Пример #1
def liner():
    #import os
    #try: os.mkdir('glassline')
    #except: pass
    import PIL.Image
    glassmodel = np.empty((len(glasslist),(70-25)*(90-0)),np.uint8)
    idx = 0
    for i in glasslist:
        img = PIL.Image.open(s2o(dataset.read(i)))
        glassmodel[idx] = misc.fromimage(img).flatten()
        print i
    print glassmodel.shape

    nglassmodel = np.empty((len(noglasslist),(70-25)*(90-0)),np.uint8)
    idx = 0
    for i in noglasslist:
        img = PIL.Image.open(s2o(dataset.read(i)))
        nglassmodel[idx] = misc.fromimage(img).flatten()
        print i
    print nglassmodel.shape
Пример #2
def original_color_transform(content, generated):
    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='RGB'),
                          mode='YCbCr')  # Convert to YCbCr color space
    generated[:, :, 1:] = content[:, :, 1:]  # Generated CbCr = Content CbCr
    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='YCbCr'),
                          mode='RGB')  # Convert to RGB color space
    return generated
Пример #3
    def _init_images(self, inputs, convert=False):
        """Initialize Input Image Paths and Image Array.
            This is a inner function that should not be used outside of this Class.
            Every time you do this, images will be recalculated based on the input image directory.
          images: image dict: {path, image array}
        def _preprocess_batch(img):
            return ([i[0] for i in img], np.asarray([i[1] for i in img]))

        if convert == True:
            images = [[
                    os.path.join(d, filename),
                    misc.fromimage(Image.open(os.path.join(d,filename)).convert('RGB').resize((self.height, self.width), Image.ANTIALIAS))
                        ] for d,_,fList in os.walk(inputs) \
                        for filename in fList \
                        if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.jpg')]
            images = [[
                    os.path.join(d, filename),
                        ] for d,_,fList in os.walk(inputs) \
                        for filename in fList \
                        if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, '*.jpg')]
        return [
            _preprocess_batch(images[i:i + self.extract_image_batch])
            for i in range(0, len(images), self.extract_image_batch)
Пример #4
def original_color_transform(content,
    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='RGB'),
                          mode=mode)  # Convert to YCbCr color space

    if mask is None:
        if hist_match == 1:
            for channel in range(3):
                generated[:, :,
                          channel] = match_histograms(generated[:, :, channel],
                                                      content[:, :, channel])
            generated[:, :, 1:] = content[:, :, 1:]
        width, height, channels = generated.shape

        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                if mask[i, j] == 1:
                    if hist_match == 1:
                        for channel in range(3):
                            generated[i, j, channel] = match_histograms(
                                generated[i, j, channel], content[i, j,
                        generated[i, j, 1:] = content[i, j, 1:]

    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode=mode),
                          mode='RGB')  # Convert to RGB color space
    return generated
Пример #5
    def __rotate_image(self, matrix, angle=None, precision=1):
        Rotates the given matrix to a specified angle (in degree).
        matrix      : 2D numpy array
        [angle]     : Rotation angle of the matrix. If none is specified, it
                      will use the previously defined angle
        [precision] : relative size of the matrix used for the rotation. For
                      example, with a precision set to 0.5, the matrix that will
                      rotate has half the size of the original
        if angle == None:
            angle = self.angle
        # The rotation is done by converting the matrix in a PIL object
        # and then applying the rotation to it to finally reconvert
        # into a numpy matrix.
        # A mask is generated to reject pixels that are outside the
        # original image. It finally results in a masked array. Thanks
        # to that, we can do matrix manipulation without taking care
        # of suplementary pixels generated by the rotation.

        tmp_image = misc.toimage(matrix, mode='F')
        new_size = (numpy.array(tmp_image.size) * precision).round()
        tmp_image = tmp_image.resize(new_size)
        tmp_mask = misc.toimage(numpy.ones(new_size).transpose(), mode='F')
        array_image = misc.fromimage(tmp_image.rotate(angle, expand=1))
        array_mask = abs(misc.fromimage(tmp_mask.rotate(angle, expand=1)) - 1)
        return numpy.ma.array(array_image, mask=array_mask)
Пример #6
def read_captcha( file ):
    from time import time

    image = Image.open( file )
    image = image.convert( "P" )
    image = image.resize( ( image.size[0] * 3, image.size[1] * 3 ), Image.ANTIALIAS )

    image2 = Image.new( "P", image.size, 255 )

    for x in range( image.size[1] ):
      for y in range( image.size[0] ):
        pix = image.getpixel( ( y, x ) )
        if pix > 15 and pix < 150:
            image2.putpixel( ( y, x ), 0 )

    image2 = image2.convert( 'RGB' )

    data = misc.fromimage( image2 )
    data_slices = find_paws( 255-data, smooth_radius = 2, threshold = 200 )

