Пример #1
    def test_fullrank(self):
        X = standard_normal((40,10))
        X[:,0] = X[:,1] + X[:,2]

        Y = tools.fullrank(X)
        self.assertEquals(Y.shape, (40,9))
        self.assertEquals(tools.rank(Y), 9)

        X[:,5] = X[:,3] + X[:,4]
        Y = tools.fullrank(X)
        self.assertEquals(Y.shape, (40,8))
        self.assertEquals(tools.rank(Y), 8)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, sys, sigma=None, dfk=None):
        if len(sys) % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError, "sys must be a list of pairs of endogenous and \
exogenous variables.  Got length %s" % len(sys)
        if dfk:
            if not dfk.lower() in ['dfk1','dfk2']:
                raise ValueError, "dfk option %s not understood" % (dfk)
        self._dfk = dfk
        M = len(sys[1::2])
        self._M = M
#        exog = np.zeros((M,M), dtype=object)
#        for i,eq in enumerate(sys[1::2]):
#            exog[i,i] = np.asarray(eq)  # not sure this exog is needed
                                        # used to compute resids for now
        exog = np.column_stack(np.asarray(sys[1::2][i]) for i in range(M))
#       exog = np.vstack(np.asarray(sys[1::2][i]) for i in range(M))
        self.exog = exog # 2d ndarray exog is better
# Endog, might just go ahead and reshape this?
        endog = np.asarray(sys[::2])
        self.endog = endog
        self.nobs = float(self.endog[0].shape[0]) # assumes all the same length

# Degrees of Freedom
        df_resid = []
        df_model = []
        [df_resid.append(self.nobs - tools.rank(_)) \
                for _ in sys[1::2]]
        [df_model.append(tools.rank(_) - 1) for _ in sys[1::2]]
        self.df_resid = np.asarray(df_resid)
        self.df_model = np.asarray(df_model)

# "Block-diagonal" sparse matrix of exog
        sp_exog = sparse.lil_matrix((int(self.nobs*M),
            int(np.sum(self.df_model+1)))) # linked lists to build
        self._cols = np.cumsum(np.hstack((0, self.df_model+1)))
        for i in range(M):
                    self._cols[i]:self._cols[i+1]] = sys[1::2][i]
        self.sp_exog = sp_exog.tocsr() # cast to compressed for efficiency
# Deal with sigma, check shape earlier if given
        if np.any(sigma):
            sigma = np.asarray(sigma) # check shape
        elif sigma == None:
            resids = []
            for i in range(M):
            resids = np.asarray(resids).reshape(M,-1)
            sigma = self._compute_sigma(resids)
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.cholsigmainv = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.pinv(\
Пример #3
    def checkMovingOLS(self, window_type, x, y, **kwds):
        window = tools.rank(x.values) * 2

        moving = ols(y=y, x=x, window_type=window_type, window=window, **kwds)

        if isinstance(moving.y, Series):
            index = moving.y.index
        elif isinstance(moving.y, LongPanel):
            index = moving.y.major_axis

        for n, i in enumerate(moving._valid_indices):
            if window_type == 'rolling' and i >= window:
                prior_date = index[i - window + 1]
                prior_date = index[0]

            date = index[i]

            x_iter = {}
            for k, v in x.iteritems():
                x_iter[k] = v.truncate(before=prior_date, after=date)
            y_iter = y.truncate(before=prior_date, after=date)

            static = ols(y=y_iter, x=x_iter, **kwds)

            self.compare(static, moving, event_index=i, result_index=n)

Пример #4
    def checkMovingOLS(self, window_type, x, y, **kwds):
        window = tools.rank(x.values) * 2

        moving = ols(y=y, x=x, window_type=window_type, window=window, **kwds)

        if isinstance(moving.y, Series):
            index = moving.y.index
        elif isinstance(moving.y, LongPanel):
            index = moving.y.major_axis

        for n, i in enumerate(moving._valid_indices):
            if window_type == "rolling" and i >= window:
                prior_date = index[i - window + 1]
                prior_date = index[0]

            date = index[i]

            x_iter = {}
            for k, v in x.iteritems():
                x_iter[k] = v.truncate(before=prior_date, after=date)
            y_iter = y.truncate(before=prior_date, after=date)

            static = ols(y=y_iter, x=x_iter, **kwds)

            self.compare(static, moving, event_index=i, result_index=n)

Пример #5
    def __init__(self, sys, indep_endog=None, instruments=None):
        if len(sys) % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError, "sys must be a list of pairs of endogenous and \
exogenous variables.  Got length %s" % len(sys)
        M = len(sys[1::2])
        self._M = M
# The lists are probably a bad idea
        self.endog = sys[::2]   # these are just list containers
        self.exog = sys[1::2]
        self._K = [tools.rank(_) for _ in sys[1::2]]
#        fullexog = np.column_stack((_ for _ in self.exog))

        self.instruments = instruments

        # Keep the Y_j's in a container to get IVs
        instr_endog = {}
        [instr_endog.setdefault(_,[]) for _ in indep_endog.keys()]

        for eq_key in indep_endog:
            for varcol in indep_endog[eq_key]:
                # ^ copy needed?
#        self._instr_endog = instr_endog

        self._indep_endog = indep_endog
        _col_map = np.cumsum(np.hstack((0,self._K))) # starting col no.s
# move this check to whiten since we're not going to build a full exog?
        for eq_key in indep_endog:
#                eq_key = [eq_key]
                raise TypeError, "The values of the indep_exog dict must be\
 iterable. Got type %s for converter %s" % (type(del_col))
#            for del_col in indep_endog[eq_key]:
#                fullexog = np.delete(fullexog,  _col_map[eq_key]+del_col, 1)
#                _col_map[eq_key+1:] -= 1

# Josef's example for deleting reoccuring "rows"
#        fullexog = np.unique(fullexog.T.view([('',fullexog.dtype)]*\
#                fullexog.shape[0])).view(fullexog.dtype).reshape(\
#                fullexog.shape[0],-1)
# From http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.numeric.general/32276/
# Or Jouni' suggetsion of taking a hash:
# http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg04209.html
# not clear to me how this would work though, only if they are the *same*
# elements?
#        self.fullexog = fullexog
        self.wexog = self.whiten(instr_endog)
Пример #6
    def test_rank(self):
        X = standard_normal((40,10))
        self.assertEquals(tools.rank(X), 10)

        X[:,0] = X[:,1] + X[:,2]
        self.assertEquals(tools.rank(X), 9)