Пример #1
 def update_L(func, x, L, beta=0.9):
     value, gradient, hessian = func(x, 2)
     # largest eigen value
     # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12167654/fastest-way-to-compute-k-largest-eigenvalues-and-corresponding-eigenvectors-with
     evals_large, _ = largest_eigh(hessian, eigvals=(n - 1, n - 1))
     evals_small, _ = largest_eigh(hessian, eigvals=(0, 0))
     return max([L, abs(evals_large[0]), abs(evals_small[0])])
Пример #2
def largest_eigenvalue(mat):
    D = np.dot(mat.T, mat)
    N = len(D)
    k = 1
    eigvalues = largest_eigh(D, eigvals=(N - k, N - 1), eigvals_only=True)
    print 'Q shape: ' + str(D.shape)
    return eigvalues[0]
Пример #3
def get_eig(S, m):
    val, vec = largest_eigh(S, eigvals=(len(S) - m, len(S) -
                                        1))  # get the eigen value and vector
    sorted_vec = np.fliplr(vec)  # sort the vector
    val = np.flip(val)  # flip it to the right order
    matrix = np.diag(val)  # make the matrix
    return matrix, sorted_vec
Пример #4
def spectralCluster(s, k, sigma=.12):

    pointSet = np.asarray(list(zip(s[0], s[1])))
    n = len(pointSet)
    #sigma tuning param sweep over this param to find the val

    ### Step 1 ###
    # Generate a, the Affinity matrix
    a = np.zeros((len(pointSet), len(pointSet)))
    for i in range(len(pointSet)):
        for j in range(len(pointSet)):
            a[i][j] = np.power(
                np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(pointSet[i], pointSet[j])), 2)
    a = np.exp(np.divide(np.multiply(a, -1), 2 * sigma**2))
    #make diag of 0
    for i in range(len(pointSet)):
        a[i][i] = 0

    ### Step 2 ###
    # define d a diag matrix of sum of a's rows
    d = np.zeros((len(pointSet), len(pointSet)))
    for i in range(len(pointSet)):
        d[i][i] = np.sum(a[i])  #sum of rows of a

    # define L (eq given in the paper)
    da = np.matmul(np.power(np.linalg.inv(d), 0.5), a)
    L = np.matmul(da, np.power(np.linalg.inv(d), 0.5))  #np.linalg.inv(d)

    ### Step 3 ####
    # find the k biggest eigenvalues and vectors
    w, x = largest_eigh(L, eigvals=(n - k, n - 1))  #gives largest k eigenvals

    ### step 4 ###
    #create y matrix (x normalized )
    y = np.zeros((len(pointSet), len(pointSet)))
    norms = np.linalg.norm(x, axis=1)  #find norm of each row
    y = x / norms[:, None]  #divide each row by its norm

    ### step 5 ###
    # Perform clustering on the y matrix
    kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=k, max_iter=3000).fit(y)
    lab = np.expand_dims(np.asarray(kmeans.labels_), 1)

    ### step 6 ###
    #assign the elements to the proper cluster
    labeledPoints = np.append(pointSet, lab, axis=1)
    points = labeledPoints[labeledPoints[:, 2].argsort()]
    split = np.bincount(points[:, 2].astype(int))

    i = 0
    k = 0
    plot = []
    for j in split:  #split for plotting
        k += j
        i = k

    return plot, y  #k arrays of items belonging to their cluster and the ymatrix
def get_k_largest_eigenfaces(X, N, k, average, gil_sized, johnny_sized):
    vals_good, vecs_good = largest_eigh(
        ((np.dot(np.transpose(X), X)) / num_of_pics), eigvals=(N - k, N - 1))
    good_first_gil = average
    good_first_johnny = average
    for col in range(0, k):
        eigenvec_pic_good = np.ndarray.reshape(vecs_good[:, col], (50, 45))
        # eigenvec_pic_final_good = eigenvec_pic_good * (255 / np.max(eigenvec_pic_good))
        good_first_gil = good_first_gil + (
            gil_sized * eigenvec_pic_good) * eigenvec_pic_good
        good_first_johnny = good_first_johnny + (
            johnny_sized * eigenvec_pic_good) * eigenvec_pic_good

        path + "\johnny.jpg" + "_%d_first_johnny_rec.jpg" % (k),
    matplotlib.image.imsave(path + "\gil.jpg" + "_%d_first_gil_rec.jpg" % (k),
Пример #6
def MDS(codebook, dimensions):
    num_points = len(codebook)