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw( image2 )

    letters = []
    bboxes = slice_to_bbox( data_slices )
    for bbox in bboxes:
        xwidth = bbox.x2 - bbox.x1
        ywidth = bbox.y2 - bbox.y1
        if xwidth < 40 and ywidth < 40:
            draw.rectangle( ( bbox.x1 - 1, bbox.y1 - 1, bbox.x2 + 1, bbox.y2 + 1 ), fill='white' )
        elif xwidth > 60 and ywidth > 69:
            letters.append( ( bbox.x1, bbox.y1, bbox.x2, bbox.y2 ) )
            #draw.rectangle( ( bbox.x1 - 1, bbox.y1 - 1, bbox.x2 + 1, bbox.y2 + 1 ), outline='red' )
    letters = sorted( letters, key=lambda i: i[0] )
    if len( letters ) == 5: 
        i = 0
        final_result = []
        for letter in letters:
            i += 1
            im = image2.crop( letter )
            image = image.convert( "P" )
            im = im.resize( ( im.size[0], im.size[1] ), Image.ANTIALIAS )
            im = im.filter( ImageFilter.DETAIL )

            dt = misc.fromimage( im )

            filename = 'resources/%s-%d.png' % ( file, i )
            im = misc.toimage( dt )
            im.save( filename )

            tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete = False )

            process = subprocess.Popen(['tesseract', filename, tempFile.name, '-psm', '10', 'letters' ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
            final_result.append( open( tempFile.name + '.txt', 'r' ).read() )

        return ''.join( [ l.upper().strip() for l in final_result ] )
Пример #7
def extract(watermarked_filename):
    # Key input
    key = "N;fpr-y7hrcMste4"
    # Load cover image (array)
    watermarked_array = misc.fromimage(Image.open(watermarked_filename))
    # Blue plane
    B = watermarked_array[:, :, 2]
    # Initial values
    la, QF = -1, 77.0
    vac = []
    vac_aux = []
    list_param = [0.27, 0.33456289967845987, 1.99989888346577778, 8]
    x0, p = list_param[1], list_param[2]
    secrete_bits = ""
    # Instances
    dt = Dtop(13, 13)
    blocks_instance = BlocksImage(B)
    # Creating zero matrix
    dims = (blocks_instance.max_num_blocks(), 64)
    matrix_vac = np.zeros(dims)
    # Sub-keys
    Lkey = div_key(key)
    # Key expansion from sha512
    key_expansion = sha512_bin(Lkey[0]) + sha512_bin(Lkey[1])
    # Collecting AC coefficients
    for i in range(blocks_instance.max_num_blocks()):
        DCT_Coef = dt.dtop2(blocks_instance.get_block(i))
        matrix_vac[i, :] = vzig_zag_scan(quantpq(DCT_Coef, QF))
        vac.extend(matrix_vac[i, :][1:9])

    key_expansion = increase_string(key_expansion, len(vac))

    # Dividing into bloks of length 9
    N = len(vac) // 64

    # Extracting secrete bits
    for i in range(N):
        j = i * 64
        k = (i + 1) * 64
        vacp = vac[j:k]
        pos = permuted_pos(key_expansion[j:k], x0, p)
        for r in range(len(vacp)):
            secrete_bits += ext_lsb(abs(round(vacp[pos[r]])))

    # Conformando QR
    wh = int(math.sqrt(len(secrete_bits)))
    extract_image = Image.new("1", (wh, wh), 255)
    array_extract_image = misc.fromimage(extract_image)

    for i in range(wh):
        for y in range(wh):
            if secrete_bits[wh*i+y] == '0':
                array_extract_image[i, y] = 0

    myqr = MyQR62()
    return misc.toimage(myqr.get_resconstructed(array_extract_image))
Пример #8
 def dat2(self, inputImage):
     s = inputImage.size
     input_array = misc.fromimage(inputImage)
     outputImage = Image.new('L', s)
     output_array = misc.fromimage(outputImage)
     for x in range(s[1]):
         for y in range(s[0]):
             output_array[(x + y) % s[1],
                          (2 * x + y) % s[0]] = input_array[x, y]
     return misc.toimage(output_array)
Пример #9
	def _loadImageY(self, path, is_noise):
		im = Image.open(path).convert('YCbCr')

		if is_noise:
			im = misc.fromimage(im).astype('float32')
			im = misc.fromimage(im.resize((2*im.size[0], 2*im.size[1]), resample=Image.NEAREST)).astype('float32')

		x = np.reshape(np.array(im[:,:,0]), (1, 1, im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) / 255.0

		return im, x
Пример #10
	def _loadImageRGB(self, path, is_noise):
		im = Image.open(path)

		if is_noise:
			im = misc.fromimage(im).astype('float32')
			im = misc.fromimage(im.resize((2*im.size[0], 2*im.size[1]), resample=Image.NEAREST)).astype('float32')

		x = np.array([[im[:,:,0], im[:,:,1], im[:,:,2]]])/255.0

		return im, x
Пример #11
    def _loadImageRGB(self, path, is_noise):
        im = Image.open(path)

        if is_noise:
            im = misc.fromimage(im).astype('float32')
            im = misc.fromimage(
                im.resize((2 * im.size[0], 2 * im.size[1]),

        x = np.array([[im[:, :, 0], im[:, :, 1], im[:, :, 2]]]) / 255.0

        return im, x
Пример #12
    def _loadImageY(self, path, is_noise):
        im = Image.open(path).convert('YCbCr')

        if is_noise:
            im = misc.fromimage(im).astype('float32')
            im = misc.fromimage(
                im.resize((2 * im.size[0], 2 * im.size[1]),

        x = np.reshape(np.array(im[:, :, 0]),
                       (1, 1, im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) / 255.0

        return im, x
Пример #13
def original_color_transform(content, generated):
    Applies the color space of content image to the generated image

        content: input image of shape (img_width, img_height, 3)
        generated: input image of shape (img_width, img_height, 3)

    Returns: image of same shape as input shape

    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated), mode='YCbCr')  # Convert to YCbCr color space
    generated[:, :, 1:] = content[:, :, 1:]  # Generated CbCr = Content CbCr
    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='YCbCr'), mode='RGB')  # Convert to RGB color space
    return generated
Пример #14
def original_color_transform(content, generated, mask=None):
    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='RGB'), mode='YCbCr')  # Convert to YCbCr color space

    if mask is None:
        generated[:, :, 1:] = content[:, :, 1:]  # Generated CbCr = Content CbCr
        width, height, channels = generated.shape

