Пример #1
 def test_definition(self):
     x = [0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4]
     x = [0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5]
Пример #2
 def test_definition(self):
     x = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]
     assert_array_almost_equal(9 * rfftfreq(9), x)
     assert_array_almost_equal(9 * pi * rfftfreq(9, pi), x)
     x = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5]
     assert_array_almost_equal(10 * rfftfreq(10), x)
     assert_array_almost_equal(10 * pi * rfftfreq(10, pi), x)
Пример #3
    def mask_freqs(self):
        # drop f[0] and f[max] if length is even
        # fs = R[0], R[1], Im[1], R[2], Im[2], ... , R[n/2-1], Im[n/2-1], R[n/2]
        if self.samplen % 2 == 0:
            freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(self.samplen, self.rate)[1:-1:2]
            freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(self.samplen, self.rate)[1::2]

        # target spectrum window
        if self.fmin is not None:
            freqs = freqs[freqs >= self.fmin]
        if self.fmax is not None:
            if 2 * self.fmax < freqs[-1]:
                warn('highest frequency bin ({}) is 2x larger than '
                     'cutoff frequency ({}), consider subsampling'.format(
                         freqs[-1], self.fmax),
            freqs = freqs[freqs <= self.fmax]

        # initial mask is everything
        maskix = np.arange(len(freqs))

        # drop all freqs that are not a multiple of k
        if self.multiplesof is not None:
            rests = divmod(freqs, self.multiplesof)[1]
            # TODO: handle empty list
            tmpix = np.where(np.isclose(rests, 0))[0]
            maskix = np.array([x for x in maskix if x in tmpix])

        self.validmask = maskix
        num_f = len(maskix)

        if self.bins is not None and num_f < self.bins:
                'number of bins ({}) exceeds valid frequency count ({}). Is the sample size a multiple of {}?'
                .format(self.bins, num_f, self.multiplesof))
            self.bins = num_f

        if self.logdistance is not None:
            # FIXME
            # there is probably an actual formula for this 8)
            # also handle self.distance here in case we want an equidistant mask
            i = 1
            bins = 0
            while (bins < self.bins):
                tmpix = np.logspace(0, np.log10(len(maskix)), i)
                tmpix = np.round(tmpix).astype('int') - 1
                tmpix = np.unique(tmpix)
                bins = len(tmpix)
                i += 1
            maskix = np.array([x for x in maskix if x in tmpix])

        self.distmask = maskix
        return np.array([freqs[x] for x in maskix])
 def __getitem__(self, i):
     # Process EEG
     eeg = ((self.data[i]["eeg"].float() - self.means) / self.stddevs
            )  #.t() # CxT
     # Check filtering
     # Uses global opt
     if opt.filtering:
         # Time axis
         N = eeg.size(1)
         T = 1.0 / 1000.0
         time = np.linspace(0.0, N * T, N)
         # Frequency axis
         w = rfftfreq(N, T)
         # FFT
         eeg = eeg.numpy()
         eeg_fft = rfft(eeg)
         # Filter
         eeg_fft[:, w < 15] = 0
         eeg_fft[:, np.bitwise_and(w > 47, w < 53)] = 0
         eeg_fft[:, w > 71] = 0
         eeg = irfft(eeg_fft)
         # Convert to tensor
         eeg = torch.tensor(eeg)
     # Transpose to TxC
     eeg = eeg.t()
     eeg = eeg[20:460, :]
     # Get label
     label = self.data[i]["label"]
     # Return
     return eeg, label
Пример #5
def getFrequency(price_values):
    #Piazza Code
    yhat = fftpack.rfft(price_values)
    idx = (yhat[1:]**2).argmax() + 1
    freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(len(price_values), d=(1.0) / (2 * np.pi))
    frequency = freqs[idx]
    return frequency
Пример #6
def get_fft_freq(length, fps=None, time_step=None):
    if fps is None and time_step is None:
        print("Either fps or time_step must not be None.")
        return None
    time_step = time_step if fps is None else (1.0 / fps)
    freq = rfftfreq(length, time_step)
    return freq
Пример #7
	def sineFit(self,xReal,yReal):
		OFFSET = (yReal.max()+yReal.min())/2.
		yhat = fftpack.rfft(yReal-OFFSET)
		idx = (yhat**2).argmax()
		freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(N, d = (xReal[1]-xReal[0])/(2*np.pi))
		frequency = freqs[idx]/(2*np.pi)  #Convert angular velocity to freq

		amplitude = (yReal.max()-yReal.min())/2.0
		guess = [amplitude, frequency, phase,0]
			(amplitude, frequency, phase,offset), pcov = optimize.curve_fit(self.sineFunc, xReal, yReal-OFFSET, guess)
			ph = ((phase)*180/(np.pi))
				#print 'negative frq'
				return False


			if(ph<0):ph = (ph+720)%360
			#print pcov
			return [amp, freq, offset,ph]
			return False
Пример #8
def rfft_y(array, alpha, sample_rate, pp, scale=False):
    #change file format
    array = np.array(array)
    yt = np.ravel(array)
    #tukey window
    yt = yt * (tukey(yt.shape[0], alpha, sym=True))
    #scale to max(abs())=1
    if scale is True:
        scaler = StandardScaler(copy=False, with_mean=False, with_std=True)
        yt = scaler.fit_transform(yt.reshape(-1, 1))
    yf = np.abs(rfft(yt, n=sample_rate, axis=0))
    xf = rfftfreq(sample_rate, d=1. / sample_rate).reshape(-1, 1)
    #max pooling
    if yf.shape[0] % pp != 0:
        num_pad = (yf.shape[0] // pp) * pp + pp - yf.shape[0]
        yf_mp = np.pad(yf[:, 0], (0, num_pad), 'constant').reshape(-1, pp)
        yf_mp = yf.reshape(-1, pp)
    yf_mp = np.max(yf_mp, axis=1)
    fac_xf = (np.max(xf, axis=0) -
              np.min(xf, axis=0)) / xf.shape[0]  # stepsize xf
    xf_mp = np.arange((pp // 2) * fac_xf, (yf_mp.shape[0] * pp) * fac_xf + 1,
                      pp * fac_xf)
    return (yf_mp, xf_mp)
Пример #9
def fit_rabi_t(xdata, ydata, f_pulse, scaling=True, offset=True, **kwargs):
    from scipy.fftpack import rfft, rfftfreq
    # ordering = xdata.argsort()
    ordering = argsort(xdata).values
    yhat = rfft(ydata[ordering])
    idx = (yhat**2).argmax()
    freqs = rfftfreq(len(xdata), d=xdata[ordering].diff()[1])
    #fR_guess = 0.7*freqs[idx]
    fR_guess = 2 / max(xdata)  # assuming roughly one Rabi period of data
    # fR_guess = 1/(19e-6)
    f0_guess = f_pulse
    params_guess = [f0_guess, fR_guess]
    # print params_guess
    A_guess = 1
    if scaling * 0:
    if scaling and offset:
        c_guess = 0

    def fitfn(t, *pars):
        return rabi(t, f_pulse, *pars)

    params, u_params = curve_fit(fitfn, xdata, ydata, params_guess, **kwargs)
    params[1] = abs(params[1])
    return params, u_params
Пример #10
def whiten(strain, dt=1, phase_shift=0, time_shift=0):
    """Whitens strain data given the psd and sample rate, also applying a phase
    shift and time shift.

        strain (ndarray): strain data
        interp_psd (interpolating function): function to take in freqs and output
            the average power at that freq
        dt (float): sample time interval of data
        phase_shift (float, optional): phase shift to apply to whitened data
        time_shift (float, optional): time shift to apply to whitened data (s)

        ndarray: array of whitened strain data
    Nt = len(strain)
    ps = np.abs(fft(strain))**2
    # take the fourier transform of the data
    freqs = rfftfreq(Nt, dt)

    # whitening: transform to freq domain, divide by square root of psd, then
    # transform back, taking care to get normalization right.
    hf = rfft(strain)

    # apply time and phase shift
    hf = hf * np.exp(-1.j * 2 * np.pi * time_shift * freqs - 1.j * phase_shift)
    norm = 1. / np.sqrt(1. / (dt * 2))
    white_hf = hf / np.sqrt(interp_psd(freqs, ps, 0, 200)) * norm
    # white_ht = irfft(white_hf)
    white_ht = np.real(white_hf)
    return white_ht
Пример #11
def compute_fft(fs, ir):

    import scipy.signal, numpy
    from scipy import fftpack

    # creating asymmetric bartlett window for spectral analysis
    window_bart = scipy.signal.bartlett(len(ir), sym=False)

    # windowing the impulse response
    ir_wind = ir * window_bart

    # computing fft
    sig_fft = fftpack.rfft(ir_wind)

    # setting length of fft
    n = sig_fft.size
    timestep = 1 / float(fs)

    # generating frequencies according to fft points
    freq = fftpack.rfftfreq(n, d=timestep)

    # normalizing fft
    sys_fft = abs(sig_fft) / n

    # TODO FFT computing
    return sys_fft, freq
Пример #12
def fft_filter(x, fs, band=(9, 14)):
    w = fftpack.rfftfreq(x.shape[0], d=1. / fs)
    f_signal = fftpack.rfft(x, axis=0)
    cut_f_signal = f_signal.copy()
    cut_f_signal[(w < band[0]) | (w > band[1])] = 0
    cut_signal = fftpack.irfft(cut_f_signal, axis=0)
    return cut_signal
Пример #13
    def addBandpassNoise(self, W, sigma_pass, sigma_out):
        """add gaussian colored noise with stddev sigma_pass in
        the 1kHz - 2Khz frequency range and stddev sigma_out
        outside the frequency range above"""
        lowerFreq = 1000 #1Khz
        higherFreq = 2000
        v = W.size
        v |= v >> 1;
        v |= v >> 2;
        v |= v >> 4;
        v |= v >> 8;
        v |= v >> 16;
        white_noise = np.random.normal(0, 1, v)

        freq = rfftfreq(white_noise.size, d = 1/self._comm.FS)
        f_wnoise = rfft(white_noise)

