Пример #1
def companion_mass(pb, x, inc=60.0 * u.deg, mpsr=1.4 * u.solMass):
    """Commpute the companion mass from the orbital parameters

    Compute companion mass for a binary system from orbital mechanics,
    not Shapiro delay.

    pb : Quantity
        Binary orbital period
    x : Quantity
        Projected semi-major axis (aka ASINI) in `pint.ls`
    inc : Angle, optional
        Inclination angle, in u.deg or u.rad. Default is 60 deg.
    mpsr : Quantity, optional
        Pulsar mass in u.solMass. Default is 1.4 Msun

    mass : Quantity in u.solMass
    massfunct = mass_funct(pb, x)

    # Do some unit manipulation here so that scipy bisect doesn't see the units
    def localmf(mc, mp=mpsr, mf=massfunct, i=inc):
        return (mass_funct2(mp, mc * u.solMass, i) - mf).value

    return zeros.bisect(localmf, 0.001, 1000.1) * u.solMass
Пример #2
def pulsar_mass(pb, x, mc, inc):
    """Compute pulsar mass from orbit and Shapiro delay parameters

    Return the pulsar mass (in solar mass units) for a binary.
    Finds the value using a bisection technique.
    pb : Quantity
        Binary orbital period
    x : Quantity
        Projected semi-major axis (aka ASINI) in `pint.ls`
    mc : Quantity
        Companion mass in u.solMass
    inc : Angle
        Inclination angle, in u.deg or u.rad

    mass : Quantity in u.solMass
    massfunct = mass_funct(pb, x)

    # Do some unit manipulation here so that scipy bisect doesn't see the units
    def localmf(mp, mc=mc, mf=massfunct, i=inc):
        return (mass_funct2(mp * u.solMass, mc, i) - mf).value

    return zeros.bisect(localmf, 0.0, 1000.0) * u.solMass
Пример #3
def findrs(c,delta,z,omegam,omegal,h,alp,bet,renc,Mrenc,rmin,rmax):
    '''Find the scale radius of the generalised NFW profile
    given an input concentration parameter c=r/rdelta and
    mass within some radius Mrenc(renc)'''

    rhocrit = 277.3*h**2*(omegam*(1+z)**3+omegal)
    c1 = Mrenc*nfwmint(alp,bet,c)
    c2 = delta*rhocrit*4/3*pi*c**3
    #print 'rhocrit = ', rhocrit, renc, Mrenc, rmin, rmax
    #r = linspace(rmin,rmax,num=1000)
    #func = zeros(len(r),'double')
    #for i in xrange(len(r)):
    #    func[i] = abs(c1-c2*r[i]**3*nfwmint(alp,renc/r[i]))

    return bisect(lambda x: c1-c2*x**3*nfwmint(alp,bet,renc/x),rmin,rmax)
Пример #4
def findrs(c, delta, z, omegam, omegal, h, alp, bet, renc, Mrenc, rmin, rmax):
    '''Find the scale radius of the generalised NFW profile
    given an input concentration parameter c=r/rdelta and
    mass within some radius Mrenc(renc)'''

    rhocrit = 277.3 * h**2 * (omegam * (1 + z)**3 + omegal)
    c1 = Mrenc * nfwmint(alp, bet, c)
    c2 = delta * rhocrit * 4 / 3 * pi * c**3

    #print 'rhocrit = ', rhocrit, renc, Mrenc, rmin, rmax
    #r = linspace(rmin,rmax,num=1000)
    #func = zeros(len(r),'double')
    #for i in xrange(len(r)):
    #    func[i] = abs(c1-c2*r[i]**3*nfwmint(alp,renc/r[i]))

    return bisect(lambda x: c1 - c2 * x**3 * nfwmint(alp, bet, renc / x), rmin,
Пример #5
if (not xmin) or (not xmax):
    sys.stderr.write("Error: xmin,xmax have not been defined.Abort.\n")

if len(x0) != len(dx0) or len(x0) != len(fwhm):
        "Error: Lists x0[:],dx0[0],fwhm[:] have different lengths.Abort.\n")

# Number of Gaussians that build up mesh
ng = len(x0)

for i in range(ng):
    alpha.append(4 * log(2) / (fwhm[i])**2)
    A.append(2 * sqrt(alpha[i] / pi) / erf(sqrt(alpha[i]) * dx0[i] / 2))

mesh = GauMesh(A, alpha, x0, xmin, xmax)

Ntot = mesh.NPoints - 1

print "# NPoints=", Ntot, " NGauss=", ng, " x0=", x0, " dx0=", dx0, " fwhm=", fwhm, " xmin=", xmin, " xmax=", xmax

xn0 = xmin
format = '%15.10f'
for i in range(Ntot):
    ni = i - Ntot / 2
    xn = bisect(meshN, xn0, xmax, (), 1e-15, 10000)
    if ni != 0:
        print format % xn
    xn0 = xn