Пример #1
    def from_data(cls, m, title="Default title", key="0", mxtype=None, fmt=None):
        """Create a HBInfo instance from an existing sparse matrix.

        m : sparse matrix
            the HBInfo instance will derive its parameters from m
        title : str
            Title to put in the HB header
        key : str
        mxtype : HBMatrixType
            type of the input matrix
        fmt : dict
            not implemented

        hb_info : HBInfo instance
        m = m.tocsc(copy=False)

        pointer = m.indptr
        indices = m.indices
        values = m.data

        nrows, ncols = m.shape
        nnon_zeros = m.nnz

        if fmt is None:
            # +1 because HB use one-based indexing (Fortran), and we will write
            # the indices /pointer as such
            pointer_fmt = IntFormat.from_number(np.max(pointer+1))
            indices_fmt = IntFormat.from_number(np.max(indices+1))

            if values.dtype.kind in np.typecodes["AllFloat"]:
                values_fmt = ExpFormat.from_number(-np.max(np.abs(values)))
            elif values.dtype.kind in np.typecodes["AllInteger"]:
                values_fmt = IntFormat.from_number(-np.max(np.abs(values)))
                raise NotImplementedError("type %s not implemented yet" % values.dtype.kind)
            raise NotImplementedError("fmt argument not supported yet.")

        if mxtype is None:
            if not np.isrealobj(values):
                raise ValueError("Complex values not supported yet")
            if values.dtype.kind in np.typecodes["AllInteger"]:
                tp = "integer"
            elif values.dtype.kind in np.typecodes["AllFloat"]:
                tp = "real"
                raise NotImplementedError("type %s for values not implemented"
                                          % values.dtype)
            mxtype = HBMatrixType(tp, "unsymmetric", "assembled")
            raise ValueError("mxtype argument not handled yet.")

        def _nlines(fmt, size):
            nlines = size // fmt.repeat
            if nlines * fmt.repeat != size:
                nlines += 1
            return nlines

        pointer_nlines = _nlines(pointer_fmt, pointer.size)
        indices_nlines = _nlines(indices_fmt, indices.size)
        values_nlines = _nlines(values_fmt, values.size)

        total_nlines = pointer_nlines + indices_nlines + values_nlines

        return cls(title, key,
            total_nlines, pointer_nlines, indices_nlines, values_nlines,
            mxtype, nrows, ncols, nnon_zeros,
            pointer_fmt.fortran_format, indices_fmt.fortran_format,
Пример #2
    def from_data(cls, m, title="Default title", key="0", mxtype=None, fmt=None):
        """Create a HBInfo instance from an existing sparse matrix.

        m : sparse matrix
            the HBInfo instance will derive its parameters from m
        title : str
            Title to put in the HB header
        key : str
        mxtype : HBMatrixType
            type of the input matrix
        fmt : dict
            not implemented

        hb_info : HBInfo instance
        pointer = m.indptr
        indices = m.indices
        values = m.data

        nrows, ncols = m.shape
        nnon_zeros = m.nnz

        if fmt is None:
            # +1 because HB use one-based indexing (Fortran), and we will write
            # the indices /pointer as such
            pointer_fmt = IntFormat.from_number(np.max(pointer+1))
            indices_fmt = IntFormat.from_number(np.max(indices+1))

            if values.dtype.kind in np.typecodes["AllFloat"]:
                values_fmt = ExpFormat.from_number(-np.max(np.abs(values)))
            elif values.dtype.kind in np.typecodes["AllInteger"]:
                values_fmt = IntFormat.from_number(-np.max(np.abs(values)))
                raise NotImplementedError("type %s not implemented yet" % values.dtype.kind)
            raise NotImplementedError("fmt argument not supported yet.")

        if mxtype is None:
            if not np.isrealobj(values):
                raise ValueError("Complex values not supported yet")
            if values.dtype.kind in np.typecodes["AllInteger"]:
                tp = "integer"
            elif values.dtype.kind in np.typecodes["AllFloat"]:
                tp = "real"
                raise NotImplementedError("type %s for values not implemented"
                                          % values.dtype)
            mxtype = HBMatrixType(tp, "unsymmetric", "assembled")
            raise ValueError("mxtype argument not handled yet.")

        def _nlines(fmt, size):
            nlines = size // fmt.repeat
            if nlines * fmt.repeat != size:
                nlines += 1
            return nlines

        pointer_nlines = _nlines(pointer_fmt, pointer.size)
        indices_nlines = _nlines(indices_fmt, indices.size)
        values_nlines = _nlines(values_fmt, values.size)

        total_nlines = pointer_nlines + indices_nlines + values_nlines

        return cls(title, key,
            total_nlines, pointer_nlines, indices_nlines, values_nlines,
            mxtype, nrows, ncols, nnon_zeros,
            pointer_fmt.fortran_format, indices_fmt.fortran_format,
Пример #3
 def test_from_number(self):
     f = np.array([1.0, -1.2])
     r_f = [ExpFormat(24, 16, repeat=3), ExpFormat(25, 16, repeat=3)]
     for i, j in zip(f, r_f):
         assert_equal(ExpFormat.from_number(i).__dict__, j.__dict__)