        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                if mask[i, j] == 1:
                    generated[i, j, 1:] = content[i, j, 1:]

    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='YCbCr'), mode='RGB')  # Convert to RGB color space
    return generated
Пример #15
def original_color_transform(content, generated, mask=None):
    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='RGB'), mode='YCbCr')  # Convert to YCbCr color space

    if mask is None:
        generated[:, :, 1:] = content[:, :, 1:]  # Generated CbCr = Content CbCr
        width, height, channels = generated.shape

        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                if mask[i, j] == 1:
                    generated[i, j, 1:] = content[i, j, 1:]

    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='YCbCr'), mode='RGB')  # Convert to RGB color space
    return generated
Пример #16
def flickr_nn(folder_name, pd, num_nn):
    files = glob(folder_name + "*.jpeg")

    for file in files:
        #run nearest neighbors, get the 100 nearest neighbors for each image 
        #   and copy them to the right location
        #   along wi,th the tag files
        print "opening image"
        im = Image.open(file)
        im2 = fromimage(im.resize((32, 32), Image.ANTIALIAS))
        print "performing nearest neighbors"
        filenames = pd.knn(im2, num_nn)
        mydir = file.split(".")[0]
            print "directory already exists"

        for my_match_file in filenames:
            my_match_file = my_match_file.replace("_pca.pck", ".jpeg")
            shutil.copy(my_match_file, mydir+"/"+my_match_file.split("/")[-1])
            my_match_file = my_match_file.replace("FlickrResized", "FlickrImages")
            tofile = my_match_file.split("/")[-1].split(".")[-2]
            shutil.copy(my_match_file, mydir+"/"+tofile+"_small.jpeg")
            my_match_file = my_match_file.replace(".jpeg", "_tags.txt")
            my_match_file = my_match_file.replace("FlickrImages", "FlickrNotes")
                shutil.copy(my_match_file, mydir+"/"+my_match_file.split("/")[-1])
                print "no tag files"
Пример #17
def tst_fromimage(filename, irange):
    fp = open(filename, "rb")
    img = misc.fromimage(PIL.Image.open(fp))
    imin, imax = irange
    assert_(img.min() >= imin)
    assert_(img.max() <= imax)
Пример #18
def snapshot(image=None, size=None):
    r"""Acquires an image as a numpy array.

        If the image argument is None, a screenshot is grabbed. otherwise, the
        given image is converted to a 2- or 3-dimensional numpy array, depending
        on whether it's colour or grayscale.
    if isinstance(image, ndarray):
        return image

    if image == None:
            from ImageGrab import grab

            image = grab()
            from os import system

            name = "screenshot.png"
            command = "scrot %s" % name
            image = loadimage(name)
    elif isinstance(image, basestring):
        image = loadimage(image)

    if size != None:
        (m, n) = size
        image = image.resize((n, m), ANTIALIAS)

    return dstack(fromimage(channel) for channel in image.split())
Пример #19
def im2ar( image_ ):
    """Convert PIL Image to Numpy array."""
    if image_.mode in ('L', 'I', 'F'):
        # Warning: only works with PIL.Image.Image whose mode is 'L', 'I' or 'F'
        #          => error if mode == 'I;16' for instance
        array_ = fromimage( image_ )
        return array_
Пример #20
    def get_dlib_face_regions(self):
        Detect face regions with DLIB
        :return: list of Regions

        face_regions = []
        detector = dlib.get_frontal_face_detector()

        for zoom in DLIB_ZOOM:
            strip = self.panorama_img.crop((0, 1975, PANORAMA_WIDTH, 2600))
            zoomed_size = (int(zoom * PANORAMA_WIDTH), int(zoom * 625))
            zoomed = strip.resize(zoomed_size, Image.BICUBIC)

            detected_faces, _, _ = detector.run(misc.fromimage(zoomed),
                                                DLIB_UPSCALE, DLIB_THRESHOLD)
            regions = []
            for d in detected_faces:
                regions.append((d.left(), d.top(), d.right() - d.left(),
                                d.bottom() - d.top()))

            derived = derive(regions, 0, 1975, zoom, 'dlib', DLIB_UPSCALE,

        return face_regions
def _compress(data, quality=75):
    data_shape = np.shape(data)
    is_l = data_shape[-1] == 1
    if is_l:
        data = np.squeeze(data, axis=3)

    buffer_fp = BytesIO()
    tmp_data = []
    for cur_data in data:
        cur_img = Image.fromarray(cur_data)
        cur_img.save(buffer_fp, format='jpeg', quality=quality)
        # buffer = buffer_fp.getbuffer()
        compressed_img = Image.open(buffer_fp)

    data = np.asarray(tmp_data)

    if is_l:
        data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=3)
        #data = data[:, :, :, np.newaxis]

    return data
Пример #22
def find_dominant_colors(image):
    """Cluster the colors of the image in CLUSTER_NUMBER of clusters. Returns
    an array of dominant colors reverse sorted by cluster size.

    array = img_as_float(fromimage(image))

    # Reshape from MxNx4 to Mx4 array
    array = array.reshape(scipy.product(array.shape[:2]), array.shape[2])

    # Remove transparent pixels if any (channel 4 is alpha)
    if array.shape[-1] > 3:
        array = array[array[:, 3] == 1]

