Пример #1
def get_density_profiles(mainpath, desired_list):
    #determine the location of the period
    datalist = []

    path_maindensity = os.path.join(mainpath, 'density.dat')
    data = np.loadtxt(path_maindensity)
    fAmin = np.min(data[:, 1])
    cs = CubicSpline(data[:, 0], data[:, 1] - fAmin)
    x = np.linspace(np.min(data[:, 0]), np.max(data[:, 0]), 1000)
    roots = cs.roots()
    loc = np.where((roots > np.min(data[:, 0]))
                   & (roots < np.max(data[:, 0])))[0]
    domain_min = np.min(roots[loc[1]])
    domain_max = np.max(roots[loc[3]])
    loc = np.where((data[:, 0] > domain_min) & (data[:, 0] < domain_max))[0]
    data_domain = data[loc, :]
    data_domain[:, 0] = data_domain[:, 0] - np.min(data_domain[:, 0])
    cs = CubicSpline(data_domain[:, 0] / np.max(data_domain[:, 0]),
                     data_domain[:, 1])
    integral = 1  #cs.integrate(0,1)
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10000)
    y = cs(x) / integral
    datalist.append(np.vstack((x, y)).transpose())
    path_data = os.path.join(mainpath, 'density_chain0.dat')

    all_data = np.loadtxt(path_data)

    loc = np.where((all_data[:, 0] > domain_min)
                   & (all_data[:, 0] < domain_max))[0]
    data = all_data[loc, :]
    data[:, 0] = data[:, 0] - np.min(data[:, 0])
    shape = np.shape(data)
    for i in range(1, shape[1]):

        if i in desired_list:

            cs = CubicSpline(data[:, 0] / np.max(data[:, 0]), data[:, i])
            integral = cs.integrate(0, 1)
            x = np.linspace(0, 1, 10000)
            y = cs(x) / integral
            datalist.append(np.vstack((x, y)).transpose())
    return datalist

color = ['tab:blue','tab:orange','tab:red','tab:olive','tab:brown']

path = '/home/tquah/Projects/positions/backboneposition_LAM_lowchi/Bottlebrush/density_chain0.dat'

data = np.loadtxt(path)

shape = np.shape(data)
for i in range(1,shape[1]):
    if i<shape[1]-2:
        cs = CubicSpline(data[:,0]/np.max(data[:,0]),data[:,i])
        integral = cs.integrate(0,1)
        x = np.linspace(0,1,1000)
        y = cs(x)/integral
        plt.plot(x,y,label = str(i))
# plt.legend()

path = '/home/tquah/Projects/positions/backboneposition_LAM_lowchi/linear/density_chain0.dat'

data = np.loadtxt(path)

shape = np.shape(data)
# plt.close('all')
# plt.figure()
for i in range(1,shape[1]):
    if i<shape[1]:
Пример #3
        # print(integrand1(E1))
        # plt.plot(E1,integrand1(E1),color='r')
        # plt.scatter(E1,a0_final*np.exp(-11.604*E1/T)*E1,alpha=.01,c='b')
        # plt.yscale('log')
        # plt.show()

        # intg = integrate.romberg(integrand1,min(energyList),max(energyList),divmax=40)
        # intg1 = integrate.quad(integrand1,min(energyList),max(energyList),limit=200)
        intg2 = 0
        for ind,elem in enumerate(E1):

            if ind < len(E1):
                intg2 +=  a0_final[ind]*np.exp(-11.604*E1[ind]/T)*E1[ind]*dE

        intg3 = integrand1.integrate(min(E1),max(E1))
        # intg4 = integrate.cumtrapz(a0_final*np.exp(-11.604*E1/T)*E1,E1)[-1]
        # intg5 = integrate.trapz(a0_final*np.exp(-11.604*E1/T)*E1,E1)
        intg6 = integrate.simps(a0_final*np.exp(-11.604*E1/T)*E1,E1)
        intg7 = np.trapz(a0_final*np.exp(-11.604*E1/T)*E1,E1)

        # rate =  rxnRateCONST * mu**(-.5) * T**(-1.5) * intg
        # rate1 = rxnRateCONST * mu**(-.5) * T**(-1.5) * intg1[0]
        rate2 = rxnRateCONST * mu**(-.5) * T**(-1.5) * intg2
        rate3 = rxnRateCONST * mu**(-.5) * T**(-1.5) * intg3
        # rate4 = rxnRateCONST * mu**(-.5) * T**(-1.5) * intg4
        # rate5 = rxnRateCONST * mu**(-.5) * T**(-1.5) * intg5
        rate6 = rxnRateCONST * mu**(-.5) * T**(-1.5) * intg6
        rate7 = rxnRateCONST * mu**(-.5) * T**(-1.5) * intg7
Пример #4
class Density:

    alt_models = {
        'photon': 'fit_models/Alt_photon_pol3_model.txt',
        'muon': 'fit_models/Alt_muon_pol3_model.txt'

