Пример #1
    def N_clusters(self, cr_bin, prev_cr_bin, Nprev, cutoff):

        lw, num = measurements.label(cr_bin)

        minLab = np.min(lw)
        maxLab = np.max(lw)
        #print("labels:  min: {}   max: {}".format(minLab, maxLab), flush=True)
        hist = measurements.histogram(lw, minLab + 1, maxLab, maxLab - minLab)

        # remove clusters below cutoff from count
        hist[hist < cutoff] = 0
        hist[hist != 0] = 1

        sum_hist = np.sum(hist[np.nonzero(hist)])

        Ntotal = float(sum_hist)

        NoldMerged = 0
        if np.max(prev_cr_bin) > 0:
            # remove all new crystal pixels
            no_new = np.multiply(lw, prev_cr_bin)
            no_new_hist = measurements.histogram(no_new, minLab + 1, maxLab,
                                                 maxLab - minLab)

            no_new_hist[no_new_hist != 0] = 1
            NoldMerged = np.sum(no_new_hist[np.nonzero(no_new_hist)])

        #print("  ---NoldMerged:  {}".format(NoldMerged))

        N_new = Ntotal - NoldMerged

        N_merged = Nprev - NoldMerged

        return Ntotal, N_new, N_merged
Пример #2
def image_to_landscape(image, n=2):
    '''Converts an image to a 2d array of integers from 0 to n-1.

    Most image formats (including TIFF) requires PIL.

    image : string
        image filename

    landscape : 2-d array
        all values are integers from 0 to n-1, where zeroes correspond to
        lighter shades in the original image, and darker shades to higher
        values, so that each value corresponds to a distinct type of habitat

    from matplotlib.image import imread
    from scipy.ndimage.measurements import histogram

    M = imread(image).sum(axis=2)[::-1, :]
    L = np.zeros_like(M)
    nbins = max(20, n * 4)
    freq = histogram(M, M.min(), M.max(), nbins)
    bins = np.linspace(M.min(), M.max(), nbins)
    peaks = sorted(freq.argsort()[-n:])
    delims = [bins[0]
              ] + [bins[(peaks[i + 1] + peaks[i]) // 2]
                   for i in range(n - 1)] + [bins[-1] + 1]
    for i in range(n):
        L[(M > delims[i]) & (M < delims[i + 1])] = i
    #M = np.around(M/M.max())
    #return 1 - M.astype(np.int16)
    return L
Пример #3
def calculate_threshold(sweep, trusted_range):
    from scipy.ndimage.measurements import histogram
    from thresholding import maximum_deviation
    import numpy

    threshold_list = []
    for i, flex_image in enumerate(sweep):

        # Get image as numpy array
        image = flex_image.as_numpy_array()

        # Cap pixels to within trusted range
        image.shape = -1
        ind = numpy.where(image < trusted_range[0])
        image[ind] = trusted_range[0]
        ind = numpy.where(image > trusted_range[1])
        image[ind] = trusted_range[1]

        # Histogram the pixels
        histo = histogram(image, trusted_range[0], trusted_range[1],
        histo = histo / numpy.sum(histo)

        # Calculate the threshold and add to list
        threshold = maximum_deviation(histo)

    # Return mean threshold
    return numpy.mean(threshold_list)
Пример #4
    def plot_Ncryst_vsPoreSize(self, im_bin_cryst, im_pore):
        #minPore = self.SCALE * np.min(im_pore)
        #maxPore = self.SCALE * np.max(im_pore)
        #minPore = self.SCALE * np.min(im_pore[np.nonzero(im_pore)])
        #maxPore = self.SCALE * np.max(im_pore[np.nonzero(im_pore)])
        minPore = np.min(im_pore[np.nonzero(im_pore)])
        maxPore = np.max(im_pore[np.nonzero(im_pore)])
        num_bin = 200
        lw, num = measurements.label(im_bin_cryst)
        minLab = np.min(lw)
        maxLab = np.max(lw)
        print("labels:  min: {}   max: {}".format(minLab, maxLab), flush=True)
        hist = measurements.histogram(lw, minLab + 1, maxLab, maxLab - minLab)
        for i1, size in enumerate(hist):
            if size < 10:
                im_bin_cryst[ im_bin_cryst==i1 ]=0
        hist_pores, bin_edges_pores =\
            np.histogram(im_pore, bins=num_bin, range=(minPore, maxPore))
        CP = np.multiply(im_bin_cryst, im_pore)

