Пример #1
def get_ventricles_max_fodf(data, fa, md, zoom, args):
    order = find_order_from_nb_coeff(data)
    sphere = get_sphere('repulsion100')
    b_matrix = get_b_matrix(order, sphere, args.sh_basis)
    sum_of_max = 0
    count = 0

    mask = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1])

    if np.min(data.shape[:-1]) > 40:
        step = 20
        if np.min(data.shape[:-1]) > 20:
            step = 10
            step = 5

    # 1000 works well at 2x2x2 = 8 mm^3
    # Hence, we multiply by the volume of a voxel
    vol = (zoom[0] * zoom[1] * zoom[2])
    if vol != 0:
        max_number_of_voxels = old_div(1000 * 8, vol)
        max_number_of_voxels = 1000

    all_i = list(
        range(int(data.shape[0] / 2) - step,
              int(data.shape[0] / 2) + step))
    all_j = list(
        range(int(data.shape[1] / 2) - step,
              int(data.shape[1] / 2) + step))
    all_k = list(
        range(int(data.shape[2] / 2) - step,
              int(data.shape[2] / 2) + step))
    for i in all_i:
        for j in all_j:
            for k in all_k:
                if count > max_number_of_voxels - 1:
                if fa[i, j, k] < args.fa_threshold \
                        and md[i, j, k] > args.md_threshold:
                    sf = np.dot(data[i, j, k], b_matrix.T)
                    sum_of_max += sf.max()
                    count += 1
                    mask[i, j, k] = 1

    logging.debug('Number of voxels detected: {}'.format(count))
    if count == 0:
        logging.warning('No voxels found for evaluation! Change your fa '
                        'and/or md thresholds')
        return 0, mask

    logging.debug('Average max fodf value: {}'.format(sum_of_max / count))
    return sum_of_max / count, mask
Пример #2
def _get_direction_getter(args, mask_data):
    sh_data = nib.load(args.sh_file).get_data().astype('float64')
    sphere = HemiSphere.from_sphere(get_sphere(args.sphere))
    theta = get_theta(args.theta, args.algo)

    if args.algo in ['det', 'prob']:
        if args.algo == 'det':
            dg_class = DeterministicMaximumDirectionGetter
            dg_class = ProbabilisticDirectionGetter
        return dg_class.from_shcoeff(shcoeff=sh_data,

    # Code for type EUDX. We don't use peaks_from_model
    # because we want the peaks from the provided sh.
    sh_shape_3d = sh_data.shape[:-1]
    npeaks = 5
    peak_dirs = np.zeros((sh_shape_3d + (npeaks, 3)))
    peak_values = np.zeros((sh_shape_3d + (npeaks, )))
    peak_indices = np.full((sh_shape_3d + (npeaks, )), -1, dtype='int')
    b_matrix = get_b_matrix(find_order_from_nb_coeff(sh_data), sphere,

    for idx in np.ndindex(sh_shape_3d):
        if not mask_data[idx]:

        directions, values, indices = get_maximas(sh_data[idx], sphere,
                                                  b_matrix, args.sf_threshold,
        if values.shape[0] != 0:
            n = min(npeaks, values.shape[0])
            peak_dirs[idx][:n] = directions[:n]
            peak_values[idx][:n] = values[:n]
            peak_indices[idx][:n] = indices[:n]

    dg = PeaksAndMetrics()
    dg.sphere = sphere
    dg.peak_dirs = peak_dirs
    dg.peak_values = peak_values
    dg.peak_indices = peak_indices
    dg.ang_thr = theta
    dg.qa_thr = args.sf_threshold
    return dg
Пример #3
def get_maps(data, mask, args, npeaks=5):
    nufo_map = np.zeros(data.shape[0:3])
    afd_map = np.zeros(data.shape[0:3])
    afd_sum = np.zeros(data.shape[0:3])

    peaks_dirs = np.zeros(list(data.shape[0:3]) + [npeaks, 3])
    order = find_order_from_nb_coeff(data)
    sphere = get_sphere(args.sphere)
    b_matrix = get_b_matrix(order, sphere, args.sh_basis)

    for index in ndindex(data.shape[:-1]):
        if mask[index]:
            if np.isnan(data[index]).any():
                nufo_map[index] = 0
                afd_map[index] = 0
                maximas, afd, _ = get_maximas(
                    data[index], sphere, b_matrix, args.r_threshold, args.at)
                # sf = np.dot(data[index], B.T)

                n = min(npeaks, maximas.shape[0])
                nufo_map[index] = maximas.shape[0]
                if n == 0:
                    afd_map[index] = 0.0
                    nufo_map[index] = 0.0
                    afd_map[index] = afd.max()
                    peaks_dirs[index][:n] = maximas[:n]