    eff_photon = 0.0001
    eff_muon = 0.5

    __xmin__ = 1e-24  # km
    __xmax__ = 1e4  # km

    def __init__(self):
        self.alt = R.TF1('Alt_muon', Alt.fitexpr, Density.__xmin__,

    def set_shower(self, mass_number, energy_eV, altitude_km):
        self.A = mass_number
        self.E = energy_eV
        self.H = altitude_km

        x = np.logspace(np.log10(Density.__xmin__), np.log10(Density.__xmax__),

        for i in range(4):
                Coefficients.get(i, Density.alt_models['photon'], self.A,
                                 self.E, self.H))
        y1 = np.zeros(x.size)
        y2 = np.zeros(x.size)
        for i in range(x.size):
            y1[i] = self.alt.Eval(x[i])
            y2[i] = x[i] * y1[i]
        y2 = 2. * np.pi * 1e10 * y2
        self.photon = CubicSpline(x, y1)
        self.photon2 = CubicSpline(x, y2)
        y3 = np.zeros(x.size)
        for i in range(x.size):
            y3[i] = self.photon2.integrate(0., x[i])
        self.N_photons = y3[-1]
        y3 = y3 / y3[-1]
        cut = -1
        while (y3[cut] == 1.):
            cut -= 1
        cut += 2
        self.photon_cdf = CubicSpline(y3[:cut], x[:cut])

        for i in range(4):
                Coefficients.get(i, Density.alt_models['muon'], self.A, self.E,
        y1 = np.zeros(x.size)
        y2 = np.zeros(x.size)
        for i in range(x.size):
            y1[i] = self.alt.Eval(x[i])
            y2[i] = x[i] * y1[i]
        y2 = 2. * np.pi * 1e10 * y2
        self.muon = CubicSpline(x, y1)
        self.muon2 = CubicSpline(x, y2)
        y3 = np.zeros(x.size)
        for i in range(x.size):
            y3[i] = self.muon2.integrate(0., x[i])
        self.N_muons = y3[-1]
        y3 = y3 / y3[-1]
        cut = -1
        while (y3[cut] == 1.):
            cut -= 1
        cut += 2
        self.muon_cdf = CubicSpline(y3[:cut], x[:cut])
Пример #5
def densm(alt, d0, xm, tz, zn3, tn3, tgn3, zn2, tn2, tgn2, gsurf, re):
    rgas = 831.4
    densm_tmp = d0
    tz_tmp = tz
    mn3, mn2 = len(zn3), len(zn2)

    if alt > zn2[0]:
        if xm == 0:
            densm_tmp = tz
            return densm_tmp, tz_tmp
            densm_tmp = d0
            return densm_tmp, tz_tmp

    # stratosphere/mesosphere temperature
    if alt > zn2[mn2 - 1]:
        z = alt
        z = zn2[mn2 - 1]
    mn = mn2
    xs, ys = [np.zeros(mn) for i in range(2)]
    z1, z2 = zn2[0], zn2[mn - 1]
    t1, t2 = tn2[0], tn2[mn - 1]
    zg, zgdif = zeta(z, z1, re), zeta(z2, z1, re)

    # set up spline nodes
    for k in range(mn):
        xs[k] = zeta(zn2[k], z1, re) / zgdif
        ys[k] = 1 / tn2[k]
    yd1 = -tgn2[0] / t1**2 * zgdif
    yd2 = -tgn2[1] / t2**2 * zgdif * ((re + z2) / (re + z1))**2

    # calculate spline coefficients
    cs = CubicSpline(xs, ys, bc_type=((1, yd1), (1, yd2)))
    x = zg / zgdif
    y = cs(x)

    # temperature at altitude
    tz_tmp = 1 / y
    if xm != 0:
        # calaculate stratosphere/mesospehere density
        glb = gsurf / (1 + z1 / re)**2
        gamm = xm * glb * zgdif / rgas

        # Integrate temperature profile
        yi = cs.integrate(xs[0], x)
        expl = gamm * yi
        if expl > 50:
            expl = 50
        # Density at altitude
        densm_tmp = densm_tmp * (t1 / tz_tmp) * np.exp(-expl)
    if alt > zn3[0]:
        if xm == 0:
            densm_tmp = tz_tmp
            return densm_tmp, tz_tmp
            return densm_tmp, tz_tmp

    # troposhere/stratosphere temperature
    z = alt
    mn = mn3
    xs, ys = [np.zeros(mn) for i in range(2)]
    z1, z2 = zn3[0], zn3[mn - 1]
    t1, t2 = tn3[0], tn3[mn - 1]
    zg, zgdif = zeta(z, z1, re), zeta(z2, z1, re)

    # set up spline nodes
    for k in range(mn):
        xs[k] = zeta(zn3[k], z1, re) / zgdif
        ys[k] = 1 / tn3[k]
    yd1 = -tgn3[0] / t1**2 * zgdif
    yd2 = -tgn3[1] / t2**2 * zgdif * ((re + z2) / (re + z1))**2