        hist, bin_edges = \
            np.histogram(CP, bins=num_bin, range=(minPore, maxPore))
        be = bin_edges[:-1] + (bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0])/2.0
        #ret_hist = np.divide(hist, hist_pores)
        ret_hist = hist_pores

        return be, ret_hist
Пример #5
def calculate_threshold(sweep, trusted_range):
  from scipy.ndimage.measurements import histogram
  from thresholding import maximum_deviation
  import numpy

  threshold_list = []
  for i, flex_image in enumerate(sweep):

    # Get image as numpy array
    image = flex_image.as_numpy_array()

    # Cap pixels to within trusted range
    image.shape = -1
    ind = numpy.where(image < trusted_range[0])
    image[ind] = trusted_range[0]
    ind = numpy.where(image > trusted_range[1])
    image[ind] = trusted_range[1]

    # Histogram the pixels
    histo = histogram(image, trusted_range[0], trusted_range[1], trusted_range[1])
    histo = histo / numpy.sum(histo)

    # Calculate the threshold and add to list
    threshold = maximum_deviation(histo)

  # Return mean threshold
  return numpy.mean(threshold_list)
Пример #6
    def histogram(self, min_value=0, max_value=0, bins = 0, labels = None, index = None):
        '''returns a histogram with default arguments'''
        if bins == 0:
            if self.dtype_max() > 1:
                bins = self.dtype_max()
                bins = len(unique(self))

        if max_value == 0:
            max_value = self.dtype_max()

        return _measurements.histogram(self, min_value, max_value, bins, labels=labels, index=index)
Пример #7
 def _computeCDF (self,data):
   """Recomputes the CDF using the current data subset and range""";
   dmin,dmax = self.getDataRange(self.subset if self.subset is not None else data);
   if dmin == dmax:
     self._cdf = None;
     dprint(1,"computing CDF for range",dmin,dmax);
     # make cumulative histogram, normalize to 0...1
     hist = measurements.histogram(self.subset if self.subset is not None else data,dmin,dmax,self._nbins);
     cdf = numpy.cumsum(hist);
     cdf = cdf/float(cdf[-1]);
     # append 0 at beginning, as left side of bin
     self._cdf = numpy.zeros(len(cdf)+1,float);
     self._cdf[1:] = cdf[...];
     # make array of bin edges
     self._bins = dmin + (dmax-dmin)*numpy.arange(self._nbins+1)/float(self._nbins);
Пример #8
 def _computeCDF(self, data):
     """Recomputes the CDF using the current data subset and range"""
     dmin, dmax = self.getDataRange(self.subset if self.subset is not None else data)
     if dmin == dmax:
         self._cdf = None
         dprint(1, "computing CDF for range", dmin, dmax)
         # make cumulative histogram, normalize to 0...1
         hist = measurements.histogram(self.subset if self.subset is not None else data, dmin, dmax, self._nbins)
         cdf = numpy.cumsum(hist)
         if not numpy.all(cdf == 0):
             cdf = cdf / float(cdf[-1])
             # append 0 at beginning, as left side of bin
             self._cdf = numpy.zeros(len(cdf) + 1, float)
             self._cdf[1:] = cdf[...]
             # make array of bin edges
             self._bins = dmin + (dmax - dmin) * numpy.arange(self._nbins + 1) / float(self._nbins)
Пример #9
    def filter_size(self, solid_bin, cutoff):
        lw, num = measurements.label(solid_bin)
        minLab = np.min(lw)
        maxLab = np.max(lw)
        print("labels:  min: {}   max: {}".format(minLab, maxLab), flush=True)
        hist = measurements.histogram(lw, minLab + 1, maxLab, maxLab - minLab)
        print("histogram shape: {}".format(hist.shape))
        for i, hi in enumerate(hist):
            if i % 100000 == 0:
                print("i: {}".format(i))
            if hi < cutoff:
                #print("   hi: {}   i: {}".format(hi, i))
                lw[lw == hi] = 0

        lw[lw != 0] = 1

        return lw, hist
Пример #10
def calculate_threshold(image, trusted_range):
  from scipy.ndimage.measurements import histogram
  from thresholding import maximum_deviation
  import numpy