                    # sum of all coefficients, sqrt(power spectrum)
                    # sum C^2 = sum fODF^2
                    afd_sum[index] = np.sqrt(np.dot(data[index], data[index]))

                    # sum of all peaks contributions to the afd
                    # integral of all the lobes. Numerical sum.
                    # With an infinite number of SH, this should == to afd_sum
                    # sf[np.nonzero(sf < args.at)] = 0.
                    # afd_sum[index] = sf.sum()/n*4*np.pi/B.shape[0]x

    return nufo_map, afd_map, afd_sum, peaks_dirs
Пример #4
def afd_and_rd_sums_along_streamlines(streamlines, fodf_data, fodf_basis,
    order = find_order_from_nb_coeff(fodf_data)
    sphere = get_repulsion200_sphere()
    b_matrix, _, n = get_b_matrix(order, sphere, fodf_basis, return_all=True)
    legendre0_at_n = lpn(order, 0)[0][n]
    sphere_norm = np.linalg.norm(sphere.vertices)
    if sphere_norm == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "Norm of {} triangulated sphere is 0.".format('repulsion200'))

    afd_sum_map = np.zeros(shape=fodf_data.shape[:-1])
    rd_sum_map = np.zeros(shape=fodf_data.shape[:-1])
    count_map = np.zeros(shape=fodf_data.shape[:-1])
    for streamline in streamlines:
        for point_idx, (p0, p1) in enumerate(pairwise(streamline)):
            if point_idx % jump != 0:

            closest_vertex_idx = _nearest_neighbor_idx_on_sphere(
                p1 - p0, sphere, sphere_norm)
            if closest_vertex_idx == -1:
                # Points were identical so skip them

            vox_idx = _get_nearest_voxel_index(p0, p1)

            b_at_idx = b_matrix[closest_vertex_idx]
            fodf_at_index = fodf_data[vox_idx]

            afd_val = np.dot(b_at_idx, fodf_at_index)

            p_matrix = np.eye(fodf_at_index.shape[0]) * legendre0_at_n
            rd_val = np.dot(np.dot(b_at_idx.T, p_matrix), fodf_at_index)

            afd_sum_map[vox_idx] += afd_val
            rd_sum_map[vox_idx] += rd_val
            count_map[vox_idx] += 1

    return afd_sum_map, rd_sum_map, count_map
Пример #5
def afd_and_rd_sums_along_streamlines(sft, fodf, fodf_basis, length_weighting):
    Compute the mean Apparent Fiber Density (AFD) and mean Radial fODF (radfODF)
    maps along a bundle.

    sft : StatefulTractogram
        StatefulTractogram containing the streamlines needed.
    fodf : nibabel.image
        fODF with shape (X, Y, Z, #coeffs).
        #coeffs depend on the sh_order.
    fodf_basis : string
        Has to be descoteaux07 or tournier07.
    length_weighting : bool
        If set, will weigh the AFD values according to segment lengths.

    afd_sum_map : np.array
        AFD map.
    rd_sum_map : np.array
        fdAFD map.
    weight_map : np.array
        Segment lengths.


    fodf_data = np.asanyarray(fodf.dataobj)
    order = find_order_from_nb_coeff(fodf_data)
    sphere = get_sphere('repulsion724')
    b_matrix, _, n = get_b_matrix(order, sphere, fodf_basis, return_all=True)
    legendre0_at_n = lpn(order, 0)[0][n]
    sphere_norm = np.linalg.norm(sphere.vertices)

    afd_sum_map = np.zeros(shape=fodf_data.shape[:-1])
    rd_sum_map = np.zeros(shape=fodf_data.shape[:-1])
    weight_map = np.zeros(shape=fodf_data.shape[:-1])

    p_matrix = np.eye(fodf_data.shape[3]) * legendre0_at_n
    all_crossed_indices = grid_intersections(sft.streamlines)
    for crossed_indices in all_crossed_indices:
        segments = crossed_indices[1:] - crossed_indices[:-1]
        seg_lengths = np.linalg.norm(segments, axis=1)

        # Remove points where the segment is zero.
        # This removes numpy warnings of division by zero.
        non_zero_lengths = np.nonzero(seg_lengths)[0]
        segments = segments[non_zero_lengths]
        seg_lengths = seg_lengths[non_zero_lengths]

        test = np.dot(segments, sphere.vertices.T)
        test2 = (test.T / (seg_lengths * sphere_norm)).T
        angles = np.arccos(test2)
        sorted_angles = np.argsort(angles, axis=1)
        closest_vertex_indices = sorted_angles[:, 0]