        # If our original signal time was in seconds, this is now in Hz
        in_band_mask = np.logical_or(
                np.logical_and(freq > lowerFreq, freq < higherFreq),
                np.logical_and(freq > -higherFreq,freq < -lowerFreq)
        out_of_band_mask = np.logical_not(in_band_mask)
        f_wnoise[in_band_mask] *= sigma_pass
        f_wnoise[out_of_band_mask] *= sigma_out
        return W + irfft(f_wnoise)[:W.size]
Пример #14
def frequency():
    N = 10
    # 输入不变时输出为0
    x = np.ones(N)
    y = fftpack.fft(x)
    # 输入交替变化时输出中存在高频分量
    z = np.ones(N)
    z[::2] = -1
    print('Applying FFT to {}'.format(z))
    # fftreq函数显示那个频率需要特别关注
    # 输入实数序列时输出频谱是共轭对称的
    x = np.array([1, 5, 12, 7, 3, 0, 4, 3, 2, 8])
    yx = fftpack.fft(x)
    print("Applying FFT to {}".format(x))
    print('Real part:\t{}'.format(yx.real))
    print('Imaginary part:\t{}'.format(yx.imag))
Пример #15
def fft_filter(x, fs, band=(9, 14)):
    w = fftpack.rfftfreq(x.shape[0], d=1. / fs)
    f_signal = fftpack.rfft(x, axis=0)
    cut_f_signal = f_signal.copy()
    cut_f_signal[(w < band[0]) | (w > band[1])] = 0
    cut_signal = fftpack.irfft(cut_f_signal, axis=0)
    return cut_signal
def high_pass(sig, threshold=1e-7):
    fourier = fftpack.rfft(sig)
    n = fourier.size
    spacing = 0.002
    freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(n, spacing)
    fourier[freqs < threshold] = 0  #sets low frequencies to zero
    return fftpack.ifft(fourier)
Пример #17
 def getFFT(self):
     freqs = []
     fdatas = np.abs(fftpack.rfft(self.data,axis=1))/self.data.shape[1]*2.0               
     for fdata in fdatas:                    
         freq = fftpack.rfftfreq(int(fdata.shape[0]),1.0/self.sample_rate)                
     return (np.array(freqs), fdatas)
Пример #18
def fft_amplitude(t, u):
    dt = np.abs(t[1] - t[0])
    len_t = len(t)
    u_fft = rfft(u)
    freq_fft = rfftfreq(len_t, dt)
    n = len(u)
    p_freq = freq_fft[1:n:2]
    n_freq = len(p_freq)
    amp_fft = np.zeros(n_freq)
    amp_fft[0] = u_fft[0] / n
    if n % 2 == 0:
        amp_fft[n_freq - 1] = u_fft[-1] / n
        j = 1
        for i in range(1, n_freq - 2):
            amp_fft[i] = 2 * np.sqrt(u_fft[j]**2 + u_fft[j + 1]**2) / n
            j += 2
    if n % 2 != 0:
        j = 1
        for i in range(1, n_freq - 1):
            amp_fft[i] = 2 * np.sqrt(u_fft[j]**2 + u_fft[j + 1]**2) / n
            j += 2

    ind_fake_freqs_1 = np.logical_or(p_freq <= 1.249e9, 1.251e9 <= p_freq)
    p_freq_1 = p_freq[ind_fake_freqs_1]
    amp_fft_1 = amp_fft[ind_fake_freqs_1]

    ind_fake_freqs_2 = np.logical_or(p_freq_1 <= 2.499e9, 2.501e9 <= p_freq_1)
    p_freq_2 = p_freq_1[ind_fake_freqs_2]
    amp_fft_2 = amp_fft_1[ind_fake_freqs_2]

    #ind_cutoff = p_freq_2 <= cutoff_frequency
    #cut_freq = p_freq_2[ind_cutoff]
    #cut_fft_amp = amp_fft_2[ind_cutoff]
    fft_amp_dict = {'frequency': p_freq_2, 'amplitude': amp_fft_2}
    return fft_amp_dict
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, name, n, freq):
        layout = QHBoxLayout()

        color = np.ones((n, 4), dtype=np.float32)
        color[:, 0] = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
        color[:, 1] = color[::-1, 0]
        canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys='interactive', show=True)
        grid = canvas.central_widget.add_grid(spacing=0)
        self.viewbox = grid.add_view(row=0, col=1, camera='panzoom')
        x_axis = scene.AxisWidget(orientation='bottom')
        x_axis.stretch = (1, 0.1)
        grid.add_widget(x_axis, row=1, col=1)
        y_axis = scene.AxisWidget(orientation='left')
        y_axis.stretch = (0.1, 1)
        grid.add_widget(y_axis, row=0, col=0)

        self.pos = np.zeros((n, 2), dtype=np.float32)
        self.pos[:, 0] = rfftfreq(n, 1/freq)
        #pos[:, 0] = self.x_mesh[:self.n_samples_to_display]
        self.line = scene.Line(self.pos, color, parent=self.viewbox.scene)

        self.freqbar = pg.BarGraphItem(x=[1], height=0, width=0.6, brush='g')
        self.plot = pg.PlotWidget()
Пример #20
def rfft_freq(data, window_func=signal.hanning):
    w = window_func(data.size)
    sig_fft = fftpack.rfft(data * w)
    freq = fftpack.rfftfreq(sig_fft.size, d=SAMPLING_INTERVAL)
    freq = freq[range(data.size / 2)]
    sig_fft = sig_fft[range(data.size / 2)]
    return sig_fft, freq
Пример #21
def main(raw_data):
    """ Performs FFT band pass filter 
    plots and saves filtered data

         raw_data -> np.array((points, 2))


    # Perform FFT /
    fft_signal = fftpack.rfft(raw_data[:, 1])
    points = len(raw_data[:, 0])
    dx = raw_data[1, 0] - raw_data[0, 0]
    freq = fftpack.rfftfreq(points, d=dx)

    # apply band pass filter
    filtered_signal = filter_signal(freq, fft_signal)

    # transform back
    filtered_data = fftpack.irfft(filtered_signal)

    plt.plot(raw_data[:, 0], raw_data[:, 1], 'k.')
    plt.ylabel('Signal a.u.')

    plt.plot(raw_data[:, 0], filtered_data, 'b-')
               np.c_[raw_data[:, 0], filtered_data],
               header='{:22} {:22}'.format('Time', 'Filtered'))
Пример #22
def compute_fft(fs, ir):

    import scipy.signal, numpy
    from scipy import fftpack

    # creating asymmetric bartlett window for spectral analysis
    window_bart = scipy.signal.bartlett(len(ir), sym=False)

    # windowing the impulse response
    ir_wind = ir * window_bart

    #computing fft
    sig_fft = fftpack.rfft(ir_wind)

    #setting length of fft
    n = sig_fft.size
    timestep = 1 / float(fs)

    #generating frequencies according to fft points
    freq = fftpack.rfftfreq(n, d=timestep)

    #normalizing fft
    sys_fft = abs(sig_fft) / n

    # TODO FFT computing
    return sys_fft, freq
Пример #23
def getFrequency(lookbackValues):
    import scipy.fftpack as fftpack
    yhat = fftpack.rfft(lookbackValues)
    idx = (yhat[1:]**2).argmax() + 1
    freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(len(lookbackValues), d=(1.0) / (2 * np.pi))
    frequency = freqs[idx]
    return frequency
Пример #24
    def postprocess(self):
        if not self.postprocessed:
            print("Postprocessing grid.")
            self.t = np.arange(self.NT) * self.dt
            self.longitudinal_energy_history = 0.5 * self.epsilon_0 * (
                self.electric_field_history[:, :, 0]**2)
            perpendicular_electric_energy = 0.5 * self.epsilon_0 * (
                self.electric_field_history[:, :, 1:]**2).sum(
                    2)  # over directions
            mu_zero_inv = 1 / (self.epsilon_0 * self.c**2)
            magnetic_energy = 0.5 * (self.magnetic_field_history**
                                     2).sum(2) * mu_zero_inv  # over directions

            self.perpendicular_energy_history = perpendicular_electric_energy + magnetic_energy
            self.check_on_charge = np.gradient(
                self.electric_field_history[:, :, 0], self.dx,
                axis=1) * self.epsilon_0
            # fourier analysis
            from scipy import fftpack
            self.k_plot = fftpack.rfftfreq(int(self.NG), self.dx)[::2]
            self.longitudinal_energy_per_mode_history = np.abs(
                fftpack.rfft(self.longitudinal_energy_history))[:, ::2]
            self.perpendicular_energy_per_mode_history = np.abs(
                fftpack.rfft(self.perpendicular_energy_history))[:, ::2]

            self.longitudinal_energy_history = self.longitudinal_energy_history.sum(
            self.perpendicular_energy_history = self.perpendicular_energy_history.sum(
            self.grid_energy_history = self.perpendicular_energy_history + self.longitudinal_energy_history  # over positions
            vacuum_wave_impedance = 1 / (self.epsilon_0 * self.c)
            np.cumsum(self.laser_energy_history**2 / vacuum_wave_impedance *
            self.x_current = self.x + self.dx / 2
            self.postprocessed = True
Пример #25
def plot_wav_analysis(wav_samples, sample_rate, freqs=[], bw=None, dft=False):
    """ Perform DFT on the samples, select the given frequencies, and plot."""
    plot_dicts = list()
    time_domain = np.arange(len(wav_samples)) / sample_rate
    plot_dicts.append({'title': 'wav samples', 'color': 'red',
                       'x': time_domain, 'xlabel': 'time (sec)',
                       'y': wav_samples, 'ylabel': 'amplitude'})
    if dft:
        arr_axis = int(np.argmax(wav_samples.shape))
        wav_samples_dft = fftp.rfft(wav_samples, axis=arr_axis)
        n = wav_samples_dft.shape[0]
        freq_domain = sample_rate * fftp.rfftfreq(n)