  # Cap pixels to within trusted range
  image.shape = -1
  ind = numpy.where(image < trusted_range[0])
  image[ind] = trusted_range[0]
  ind = numpy.where(image > trusted_range[1])
  image[ind] = trusted_range[1]

  # Histogram the pixels
  histo = histogram(image, trusted_range[0], trusted_range[1], trusted_range[1])
  histo = histo / numpy.sum(histo)

  # Calculate the threshold and add to list
  return maximum_deviation(histo)
Пример #11
def select_contigious(index, shape, conn):
    """ Filter the indices to only contain contigious pixels

      index The input array of indices
      shape The shape of the mask
      conn The connectivity (4 or 8)

      The filtered indices

    from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label, histogram
    from numpy import zeros, int32, argmax, where
    from operator import mul

    # Set the label structure
    if conn == 8:
        structure = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
        structure = [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]

    # Create a mask of the roi size
    mask = zeros(reduce(mul, shape), dtype=int32)

    # Set all the points at the indices to 1
    for i in index:
        mask[i] = 1

    # Reshape the mask
    mask.shape = shape

    # Label the indices in the mask
    regions, nregions = label(mask, structure)

    # Histogram the regions to get the largest
    histo = histogram(regions, 0, nregions + 1, nregions + 1)

    # Find largest region
    max_index = argmax(histo[1:]) + 1

    # Return only those region indices that are equal to max_index
    regions.shape = -1
    return flex.size_t(where(regions == max_index)[0])
Пример #12
def select_contigious(index, shape, conn):
    """Filter the indices to only contain contigious pixels

        index The input array of indices
        shape The shape of the mask
        conn The connectivity (4 or 8)

        The filtered indices

    from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label, histogram
    from numpy import zeros, int32, argmax, where
    from operator import mul

    # Set the label structure
    if conn == 8:
        structure = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
        structure = [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]

    # Create a mask of the roi size
    mask = zeros(reduce(mul, shape), dtype=int32)

    # Set all the points at the indices to 1
    for i in index:
        mask[i] = 1

    # Reshape the mask
    mask.shape = shape

    # Label the indices in the mask
    regions, nregions = label(mask, structure)

    # Histogram the regions to get the largest
    histo = histogram(regions, 0, nregions + 1, nregions + 1)

    # Find largest region
    max_index = argmax(histo[1:]) + 1

    # Return only those region indices that are equal to max_index
    regions.shape = -1
    return flex.size_t(where(regions == max_index)[0])
Пример #13
def gen_feature_mfcc(x):
	v, asp = x
		if np.isnan(v).any() or np.isinf(v).any():
			raise Exception('MFCC contains Nan of Inf')
		xn, (xmin, xmax), xmean, xvar, xskew, xkurt =  stats.describe(v)
		d = np.diff(v, 1, 0)
		dmean = np.mean(d, 0)
		feat = np.reshape((measurements.center_of_mass(v)[0],
			measurements.center_of_mass(asp)[0], measurements.maximum_position(asp)[0]),(3,))
		hist = 1.0*measurements.histogram(asp, 0, 1, 4) / asp.shape[0]/asp.shape[1]
		x = np.concatenate((xmean,xmin,xmax,xvar,dmean,feat,hist[-1:]))
		if np.isnan(x).any() or np.isinf(x).any():
			raise Exception('Feature vector contains Nan of Inf')
		#print d, dd
		print xmin.shape
	return x.T
Пример #14
def calculate_threshold(image, trusted_range):
    from scipy.ndimage.measurements import histogram
    from thresholding import maximum_deviation
    import numpy