    # matrix of SQUARED distances (really this is P^2)
    P = dist.squareform(dist.pdist(codebook, 'euclidean'))**2
    I = np.identity(num_points)
    ONE = np.ones((num_points, num_points))
    J = I - (1. / num_points) * ONE  # Centering matrix for MDS
    B = -0.5 * J * P * J

    # Calculate the d largest eigenvalues (L) and corresponding eigenvectors (E)
    (L, E) = largest_eigh(B, eigvals=(num_points - dimensions, num_points - 1))

    # Sort from highest to lowest and square root
    L = np.sqrt(np.flipud(L))

    # Sort from largest to smallest positive eigenvectors
    E = np.fliplr(E)

    return -1 * (E * L)  # don't know why we need the -1...
Пример #7
start = time.time()
# Using dot product we implement the new method 
np.random.seed(3)# to calculate the values of time with random seed in this case we have given
# 0 and we can chnage it to many other things like. let sy to value 2 or we can implement for loop
# to iterate the function and get required values. 
X = np.random.random((N,N)) - 2.5
X = np.dot(X, X.T) #create a symmetric matrix

# Benchmark the dense routine
start = clock()
evals_large, evecs_large = largest_eigh(X, eigvals=(N-k,N-1))
elapsed = (clock() - start)
print("eigh elapsed time: ", elapsed)
# Benchmark the sparse routine
start = clock()
evals_large_sparse, evecs_large_sparse = largest_eigsh(X, k, which='LM')
elapsed = (clock() - start)
print("eigsh elapsed time: ", elapsed)


# approach 2 Numpy universial functions
import numpy as np
import time
import sys # library to see the memoray occupied by list and numpy array. 
Пример #8
times = np.zeros((N,4))
H = np.random.random((N,N)) - 0.5
H = np.dot(H, H.T) #create a symmetric matrix

for i in range(N-50):
	print i
	i = i+15
	n = i
	conv = 1

	times[i-2][0] = i

	# Benchmark the dense routine
	start = clock()
	evals_large, evecs_large = largest_eigh(H[0:n,0:n], eigvals=(n-k,n-1))
	elapsed = (clock() - start)
	times[i-2][1] = elapsed
# 	print "eigh elapsed time: ", elapsed

	# Benchmark the sparse routine
	start = clock()
	evals_large_sparse, evecs_large_sparse = largest_eigsh(H[0:n,0:n], k, which='LM')
	elapsed = (clock() - start)
	times[i-2][2] = elapsed
# 	print "eigsh elapsed time: ", elapsed

	start = clock()

	phi0 = np.random.rand(n)
	# print la.eig(H)[1].T
                current_pic_vec = np.ndarray.reshape(current_pic, (1, d))
                if X.all() == 1:
                    X = current_pic_vec
                    X = np.vstack((X, current_pic_vec))
print("Calc Pn : number of images = ", num_of_pics)

# calculate first 10 eigenfaces
N = d
k = 10
vals, vecs = largest_eigh(((np.dot(np.transpose(X), X)) / num_of_pics),
                          eigvals=(N - k, N - 1))
print("calculate first 10 eigenfaces : dim of the first eigenvector is: ",
for col in range(0, 10):
    eigenvec_pic = np.ndarray.reshape(vecs[:, col], (50, 45))
    eigenvec_pic_final = eigenvec_pic * (255 / np.max(eigenvec_pic))
    newpath = path + "\%d_eigenvector.jpg" % (col + 1)
    matplotlib.image.imsave(newpath + "_lower_contrast.jpg",
    plt.imsave(newpath, eigenvec_pic_final, vmin=0, vmax=255)

