Пример #1
 def check_4(self,f=f1,per=0,s=0,a=0,b=2*pi,N=20,xb=None,xe=None,
     if xb is None: xb=a
     if xe is None: xe=b
     x=a+(b-a)*arange(N+1,dtype=float)/float(N)    # nodes
     x1=a+(b-a)*arange(1,N,dtype=float)/float(N-1) # middle points of the nodes
     put(" u = %s   N = %d"%(repr(round(dx,3)),N))
     put("  k  :  [x(u), %s(x(u))]  Error of splprep  Error of splrep "%(f(0,None)))
     for k in range(1,6):
         err1 = abs(uv[1]-f(uv[0]))
         err2 = abs(splev(uv[0],tck)-f(uv[0]))
         assert_(err1 < 1e-2)
         assert_(err2 < 1e-2)
         put("  %d  :  %s    %.1e           %.1e"%\
               (k,repr([round(z,3) for z in uv]),
     put("Derivatives of parametric cubic spline at u (first function):")
     for d in range(1,k+1):
         put(" %s "%(repr(uv[0])))
 def check_4(self,f=f1,per=0,s=0,a=0,b=2*pi,N=20,xb=None,xe=None,
     if xb is None:
         xb = a
     if xe is None:
         xe = b
     x = a+(b-a)*arange(N+1,dtype=float)/float(N)    # nodes
     x1 = a + (b-a)*arange(1,N,dtype=float)/float(N-1)  # middle points of the nodes
     v,v1 = f(x),f(x1)
     put(" u = %s   N = %d" % (repr(round(dx,3)),N))
     put("  k  :  [x(u), %s(x(u))]  Error of splprep  Error of splrep " % (f(0,None)))
     for k in range(1,6):
         tckp,u = splprep([x,v],s=s,per=per,k=k,nest=-1)
         tck = splrep(x,v,s=s,per=per,k=k)
         uv = splev(dx,tckp)
         err1 = abs(uv[1]-f(uv[0]))
         err2 = abs(splev(uv[0],tck)-f(uv[0]))
         assert_(err1 < 1e-2)
         assert_(err2 < 1e-2)
         put("  %d  :  %s    %.1e           %.1e" %
               (k,repr([round(z,3) for z in uv]),
     put("Derivatives of parametric cubic spline at u (first function):")
     k = 3
     tckp,u = splprep([x,v],s=s,per=per,k=k,nest=-1)
     for d in range(1,k+1):
         uv = splev(dx,tckp,d)
         put(" %s " % (repr(uv[0])))
Пример #3
def fitEdge(og,e,VERBOSE=False):
    path = og[e[0]][e[1]]['wpath']
    #pend = og.node[e[1]]['wcrd']
    #p = [pstart]
    ae = np.array(path)
    if( ae.shape[0] > 3 ): # there are not enough points to fit with
        if( VERBOSE ): print("refitting edge with %d points"%len(path))

        s = ae.shape[0]/2.0

        fit2 = splprep(ae.transpose(),task=0,full_output =1, s=s)[0]
        u = np.array(list(range(ae.shape[0]+1))).\
        # location of spline points
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d0'] = splev(u,fit2[0],der=0)
        # first derivative (tangent) of spline
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d1'] =np.array( splev(u,fit2[0],der=1))
        # second derivative (curvature) of spline
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d2'] = np.array(splev(u,fit2[0],der=2))
        if( VERBOSE ): print("no or insufficient points to fit")
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d0'] = None
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d1'] = None
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d2'] = None
Пример #4
def fitEdge(og, e, VERBOSE=False):
    path = og[e[0]][e[1]]['wpath']
    #pend = og.node[e[1]]['wcrd']
    #p = [pstart]
    ae = np.array(path)

    if (ae.shape[0] > 3):  # there are not enough points to fit with
        if (VERBOSE): print("refitting edge with %d points" % len(path))

        s = ae.shape[0] / 2.0

        fit2 = splprep(ae.transpose(), task=0, full_output=1, s=s)[0]
        u = np.array(list(range(ae.shape[0]+1))).\
        # location of spline points
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d0'] = splev(u, fit2[0], der=0)
        # first derivative (tangent) of spline
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d1'] = np.array(splev(u, fit2[0], der=1))
        # second derivative (curvature) of spline
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d2'] = np.array(splev(u, fit2[0], der=2))
        if (VERBOSE): print("no or insufficient points to fit")
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d0'] = None
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d1'] = None
        og[e[0]][e[1]]['d2'] = None
Пример #5
 def test_1d_shape(self):
     x = [1,2,3,4,5]
     y = [4,5,6,7,8]
     tck = splrep(x, y)
     z = splev([1], tck)
     assert_equal(z.shape, (1,))
     z = splev(1, tck)
     assert_equal(z.shape, ())
 def test_1d_shape(self):
     x = [1,2,3,4,5]
     y = [4,5,6,7,8]
     tck = splrep(x, y)
     z = splev([1], tck)
     assert_equal(z.shape, (1,))
     z = splev(1, tck)
     assert_equal(z.shape, ())
Пример #7
 def test_2d_shape(self):
     x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
     y = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
     tck = splrep(x, y)
     t = np.array([[1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5], [3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5]])
     z = splev(t, tck)
     z0 = splev(t[0], tck)
     z1 = splev(t[1], tck)
     assert_equal(z, np.row_stack((z0, z1)))
Пример #8
 def test_2d_shape(self):
     x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
     y = [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
     tck = splrep(x, y)
     t = np.array([[1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5], [3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5]])
     z = splev(t, tck)
     z0 = splev(t[0], tck)
     z1 = splev(t[1], tck)
     assert_equal(z, np.row_stack((z0, z1)))
    def test_splantider_vs_splint(self):
        # Check antiderivative vs. FITPACK
        spl2 = splantider(self.spl)

        # no extrapolation, splint assumes function is zero outside
        # range
        xx = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)

        for x1 in xx:
            for x2 in xx:
                y1 = splint(x1, x2, self.spl)
                y2 = splev(x2, spl2) - splev(x1, spl2)
                assert_allclose(y1, y2)
Пример #10
    def test_splantider_vs_splint(self):
        # Check antiderivative vs. FITPACK
        spl2 = splantider(self.spl)