    # Cap pixels to within trusted range
    image.shape = -1
    ind = numpy.where(image < trusted_range[0])
    image[ind] = trusted_range[0]
    ind = numpy.where(image > trusted_range[1])
    image[ind] = trusted_range[1]

    # Histogram the pixels
    histo = histogram(image, trusted_range[0], trusted_range[1],
    histo = histo / numpy.sum(histo)

    # Calculate the threshold and add to list
    return maximum_deviation(histo)
Пример #15
def gen_feature_mfcc(x):
    v, asp = x
        if np.isnan(v).any() or np.isinf(v).any():
            raise Exception('MFCC contains Nan of Inf')
        xn, (xmin, xmax), xmean, xvar, xskew, xkurt = stats.describe(v)
        d = np.diff(v, 1, 0)
        dmean = np.mean(d, 0)
        feat = np.reshape((measurements.center_of_mass(v)[0],
                           measurements.maximum_position(asp)[0]), (3, ))
        hist = 1.0 * measurements.histogram(asp, 0, 1,
                                            4) / asp.shape[0] / asp.shape[1]
        x = np.concatenate((xmean, xmin, xmax, xvar, dmean, feat, hist[-1:]))
        if np.isnan(x).any() or np.isinf(x).any():
            raise Exception('Feature vector contains Nan of Inf')
        #print d, dd
        print xmin.shape
    return x.T
Пример #16
 def clean_not_attached(self, bin_image):
     sh = bin_image.shape
     sh = np.asarray(sh)
     sh = sh + 2
     aux = np.ones(shape=(sh))
     aux[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = bin_image
     lw, num = measurements.label(aux)
     # get a label of the biggest cluster
     minLab = np.min(lw)
     maxLab = np.max(lw)
     print("labels:  min: {}   max: {}".format(minLab, maxLab), flush=True)
     hist = measurements.histogram(lw, minLab + 1, maxLab, maxLab - minLab)
     # maxCl = np.max(hist)
     maxClLab = np.argmax(hist) + 1
     print("label of a biggest cluster: {}".format(maxClLab), flush=True)
     aux[lw != maxClLab] = 0
     return aux[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1]
Пример #17
 def _updateHistogram (self,hmin=None,hmax=None):
   """Recomputes histogram. If no arguments, computes full histogram for
   data subset. If hmin/hmax is specified, computes zoomed-in histogram.""";
   busy = BusyIndicator();
   self._prev_range = self._display_range;
   dmin,dmax = self._subset_range;
   hmin0,hmax0 = dmin,dmax;
   if hmin0 >= hmax0:
     hmax0 = hmin0+1;
   subset,mask = self.image.optimalRavel(self._subset);
   # compute full-subset hi-res histogram, if we don't have one (for percentile stats)
   if self._hist_hires is None:
     dprint(1,"computing histogram for full subset range",hmin0,hmax0);
     self._hist_hires = measurements.histogram(subset,hmin0,hmax0,self.NumHistBinsHi,labels=mask,index=None if mask is None else False);
     self._hist_bins_hires = hmin0 + (hmax0-hmin0)*(numpy.arange(self.NumHistBinsHi)+0.5)/float(self.NumHistBinsHi);
     self._hist_binsize_hires =  (hmax0-hmin0)/self.NumHistBins;
   # if hist limits not specified, then compute lo-res histogram based on the hi-res one
   if hmin is None:
     hmin,hmax = hmin0,hmax0;
     # downsample to low-res histogram
     self._hist = self._hist_hires.reshape((self.NumHistBins,self.NumHistBinsHi/self.NumHistBins)).sum(1);
     # zoomed-in low-res histogram
     # bracket limits at subset range
     hmin,hmax = max(hmin,dmin),min(hmax,dmax);
     if hmin >= hmax:
       hmax = hmin+1;
     dprint(1,"computing histogram for",self._subset.shape,self._subset.dtype,hmin,hmax);
     self._hist = measurements.histogram(subset,hmin,hmax,self.NumHistBins,labels=mask,index=None if mask is None else False);
   dprint(1,"histogram computed");
   # compute bins
   self._itf_bins = hmin + (hmax-hmin)*(numpy.arange(self.NumItfBins))/(float(self.NumItfBins)-1);
   self._hist_bins = hmin + (hmax-hmin)*(numpy.arange(self.NumHistBins)+0.5)/float(self.NumHistBins);
   # histogram range and position of peak
   self._hist_range = hmin,hmax;
   self._hist_min,self._hist_max,self._hist_imin,self._hist_imax = measurements.extrema(self._hist);
   self._hist_peak = self._hist_bins[self._hist_imax];
   # set controls accordingly
   if dmin >= dmax:
     dmax = dmin+1;
   zoom = math.log10((dmax-dmin)/(hmax-hmin));