    # Finding centroids (centroids are colors)
    centroids, _ = kmeans(array, CLUSTER_NUMBER)

    # Allocate pixel to a centroid cluster
    observations, _ = vq(array, centroids)

    # Calculate the number of pixels in a cluster
    histogram, _ = scipy.histogram(observations, len(centroids))

    # Sort centroids by number of pixels in their cluster
    sorted_centroids = sorted(zip(centroids, histogram),
                              key=lambda x: x[1],

    sorted_colors = tuple((couple[0] for couple in sorted_centroids))

    return sorted_colors
Пример #23
def original_color_transform(content, generated, mask=None):
    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode="RGB"), mode="YCbCr")

    if mask is None:
        generated[:, :, 1:] = content[:, :,
                                      1:]  # Generated CbCr =  Content CbCr
        width, height, channels = generated.shape

        for i in range(width):
            for j in range(height):
                if mask[i, j] == 1:
                    generated[i, j, 1:] = content[i, j, 1:]

    generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode="YCbCr"), mode="RGB")
    return generated
Пример #24
def resize(data, dims):
    """ Wrapper to resize an image """
    import scipy.misc as smp
    import Image
    tmp = smp.fromimage(smp.toimage(data, mode='F'))
    tmp = tmp.resize(dims, Image.ANTIALIAS)
    return tmp
Пример #25
def tst_fromimage(filename, irange):
    fp = open(filename, "rb")
    img = misc.fromimage(PIL.Image.open(fp))
    imin,imax = irange
    assert_(img.min() >= imin)
    assert_(img.max() <= imax)
Пример #26
def prepare_image_for_correlation(im):
    letterArray = fromimage(im.convert('RGB'))
    # Black and white
    letterArray = scipy.inner(letterArray, [299, 587, 114]) / 1000.0
    # Normalize
    letterArray = (letterArray - letterArray.mean()) / letterArray.std()
    return letterArray
Пример #27
 def transform(single):
     simage = misc.toimage(single)
     timg = PIL.Image.new(simage.mode,simage.size)
     simage = timg
     simage = simage.rotate(angle,PIL.Image.BICUBIC,expand=False)
     return misc.fromimage(simage)
Пример #28
def fonts_template(fn=None, ttf=None):
    ttf = ttf or 'c:/windows/fonts/ariali.ttf'
    fn = fn or 'd:/temp/fonts.arrs'

    m = dict()
    font = ImageFont.truetype(ttf, 18)
    for e in '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ':
        arr = font.getmask(e, mode='L')
        arr = Image.Image()._new(arr)
        arr = misc.fromimage(arr)
        h, w = arr.shape

        print '%s:<%s,%s> %s' % (e, h, w, arr[0, 0])
        if w < 10:
            tmp = numpy.ndarray((h, 10), dtype=arr.dtype)
            i = (10 - w) / 2
            tmp[:, i:i + w] = arr
            arr = tmp
        #arr = arr[3:18,:]
        arr = arr[2:19, :]
        arr = im_norm(arr)
        rs = ndimage.correlate(arr, arr, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
        limit = numpy.max(rs)
        m[e] = (limit, arr)

    cPickle.dump(m, open(fn, 'wb'))
Пример #29
def scale_colors(images: np.ndarray, nchannels=3):
    orig_shape = images.shape
    assert images.shape[-1] == nchannels

    if images.dtype == np.uint:
      return images

    from scipy.misc import toimage, fromimage
    def prep(img):
      return fromimage(toimage(np.clip(img, 0, 255), mode='RGB'))

    if images.ndim == 3:
      return fromimage(toimage(np.clip(images, 0, 255)))

    images = images.copy()
    res = np.zeros(images.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    res.shape = (-1,) + images.shape[-nchannels:]
    images.shape = res.shape
    N = res.shape[0]

    for i in range(N):
      res[i] = prep(images[i])

    res.shape = orig_shape
    return res
    print('input shape: %s' % orig_shape, file=sys.stderr)
Пример #30
def fonts_template(fn=None,ttf=None):
    ttf = ttf or 'c:/windows/fonts/ariali.ttf'
    fn = fn or 'd:/temp/fonts.arrs'

    m = dict()
    font = ImageFont.truetype(ttf, 18)
    for e in  '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ':
        arr = font.getmask(e, mode='L')
        arr = Image.Image()._new(arr)
        arr = misc.fromimage(arr)
        h,w = arr.shape
        print '%s:<%s,%s> %s'%(e, h,w, arr[0,0])
        if w<10:
            tmp = numpy.ndarray( (h,10), dtype=arr.dtype )
            i = (10-w)/2
            tmp[:,i:i+w] = arr
            arr = tmp
        #arr = arr[3:18,:]
        arr = arr[2:19,:]
        arr = im_norm(arr)
        rs = ndimage.correlate(arr,arr, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
        limit = numpy.max(rs)
        m[e] = (limit,arr)

    cPickle.dump(m, open(fn,'wb'))
Пример #31
    def load_edge(self, img, index, mask):
        sigma = self.sigma

        # in test mode images are masked (with masked regions),
        # using 'mask' parameter prevents canny to detect edges for the masked regions
        mask = None if self.training else (1 - mask / 255).astype(np.bool)

        # canny
        if self.edge == 1:
            # no edge
            if sigma == -1:
                return np.zeros(img.shape).astype(np.float)

            # random sigma
            if sigma == 0:
                sigma = random.randint(1, 4)

            return canny(img, sigma=sigma, mask=mask).astype(np.float)

        # external
            imgh, imgw = img.shape[0:2]

            edge = Image.open(self.edge_data[index]).resize((imgh, imgw),Image.ANTIALIAS)
            edge = fromimage(edge)