# pre-processing own pics
print("Pre Processing own images")
johnny = io.imread(path + "\johnny.jpg", as_grey=True)
gil = io.imread(path + "\gil.jpg", as_grey=True)
Пример #10
        data = np.genfromtxt('./toy_data/traizines.csv',
        A = data[:, 1:]
        b = data[:, 0]

    poly = PolynomialFeatures(poly_degree)
    A = poly.fit_transform(A)[:, 1:]
    A = (A - A.mean(axis=0)) / A.std(axis=0)
    b = b - b.mean(axis=0)
    m, n = A.shape

    print('  * dim A =', A.shape)
    print('  * max_lam(AAt) = %.4e' %
          largest_eigh(np.dot(A, A.transpose()), eigvals=(m - 1, m - 1))[0][0])

    # find lam1_max, and determine lam1 and lam2
    Atb = np.dot(A.transpose(), b)
    lam1_max = LA.norm(Atb, np.inf) / alpha
    lam1 = alpha * c_lam * lam1_max
    lam2 = (1 - alpha) * c_lam * lam1_max

    # -------------------- #
    #  ssnal_elastic_core  #
    # -------------------- #

    print('  * start ssnal_elastic')
    out_core = ssnal_elastic_core(A=A,
def calculate_eigs(square_matrix):
    N = len(square_matrix)
    sorted_eigen_values, sorted_eigen_vectors = largest_eigh(square_matrix,
                                                                      N - 1))
    return sorted_eigen_values, sorted_eigen_vectors
def calculate_K_largest_eigs(square_matrix, K):
    N = len(square_matrix)
    evalues_large, evectors_large = largest_eigh(square_matrix,
                                                 eigvals=(N - K, N - 1))
    return evalues_large, evectors_large
Пример #13
import numpy as np
from time import clock
from scipy.linalg import eigh as largest_eigh
from scipy.sparse.linalg.eigen.arpack import eigsh as largest_eigsh

X = np.random.random((N,N)) - 0.5
X = np.dot(X, X.T) #create a symmetric matrix

# Benchmark the dense routine
start = clock()
evals_large, evecs_large = largest_eigh(X, eigvals=(N-k,N-1))
elapsed = (clock() - start)

# Benchmark the sparse routine
start = clock()
evals_large_sparse, evecs_large_sparse = largest_eigsh(X, k, which='LM')
elapsed = (clock() - start)
print "eigsh elapsed time: ", elapsed
Пример #14
        data = np.genfromtxt('./toy_data/traizines.csv',
        A = data[:, 1:]
        b = data[:, 0]

    poly = PolynomialFeatures(poly_degree)
    A = poly.fit_transform(A)[:, 1:]
    A = (A - A.mean(axis=0)) / A.std(axis=0)
    b -= b.mean(axis=0)
    m, n = A.shape

    print('  * dim A =', A.shape)
    print('  * max_lam(AAt) = %.4e' %
          largest_eigh(np.dot(A, A.T), eigvals=(m - 1, m - 1))[0][0])
    # TODO MM use np.linalg.norm(A, ord=2) ** 2?
    # TODO TB largest_eigh is more efficient. With a 1000x1000 matrix it took 0.3 sec while np.linalg.norm took 1.7sec

    # find lam1_max, and determine lam1 and lam2
    lam1_max = LA.norm(A.T @ b, ord=np.inf) / alpha
    lam1 = alpha * c_lam * lam1_max
    lam2 = (1 - alpha) * c_lam * lam1_max

    # -------------------- #
    #  ssnal_elastic_core  #
    # -------------------- #

    print('  * start ssnal_elastic')