def incorporate_cells(binary_image): # invert input binary image inv_image = np.invert(binary_image) # matrix for binary_dilation struct = generate_binary_structure(2, 1) # do bunary dilation until the colony number even out plate_bin_dil = binary_dilation(inv_image, structure=struct) plate_dil_labels = label(plate_bin_dil) labels_number = len(np.unique(plate_dil_labels)) # initial number of colonies new_labels_number = labels_number - 1 # starting value cycle_number = 0 # starting value for dilation cycles while True: cycle_number += 1 if cycle_number >= 30: break # defence against infinite cycling else: if new_labels_number >= labels_number: break # further dilation is useless (in theory) else: labels_number = new_labels_number plate_bin_dil = binary_dilation(plate_bin_dil, structure=struct) plate_dil_labels = label(plate_bin_dil) new_labels_number = len(np.unique(plate_dil_labels)) return plate_bin_dil
def onoff(dc, attribute, roi, spectrum_name="spectrum"): # Extract data data = dc[attribute] # Get limits from ROI l, r = np.clip([roi.xmin, roi.xmax], 0, data.shape[2]) b, t = np.clip([roi.ymin, roi.ymax], 0, data.shape[1]) # make the 2d on spectrum mask mslice = np.zeros(data.shape[1:], dtype=bool) mslice[b:t+1,l:r+1] = True # make an off spectrum mask in_edge_pix = 4 coreslice = binary_dilation(mslice, iterations=in_edge_pix) annular_width_pix = 4 annslice = binary_dilation(coreslice, iterations=annular_width_pix) annslice = annslice-coreslice onoffspect = np.zeros(data.shape[0]) for i, slc in enumerate(data): onoffspect[i] = (np.mean(slc[mslice]) -np.mean(slc[annslice])) # There is currently a bug that causes cubes to sometimes - but not always # have named coordinates. try: velocity = dc["Velocity", :,0,0] except IncompatibleAttribute: velocity = dc["World 0", :,0,0] return velocity, onoffspect
def add_neighbor_border_properties( segment1, segment2, vol): if segment1.label < segment2.label: # only process them once return bbx = get_bounding_box_intersection_two_segments(segment1, segment2) vol_crop = vol[bbx.xmin:bbx.xmax, bbx.ymin:bbx.ymax, bbx.zmin:bbx.zmax] CollectiveBoundingBox = namedtuple("CollectiveBoundingBox",["xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax", "zmin", "zmax"]) bbx1 = segment1.bounding_box bbx2 = segment2.bounding_box mask1 = binary_dilation(segment1.border_mask[bbx.xmin-bbx1.xmin : bbx.xmax-bbx1.xmin, bbx.ymin-bbx1.ymin : bbx.ymax-bbx1.ymin, bbx.zmin-bbx1.zmin : bbx.zmax-bbx1.zmin] ,structure=np.ones((3,3,1))) mask2 = binary_dilation(segment2.border_mask[bbx.xmin-bbx2.xmin : bbx.xmax-bbx2.xmin, bbx.ymin-bbx2.ymin : bbx.ymax-bbx2.ymin, bbx.zmin-bbx2.zmin : bbx.zmax-bbx2.zmin] ,structure=np.ones((3,3,1))) mask = mask1*mask2 s1 = mask1.sum() s2 = mask2.sum() s = mask.sum() segment1.feature_dict["percent_border_with_neighbor"].append((segment2.label, s/float(s1) )) segment2.feature_dict["percent_border_with_neighbor"].append((segment1.label, s/float(s2) )) segment1.feature_dict["size_border_with_neighbor"].append((segment2.label, s)) segment2.feature_dict["size_border_with_neighbor"].append((segment1.label, s)) segment1.feature_dict["mean_intensity_border_with_neighbor"].append((segment2.label, np.sum(mask*vol_crop)/float(s))) segment2.feature_dict["mean_intensity_border_with_neighbor"].append((segment1.label, segment1.feature_dict["mean_intensity_border_with_neighbor"][-1][1])) score1 = segment1.feature_dict["mean_intensity_border_with_neighbor"][-1][1] * ( 1 - segment1.feature_dict["percent_border_with_neighbor"][-1][1]) segment1.feature_dict["weighted_merge_score"].append((segment2.label, score1)) segment2.feature_dict["weighted_merge_score"].append((segment1.label, score1))
def nlbin(im, threshold=0.5, zoom=0.5, escale=1.0, border=0.1, perc=80, range=20, low=5, high=90): """ Performs binarization using non-linear processing. Args: im (PIL.Image): threshold (float): zoom (float): Zoom for background page estimation escale (float): Scale for estimating a mask over the text region border (float): Ignore this much of the border perc (int): Percentage for filters range (int): Range for filters low (int): Percentile for black estimation high (int): Percentile for white estimation Returns: PIL.Image containing the binarized image """ if im.mode == '1': return im raw = pil2array(im) # rescale image to between -1 or 0 and 1 raw = raw/np.float(np.iinfo(raw.dtype).max) if raw.ndim == 3: raw = np.mean(raw, 2) # perform image normalization if np.amax(raw) == np.amin(raw): raise KrakenInputException('Image is empty') image = raw-np.amin(raw) image /= np.amax(image) m = interpolation.zoom(image, zoom) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, perc, size=(range, 2)) m = filters.percentile_filter(m, perc, size=(2, range)) m = interpolation.zoom(m, 1.0/zoom) w, h = np.minimum(np.array(image.shape), np.array(m.shape)) flat = np.clip(image[:w, :h]-m[:w, :h]+1, 0, 1) # estimate low and high thresholds d0, d1 = flat.shape o0, o1 = int(border*d0), int(border*d1) est = flat[o0:d0-o0, o1:d1-o1] # by default, we use only regions that contain # significant variance; this makes the percentile # based low and high estimates more reliable v = est-filters.gaussian_filter(est, escale*20.0) v = filters.gaussian_filter(v**2, escale*20.0)**0.5 v = (v > 0.3*np.amax(v)) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=np.ones((escale*50, 1))) v = morphology.binary_dilation(v, structure=np.ones((1, escale*50))) est = est[v] lo = np.percentile(est.ravel(), low) hi = np.percentile(est.ravel(), high) flat -= lo flat /= (hi-lo) flat = np.clip(flat, 0, 1) bin = np.array(255*(flat > threshold), 'B') return array2pil(bin)
def circle_markers(blobs, pic_shape): '''Return array with circles around foci found''' markers_rad = np.zeros(pic_shape, dtype = np.bool) x_max, y_max = pic_shape for blob in blobs: x, y, r = blob r = r*np.sqrt(2) rr, cc = circle_perimeter(x, y, np.round(r).astype(int)) rr_new, cc_new = [], [] for x_c,y_c in zip(rr,cc): if (x_c >= 0) and (x_c < x_max) and (y_c >= 0) and (y_c < y_max): rr_new.append(x_c) cc_new.append(y_c) markers_rad[rr_new, cc_new] = True selem = np.array([0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0], dtype=bool).reshape((3,3)) markers_rad = binary_dilation(binary_dilation(markers_rad, selem), selem) return markers_rad
def fix_holes(im,out,isin): if isin.all(): raise ValueError('Cannot fix holes. All pixels are labeled as holes.') isout = isin == False # strel for eroding se = num.ones((3,3),bool) # store dilated version here isout1 = num.zeros(isout.shape,dtype=bool) # loop, dilating known regions while not isout.all(): # get pixels just inside the border morph.binary_dilation(isout,se,output=isout1) border = isout1 & num.logical_not(isout) (yb,xb) = num.nonzero(border) yn = num.vstack([yb-1, yb-1, yb-1, yb, yb, yb+1, yb+1, yb+1]) xn = num.vstack([xb-1, xb, xb+1, xb-1, xb+1, xb-1, xb, xb+1]) badidx = num.logical_or(yn >= im.shape[0], num.logical_or(yn < 0, num.logical_or(xn >= im.shape[1], xn < 0))) yn = yn[badidx == False] xn = xn[badidx == False] #print "xn = " + str(xn) #print "yn = " + str(yn) #print "isout[yn,xn] = " + str(isout[yn,xn].astype(int)) out[yb,xb] = num.average(out[yn,xn],axis=0,weights=isout[yn,xn].astype(float)) # plt.subplot(121) # plt.imshow(isout) # plt.subplot(122) # plt.imshow(out) # # swap isout, isout1x isout2 = isout1 isout1 = isout isout = isout2 return isin
def removeLines(img, n): imfft = np.fft.fft2(imggray) imffts = np.fft.fftshift(imfft) mags = np.abs(imffts) angles = np.angle(imffts) visual = np.log(mags) #visual2 = (visual - visual.min()) / (visual .max() - visual.min())*255 #print np.mean(visual) visual3 = np.abs(visual.astype(np.int16) - np.mean(visual)) ret = houghLines(visual3) ret = morphology.binary_dilation(ret ) ret = morphology.binary_dilation(ret ) ret = morphology.binary_dilation(ret ) ret = morphology.binary_dilation(ret ) ret = morphology.binary_dilation(ret ) w,h=ret.shape ret[w/2-3:w/2+3, h/2-3:h/2+3]=False delta = np.mean(visual[ret]) - np.mean(visual) imsave("visual_re" + str(n) + ".jpg", visual) visual_blured = ndimage.gaussian_filter(visual, sigma=5) #visual[ret] = np.minimum(visual[ret], np.mean(visual)) # visual[vismask] - delta visual[ret] =visual_blured[ret] imsave("visual_ret" + str(n) + ".jpg", visual) newmagsshift = np.exp(visual) newffts = newmagsshift * np.exp(1j*angles) newfft = np.fft.ifftshift(newffts) imrev = np.fft.ifft2(newfft) newim2 = np.abs(imrev).astype(np.uint8) #newim2[newim2<20] = 255 newim2 = np.maximum(newim2, img) #newim2 = morphology.grey_closing(newim2, 3 ) return newim2
def foci_markers(blobs, pic_shape): '''Return array with foci markers''' markers = np.zeros(pic_shape, dtype = np.bool) for blob in blobs: x, y, r = blob markers[x,y] = True selem = np.array([0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0], dtype=bool).reshape((3,3)) markers = binary_dilation(binary_dilation(markers, selem), selem) return markers
def _get_border_pixels_from_mask(self, mask_in): mask = np.zeros((mask_in.shape[0]+2 , mask_in.shape[1] + 2, mask_in.shape[2]+2)) mask[1:-1,1:-1, 1:-1] = mask_in dilated = binary_dilation (mask) old_x, old_y, old_z = np.nonzero(dilated - mask) old_x = old_x - 1 old_y = old_y - 1 old_z = old_z - 1 new_x = np.clip(old_x, 0, mask_in.shape[0]-1) new_y = np.clip(old_y, 0, mask_in.shape[1]-1) new_z = np.clip(old_z, 0, mask_in.shape[2]-1) adjusted_boundary = zip(new_x, new_y, new_z) return adjusted_boundary