   # reset scales
   # update curves
   # call _setHistLogScale() (with current setting) to update axis scales and set data
   # set plot lines
   self._line_maxbin.setText(("max bin:"+DataValueFormat)%self._hist_peak);
   # set half-max line
   # update ITF
Пример #18
def get_imgs(path, imdir, job_order, f_job=None, img_save=None, csv_save=None):
    """Function to handle the acquired images, do renaming,
    max projections etc."""
    if f_job is None:
        f_job = 2
    if img_save is None:
        img_save = True
    if csv_save is None:
        csv_save = True
    img_paths = Directory(path).get_all_files('*' + job_order + '*.tif')
    new_paths = []
    metadata_d = {}
    for img_path in img_paths:
        img = File(img_path)
        img_array = img.read_image()
        well = img.get_name('U\d\d--V\d\d')
        job_order = img.get_name('E\d\d')
        job_ord_int = int(re.sub("\D", "", job_order))
        field = img.get_name('X\d\d--Y\d\d')
        z_slice = img.get_name('Z\d\d')
        channel = img.get_name('C\d\d')
        if job_ord_int == f_job:
            new_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, (well + '--' +
                                                            job_order + '--' +
                                                            field + '--' +
                                                            z_slice + '--' +
                                                            channel +
        elif job_ord_int == f_job + 1 and channel == 'C00':
            new_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, (well + '--' +
                                                            job_order + '--' +
                                                            field + '--' +
                                                            z_slice +
            channel = 'C01'
        elif job_ord_int == f_job + 1 and channel == 'C01':
            new_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, (well + '--' +
                                                            job_order + '--' +
                                                            field + '--' +
                                                            z_slice +
            channel = 'C02'
        elif job_ord_int == f_job + 2:
            new_name = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(path, (well + '--' +
                                                            job_order + '--' +
                                                            field + '--' +
                                                            z_slice +
            channel = 'C03'
            new_name = img_path
        if not (len(img_array) == 16 or len(img_array) == 256):
            metadata_d[well + '--' + field + '--' + channel] = img.meta_data()
        os.rename(img_path, new_name)
    max_projs = make_proj(new_paths)
    new_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(imdir, 'maxprojs'))
    if not os.path.exists(new_dir):
    if img_save:
        print('Saving images')
    if csv_save:
        print('Calculating histograms')
    for channel, proj in max_projs.iteritems():
        if img_save:
            ptime = time.time()
            p = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(new_dir, 'image--' + well + '--' +
                                 field + '--' + channel + '.ome.tif'))
            metadata = metadata_d[well + '--' + field + '--' + channel]
            File(p).save_image(proj, metadata)
            print('Save image:' + str(time.time()-ptime) + ' secs')
        if csv_save:
            ptime = time.time()
            if proj.dtype.name == 'uint8':
                max_int = 255
            if proj.dtype.name == 'uint16':
                max_int = 65535
            histo = histogram(proj, 0, max_int, 256)
            rows = defaultdict(list)
            for b, count in enumerate(histo):
            p = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(new_dir, well + '--' + channel +
            write_csv(p, rows, ['bin', 'count'])
            print('Save csv:' + str(time.time()-ptime) + ' secs')
Пример #19
    def phase3(self):
        voids_dir = os.path.join(self.__resDir__, 'voids')