        plot_dicts.append({'title': 'wav samples dft',
                           'x': freq_domain, 'xlabel': 'frequency',
                           'y': wav_samples_dft, 'ylabel': 'amplitude'})
    if type(bw) == int:
        bwl = [bw] * len(freqs)
    elif bw is None:
        bwl = [10] * len(freqs)
        bwl = bw
    for i, f in enumerate(freqs):
        wav, _ = ap.bandpass_filter(wav_samples, sample_rate, f, bwl[i])
        plot_dicts.append({'title': 'bandpass filter, fc={}, bw={}'.format(f, bwl[i]),
                           'x': time_domain, 'xlabel': 'time (sec)',
                           'y': wav, 'ylabel': 'amplitude'})
Пример #26
def acquire_signal_and_dft():
    txt = signal.value
    nse = noise.value
    size = 200
    x = np.linspace(0, 4, size)
    dt = x[1] - x[0]

    y = np.zeros(size)
    F = np.zeros(size)
    w = np.zeros(size)

    if nse:
        some_noise = float(nse)*np.random.random_sample(size)
        y += some_noise

    if txt:
        #Put y in existence
        txt = 'z = ' + txt
        cur_locs = locals()
        cur_globals = globals()
        exec(txt, cur_globals, cur_locs)
        y = y + cur_locs['z']
        #scipyF = np.abs(ftp.rfft(y))
        Freal, Fimg = fwrapper.dft(y, np.zeros(size), size)
        F = np.abs(extract_real_dft(Freal, Fimg))
        w = ftp.rfftfreq(size, dt)

    plt_df = pd.DataFrame(data={"x":x, "y":y, 'dft':F, 'f':w, "color":['blue']*size})
    return plt_df
Пример #27
def acquire_signal_and_dft():
    txt = signal.value
    nse = noise.value
    size = 200
    x = np.linspace(0, 4, size)
    dt = x[1] - x[0]

    y = np.zeros(size)
    F = np.zeros(size)
    w = np.zeros(size)

    if nse:
        some_noise = float(nse) * np.random.random_sample(size)
        y += some_noise

    if txt:
        #Put y in existence
        txt = 'z = ' + txt
        cur_locs = locals()
        cur_globals = globals()
        exec(txt, cur_globals, cur_locs)
        y = y + cur_locs['z']
        #scipyF = np.abs(ftp.rfft(y))
        Freal, Fimg = fwrapper.dft(y, np.zeros(size), size)
        F = np.abs(extract_real_dft(Freal, Fimg))
        w = ftp.rfftfreq(size, dt)

    plt_df = pd.DataFrame(data={
        "x": x,
        "y": y,
        'dft': F,
        'f': w,
        "color": ['blue'] * size
    return plt_df
Пример #28
def plot_measure_fts(Fmeas_dict, fignum=1):
    nr = len(list(Fmeas_dict.keys()))
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nr, 1)
    fig = plt.figure(fignum)

    for r, (name, vals) in enumerate(Fmeas_dict.items()):
        ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[r])
        xtick_labels = False
        xlabel = ''

        if r is nr - 1:
            xtick_labels = True
            xlabel = 'Frequency'

        amps = Fmeas_dict[name]['amps']
        freqs = spf.rfftfreq(len(amps))
        RN = Fmeas_dict[name]['RN']
                ylabel=r'$|\mathcal{F}$(' + name + r'$)|^2$',

Пример #29
def fourier_calc(s1, s2, t):
    """calculates rapid fft"""
    x1f = rfft(s1.x[0, :] + s1.x[0, 0])
    x2f = rfft(s2.x[0, :] + s2.x[0, 0])
    y1f = rfft(s1.x[1, :] + s1.x[1, 0])
    y2f = rfft(s2.x[1, :] + s2.x[1, 0])
    tf = rfftfreq(t.sn, t.dt)
    return array((x1f, x2f, y1f, y2f, tf))
Пример #30
def FFT(signal, dT):
    :param signal: [array]
    :param dT: sample space [float]
    ampl = np.abs(rfft(signal)) * 2.0 / len(signal)
    freq = rfftfreq(len(ampl), d=dT)
    return ampl, freq
def rfft_y_base(array, sample_rate):
    #change file format
    array = np.array(array)
    yt = np.ravel(array)
    yf = np.abs(rfft(yt, n=sample_rate, axis=0))
    xf = rfftfreq(yf.size, d=1. / sample_rate).reshape(-1, 1)
    return (yf, xf)
Пример #32
def get_feat(file_name):
    a, sr = librosa.load(file_name)
    fft_wave = fftpack.rfft(a, n=sr)
    fft_freq = fftpack.rfftfreq(n=sr, d=1/sr)
    y = librosa.amplitude_to_db(fft_wave, ref=np.max)
#   plt.plot(fft_freq, y)
#   plt.show()
    return y
Пример #33
def detect_events(sample_freq, queue):
    Does FFT based event detection and plotting.

    :type sample_freq: int
    :param sample_freq: Sampling frequency in Hz
    :type queue: Multiprocessing Queue
    :param queue: detect_events() reads from this queue to acquire batches of IMU data captured by the acquire_data()
    :return: None

    # detect_events() blocks on the queue read, so data processing rate is driven by the rate that
    # ac

    while True:

        imu_data_dict = queue.get()

        # Check the timestamp on this data frame. If it's more than one second behind the current
        # CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW time, then detect_events() isn't keeping up with the incoming stream
        # of IMU measurements comming from acquire_data(). Jump back to the top of the while loop,
        # and get another data frame. We'll keep doing that until we're reading fresh data again.

        # TODO: the threshold here might need to be adjusted, and perhaps the whole queue should be cleared.

        if (time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW) - imu_data_dict['timestamp']) > 1:


        df = pd.DataFrame(data=imu_data_dict['w_vel'][0], columns=['x'])

        # print("Number of NaN points: " + str(df.isna().sum()))

        # Doing a linear interpolation that replaces the NaN placeholders for desynced, dropped data
        # with a straight line between the last good data point before a dropout and the next good data
        # point. This does seem to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the FFT.
        df = df.interpolate()

        yf = fftpack.rfft(df.loc[:, 'x'])

        # Is this a better way of getting the power spectrum than numpy.abs(yf?)
        yf = numpy.sqrt((yf * yf.conj()).real)

        xf = fftpack.rfftfreq((len(df.index)), 1./sample_freq)

        peaks, peaks_dict = signal.find_peaks(yf, height=1)

        #print(xf[peaks], yf[peaks])
        #print(peaks, peaks_dict)

        # Check if any peak has been detected between 3 and 5 Hz, along the x axis. This is our rule for detecting
        # tooth-brushing behavior.

        #if numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(xf[peaks] >= 3, xf[peaks] <= 5))[0].size > 0:
        if numpy.where(peaks_dict['peak_heights'] > 800)[0].size > 0:

            print("Scratching Detected!")
Пример #34
 def convert_freq(self):
     self.original_complex = rfft(self.original_sig)
     self.modified_complex = np.copy(self.original_complex)
     self.freq = (rfftfreq(
         len(self.original_complex) + 1, 1 / self.sample_rate))
     self.freq = self.freq[self.freq > 0]
     print(self.freq[len(self.freq) - 1])
     self.data_line.setData(self.freq, abs(self.modified_complex))
     self.ui.modified_frequ.setXRange(0, 20000)
Пример #35
def FFT_deNoise(y, dx, noise_level, noise_filter=0.1):
    w = rfft(y)
    f = rfftfreq(len(y), dx)
    spectrum = w**2
    cutoff = spectrum < (spectrum.max()*noise_level*noise_filter)
    w_clean = w.copy()
    w_clean[cutoff] = 0
    y_clean = irfft(w_clean)
    return f, spectrum, w_clean, y_clean
Пример #36
def PassBand(vs, ts, fmin, fmax):
    tstep = np.mean(np.diff(ts))
    F = rfftfreq(
        len(vs)) / tstep  #len(vs) points between 0 and 1/2tstep=0.5e10Hz
    VS = rfft(vs)
    VS[F < fmin] = 0
    VS[F > fmax] = 0
    vs = irfft(VS)

    return (vs)
def low_pass(sig, threshhold=1e-4):  #threshold can be changed
    fourier = fftpack.rfft(
    )  #returns an n-dimensional array of the real parts of the transformed sig so will be 2 or 3-D
    n = fourier.size
    spacing = 0.002
    freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(n, d=spacing)
    fourier[freqs >
            threshold] = 0  #sets high frequency indicies to zero for smoothing
    return fftpack.ifft(fourier)  #returns only the low frequencies
	def sinefit(yReal, xReal):
	    yhat = fftpack.rfft(yReal)
	    idx = (yhat**2).argmax()
	    freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(len(xReal), d = (xReal[1]-xReal[0])/(2*pi))
	    frequency = freqs[idx]
	    amplitude = abs(yReal.max())
	    guess = [amplitude, frequency, 0.]
	    (amplitude, frequency, phase), pcov = optimize.curve_fit(mysine, xReal, yReal, guess)
	    period = 2*pi/frequency
	    return [amplitude, frequency, phase]
Пример #39
	def getGuessValues(self,xReal,yReal,func='sine'):
		if(func=='sine' or func=='damped sine'):
			offset = np.average(yReal)
			yhat = fftpack.rfft(yReal-offset)
			idx = (yhat**2).argmax()
			freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(N, d = (xReal[1]-xReal[0])/(2*np.pi))
			frequency = freqs[idx]

			amplitude = (yReal.max()-yReal.min())/2.0
			if func=='sine':
				return amplitude, frequency, phase,offset
			if func=='damped sine':
				return amplitude, frequency, phase,offset,0
Пример #40
 def test_band_pass(self):
     """Band pass filtering."""
     # bandpass around the middle frequency
     ans = band_pass(self.dat, 6, 8)
     # the amplitudes
     fourier = np.abs(rfft(ans.data, axis=0) * 2 / self.dat.data.shape[0])
     ffreqs = rfftfreq(ans.data.shape[0], 1/ans.fs)
     # check if the outer freqs are damped close to zero
     # freqs...
     for i in self.freqs[0], self.freqs[-1]:
         # buckets for freqs
         for j in fourier[ffreqs == i]:
             # channels
             for k in j:
                 self.assertAlmostEqual(k, 0., delta=.1)
Пример #41
    def __fill_rfft_mapping():
        # Populate mapping variables with corresponding frequencies and bin indexes
        audio.__rfft_freq_index = []

        sample_frequencies = rfftfreq(config_audio.frames_per_buffer, 1 / float(config_audio.sampling_rate)).tolist()