            # non-max suppression
            if self.nms == 1:
                edge = edge * canny(img, sigma=sigma, mask=mask)

            return edge
Пример #32
    def extract(self, watermarked_image):
        Retorna la imagen marcada con los pixeles modificados de
        color verde
        # Generate R1 and R2
        self.M, self.N = watermarked_image.size
        self.generateR1andR2(self.N, self.M)

        # Dividiendo en componentes RGB
        r, g, b = watermarked_image.split()

        # Bloques modificados en componente Red
        bmr = self.extractEnComponente(r)
        # Bloques modificados en componente Green
        bmg = self.extractEnComponente(g)
        # Bloques modificados en componente Blue
        bmb = self.extractEnComponente(b)

        bm = list(set(bmr + bmg + bmb))

        # Dividing in 1x1 blocks
        watermarked_array = misc.fromimage(watermarked_image)

        y = len(watermarked_array)
        x = len(watermarked_array[0])

        for item in bm:
            fila = item // x
            columna = item % x
            watermarked_array[fila, columna] = [0, 255, 0]

        return misc.toimage(watermarked_array)
def threshold2(frame, threshold):
    '''Returns a list of the pixel indicies of all of the pixels in the image
    whose value is below the given threshold. Requires 'im_array' to be a 2D
    bitmap array of numbers (for our purposes these numbers represent an
    8-bit image and therefore take on values from 0-255.)'''

    points = []

    frame = frame.point(lambda p: p < threshold)

    im_array = fromimage(frame).astype('float')

        B = argwhere(im_array)
        (ystart, xstart), (ystop, xstop) = B.min(0), B.max(0) + 1 
        cropped_array = im_array[ystart:ystop, xstart:xstop]
        p = array(nonzero(cropped_array)).swapaxes(0,1)

        for (y,x) in p:
    except ValueError:
    return points
Пример #34
def getRGB(filename):
    im = Image.open(filename)
    width = im.size[0]
    height = im.size[1]
    im = im.convert('RGB')
    data = fromimage(im)
    return [data, width, height]
    def extract(self, watermarked_image):
        import cv2
        # To array
        watermarked_array = misc.fromimage(watermarked_image)

        modifiedBlocks = []

        # components
        for i in range(3):
            component = watermarked_array[:, :, i]
            m = self.extractFromComponent(component)
            modifiedBlocks += m
        modifiedBlocks = list(set(modifiedBlocks))

        # Dividing in 32x32 blocks
        blocks32x32 = BlocksImage(watermarked_array, 32, 32)
        for item in modifiedBlocks:
            coord = blocks32x32.get_coord(item)
            for x in range(32):
                for y in range(32):
                    watermarked_array[coord[0]+x, coord[1]+y] = [0, 255, 0]
                watermarked_array, (coord[1], coord[0]),
                (coord[3], coord[2]), (0, 255, 0), 1)
        return Image.fromarray(watermarked_array)
Пример #36
def im2ar(image_):
    """Convert PIL Image to Numpy array."""
    if image_.mode in ('L', 'I', 'F'):
        # Warning: only works with PIL.Image.Image whose mode is 'L', 'I' or 'F'
        #          => error if mode == 'I;16' for instance
        array_ = fromimage(image_)
        return array_
Пример #37
def load_and_align_data(pre_detect_images, image_size, margin,
    images = []
    for image in pre_detect_images:
        im = Image.open(BytesIO(base64.b64decode(image['b64_bytes'])))
        img = misc.fromimage(im, flatten=False, mode='RGB')

    results = detect_face.bulk_detect_face(images, 0.05, pnet, rnet, onet,
                                           threshold, factor)
    for ctr, res in enumerate(results):
        pre_detect_images[ctr]['faces'] = []
        if not res:
        img_size = np.asarray(images[ctr].shape)[0:2]
        bounding_boxes, _ = res
        for box_ctr, bounding_box in enumerate(bounding_boxes):
            det = np.squeeze(bounding_boxes[box_ctr, 0:4])
            bb = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.int32)
            bb[0] = np.maximum(det[0] - margin / 2, 0)
            bb[1] = np.maximum(det[1] - margin / 2, 0)
            bb[2] = np.minimum(det[2] + margin / 2, img_size[1])
            bb[3] = np.minimum(det[3] + margin / 2, img_size[0])
            cropped = images[ctr][bb[1]:bb[3], bb[0]:bb[2], :]
            aligned = misc.imresize(
                cropped, (image_size, image_size), interp='bilinear')
            prewhitened = facenet.prewhiten(aligned)
                'prewhitened': prewhitened,
                'bb': bb
    return pre_detect_images
Пример #38
def prepare_image_for_correlation(im):
    letterArray = fromimage(im.convert('RGB'))
    # Black and white
    letterArray = scipy.inner(letterArray, [299, 587, 114]) / 1000.0
    # Normalize
    letterArray = (letterArray - letterArray.mean()) / letterArray.std()
    return letterArray
Пример #39
def score(filename):
    Score individual image files for the genetic algorithm.
    The idea is to derive predictive factors for the langmuir performance
    (i.e., max power) based on the connectivity, phase fractions, domain sizes,
    etc. The scoring function should be based on multivariate fits from a database
    of existing simulations. To ensure good results, use robust regression techniques
    and cross-validate the best-fit.

