Пример #1
    def decode(
        self, symbol_stream: np.ndarray,
        channel_state: ChannelStateInformation, stream_noises: np.ndarray
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ChannelStateInformation, np.ndarray]:

        for time_idx, (symbols, csi, noise) in enumerate(
                zip(symbol_stream.T, channel_state.samples(),
            noise_variance = np.mean(noise)

            # Combine the responses of all superimposed transmit antennas for equalization
            transform = np.sum(csi.linear[:, :, 0, :], axis=2, keepdims=False)

            # Compute the pseudo-inverse from the singular-value-decomposition of the linear channel transform
            # noinspection PyTupleAssignmentBalance
            u, s, vh = svd(transform.todense(),
            u *= s / (s**2 + noise_variance)

            equalizer = (u @ vh).T.conj()

            symbol_stream[:, time_idx] = equalizer @ symbols
            channel_state.state[:, :,
                                time_idx, :] = np.tensordot(equalizer,
                                                            csi.linear[:, :,
                                                                       0, :],
                                                            axes=(1, 0))
            stream_noises[:, time_idx] = noise * (s**2 + noise_variance)

        return symbol_stream, channel_state, stream_noises
Пример #2
def extract_noise_components(realigned_file,
    """Derive components most reflective of physiological noise

    realigned_file: a 4D Nifti file containing realigned volumes
    mask_file: a 3D Nifti file containing white matter + ventricular masks
    num_components: number of components to use for noise decomposition
    extra_regressors: additional regressors to add

    components_file: a text file containing the noise components
    from scipy.linalg.decomp_svd import svd
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from nipype.utils import NUMPY_MMAP
    from nipype.utils.filemanip import filename_to_list
    import os

    imgseries = nb.load(realigned_file, mmap=NUMPY_MMAP)
    components = None
    for filename in filename_to_list(mask_file):
        mask = nb.load(filename, mmap=NUMPY_MMAP).get_data()
        if len(np.nonzero(mask > 0)[0]) == 0:
        voxel_timecourses = imgseries.get_data()[mask > 0]
        voxel_timecourses[np.isnan(np.sum(voxel_timecourses, axis=1)), :] = 0
        # remove mean and normalize by variance
        # voxel_timecourses.shape == [nvoxels, time]
        X = voxel_timecourses.T
        stdX = np.std(X, axis=0)
        stdX[stdX == 0] = 1.
        stdX[np.isnan(stdX)] = 1.
        stdX[np.isinf(stdX)] = 1.
        X = (X - np.mean(X, axis=0)) / stdX
        u, _, _ = svd(X, full_matrices=False)
        if components is None:
            components = u[:, :num_components]
            components = np.hstack((components, u[:, :num_components]))
    if extra_regressors:
        regressors = np.genfromtxt(extra_regressors)
        components = np.hstack((components, regressors))
    components_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'noise_components.txt')
    np.savetxt(components_file, components, fmt=b"%.10f")
    return components_file
def extract_noise_components(realigned_file,
    """Derive components most reflective of physiological noise

    realigned_file: a 4D Nifti file containing realigned volumes
    mask_file: a 3D Nifti file containing white matter + ventricular masks
    num_components: number of components to use for noise decomposition
    extra_regressors: additional regressors to add

    components_file: a text file containing the noise components
    from scipy.linalg.decomp_svd import svd
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from nipype.utils import NUMPY_MMAP
    import os
    imgseries = nb.load(realigned_file, mmap=NUMPY_MMAP)
    components = None
    for filename in filename_to_list(mask_file):
        mask = nb.load(filename, mmap=NUMPY_MMAP).get_data()
        if len(np.nonzero(mask > 0)[0]) == 0:
        voxel_timecourses = imgseries.get_data()[mask > 0]
        voxel_timecourses[np.isnan(np.sum(voxel_timecourses, axis=1)), :] = 0
        # remove mean and normalize by variance
        # voxel_timecourses.shape == [nvoxels, time]
        X = voxel_timecourses.T
        stdX = np.std(X, axis=0)
        stdX[stdX == 0] = 1.
        stdX[np.isnan(stdX)] = 1.
        stdX[np.isinf(stdX)] = 1.
        X = (X - np.mean(X, axis=0)) / stdX
        u, _, _ = svd(X, full_matrices=False)
        if components is None:
            components = u[:, :num_components]
            components = np.hstack((components, u[:, :num_components]))
    if extra_regressors:
        regressors = np.genfromtxt(extra_regressors)
        components = np.hstack((components, regressors))
    components_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'noise_components.txt')
    np.savetxt(components_file, components, fmt=b"%.10f")
    return components_file
Пример #4
def orthogonal_procrustes(A, ref_matrix, reflection=False):
	# Adaptation of scipy.linalg.orthogonal_procrustes -> https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/v0.16.0/scipy/linalg/_procrustes.py#L14
	# Info here: http://compgroups.net/comp.soft-sys.matlab/procrustes-analysis-without-reflection/896635
	# goal is to find unitary matrix R with det(R) > 0 such that ||A*R - ref_matrix||^2 is minimized
	from scipy.linalg.decomp_svd import svd # Singular Value Decomposition, factors matrices
	from scipy.linalg import det
	import numpy as np