        for i in range(len(sample_frequencies)):
            sample_frequencies[i] = int(round(sample_frequencies[i]))
            if sample_frequencies[i] not in audio.__rfft_freq_index:

        audio.__rfft_bin_index = []

        for i in range(config_audio.sampling_rate / 2 + 1):
            audio.__rfft_bin_index.append(int(round(i * config_audio.frames_per_buffer / float(config_audio.sampling_rate))))
Пример #42
    def rfft(self, d=None, ngrid=None, boxsize=None, real=True):
        if d==None:
	if ngrid==None:
	if boxsize==None:

        if real:
	    self.k=[sfft.fftfreq(self.dk.shape[i], 2.*np.pi/boxsize ) for i in \
            range(d.ndim-1) ] + [sfft.rfftfreq(self.dk.shape[-1],2.*np.pi/boxsize) ]
	    raise Exception()

	return #self.dk
def fitcos(x, y, fitY0 = False, guess = None):
    Fit a cosin to the date in x and y. x is expected to be in rad
    def cos(x, amplitude, frequency, phase):
        return amplitude * np.cos(frequency * x + phase)   
    def cos_y0(x, amplitude, frequency, phase, y0):
        return amplitude * np.cos(frequency * x + phase) + y0    

    x = np.array(x)
    y = np.array(y)    
    if not guess:       
        # fourier transform to find guess value for frequency
        yhat = fftpack.rfft(y)
        idx = (yhat**2).argmax()
        freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(np.size(x), d = (x[0]-x[1])/(2*np.pi))
        frequency0 = freqs[idx]
        if frequency0 == np.Inf or frequency0 == 0:
            frequency0 = 1
        # maximum to find guess for amplitude
        amplitude0 = np.abs(max(y)-min(y))/2
        y00 = (max(y)-min(y))/2+min(y)
        phase0 = 0.
        amplitude0 = guess[0]
        frequency0 = guess[1]
        phase0 = guess[2]
        if fitY0:
            y00 = guess[3]
    l.debug("Fit cosin. Guessing: Amplitude %.3e, Frequency %.3e, Phase %.3e, Offset y0 %.3e"%(amplitude0, frequency0, phase0, y00))
    if fitY0:
        guess = [amplitude0, abs(frequency0), phase0, y00]
        (amplitude, frequency, phase, y0), pcov = optimize.curve_fit(
            x, y,
        yFit = cos_y0(x, amplitude, frequency, +phase, y0)
        return (amplitude, frequency, phase, y0, yFit)
        guess = [amplitude0, abs(frequency0), phase0]
        (amplitude, frequency, phase), pcov = optimize.curve_fit(
            x, y,
        yFit = cos(x, amplitude, frequency, +phase)        
        return (amplitude, frequency, phase, 0, yFit)
Пример #44
def sin_fit(data):  
  # generate a perfect data set (my real data have tiny error)
  print data

  def mysine(x, a1, a2, a3):
      return a1 * np.sin(a2 * x + a3)

  # xmax = 10
  # xReal = np.linspace(0, xmax, N)
  # a1 = 200.
  # a2 = 2*pi/10.5  # omega, 10.5 is the period
  # a3 = np.deg2rad(10.) # 10 degree phase offset
  # print(a1, a2, a3)
  # data = mysine(xReal, a1, a2, a3) + 0.2*np.random.normal(size=len(xReal))

  xReal = np.linspace(0, len(data), len(data))  
  N = len(data)

  yhat = fftpack.rfft(data)
  idx = (yhat[1:]**2).argmax() + 1
  freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(N, d = (xReal[1]-xReal[0])/(2*pi))
  frequency = freqs[idx]

  amplitude = max(data)
  guess = [amplitude, frequency, 0.]
  # print(guess)
  (amplitude, frequency, phase), pcov = optimize.curve_fit(
      mysine, xReal, data, guess)

  period = 2*pi/frequency
  # print(amplitude, frequency, phase)

  print period

  phase = 0
  data_fit = mysine(xReal, amplitude, frequency, phase)
  return data_fit, period, phase
Пример #45
	def fitData(self,xReal,yReal,**args):
		def mysine(x, a1, a2, a3,a4):
		    return a4 + a1*np.sin(abs(a2)*x + a3)
		yhat = fftpack.rfft(yReal)
		idx = (yhat**2).argmax()
		freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(N, d = (xReal[1]-xReal[0])/(2*np.pi))
		frequency = freqs[idx]

		amplitude = (yReal.max()-yReal.min())/2.0
		offset = yReal.max()-yReal.min()
		guess = [amplitude, frequency, phase,offset]
			(amplitude, frequency, phase,offset), pcov = optimize.curve_fit(mysine, xReal, yReal, guess)
			ph = ((phase)*180/(np.pi))

				#print 'negative frq'
				return 0,0,0,0,pcov

				#print 'AMP<0'

			if(frequency):	period = 1./frequency
			else: period = 0
			return amp,freq,ph,offset,pcov
			return 0,0,0,0,[[]]
Пример #46
    def postprocess(self):
        if not self.postprocessed:
            print("Postprocessing grid.")
            self.t = np.arange(self.NT) * self.dt
            self.longitudinal_energy_history  = 0.5 * self.epsilon_0 * (self.electric_field_history[:,:,0] ** 2)
            perpendicular_electric_energy = 0.5 * self.epsilon_0 * (self.electric_field_history[:,:,1:] ** 2).sum(2) # over directions
            mu_zero_inv = 1/ (self.epsilon_0 * self.c**2)
            magnetic_energy = 0.5 * (self.magnetic_field_history **2).sum(2) * mu_zero_inv # over directions

            self.perpendicular_energy_history = perpendicular_electric_energy + magnetic_energy
            self.check_on_charge = np.gradient(self.electric_field_history[:, :, 0], self.dx, axis=1) * self.epsilon_0
            # fourier analysis
            from scipy import fftpack
            self.k_plot = fftpack.rfftfreq(int(self.NG), self.dx)[::2]
            self.longitudinal_energy_per_mode_history = np.abs(fftpack.rfft(self.longitudinal_energy_history))[:,::2]
            self.perpendicular_energy_per_mode_history = np.abs(fftpack.rfft(self.perpendicular_energy_history))[:,::2]

            self.longitudinal_energy_history  = self.longitudinal_energy_history.sum(1)
            self.perpendicular_energy_history = self.perpendicular_energy_history.sum(1)
            self.grid_energy_history = self.perpendicular_energy_history + self.longitudinal_energy_history # over positions
            vacuum_wave_impedance= 1/ (self.epsilon_0 * self.c)
            np.cumsum(self.laser_energy_history**2/ vacuum_wave_impedance * self.dt)
            self.x_current = self.x + self.dx / 2
            self.postprocessed = True
Пример #47
def fold(file1, dtype, samplerate, fedge, fedge_at_top, nchan,
         nt, ntint, nhead, ngate, ntbin, ntw, dm, fref, phasepol,
         coherent=False, do_waterfall=True, do_foldspec=True, verbose=True,
    """FFT ARO data, fold by phase/time and make a waterfall series

    file1 : string
        name of the file holding voltage timeseries
    dtype : numpy dtype or '4bit' or '1bit'
        way the data are stored in the file
    samplerate : float
        rate at which samples were originally taken and thus double the
        band width (frequency units)
    fedge : float
        edge of the frequency band (frequency units)
    fedge_at_top: book
        whether edge is at top (True) or bottom (False)
    nchan : int
        number of frequency channels for FFT
    nt, ntint : int
        total number nt of sets, each containing ntint samples in each file
        hence, total # of samples is nt*ntint, with each sample containing
        a single polarisation
    nhead : int
        number of bytes to skip before reading (usually 0 for ARO)
    ngate, ntbin : int
        number of phase and time bins to use for folded spectrum
        ntbin should be an integer fraction of nt
    ntw : int
        number of time samples to combine for waterfall (does not have to be
        integer fraction of nt)
    dm : float
        dispersion measure of pulsar, used to correct for ism delay
        (column number density)
    fref: float
        reference frequency for dispersion measure
    phasepol : callable
        function that returns the pulsar phase for time in seconds relative to
        start of part of the file that is read (i.e., ignoring nhead)
    do_waterfall, do_foldspec : bool
        whether to construct waterfall, folded spectrum (default: True)
    verbose : bool
        whether to give some progress information (default: True)
    progress_interval : int
        Ping every progress_interval sets

    # initialize folded spectrum and waterfall
    foldspec2 = np.zeros((nchan, ngate, ntbin))
    nwsize = nt*ntint//ntw
    waterfall = np.zeros((nchan, nwsize))

    # size in bytes of records read from file (simple for ARO: 1 byte/sample)
    recsize = nchan*ntint*{np.int8: 2, '4bit': 1}[dtype]
    if verbose:
        print('Reading from {}'.format(file1))

    with open(file1, 'rb', recsize) as fh1:

        if nhead > 0:
            if verbose:
                print('Skipping {0} bytes'.format(nhead))

        foldspec = np.zeros((nchan, ngate), dtype=np.int)
        icount = np.zeros((nchan, ngate), dtype=np.int)

        dt1 = (1./samplerate).to(u.s)
        if coherent:
            # pre-calculate required turns due to dispersion
            fcoh = (fedge - rfftfreq(nchan*ntint, dt1.value) * u.Hz
                    if fedge_at_top
                    fedge + rfftfreq(nchan*ntint, dt1.value) * u.Hz)
            # (check via eq. 5.21 and following in
            # Lorimer & Kramer, Handbook of Pulsar Astrono
            dang = (dispersion_delay_constant * dm * fcoh *
                    (1./fref-1./fcoh)**2) * 360. * u.deg
            dedisperse = np.exp(dang.to(u.rad).value * 1j
            # get these back into order r[0], r[1],i[1],...r[n-1],i[n-1],r[n]
            dedisperse = np.hstack([dedisperse[:1], dedisperse[2:-1]])
            # pre-calculate time delay due to dispersion;
            # [::2] sets frequency channels to numerical recipes ordering
            freq = (fedge - rfftfreq(nchan*2, dt1.value)[::2] * u.Hz
                    if fedge_at_top
                    fedge + rfftfreq(nchan*2, dt1.value)[::2] * u.Hz)

            dt = (dispersion_delay_constant * dm *
                  (1./freq**2 - 1./fref**2)).to(u.s).value