def __init__(self, geometric_model='affine', tps_grid_size=3, tps_reg_factor=0, h_matches=15, w_matches=15, use_conv_filter=False, dilation_filter=None, use_cuda=True, normalize_inlier_count=False, offset_factor=227/210): super(WeakInlierCount, self).__init__() self.normalize=normalize_inlier_count self.geometric_model = geometric_model self.geometricTnf = GeometricTnf(geometric_model=geometric_model, tps_grid_size=tps_grid_size, tps_reg_factor=tps_reg_factor, out_h=h_matches, out_w=w_matches, offset_factor = offset_factor, use_cuda=use_cuda) # define dilation filter if dilation_filter is None: dilation_filter = generate_binary_structure(2, 2) # define identity mask tensor (w,h are switched and will be permuted back later) mask_id = np.zeros((w_matches,h_matches,w_matches*h_matches)) idx_list = list(range(0, mask_id.size, mask_id.shape[2]+1)) mask_id.reshape((-1))[idx_list]=1 mask_id = mask_id.swapaxes(0,1) # perform 2D dilation to each channel if not use_conv_filter: if not (isinstance(dilation_filter,int) and dilation_filter==0): for i in range(mask_id.shape[2]): mask_id[:,:,i] = binary_dilation(mask_id[:,:,i],structure=dilation_filter).astype(mask_id.dtype) else: for i in range(mask_id.shape[2]): flt=np.array([[1/16,1/8,1/16], [1/8, 1/4, 1/8], [1/16,1/8,1/16]]) mask_id[:,:,i] = scipy.signal.convolve2d(mask_id[:,:,i], flt, mode='same', boundary='fill', fillvalue=0) # convert to PyTorch variable mask_id = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(mask_id).transpose(1,2).transpose(0,1).unsqueeze(0),requires_grad=False) self.mask_id = mask_id if use_cuda: self.mask_id = self.mask_id.cuda();
def _prep(self): self._nforeground = self._bimg.sum() # Dilate bimg to make it less strict for the big gap criteria # It is needed since sometimes the tracing goes along the # boundary of the thin fibre in the binary img self._dilated_bimg = binary_dilation(self._bimg) if not self._silent: print('(2) --Boundary DT...') self._make_dt() if not self._silent: print('(3) --Fast Marching with %s quality...' % ('high' if self._quality else 'low')) self._fast_marching() if not self._silent: print('(4) --Compute Gradients...') self._make_grad() # Make copy of the timemap self._tt = self._t.copy() self._tt[self._bimg <= 0] = -2 # Label all voxels of soma with -3 self._tt[self._soma.mask > 0] = -3 # For making a large tube to contain the last traced branch self._bb = np.zeros(shape=self._tt.shape)
def _init_mask(self): """ Initialize the mask """ if self.raw_mask is not None: self.mask = (self.raw_mask != 0).astype(numpy.int8) else: self.mask = (self.raw < 0).astype(numpy.int8) #mask out the border of the image self.mask[0, :] = 1 self.mask[-1, :] = 1 self.mask[:, 0] = 1 self.mask[:, -1] = 1 to_mask = numpy.where(self.mask) #always use a mask!! self.do_mask = True #to_mask[0].size > 0 if self.do_mask: self.raw[to_mask] = 0 #initial grow of 4*sigma_dest ... subsequent re-grow of half grow = int(round(4.0 * self.dest_sigma)) if not pyFAI_morphology: my, mx = numpy.ogrid[-grow:grow + 1, -grow:grow + 1] grow = (mx * mx + my * my) <= grow * grow self.cur_mask = morphology.binary_dilation(self.mask, grow) #subsequent grow grow = int(2.0 * self.dest_sigma) if not pyFAI_morphology: my, mx = numpy.ogrid[-grow:grow + 1, -grow:grow + 1] grow = (mx * mx + my * my) <= grow * grow self.grow = grow
def fix_hole(self,im,out,polygon,isin=None): s = num.ones((3,3),bool) # get points on the inside of the polygon if isin is None: isin = point_inside_polygon(self.X,self.Y,polygon) (y_isin,x_isin) = num.nonzero(isin) # get points on the outside boundary of the polygon isboundary = num.logical_and(morph.binary_dilation(isin,s), ~isin) (y_isboundary,x_isboundary) = num.nonzero(isboundary) # for each point inside the polygon, get an average from # all the boundary points for i in range(len(y_isin)): x = x_isin[i] y = y_isin[i] d = num.sqrt((y_isboundary-y)**2+(x_isboundary-x)**2) w = num.exp(-d) out[y,x] = num.sum(im[isboundary] * w) / num.sum(w) return isin
def get_neighbors(self, label_map): cropped_map = label_map[self.bounding_box.xmin : self.bounding_box.xmax+1, self.bounding_box.ymin : self.bounding_box.ymax +1, self.bounding_box.zmin:self.bounding_box.zmax +1] neighbors = np.unique( binary_dilation(self.border_mask).astype("int")* cropped_map) for x in neighbors: if not x in set((0,1,self.label)): self.neighbor_labels.add(x)
def dilate_mask(maskData, dilation=1, isFullSized=False, is2D=False): structuringElement = get_structuring_element(isFullSized, is2D) timesDilated = 0 while timesDilated < dilation: maskData = morphology.binary_dilation(maskData, structure=structuringElement) timesDilated += 1 return maskData
def __init__(self, world, x, y): = world self.listeners = [] self.viewMap = pad(world.wmap, 1, 'constant') self.nears = binary_dilation((world.wmap-255).astype(bool)) self.reset(x,y) self.notNears = logical_not(self.nears)
def measure_of_chaos(img,nlevels): ''' Function for calculating a measure of image noise using level sets # Inputs: image - numpy array of pixel intensities nlevels - number of levels to calculate over (note that we approximating a continuious distribution with a 'large enough' number of levels) # Outputs: measure_value This function calculates the number of connected regions above a threshold at an evenly spaced number of threshold between the min and max values of the image. There is some morphological operations to deal with orphaned pixels and heuristic parameters in the image processing. # Usage img = misc.imread('/Users/palmer/Copy/ion_image.png').astype(float) print measure_of_chaos(img,20) ''' # Image in/preparation sum_notnull = np.sum(img > 0) if sum_notnull == 0: return 0 im=clean_image(img) return float(np.sum([ ndimage.label( morphology.binary_erosion( morphology.binary_dilation(im > lev,structure=dilate_mask) , structure=erode_mask) )[1] for lev in np.linspace(np.amin(im),np.amax(im),nlevels)]))/(sum_notnull*nlevels)
def dilate_mask_by_one_voxel(input_nifti, output_nifti=None): """ Dilate Nifti image by one voxel, using a 6-neighborhood structuring element (voxels in diagonal are not included in the dilation). """ if not input_nifti.endswith(".nii.gz"): raise ValueError("Input has to be .nii.gz file, passed: %s" % input_nifti) image = nibabel.load(input_nifti) dtype = image.get_data_dtype() if output_nifti is None: output_nifti = input_nifti.split(".nii.gz")[0] + "_dilated_1vox_6conn.nii.gz" structuring_element = np.array([[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]], [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]) data = image.get_data() data_dilated = binary_dilation(data, structuring_element).astype(dtype) # Create and save Nifti image_dilated = nibabel.Nifti1Image(data_dilated, image.get_affine(), header=image.get_header()) image_dilated.to_filename(output_nifti) return output_nifti
def InsideOutside(s): ''' Create inside-outside function for slice and extract nodes, values just inside, just outside and on the boundary Arguments ---- s : 2D numpy integer array Extracted slice of label volume ''' nx, ny = s.shape # Create boundary layer mask from difference between dilation # and erosion of label. The mask represents the layers of # voxels immediately inside and outside the boundary. bound_mask = binary_dilation(s) - binary_erosion(s) # Inside-outside function from complement Euclidian distance transforms # Positive outside, negative inside io = EDT(1-s) - EDT(s) # Extract x, y coordinates and IO function values boundary layers xy = np.argwhere(bound_mask) # N x 2 coordinates of non-zero voxels # Random downsample by 3 # Every third point(ish) on boundary should be sufficient for accurate RBF n = xy.shape[0] samp = np.random.choice(np.arange(n), int(n/3.0)) xy = xy[samp,:] io_xy = io[xy[:,0], xy[:,1]] return io_xy, xy
def erodeDilate(self, img, method=None): """ Use morphological operators to erode or dilate the ridge structure. Dilate uses a recursive call to first dilate then erode. Dilation alone produces ridge structures that are too thick to look authentic. Recursive call introduces random spurious minutiae when some valley structures are bridged. """ img = np.array(img) if not method: method = random.choice(('erode', 'dilate', 'none')) inkIndex = np.where(img < 250) imgBin = np.zeros(np.shape(img)) imgBin[inkIndex] = 1 strel = morphology.generate_binary_structure(2,2) if method == 'erode': imgBin = morphology.binary_erosion(imgBin, strel) elif method == 'dilate': imgBin = morphology.binary_dilation(imgBin, strel) else: return img inkIndex = np.where(imgBin == 1) returnImg = 255*np.ones(np.shape(img)) returnImg[inkIndex] = 0 # Recursive call to erode after dilation to give more authentic # appearance. Erode after dilate introduces spurious minutiae # but does not make the ridge structure too thick if method == 'dilate': self.erodeDilate(returnImg, method='erode') return returnImg