        # Those starting points are used for the segment vox_idx computations
        strl_start = crossed_indices[non_zero_lengths]
        vox_indices = (strl_start + (0.5 * segments)).astype(int)

        normalization_weights = np.ones_like(seg_lengths)
        if length_weighting:
            normalization_weights = seg_lengths / np.linalg.norm(

        for vox_idx, closest_vertex_index, norm_weight in zip(
                vox_indices, closest_vertex_indices, normalization_weights):
            vox_idx = tuple(vox_idx)
            b_at_idx = b_matrix[closest_vertex_index]
            fodf_at_index = fodf_data[vox_idx]

            afd_val = np.dot(b_at_idx, fodf_at_index)
            rd_val = np.dot(np.dot(b_at_idx.T, p_matrix), fodf_at_index)

            afd_sum_map[vox_idx] += afd_val * norm_weight
            rd_sum_map[vox_idx] += rd_val * norm_weight
            weight_map[vox_idx] += norm_weight

    rd_sum_map[rd_sum_map < 0.] = 0.

    return afd_sum_map, rd_sum_map, weight_map
def _get_direction_getter(args):
    odf_data = nib.load(args.in_odf).get_fdata(dtype=np.float32)
    sphere = HemiSphere.from_sphere(get_sphere(args.sphere))
    theta = get_theta(args.theta, args.algo)

    non_zeros_count = np.count_nonzero(np.sum(odf_data, axis=-1))
    non_first_val_count = np.count_nonzero(np.argmax(odf_data, axis=-1))

    if args.algo in ['det', 'prob']:
        if non_first_val_count / non_zeros_count > 0.5:
            logging.warning('Input detected as peaks. Input should be'
                            'fodf for det/prob, verify input just in case.')
        if args.algo == 'det':
            dg_class = DeterministicMaximumDirectionGetter
            dg_class = ProbabilisticDirectionGetter
        return dg_class.from_shcoeff(
            shcoeff=odf_data, max_angle=theta, sphere=sphere,
    elif args.algo == 'eudx':
        # Code for type EUDX. We don't use peaks_from_model
        # because we want the peaks from the provided sh.
        odf_shape_3d = odf_data.shape[:-1]
        dg = PeaksAndMetrics()
        dg.sphere = sphere
        dg.ang_thr = theta
        dg.qa_thr = args.sf_threshold

        # Heuristic to find out if the input are peaks or fodf
        # fodf are always around 0.15 and peaks around 0.75
        if non_first_val_count / non_zeros_count > 0.5:
            logging.info('Input detected as peaks.')
            nb_peaks = odf_data.shape[-1] // 3
            slices = np.arange(0, 15+1, 3)
            peak_values = np.zeros(odf_shape_3d+(nb_peaks,))
            peak_indices = np.zeros(odf_shape_3d+(nb_peaks,))

            for idx in np.argwhere(np.sum(odf_data, axis=-1)):
                idx = tuple(idx)
                for i in range(nb_peaks):
                    peak_values[idx][i] = np.linalg.norm(
                        odf_data[idx][slices[i]:slices[i+1]], axis=-1)
                    peak_indices[idx][i] = sphere.find_closest(

            dg.peak_dirs = odf_data
            logging.info('Input detected as fodf.')
            npeaks = 5
            peak_dirs = np.zeros((odf_shape_3d + (npeaks, 3)))
            peak_values = np.zeros((odf_shape_3d + (npeaks, )))
            peak_indices = np.full((odf_shape_3d + (npeaks, )), -1, dtype='int')
            b_matrix = get_b_matrix(
                find_order_from_nb_coeff(odf_data), sphere, args.sh_basis)

            for idx in np.argwhere(np.sum(odf_data, axis=-1)):
                idx = tuple(idx)
                directions, values, indices = get_maximas(odf_data[idx],
                                                          sphere, b_matrix,
                                                          args.sf_threshold, 0)
                if values.shape[0] != 0:
                    n = min(npeaks, values.shape[0])
                    peak_dirs[idx][:n] = directions[:n]
                    peak_values[idx][:n] = values[:n]
                    peak_indices[idx][:n] = indices[:n]

            dg.peak_dirs = peak_dirs

        dg.peak_values = peak_values
        dg.peak_indices = peak_indices

        return dg