    :param filename: image file name
    :type filename: str

    :return score (ideally as an estimated maximum power in W/(m^2))
    :rtype float
    # this works around a weird bug in scipy.misc.imread with 1-bit images
    # open them with PIL as 8-bit greyscale "L" and then convert to ndimage
    pil_img = Image.open(filename)
    image = misc.fromimage(pil_img.convert("L"))

    width, height = image.shape
    if width != 256 or height != 256:
        print "Size Error: ", filename

    #    isize = analyze.interface_size(image)
    ads1, std1 = analyze.average_domain_size(image)

    # we now need to invert the image to get the second domain size
    inverted = (image < image.mean())
    ads2, std2 = analyze.average_domain_size(inverted)

    #overall average domain size
    ads = (ads1 + ads2) / 2.0

    # transfer distances
    # connectivity
    td1, connect1, td2, connect2 = analyze.transfer_distance(image)

    spots = np.logical_xor(image,
        ndimage.binary_erosion(image, structure=np.ones((2,2))))
    erosion = np.count_nonzero(spots)

    spots = np.logical_xor(image,
        ndimage.binary_dilation(image, structure=np.ones((2,2))))
    dilation = np.count_nonzero(spots)

    # fraction of phase one
    nonzero = np.count_nonzero(image)
    fraction = float(nonzero) / float(image.size)
    # scores zero at 0, 1 and maximum at 0.5
    ps = fraction*(1.0-fraction)

    # from simulations with multivariate nonlinear regression
    return (-1.98566e8) + (-1650.14)/ads + (-680.92)*math.pow(ads,0.25) + \
           1.56236e7*math.tanh(14.5*(connect1 + 0.4)) + 1.82945e8*math.tanh(14.5*(connect2 + 0.4)) \
           + 2231.32*connect1*connect2 \
           + (-4.72813)*td1 + (-4.86025)*td2 \
           + 3.79109e7*ps**8 \
           + 0.0540293*dilation + 0.0700451*erosion
Пример #40
def score(filename):
    Score individual image files for the genetic algorithm.
    The idea is to derive predictive factors for the langmuir performance
    (i.e., max power) based on the connectivity, phase fractions, domain sizes,
    etc. The scoring function should be based on multivariate fits from a database
    of existing simulations. To ensure good results, use robust regression techniques
    and cross-validate the best-fit.

    :param filename: image file name
    :type filename: str

    :return score (ideally as an estimated maximum power in W/(m^2))
    :rtype float
    # this works around a weird bug in scipy.misc.imread with 1-bit images
    # open them with PIL as 8-bit greyscale "L" and then convert to ndimage
    pil_img = Image.open(filename)
    image = misc.fromimage(pil_img.convert("L"))

    width, height = image.shape
    if width != 256 or height != 256:
        print "Size Error: ", filename

    #    isize = analyze.interface_size(image)
    ads1, std1 = analyze.average_domain_size(image)

    # we now need to invert the image to get the second domain size
    inverted = (image < image.mean())
    ads2, std2 = analyze.average_domain_size(inverted)

    #overall average domain size
    ads = (ads1 + ads2) / 2.0

    # transfer distances
    # connectivity
    td1, connect1, td2, connect2 = analyze.transfer_distance(image)

    spots = np.logical_xor(
        image, ndimage.binary_erosion(image, structure=np.ones((2, 2))))
    erosion = np.count_nonzero(spots)

    spots = np.logical_xor(
        image, ndimage.binary_dilation(image, structure=np.ones((2, 2))))
    dilation = np.count_nonzero(spots)

    # fraction of phase one
    nonzero = np.count_nonzero(image)
    fraction = float(nonzero) / float(image.size)
    # scores zero at 0, 1 and maximum at 0.5
    ps = fraction * (1.0 - fraction)

    # from simulations with multivariate nonlinear regression
    return (-1.98566e8) + (-1650.14)/ads + (-680.92)*math.pow(ads,0.25) + \
           1.56236e7*math.tanh(14.5*(connect1 + 0.4)) + 1.82945e8*math.tanh(14.5*(connect2 + 0.4)) \
           + 2231.32*connect1*connect2 \
           + (-4.72813)*td1 + (-4.86025)*td2 \
           + 3.79109e7*ps**8 \
           + 0.0540293*dilation + 0.0700451*erosion
Пример #41
def convert_profile_numpy(image_np, inprof_path, outprof_path, intent_name):
    if (not have_pilutil) or (not have_cms):
        return image_np

    in_image_pil = toimage(image_np)
    out_image_pil = convert_profile_pil(in_image_pil, inprof_path, outprof_path, intent_name)
    image_out = fromimage(out_image_pil)
    return image_out
Пример #42
def tst_fromimage(filename, irange, shape):
    fp = open(filename, "rb")
    img = misc.fromimage(PIL.Image.open(fp))
    imin, imax = irange
    assert_equal(img.min(), imin)
    assert_equal(img.max(), imax)
    assert_equal(img.shape, shape)
Пример #43
    def setUp(self):
        image_name = '../media/kewell1.jpg'
        self.reference_image_uint8 = fromimage(Image.open(image_name))

        self.fv = vivid.ImageSource(imlist=[image_name])
        self.cs = vivid.ConvertedSource(self.fv, target_type = vivid.cv.CV_32FC3)
        self.gs = vivid.GreySource(self.cs)
Пример #44
def convert_profile_numpy_transform(image_np, transform):
    if (not have_pilutil) or (not have_cms):
        return image_np

    in_image_pil = toimage(image_np)
    convert_profile_pil_transform(in_image_pil, transform, inPlace=True)
    image_out = fromimage(in_image_pil)
    return image_out
Пример #45
def check_fromimage(filename, irange, shape):
    fp = open(filename, "rb")
    img = misc.fromimage(PIL.Image.open(fp))
    imin, imax = irange
    assert_equal(img.min(), imin)
    assert_equal(img.max(), imax)
    assert_equal(img.shape, shape)
Пример #46
def convert_profile_numpy_transform(image_np, transform):
    if (not have_pilutil) or (not have_cms):
        return image_np