def manual_split(probs, seg, body, seeds, connectivity=1, boundary_seeds=None): """Manually split a body from a segmentation using seeded watershed. Input: - probs: the probability of boundary in the volume given. - seg: the current segmentation. - body: the label to be split. - seeds: the seeds for the splitting (should be just two labels). [-connectivity: the connectivity to use for watershed.] [-boundary_seeds: if not None, these locations become inf in probs.] Value: - the segmentation with the selected body split. """ struct = generate_binary_structure(seg.ndim, connectivity) body_pixels = seg == body bbox = find_objects(body_pixels)[0] body_pixels = body_pixels[bbox] body_boundary = binary_dilation(body_pixels, struct) - body_pixels non_body_pixels = True - body_pixels - body_boundary probs = probs.copy()[bbox] probs[non_body_pixels] = probs.min()-1 if boundary_seeds is not None: probs[boundary_seeds[bbox]] = probs.max()+1 probs[body_boundary] = probs.max()+1 seeds = label(seeds.astype(bool)[bbox], struct)[0] outer_seed = seeds.max()+1 # should be 3 seeds[non_body_pixels] = outer_seed seg_new = watershed(probs, seeds, dams=(seg==0).any(), connectivity=connectivity, show_progress=True) seg = seg.copy() new_seeds = unique(seeds)[:-1] for new_seed, new_label in zip(new_seeds, [0, body, seg.max()+1]): seg[bbox][seg_new == new_seed] = new_label return seg
def getPara(predict, true, threshold, resolution, windowsize): (TP, FP, TN, FN, class_lable) = perf_measure(true, predict, threshold) if((TP + FN) == 0): TPR = 0 else: TPR = np.float(TP) / (TP + FN) class_lable = class_lable.astype(bool).reshape(250, 130) true = true.astype(bool).reshape((250, 130)) num = 2 x = np.arange( -num , num+1, 1) xx, yy = np.meshgrid( x, x ) struc = (xx * xx + yy * yy)<= num * num class_lable = binary_dilation(class_lable, struc) class_lable = binary_erosion(class_lable, struc) # predict2 = remove_small_objects(class_lable, windowsize * resolution, in_place=False) predict2 = remove_small_objects(class_lable, windowsize, in_place=False) labeled_array1, num_features1 = label(predict2) labeled_array2, num_features2 = label(true) FP_num = num_features1 - num_features2 if FP_num < 0: FP_num = 0 return TPR, FP_num
def plot_maxima(self, display = False): vis_maxima = binary_dilation(self.maxima, structure = np.ones(shape = (1,5,5))) masked_maxima = == 0, vis_maxima) self.plot_maxima_stack(masked_maxima, self.smooth_dist_map) if display:
def remove_background (image): # remove frame if any image = image[5:-5, 5:-5, :] thresh = np.array([10,10,10]).astype(int) c = get_dominant_colors(image, bin_size=thresh/4) if c is None: return None b, g, r = np.rollaxis(image, axis=-1) c = c.astype(int) mask = np.ones(r.shape, dtype=bool) mask = np.bitwise_and(mask, b.astype(int) >= c[0]-thresh[0]) mask = np.bitwise_and(mask, b.astype(int) <= c[0]+thresh[0]) mask = np.bitwise_and(mask, g.astype(int) >= c[1]-thresh[1]) mask = np.bitwise_and(mask, g.astype(int) <= c[1]+thresh[1]) mask = np.bitwise_and(mask, r.astype(int) >= c[2]-thresh[2]) mask = np.bitwise_and(mask, r.astype(int) <= c[2]+thresh[2]) mask = np.invert(binary_fill_holes(np.invert(mask))) for i in range(DILATE_ITER): mask = binary_dilation(mask) r[mask] = 0 g[mask] = 0 b[mask] = 0 image = np.dstack((b, g, r, np.invert(mask.astype(np.uint8)*255))) return image
def detect_sources(snmap, threshold): hot = (snmap > threshold) hot = binary_dilation(hot, iterations=2) hot = binary_fill_holes(hot) blobs,nblobs = label(hot) print(nblobs, 'blobs') #print('blobs min', blobs.min(), 'max', blobs.max()) slices = find_objects(blobs) px,py = [],[] for i,slc in enumerate(slices): blob_loc = blobs[slc] sn_loc = snmap[slc] imax = np.argmax((blob_loc == (i+1)) * sn_loc) y,x = np.unravel_index(imax, blob_loc.shape) y0,x0 = slc[0].start, slc[1].start px.append(x0+x) py.append(y0+y) #if i == 0: # plt.subplot(2,2,1) # plt.imshow(blob_loc, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') # plt.colorbar() # plt.subplot(2,2,2) # plt.imshow((blob_loc==(i+1))*sn_loc, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') # plt.subplot(2,2,3) # plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') return np.array(px),np.array(py)
def measure_noise(image_bp, image_raw, radius): """Compute the mean and standard deviation of the dark pixels outside the signal. The bandpassed image is used to identify background regions. The raw image is used to characterize the background. See Biophysical journal 88(1) 623-638 Figure C. Parameters ---------- image_bp : ndarray preprocessed (bandpassed) image image_raw : ndarray raw image radius : number or tuple of numbers feature radius used for centroid identification Returns ------- background mean, background standard deviation """ structure = binary_mask(radius, image_bp.ndim) background = ~morphology.binary_dilation(image_bp, structure=structure) n_background = background.sum() if n_background == 0: # edge case of no background identified return np.nan, np.nan elif n_background == 1: # edge case of not enough background identified return image_raw[background].mean(), np.nan else: return image_raw[background].mean(), image_raw[background].std()
def plot_boundary_map(X): bounds = binary_dilation(X) - X H,W = X.shape rgba = np.zeros((H,W,4), np.uint8) rgba[:,:,1] = bounds*255 rgba[:,:,3] = bounds*255 plt.imshow(rgba, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower')
def main(): args = getArguments(getParser()) # prepare logger logger = Logger.getInstance() if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # loading input images b0img, b0hdr = load(args.b0image) bximg, bxhdr = load(args.bximage) # convert to float b0img = b0img.astype(numpy.float) bximg = bximg.astype(numpy.float) # check if image are compatible if not b0img.shape == bximg.shape: raise ArgumentError('The input images shapes differ i.e. {} != {}.'.format(b0img.shape, bximg.shape)) if not header.get_pixel_spacing(b0hdr) == header.get_pixel_spacing(bxhdr): raise ArgumentError('The input images voxel spacing differs i.e. {} != {}.'.format(header.get_pixel_spacing(b0hdr), header.get_pixel_spacing(bxhdr))) # check if supplied threshold value as well as the b value is above 0 if args.threshold is not None and not args.threshold >= 0: raise ArgumentError('The supplied threshold value must be greater than 0, otherwise a division through 0 might occur.') if not args.b > 0: raise ArgumentError('The supplied b-value must be greater than 0.') # compute threshold value if not supplied if args.threshold is None: b0thr = otsu(b0img, 32) / 4. # divide by 4 to decrease impact bxthr = otsu(bximg, 32) / 4. if 0 >= b0thr: raise ArgumentError('The supplied b0image seems to contain negative values.') if 0 >= bxthr: raise ArgumentError('The supplied bximage seems to contain negative values.') else: b0thr = bxthr = args.threshold logger.debug('thresholds={}/{}, b-value={}'.format(b0thr, bxthr, args.b)) # threshold b0 + bx DW image to obtain a mask # b0 mask avoid division through 0, bx mask avoids a zero in the ln(x) computation mask = binary_fill_holes(b0img > b0thr) & binary_fill_holes(bximg > bxthr) # perform a number of binary morphology steps to select the brain only mask = binary_erosion(mask, iterations=1) mask = largest_connected_component(mask) mask = binary_dilation(mask, iterations=1) logger.debug('excluding {} of {} voxels from the computation and setting them to zero'.format(numpy.count_nonzero(mask), # compute the ADC adc = numpy.zeros(b0img.shape, b0img.dtype) adc[mask] = -1. * args.b * numpy.log(bximg[mask] / b0img[mask]) adc[adc < 0] = 0 # saving the resulting image save(adc, args.output, b0hdr, args.force)
def main(): args = getArguments(getParser()) # prepare logger logger = Logger.getInstance() if args.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif args.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # load input image data_input, header_input = load(args.input) # treat as binary data_input = data_input.astype(numpy.bool) # check dimension argument if args.dimension and (not args.dimension >= 0 or not args.dimension < data_input.ndim): argparse.ArgumentError(args.dimension, 'Invalid dimension of {} supplied. Image has only {} dimensions.'.format(args.dimension, data_input.ndim)) # compute erosion and dilation steps erosions = int(math.ceil(args.width / 2.)) dilations = int(math.floor(args.width / 2.)) logger.debug("Performing {} erosions and {} dilations to achieve a contour of width {}.".format(erosions, dilations, args.width)) # erode, dilate and compute contour if not args.dimension: eroded = binary_erosion(data_input, iterations=erosions) if not 0 == erosions else data_input dilated = binary_dilation(data_input, iterations=dilations) if not 0 == dilations else data_input data_output = dilated - eroded else: slicer = [slice(None)] * data_input.ndim bs_slicer = [slice(None)] * data_input.ndim data_output = numpy.zeros_like(data_input) for sl in range(data_input.shape[args.dimension]): slicer[args.dimension] = slice(sl, sl+1) bs_slicer[args.dimension] = slice(1, 2) bs = generate_binary_structure(data_input.ndim, 1) eroded = binary_erosion(data_input[slicer], structure=bs[bs_slicer], iterations=erosions) if not 0 == erosions else data_input[slicer] dilated = binary_dilation(data_input[slicer], structure=bs[bs_slicer], iterations=dilations) if not 0 == dilations else data_input[slicer] data_output[slicer] = dilated - eroded logger.debug("Contour image contains {} contour voxels.".format(numpy.count_nonzero(data_output))) # save resulting volume save(data_output, args.output, header_input, args.force)"Successfully terminated.")
