def test_hermitian_complex128(self): # M < N a = np.array([[1j, 2j, 3j, 4j, 5j, 6j], [7j, 8j, 9j, 10j, 11j, 12j]], np.complex128) a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a) at_gpu = linalg.hermitian(a_gpu) assert np.all(np.conj(a.T) == at_gpu.get()) # M > N b = a.T.copy() b_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(b) bt_gpu = linalg.hermitian(b_gpu) assert np.all(np.conj(b.T) == bt_gpu.get())
def test_hermitian_float64(self): # M < N a = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]], np.float64) a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a) at_gpu = linalg.hermitian(a_gpu) assert np.all(a.T == at_gpu.get()) # M > N b = a.T.copy() b_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(b) bt_gpu = linalg.hermitian(b_gpu) assert np.all(b.T == bt_gpu.get())
def test_hermitian_float64(self): a = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]], np.float64) a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a) at_gpu = linalg.hermitian(a_gpu) assert np.all(a.T == at_gpu.get())
def test_hermitian_complex64(self): a = np.array([[1j, 2j, 3j, 4j, 5j, 6j], [7j, 8j, 9j, 10j, 11j, 12j]], np.complex64) a_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(a) at_gpu = linalg.hermitian(a_gpu) assert np.all(np.conj(a.T) == at_gpu.get())
def iaf_decode_pop(s_gpu, ns_gpu, dur, dt, bw, b_gpu, d_gpu, R_gpu, C_gpu, M=5, smoothing=0.0): """ Population IAF time decoding machine. Decode a signal encoded with an ensemble of Integrate-and-Fire neurons assuming that the encoded signal is representable in terms of trigonometric polynomials. Parameters ---------- s_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Signal encoded by an ensemble of encoders. The nonzero values represent the time between spikes (in s). The number of arrays in the list corresponds to the number of encoders in the ensemble. ns_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Number of interspike intervals in each row of `s_gpu`. dur : float Duration of signal (in s). dt : float Sampling resolution of original signal; the sampling frequency is 1/dt Hz. bw : float Signal bandwidth (in rad/s). b_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of encoder biases. d_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of encoder thresholds. R_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of neuron resistances. C_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of neuron capacitances. M : int 2*M+1 coefficients are used for reconstructing the signal. smoothing : float Smoothing parameter. Returns ------- u_rec : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Recovered signal. Notes ----- The number of spikes contributed by each neuron may differ from the number contributed by other neurons. """ # Sanity checks: float_type = s_gpu.dtype.type if float_type == np.float32: use_double = 0 complex_type = np.complex64 __pinv_rcond__ = 1e-4 elif float_type == np.float64: use_double = 1 complex_type = np.complex128 __pinv_rcond__ = 1e-8 else: raise ValueError('unsupported data type') N = s_gpu.shape[0] if not N: raise ValueError('no spike data given') if (ns_gpu.size != N) or (b_gpu.size != N) or (d_gpu.size != N) or \ (R_gpu.size != N) or (C_gpu.size != N): raise ValueError('parameter arrays must be of same length') T = 2*np.pi*M/bw if T < dur: raise ValueError('2*pi*M/bw must exceed the signal length') # Map CUDA index to neuron index and interspike interval index: ns = ns_gpu.get() idx_to_ni, idx_to_k = _compute_idx_map(ns) idx_to_ni_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(idx_to_ni) idx_to_k_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(idx_to_k) dev = cumisc.get_current_device() # Use a smaller block size than the maximum to prevent the kernels # from using too many registers: max_threads_per_block = 256 # Prepare kernels: cache_dir = None compute_ts_pop_mod = SourceModule(compute_ts_pop_template.substitute(use_double=use_double), cache_dir=cache_dir) compute_ts_pop = compute_ts_pop_mod.get_function('compute_ts') compute_q_pop_mod = \ SourceModule(compute_q_pop_template.substitute(use_double=use_double), cache_dir=cache_dir) compute_q_pop_ideal = compute_q_pop_mod.get_function('compute_q_ideal') compute_q_pop_leaky = compute_q_pop_mod.get_function('compute_q_leaky') compute_F_pop_mod = \ SourceModule(compute_F_pop_template.substitute(use_double=use_double), cache_dir=cache_dir, options=['-I', install_headers]) compute_F_pop_ideal = compute_F_pop_mod.get_function('compute_F_ideal') compute_F_pop_leaky = compute_F_pop_mod.get_function('compute_F_leaky') compute_u_pop_mod = \ SourceModule(compute_u_pop_template.substitute(use_double=use_double), cache_dir=cache_dir, options=['-I', install_headers]) compute_u_pop = compute_u_pop_mod.get_function('compute_u') # Total number of interspike intervals per neuron less 1 for each # spike train with more than Nq = int(np.sum(ns)-np.sum(ns>1)) # Set up GPUArrays for intermediary data: ts_gpu = gpuarray.zeros_like(s_gpu) # Note that these arrays are complex to enable use of CUBLAS # matrix multiplication functions: q_gpu = gpuarray.empty((Nq, 1), complex_type) F_gpu = gpuarray.empty((Nq, 2*M+1), complex_type) # Get required block/grid sizes: block_dim_ts, grid_dim_ts = \ cumisc.select_block_grid_sizes(dev, N, max_threads_per_block) block_dim_q, grid_dim_q = \ cumisc.select_block_grid_sizes(dev, q_gpu.shape, max_threads_per_block) block_dim_F, grid_dim_F = \ cumisc.select_block_grid_sizes(dev, F_gpu.shape, max_threads_per_block) # Launch kernels: compute_ts_pop(s_gpu, ns_gpu, ts_gpu, np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(N), block=block_dim_ts, grid=grid_dim_ts) if np.all(np.isinf(R_gpu.get())): compute_q_pop_ideal(s_gpu, q_gpu, b_gpu, d_gpu, C_gpu, idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu, np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(Nq), block=block_dim_q, grid=grid_dim_q) compute_F_pop_ideal(s_gpu, ts_gpu, F_gpu, float_type(bw), idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu, np.int32(M), np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(F_gpu.size), block=block_dim_F, grid=grid_dim_F) else: compute_q_pop_leaky(s_gpu, q_gpu, b_gpu, d_gpu, R_gpu, C_gpu, idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu, np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(Nq), block=block_dim_q, grid=grid_dim_q) compute_F_pop_leaky(s_gpu, ts_gpu, F_gpu, float_type(bw), R_gpu, C_gpu, idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu, np.int32(M), np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(F_gpu.size), block=block_dim_F, grid=grid_dim_F) # Free unneeded variables: del s_gpu, ts_gpu, idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu # Compute the product of F^H and q first so that both F^H and q # can be dropped from memory: FH_gpu = culinalg.hermitian(F_gpu) FHq_gpu =, q_gpu) del FH_gpu, q_gpu if smoothing == 0: c_gpu =, F_gpu, 'c'), __pinv_rcond__), FHq_gpu) else: c_gpu =, F_gpu, 'c')+ np.sum(ns)*smoothing*culinalg.eye(2*M+1, float_type), __pinv_rcond__), FHq_gpu) # Allocate array for reconstructed signal: Nt = int(np.ceil(dur/dt)) u_rec_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.zeros(Nt, complex_type)) ### Replace the above with the following line when the bug in # gpuarray.zeros in pycuda 2011.1.2 is fixed: #u_rec_gpu = gpuarray.zeros(Nt, complex_type) # Get required block/grid sizes: block_dim_t, grid_dim_t = \ cumisc.select_block_grid_sizes(dev, Nt, max_threads_per_block) # Reconstruct signal: compute_u_pop(u_rec_gpu, c_gpu, float_type(bw), float_type(dt), np.int32(M), np.uint32(Nt), block=block_dim_t, grid=grid_dim_t) return np.real(u_rec_gpu.get())
def iaf_decode_pop(s_gpu, ns_gpu, dur, dt, bw, b_gpu, d_gpu, R_gpu, C_gpu, M=5, smoothing=0.0): """ Population IAF time decoding machine. Decode a signal encoded with an ensemble of Integrate-and-Fire neurons assuming that the encoded signal is representable in terms of trigonometric polynomials. Parameters ---------- s_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Signal encoded by an ensemble of encoders. The nonzero values represent the time between spikes (in s). The number of arrays in the list corresponds to the number of encoders in the ensemble. ns_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Number of interspike intervals in each row of `s_gpu`. dur : float Duration of signal (in s). dt : float Sampling resolution of original signal; the sampling frequency is 1/dt Hz. bw : float Signal bandwidth (in rad/s). b_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of encoder biases. d_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of encoder thresholds. R_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of neuron resistances. C_gpu : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Array of neuron capacitances. M : int 2*M+1 coefficients are used for reconstructing the signal. smoothing : float Smoothing parameter. Returns ------- u_rec : pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray Recovered signal. Notes ----- The number of spikes contributed by each neuron may differ from the number contributed by other neurons. """ # Sanity checks: float_type = s_gpu.dtype.type if float_type == np.float32: use_double = 0 complex_type = np.complex64 __pinv_rcond__ = 1e-4 elif float_type == np.float64: use_double = 1 complex_type = np.complex128 __pinv_rcond__ = 1e-8 else: raise ValueError('unsupported data type') N = s_gpu.shape[0] if not N: raise ValueError('no spike data given') if (ns_gpu.size != N) or (b_gpu.size != N) or (d_gpu.size != N) or \ (R_gpu.size != N) or (C_gpu.size != N): raise ValueError('parameter arrays must be of same length') T = 2 * np.pi * M / bw if T < dur: raise ValueError('2*pi*M/bw must exceed the signal length') # Map CUDA index to neuron index and interspike interval index: ns = ns_gpu.get() idx_to_ni, idx_to_k = _compute_idx_map(ns) idx_to_ni_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(idx_to_ni) idx_to_k_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(idx_to_k) dev = cumisc.get_current_device() # Use a smaller block size than the maximum to prevent the kernels # from using too many registers: max_threads_per_block = 256 # Prepare kernels: cache_dir = None compute_ts_pop_mod = SourceModule( compute_ts_pop_template.substitute(use_double=use_double), cache_dir=cache_dir) compute_ts_pop = compute_ts_pop_mod.get_function('compute_ts') compute_q_pop_mod = \ SourceModule(compute_q_pop_template.substitute(use_double=use_double), cache_dir=cache_dir) compute_q_pop_ideal = compute_q_pop_mod.get_function('compute_q_ideal') compute_q_pop_leaky = compute_q_pop_mod.get_function('compute_q_leaky') compute_F_pop_mod = \ SourceModule(compute_F_pop_template.substitute(use_double=use_double), cache_dir=cache_dir, options=['-I', install_headers]) compute_F_pop_ideal = compute_F_pop_mod.get_function('compute_F_ideal') compute_F_pop_leaky = compute_F_pop_mod.get_function('compute_F_leaky') compute_u_pop_mod = \ SourceModule(compute_u_pop_template.substitute(use_double=use_double), cache_dir=cache_dir, options=['-I', install_headers]) compute_u_pop = compute_u_pop_mod.get_function('compute_u') # Total number of interspike intervals per neuron less 1 for each # spike train with more than Nq = int(np.sum(ns) - np.sum(ns > 1)) # Set up GPUArrays for intermediary data: ts_gpu = gpuarray.zeros_like(s_gpu) # Note that these arrays are complex to enable use of CUBLAS # matrix multiplication functions: q_gpu = gpuarray.empty((Nq, 1), complex_type) F_gpu = gpuarray.empty((Nq, 2 * M + 1), complex_type) # Get required block/grid sizes: block_dim_ts, grid_dim_ts = \ cumisc.select_block_grid_sizes(dev, N, max_threads_per_block) block_dim_q, grid_dim_q = \ cumisc.select_block_grid_sizes(dev, q_gpu.shape, max_threads_per_block) block_dim_F, grid_dim_F = \ cumisc.select_block_grid_sizes(dev, F_gpu.shape, max_threads_per_block) # Launch kernels: compute_ts_pop(s_gpu, ns_gpu, ts_gpu, np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(N), block=block_dim_ts, grid=grid_dim_ts) if np.all(np.isinf(R_gpu.get())): compute_q_pop_ideal(s_gpu, q_gpu, b_gpu, d_gpu, C_gpu, idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu, np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(Nq), block=block_dim_q, grid=grid_dim_q) compute_F_pop_ideal(s_gpu, ts_gpu, F_gpu, float_type(bw), idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu, np.int32(M), np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(F_gpu.size), block=block_dim_F, grid=grid_dim_F) else: compute_q_pop_leaky(s_gpu, q_gpu, b_gpu, d_gpu, R_gpu, C_gpu, idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu, np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(Nq), block=block_dim_q, grid=grid_dim_q) compute_F_pop_leaky(s_gpu, ts_gpu, F_gpu, float_type(bw), R_gpu, C_gpu, idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu, np.int32(M), np.uint32(s_gpu.shape[1]), np.uint32(F_gpu.size), block=block_dim_F, grid=grid_dim_F) # Free unneeded variables: del s_gpu, ts_gpu, idx_to_ni_gpu, idx_to_k_gpu # Compute the product of F^H and q first so that both F^H and q # can be dropped from memory: FH_gpu = culinalg.hermitian(F_gpu) FHq_gpu =, q_gpu) del FH_gpu, q_gpu if smoothing == 0: c_gpu = culinalg.pinv(, F_gpu, 'c'), __pinv_rcond__), FHq_gpu) else: c_gpu = culinalg.pinv(, F_gpu, 'c') + np.sum(ns) * smoothing * culinalg.eye(2 * M + 1, float_type), __pinv_rcond__), FHq_gpu) # Allocate array for reconstructed signal: Nt = int(np.ceil(dur / dt)) u_rec_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.zeros(Nt, complex_type)) ### Replace the above with the following line when the bug in # gpuarray.zeros in pycuda 2011.1.2 is fixed: #u_rec_gpu = gpuarray.zeros(Nt, complex_type) # Get required block/grid sizes: block_dim_t, grid_dim_t = \ cumisc.select_block_grid_sizes(dev, Nt, max_threads_per_block) # Reconstruct signal: compute_u_pop(u_rec_gpu, c_gpu, float_type(bw), float_type(dt), np.int32(M), np.uint32(Nt), block=block_dim_t, grid=grid_dim_t) return np.real(u_rec_gpu.get())