        # no extrapolation, splint assumes function is zero outside
        # range
        xx = np.linspace(0, 1, 20)

        for x1 in xx:
            for x2 in xx:
                y1 = splint(x1, x2, self.spl)
                y2 = splev(x2, spl2) - splev(x1, spl2)
                assert_allclose(y1, y2)
Пример #11
    def test_splder_vs_splev(self):
        # Check derivative vs. FITPACK

        for n in range(3+1):
            # Also extrapolation!
            xx = np.linspace(-1, 2, 2000)
            if n == 3:
                # ... except that FITPACK extrapolates strangely for
                # order 0, so let's not check that.
                xx = xx[(xx >= 0) & (xx <= 1)]

            dy = splev(xx, self.spl, n)
            spl2 = splder(self.spl, n)
            dy2 = splev(xx, spl2)
            assert_allclose(dy, dy2)
Пример #12
def _loss(params, beams, x_nodes):
    import time
    from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splev, splrep
    import pysynphot as S
    ### Spline continuum + gaussian line
    # l0 = 6563.*(1+params[1])
    # if (l0 < 1.12e4) | (l0 > 1.63e4):
    #     l0 = 1.e4
    # line = S.GaussianSource(params[2], l0, 10)
    tck = splrep(x_nodes, params, k=3, s=0)
    xcon = np.arange(0.9e4,1.8e4,0.01e4)
    ycon = splev(xcon, tck, der=0, ext=0)
    spec = S.ArraySpectrum(xcon, ycon, fluxunits='flam', keepneg=True)#+line
    lnprob = 0
    dof = 0
    for key in beams.keys():
        beam = beams[key]
        modelf = beam.compute_model(beam.clip_thumb, xspec=spec.wave, yspec=spec.flux, in_place=False)
        lnprob += np.sum(((beam.cutout_scif-modelf)**2/beam.cutout_varf)[beam.cutout_maskf])
        dof += beam.cutout_maskf.sum()
    print params, lnprob, lnprob/(dof-len(params))
    return lnprob
Пример #13
def _loss(params, beams, x_nodes):
    import time
    from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splev, splrep
    import pysynphot as S

    ### Spline continuum + gaussian line
    # l0 = 6563.*(1+params[1])
    # if (l0 < 1.12e4) | (l0 > 1.63e4):
    #     l0 = 1.e4
    # line = S.GaussianSource(params[2], l0, 10)
    tck = splrep(x_nodes, params, k=3, s=0)
    xcon = np.arange(0.9e4, 1.8e4, 0.01e4)
    ycon = splev(xcon, tck, der=0, ext=0)
    spec = S.ArraySpectrum(xcon, ycon, fluxunits='flam', keepneg=True)  #+line

    lnprob = 0
    dof = 0
    for key in beams.keys():
        beam = beams[key]
        modelf = beam.compute_model(beam.clip_thumb,
        lnprob += np.sum(((beam.cutout_scif - modelf)**2 /
        dof += beam.cutout_maskf.sum()

    print params, lnprob, lnprob / (dof - len(params))

    return lnprob
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, knots_x, knots_y, n_points):
        self.knots_x = knots_x
        self.knots_y = knots_y

        tck = splrep(knots_x, knots_y)
        self.spline_x = np.linspace(knots_x[0], knots_x[-1], n_points)
        self.spline_y = splev(self.spline_x, tck)
Пример #15
def _obj_beam_fit(params, beams, x_nodes):
    params = [2.953e-03, 1.156e+00, 1.297e+01, 9.747e-01 ,  9.970e-01 ,  8.509e-01, 1.076e+00 ,  1.487e+00 ,  7.864e-01,   1.072e+00 ,  1.015e+00]
    import time
    from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splev, splrep
    import pysynphot as S
    ### Spline continuum + gaussian line
    l0 = 6563.*(1+params[1])
    if (l0 < 1.12e4) | (l0 > 1.63e4):
        return -np.inf
    line = S.GaussianSource(params[2], l0, 10)
    tck = splrep(x_nodes, params[3:], k=3, s=0)
    xcon = np.arange(0.9e4,1.8e4,0.01e4)
    ycon = splev(xcon, tck, der=0, ext=0)
    spec = S.ArraySpectrum(xcon, ycon, fluxunits='flam', keepneg=True)+line
    lnprob = 0
    for key in beams.keys():
        beam = beams[key]
        modelf = beam.compute_model(beam.clip_thumb, xspec=spec.wave, yspec=spec.flux, in_place=False)
        lnprob += -0.5*np.sum(((beam.cutout_scif-params[0]-modelf)**2/beam.cutout_varf)[beam.cutout_maskf])
    if ~np.isfinite(lnprob):
        lnprob = -np.inf
    print params, lnprob
    return lnprob
Пример #16
 def check_3(self,
             b=2 * pi,
             ib=2 * pi,
             dx=0.2 * pi):
     if xb is None:
         xb = a
     if xe is None:
         xe = b
     x = a + (b - a) * arange(N + 1, dtype=float) / float(N)  # nodes
     v = f(x)
     put("  k  :     Roots of s(x) approx %s  x in [%s,%s]:" %
         (f(None), repr(round(a, 3)), repr(round(b, 3))))
     for k in range(1, 6):
         tck = splrep(x, v, s=s, per=per, k=k, xe=xe)
         if k == 3:
             roots = sproot(tck)
             assert_allclose(splev(roots, tck), 0, atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-10)
             assert_allclose(roots, pi * array([1, 2, 3, 4]), rtol=1e-3)
             put('  %d  : %s' % (k, repr(roots.tolist())))
             assert_raises(ValueError, sproot, tck)
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, knots_x, knots_y, n_points):
        self.knots_x = knots_x
        self.knots_y = knots_y

        tck = splrep(knots_x, knots_y)
        self.spline_x = np.linspace(knots_x[0], knots_x[-1], n_points)
        self.spline_y = splev(self.spline_x, tck)
Пример #18
 def make_diff_func(self) :
     ''' everytime parameters are changed, the diffusion 
         function must be REMADE !! 
     if self.difftype == 'const':
         self.diff  = lambda y: zeros(len(y), float) + self.param[0]
         self.diff_u= lambda y: zeros(len(y), float) + 0.             
     elif self.difftype == 'power':
         self.diff  = lambda y: y**self.param[0] \
                 * (self.param[1]+self.param[2]*y+self.param[3]*y**2) 
         self.diff_u= lambda y: self.param[0]*y**(self.param[0]-1.) \
                 * (self.param[1]+self.param[2]*y+self.param[3]*y**2) + \
                 y**self.param[0] * (self.param[2]+2.*self.param[3]*y)
     elif self.difftype == 'bspline':
         #create an interp object
         from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splrep,splev
         #paramuval should be list of u values
         #param should be list of D(u) values
         #create the data of the cubic bspline:
         # no smoother so s = 0
         self.splinedata = splrep(self.paramuval, self.param,
                 xb = None, xe = None, s=0,
                 k = 3, full_output = 0, quiet = 1)
         self.diff   = lambda y: splev(y, self.splinedata, der = 0)
         self.diff_u = lambda y: splev(y, self.splinedata, der = 1)
     elif self.difftype == 'bspline1storder':
         #create an interp object
         from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splrep,splev
         #paramuval should be list of u values
         #param should be list of D(u) values
         #create the data of the linear bspline:
         # no smoother so s = 0
         self.splinedata = splrep(self.paramuval, self.param,
                 xb = None, xe = None, s=0,
                 k = 1, full_output = 0, quiet = 1)
         self.diff   = lambda y: splev(y, self.splinedata, der = 0)
         self.diff_u = lambda y: splev(y, self.splinedata, der = 1)
     elif self.difftype == '1D2pint':
         #interpolation with 2 points (=piecewise linear)
         self.diff   = GridUtils.GridFunc1D([self.paramuval],self.param)
         self.diff_u = None
         print ('Unknown diffusion type given', self.difftype)
     #value of diffusion is again in agreement with par
     self.modified = False
Пример #19
 def inward_normals(self, positions=None):
     """Return unit-vectors facing inwards at the points specified in the
     positions variable (of all points, if not specified). Note that fractional
     positions are acceptable, as these values are calculated via spline
     if positions is None:
         positions = numpy.arange(len(self.points))
     tck, uout = self.to_spline()
     points = numpy.transpose(fitpack.splev(positions, tck))
     first_der = numpy.transpose(fitpack.splev(positions, tck, 1))
     inward_normals = numpy.empty_like(first_der)
     inward_normals[:, 0] = -first_der[:, 1]
     inward_normals[:, 1] = first_der[:, 0]
     if self.signed_area() > 0:
         inward_normals *= -1
     inward_normals /= numpy.sqrt(
         (inward_normals**2).sum(axis=1))[:, numpy.newaxis]
     return inward_normals
Пример #20
    def check_1(self,
                b=2 * pi,
        if xb is None:
            xb = a
        if xe is None:
            xe = b
        x = a + (b - a) * arange(N + 1, dtype=float) / float(N)  # nodes
        x1 = a + (b - a) * arange(1, N, dtype=float) / float(
            N - 1)  # middle points of the nodes
        v, v1 = f(x), f(x1)
        nk = []