def find_circle(img, npts=25, nstart=0, navg=20, plot=False): filled_img = binary_fill_holes(img) dil_img = binary_dilation(filled_img) edges = dil_img-filled_img pts = np.transpose(np.nonzero(edges)) # select an evenly spaced subset of points (to speed up computation): if len(pts) > npts: indices = np.linspace(nstart, len(pts)-1, npts) indices = [int(indices[i]) for i in range(len(indices))] else: indices = np.arange(0, len(pts), 1).tolist() pts_subset = pts[indices,:] len_pts_diff = np.arange(1,len(pts_subset), 1) pts_diff = np.zeros(np.sum(len_pts_diff)) pts_diff_arr = np.zeros([np.sum(len_pts_diff), 2]) iarr = 0 for i in range(len(pts_subset)): indices = np.arange(i+1, len(pts_subset), 1) pts_diff_arr[iarr:len(indices)+iarr, 1] = indices pts_diff_arr[iarr:len(indices)+iarr, 0] = np.ones_like(indices)*i d_arr = pts_subset[indices.tolist(), :] - pts_subset[i,:] d = np.array( [np.linalg.norm(d_arr[n]) for n in range(len(d_arr))] ) pts_diff[iarr:len(indices)+iarr] = d iarr += len(indices) ordered_pairs = np.argsort(pts_diff)[::-1] best_pairs = pts_diff_arr[(ordered_pairs[0:navg]).tolist()] center_arr = np.zeros([len(best_pairs), 2]) radius_arr = np.zeros([len(best_pairs), 1]) #centers = np.zeros([len(best_pairs)]) for i, pair in enumerate(best_pairs): pt1 = np.array(pts_subset[ pair[0] ], dtype=float) pt2 = np.array(pts_subset[ pair[1] ], dtype=float) pt_diff = pt2 - pt1 radius_arr[i] = np.linalg.norm( pt_diff ) / 2. center_arr[i] = pt1 + pt_diff/2 center = np.mean(center_arr, axis=0) radius = np.mean(radius_arr) if plot: fig = plt.figure(None) ax = fig.add_axes([.1,.1,.8,.8]) circle = patches.Circle( center, radius=radius, facecolor='none', edgecolor='green') ax.add_artist(circle) ax.imshow(edges) return center, radius
def dilate_segment(data, segmap, segID, parentID, makecopy=False, expand=5): ''' Dilate a segment. Only pixels in the parent segment with brightness less than the minimum of the pre-dilated segment can be updated. Parameters ---------- data : 2D float array The data. segmap : 2D int array The segmentation image. segID : int The segment ID of the segment to dilate. parentID : int The segment ID of the parent segment. makecopy : bool Make a copy of the segmentation image? expand : int The size of the dilation kernel. ''' if makecopy: segmap=segmap.copy() #Do the dilation kernel = geometry.unit_tophat(expand) dilated = binary_dilation(segmap==segID, structure=kernel) #Update the segmap cond = (dilated>0) & (segmap==parentID) & (data<data[segmap==segID].min()) segmap[cond] = segID return segmap
def manual_split(probs, seg, body, seeds, connectivity=1, boundary_seeds=None): """Manually split a body from a segmentation using seeded watershed. Input: - probs: the probability of boundary in the volume given. - seg: the current segmentation. - body: the label to be split. - seeds: the seeds for the splitting (should be just two labels). [-connectivity: the connectivity to use for watershed.] [-boundary_seeds: if not None, these locations become inf in probs.] Value: - the segmentation with the selected body split. """ struct = generate_binary_structure(seg.ndim, connectivity) body_pixels = seg == body bbox = find_objects(body_pixels)[0] body_pixels = body_pixels[bbox] body_boundary = binary_dilation(body_pixels, struct) - body_pixels non_body_pixels = True - body_pixels - body_boundary probs = probs.copy()[bbox] probs[non_body_pixels] = probs.min() - 1 if boundary_seeds is not None: probs[boundary_seeds[bbox]] = probs.max() + 1 probs[body_boundary] = probs.max() + 1 seeds = label(seeds.astype(bool)[bbox], struct)[0] outer_seed = seeds.max() + 1 # should be 3 seeds[non_body_pixels] = outer_seed seg_new = watershed(probs, seeds, dams=(seg == 0).any(), connectivity=connectivity, show_progress=True) seg = seg.copy() new_seeds = unique(seeds)[:-1] for new_seed, new_label in zip(new_seeds, [0, body, seg.max() + 1]): seg[bbox][seg_new == new_seed] = new_label return seg
def single_obj_scoremap(scoremap, filter_size=21): s = scoremap.size() # (b,2,256,256) #assert len(s) == 4, "score map must be 4D" scoremap_softmax = F.softmax(scoremap, dim=1) scoremap_softmax = scoremap_softmax[:, 1:, :, :] # hand score map scoremap_val, _ = scoremap_softmax.max(dim=1, keepdim=False) # argmax (b, 256, 256) detmap_fg = torch.round(scoremap_val) # (b,256,256) max_loc = find_max_location(scoremap_val).to(torch.float32) # (b, 256, 256) # max location을 사용하여 dilation objectmap_list = [] kernel_dil = torch.ones(filter_size, filter_size, device=scoremap.device) / float(filter_size * filter_size) for i in range(s[0]): # 각 배치마다 objectmap = max_loc[i].clone() num_passes = max(s[2], s[3]) // (filter_size//2) for j in range(num_passes): # max값 objectmap = torch.reshape(objectmap, [1, 1, s[2], s[3]]) # (1, 256, 256) objectmap_num = objectmap.cpu().detach().numpy() ####### TODO: dilation morphology ####### objectmap_dil = binary_dilation(objectmap_num).astype(np.float32) objectmap_dil = torch.tensor(objectmap_dil).to(device) objectmap_dil = torch.reshape(objectmap_dil, [s[2],s[3]]) objectmap = torch.round(detmap_fg[i]*objectmap_dil) objectmap = torch.reshape(objectmap, [1, s[2],s[3]]) objectmap_list.append(objectmap) objectmap_list = torch.stack(objectmap_list) # 1x1x256x256 return objectmap_list
def _binary_dilation(self): vol_name = str(self.out_edit.text()) num = self.structure_combo.currentIndex() + 3 self.structure_array = np.ones((num,num,num), # self.orgin = self.origin_edit.text() if not vol_name: self.out_edit.setFocus() return source_row = self.source_combo.currentIndex() source_data =, Qt.UserRole + 6) binary_vol = imtool.binaryzation(source_data, (source_data.max() + source_data.min()) / 2) new_vol = morphology.binary_dilation(binary_vol, structure=self.structure_array, border_value=1) self._model.addItem(new_vol, None, vol_name, self._model._data[0].get_header()) self.done(0)
def get_probe_from_vacuum_3Dstack(data, mask_threshold=0.2, mask_expansion=12, mask_opening=3): """ Averages all diffraction patterns in a 3D stack of diffraction patterns, assumed to be taken over vacuum, to create and average vacuum probe. No alignment is performed - i.e. it is assumed that the beam was stationary during acquisition of the stack. Values outisde the average probe are zeroed, using a binary mask determined by the optional parameters mask_threshold, mask_expansion, and mask_opening. An initial binary mask is created using a threshold of less than mask_threshold times the maximal probe value. A morphological opening of mask_opening pixels is performed to eliminate stray pixels (e.g. from x-rays), followed by a dilation of mask_expansion pixels to ensure the entire probe is captured. Args: data (array): a 3D stack of vacuum diffraction patterns, shape (Q_Nx,Q_Ny,N) mask_threshold (float): threshold determining mask which zeros values outside of probe mask_expansion (int): number of pixels by which the zeroing mask is expanded to capture the full probe mask_opening (int): size of binary opening used to eliminate stray bright pixels Returns: (array of shape (Q_Nx,Q_Ny)): the average probe """ probe = np.average(data, axis=2) mask = probe > np.max(probe) * mask_threshold mask = binary_opening(mask, iterations=mask_opening) mask = binary_dilation(mask, iterations=1) mask = np.cos((np.pi / 2) * np.minimum( distance_transform_edt(np.logical_not(mask)) / mask_expansion, 1))**2 return probe * mask
def counts_in_contour(contours, fitsim, dilate=2): if not isinstance(contours, matplotlib.path.Path): contours = matplotlib.path.Path(contours) header = fitsim.header img = wcs = pywcs.WCS(header) #wcsgrid = wcs.wcs_pix2world( np.array(zip(np.arange(wcs.naxis1),np.arange(wcs.naxis2))), 0 ).T yy,xx = np.indices(img.shape) wyx = wcs.wcs_pix2world(zip(yy.ravel(),xx.ravel()),0) mask = contours.contains_points(wyx) #pix_paths = [wcs.wcs_world2pix(p,0) for p in contours] mask = mask.reshape(img.shape) inside = img[mask].sum() rind = np.array(binary_dilation(mask, iterations=dilate) - mask,dtype='bool') outside = img[rind].mean() return inside-outside*mask.sum()