	A = np.asarray_chkfinite(A)
	ref_matrix = np.asarray_chkfinite(ref_matrix)

	if A.ndim != 2:
		raise ValueError('expected ndim to be 2, but observed %s' % A.ndim)
	if A.shape != ref_matrix.shape:
		raise ValueError('the shapes of A and ref_matrix differ (%s vs %s)' % (A.shape, ref_matrix.shape))

	u, w, vt = svd(ref_matrix.T.dot(A).T)

	# Goal: minimize ||A*R - ref||^2, switch to trace
	# trace((A*R-ref).T*(A*R-ref)), now we distribute
	# trace(R'*A'*A*R) + trace(ref.T*ref) - trace((A*R).T*ref) - trace(ref.T*(A*R)), trace doesn't care about order, so re-order
	# trace(R*R.T*A.T*A) + trace(ref.T*ref) - trace(R.T*A.T*ref) - trace(ref.T*A*R), simplify
	# trace(A.T*A) + trace(ref.T*ref) - 2*trace(ref.T*A*R)
	# Thus, to minimize we want to maximize trace(ref.T * A * R) 

	# u*w*v.T = (ref.T*A).T
	# ref.T * A = w * u.T * v
	# trace(ref.T * A * R) = trace (w * u.T * v * R)
	# differences minimized when trace(ref.T * A * R) is maximized, thus when trace(u.T * v * R) is maximized
	# This occurs when u.T * v * R = I (as u, v and R are all unitary matrices so max is 1)
	# R is a rotation matrix so R.T = R^-1
	# u.T * v * I = R^-1 = R.T
	# R = u * v.T
	# Thus, R = u.dot(vt)

	R = u.dot(vt) # Get the rotation matrix, including reflections
	if not reflection and det(R) < 0: # If we don't want reflection
		# To remove reflection, we change the sign of the rightmost column of u (or v) and the scalar associated
		# with that column
		u[:,-1] *= -1
		w[-1] *= -1
		R = u.dot(vt)
	scale = w.sum() # Get the scaled difference

	return R,scale
Пример #5
    def decode(
        self, symbol_stream: np.ndarray,
        channel_state: ChannelStateInformation, stream_noises: np.ndarray
    ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, ChannelStateInformation, np.ndarray]:

        equalized_symbols = np.empty(
            (channel_state.num_receive_streams, channel_state.num_samples),
        equalized_noises = np.empty(
            (channel_state.num_receive_streams, channel_state.num_samples),
        equalized_channel_state = ChannelStateInformation(

        # Equalize in space in a first step
        for idx, (symbols, stream_state, noise) in enumerate(
                zip(symbol_stream, channel_state.received_streams(),

            noise_variance = np.mean(noise)

            # Combine the responses of all superimposed transmit antennas for equalization
            linear_state = stream_state.linear
            transform = np.sum(linear_state[0, ::], axis=0, keepdims=False)

            # Compute the pseudo-inverse from the singular-value-decomposition of the linear channel transform
            # noinspection PyTupleAssignmentBalance
            u, s, vh = svd(transform.todense(),
            u *= s / (s**2 + noise_variance)

            equalizer = (u @ vh).T.conj()

            equalized_symbols[idx, :] = equalizer @ symbols
            equalized_csi_slice = tensordot(equalizer,
                                            axes=(1, 2)).transpose(
                                                (1, 2, 0, 3))
            equalized_channel_state.append_linear(equalized_csi_slice, 0)
            equalized_noises[idx, :] = noise[:stream_state.num_samples] * (
                s**2 + noise_variance)

        return equalized_symbols, channel_state, equalized_noises
Пример #6
def orthogonal_procrustes(A, ref_matrix, reflection=False):
    Using the orthogonal procrustes method, we find the unitary matrix R with
    det(R) > 0 such that ||A*R - ref_matrix||^2 is minimized.  This varies
    from that within scipy by the addition of the reflection term, allowing
    and disallowing inversion.  NOTE - This means that the rotation matrix is
    used for right side multiplication!


        A: *list,* :class:`squid.structures.atom.Atom`
            A list of atoms for which R will minimize the frobenius
            norm ||A*R - ref_matrix||^2.
        ref_matrix: *list,* :class:`squid.structures.atom.Atom`
            A list of atoms for which *A* is being rotated towards.
        reflection: *bool, optional*
            Whether inversion is allowed (True) or not (False).