        def err_est(k, d):
            # Assume f has all derivatives < 1
            h = 1.0 / float(N)
            tol = 5 * h**(.75 * (k - d))
            if s > 0:
                tol += 1e5 * s
            return tol

        for k in range(1, 6):
            tck = splrep(x, v, s=s, per=per, k=k, xe=xe)
            if at:
                t = tck[0][k:-k]
                t = x1
            nd = []
            for d in range(k + 1):
                tol = err_est(k, d)
                err = norm2(f(t, d) - splev(t, tck, d)) / norm2(f(t, d))
                assert_(err < tol, (k, d, err, tol))
                nd.append((err, tol))
        put("\nf = %s  s=S_k(x;t,c)  x in [%s, %s] > [%s, %s]" %
            (f(None), repr(round(xb, 3)), repr(round(xe, 3)), repr(round(
                a, 3)), repr(round(b, 3))))
        if at:
            str = "at knots"
            str = "at the middle of nodes"
        put(" per=%d s=%s Evaluation %s" % (per, repr(s), str))
        put(" k :  |f-s|^2  |f'-s'| |f''-.. |f'''-. |f''''- |f'''''")
        k = 1
        for l in nk:
            put(' %d : ' % k)
            for r in l:
                put(' %.1e  %.1e' % r)
            k = k + 1
Пример #21
 def position_getter(contour):
     from scipy.interpolate import fitpack
     l_points = numpy.linspace(begin, end, l_samples, endpoint=True)
     top_spline, bottom_spline = contour.axis_top_bottom_to_spline()
     c_points = len(contour.points)
     top_params = fitpack.splev(l_points, top_spline) % c_points
     bottom_params = fitpack.splev(l_points, bottom_spline) % c_points
     contour_spline, uout = contour.to_spline()
     top_points = numpy.transpose(fitpack.splev(top_params, contour_spline))
     bottom_points = numpy.transpose(
         fitpack.splev(bottom_params, contour_spline))
     mesh_points = numpy.empty((d_samples, l_samples, 2))
     interp_points = numpy.linspace(0, 1, d_samples)
     for i, ((tx, ty), (bx, by)) in enumerate(zip(top_points,
         mesh_points[:, i, 0] = numpy.interp(interp_points, [0, 1],
                                             [tx, bx])
         mesh_points[:, i, 1] = numpy.interp(interp_points, [0, 1],
                                             [ty, by])
     return mesh_points
Пример #22
    def __call__(self, x, nu=0):

        xb, xe = self._data[3:5]
        xb += -1E-8
        xe += 1E-8
        x = np.asarray(x)
        y = fitpack.splev(x, self._eval_args, der=nu)

        valid = np.all(np.vstack([x <= xe, x >= xb]), axis=0)
        y[~valid] = np.nan

        return y
Пример #23
def compute_colors(N):
    xref = np.linspace(0, 1, CMRref.shape[0])
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
    cmap = np.zeros((N, 3))

    for i in range(3):
        tck = splrep(xref, CMRref[:, i], s=0)  # cubic spline (default) without smoothing
        cmap[:, i] = splev(x, tck)

    # Limit to range [0,1]
    cmap -= np.min(cmap)
    cmap /= np.max(cmap)

    return cmap
Пример #24
def test_splev_der_k():
    # regression test for gh-2188: splev(x, tck, der=k) gives garbage or crashes
    # for x outside of knot range

    # test case from gh-2188
    tck = (np.array([0., 0., 2.5,
                     2.5]), np.array([-1.56679978, 2.43995873, 0., 0.]), 1)
    t, c, k = tck
    x = np.array([-3, 0, 2.5, 3])

    # an explicit form of the linear spline
    assert_allclose(splev(x, tck), c[0] + (c[1] - c[0]) * x / t[2])
    assert_allclose(splev(x, tck, 1), (c[1] - c[0]) / t[2])

    # now check a random spline vs splder
    x = np.sort(np.random.random(30))
    y = np.random.random(30)
    t, c, k = splrep(x, y)

    x = [t[0] - 1., t[-1] + 1.]
    tck2 = splder((t, c, k), k)
    assert_allclose(splev(x, (t, c, k), k), splev(x, tck2))
Пример #25
def compute_colors(N):
    xref = np.linspace(0, 1, CMRref.shape[0])
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, N)
    cmap = np.zeros((N, 3))

    for i in range(3):
        tck = splrep(xref, CMRref[:, i],
                     s=0)  # cubic spline (default) without smoothing
        cmap[:, i] = splev(x, tck)

