Пример #1
def save_linkage(fname, linkage: LinkageMatrix):
    logging.info('Saving linkage in numpy format.')
    np.save(fname('linkage.npy'), linkage)
    logging.info('Converting linkage to MATLAB format.')
    matlab_linkage = hcl.to_mlab_linkage(linkage)
    logging.info('Saving linkage in MATLAB format.')
    sio.savemat(fname('linkage.mat'), {'linkage': matlab_linkage})
def life_time(Zpy, ns):
    life-time criterion for automatic selection of the number of clusters
    [porting from life-time implementation on matlab]
        Zpy (array): input data array of shape (number samples x number features).
        ns (int): number of samples. 
        res (dict): output dict with indexes for each cluster determined. 
                    Example: res = {'-1': noise indexes list,
                                    '0': cluster 0 indexes list,
                                    '1': cluster 1 indexes list}
    Configurable fields:{"name": "cluster.dbscan", "config": {"min_samples": "10", "eps": "0.95", "metric": "euclidean"}, "inputs": ["data"], "outputs": ["core_samples", "labels"]}
    See Also:
        .. [1]    

    Z = hierarchy.to_mlab_linkage(Zpy)
    dif = np.diff(Z[:, 2])
    indice = np.argmax(dif)
    maximo = dif[indice]

    indice = Z[find(Z[:, 2] > Z[indice, 2]), 2]
    if indice == []:
        cont = 1
        cont = len(indice) + 1

    # th = maximo

    #testing the situation when only 1 cluster is present
    #max>2*min_interval -> nc=1
    minimo = np.min(dif[pl.find(dif != 0)])
    if minimo != maximo:  #se maximo=minimo e' porque temos um matriz de assocs perfeita de 0s e 1s
        if maximo < 2 * minimo:
            cont = 1

    nc_stable = cont
    if nc_stable > 1:
        labels = hierarchy.fcluster(hierarchy.from_mlab_linkage(Z), nc_stable,

    else:  #ns_stable=1
        labels = np.arange(ns, dtype="int")

    return labels
Пример #3
 def test_mlab_linkage_conversion_multiple_rows(self):
     # Tests from/to_mlab_linkage on linkage array with multiple rows.
     Zm = np.asarray([[3, 6, 138], [4, 5, 219], [1, 8, 255], [2, 9, 268],
                      [7, 10, 295]])
     Z = np.array(
         [[2., 5., 138., 2.], [3., 4., 219., 2.], [0., 7., 255., 3.],
          [1., 8., 268., 4.], [6., 9., 295., 6.]],
     assert_equal(from_mlab_linkage(Zm), Z)
     assert_equal(to_mlab_linkage(Z), Zm)
Пример #4
 def test_mlab_linkage_conversion_multiple_rows(self):
     # Tests from/to_mlab_linkage on linkage array with multiple rows.
     Zm = np.asarray([[3, 6, 138], [4, 5, 219],
                      [1, 8, 255], [2, 9, 268], [7, 10, 295]])
     Z = np.array([[2., 5., 138., 2.],
                   [3., 4., 219., 2.],
                   [0., 7., 255., 3.],
                   [1., 8., 268., 4.],
                   [6., 9., 295., 6.]],
     assert_equal(from_mlab_linkage(Zm), Z)
     assert_equal(to_mlab_linkage(Z), Zm)
Пример #5
 def test_mlab_linkage_conversion_multiple_rows(self):
     # Tests from/to_mlab_linkage on linkage array with multiple rows.
     Zm = np.asarray([[3, 6, 138], [4, 5, 219], [1, 8, 255], [2, 9, 268], [7, 10, 295]])
     Z = np.array(
             [2.0, 5.0, 138.0, 2.0],
             [3.0, 4.0, 219.0, 2.0],
             [0.0, 7.0, 255.0, 3.0],
             [1.0, 8.0, 268.0, 4.0],
             [6.0, 9.0, 295.0, 6.0],
     assert_equal(from_mlab_linkage(Zm), Z)
     assert_equal(to_mlab_linkage(Z), Zm)
Пример #6
 def test_mlab_linkage_conversion_single_row(self):
     # Tests from/to_mlab_linkage on linkage array with single row.
     Z = np.asarray([[0., 1., 3., 2.]])
     Zm = [[1, 2, 3]]
     assert_equal(from_mlab_linkage(Zm), Z)
     assert_equal(to_mlab_linkage(Z), Zm)
Пример #7
 def test_mlab_linkage_conversion_empty(self):
     # Tests from/to_mlab_linkage on empty linkage array.
     X = np.asarray([])
     assert_equal(from_mlab_linkage([]), X)
     assert_equal(to_mlab_linkage([]), X)
Пример #8
 def test_mlab_linkage_conversion_single_row(self):
     # Tests from/to_mlab_linkage on linkage array with single row.
     Z = np.asarray([[0., 1., 3., 2.]])
     Zm = [[1, 2, 3]]
     assert_equal(from_mlab_linkage(Zm), Z)
     assert_equal(to_mlab_linkage(Z), Zm)
Пример #9
 def test_mlab_linkage_conversion_empty(self):
     # Tests from/to_mlab_linkage on empty linkage array.
     X = np.asarray([])
     assert_equal(from_mlab_linkage([]), X)
     assert_equal(to_mlab_linkage([]), X)