        # need 2*nchan samples for each FFT
        dtsample = (nchan*2/samplerate).to(u.s).value

        for j in xrange(nt):
            if verbose and (j+1) % progress_interval == 0:
                print('Doing {:6d}/{:6d}; time={:18.12f}'.format(
                    j+1, nt, dtsample*j*ntint))   # equivalent time since start

            # just in case numbers were set wrong -- break if file ends
            # better keep at least the work done
                # data just a series of bytes, each containing one 8 bit or
                # two 4-bit samples (set by dtype in caller)
                raw = fromfile(fh1, dtype, recsize)
            except(EOFError, IOError) as exc:
                print("Hit {}; writing pgm's".format(exc))

            vals = raw.astype(np.float32)
            if coherent:
                fine = rfft(vals, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)
                fine *= dedisperse
                vals = irfft(fine, axis=0, overwrite_x=True)

            chan2 = rfft(vals.reshape(-1, nchan*2), axis=-1,
            # rfft: Re[0], Re[1], Im[1], ..., Re[n/2-1], Im[n/2-1], Re[n/2]
            # re-order to Num.Rec. format: Re[0], Re[n/2], Re[1], ....
            power = np.hstack((chan2[:,:1]+chan2[:,-1:],

            # current sample positions in stream
            isr = j*ntint + np.arange(ntint)

            if do_waterfall:
                # loop over corresponding positions in waterfall
                for iw in xrange(isr[0]//ntw, isr[-1]//ntw + 1):
                    if iw < nwsize:  # add sum of corresponding samples
                        waterfall[:,iw] += np.sum(power[isr//ntw == iw],

            if do_foldspec:
                tsample = dtsample*isr  # times since start

                for k in xrange(nchan):
                    if coherent:
                        t = tsample  # already dedispersed
                        t = tsample - dt[k]  # dedispersed times

                    phase = phasepol(t)  # corresponding PSR phases
                    iphase = np.remainder(phase*ngate,
                    # sum and count samples by phase bin
                    foldspec[k] += np.bincount(iphase, power[:,k], ngate)
                    icount[k] += np.bincount(iphase, None, ngate)

                ibin = j*ntbin//nt  # bin in the time series: 0..ntbin-1
                if (j+1)*ntbin//nt > ibin:  # last addition to bin?
                    # get normalised flux in each bin (where any were added)
                    nonzero = icount > 0
                    nfoldspec = np.where(nonzero, foldspec/icount, 0.)
                    # subtract phase average and store
                    nfoldspec -= np.where(nonzero,
                                          np.sum(nfoldspec, 1, keepdims=True) /
                                          np.sum(nonzero, 1, keepdims=True), 0)
                    foldspec2[:,:,ibin] = nfoldspec
                    # reset for next iteration
                    foldspec *= 0
                    icount *= 0

    if verbose:
        print('read {0:6d} out of {1:6d}'.format(j+1, nt))

    if do_waterfall:
        nonzero = waterfall == 0.
        waterfall -= np.where(nonzero,
                              np.sum(waterfall, 1, keepdims=True) /
                              np.sum(nonzero, 1, keepdims=True), 0.)

    return foldspec2, waterfall
Пример #48
def Redshift_Estimator_Auto(directoryname):
    #           Editable Params                 #
    # Print "this was a test" in ouput table, and
    # don't save output plots?  
    test = False
    # dir Name of Interest
    dirnm = directoryname #'lt30.0'
    use_prior = True
    # Import and skip specs you've already done?
    skip_prev_good = False
    # Skip test file objects for the above skips?
    use_tests = False
    # Choose your adventure: 
    # (1) Define bad specs you wish to skip, and run over all others
    # *OR* (2) define good specs and run over only those spectra
    # (1) List Bad Frames you want to skip in bad_specs
    bad_frames = []#range(312,500)
    #bad_frames = []
    #bad_frames = np.arange(100)
    # (2) You may also specify good frames instead of bad frames
    good_frames = []
    #good_frames = [18,21,22,23]
    #good_frames = np.arange(100)
    # **You can typically leave this be unless you have a custom run ** #
    # Create an instantiation of the z_est class for correlating spectra
    # To use default search of HK lines with no priors applied select True
    R = z_est(lower_w=3500.0,upper_w=9999.0,lower_z=0.05,upper_z=1.2,\
    data_dir = '/nfs/kremin/DESI/quicksim/'
    #### relic of old code. Not useful at the moment
    # Import and skip specs you have already skipped?
    skip_prev_bad = True
    #        Main Body of the Code             #
    # Determine the name of the user for use in uniq_name
    if use_prior:
        username = '******'
        username = '******'
    # Avoid overwriting by appending unique name  
    # Initials_DayMonth_HourMinute    
    uniq_name = "%s_%s_" % (time.strftime("%H%M-%d%b", time.gmtime()),username)
    # Find path to the directory where this file is housed
    abs_cwd_path = data_dir    #os.getcwd() + '/'
    # Define Path to the dir
    #dirnm = 'group' + mask
    path_to_dir = os.path.join(abs_cwd_path,dirnm)
    # Display to terminal what the user has defined
    l1 = "##  test      = %s" % test
    l2 = "##  dir      = %s" % dirnm
    l3 = "##  uniq_name = %s" % uniq_name
    l4 = "##  abs_cwd_path = %s  ##" % abs_cwd_path
    print("\n\n" + len(l4)*'#')
    print(l1 + (len(l4)-len(l1)-2)*' ' + "##")
    print(l2 + (len(l4)-len(l2)-2)*' ' + "##")
    print(l3 +  (len(l4)-len(l3)-2)*' ' + "##")
    print(len(l4)*'#' + "\n") 
    del l1,l2,l3,l4
    # Check the existance of all directories
    # look for previously done results
    if skip_prev_good or skip_prev_bad:
        ignored_objects = zpio.get_file_specs(path_to_dir,skip_prev_good,skip_prev_bad,use_tests)
        ignored_objects = np.array(ignored_objects)
    if len(bad_frames)>0:
        use_bad_frames = True
        ignored_frames = np.array(bad_frames)
    elif len(good_frames)>0:
        use_bad_frames = False
        ignored_frames = np.array(good_frames)
        use_bad_frames = True
        ignored_frames = np.array([])
    # Display spectra being skipped
    print("Skipping user specified frames:")
    print("Skipping previously done objects:")
    #Import template spectrum (SDSS early type) and continuum subtract the flux
        early_type = pyfits.open(os.path.join(abs_cwd_path,'sdss_templates','spDR2-023.fit'))
    except IOError:
        print("There is no 'sdss_templates/spDR2-023.fit' in the cwd")
        print("cwd =", abs_cwd_path)
    # Declare the array for the template flux(es)
    early_type_flux = np.ndarray((3,len(early_type[0].data[0])))
    early_type_wave = np.ndarray((3,len(early_type[0].data[0])))
    coeff0 = early_type[0].header['COEFF0']
    coeff1 = early_type[0].header['COEFF1']
    early_type_flux[0,:] = early_type[0].data[0]
    early_type_wave[0,:] = 10**(coeff0 + coeff1*np.arange(0,early_type_flux[0,:].size,1))
        early_type = pyfits.open(os.path.join(abs_cwd_path,'sdss_templates','spDR2-024.fit'))
    except IOError:
        print("There is no 'sdss_templates/spDR2-024.fit' in the cwd")
        print("cwd =", abs_cwd_path)
    coeff0 = early_type[0].header['COEFF0']
    coeff1 = early_type[0].header['COEFF1']
    early_type_flux[1,:] = early_type[0].data[0]
    early_type_wave[1,:] = 10**(coeff0 + coeff1*np.arange(0,early_type_flux[1,:].size,1))
        early_type = pyfits.open(os.path.join(abs_cwd_path ,'sdss_templates','spDR2-025.fit'))
    except IOError:
        print("There is no 'sdss_templates/spDR2-025.fit' in the cwd")
        print("cwd =", abs_cwd_path)
    coeff0 = early_type[0].header['COEFF0']
    coeff1 = early_type[0].header['COEFF1']
    early_type_flux[2,:] = early_type[0].data[0]
    early_type_wave[2,:] = 10**(coeff0 + coeff1*np.arange(0,early_type_flux[2,:].size,1))
    # open the redshift output table and print the column names
    good_spec_file = os.path.join(path_to_dir,uniq_name + '{0}_speczs'.format(dirnm) + '.txt')
    with open(good_spec_file, 'w') as outf:
        if use_prior:
            outf.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ('Frame','Est_z', \
                'Correlation', 'Template', 'True_z', 'MOCK_PHOTOZ', 'Total_SN','MEAN_SN','Med_SN', \
                'Exp','I_Mag','Model') )
            outf.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % ('Frame','Est_z', \
                'Correlation', 'Template', 'True_z', 'Total_SN','MEAN_SN','Med_SN', \
                'Exp','I_Mag','Model') )
        # Define the path to the fits files and loop over files within that folder
        fits_path = os.path.join(path_to_dir,'fits')
        for curfile in os.listdir(fits_path):
            sn_stat1,sn_stat2,filframe,filext = curfile.split('.')
            sn_status = sn_stat1+'.'+sn_stat2
            if filext!='fits' and filext!='fits':
            if sn_status != dirnm:
                print("The fits file dir isn't matching the specified dir, skipping")
            if np.any(filframe==ignored_objects):
                print("Previously Done, Skipping")
            if use_bad_frames:
                if np.any(int(filframe)==ignored_frames):
                    print("Specified to skip in calling function\n")
                if np.all(int(filframe)!=ignored_frames):
                    print("Not in list of good frames, so skipping\n")
            del sn_status,filext
            # Import the spectrum
            fileName = os.path.join(fits_path,curfile)
                fits = pyfits.open(fileName)
            except IOError:
                print("File ",fileName," could not be opened")
                print("Moving on to the next spectra")
            dat = fits[0].data
            wave = dat[1].astype(float)
            raw_flux = dat[0].astype(float)
            # Mask out previously defined bad wavelength regions for the current spec
            masked_flux, masked_wave = zwf.mask_inf_regions(raw_flux,wave)
            if sum(masked_flux)==0:
                print("The sum of the flux was 0, skipping")
            cur_head = fits[0].header
            truez = float(cur_head['TRUE_Z'])
            total_sn = float(cur_head['TOTSQ_SN'])
            median_sn = float(cur_head['MED_SNR'])
            mean_sn = float(cur_head['MEAN_SNR'])
            exposure = float(cur_head['EXPTIME'])
            imag = float(cur_head['ABS_MAG'])
            model = 'lrg'#cur_head['MODEL']
            if use_prior:
                std = 0.02*(1+truez)
                mock_photoz = np.random.randn(1)*std + truez
                mock_photoz = None
            # Declare variables for later
            temp = [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]
            skip_spectra = False
            #        plt.figure()
            #        plt.plot(masked_wave,masked_flux,'b-')
            #        continue
            #Clean High Frequency noise
            F1 = fftpack.rfft(masked_flux)
            cut = F1.copy()
            W = fftpack.rfftfreq(masked_wave.size,d=masked_wave[(len(masked_wave)-1)]-masked_wave[(len(masked_wave)-2)])
            cut[np.where(W>0.15)] = 0
            Flux_Sci = fftpack.irfft(cut)
            Flux_Science, masked_wave = zwf.mask_neg_regions(Flux_Sci,masked_wave)
            if len(Flux_Science)==0:
                print("The length of Flux_Science was 0 so skipping\n")
            if len(masked_wave)==0:
                print("The length of masked_wave was 0 so skipping\n")
        	    # Find the redshifts
            for i in np.arange(len(early_type_flux[:,1])):
                redshift_est,corr,ztest,corr_val = R.redshift_estimate(early_type_wave[i,:], early_type_flux[i,:], masked_wave,Flux_Science,(i+23),gal_prior=mock_photoz)
                print("Template %d, Est Red = %f" % (i+23,redshift_est))
                # Check to see if the fit was better than the previos fits for this spec
                cor = np.max(corr)
                if (cor>=temp[1]):
                    temp = [redshift_est,cor,ztest,corr_val,i]
            # Print the best redshift estimate to the terminal
            print("\n\tBest: Template %d, Est Red = %f\n" % (temp[4]+23,temp[0]),"\n")
        	# Print params to the output table
            # Find the RA and Decs of current object
            # Print the results into the output "good specs" text file
            if use_prior:
                outf.write("%04d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%d\t%.1f\t%0.3f\t%.2f\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%s\n"  % (np.int(filframe),temp[0],temp[1],(np.int(temp[4])+23),truez,mock_photoz,total_sn,mean_sn,median_sn,exposure,imag,model))
                outf.write("%04d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%d\t%.1f\t%.2f\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%s\n"  % (np.int(filframe),temp[0],temp[1],(np.int(temp[4])+23),truez,total_sn,mean_sn,median_sn,exposure,imag,model))
           	# Create a summary plot of the best z-fit
            if not test:
                plt_name = os.path.join(path_to_dir,'red_ests','redEst_%s_%s_Tmplt%d_%s.png' % (dirnm,filframe,np.int(temp[4]+23),uniq_name))
        # If test, print that in the outputted text files
        if test:
            print("This was a test! Not valid results", file=outf)
    # if it was a test, ask the user if they want to save the outputted text files
    if test:
        YorN = 'b'
        print("\n\n\n\n\tWould you like to keep the test good spectra output?")
        while (YorN!='Y' and  YorN!='N' and YorN!='n' and YorN!='y'):
            YorN = input('\tYes (y) or No (n): ')
            if (YorN=='N' or YorN=='n'):
Пример #49
def _setup_chpi_fits(info, t_window, t_step_min, method='forward',
                     exclude='bads', verbose=None):
    """Helper to set up cHPI fits"""
    from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
    from .preprocessing.maxwell import _prep_mf_coils
    if not (check_version('numpy', '1.7') and check_version('scipy', '0.11')):
        raise RuntimeError('numpy>=1.7 and scipy>=0.11 required')
    hpi_freqs, coil_head_rrs, hpi_pick, hpi_ons = _get_hpi_info(info)[:4]
    line_freqs = np.arange(info['line_freq'], info['sfreq'] / 3.,
    logger.info('Line interference frequencies: %s Hz'
                % ' '.join(['%d' % l for l in line_freqs]))
    # initial transforms
    dev_head_t = info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    head_dev_t = invert_transform(info['dev_head_t'])['trans']
    # determine timing
    n_window = int(round(t_window * info['sfreq']))
    logger.debug('Coordinate transformation:')
    for d in (dev_head_t[0, :3], dev_head_t[1, :3], dev_head_t[2, :3],
              dev_head_t[:3, 3] * 1000.):
        logger.debug('{0:8.4f} {1:8.4f} {2:8.4f}'.format(*d))
    slope = np.arange(n_window).astype(np.float64)[:, np.newaxis]
    slope -= np.mean(slope)
    rads = slope / info['sfreq']
    rads *= 2 * np.pi
    f_t = hpi_freqs[np.newaxis, :] * rads
    l_t = line_freqs[np.newaxis, :] * rads
    model = [np.sin(f_t), np.cos(f_t)]  # hpi freqs
    model += [np.sin(l_t), np.cos(l_t)]  # line freqs
    model += [slope, np.ones(slope.shape)]
    model = np.concatenate(model, axis=1)
    inv_model = linalg.pinv(model)
    # Set up highpass at half lowest cHPI freq
    hp_n = 2 ** (int(np.ceil(np.log2(n_window))) + 1)
    freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(hp_n, 1. / info['sfreq'])
    hp_ind = np.where(freqs >= hpi_freqs.min())[0][0] - 2
    hp_window = np.concatenate(
        [[0], np.repeat(np.hanning(hp_ind - 1)[:(hp_ind - 1) // 2],