    # Limit to range [0,1]
    cmap -= np.min(cmap)
    cmap /= np.max(cmap)

    return cmap
Пример #26
 def fitPath(self,maxiter=40, s=20000):
     """fits a least squares spline through the path
     find descriptions of maxiter and s from scipy documentation"""
         pth = path.getCrds()
         pp = [pth[:,0],pth[:,1],pth[:,2]]
         if( len(pp[0]) <= 3 ): # there are not enough points to fit with
             self.splinePoints = pp
             self.splineTangents = None
             self.splineCurvature = None
             s = len(pp[0])/2.0
             cont = 1
             while( j < maxiter ):
                 fit2 = splprep(pp,task=0,full_output =1, s=s)[0]
                 u = na.array(range(pp[0].shape[0]+1)).\
                 # location of spline points
                 self.splinePoints = splev(u,fit2[0],der=0)
                 # first derivative (tangent) of spline
                 valsd = splev(u,fit2[0],der=1)
                 self.splineTangents = na.array(valsd).astype(na.float64)
                 # second derivative (curvature) of spline
                 valsc = splev(u,fit2[0],der=2)
                 self.splineCurvature = na.array(valsc).astype(na.float64)
                 success = 1 # this doesn't make much sense
                 if( success ): # how should I be determining success?
                     s = s*0.9
                 j += 1
             return True
     except Exception, error:
         print "failed in fitPath()",error
Пример #27
    def test_extrapolation_modes(self):
        # test extrapolation modes
        #    * if ext=0, return the extrapolated value.
        #    * if ext=1, return 0
        #    * if ext=2, raise a ValueError
        #    * if ext=3, return the boundary value.
        x = [1,2,3]
        y = [0,2,4]
        tck = splrep(x, y, k=1)

        rstl = [[-2, 6], [0, 0], None, [0, 4]]
        for ext in (0, 1, 3):
            assert_array_almost_equal(splev([0, 4], tck, ext=ext), rstl[ext])

        assert_raises(ValueError, splev, [0, 4], tck, ext=2)
Пример #28
def test_splev_der_k():
    # regression test for gh-2188: splev(x, tck, der=k) gives garbage or crashes
    # for x outside of knot range

    # test case from gh-2188
    tck = (np.array([0., 0., 2.5, 2.5]),
           np.array([-1.56679978, 2.43995873, 0., 0.]),
    t, c, k = tck
    x = np.array([-3, 0, 2.5, 3])

    # an explicit form of the linear spline
    assert_allclose(splev(x, tck), c[0] + (c[1] - c[0]) * x/t[2])
    assert_allclose(splev(x, tck, 1), (c[1]-c[0]) / t[2])

    # now check a random spline vs splder
    x = np.sort(np.random.random(30))
    y = np.random.random(30)
    t, c, k = splrep(x, y)

    x = [t[0] - 1., t[-1] + 1.]
    tck2 = splder((t, c, k), k)
    assert_allclose(splev(x, (t, c, k), k), splev(x, tck2))
Пример #29
 def fitPath(self, maxiter=40, s=20000):
     """fits a least squares spline through the path
     find descriptions of maxiter and s from scipy documentation"""
         pth = path.getCrds()
         pp = [pth[:, 0], pth[:, 1], pth[:, 2]]
         if (len(pp[0]) <= 3):  # there are not enough points to fit with
             self.splinePoints = pp
             self.splineTangents = None
             self.splineCurvature = None
             s = len(pp[0]) / 2.0
             cont = 1
             j = 0
             while (j < maxiter):
                 fit2 = splprep(pp, task=0, full_output=1, s=s)[0]
                 u = na.array(range(pp[0].shape[0]+1)).\
                 # location of spline points
                 self.splinePoints = splev(u, fit2[0], der=0)
                 # first derivative (tangent) of spline
                 valsd = splev(u, fit2[0], der=1)
                 self.splineTangents = na.array(valsd).astype(na.float64)
                 # second derivative (curvature) of spline
                 valsc = splev(u, fit2[0], der=2)
                 self.splineCurvature = na.array(valsc).astype(na.float64)
                 success = 1  # this doesn't make much sense
                 if (success):  # how should I be determining success?
                     s = s * 0.9
                 j += 1
             return True
     except Exception, error:
         print "failed in fitPath()", error
Пример #30
    def test_extrapolation_modes(self):
        # test extrapolation modes
        #    * if ext=0, return the extrapolated value.
        #    * if ext=1, return 0
        #    * if ext=2, raise a ValueError
        #    * if ext=3, return the boundary value.
        x = [1, 2, 3]
        y = [0, 2, 4]
        tck = splrep(x, y, k=1)

        rstl = [[-2, 6], [0, 0], None, [0, 4]]
        for ext in (0, 1, 3):
            assert_array_almost_equal(splev([0, 4], tck, ext=ext), rstl[ext])

        assert_raises(ValueError, splev, [0, 4], tck, ext=2)
Пример #31
    def check_1(self, f=f1, per=0, s=0, a=0, b=2 * pi, N=20, at=0, xb=None, xe=None):
        if xb is None:
            xb = a
        if xe is None:
            xe = b
        x = a + (b - a) * arange(N + 1, dtype=float) / float(N)  # nodes
        x1 = a + (b - a) * arange(1, N, dtype=float) / float(N - 1)  # middle points of the nodes
        v, v1 = f(x), f(x1)
        nk = []

        def err_est(k, d):
            # Assume f has all derivatives < 1
            h = 1.0 / float(N)
            tol = 5 * h ** (0.75 * (k - d))
            if s > 0:
                tol += 1e5 * s
            return tol

        for k in range(1, 6):
            tck = splrep(x, v, s=s, per=per, k=k, xe=xe)
            if at:
                t = tck[0][k:-k]
                t = x1
            nd = []
            for d in range(k + 1):
                tol = err_est(k, d)
                err = norm2(f(t, d) - splev(t, tck, d)) / norm2(f(t, d))
                assert_(err < tol, (k, d, err, tol))
                nd.append((err, tol))
            "\nf = %s  s=S_k(x;t,c)  x in [%s, %s] > [%s, %s]"
            % (f(None), repr(round(xb, 3)), repr(round(xe, 3)), repr(round(a, 3)), repr(round(b, 3)))
        if at:
            str = "at knots"
            str = "at the middle of nodes"
        put(" per=%d s=%s Evaluation %s" % (per, repr(s), str))
        put(" k :  |f-s|^2  |f'-s'| |f''-.. |f'''-. |f''''- |f'''''")
        k = 1
        for l in nk:
            put(" %d : " % k)
            for r in l:
                put(" %.1e  %.1e" % r)
            k = k + 1
Пример #32
def spli_basex(p, x, knots=None, deg=3, order=0):
    """Vandermonde type matrix for splines.

    Returns a matrix whose columns are the values of the b-splines of deg
    `deg` associated with the knot sequence `knots` evaluated at the points

    p : array_like
        Parameter array containing:
         - the number of knots
         - the lower bound of the approximation
         - the upper bound of the approximation
    x : array_like
        Points at which to evaluate the b-splines.
    deg : int
        Degree of the splines.
        Default: cubic splines
    knots : array_like
        List of knots. The convention here is that the interior knots have
        been extended at both ends by ``deg + 1`` extra knots - see augbreaks.
        If not given the default is equidistant grid
    order : int
        Evaluate the derivative of the spline
    vander : ndarray
        Vandermonde like matrix of shape (m,n), where ``m = len(x)`` and
        ``n = len(augbreaks) - deg - 1``

    The knots exending the interior points are usually taken to be the same
    as the endpoints of the interval on which the spline will be evaluated.

    n, a, b = p[0], p[1], p[2]
    if knots is None:
        knots = np.linspace(a, b, n + 1 - deg)
    augbreaks = np.concatenate((a * np.ones((deg)), knots, b * np.ones((deg))))
    m = len(augbreaks) - deg - 1
    v = np.empty((m, len(x)))
    d = np.eye(m, len(augbreaks))
    for i in range(m):
        v[i] = spl.splev(x, (augbreaks, d[i], deg), order)
    return v.T
Пример #33
def spli_basex(p, x ,knots=None , deg = 3 , order = 0 ):
    """Vandermonde type matrix for splines.