    in_image_pil = toimage(image_np)
    convert_profile_pil_transform(in_image_pil, transform, inPlace=True)
    image_out = fromimage(in_image_pil)
    return image_out
Пример #47
 def img2code(self, ss, alpha=0.4):
     im = Image.open(StringIO(ss))
     im = im.convert('L')
     arr = misc.fromimage(im)
     roi,res = self.decode(arr)
     if len(roi)!=4: return None
     return ''.join( e[0] for e in roi )
Пример #48
def load_image(inf, spacing=None, medium_index=None, illum_wavelen=None, illum_polarization=None, normals=None, noise_sd=None, channel=None, name=None):
    Load data or results

    inf : single or list of basestring or files
        File to load.  If the file is a yaml file, all other arguments are
        ignored.  If inf is a list of image files or filenames they are all
        loaded as a a timeseries hologram
    channel : int or tuple of ints (optional)
        number(s) of channel to load for a color image (in general 0=red,
        1=green, 2=blue)

    obj : The object loaded, :class:`holopy.core.marray.Image`, or as loaded from yaml

    if name is None:
        name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(inf)[-1])[0]

    with open(inf,'rb') as pi:
        arr = fromimage(pilimage.open(pi)).astype('d')
        if hasattr(pi, 'tag') and isinstance(yaml.load(pi.tag[270][0]), dict):
            warnings.warn("Metadata detected but ignored. Use hp.load to read it")

    extra_dims = None
    if channel is None:
        if arr.ndim > 2:
            raise BadImage('Not a greyscale image. You must specify which channel(s) to use')
    elif arr.ndim == 2:
            if not channel == 'all':
                warnings.warn("Not a color image (channel number ignored)")
        # color image with specified channel(s)
        if channel == 'all':
            channel = range(arr.shape[2])
        channel = ensure_array(channel)
        if channel.max() >= arr.shape[2]:
            raise LoadError(filename,
                "The image doesn't have a channel number {0}".format(channel.max()))
            arr = arr[:, :, channel].squeeze()

            if len(channel) > 1:
                # multiple channels. increase output dimensionality
                if channel.max() <=2:
                    channel = [['red','green','blue'][c] for c in channel]
                extra_dims = {illumination: channel}
                if not is_none(illum_wavelen) and not isinstance(illum_wavelen,dict) and len(ensure_array(illum_wavelen)) == len(channel):
                    illum_wavelen = xr.DataArray(ensure_array(illum_wavelen), dims=illumination, coords=extra_dims)
                if not isinstance(illum_polarization, dict) and np.array(illum_polarization).ndim == 2:
                    pol_index = xr.DataArray(channel, dims=illumination, name=illumination)
                    illum_polarization=xr.concat([to_vector(pol) for pol in illum_polarization], pol_index)

    return data_grid(arr, spacing, medium_index, illum_wavelen, illum_polarization, normals, noise_sd, name, extra_dims)
Пример #49
def _read_tiff(filename):
    Reads a TIFF and returns the image as a NumPy array (double

    Uses tifffile.py (by Christoph Gohlke) to detect size and depth of

    TOFIX: The library doesn't convert our Photon Focus 12-bit tiffs
    correctly, so we call a special decoder for all 12-bit tiffs
    (should fix this in the future so that all tiffs can be opened by
    tif = TIFFfile(filename)

    might_be_color = True
    if len(tif.pages) > 1:
            arr = tif.asarray().transpose()
            might_be_color = False
        except Exception:
            print('failed to read multipage tiff, attempting to read a single page')

    # assuming a one-page tiff here...
    depth = tif[0].tags.bits_per_sample.value
    width = tif[0].tags.image_width.value
    height = tif[0].tags.image_length.value
    # I think the "samples per pixel" corresponds to the number of
    # channels; check on a 24-bit tiff to make sure
    channels = tif[0].tags.samples_per_pixel.value

    if depth == 8:
        # use PIL to open it
        # TOFIX: see if tifffile will open 8-bit tiffs from our
        # cameras correctly
        im = PILImage.open(filename)
        arr = fromimage(im).astype('d')
    elif depth == 12:
        if width == height:
            arr = _read_tiff_12bit(filename, height)
            raise NotImplementedError("Read non-square 12 bit tiff")
        # use the tifffile representation
        arr = tif.asarray().astype('d')

        # 270 is the image description tag
        description = PILImage.open(filename).tag[270]
    except KeyError:
        description = "{}"

    return arr, might_be_color, description
Пример #50
def LoadColorAndGreyscaleImages(path):
    color = misc.imread(path)
    if len(color.shape) == 3 and color.shape[2] == 3:
      return color, misc.fromimage(misc.toimage(color), flatten=True)
      return None, None
  except Exception as e:
    return None, None
Пример #51
def load_drawn_labels(name):
    fn = pyhrf.get_data_file_name('simu_labels_%s.png' %name)
    if not op.exists(fn):
        raise Exception('Unknown label map %s (%s)' %(name,fn))