    # Set up magnetic dipole fits
    picks_meg = pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=exclude)
    picks = np.concatenate([picks_meg, [hpi_pick]])
    megchs = [ch for ci, ch in enumerate(info['chs']) if ci in picks_meg]
    templates = _read_coil_defs(elekta_defs=True, verbose=False)
    coils = _create_meg_coils(megchs, 'accurate', coilset=templates)
    if method == 'forward':
        coils = _concatenate_coils(coils)
    else:  # == 'multipole'
        coils = _prep_mf_coils(info)
    scale = make_ad_hoc_cov(info, verbose=False)
    scale = _get_whitener_data(info, scale, picks_meg, verbose=False)
    orig_dev_head_quat = np.concatenate([rot_to_quat(dev_head_t[:3, :3]),
                                         dev_head_t[:3, 3]])
    dists = cdist(coil_head_rrs, coil_head_rrs)
    hpi = dict(dists=dists, scale=scale, picks=picks, model=model,
               inv_model=inv_model, coil_head_rrs=coil_head_rrs,
               coils=coils, on=hpi_ons, n_window=n_window, method=method,
               freqs=hpi_freqs, line_freqs=line_freqs,
               hp_ind=hp_ind, hp_n=hp_n, hp_window=hp_window)
    last = dict(quat=orig_dev_head_quat, coil_head_rrs=coil_head_rrs,
                coil_dev_rrs=apply_trans(head_dev_t, coil_head_rrs),
                sin_fit=None, fit_time=-t_step_min)
    return hpi, last
Пример #50
data = np.loadtxt('out_cut.txt') 

t = data[:,0]
flux = data[:,1]
N = len(t)

pi = np.pi
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 5))

def mysine(t, a1, a2, a3):
    return a1 * np.sin(a2 * t + a3)

yhat = fftpack.rfft(flux)
idx = (yhat**2).argmax()
freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(N, d = (t[1]-t[0])/(2*pi))
frequency = freqs[idx]

amplitude = flux.max()
guess = [amplitude, 0.76, 0.]
print "guessed amplitude & ang. frequency:", guess
(amplitude, frequency, phase), pcov = optimize.curve_fit(
    mysine, t, flux, guess)

period = 2*pi/frequency
print "amplitude & ang. frequency & phase:", amplitude, frequency, phase

xx = t
yy = mysine(xx, amplitude, frequency, phase)
# plot the real data
plt.plot(t, flux, 'r', label = 'Real Values')
Пример #51
def _setup_chpi_fits(info, t_window, t_step_min, method='forward',
                     exclude='bads', add_hpi_stim_pick=True,
                     remove_aliased=False, verbose=None):
    """Helper to set up cHPI fits."""
    from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
    from .preprocessing.maxwell import _prep_mf_coils
    if not (check_version('numpy', '1.7') and check_version('scipy', '0.11')):
        raise RuntimeError('numpy>=1.7 and scipy>=0.11 required')
    hpi_freqs, coil_head_rrs, hpi_pick, hpi_ons = _get_hpi_info(info)[:4]
    # What to do e.g. if Raw has been resampled and some of our
    # HPI freqs would now be aliased
    highest = info.get('lowpass')
    highest = info['sfreq'] / 2. if highest is None else highest
    keepers = np.array([h <= highest for h in hpi_freqs], bool)
    if remove_aliased:
        hpi_freqs = hpi_freqs[keepers]
        coil_head_rrs = coil_head_rrs[keepers]
        hpi_ons = hpi_ons[keepers]
    elif not keepers.all():
        raise RuntimeError('Found HPI frequencies %s above the lowpass '
                           '(or Nyquist) frequency %0.1f'
                           % (hpi_freqs[~keepers].tolist(), highest))
    if info['line_freq'] is not None:
        line_freqs = np.arange(info['line_freq'], info['sfreq'] / 3.,
        line_freqs = np.zeros([0])
    logger.info('Line interference frequencies: %s Hz'
                % ' '.join(['%d' % l for l in line_freqs]))
    # initial transforms
    dev_head_t = info['dev_head_t']['trans']
    head_dev_t = invert_transform(info['dev_head_t'])['trans']
    # determine timing
    n_window = int(round(t_window * info['sfreq']))
    logger.debug('Coordinate transformation:')
    for d in (dev_head_t[0, :3], dev_head_t[1, :3], dev_head_t[2, :3],
              dev_head_t[:3, 3] * 1000.):
        logger.debug('{0:8.4f} {1:8.4f} {2:8.4f}'.format(*d))
    slope = np.arange(n_window).astype(np.float64)[:, np.newaxis]
    slope -= np.mean(slope)
    rads = slope / info['sfreq']
    rads *= 2 * np.pi
    f_t = hpi_freqs[np.newaxis, :] * rads
    l_t = line_freqs[np.newaxis, :] * rads
    model = [np.sin(f_t), np.cos(f_t)]  # hpi freqs
    model += [np.sin(l_t), np.cos(l_t)]  # line freqs
    model += [slope, np.ones(slope.shape)]
    model = np.concatenate(model, axis=1)
    inv_model = linalg.pinv(model)
    # Set up highpass at half lowest cHPI freq
    hp_n = 2 ** (int(np.ceil(np.log2(n_window))) + 1)
    freqs = fftpack.rfftfreq(hp_n, 1. / info['sfreq'])
    hp_ind = np.where(freqs >= hpi_freqs.min())[0][0] - 2
    hp_window = np.concatenate(
        [[0], np.repeat(np.hanning(hp_ind - 1)[:(hp_ind - 1) // 2],