    # calculate spline coefficients
    cs = CubicSpline(xs, ys, bc_type=((1, yd1), (1, yd2)))
    x = zg / zgdif
    y = cs(x)

    # temperature at altitude
    tz_tmp = 1 / y
    if xm != 0:
        # calaculate tropospheric / stratosphere density
        glb = gsurf / (1 + z1 / re)**2
        gamm = xm * glb * zgdif / rgas

        # Integrate temperature profile
        yi = cs.integrate(xs[0], x)
        expl = gamm * yi
        if expl > 50: expl = 50
        # Density at altitude
        densm_tmp = densm_tmp * (t1 / tz_tmp) * np.exp(-expl)

    if xm == 0:
        densm_tmp = tz_tmp
        return densm_tmp, tz_tmp
        return densm_tmp, tz_tmp
Пример #6
def densu(alt, dlb, tinf, tlb, xm, alpha, tz, zlb, s2, zn1, tn1, tgn1, gsurf,
    Calculate Temperature and Density Profiles for MSIS models
    rgas = 831.4
    densu_tmp = 1
    mn1 = len(zn1)
    # joining altitudes of Bates and spline
    za = zn1[0]
    if alt > za:
        z = alt
        z = za
    # geopotential altitude difference from ZLB
    zg2 = zeta(z, zlb, re)

    # Bates temperature
    tt = tinf - (tinf - tlb) * np.exp(-s2 * zg2)
    ta = tz = tt
    densu_tmp = tz_tmp = tz

    if alt < za:
        # calculate temperature below ZA
        # temperature gradient at ZA from Bates profile
        dta = (tinf - ta) * s2 * ((re + zlb) / (re + za))**2
        tgn1[0], tn1[0] = dta, ta
        if alt > zn1[mn1 - 1]:
            z = alt
            z = zn1[mn1 - 1]
        mn = mn1
        xs, ys = [np.zeros(mn) for i in range(2)]
        z1, z2 = zn1[0], zn1[mn - 1]
        t1, t2 = tn1[0], tn1[mn - 1]
        # geopotental difference from z1
        zg, zgdif = zeta(z, z1, re), zeta(z2, z1, re)
        # set up spline nodes
        for k in range(mn):
            xs[k] = zeta(zn1[k], z1, re) / zgdif
            ys[k] = 1 / tn1[k]
        # end node derivatives
        yd1 = -tgn1[0] / t1**2 * zgdif
        yd2 = -tgn1[1] / t2**2 * zgdif * ((re + z2) / (re + z1))**2
        # calculate spline coefficients
        cs = CubicSpline(xs, ys, bc_type=((1, yd1), (1, yd2)))
        x = zg / zgdif
        y = cs(x)
        # temperature at altitude
        tz_tmp = 1 / y
        densu_tmp = tz_tmp
    if xm == 0: return densu_tmp, tz_tmp

    # calculate density above za
    glb = gsurf / (1 + zlb / re)**2
    gamma = xm * glb / (s2 * rgas * tinf)
    expl = np.exp(-s2 * gamma * zg2)
    if expl > 50: expl = 50
    if tt <= 0: expl = 50

    # density at altitude
    densa = dlb * (tlb / tt)**(1 + alpha + gamma) * expl
    densu_tmp = densa
    if alt >= za: return densu_tmp, tz_tmp

    # calculate density below za
    glb = gsurf / (1 + z1 / re)**2
    gamm = xm * glb * zgdif / rgas

    # integrate spline temperatures
    yi = cs.integrate(xs[0], x)
    expl = gamm * yi
    if expl > 50: expl = 50
    if tz_tmp <= 0: expl = 50

    # density at altitude
    densu_tmp = densu_tmp * (t1 / tz_tmp)**(1 + alpha) * np.exp(-expl)
    return densu_tmp, tz_tmp
Пример #7
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import numpy as np

x = np.arange(21) * np.pi / 5.0
y = np.sin(x)
y[0] = 0.01
y[-1] = y[0]
xq = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 101)
cs_not_a_knot = CubicSpline(x, y, bc_type='not-a-knot')
cs_clamped = CubicSpline(x, y, bc_type='clamped')
cs_natural = CubicSpline(x, y, bc_type='natural')
cs_periodic = CubicSpline(x, y, bc_type='periodic')
yq_knot = cs_not_a_knot(xq)
yq_clamped = cs_clamped(xq)
yq_natural = cs_natural(xq)
yq_period = cs_periodic(xq)
ofl = open('cubicSplineInterpolation.txt', 'w')
for i in range(len(xq)):
    ofl.write("%e, %e, %e, %e, %e\n" %
              (xq[i], yq_knot[i], yq_clamped[i], yq_natural[i], yq_period[i]))
print(cs_not_a_knot.integrate(0, 1))
print(cs_natural.integrate(max(x), 0))
print(cs_clamped.integrate(4.08, 6))
print(cs_periodic.integrate(3.99, max(x)))
print(cs_periodic.integrate(3.007729, 2.541008))