Пример #1
def idz_frmi(m):
    Initialize data for :func:`idz_frm`.

    :param m:
        Length of vector to be transformed.
    :type m: int

        Greatest power-of-two integer `n` satisfying `n <= m`.
    :rtype: int
        Initialization array to be used by :func:`idz_frm`.
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    return _id.idz_frmi(m)
Пример #2
def idz_frmi(m):
    Initialize area_data for :func:`idz_frm`.

    :param m:
        Length of vector to be transformed.
    :type m: int

        Greatest power-of-two integer `n` satisfying `n <= m`.
    :rtype: int
        Initialization array to be used by :func:`idz_frm`.
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    return _id.idz_frmi(m)
Пример #3
def idzp_asvd(eps, A):
    Compute SVD of a complex matrix to a specified relative precision using
    random sampling.

    :param eps:
        Relative precision.
    :type eps: float
    :param A:
    :type A: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        Left singular vectors.
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Right singular vectors.
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Singular values.
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    A = np.asfortranarray(A)
    m, n = A.shape
    n2, winit = _id.idz_frmi(m)
    w = np.empty(
        max((min(m, n) + 1)*(3*m + 5*n + 11) + 8*min(m, n)**2,
            (2*n + 1)*(n2 + 1)),
        dtype=np.complex128, order='F')
    k, iU, iV, iS, w, ier = _id.idzp_asvd(eps, A, winit, w)
    if ier:
        raise _RETCODE_ERROR
    U = w[iU-1:iU+m*k-1].reshape((m, k), order='F')
    V = w[iV-1:iV+n*k-1].reshape((n, k), order='F')
    S = w[iS-1:iS+k-1]
    return U, V, S
Пример #4
def idzp_asvd(eps, A):
    Compute SVD of a complex matrix to a specified relative precision using
    random sampling.

    :param eps:
        Relative precision.
    :type eps: float
    :param A:
    :type A: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

        Left singular vectors.
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Right singular vectors.
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Singular values.
    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    A = np.asfortranarray(A)
    m, n = A.shape
    n2, winit = _id.idz_frmi(m)
    w = np.empty(
        max((min(m, n) + 1)*(3*m + 5*n + 11) + 8*min(m, n)**2,
            (2*n + 1)*(n2 + 1)),
        dtype=np.complex128, order='F')
    k, iU, iV, iS, w, ier = _id.idzp_asvd(eps, A, winit, w)
    if ier:
        raise _RETCODE_ERROR
    U = w[iU-1:iU+m*k-1].reshape((m, k), order='F')
    V = w[iV-1:iV+n*k-1].reshape((n, k), order='F')
    S = w[iS-1:iS+k-1]
    return U, V, S