def EMG2DFit(x, y, data, x01h, samplewd, nSample, **kwargs): #data is 2-D distribution of columns (e.g. AOD, SO2 mol/m2) # initial guess of each parameter #x,y always in the grid resolution (dxy==1) #7 parameters to fit, similar in two different parameterizations #samplewd: resolution, i.e. how many km represented by 1 grid npar = 7 #(a,x0,ux,uy,sigma,eta,b) GauDecay = False if 'GauDecay' in kwargs: if kwargs['GauDecay'] == True: GauDecay = True if 'fixparam' in kwargs: fixpars = kwargs['fixparam'] fixvals = kwargs['fixvalue'] # if GauDecay == False: # eta=kwargs['eta'] if 'solver' in kwargs: solver = kwargs['solver'] else: solver = 'trust-constr' #total emission (kg) ini_a = np.sum(data) #dxy==1 #location of maxima maxxW = x[np.nanargmax(data)] maxyW = y[np.nanargmax(data)] if np.array(maxxW).size > 1: maxxW = maxxW[0] maxyW = maxyW[0] #take the across-wind data at maxima to estimate sigma ydata = data[x == maxxW] peaky = y[x == maxxW] HM = (np.max(ydata) - np.min(ydata)) / 2. + np.min(ydata) FWHM = np.absolute(peaky[np.nanargmin(np.absolute(ydata - HM))] - maxyW) * 2. / 2.355 minchisquare = -1 #latin hypercube construction of initials design = lhs(3, samples=nSample) if GauDecay == False: means = np.array([ini_a, x01h, FWHM]) else: means = np.array([ini_a / x01h, x01h, FWHM]) stds = nSample * means for i in np.arange(3): design[:, i] = norm(loc=means[i], scale=stds[i]).ppf(design[:, i]) for jfit in np.arange(nSample + 1): if jfit < nSample: fitpars = design[jfit, :] else: fitpars = means if np.min(fitpars) < 0: continue try: if solver == 'trust-constr': # Do the scipy.optimize fit using "trust_constr" method # initials and bounds x0 = np.zeros(npar) # (a,x0,ux,uy,sigma,eta,b) x0[0:2] = fitpars[0:2] x0[2] = maxxW x0[3] = maxyW x0[4] = fitpars[2] x0[5] = np.min(data) x0[6] = 1.5 * samplewd bounds = Bounds([0., 1. / 3, np.min(x), np.min(y), 0.5, 0.,0.], \ [np.inf, np.inf, np.max(x), np.max(y), np.inf, np.max(data),np.inf]) if 'fixparam' in kwargs: for ipar in np.arange(len(fixvals)):[fixpars[ipar]] = fixvals[ipar] bounds.ub[fixpars[ipar]] = fixvals[ipar] x0[fixpars[ipar]] = fixvals[ipar] if GauDecay == False: # EMG Fitting nlconstr = NonlinearConstraint(EMG2DConstr, -np.inf, 20.) res = scipyminimize(EMG2Dchisqr, x0, args=(x, y, data), method='trust-constr', \ constraints=[nlconstr], options={'verbose': 0,'maxiter':10000}, \ bounds=bounds) # constraints=[lconstr, nlconstr], pars = res.x Hess = nd.Hessian(EMG2Dchisqr)(pars, x, y, data) chisqr = EMG2Dchisqr(pars, x, y, data) elif GauDecay == True: # 2-D gaussian decay fitting res = scipyminimize(GauDecay2Dchisqr, x0, args=(x, y, data), method='trust-constr', \ options={'verbose': 0,'maxiter':10000}, bounds=bounds) # constraints=[lconstr, nlconstr], pars = res.x Hess = nd.Hessian(GauDecay2Dchisqr)(pars, x, y, data) chisqr = GauDecay2Dchisqr(pars, x, y, data) else: print( "Something went wrong, the type of fitting is not determined!" ) return [False, False] sigmas = np.sqrt( np.linalg.inv(Hess) * chisqr / (data.size - pars.size)) params = Parameters() params.add('x0', value=pars[1], brute_step=sigmas[1, 1]) params.add('ux', value=pars[2], brute_step=sigmas[2, 2]) params.add('uy', value=pars[3], brute_step=sigmas[3, 3]) params.add('sigma', value=pars[4], brute_step=sigmas[4, 4]) if GauDecay == True: params.add('Qu', value=pars[0], brute_step=sigmas[ 0, 0]) # x-direction integration of total burden else: params.add('a', value=pars[0], brute_step=sigmas[ 0, 0]) # x-direction integration of total burden params.add('eta', value=pars[6], brute_step=sigmas[ 6, 6]) # x-direction integration of total burden params.add('b', value=pars[5], brute_step=sigmas[5, 5]) if (minchisquare < 0) | (chisqr < minchisquare): EMGout = params minchisquare = chisqr if np.sqrt(minchisquare) / np.mean(data) < 0.01: break else: print( "solver wrong! specify one of these: pyipm, trust-constr, lmfit !" ) return [False, False] except: print("Unsuccessful Fitting!") continue if minchisquare < 0: return [False, False] else: return [EMGout, True]
