Пример #1
 def _solve_corr(self, HH, HT):
     """Solve a linear system from correlation matrices.
     if self.accelerator == "GPU":
         Beta = self.magma_solver.gpu_solve(HH, HT, self.alpha)
         Beta = cpu_solve(HH, HT, sym_pos=True)
     return Beta
Пример #2
 def _solve_corr(self, HH, HT):
     """Solve a linear system from correlation matrices.
     if self.accelerator == "GPU":
         Beta = self.magma_solver.gpu_solve(HH, HT, self.alpha)
         Beta = cpu_solve(HH, HT, sym_pos=True)
     return Beta
Пример #3
    def _calculate_beta_cpu(self, num_neurons, num_batches):
        # We first calculate H.transpose * H and H.transpose * Targets
        # We never actually have H in memory

        # Since H=hidden_layer_output and is num_samples x num_neurons
        # H.transpose * H is of size num_neurons x num_neurons
        HTH = np.zeros((num_neurons, num_neurons))

        # Since H.transpose is num_neurons x num_samples and output matrix
        # is num_samples x num_output_dimensions that gives us this shape
        HTT = np.zeros((num_neurons, self.num_output_dimensions))

        # Adds to the matrix diagonal
        # Adding a small amount to the matrix diagonal improves numerical stability
        # Huang, G.-B., Zhou, H., Ding, X., Zhang, R.: Extreme learning machine for regression and
        HTH.ravel()[::num_neurons + 1] += self.alpha

        # Divide the data up into the batches
        # This part is extremely parallelizable
        for data_batch, output_batch in zip(np.array_split(self.data, num_batches),
                                            np.array_split(self.targets, num_batches)):
            batch_hidden_layer_output = self.calculate_neuron_outputs(np.asarray(data_batch))

            # H.T * H is of size num_neurons by num_neurons - this is cheap to store
            # H.T * T is of size num_neurons by num_output_dimensions - also cheap to store
            # We never actually store all of H at once

            # This is a piece of H.T * H
            HTH += np.dot(batch_hidden_layer_output.T, batch_hidden_layer_output)
            # This is a piece of H.T * T
            HTT += np.dot(batch_hidden_layer_output.T, output_batch)

        # Solve for beta using scipy.linalg.cpu_solve
        # H * Beta = Target
        # H.T * H * Beta = H.T * T
        # (H.T * H) * Beta = (H.T * T), solve for beta by doing (H.T * H)^-1 * (H.T * T)
        beta_matrix = cpu_solve(HTH, HTT, sym_pos=True)

        return HTH, HTT, beta_matrix