    # Set up magnetic dipole fits
    picks_meg = pick_types(info, meg=True, eeg=False, exclude=exclude)
    if len(exclude) > 0:
        if exclude == 'bads':
            msg = info['bads']
            msg = exclude
        logger.debug('Static bad channels (%d): %s'
                     % (len(msg), u' '.join(msg)))
    if add_hpi_stim_pick:
        if hpi_pick is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Could not find HPI status channel')
        picks = np.concatenate([picks_meg, [hpi_pick]])
        picks = picks_meg
    megchs = [ch for ci, ch in enumerate(info['chs']) if ci in picks_meg]
    templates = _read_coil_defs(elekta_defs=True, verbose=False)
    coils = _create_meg_coils(megchs, 'accurate', coilset=templates)
    if method == 'forward':
        coils = _concatenate_coils(coils)
    else:  # == 'multipole'
        coils = _prep_mf_coils(info)
    scale = make_ad_hoc_cov(info, verbose=False)
    scale = _get_whitener_data(info, scale, picks_meg, verbose=False)
    orig_dev_head_quat = np.concatenate([rot_to_quat(dev_head_t[:3, :3]),
                                         dev_head_t[:3, 3]])
    dists = cdist(coil_head_rrs, coil_head_rrs)
    hpi = dict(dists=dists, scale=scale, picks=picks, model=model,
               inv_model=inv_model, coil_head_rrs=coil_head_rrs,
               coils=coils, on=hpi_ons, n_window=n_window, method=method,
               freqs=hpi_freqs, line_freqs=line_freqs,
               hp_ind=hp_ind, hp_n=hp_n, hp_window=hp_window)
    last = dict(quat=orig_dev_head_quat, coil_head_rrs=coil_head_rrs,
                coil_dev_rrs=apply_trans(head_dev_t, coil_head_rrs),
                sin_fit=None, fit_time=-t_step_min)
    return hpi, last
def fourier_detect(x, times, rate):
    fr = rfftfreq(len(times), 1/rate)
    y = rfft(x)
    y[fr > int(1/0.05)] = 0
    x_smoothed = irfft(y)
    return times[argrelmax(x_smoothed)[0]]
Пример #53
median_sdss_redshift = np.median(Gal_dat.spec_z[Gal_dat.spec_z > 0.0])
print 'Median SDSS redshift',median_sdss_redshift

R = z_est()

for k in range(len(Gal_dat)):
    if Gal_dat.slit_type[k] == 'g' and Gal_dat.good_spectra[k] == 'y':
        if sdss_check:
            if Gal_dat.spec_z[k] != 0.0: skipgal = False
            else: skipgal = True
        else: skipgal = False
        if not skipgal:
            F1 = fftpack.rfft(Flux_science[k])
            cut = F1.copy()
            W = fftpack.rfftfreq(spectra[keys[k]]['wave2'].size,d=spectra[keys[k]]['wave2'][1001]-spectra[keys[k]]['wave2'][1000])
            cut[np.where(W>0.15)] = 0
            Flux_science2 = fftpack.irfft(cut)
            Flux_sc = Flux_science2 - signal.medfilt(Flux_science2,171)
            d.set('pan to 1150.0 '+str(Gal_dat.FINAL_SLIT_Y[k])+' physical')
            d.set('regions command {box(2000 '+str(Gal_dat.FINAL_SLIT_Y[k])+' 4500 '+str(Gal_dat.SLIT_WIDTH[k])+') #color=green highlite=1}')
            redshift_est[k],cor[k],ztest,corr_val,qualityval['Clear'][k] = R.redshift_estimate(early_type_wave,early_type_flux,spectra[keys[k]]['wave2'],Flux_science2,gal_prior=None)
                HSN[k],KSN[k],GSN[k] = sncalc(redshift_est[k],spectra[keys[k]]['wave2'],Flux_sc)
            except ValueError:
                HSN[k],KSN[k],GSN[k] = 0.0,0.0,0.0
            SNavg[k] = np.average(np.array([HSN[k],KSN[k],GSN[k]]))
            SNHKmin[k] = np.min(np.array([HSN[k],KSN[k]]))

        redshift_est[k] = 0.0
Пример #54
def kfftn(dk_shape, ndim, boxsize):
    ''' return frequency grid '''
    k=[sfft.fftfreq(dk_shape[i], 2.*np.pi/boxsize ) for i in \
      range(ndim-1) ] + [sfft.rfftfreq(dk_shape[-1],2.*np.pi/boxsize) ]
    return k
Пример #55
def krfftn(dk_shape, ndim, boxsize):
    ''' return the k grid used for rfftn, where the last axis is done 
        using rfft '''
    k=[sfft.fftfreq(dk_shape[i], 2.*np.pi/boxsize ) for i in \
      range(ndim-1) ] + [sfft.rfftfreq(dk_shape[-1],2.*np.pi/boxsize) ]
    return k
	def __init__(self, totalTime, dt, dtIntegration, stokes, beta, signalToNoise=0.0, seed=0, modulationType=0):
		totalTime : TYPE
		dt : TYPE
		dtIntegration : TYPE
		seed : int, optional
		TYPE : Description
		self.totalTime = totalTime
		self.dt = dt
		self.dtIntegration = dtIntegration
		self.seed = seed
		self.signalToNoise = signalToNoise
		self.modulationType = modulationType

		if (self.seed != 0):

# Read seeing power spectrum
		self.powerLites = np.loadtxt('powerSpectrumSeeing.dat')
		self.powerLites[:,1] = 10.0**self.powerLites[:,1]

# Number of samples of the original sample
		self.nSteps = int(totalTime / dt)
		self.times = np.arange(self.nSteps) * self.dt

# Frequency axis
		self.freq = fft.rfftfreq(self.nSteps, d=dt)

# Betas and Stokes parameters
		self.beta = beta
		self.stokes = stokes		

# Generate Gaussian noise with unit variance and multiply by the square root of the power spectrum
# to generate the noise with the appropriate power spectrum
		noise = np.random.randn(self.nSteps)
		noiseFFT = myFFT(noise)

		self.powerSeeing = np.interp(np.abs(self.freq), self.powerLites[:,0], self.powerLites[:,1])
		self.powerSeeing[0] = 0.0
		self.seeingFFT = np.sqrt(self.powerSeeing) * noiseFFT
		self.seeingFFT /= np.sqrt(myTotalPower(self.seeingFFT))
		self.seeing = myIFFT(self.seeingFFT)

# Make sure that the total power is unity
		print 'Total variance = ', np.sum(self.seeing**2), myTotalPower(self.seeingFFT)

# Compute the signal and its power spectrum
		self.signal = [None] * 4
		for i in range(4):
			self.signal[i] = self.stokes[i]*(1.0 + self.beta[i] * self.seeing)

# Generate modulation using a lambda/4 and lambda/2 polarimeter with random angles
		# self.modulation = [np.ones(self.nSteps), 2.0*np.random.rand(self.nSteps)-1.0, 2.0*np.random.rand(self.nSteps)-1.0, 2.0*np.random.rand(self.nSteps)-1.0]
		if (self.modulationType == 0):
			self.alphaModulation = 0.5*np.pi*np.random.rand(self.nSteps)
			self.betaModulation = 0.5*np.pi*np.random.rand(self.nSteps)
			temp = np.load('alphaBetaSamples.npz')
			self.alphaModulation = temp['arr_0'][0:self.nSteps]
			self.betaModulation = temp['arr_1'][0:self.nSteps]

		self.modulation = [np.ones(self.nSteps), \
			np.cos(2.0*self.alphaModulation) * np.cos(2.0*(self.alphaModulation-2.0*self.betaModulation)),\
			np.sin(2.0*self.alphaModulation) * np.cos(2.0*(self.alphaModulation-2.0*self.betaModulation)),\

		self.integrationTime = self.dtIntegration
		self.lengthSample = int(self.dtIntegration / self.dt)
		self.nSamples = int(self.dt / self.dtIntegration * self.nSteps)

		self.signalIntegrated = [None] * 2
		for i in range(2):
			temp = self.signal[0] * self.modulation[0]
			sign = (-1.0)**i
			for j in range(1,4):
				temp += sign * self.signal[j] * self.modulation[j]
			self.signalIntegrated[i] = bin_ndarray(temp, (self.nSamples,), operation='sum') 
			self.signalIntegrated[i] += np.mean(self.signalIntegrated[i]) / self.signalToNoise * np.random.randn(self.nSamples)

		self.tIntegrated = np.arange(self.nSamples) * self.dtIntegration

# Generate modulation matrix
		self.sparseM = [None] * 4
		self.sparseMStar = [None] * 4

		for state in range(4):

			sparseData = []
			sparseRow = []
			sparseCol = []
			loop = 0
			for i in range(self.nSamples):
				for j in range(self.lengthSample):

					loop += 1

			self.sparseM[state] = sp.coo_matrix((sparseData, (sparseRow, sparseCol)), shape=(self.nSamples, self.nSteps))
			self.sparseMStar[state] = self.sparseM[state].transpose(copy=True)

		self.factor = 2*np.ones(self.nSteps)
		self.factor[0] = 1.0
Пример #57
    def lowpassSweptSineGeneration(self):
        """ Function to illustrate the steps taken to generate a low pass swept sine.