def preprocess(camera,f): img=cam.image(camera,f); ###img object contains four data fields: rgb, red, rbr, and cm img.undistort(rgb=True); ###undistortion if img.rgb is None: return # plt.imshow(img.rbr,vmin=-0.7,vmax=0.2);; mask=(img.rgb[:,:,2]>0) & ((img.rgb[:,:,2]<76)) ####all other cameras # mask=(img.rgb[:,:,2]>0) & ((img.rgb[:,:,2]<80) | ((img.rgb[:,:,1]<img.rgb[:,:,0]-5) & (img.rgb[:,:,1]<img.rgb[:,:,2]-5))) ####HD5A mask=morphology.binary_closing(mask,np.ones((9,9))) mask=remove_small_objects(mask, min_size=15, connectivity=4) mask=morphology.binary_dilation(mask,np.ones((21,21))) mask=morphology.binary_closing(mask,np.ones((17,17))) mask=remove_small_objects(mask, min_size=1000, connectivity=4) fig,ax=plt.subplots(2,2,sharex=True,sharey=True); ax[0,0].imshow(img.rgb); ax[0,1].imshow(img.rbr,vmin=-0.2,vmax=0.1); ax[1,0].imshow(mask); ax[1,1].imshow(img.rgb[:,:,2]) # plt.figure(); plt.hist(img.rbr[img.rbr>-1],bins=100);'_mask',mask);
def vad_trim_silences(wav): samples_per_window = (config.VAD_WIN_LEN * config.SR) // 1000 wav = wav[:len(wav) - (len(wav) % samples_per_window)] pcm_wave = struct.pack( "%dh" % len(wav), *(np.round(wav * config.INT_16_MAX)).astype(np.int16)) voice_flags = [] vad = webrtcvad.Vad(mode=3) for window_start in range(0, len(wav), samples_per_window): window_end = window_start + samples_per_window voice_flags.append( vad.is_speech(pcm_wave[window_start * 2:window_end * 2], sample_rate=config.SR)) voice_flags = np.array(voice_flags) audio_mask = moving_average(voice_flags, config.VAD_AVERAGE) audio_mask = np.round(audio_mask).astype(np.bool) audio_mask = binary_dilation(audio_mask, np.ones(config.VAD_MAX_SILENCE + 1)) audio_mask = np.repeat(audio_mask, samples_per_window) return wav[audio_mask == True]
def fill(img,szs,Xs): sz=szs[0] image_size=img.shape[0] r=np.random.randint(image_size-sz) c=np.random.randint(image_size-sz) img[r:r+sz,c:c+sz]=1.0 Xs[0]=img==1 for i,sz in enumerate(szs[1:]): # print sz validmask=binary_dilation(img,struct2,sz) zeroxc=xc[validmask==0].flatten() zeroyc=yc[validmask==0].flatten() validmask=np.logical_and(zeroxc<=image_size-sz,zeroyc<=image_size-sz) ri=np.random.randint(validmask.sum()) zeroxc=zeroxc[validmask] zeroyc=zeroyc[validmask] r=zeroxc[ri] c=zeroyc[ri] img[r:r+sz,c:c+sz]=1.0 Xs[i+1][r:r+sz,c:c+sz] =True return img,Xs[0],Xs[1],Xs[2]
def create_mask(self, path, outdir): """create a mask using otsu thresholding""" filename = os.path.basename(path) filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] image, header = image = self.normalize_intensity(image) image = self.hist_equalization(image) #nrrd.write(outdir+filename+ '_histogram_normalized.nrrd', image, header=header) #normalized_image = (image - np.mean(image)) / np.std(image) #nrrd.write(outdir + filename + '_normalized.nrrd', normalized_image, header=header) val = filters.threshold_otsu(image) # convert to binary to speed up next processing blobs = image > val # Dilation enlarges bright regions and shrinks dark regions mask = morph.binary_dilation(blobs, iterations=20) # Closing remove pepper spots and connects small bright cracks. Close up dark gaps between bright features mask = morph.binary_closing(mask, iterations=10) # Create a convex hull - Not the fastest way #for z in range(0, mask.shape[2]): # mask[:,:,z] = skimorph.convex_hull_image(mask[:,:,z]) #mask = spatial.ConvexHull(mask, incremental = True) # convert to 0 and 1 float mask = measure.label(mask, background=0.0).astype('float32') mask[mask > 0] = 1 nrrd.write(outdir + filename + '_dilated_mask.nrrd', mask, header=header) #print('--- Done ' + filename + ' ---') return mask
def denoise_spectrogram(spect, threshold=1, filter_size = (2,2)): """ input: spectrogram, matrix output: denoised spectrogram, binary matrix as in bird singing paper """ # map to [0,1] minVal = np.min(spect) maxVal = np.max(spect) spect = (spect - minVal)/(maxVal - minVal) # convert to binary row_medians = np.tile(np.median(spect, axis=1, keepdims=True), (1, spect.shape[1])) col_medians = np.tile(np.median(spect, axis=0, keepdims=True), (spect.shape[0], 1)) spect_ = (spect > threshold * row_medians).astype('int') * (spect > threshold * col_medians).astype('int') # apply erosion + dilation structure_filter = np.ones(filter_size) spect_ = binary_erosion(spect_, structure=structure_filter) spect_ = binary_dilation(spect_, structure=structure_filter) return spect_
def BluryEdgeOfROI(initial_ROI): ''' This function blurry the ROI. This function can be used when the ROI was drawn not definitely. :param initial_ROI: The binary ROI image, support 2D and 3D :return: ''' if len(np.shape(initial_ROI)) == 2: kernel = np.ones((3, 3)) elif len(np.shape(initial_ROI)) == 3: kernel = np.ones((3, 3, 3)) else: print('Only could process 2D or 3D data') return [] initial_ROI = initial_ROI == 1 ROI_dilate = binary_dilation(input=initial_ROI, structure=kernel, iterations=1) ROI_erode = binary_erosion(input=ROI_dilate, structure=kernel, iterations=1) ROI_erode1 = binary_erosion(input=ROI_erode, structure=kernel, iterations=1) ROI_erode2 = binary_erosion(input=ROI_erode1, structure=kernel, iterations=1) dif_dilate = (ROI_dilate - ROI_erode) * 0.25 dif_ori = (ROI_erode - ROI_erode1) * 0.5 dif_in = (ROI_erode1 - ROI_erode2) * 0.75 blurred_ROI = ROI_erode2 + dif_dilate + dif_ori + dif_in return blurred_ROI
def get_intermediate_skintorso_labels(w_mask, sat_margin, sat_filled): """FIXME! briefly describe function :param w_mask: 2d numpy.ndarray, water mask :param sat_margin: 2d numpy.ndarray :param sat_filled: 2d numpy.ndarray :returns: :rtype: tuple of three 2d numpy.ndarray of bools """ # find (watery) skin around torso # iteratively push skin margin mask to the outside (by binary dilation) # if union with the water mask drops by drop_ratio_thresh then stop # number of iterations = skinwidth_torso skin_filled = sat_filled skin_margin = sat_margin nvoxels_skin_torso = len(np.where(sat_margin)[0]) nvoxels_skin_torso_prev = nvoxels_skin_torso nvoxel_rel_drop = (np.abs(nvoxels_skin_torso - nvoxels_skin_torso_prev) / nvoxels_skin_torso_prev) drop_ratio_thresh = 0.5 while nvoxel_rel_drop <= drop_ratio_thresh: skin_filled = skin_margin | skin_filled skin_margin = (binary_dilation(skin_filled) ^ skin_filled) & w_mask nvoxels_skin_torso = nvoxels_skin_torso_prev nvoxels_skin_torso_prev = len(np.where(skin_margin)[0]) if nvoxels_skin_torso_prev == 0: break nvoxel_rel_drop = \ (np.abs(nvoxels_skin_torso_prev - nvoxels_skin_torso) / nvoxels_skin_torso_prev) skin_filled = skin_margin | skin_filled skintorso_mask = (skin_margin | skin_filled) ^ sat_filled return skintorso_mask, skin_margin, skin_filled
def brain_detection(image, voxel, foreground_mask, subsample=[4, 2, 1], iterations=[40, 8, 2], lambda2=20): """Create mask of brain region only""" if foreground_mask is not None: se = np.ones((5, ) * len(foreground_mask.shape)) mask = ndim.binary_erosion(foreground_mask, structure=se, iterations=3) mask = _largest_connected_component(mask) else: mask = None mean, std = _background_statistics(image) for i, s in enumerate(subsample): new_res = np.ceil(np.array(image.shape) / s).astype(int) if tuple(new_res) == image.shape: image_small = image else: image_small = _resample(image, res=list(new_res)) if mask is not None: mask = _resample(mask, res=list(new_res), order=0) mask = _segment(image_small, lambda2=lambda2, iterations=iterations[i], sigma=8. / voxel, threshold=mean, init=mask) # simple topological corrections mask = ndim.binary_erosion(mask, iterations=2) mask = _largest_connected_component(mask) mask = ndim.binary_dilation(mask, iterations=2) mask = ndim.binary_fill_holes(mask).astype(np.uint8) if mask.shape != image.shape: mask = _resample(mask, res=image.shape, order=0) return mask
def rasterize_file_dilated_line( vector_filename_in, reference_file, thin_line_raster_filename_out, dilation_structure=None, dilation_iterations=1, query=None, ): """ Rasterize the vector geometry at vector_filename_in, returning an ndarray. Use the image dimensions, boundary, and other metadata from reference_file (an in-memory object). A rasterization with only 1px-thick lines is written to thin_line_raster_filename_out. The lines are thickened with binary dilation, with the structuring element and iteration count provided by the dilation_structure and dilation_iterations arguments respectively. If query is passed, it is used as a SQL where-clause to select certain features. """ rasterize_file_thin_line(vector_filename_in, reference_file, thin_line_raster_filename_out, query) thin_line_file = gdal_utils.gdal_open(thin_line_raster_filename_out) return morphology.binary_dilation( thin_line_file.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(), dilation_structure, dilation_iterations, )