        # choose only seg voids to clean
        dirs = [
            d for d in os.listdir(voids_dir)
            if (os.path.isdir(os.path.join(voids_dir, d)) and "seg_void" in d)
        dirs = sorted(dirs)

        for i, dr in enumerate(dirs):
            curdir = os.path.join(voids_dir, dr)

            tif_files = sorted([f for f in os.listdir(curdir)])
            for ind, filename in enumerate(tif_files):
                print('  Processing file {}'.format(filename), flush=True)
                print('  In directory {}'.format(dr), flush=True)
                im_class = io.imread(os.path.join(curdir, filename),
                im_bin = np.logical_not(im_class.astype(bool)).astype(int)

                slsl = im_bin.astype(np.uint8)

                # clean boundaries in slsl
                cleanCl = True
                while cleanCl:

                    lw, num = measurements.label(slsl)

                    minLab = np.min(lw)
                    maxLab = np.max(lw)
                    print("labels:  min: {}   max: {}".format(minLab, maxLab),

                    hist = measurements.histogram(lw, minLab + 1, maxLab,
                                                  maxLab - minLab)

                    maxClLab = np.argmax(hist) + 1

                    print("label of a biggest cluster: {}".format(maxClLab),
                    indMaxCl = np.where(lw == maxClLab)

                    ccc = False
                    for ii, indx in enumerate(indMaxCl):
                        minI = min(indx)
                        maxI = max(indx)

                        if minI == 0 or maxI == lw.shape[ii] - 1:
                            ccc = True

                    if ccc:
                        slsl[lw == maxClLab] = 0
                        cleanCl = False

                lw, num = measurements.label(slsl)

                minLab = np.min(lw)
                maxLab = np.max(lw)
                print("labels:  min: {}   max: {}".format(minLab, maxLab),

                hist = measurements.histogram(lw, minLab + 1, maxLab,
                                              maxLab - minLab)

                maxClLab = np.argmax(hist) + 1
                slsl[lw != maxClLab] = 0

                inlw = slsl.astype(np.uint8)
                inlw *= 255  # 65535 #256

                io.imsave(os.path.join(curdir, filename),
Пример #20
  stop = 3
  for i, flex_image in enumerate(sweep[start:stop]):

    image = flex_image.as_numpy_array()

    image.shape = -1
    ind = numpy.where(image < trusted_range[0])
    image[ind] = trusted_range[0]
    ind = numpy.where(image > trusted_range[1])
    image[ind] = trusted_range[1]

    mean = numpy.mean(image)
    sdev = numpy.std(image)
    var = sdev **2

    temp = histogram(image, trusted_range[0], trusted_range[1], trusted_range[1])
    temp = temp / numpy.sum(temp)

    #threshold = bhthreshold(temp)
    threshold = maximum_deviation(temp)
    #threshold = percentage_threshold(temp)
#        threshold = normal_threshold(temp)

    print "{0} - Mean: {1}, Sdev: {2}, Var: {3}, Thres: {4}".format(
        i, mean, sdev, var, threshold)

  print "Threshold - Mean: {0}, Sdev: {1}".format(
      numpy.mean(threshold_list), numpy.std(threshold_list))
Пример #21
    stop = 3
    for i, flex_image in enumerate(sweep[start:stop]):

        image = flex_image.as_numpy_array()

        image.shape = -1
        ind = numpy.where(image < trusted_range[0])
        image[ind] = trusted_range[0]
        ind = numpy.where(image > trusted_range[1])
        image[ind] = trusted_range[1]

        mean = numpy.mean(image)
        sdev = numpy.std(image)
        var = sdev ** 2

        temp = histogram(image, trusted_range[0], trusted_range[1], trusted_range[1])
        temp = temp / numpy.sum(temp)