    from scipy.misc import fromimage
    from PIL import Image
    labels = fromimage(Image.open(fn))
    return labels[np.newaxis,:,:]
Пример #52
def get_grayscale_tensor(samples):
    i = 0
    grayscales = []
    for sample in samples:
        current_image,label = sample
        current_image = misc.fromimage(current_image)/255.0
        grayscaled = np.dot(current_image[...,:3], [0.299, 0.587, 0.144])
        gs = np.reshape(grayscaled,(1024)).tolist()
        grayscales.append( (gs,label) )
    return grayscales
Пример #53
def check_fromimage(filename, irange, shape):
    fp = open(filename, "rb")
    with suppress_warnings() as sup:
        img = misc.fromimage(PIL.Image.open(fp))
    imin, imax = irange
    assert_equal(img.min(), imin)
    assert_equal(img.max(), imax)
    assert_equal(img.shape, shape)
Пример #54
def im2ar( im_ , im_depth):
    """Convert PIL Image to Numpy array."""
    array_ = list()
    for m in range(im_depth):
        image_ = im_[m]
        if image_.mode in ('L', 'I', 'F'):
            # Warning: only works with PIL.Image.Image whose mode is 'L', 'I' or 'F'
            #          => error if mode == 'I;16' for instance
            array_.append(fromimage( image_ ))
    return array_
Пример #55
def sift(image,keypoints = None,
			first          = -1 ,
			octaves        = -1 ,
			levels         = initLevels ,
			threshold      = -1 ,
			edgeThreshold  = 10.0,
			magnif         = 3.0 ,
			noorient       = 0 ,
			stableorder    = 0 ,
			savegss        = 0 ,
			verbose        = 0 ,
			binary         = 0 ,
			unnormalized   = 0 ):

	from scipy.misc import imread,fromimage		

	if threshold == -1 : threshold = 0.04 / levels / 2.
	if keypoints is None :
		keypoints = np.zeros((0,0),'float32')
		haveKeypoints = False
	else :
		haveKeypoints = True
		if type(keypoints) is not np.ndarray :
			keypoints = np.array(keypoints)
		if keypoints.dtype != 'float32' :
			keypoints = keypoints.astype('float32')
	nkeypoints = C.c_int(len(keypoints))
	if type(image) is str :
		image = imread(image)
	elif type(image) is not np.ndarray :
		image = fromimage(image)

	if type(image) is str :
		image = imread(image)
	if image.ndim > 2 :
		image = image.mean(2).astype('float32')
	if image.dtype != 'float32' :
		image = image.astype('float32')
	height,width = image.shape
	res_ = _lib.run_sift(height,width,image,
	           nkeypoints, keypoints,
			   first, octaves, levels,
			   threshold, edgeThreshold, magnif,
			   noorient, stableorder,
			   savegss, verbose,binary,
	nkeypoints = nkeypoints.value
	res = np.array(res_[:132*nkeypoints]).reshape(nkeypoints,132)
	return res[:,:4],res[:,4:]
Пример #56
def load_image(handle, shape=None, astype=np.float64):
    Load data from image file.
    pil_img = Image.open(handle)
    image = misc.fromimage(pil_img.convert("L"))

    if not shape is None:
        image = np.reshape(image, shape)

    return image.astype(astype)
Пример #57
def load_image(filename, channel=None, spacing=None, optics=None):
    Handler for opening various types of image files.

    filename : String
        name of file to open.
    channel : int (optional)
        number of channel in color image (in general 0=red,
        1=green, 2=blue), if None, return all colors

    arr : numpy.array
        array with data in double precision (type 'd')

        if there is a problem loading a file

    # The most reliable way to determine what type of image file we are working
    # with is to just try opening it with various loaders.  Extensions could be
    # missing or wrong, but, ie, if np.load succeeds, it was a np file
        return np.load(filename)
    except IOError:

    might_be_color = True
        arr, might_be_color, description = _read_tiff(filename)
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        im = PILImage.open(filename)
        arr = fromimage(im).astype('d')
        description = "{}"

    # pick out only one channel of a color image
    if channel is not None and len(arr.shape) > 2 and might_be_color:
        if channel >= arr.shape[2]:
            raise LoadError(filename,
                "The image doesn't have a channel number {0}".format(channel))
            arr = arr[:, :, channel]
    elif channel > 0:
        warnings.warn("Warning: not a color image (channel number ignored)")

    metadata = json.loads(description)

    return Image(arr, spacing=spacing, optics=optics, metadata=metadata)
 def generate_scalar(self):
     breaks the image into a multi-dimensional array -> (ar)
     then breaks the rows up by NUM_CLUSTERS & color -> (codes)
     ar = fromimage(self.im)
     shape = ar.shape
     ar = ar.reshape(product(shape[:2]), shape[2])
     float_ar = ar+0.0
     codes, dist = kmeans(float_ar, self.NUM_CLUSTERS)
     return ar, codes
Пример #59
def loadImageAsGreyScale(
    filename,  xscale='1mum', yscale='link2X', fieldunit=1
    from PIL import Image
    import scipy
    from scipy.misc import fromimage
    from pyphant.core import DataContainer
    from pyphant.quantities import Quantity
    im = Image.open(filename)
    if im.mode == "I;16":
        im = im.convert("I")
        data = fromimage(im).astype("int16")
        data = fromimage(im, flatten=True)
    Ny, Nx = data.shape
    xUnit = Quantity(xscale.encode('utf-8'))
    xAxis =  DataContainer.FieldContainer(scipy.linspace(0.0, xUnit.value,
                                                         Nx, True),
                                          xUnit / xUnit.value,
                                          longname = 'x-coordinate',
                                          shortname = 'x')
    if yscale == 'link2X':
        yUnit = xUnit * float(Ny) / Nx
        yUnit = Quantity(yscale.encode('utf-8'))
    yAxis =  DataContainer.FieldContainer(scipy.linspace(0.0, yUnit.value,
                                                         Ny, True),
                                          yUnit / yUnit.value,
                                          longname = 'y-coordinate',
                                          shortname = 'y')
        FieldUnit = Quantity(fieldunit.encode('utf-8'))
    except AttributeError:
        FieldUnit = fieldunit
    return DataContainer.FieldContainer(
        dimensions=[yAxis, xAxis]