def genSegMalis(gg3, iter_num): # given input seg map, widen the seg border from scipy.ndimage import morphology as skmorph #from skimage import morphology as skmorph gg3_dz = np.zeros(gg3.shape).astype(np.uint32) gg3_dz[1:, :, :] = (np.diff(gg3, axis=0)) gg3_dy = np.zeros(gg3.shape).astype(np.uint32) gg3_dy[:, 1:, :] = (np.diff(gg3, axis=1)) gg3_dx = np.zeros(gg3.shape).astype(np.uint32) gg3_dx[:, :, 1:] = (np.diff(gg3, axis=2)) gg3g = ((gg3_dx + gg3_dy) > 0) #stel=np.array([[1, 1],[1,1]]).astype(bool) #stel=np.array([[0, 1, 0],[1,1,1], [0,1,0]]).astype(bool) stel = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]).astype(bool) #stel=np.array([[1,1,1,1],[1, 1, 1, 1],[1,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1]]).astype(bool) gg3gd = np.zeros(gg3g.shape) for i in range(gg3g.shape[0]): gg3gd[i, :, :] = skmorph.binary_dilation(gg3g[i, :, :], structure=stel, iterations=iter_num) out = gg3.copy() out[gg3gd == 1] = 0 #out[0,:,:]=0 # for malis return out return out
def mean_binary(binaries, image, iterations=1, min_intensity=0, area_threshold=0, sigma=None): """Compares two binary of image and produces a filter based on the overlap""" intensity_map = image * np.mean(binaries, axis=0) intensity_mask = np.where(intensity_map > min_intensity, True, False) # Remove small holes and objects from masks intensity_mask = remove_small_holes(intensity_mask, area_threshold=area_threshold) intensity_mask = remove_small_objects(intensity_mask, min_size=area_threshold) # Dilate image binary = binary_dilation(intensity_mask, iterations=iterations) smooth_binary(binary, sigma) return binary.astype(int)
def process_mask(mask): """ mask标注预处理相关 :param mask: :return: """ convex_mask = np.copy(mask) for i_layer in range(convex_mask.shape[0]): # np.ascontiguousarray方法copy返回一个跟参数array有一样shape的连续数组 mask1 = np.ascontiguousarray(mask[i_layer]) if np.sum(mask1) > 0: # 有mask目标 # convex_hull_image是CV高级形态学处理函数,输入为二值图像,输出一个逻辑二值图像,在凸包内的点为True, 否则为False mask2 = convex_hull_image(mask1) if np.sum(mask2) > 1.5 * np.sum( mask1): # 凸包生成的凸多边形太过分,掩盖了原始mask1的大致形状信息,则放弃凸包处理 mask2 = mask1 else: # 没有mask目标 mask2 = mask1 convex_mask[i_layer] = mask2 # 二值膨胀 struct = generate_binary_structure(3, 1) dilatedMask = binary_dilation(convex_mask, structure=struct, iterations=10) # 返回膨胀后的mask return dilatedMask
def _run_interface(self, runtime): orig_file_nii = nb.load(self.inputs.in_file) in_file_data = orig_file_nii.get_fdata() # pad the data to avoid the mask estimation running into edge effects in_file_data_padded = np.pad( in_file_data, (1, 1), "constant", constant_values=(0, 0) ) padded_nii = nb.Nifti1Image( in_file_data_padded, orig_file_nii.affine, orig_file_nii.header ) mask_nii = compute_epi_mask(padded_nii, exclude_zeros=True) mask_data = np.asanyarray(mask_nii.dataobj).astype(np.uint8) if isdefined(self.inputs.dilation): mask_data = binary_dilation(mask_data).astype(np.uint8) # reverse image padding mask_data = mask_data[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] # exclude zero and NaN voxels mask_data[in_file_data == 0] = 0 mask_data[np.isnan(in_file_data)] = 0 better_mask = nb.Nifti1Image( mask_data, orig_file_nii.affine, orig_file_nii.header ) better_mask.set_data_dtype(np.uint8) better_mask.to_filename("mask_file.nii.gz") self._mask_file = os.path.join(runtime.cwd, "mask_file.nii.gz") runtime.returncode = 0 return super(ComputeEPIMask, self)._run_interface(runtime)
def _remove_outside_body(self, img_patch): h, w = img_patch.shape se = generate_binary_structure(2, 2) img_patch = binary_dilation(img_patch, structure=se).astype('uint8') for c in [0, w - 1]: x = np.where(img_patch[:, c] == 0)[0] while(len(x)): mask = region_growing([[x[0], c]], img_patch == 0) img_patch += mask x = np.where(img_patch[:, c] == 0)[0] for r in [0, h - 1]: x = np.where(img_patch[r, :] == 0)[0] while(len(x)): mask = region_growing([[r, x[0]]], img_patch == 0) img_patch += mask x = np.where(img_patch[r, :] == 0)[0] img_patch = binary_erosion(img_patch, structure=se).astype('uint8') return img_patch
def MRClean(frame, z_thresh=8.0): """ Attempt to repair scan lines corrupted by MRI RF or gradient pulses. Parameters ---------- frame : numpy integer array Original corrupted, interlaced video frame cfg : configuration object Pipeline configuration parameters Returns ------- frame_clean : numpy integer array Repaired interlaced frame art_power : float Artifact power in frame Example ------- >>> """ # Internal debug flag DEBUG = False # Init repaired frame frame_clean = frame.copy() # Split frame into even and odd lines fr_even = frame[0::2, :] fr_odd = frame[1::2, :] # Odd - even frame difference df = fr_odd.astype(float) - fr_even.astype(float) # Row mean of frame difference df_row_mean = np.mean(df, axis=1) # Artifact power - mean square of row means art_power = np.mean(df_row_mean**2) # Robust estimate of noise SD in row projection sd_n = ip.WaveletNoiseSD(df_row_mean) # Frame difference projection z-scores z = df_row_mean / sd_n # Find scanlines with |z| > z_thresh bad_rows = np.abs(z) > z_thresh # Median smooth the bad rows mask then dilate by 3 lines (kernel 2*3+1 = 7) bad_rows = medfilt(bad_rows) bad_rows = binary_dilation(bad_rows, structure=np.ones((7, ))) # If an artifact is present if np.sum(bad_rows) > 0: # Add leading and trailing zero to bad rows flag array # This lets forward difference work correctly below bad_rows_pad = np.append(0, np.append(bad_rows, 0)) # Find bad row block start and end indices by forward differencing # Add leading and trailing zeros to avoid unterminated blocks # Remember this later when determining correct row indices dbad = np.diff(bad_rows_pad) # Bad row block start and end indices # bad_on indicates row indices immediately prior to block starts # bad_off indicates row indices immediate after block ends bad_on = (np.where(dbad > 0))[0] - 1 bad_off = (np.where(dbad < 0))[0] if bad_on.size != bad_off.size: print('Block start and end arrays differ in size - returning') return frame_clean, art_power # Init cleaned half frames fr_odd_clean = fr_odd.copy() fr_even_clean = fr_even.copy() # Loop over last good rows before bad blocks for i, r0 in enumerate(bad_on): # First good row after bad block r1 = bad_off[i] # Protect against overrange rows # This reduces artifact cleanup effectiveness if bad rows # Are adjacent to the top or bottom of the frame nr = fr_odd.shape[0] r0 = utils._clamp(r0, 0, nr - 1) r1 = utils._clamp(r1, 0, nr - 1) # Linear interp between leading and trailing good rows odd_interp = InterpRows(fr_odd, r0, r1) even_interp = InterpRows(fr_even, r0, r1) # Extract equivalent rows from original odd and even frames odd_orig = fr_odd[r0:r1 + 1, :] even_orig = fr_even[r0:r1 + 1, :] # Calculate RMS difference between interp and orig odd_rms_diff = utils._rms(odd_orig - odd_interp) even_rms_diff = utils._rms(even_orig - even_interp) # If RMS diff for odd < even, consider odd rows, clean # and vise versa if odd_rms_diff < even_rms_diff: fr_even_clean[r0:r1 + 1, :] = odd_orig else: fr_odd_clean[r0:r1 + 1, :] = even_orig # Reinterlace cleaned frame frame_clean[0::2, :] = fr_odd_clean frame_clean[1::2, :] = fr_even_clean # Display results if DEBUG: ny = bad_rows.shape[0] y = np.arange(0, ny) plt.figure(1) plt.set_cmap('jet') plt.subplot(321) plt.imshow(fr_odd) plt.title('Odd') plt.subplot(322) plt.imshow(fr_even) plt.title('Even') plt.subplot(323) plt.imshow(fr_odd_clean) plt.title('Odd Repaired') plt.subplot(324) plt.imshow(fr_even_clean) plt.title('Even Repaired') plt.subplot(325) plt.imshow(df) plt.title('Odd - Even') plt.subplot(326) plt.plot(y, z, y, bad_rows * z.max() * 0.9) plt.title('Z-score and Bad Row Mask') return frame_clean, art_power
mask_cc_part_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_cc_part.astype(np.uint8), affine), 'cc.nii.gz') """Now that we are happy with our crude CC mask that selected voxels in the x-direction, we can use all the voxels to estimate the mean signal in this region. """ mean_signal = np.mean(data[mask_cc_part], axis=0) """Now, we need a good background estimation. We will re-use the brain mask computed before and invert it to catch the outside of the brain. This could also be determined manually with a ROI in the background. [Warning: Certain MR manufacturers mask out the outside of the brain with 0's. One thus has to be careful how the noise ROI is defined]. """ mask_noise = binary_dilation(mask, iterations=10) mask_noise[..., :mask_noise.shape[-1] // 2] = 1 mask_noise = ~mask_noise mask_noise_img = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_noise.astype(np.uint8), affine), 'mask_noise.nii.gz') noise_std = np.std(data[mask_noise, :]) print('Noise standard deviation sigma= ', noise_std) """We can now compute the SNR for each DWI. For example, report SNR for DW images with gradient direction that lies the closest to the X, Y and Z axes. """ # Exclude null bvecs from the search idx = np.sum(gtab.bvecs, axis=-1) == 0 gtab.bvecs[idx] = np.inf