        # threshold = bhthreshold(temp)
        threshold = maximum_deviation(temp)
        # threshold = percentage_threshold(temp)
        #        threshold = normal_threshold(temp)

            "{0} - Mean: {1}, Sdev: {2}, Var: {3}, Thres: {4}".format(
                i, mean, sdev, var, threshold
Пример #22
 def _updateHistogram(self, hmin=None, hmax=None):
     """Recomputes histogram. If no arguments, computes full histogram for
     data subset. If hmin/hmax is specified, computes zoomed-in histogram."""
     busy = BusyIndicator()
     self._prev_range = self._display_range
     dmin, dmax = self._subset_range
     hmin0, hmax0 = dmin, dmax
     if hmin0 >= hmax0:
         hmax0 = hmin0 + 1
     subset, mask = self.image.optimalRavel(self._subset)
     # compute full-subset hi-res histogram, if we don't have one (for percentile stats)
     if self._hist_hires is None:
         dprint(1, "computing histogram for full subset range", hmin0, hmax0)
         self._hist_hires = measurements.histogram(subset, hmin0, hmax0, self.NumHistBinsHi, labels=mask,
                                                   index=None if mask is None else False)
         self._hist_bins_hires = hmin0 + (hmax0 - hmin0) * (numpy.arange(self.NumHistBinsHi) + 0.5) / float(
         self._hist_binsize_hires = (hmax0 - hmin0) / self.NumHistBins
     # if hist limits not specified, then compute lo-res histogram based on the hi-res one
     if hmin is None:
         hmin, hmax = hmin0, hmax0
         # downsample to low-res histogram
         self._hist = self._hist_hires.reshape((self.NumHistBins, self.NumHistBinsHi / self.NumHistBins)).sum(1)
         # zoomed-in low-res histogram
         # bracket limits at subset range
         hmin, hmax = max(hmin, dmin), min(hmax, dmax)
         if hmin >= hmax:
             hmax = hmin + 1
         dprint(1, "computing histogram for", self._subset.shape, self._subset.dtype, hmin, hmax)
         self._hist = measurements.histogram(subset, hmin, hmax, self.NumHistBins, labels=mask,
                                             index=None if mask is None else False)
     dprint(1, "histogram computed")
     # compute bins
     self._itf_bins = hmin + (hmax - hmin) * (numpy.arange(self.NumItfBins)) / (float(self.NumItfBins) - 1)
     self._hist_bins = hmin + (hmax - hmin) * (numpy.arange(self.NumHistBins) + 0.5) / float(self.NumHistBins)
     # histogram range and position of peak
     self._hist_range = hmin, hmax
     self._hist_min, self._hist_max, self._hist_imin, self._hist_imax = measurements.extrema(self._hist)
     self._hist_peak = self._hist_bins[self._hist_imax]
     # set controls accordingly
     if dmin >= dmax:
         dmax = dmin + 1
     zoom = math.log10((dmax - dmin) / (hmax - hmin))
     self._whistunzoom.setEnabled(zoom > 0)
     self._whistzoomout.setEnabled(zoom > 0)
     # reset scales
     self._histplot.setAxisScale(QwtPlot.xBottom, hmin, hmax)
     self._histplot.setAxisScale(QwtPlot.yRight, 0, 1 + self.ColorBarHeight)
     # update curves
     # call _setHistLogScale() (with current setting) to update axis scales and set data
     self._setHistLogScale(self._ylogscale, replot=False)
     # set plot lines
     self._line_0.line.setData([0, 0], [0, 1])
     self._line_0.marker.setValue(0, 0)
     self._line_maxbin.line.setData([self._hist_peak, self._hist_peak], [0, 1])
     self._line_maxbin.marker.setValue(self._hist_peak, 0)
     self._line_maxbin.setText(("max bin:" + DataValueFormat) % self._hist_peak)
     # set half-max line
     self._line_halfmax.line.setData(self._hist_range, [self._hist_max / 2, self._hist_max / 2])
     self._line_halfmax.marker.setValue(hmin, self._hist_max / 2)
     # update ITF