    Returns a matrix whose columns are the values of the b-splines of deg
    `deg` associated with the knot sequence `knots` evaluated at the points

    p : array_like
        Parameter array containing:
         - the number of knots
         - the lower bound of the approximation
         - the upper bound of the approximation
    x : array_like
        Points at which to evaluate the b-splines.
    deg : int
        Degree of the splines.
        Default: cubic splines
    knots : array_like
        List of knots. The convention here is that the interior knots have
        been extended at both ends by ``deg + 1`` extra knots - see augbreaks.
        If not given the default is equidistant grid
    order : int
        Evaluate the derivative of the spline
    vander : ndarray
        Vandermonde like matrix of shape (m,n), where ``m = len(x)`` and
        ``n = len(augbreaks) - deg - 1``

    The knots exending the interior points are usually taken to be the same
    as the endpoints of the interval on which the spline will be evaluated.

    n , a , b = p[0] , p[1] , p[2]
    if knots is None:
        knots = np.linspace(a , b , n + 1 - deg)
    augbreaks = np.concatenate(( a * np.ones((deg)),knots, b * np.ones((deg))))
    m = len(augbreaks) - deg - 1
    v = np.empty((m, len(x)))
    d = np.eye(m, len(augbreaks))
    for i in range(m):
        v[i] = spl.splev(x, (augbreaks, d[i], deg),order)
    return v.T
Пример #34
 def check_3(self, f=f1, per=0, s=0, a=0, b=2 * pi, N=20, xb=None, xe=None, ia=0, ib=2 * pi, dx=0.2 * pi):
     if xb is None:
         xb = a
     if xe is None:
         xe = b
     x = a + (b - a) * arange(N + 1, dtype=float) / float(N)  # nodes
     v = f(x)
     put("  k  :     Roots of s(x) approx %s  x in [%s,%s]:" % (f(None), repr(round(a, 3)), repr(round(b, 3))))
     for k in range(1, 6):
         tck = splrep(x, v, s=s, per=per, k=k, xe=xe)
         if k == 3:
             roots = sproot(tck)
             assert_allclose(splev(roots, tck), 0, atol=1e-10, rtol=1e-10)
             assert_allclose(roots, pi * array([1, 2, 3, 4]), rtol=1e-3)
             put("  %d  : %s" % (k, repr(roots.tolist())))
             assert_raises(ValueError, sproot, tck)
def interp_masked1d(marr, kind='linear'):

    Interpolates masked values in an array according to the given method.

    marr : MaskedArray
        Array to fill
    kind : {'constant', 'linear', 'cubic', quintic'}, optional
        Type of interpolation

    if np.ndim(marr) > 1:
        raise ValueError("array must be 1 dimensional!")
    marr = marray(marr, copy=True)
    if getmask(marr) is nomask:
        return marr
    unmaskedIndices = (~marr._mask).nonzero()[0]
    if unmaskedIndices.size < 2:
        return marr
    kind = kind.lower()
    if kind == 'constant':
        return forward_fill(marr)
        k = {'linear' : 1,
             'cubic' : 3,
             'quintic' : 5}[kind.lower()]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Unsupported interpolation type.")

    first_unmasked, last_unmasked = flatnotmasked_edges(marr)

    vals = marr.data[unmaskedIndices]

    from scipy.interpolate import fitpack
    tck = fitpack.splrep(unmaskedIndices, vals, k=k)

    maskedIndices = marr._mask.nonzero()[0]
    interpIndices = maskedIndices[(maskedIndices > first_unmasked) & \
                                  (maskedIndices < last_unmasked)]
    marr[interpIndices] = fitpack.splev(interpIndices, tck).astype(marr.dtype)
    return marr
Пример #36
def interp_masked1d(marr, kind='linear'):

    Interpolates masked values in an array according to the given method.

    marr : MaskedArray
        Array to fill
    kind : {'constant', 'linear', 'cubic', quintic'}, optional
        Type of interpolation

    if np.ndim(marr) > 1:
        raise ValueError("array must be 1 dimensional!")
    marr = marray(marr, copy=True)
    if getmask(marr) is nomask:
        return marr
    unmaskedIndices = (~marr._mask).nonzero()[0]
    if unmaskedIndices.size < 2:
        return marr
    kind = kind.lower()
    if kind == 'constant':
        return forward_fill(marr)
        k = {'linear': 1, 'cubic': 3, 'quintic': 5}[kind.lower()]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Unsupported interpolation type.")

    first_unmasked, last_unmasked = flatnotmasked_edges(marr)

    vals = marr.data[unmaskedIndices]

    from scipy.interpolate import fitpack
    tck = fitpack.splrep(unmaskedIndices, vals, k=k)

    maskedIndices = marr._mask.nonzero()[0]
    interpIndices = maskedIndices[(maskedIndices > first_unmasked) & \
                                  (maskedIndices < last_unmasked)]
    marr[interpIndices] = fitpack.splev(interpIndices, tck).astype(marr.dtype)
    return marr
Пример #37
 def spline_derivatives(self, begin, end, derivatives=1):
     """Calculate derivative or derivatives of the contour using a spline fit,
     optionally over only the periodic slice specified by 'begin' and 'end'."""
         l = len(derivatives)
         unpack = False
         unpack = True
         derivatives = [derivatives]
     tck, uout = self.to_spline()
     points = utility_tools.inclusive_periodic_slice(
         range(len(self.points)), begin, end)
     ret = [
         numpy.transpose(fitpack.splev(points, tck, der=d))
         for d in derivatives
     if unpack:
         ret = ret[0]
     return ret
def splvander(x, deg, knots, deriv):
    """ original source: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/scipy-user/2012-July/032677.html
    Vandermonde type matrix for splines.

