Пример #1
def filter_regions_volume(input_mask, threshold=0.5, min_volume=10):
    Remove regions with region volume < min_volume. Optionally, an initial
    threshold is applied to binarize probabilities before filtering.

    - mask: 3D np.ndarray
    - threshold: binarize parameter (def: 0.5)
    - min_volume: Minimum region size used for filtering (in voxels) (def: 10)

    - mask: 3D np.ndarray mask > threshold where regions < 10 have been

    mask = input_mask >= threshold
    regions, num_regions = label(mask)
    labels = np.arange(1, num_regions + 1)
    output_mask = np.zeros_like(mask)
    prob_mask = np.zeros(mask.shape)

    if num_regions > 0:
        region_vol = lc(mask, regions, labels, np.sum, int, 0)
        for l in labels:
            if region_vol[l - 1] > min_volume:
                current_voxels = np.stack(np.where(regions == l), axis=1)
                int_mean = np.median(input_mask[current_voxels[:, 0],
                                                current_voxels[:, 1],
                                                current_voxels[:, 2]])
                output_mask[current_voxels[:, 0], current_voxels[:, 1],
                            current_voxels[:, 2]] = 1
                prob_mask[current_voxels[:, 0], current_voxels[:, 1],
                          current_voxels[:, 2]] = int_mean

    return output_mask, prob_mask
Пример #2
def min_region(mask):
    compute the volume of the smallest region from an input mask

    - mask: 3D np.ndarray, input MRI mask

    - min_region: (int) the size of the minimum region volume.
    regions, num_regions = label(as_logical(mask))
    labels = np.arange(1, num_regions + 1)
    mask = as_logical(mask)
    return np.min(lc(mask, regions, labels, np.sum, int, 0)) \
        if num_regions > 0 else 0
Пример #3
def regionprops(mask):
    Get region properties

    - mask: 3D np.ndarray, input MRI mask

    - regions: 3D np.ndarray, labeled version of the input mask array
      where each region is labeled with a unique label
    - labels: list of unique labels
    - volumes: list with region volumes
    regions, num_regions = label(as_logical(mask))
    labels = np.arange(1, num_regions + 1)
    volumes = lc(regions > 0, regions, labels, np.sum, int, 0)
    return regions, labels, volumes
Пример #4
def false_positive_det(gt, mask):
    compute the number of false positive regions between a input mask an
    a ground truth (GT) mask

    - gt: 3D np.ndarray, reference image (ground truth)
    - mask: 3D np.ndarray, input MRI mask

    - (int) number of false positive regions between the input and gt mask

    regions, num_regions = label(as_logical(mask))
    labels = np.arange(1, num_regions + 1)
    gt = as_logical(gt)

    return np.sum(lc(gt, regions, labels, np.sum, int, 0) == 0) \
        if num_regions > 0 else 0
Пример #5
def true_positive_det(gt, mask):
    compute the number of positive regions between a input mask an
    a ground truth (GT) mask

    - gt: 3D np.ndarray, reference image (ground truth)
    - mask: 3D np.ndarray, input MRI mask

    - (int) number of true positive regions between the input and gt mask

    regions, num_regions = label(as_logical(gt))
    labels = np.arange(1, num_regions + 1)
    mask = as_logical(mask)
    tpr = lc(mask, regions, labels, np.sum, int, 0)

    return np.sum(tpr > 0)
Пример #6
def compute_lfp(gt, pred):
  """compute the number of false positive lesions between a input mask an a ground truth (GT) mask.
  By Sergi Valverde
  gt : numpy array
    Ground truth volume. Must have dtype=np.uint8
  pred : numpy array
    Predicted segmentation. Must have dtype=np.uint8
      lesion-wise false positives
  regions, num_regions = label(pred.astype(np.bool))
  labels = np.arange(1, num_regions+1)
  gt = gt.astype(np.bool)

  return np.sum(lc(gt, regions, labels, np.sum, int, 0) == 0) \
      if num_regions > 0 else 0
Пример #7
def compute_ltp(gt, pred):
  """compute the number of positive regions between a input mask an a ground truth (GT) mask
  By Sergi Valverde
  gt : numpy array
    Ground truth volume. Must have dtype=np.uint8
  pred : numpy array
    Predicted segmentation. Must have dtype=np.uint8
  lesion-wise true positives
  regions, num_regions = label(gt.astype(np.bool))
  labels = np.arange(1, num_regions+1)
  pred = pred.astype(np.bool)
  tpr = lc(pred, regions, labels, np.sum, int, 0)

  return np.sum(tpr > 0)
Пример #8
    def __post_process_skull(self, input_mask):
        post process input mask
        - fill holes in 2D
        - take the biggest region the final brainmask

        # fill holes in 2D
        for s in range(input_mask.shape[2]):
            input_mask[:, :, s] = fill_holes(input_mask[:, :, s])

        # get the biggest region
        regions, num_regions = label(input_mask > 0)
        labels = np.arange(1, num_regions + 1)
        output_mask = np.zeros_like(input_mask)
        max_region = np.argmax(
            lc(input_mask > 0, regions, labels, np.sum, int, 0)) + 1
        current_voxels = np.stack(np.where(regions == max_region), axis=1)
        output_mask[current_voxels[:, 0], current_voxels[:, 1],
                    current_voxels[:, 2]] = 1

        return output_mask