def bird_net_filter(spectra, f_ind=None, area_threshold=5): ''' Series of pre-proecessing filters based on WorkingNotes_Mario.pdf Input: spectra - magnitude squared spectra f_idx1 - index of the lowest frequency to retain f_idx2 - index of the highest frequency to retain 1) Normalise 2) Brute band pass filter 3) Set pixles to 1 if >3x median rows AND columns 4) closing 5) Dialation 5) Median filtering 6) Remove non-connnected pixels at a given threshold ''' flag = False if len(spectra.shape) == 2: flag = True spectra = np.reshape(spectra, (1, spectra.shape[0], spectra.shape[1])) # 1) normalize spectra = np.real(spectra) sums = np.sum(np.sum(spectra, axis=1), axis=1) dvision = spectra / np.reshape(sums, [spectra.shape[0], 1, 1]) spectra = np.sqrt(dvision) #2) Clip lowest and highest bins if f_ind is not None: spectra = spectra[:, :, f_ind[0]:f_ind[1]] for ii in range(spectra.shape[0]): spec = spectra[ii, :, :] #3) set values greter than 3x the median to 1 and others to 0 med_threshold = max(max(np.median(spec, axis=0)), max(np.median(spec, axis=1))) spec[spec > med_threshold] = 1 spec[spec <= med_threshold] = 0 #4) Closing spec = binary_closing(spec).astype( #5) Dialation spec = binary_dilation(spec).astype('float32') #6) Median filter spec = medfilt2d(spec).astype('float32') #7) Threshold remove pixels # 7a) Label regions spec = label(spec, connectivity=1) # 7b) get metrics for each region metrics = regionprops(spec) # 7c) remove the values less than image for m in metrics: if m.area < area_threshold: spec[spec == m.label] = 0 #8) Set all labeled values back to 1 spec[spec > 1] = 1 spectra[ii, :, :] = spec np.sum(np.sum(spectra, axis=1), axis=1) if flag is True: spectra = np.reshape(spectra, (spectra.shape[1], spectra.shape[2])) return spectra
res = None for i in images: if res is None: res = i.astype(int) else: res = res + i.astype(int) res = res / len(images) return res if __name__ == "__main__": sub_dir = sys.argv[1] treshold = float(sys.argv[2]) iterations = int(sys.argv[3]) nif = nib.load(sub_dir + '/combined.nii.gz') fd = nif.get_fdata() aff = nif.affine imares = fd > treshold imares = morph.binary_fill_holes(imares) imares = morph.binary_dilation(imares, iterations=iterations) imares = morph.binary_fill_holes(imares) imares = morph.binary_erosion(imares, iterations=iterations) imares = imares.astype(np.int8) nif = nib.Nifti1Image(imares, aff), sub_dir + '/output.nii.gz')
rotated_cube =, q3.rotation_matrix) rotated_cube = np.round(rotated_cube - np.min(rotated_cube)).astype(int) sample_nx = np.max(rotated_cube) + 2 sample = np.zeros((sample_nx, sample_nx, sample_nx)) for i in range(cube_nx ** 3): sample[rotated_cube[i, 0], rotated_cube[i, 1], rotated_cube[i, 2]] = 1 generation_ims = [] fig = plt.figure() for i in range(np.max(rotated_cube) + 2): sample_im = sample[:, :, i] # scipym.binary_fill_holes(sample_im,structure=np.ones((2,2)),output=sample_im) scipym.binary_dilation(sample_im, structure=np.ones((2, 2)), output=sample_im) generation_im = plt.imshow(sample_im, animated=True) generation_ims.append([generation_im]) ani = animation.ArtistAnimation( fig, generation_ims, interval=100, blit=False, repeat_delay=0 )
def generate_morph_imbib_curv(seg_image_input,R_critical): # This funciton works well at high-Pc-low-Sw # There is no retarded Sw when the curvature is high # The method of this functions: # 1. Perform erosion with the radius of R_critical # 2. Perform dilation with the radius of R_critical # ********************************************************************* # Input: seg_image: a well shaped segmented image with size (lz,ly,lx) # seg_image has values as : NW phase -> 1 # W phase -> 2 # solid phase -> 0 # ********************************************************************* if seg_image_input.ndim == 2: pore_vol = 1.0*(seg_image_input>0.0).sum() radius = R_critical print 'Morphological Imbibition: processing critical radius: '+str(radius)+' now......' # Step 1.1: Create structuring element domain_size = int(np.rint(radius*2)+2) grid = np.indices((domain_size,domain_size)) mk_circle = (grid[0]-domain_size/2)**2 + (grid[1]-domain_size/2)**2 <= radius**2 circle = np.zeros((domain_size,domain_size),dtype=np.uint8) circle[mk_circle]=1 circle = extract_shape(circle).astype(bool) # Step 1.2: Perform erosion with radius of R_critical seg_image_ero = morphology.binary_erosion(seg_image_input>0.0,structure=circle,border_value=1) # NOTE: Be careful with the 'border_value' of the erosion - should be 'border_value=1' # Step 2: Perform dilation with radius of R_critical seg_image_ero_dil = morphology.binary_dilation(seg_image_ero,structure=circle,border_value=0) # NOTE: 'border_value' for dilation should be 'False' # NOTE: the dtype of the array after dilation is 'bool' seg_image_ero_dil[seg_image_input<=0.0]=False Sw = 1.0 - seg_image_ero_dil.sum()/pore_vol else: pore_vol = 1.0*(seg_image_input>0.0).sum() radius = R_critical print 'Morphological Imbibition: processing critical radius: '+str(radius)+' now......' # Step 1.1: Create structuring element domain_size = int(np.rint(radius*2)+2) grid = np.indices((domain_size,domain_size,domain_size)) mk_circle = (grid[0]-domain_size/2)**2 + (grid[1]-domain_size/2)**2 + (grid[2]-domain_size/2)**2 <= radius**2 circle = np.zeros((domain_size,domain_size,domain_size),dtype=np.uint8) circle[mk_circle]=1 circle = extract_shape(circle).astype(bool) # Step 1.2: Perform erosion with radius of R_critical seg_image_ero = morphology.binary_erosion(seg_image_input>0.0,structure=circle,border_value=1) # NOTE: Be careful with the 'border_value' of the erosion - should be 'border_value=1' # Step 2: Perform dilation with radius of R_critical seg_image_ero_dil = morphology.binary_dilation(seg_image_ero,structure=circle,border_value=0) # NOTE: 'border_value' for dilation should be 'False' # NOTE: the dtype of the array after dilation is 'bool' seg_image_ero_dil[seg_image_input<=0.0]=False Sw = 1.0 - seg_image_ero_dil.sum()/pore_vol #end if return Sw
def generate_morph_drain_curv(seg_image_input,R_critical): # The method for this function follows Hilper & Miller AWR(2001) # 1. Perform erosion for the pore space with radius of R_critical # 2. Label the eroded pore space, and leave only the pore space that is still # connected with the non-wetting phase reservoir # 3. Perform the dilation for the labelled pore space with radius of R_critical # **************************************************************************** # Currently I am provided with a 3D SignDist image which has positive values # in the pore space and 0.0 in the solid phase. # **************************************************************************** if seg_image_input.ndim == 2: pore_vol = 1.0*(seg_image_input>0.0).sum() radius = R_critical print 'Morphological Drainage: processing critical radius: '+str(radius)+' now......' # Step 1.1: Create structuring element domain_size = int(np.rint(radius*2)+2) grid = np.indices((domain_size,domain_size)) mk_circle = (grid[0]-domain_size/2)**2 + (grid[1]-domain_size/2)**2 <= radius**2 circle = np.zeros((domain_size,domain_size),dtype=np.uint8) circle[mk_circle]=1 circle = extract_shape(circle).astype(bool) # Step 1.2: Perform erosion on the pore space # NOTE: the dtype of 'seg_im_ero' is 'bool' seg_im_ero = morphology.binary_erosion(seg_image_input>0.0,structure=circle,border_value=1) # NOTE: 'border_value' for erosion should be 'True' # Step 2: Label the eroded pore space # NOTE: Assume the NW phase reservoir is at the first layer of the domain # i.e. at seg_image[0,:] - adjust it if this does not suit your need # For erosion, assume that diagonals are not considered seg_im_ero_label_temp,num_features = measurements.label(seg_im_ero,structure=morphology.generate_binary_structure(2,1)) #seg_im_ero_label_temp,num_features = measurements.label(seg_im_ero,structure=morphology.generate_binary_structure(2,2)) # NOTE: Here I assume the inlet is at the first layer of the array's axis=2 (i.e. domain[0,:,:])\ # You can always change to any other layers as the inlet for this drainage. label_check = seg_im_ero_label_temp[0,seg_im_ero_label_temp[0,:]!