    Returns a matrix whose columns are the values of the b-splines of deg
    `deg` associated with the knot sequence `knots` evaluated at the points

    x : array_like
        Points at which to evaluate the b-splines.
    deg : int
        Degree of the splines.
    knots : array_like
        List of knots. The convention here is that the interior knots have
        been extended at both ends by ``deg + 1`` extra knots.

    vander : ndarray
        Vandermonde like matrix of shape (m,n), where ``m = len(x)`` and
        ``m = len(knots) - deg - 1``

    The knots exending the interior points are usually taken to be the same
    as the endpoints of the interval on which the spline will be evaluated.

    from scipy.interpolate import fitpack as spl
    import numpy as np

    m = len(knots) - deg - 1
    v = np.zeros((m, len(x)))
    d = np.eye(m, len(knots))
    for i in range(m):
        v[i] = spl.splev(x, (knots, d[i], deg), der=deriv)
    return v.T
Пример #39
def interp_masked1d(marr, kind='linear'):
    """interp_masked1d(marr, king='linear')

Interpolates masked values in marr according to method kind.
kind must be one of 'constant', 'linear', 'cubic', quintic'
    if numeric.ndim(marr) > 1: 
        raise ValueError("array must be 1 dimensional!")
    marr = marray(marr, copy=True)
    if getmask(marr) is nomask: 
        return marr
    unmaskedIndices = (~marr._mask).nonzero()[0]
    if unmaskedIndices.size < 2: 
        return marr
    kind = kind.lower()
    if kind == 'constant': 
        return forward_fill(marr)
        k = {'linear' : 1,
             'cubic' : 3,
             'quintic' : 5}[kind.lower()]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("Unsupported interpolation type.")
    first_unmasked, last_unmasked = flatnotmasked_edges(marr)
    vals = marr.data[unmaskedIndices]
    tck = fitpack.splrep(unmaskedIndices, vals, k=k)
    maskedIndices = marr._mask.nonzero()[0]
    interpIndices = maskedIndices[(maskedIndices > first_unmasked) & \
                                  (maskedIndices < last_unmasked)]
    marr[interpIndices] = fitpack.splev(interpIndices, tck).astype(marr.dtype)
    return marr
Пример #40
def _obj_beam_fit(params, beams, x_nodes):
    params = [2.953e-03, 1.156e+00, 1.297e+01, 9.747e-01 ,  9.970e-01 ,  8.509e-01, 1.076e+00 ,  1.487e+00 ,  7.864e-01,   1.072e+00 ,  1.015e+00]
    import time
    from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splev, splrep
    import pysynphot as S

    ### Spline continuum + gaussian line
    l0 = 6563. * (1 + params[1])
    if (l0 < 1.12e4) | (l0 > 1.63e4):
        return -np.inf

    line = S.GaussianSource(params[2], l0, 10)
    tck = splrep(x_nodes, params[3:], k=3, s=0)
    xcon = np.arange(0.9e4, 1.8e4, 0.01e4)
    ycon = splev(xcon, tck, der=0, ext=0)
    spec = S.ArraySpectrum(xcon, ycon, fluxunits='flam', keepneg=True) + line

    lnprob = 0
    for key in beams.keys():
        beam = beams[key]
        modelf = beam.compute_model(beam.clip_thumb,
        lnprob += -0.5 * np.sum(((beam.cutout_scif - params[0] - modelf)**2 /

    if ~np.isfinite(lnprob):
        lnprob = -np.inf

    print params, lnprob

    return lnprob
Пример #41
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splrep, splev

from util.point import Point
from walking.helpers import bezier_curves
from walking.helpers.bezier_curves import LineSegment

x = (0, 2.0, 6.0, 8.0)
y = (-47.7, -44.7, -44.7, -47.7)

tck = splrep(x, y)

x2 = np.linspace(0, 8)
y2 = splev(x2, tck)

points = [Point((x_, 0, y_)) for (x_, y_) in zip(x, y)]
l1 = LineSegment(points[0], points[1])
l2 = LineSegment(points[1], points[2])
l3 = LineSegment(points[2], points[3])

yy2 = [
    bezier_curves.get_interpolated_position(x2_ / 8, l1, l2, l3)[2]
    for x2_ in x2

plt.plot(x, y, 'o', x, y, '--', x2, y2, x2, yy2)

Пример #42
 def interpolate_points(self, positions):
     """Use spline interpolation to determine the spatial positions at the
     contour positions specified (fracitonal positions are thus acceptable)."""
     tck, uout = self.to_spline()
     return numpy.transpose(fitpack.splev(positions, tck))
			resp = read_LFI_response(respfile)
			horn = resp.keys['horn']
			rad  = resp.keys['radiometer']
			det  = resp.keys['detector'] 
			sky_spline = fit.splrep(resp.sky_volt_out,resp.sky_volt_in,s=0.0)
			ref_spline = fit.splrep(resp.load_volt_out,resp.load_volt_in,s=0.0)
			for od in range(91,953):
				rawfile=rawdata_dir+'od%s_rca%s.fits' % (od,diode)
				corrfile=adc_corr_data_dir+'od%s_rca%s.fits' % (od,diode)
				if not(os.path.exists(corrfile)):
					if os.path.exists(rawfile):
						hdulist = fits.open(rawfile)
						data = hdulist[1].data
						sky_volt  = data.field('SKY')
						load_volt = data.field('REF')						
						sky_cor = fit.splev(sky_volt,sky_spline)
						load_cor = fit.splev(load_volt,ref_spline)
						data.field('SKY')[:] = sky_cor 
						data.field('REF')[:] = load_cor
						hdulist[1].header.update('hierarch instrument','LFI_ADC_corr')
						hdulist[1].header.update('hierarch ADC_correction','True')
						print 'ADC correcting %s -> %s' % (rawfile,corrfile)
	if len(fl)==0:
		for od in range(91,953):
			rawfile=rawdata_dir+'od%s_rca%s.fits' % (od,diode)
			corrfile=adc_corr_data_dir+'od%s_rca%s.fits' % (od,diode)
			if os.path.exists(rawfile):
				if not(os.path.exists(corrfile)):
Пример #44
def setup_fit():
    snlim = 0
    snlim = 1./np.sqrt(len(beams))
    Rmax = 5
    for key in FLT.keys():
        beam = beams[key]
        beam.cutout_sci = beam.get_cutout(FLT[key].im['SCI'].data)*1
        beam.cutout_dq = beam.get_cutout(FLT[key].im['DQ'].data)*1
        beam.cutout_err = beam.get_cutout(FLT[key].im['ERR'].data)*1
        beam.cutout_mask = (beam.cutout_dq-(beam.cutout_dq & 512) == 0) & (beam.cutout_err > 0) & (beam.cutout_err < 10)
        sh = beam.cutout_sci.shape
        yp, xp = np.indices(beam.thumb.shape)
        r = np.sqrt((xp-sh[0]/2)**2+(yp-sh[0]/2)**2)
        beam.norm = beam.thumb[r <= Rmax].sum()/1.e-17
        beam.clip_thumb = beam.thumb*(r <= Rmax)
        sn = beam.model/beam.cutout_err
        #beam.mask &= (sn > 0.5) & (beam.err > 0)
        beam.cutout_mask &= (sn > snlim) & (beam.cutout_err > 0)
        beam.cutout_sci[~beam.cutout_mask] = 0
        beam.cutout_err[~beam.cutout_mask] = 0
        beam.cutout_var = beam.cutout_err**2
        beam.cutout_scif = beam.cutout_sci.flatten()
        beam.cutout_varf = beam.cutout_var.flatten()
        beam.cutout_maskf = beam.cutout_mask.flatten()
    x_nodes = np.arange(1.0e4,1.71e4,0.1e4)
    x_nodes = np.arange(1.0e4,1.71e4,0.03e4)
    x_nodes = np.arange(1.05e4,1.71e4,0.075e4)
    init = np.append([0, 1.148, 500], np.ones(len(x_nodes)))
    init = np.append([0, 1.2078, 500], np.ones(len(x_nodes)))
    step_sig = np.append([0.01,0.1,50], np.ones(len(x_nodes))*0.1)    

    init = np.append([0, 1.0, 500], np.ones(len(x_nodes)))
    step_sig = np.append([0.0,0.2,150], np.ones(len(x_nodes))*0.1)    

