = 1e-14

# operator in TT format
# ---------------------

operator = mdl.signaling_cascade(order)

# initial distribution in TT format
# ---------------------------------

initial_distribution = tt.zeros(operator.col_dims, [1] * order)
for p in range(initial_distribution.order):
    initial_distribution.cores[p][0, 0, 0, 0] = 1

# initial guess in TT format
# --------------------------

initial_guess = tt.ones(operator.col_dims, [1] * order,

# solve Markovian master equation in TT format
# --------------------------------------------

print('TT approach:\n')
solution = ode.trapezoidal_rule(operator, initial_distribution, initial_guess,
Пример #4
step_sizes = [0.001] * 100 + [0.1] * 9 + [1] * 9
qtt_rank = 10
max_rank = 25

# construct operator in TT format and convert to QTT format
# ---------------------------------------------------------

operator = mdl.two_step_destruction(
    1, 2, 1, m).tt2qtt([[2] * m] + [[2] * (m + 1)] + [[2] * m] + [[2] * m],
                       [[2] * m] + [[2] * (m + 1)] + [[2] * m] + [[2] * m],

# initial distribution in TT format and convert to QTT format
# -----------------------------------------------------------

initial_distribution = tt.zeros([2**m, 2**(m + 1), 2**m, 2**m], [1] * 4)
initial_distribution.cores[0][0, -1, 0, 0] = 1
initial_distribution.cores[1][0, -2, 0, 0] = 1
initial_distribution.cores[2][0, 0, 0, 0] = 1
initial_distribution.cores[3][0, 0, 0, 0] = 1
initial_distribution = TT.tt2qtt(
    initial_distribution, [[2] * m] + [[2] * (m + 1)] + [[2] * m] + [[2] * m],
    [[1] * m] + [[1] * (m + 1)] + [[1] * m] + [[1] * m],

# initial guess in QTT format
# ---------------------------

initial_guess = tt.uniform([2] * (4 * m + 1), ranks=qtt_rank).ortho_right()

# solve Markovian master equation in QTT format