        R: *list, list, float*
            Right multiplication rotation matrix to best overlay A onto the
            reference matrix.
        scale: *float*
            Scalar between the matrices.


        Goal: minimize ||A\*R - ref||^2, switch to trace

        trace((A\*R-ref).T\*(A\*R-ref)), now we distribute

        trace(R'\*A'\*A\*R) + trace(ref.T\*ref) - trace((A\*R).T\*ref) -
        trace(ref.T\*(A\*R)), trace doesn't care about order, so re-order

        trace(R\*R.T\*A.T\*A) + trace(ref.T\*ref) - trace(R.T\*A.T\*ref) -
        trace(ref.T\*A\*R), simplify

        trace(A.T\*A) + trace(ref.T\*ref) - 2\*trace(ref.T\*A\*R)

        Thus, to minimize we want to maximize trace(ref.T \* A \* R)

        u\*w\*v.T = (ref.T\*A).T

        ref.T \* A = w \* u.T \* v

        trace(ref.T \* A \* R) = trace (w \* u.T \* v \* R)

        differences minimized when trace(ref.T \* A \* R) is maximized, thus
        when trace(u.T \* v \* R) is maximized

        This occurs when u.T \* v \* R = I (as u, v and R are all unitary
        matrices so max is 1)

        R is a rotation matrix so R.T = R^-1

        u.T \* v \* I = R^-1 = R.T

        R = u \* v.T

        Thus, R = u.dot(vt)


        * https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/v0.16.0/scipy/linalg/
        * http://compgroups.net/comp.soft-sys.matlab/procrustes-analysis

    assert hasattr(A, "__len__") and hasattr(ref_matrix, "__len__"),\
        "Error - A and ref_matrix must be lists of atomic coordinates!"
    cast.assert_vec(A[0], length=3, numeric=True)
    cast.assert_vec(ref_matrix[0], length=3, numeric=True)

    A = np.asarray_chkfinite(A)
    ref_matrix = np.asarray_chkfinite(ref_matrix)

    if A.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('expected ndim to be 2, but observed %s' % A.ndim)
    if A.shape != ref_matrix.shape:
        raise ValueError('the shapes of A and ref_matrix differ (%s vs %s)' %
                         (A.shape, ref_matrix.shape))

    u, w, vt = svd(A.T.dot(ref_matrix))

    R = u.dot(vt)  # Get the rotation matrix, including reflections
    if not reflection and scipy.linalg.det(R) < 0:
        # To remove reflection, we change the sign of the rightmost column of
        # u (or v) and the scalar associated
        # with that column
        u[:, -1] *= -1
        w[-1] *= -1
        R = u.dot(vt)

    scale = w.sum()  # Get the scaled difference

    return R, scale
Пример #7
def pinv2(a,
    Compute the (Moore-Penrose) pseudo-inverse of a matrix.
    Calculate a generalized inverse of a matrix using its
    singular-value decomposition and including all 'large' singular
    a : (M, N) array_like
        Matrix to be pseudo-inverted.
    cond, rcond : float or None
        Cutoff for 'small' singular values; singular values smaller than this
        value are considered as zero. If both are omitted, the default value
        ``max(M,N)*largest_singular_value*eps`` is used where ``eps`` is the
        machine precision value of the datatype of ``a``.
        .. versionchanged:: 1.3.0
            Previously the default cutoff value was just ``eps*f`` where ``f``
            was ``1e3`` for single precision and ``1e6`` for double precision.
    return_rank : bool, optional
        If True, return the effective rank of the matrix.
    check_finite : bool, optional
        Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers.
        Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
        (crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
    B : (N, M) ndarray
        The pseudo-inverse of matrix `a`.
    rank : int
        The effective rank of the matrix. Returned if `return_rank` is True.
        If SVD computation does not converge.
    >>> from scipy import linalg
    >>> a = np.random.randn(9, 6)
    >>> B = linalg.pinv2(a)
    >>> np.allclose(a, np.dot(a, np.dot(B, a)))
    >>> np.allclose(B, np.dot(B, np.dot(a, B)))
    a = _asarray_validated(a, check_finite=check_finite)
    u, s, vh = decomp_svd.svd(a, full_matrices=False, check_finite=False)

    if rank is None:
        if rcond is not None:
            cond = np.max(s) * rcond
        if cond in [None, -1]:
            t = u.dtype.char.lower()
            cond = np.max(s) * max(a.shape) * np.finfo(t).eps
        rank = np.sum(s > cond)
    elif rank == float('inf'):
        assert (cond is not None)
        rank = len(s)
        s[s < cond] = cond

    print(rank, flush='True')
    u = u[:, :rank]
    u /= s[:rank]
    B = np.transpose(np.conjugate(np.dot(u, vh[:rank])))

    if return_rank:
        return B, rank
        return B