    ### don't fit redshift
    #init = np.append([0, 1.0, 0], np.ones(len(x_nodes)))
    #step_sig = np.append([0.0,0.,0], np.ones(len(x_nodes))*0.2)    
    obj_fun = _obj_beam_fit
    obj_args = [beams, x_nodes]
    ndim, nwalkers = len(init), len(init)*2
    p0 = [(init+np.random.normal(size=ndim)*step_sig) 
          for i in xrange(nwalkers)]
    NTHREADS, NSTEP = 2, 5
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, obj_fun, args = obj_args, 
    t0 = time.time()
    result = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, NSTEP)
    t1 = time.time()
    print 'Sampler: %.1f s' %(t1-t0)
    param_names = ['bg', 'z', 'Ha']
    param_names.extend(['spl%d' %i for i in range(len(init)-3)])
    import unicorn.interlace_fit
    chain = unicorn.interlace_fit.emceeChain(chain=sampler.chain, param_names=param_names)
    #obj_fun(chain.map, beams)
    #obj_fun(init, beams, x_nodes)
    params = chain.map*1.
    #params = init
    ### Show spectra
    from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splev, splrep

    # NDRAW=100
    # draw = chain.draw_random(NDRAW)
    # for i in range(NDRAW):
    #     line = S.GaussianSource(draw[i,2], 6563.*(1+draw[i,1]), 10)
    #     tck = splrep(x_nodes, draw[i,3:], k=3, s=0)
    #     xcon = np.arange(0.9e4,1.8e4,0.01e4)
    #     ycon = splev(xcon, tck, der=0, ext=0)
    #     spec = S.ArraySpectrum(xcon, ycon, fluxunits='flam', keepneg=True)+line
    #     plt.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux, alpha=0.1, color='red')
    line = S.GaussianSource(params[2], 6563.*(1+params[1]), 10)
    tck = splrep(x_nodes, params[3:], k=3, s=0)
    xcon = np.arange(0.9e4,1.8e4,0.01e4)
    ycon = splev(xcon, tck, der=0, ext=0)
    pspec = S.ArraySpectrum(xcon, ycon, fluxunits='flam', keepneg=True)+line

    for key in beams.keys():
        beam = beams[key]
        beam.compute_model(beam.clip_thumb, xspec=pspec.wave, yspec=pspec.flux, in_place=True)
    xfull, yfull, mfull, cfull = [], [], [], []
    for i, key in enumerate(beams.keys()):
        beam = beams[key]
        ls = 'steps-mid'
        marker = 'None'
        #ls = '-'
        #ls, marker = 'None', '.'
        xfull = np.append(xfull, beam.lam)
        ybeam = (beam.cutout_sci-params[0]*beam.cutout_mask).sum(axis=0)[sh[0]/2:-sh[0]/2]/beam.ysens/beam.norm
        yfull = np.append(yfull, ybeam)
        #plt.plot(beam.lam, ybeam, color='black', alpha=0.5, linestyle=ls, marker=marker)
        cbeam = ((beam.cutout_m-beam.omodel)*beam.cutout_mask).sum(axis=0)[sh[0]/2:-sh[0]/2]/beam.ysens/beam.norm
        cfull = np.append(cfull, cbeam)
        mbeam = ((beam.model)*beam.mask).sum(axis=0)[sh[0]/2:-sh[0]/2]/beam.ysens/beam.norm
        mfull = np.append(mfull, mbeam)        
        plt.plot(beam.lam, ybeam-cbeam, color='black', linestyle=ls, alpha=0.5)
        plt.plot(beam.lam, mbeam, color='blue', linestyle=ls, alpha=0.5)
    #nx = 20
    kern = np.ones(nx)/nx
    so = np.argsort(xfull)
    plt.plot(xfull[so][nx/2::nx], nd.convolve((yfull-cfull)[so], kern)[nx/2::nx], color='orange', linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, linestyle='steps-mid')
    plt.plot(xfull[so][nx/2::nx], nd.convolve(mfull[so], kern)[nx/2::nx], color='green', linewidth=2, alpha=0.8, linestyle='steps-mid')
    from scipy.optimize import fmin_bfgs
    p0 = fmin_bfgs(_loss, init[3:], args=(beams, x_nodes), gtol=1.e-3, epsilon=1.e-3, maxiter=100)
    params = np.array(init)
    params[3:] = p0
Пример #45
    yi = np.zeros(np.shape(xi))
    yi_hd = np.zeros(np.shape(xi_hd))
    yi[:] = f(xi[:])
    yi_hd = f(xi_hd[:])

    #xi = np.linspace(-2, 2, 101)
    #yi = 10 * xi / (1 + 100 * np.power(xi, 2))
    data = np.c_[xi, yi]

    p = poly.NewtonPolynomial(points=data)
    d4p = deriv.dr_dxr(p, r=4)
    norm = norm.Norm(d4p)
    T, eps = cut.cutab(norm, xi, eps, r)

    tck = fitpack.splrep(xi, yi, t=T[1:-1])
    fit = fitpack.splev(xi, tck)
    error = np.abs(fit - yi)
    print '*' * 10 + " FIRST ERROR RATIO " + '*' * 10 + '\n\n'
    print "error / tol = %f" % (error.max() / tol)

    while error.max() > tol:
        T, eps = cut.cutab(norm, xi, eps, r)
        print "\n\nRun %d" % run_count
        print "eps = %e in outer loop" % eps
        eps = eps / 2
        tck = fitpack.splrep(xi, yi, t=T[1:-1])
        fit = fitpack.splev(xi, tck)
        fit_hd = fitpack.splev(xi_hd, tck)
        fT = np.zeros(np.shape(T))
        fT[:] = f(T[:])
        error = np.abs(fit - yi)
Пример #46
def setup_fit():

    snlim = 0
    snlim = 1. / np.sqrt(len(beams))