=0] label_check = np.unique(label_check) # NOTE the following lines are only for your to check things # ******************** For check *******************************# # It assign the labelled array as: NW -> 1, W -> 2, Solid -> 0 #seg_im_ero_label_show = seg_im_ero_label.copy() #seg_im_ero_label_show[seg_im_ero_label_show !=1] = 2 #seg_im_ero_label_show[np.logical_not(seg_image_2d)]=0 # ******************** End: for check **************************# seg_im_ero_label = np.zeros_like(seg_im_ero_label_temp,dtype=bool) for labels in label_check: seg_im_ero_label = np.logical_or(seg_im_ero_label,seg_im_ero_label_temp==labels) #seg_im_ero_label = seg_im_ero_label.astype(np.uint8) # Step 3: perform dilation on the labelled pore space seg_im_ero_label_dil = morphology.binary_dilation(seg_im_ero_label,structure=circle,border_value=0) # NOTE: 'border_value' for dilation should be 'False' # NOTE: the dtype of 'seg_im_ero_label_dil' is 'bool' seg_im_ero_label_dil[seg_image_input<=0.0]=False Sw = 1.0 - seg_im_ero_label_dil.sum()/pore_vol else: pore_vol = 1.0*(seg_image_input>0.0).sum() radius = R_critical print 'Morphological Drainage: processing critical radius: '+str(radius)+' now......' # Step 1.1: Create structuring element domain_size = int(np.rint(radius*2)+2) grid = np.indices((domain_size,domain_size,domain_size)) mk_circle = (grid[0]-domain_size/2)**2 + (grid[1]-domain_size/2)**2 + (grid[2]-domain_size/2)**2 <= radius**2 circle = np.zeros((domain_size,domain_size,domain_size),dtype=np.uint8) circle[mk_circle]=1 circle = extract_shape(circle).astype(bool) # Step 1.2: Perform erosion on the pore space # NOTE: the dtype of 'seg_im_ero' is 'bool' seg_im_ero = morphology.binary_erosion(seg_image_input>0.0,structure=circle,border_value=1) # NOTE: 'border_value' for erosion should be 'True' # Step 2: Label the eroded pore space # NOTE: Assume the NW phase reservoir is at the first layer of the domain # i.e. at seg_image[0,:] - adjust it if this does not suit your need # For erosion, assume that diagonals are not considered seg_im_ero_label_temp,num_features = measurements.label(seg_im_ero,structure=morphology.generate_binary_structure(3,1)) #seg_im_ero_label_temp,num_features = measurements.label(seg_im_ero,structure=morphology.generate_binary_structure(3,3)) # NOTE: Here I assume the inlet is at the first layer of the array's axis=2 (i.e. domain[0,:,:])\ # You can always change to any other layers as the inlet for this drainage. label_check = seg_im_ero_label_temp[0,seg_im_ero_label_temp[0,:]!=0] label_check = np.unique(label_check) # NOTE the following lines are only for your to check things # ******************** For check *******************************# # It assign the labelled array as: NW -> 1, W -> 2, Solid -> 0 #seg_im_ero_label_show = seg_im_ero_label.copy() #seg_im_ero_label_show[seg_im_ero_label_show !=1] = 2 #seg_im_ero_label_show[np.logical_not(seg_image_2d)]=0 # ******************** End: for check **************************# seg_im_ero_label = np.zeros_like(seg_im_ero_label_temp,dtype=bool) for labels in label_check: seg_im_ero_label = np.logical_or(seg_im_ero_label,seg_im_ero_label_temp==labels) #seg_im_ero_label = seg_im_ero_label.astype(np.uint8) # Step 3: perform dilation on the labelled pore space seg_im_ero_label_dil = morphology.binary_dilation(seg_im_ero_label,structure=circle,border_value=0) # NOTE: 'border_value' for dilation should be 'False' # NOTE: the dtype of 'seg_im_ero_label_dil' is 'bool' seg_im_ero_label_dil[seg_image_input<=0.0]=False Sw = 1.0 - seg_im_ero_label_dil.sum()/pore_vol #end if return Sw
file_names_tumor.append(root+'\\'+name) elif name.endswith(".tif") and name.find("normal")>=0: file_names_normal.append(root+'\\'+name) else: raise('chyba') for file_name in file_names_tumor: mask_name=file_name.replace('\\data\\','\\mask\\') mask_name=mask_name[:-4] + '_mask.tif' dil_mask_name=mask_name.replace('\\mask\\','\\mask_dil_lvl3\\') mask0=imread_gdal_mask(mask_name,lvl)>0 # cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(16,16)) s=np.ones((16,16))>0 mask=binary_dilation(mask0,s) write_gdal_mask(mask,dil_mask_name)
for i in range(sz128_iso[0]): print i out[i, 32:, 32:] = imread(Dl + fin + '/%04d.png' % (4 * i + 1), 'L')[::2, ::2] writeh5(Do, 'main', out) elif opt == '1.1': # cc # for visualization (hp03): python -i cell_yl_den_cc_bv.h5 from skimage.measure import label from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_opening, binary_dilation dopt = int(sys.argv[2]) numI = int(sys.argv[3]) numD = int(sys.argv[4]) Do = D0 + 'cell128nm/' fn = 'cell_yl_den' seg = np.array(h5py.File(Do + fn + '.h5')['main']) suf = '_bv' seg_db = np.array(h5py.File(Do + 'cell_bv.h5')['main']) mm = seg_db > 0 if numD == 0 else binary_dilation(seg_db > 0, iterations=numD) seg[mm] = 0 if dopt == 1: # cell mask from db seg_db = np.array(h5py.File(Do + 'cell_daniel.h5')['main']) mm = seg_db > 0 if numD == 0 else binary_dilation(seg_db > 0, iterations=numD) seg[mm] = 0 suf += '_db' writeh5( Do + fn + '_cc%s_open%d_dl%d.h5' % (suf, numI, numD), 'main', relabel(label(binary_opening(seg, iterations=numI)), do_sort=True))
def apply_gradients_dilation(x): if len(x.shape)==5: shape_5=True x=np.reshape(x, newshape=[x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2], x.shape[3]]) print ("applying gradients and dilation for every element from 0 to : ",x.shape[0]) for i in range(x.shape[0]): volume = np.gradient(x[i]) #print("248", x[i].shape) #print(volume[0].shape) #print("min: ", np.min(volume[0])) #print("max: ", np.max(volume[0])) #print("counting occurrencies in volume[0]") #unique, counts = np.unique(volume[0], return_counts=True) #print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) #print("NOW THEY SHOULD BECOME EITHER 0 OR 1") for k in np.nditer(volume[0], op_flags=['readwrite']): if (k[...]!=0.0): k[...]=1 # print("counting occurrencies in volume[0]") # unique, counts = np.unique(volume[0], return_counts=True) # print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) #print(volume[1].shape) # print("min: ", np.min(volume[1])) # print("max: ", np.max(volume[1])) # print("counting occurrencies in volume[1]") # unique, counts = np.unique(volume[1], return_counts=True) # print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) # print("NOW THEY SHOULD BECOME EITHER 0 OR 1") for k in np.nditer(volume[1], op_flags=['readwrite']): if (k[...] != 0.0): k[...] = 1 # print("counting occurrencies in volume[1]") # unique, counts = np.unique(volume[1], return_counts=True) # print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) #print(volume[2].shape) # print("min: ", np.min(volume[2])) # print("max: ", np.max(volume[2])) # print("counting occurrencies in volume[2]") # unique, counts = np.unique(volume[2], return_counts=True) # print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) # print("NOW THEY SHOULD BECOME EITHER 0 OR 1") # print("counting occurrencies in volume[2]") # unique, counts = np.unique(volume[2], return_counts=True) # print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) volume = volume[0] + volume[1] # print("counting occurrencies in gradient sum") # unique, counts = np.unique(volume, return_counts=True) # print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) volume=np.clip(volume, a_min=0, a_max=1) # print("counting occurrencies in gradient sum CLIPPED") # unique, counts = np.unique(volume, return_counts=True) # print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) _, y= volume.nonzero() # print("sum gradients, min: ", np.min(volume)) # print("sum gradients, max: ", np.max(volume)) # print("x length: ", len(y)) dilated_volume = binary_dilation(volume).astype(volume.dtype) #print("dilated min: ", np.min(dilated_volume)) #print("dilated max: ", np.max(dilated_volume)) #print("counting occurrencies in dilated vol") #unique, counts = np.unique(dilated_volume, return_counts=True) #print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) #print(x[i].shape) x[i, :, :, :]=dilated_volume if shape_5: x=np.reshape(x, newshape=[x.shape[0], x.shape[1], x.shape[2], x.shape[3], 1]) print("DONE\n\n\n: ", x.shape) print("min: ", np.min(x)) print("max: ", np.max(x)) print("counting occurrencies before returning x") unique, counts = np.unique(x, return_counts=True) print(dict(zip(unique, counts))) return x