        Instead of using the Signal Generator, preform the inverse filtering manually
        so that the steps may be illustrated.
        from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, filtfilt

        self.logger.debug("Entering lowpassSweptSineGeneration")

        T = 64 * 10e-3  # 125 ms
        sample_rate = 44100.0
        f_1 = sample_rate / 2.0
        fft_size = 2 ** 18

        # Generate time vector
        t = arange(0, T, 1 / sample_rate)

        # Generate the signal from 0 to Nyquist frequency
        a = pi * f_1 / T

        s = sin(a * t ** 2)

        plot(1000 * t, s)
        xlabel("Time (ms)")
        xlim(0, 125)
        ylim(-1.1, 1.1)
        subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.97, top=0.97, bottom=0.10)

        # Determine the spectrum
        S = fft(s, fft_size)
        # Inverse of the magnitude spectrum
        iaS = abs(S) ** -1
        liaS = log(iaS)
        liaS -= min(liaS)

        plot(fftfreq(fft_size, 1 / sample_rate)[:fft_size / 2], liaS[:fft_size / 2])
        xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
        ylabel(r"ln$| S(\omega) | ^ {-1}$")
        xlim(0, sample_rate / 2)
        subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.97, top=0.97, bottom=0.10)
        # c, similiar to the cepstrum, is the inverse of the logarithmic inverse
        # magnitude spectrum
        c = ifft(log(iaS))

        # Window c to produce m
        m = r_[c[0], 2 * c[1:len(S) / 2 - 1], c[len(S) / 2], zeros(len(S) / 2)]
        subplots_adjust(left=0.10, right=0.97, top=0.97, bottom=0.10)
        ylim(-0.05, 0.05)
        xlim(0, 1000)
        # Determine the spectrum of the windowed 'cepstrum'
        M = fft(m, fft_size)

        # Determine the minimum phase inverse filter
        iSmp = exp(M)
        plot(fftfreq(fft_size, 1 / sample_rate)[:fft_size / 2], iSmp[:fft_size / 2])
        xlim(0, sample_rate / 2.0)
        ylim(0.010, 0.030)
        xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
        subplots_adjust(left=0.10, right=0.97, top=0.97, bottom=0.10)
        xlim(0, sample_rate / 2.0)

        # Determine the minimum phase spectrum
        Smp = S * iSmp

        # Determine the minimum phase signal
        smp = ifft(Smp)

        # smp will have fft_size samples, which could be very long
        # reduce to length of the signal specified
        smp = smp[:len(t)]

         # Low pass filter the signal to the upper frequency
        [b, a] = butter(8, 0.9, btype="low")
        smp = lfilter(b, a, smp)

        SMP = abs(rfft(smp, 2 ** 14))
        SMP -= max(SMP)
        S = abs(rfft(s, 2 ** 14))
        S -= max(S)
        S += 13

        plot(rfftfreq(len(SMP), 1 / sample_rate), SMP)
        plot(rfftfreq(len(S), 1 / sample_rate), S)

        # Normalize so that the maximum value is 1
        smp /= max(abs(smp))

        signal = smp
Пример #58
    def windowEffects(self):
        """ Function used to generate figures for the window function section. """
        self.logger.debug("Entering windowEffects")
        # Declare system variables
        fs = 44100.0
        c = 344.0
        l = 2.0
        mic_l = l / 2.0
        N = 2 ** 18

        [bl, al] = butter(1, 10000 / fs / 2.0, 'low')

        T = 0.1
        t = arange(0, T, 1 / fs)
        s = r_[sin(2 * pi * t * (fs / 2 / (2 * T))), zeros(fs * (1 - T) + 1)]  # Impulse
        s = r_[1, rand(fs)]

        h = r_[1, zeros(fs)]  # perfect reflector
        h = lfilter(bl, al, h)

        y = r_[s, zeros(fs * (l + mic_l) / c)]
        y += r_[zeros(fs * (l + mic_l) / c), ifft(fft(s) * fft(h))]

        cepstrum = ifft(log(abs(fft(y, 2 ** 18)) ** 2))

        t = arange(0, len(cepstrum) / fs, 1 / fs)
        t *= 1000

        plot(t, cepstrum)

        win = r_[hanning(100)[:50], ones(400), hanning(100)[50:]]
        win *= max(abs(cepstrum[100:500]))
        t = arange(0, len(win) / fs, 1 / fs)
        t += 0.0058
        t *= 1000
        plot(t, win, c="black", ls="--")
        xlim(0, 25)
        ylim(-0.1, 0.3)

        xlabel("quenfrency (ms)")


        t = arange(0, 1, 1 / fs)
        x = cos(2 * pi * 1000 * t)
        N = 2 ** 18
        n = 1000

        plot(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1, 1 / fs), rfft(x[:n], N))
        xlim(0, 2000)

        ax = gca()


        xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")


        n = 10

        W = abs(fft(ones(n), N)) ** 2

        plot(fftfreq(N), W)

        enbw = 100
        enbw_rect = r_[0, max(W) * ones(enbw), 0]

        plot(linspace(-0.05, 0.05, enbw + 2), enbw_rect, c="black", ls="--")
        ax = gca()


        xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")


        ylim(0, 110)

        annotate("peak power gain\n" + r"at $\left|W\left(0\right)\right|^{2}$", xy=(0.05, max(W)),
                xytext=(0.15, max(W) - 2), arrowprops=dict(fc="black", width=1, headwidth=5),
                verticalalignment='top', fontsize=10)
        annotate("Equivalent\nNoise Bandwidth", xy=(-0.05, max(W) / 2), xytext=(-0.15, max(W) / 2),
                arrowprops=dict(fc="black", width=1, headwidth=5), horizontalalignment="right",
                verticalalignment="center", fontsize=10)
        annotate("", xy=(0.05, max(W) / 2), xytext=(0.15, max(W) / 2),
                arrowprops=dict(fc="black", width=1, headwidth=5), horizontalalignment="right",



        tukey = lambda N, a: r_[hanning(a * N)[:a * N / 2.0], ones(N * (1 - a)), hanning(a * N)[a * N / 2.0:]]

        N = 220

        plot(ones(N)[N / 2:], c="black", ls="-", label="Rectangle")
        #plot([0, 0], [0, 1], c="black", ls="-")
        plot([N / 2, N / 2], [0, 1], c="black", ls="-")

        plot(tukey(N, 0.25)[N / 2:], c="black", ls="--", label=r"Tukey $\alpha = 0.25$")
        plot(tukey(N, 0.55)[N / 2:], c="black", ls="-.", label=r"Tukey $\alpha = 0.50$")
        plot(tukey(N, 0.75)[N / 2:], c="black", ls=":", label=r"Tukey $\alpha = 0.75$")
        plot(hanning(N)[N / 2:], c="gray", label="Hanning")

        leg = gca().get_legend()
        setp(leg.get_texts(), fontsize="small")

        xlim(0, N + 10)
        ylim(0, 1.05)

        ax = gca()
        ax.set_xticks([N / 2])



        # n = 100
        # N = 2 ** 18

        # R = 20 * log10(rfft(ones(n), N))
        # R -= max(R)

        # T25 = 20 * log10(rfft(tukey(n, 0.25), N))
        # T25 -= max(T25)

        # T50 = 20 * log10(rfft(tukey(n, 0.50), N))
        # T50 -= max(T50)

        # T75 = 20 * log10(rfft(tukey(n, 0.75), N))
        # T75 -= max(T75)

        # H = 20 * log10(rfft(hanning(n), N))
        # H -= max(H)

        # semilogx(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1) * n, R, label="Rectangle", c="black", ls="-")
        # semilogx(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1) * n, T25, label=r"Tukey $\alpha = 0.25$", c="black", ls="--")
        # semilogx(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1) * n, T50, label=r"Tukey $\alpha = 0.50$", c="black", ls="-.")
        # semilogx(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1) * n, T75, label=r"Tukey $\alpha = 0.75$", c="black", ls=":")
        # semilogx(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1) * n, H, label="Hanning", c="gray", ls="-")

        # xlim(0.1, 15)
        # ylim(-60, 0)

        # legend(loc="lower left")
        # leg = gca().get_legend()
        # setp(leg.get_texts(), fontsize="small")
        # show()


        n = 220
        N = 2 ** 18

        fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4) = subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, sharey=True)
        ax1.semilogx(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1, 1 / fs), rfft(ones(n), N), label="rect")
        ax1.text(800, 50, "Rectangle Window", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center")

        ax2.semilogx(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1, 1 / fs), rfft(tukey(n, 0.25), N), label="a = 0.25")
        ax2.text(800, 50, r"Tukey Window, $\alpha = 0.25$", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center")

        ax3.semilogx(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1, 1 / fs), rfft(tukey(n, 0.50), N), label="a = 0.50")
        ax3.text(800, 50, r"Tukey Window, $\alpha = 0.50$", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center")

        ax4.semilogx(rfftfreq(N / 2 + 1, 1 / fs), rfft(tukey(n, 0.75), N), label="a = 0.75")
        ax4.text(800, 50, r"Tukey Window, $\alpha = 0.75$", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center")

        axes = gca()

        axes.set_xticks([100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400,
                        500, 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000,
                        2500, 3150, 4000, 5000])
        axes.set_xticklabels([100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315, 400,
                        500, 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000,
                        2500, 3150, 4000, 5000], rotation="vertical")

        ylim(-100, 100)
        xlim(100, 5000)

        fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15, top=0.98, right=0.98, left=0.05)
        xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")

Пример #59
def hanning_real_plot(data, rate):
    fourier = rfft(data * np.hanning(len(data)))
    abs_fourier = abs(fourier)
    freqs = rfftfreq(len(fourier), 1.0 / rate)
    semilogy(freqs, abs_fourier)
Пример #60
def real_plot(data, rate):
    fourier = rfft(data)
    abs_fourier = abs(fourier)
    freqs = rfftfreq(len(fourier), 1.0 / rate)
    semilogy(freqs, abs_fourier)