    Rmax = 5

    for key in FLT.keys():
        beam = beams[key]
        beam.cutout_sci = beam.get_cutout(FLT[key].im['SCI'].data) * 1
        beam.cutout_dq = beam.get_cutout(FLT[key].im['DQ'].data) * 1
        beam.cutout_err = beam.get_cutout(FLT[key].im['ERR'].data) * 1

        beam.cutout_mask = (beam.cutout_dq - (beam.cutout_dq & 512) == 0) & (
            beam.cutout_err > 0) & (beam.cutout_err < 10)

        sh = beam.cutout_sci.shape
        yp, xp = np.indices(beam.thumb.shape)
        r = np.sqrt((xp - sh[0] / 2)**2 + (yp - sh[0] / 2)**2)
        beam.norm = beam.thumb[r <= Rmax].sum() / 1.e-17
        beam.clip_thumb = beam.thumb * (r <= Rmax)

        sn = beam.model / beam.cutout_err
        #beam.mask &= (sn > 0.5) & (beam.err > 0)
        beam.cutout_mask &= (sn > snlim) & (beam.cutout_err > 0)

        beam.cutout_sci[~beam.cutout_mask] = 0
        beam.cutout_err[~beam.cutout_mask] = 0
        beam.cutout_var = beam.cutout_err**2

        beam.cutout_scif = beam.cutout_sci.flatten()
        beam.cutout_varf = beam.cutout_var.flatten()
        beam.cutout_maskf = beam.cutout_mask.flatten()

        ds9.view((beam.cutout_scif - beam.cutout_modelf).reshape(
            beam.cutout_sci.shape) * beam.cutout_mask)

    x_nodes = np.arange(1.0e4, 1.71e4, 0.1e4)
    x_nodes = np.arange(1.0e4, 1.71e4, 0.03e4)
    x_nodes = np.arange(1.05e4, 1.71e4, 0.075e4)

    init = np.append([0, 1.148, 500], np.ones(len(x_nodes)))
    init = np.append([0, 1.2078, 500], np.ones(len(x_nodes)))
    step_sig = np.append([0.01, 0.1, 50], np.ones(len(x_nodes)) * 0.1)

    init = np.append([0, 1.0, 500], np.ones(len(x_nodes)))
    step_sig = np.append([0.0, 0.2, 150], np.ones(len(x_nodes)) * 0.1)

    ### don't fit redshift
    #init = np.append([0, 1.0, 0], np.ones(len(x_nodes)))
    #step_sig = np.append([0.0,0.,0], np.ones(len(x_nodes))*0.2)

    obj_fun = _obj_beam_fit
    obj_args = [beams, x_nodes]

    ndim, nwalkers = len(init), len(init) * 2
    p0 = [(init + np.random.normal(size=ndim) * step_sig)
          for i in xrange(nwalkers)]

    NTHREADS, NSTEP = 2, 5
    sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers,
    t0 = time.time()
    result = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, NSTEP)
    t1 = time.time()
    print 'Sampler: %.1f s' % (t1 - t0)

    param_names = ['bg', 'z', 'Ha']
    param_names.extend(['spl%d' % i for i in range(len(init) - 3)])

    import unicorn.interlace_fit
    chain = unicorn.interlace_fit.emceeChain(chain=sampler.chain,

    #obj_fun(chain.map, beams)
    #obj_fun(init, beams, x_nodes)
    params = chain.map * 1.
    #params = init

    ### Show spectra
    from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splev, splrep

    # NDRAW=100
    # draw = chain.draw_random(NDRAW)
    # for i in range(NDRAW):
    #     line = S.GaussianSource(draw[i,2], 6563.*(1+draw[i,1]), 10)
    #     tck = splrep(x_nodes, draw[i,3:], k=3, s=0)
    #     xcon = np.arange(0.9e4,1.8e4,0.01e4)
    #     ycon = splev(xcon, tck, der=0, ext=0)
    #     spec = S.ArraySpectrum(xcon, ycon, fluxunits='flam', keepneg=True)+line
    #     plt.plot(spec.wave, spec.flux, alpha=0.1, color='red')
    line = S.GaussianSource(params[2], 6563. * (1 + params[1]), 10)
    tck = splrep(x_nodes, params[3:], k=3, s=0)
    xcon = np.arange(0.9e4, 1.8e4, 0.01e4)
    ycon = splev(xcon, tck, der=0, ext=0)
    pspec = S.ArraySpectrum(xcon, ycon, fluxunits='flam', keepneg=True) + line

    for key in beams.keys():
        beam = beams[key]

    xfull, yfull, mfull, cfull = [], [], [], []
    for i, key in enumerate(beams.keys()):
        beam = beams[key]

        ls = 'steps-mid'
        marker = 'None'
        #ls = '-'
        #ls, marker = 'None', '.'
        xfull = np.append(xfull, beam.lam)
        ybeam = (beam.cutout_sci - params[0] * beam.cutout_mask).sum(
            axis=0)[sh[0] / 2:-sh[0] / 2] / beam.ysens / beam.norm
        yfull = np.append(yfull, ybeam)
        #plt.plot(beam.lam, ybeam, color='black', alpha=0.5, linestyle=ls, marker=marker)
        cbeam = ((beam.cutout_m - beam.omodel) * beam.cutout_mask).sum(
            axis=0)[sh[0] / 2:-sh[0] / 2] / beam.ysens / beam.norm
        cfull = np.append(cfull, cbeam)
        mbeam = ((beam.model) * beam.mask).sum(
            axis=0)[sh[0] / 2:-sh[0] / 2] / beam.ysens / beam.norm
        mfull = np.append(mfull, mbeam)
                 ybeam - cbeam,
        plt.plot(beam.lam, mbeam, color='blue', linestyle=ls, alpha=0.5)

    #nx = 20
    kern = np.ones(nx) / nx
    so = np.argsort(xfull)
    plt.plot(xfull[so][nx / 2::nx],
             nd.convolve((yfull - cfull)[so], kern)[nx / 2::nx],
    plt.plot(xfull[so][nx / 2::nx],
             nd.convolve(mfull[so], kern)[nx / 2::nx],

    plt.ylim(0, 5)
    plt.xlim(1.e4, 1.78e4)

    from scipy.optimize import fmin_bfgs
    p0 = fmin_bfgs(_loss,
                   args=(beams, x_nodes),
    params = np.array(init)
    params[3:] = p0
Пример #47
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate.fitpack import splrep, splev

from util.point import Point
from walking.helpers import bezier_curves
from walking.helpers.bezier_curves import LineSegment

x = (0, 2.0, 6.0, 8.0)
y = (-47.7, -44.7, -44.7, -47.7)

tck = splrep(x, y)

x2 = np.linspace(0, 8)
y2 = splev(x2, tck)

points = [Point((x_, 0, y_)) for (x_, y_) in zip(x, y)]
l1 = LineSegment(points[0], points[1])
l2 = LineSegment(points[1], points[2])
l3 = LineSegment(points[2], points[3])

yy2 = [bezier_curves.get_interpolated_position(x2_/8, l1, l2, l3)[2] for x2_ in x2]

plt.plot(x, y, 'o', x, y, '--', x2, y2, x2, yy2)