def EMAFit(x, data, nSample, **kwargs): maxtry = 100 if "maxtry" in kwargs: maxtry = kwargs["maxtry"] # initial guess of each parameter nW = len(x) ini_a = np.sum( (data[1:] + data[0:nW - 1]) / 2. * np.absolute(x[1:] - x[0:nW - 1])) maxxW = x[np.nanargmax(data)] # if maxxW <= x[0]: # return [False,False] # Weights of each point DtWeights = data - data + 1 # DtWeights[data > np.nanpercentile(data, 75.)] = 4. # DtWeights[data < np.nanpercentile(data, 25.)] = 4. HM = (np.max(data) - np.min(data)) / 2. + np.min(data) FWHM = np.absolute(x[np.nanargmin(np.absolute(data - HM))] - maxxW) * 2. / 2.355 minchisquare = -1 #resx = np.absolute(x[1] - x[0]) means = np.array( [ini_a / 2. / 50., ini_a / 2. / 10., 50., 10., FWHM, FWHM / 5.]) parnames = ['a', 'c', 'xa', 'xc', 'xsca', 'xscc', 'sigmaa', 'sigmac', 'b'] if 'fixparam' in kwargs: fixpars = kwargs['fixparam'] fixvals = kwargs['fixvalue'] if 'consparam' in kwargs: conspars = kwargs['consparam'] consvalsl = kwargs['consvaluel'] consvalsu = kwargs['consvalueu'] # DoSameSource = False # if 'sameSource' in kwargs: # if kwargs['sameSource'] == True: # DoSameSource = True PDom = False #no precursor source SDom = False #no primary source SameSource = False #source location is the same for aerosols and precursors SameSigma = False if 'sameSource' in kwargs: if kwargs['sameSource'] == True: SameSource = True if 'sameSigma' in kwargs: if kwargs['sameSigma'] == True: SameSigma = True if 'pDom' in kwargs: if kwargs['pDom'] == True: PDom = True if 'sDom' in kwargs: if kwargs['sDom'] == True: SDom = True if 'solver' in kwargs: solver = kwargs['solver'] else: solver = 'trust-constr' FoundSolution = False ntry = 0 SampleDoubled = False while (FoundSolution == False) & (ntry < maxtry): ntry = ntry + 1 SolutionUpdated = False design = lhs(6, samples=nSample) stds = 0.99 * means for i in np.arange(6): design[:, i] = norm(loc=means[i], scale=stds[i]).ppf(design[:, i]) #solution for one sets of initial guess for jfit in np.arange(nSample + 1): if jfit < nSample: fitpars = design[jfit, :] else: fitpars = means if np.min(fitpars) < 0: continue if solver == 'lmfit': params = Parameters() params.add('a', value=fitpars[0], min=0.) # x-direction integration of total burden params.add('xa', value=fitpars[2], min=1. / 3) params.add('xc', value=fitpars[3], min=1. / 3) # params.add('fc', value=inifc, min=0., max=1.) params.add('c', value=fitpars[1], min=0.) params.add('xsca', value=maxxW, min=np.min(x), max=np.max(x)) params.add('xscc', value=maxxW, min=np.min(x), max=np.max(x)) params.add('sigmaa', value=fitpars[4], min=0.5 / samplewd, max=np.max([maxxW - np.min(x), np.max(x) - maxxW ])) # standard deviation params.add('sigmac', value=fitpars[5], min=0.5 / samplewd, max=np.max([maxxW - np.min(x), np.max(x) - maxxW ])) # standard deviation params.add('b', value=np.min(data), min=0., max=np.max(data)) # background concentration out = minimize(residualEMA, params, args=(x, data), iter_cb=EMACall) chisqr = np.sum(residualEMA(out.params, x, data, DtWeights)**2) if (minchisquare < 0) | (chisqr < minchisquare): EMAout = out.params minchisquare = chisqr if np.sqrt(minchisquare) / np.mean(data) < 0.01: break elif solver == 'trust-constr': # Do the scipy.optimize fit using "trust_constr" method global ukninds, kninds, knvals ukninds = np.arange(9).astype(int) kninds = np.array([]).astype(int) knvals = [] x0 = np.zeros(9) x0[0:4] = fitpars[0:4] x0[6:8] = fitpars[4:6] x0[8] = np.min(data) x0[4] = maxxW # , min = x[0], max = x[-1]) x0[5] = maxxW # , min = x[0], max = x[-1]) lowbs = np.array( [0., 0., 0., 0., np.min(x), np.min(x), 0., 0., 0.]) highbs = np.array([ np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.inf, np.max(x), np.max(x), np.inf, np.inf, np.max(data) ]) #np.max([maxxW - np.min(x), np.max(x) - maxxW]) if 'consparam' in kwargs: for ipar in np.arange(len(consvalsl)): lowbs[conspars[ipar]] = consvalsl[ipar] highbs[conspars[ipar]] = consvalsu[ipar] x0[conspars[ipar]] = np.mean( [consvalsl[ipar], consvalsu[ipar]]) # test if solutions are similar for different "fixsource" handling if PDom == True: kninds = np.append(kninds, np.array([1, 3, 5, 7]).astype(int)) knvals = np.append(knvals, [0., 0., 0., 0.]) delinds = ~np.isin(ukninds, [1, 3, 5, 7]) ukninds = ukninds[delinds] x0 = x0[delinds] if SDom == True: kninds = np.append(kninds, np.array([0, 4, 6]).astype(int)) knvals = np.append(knvals, [0., 0., 0.]) delinds = ~np.isin(ukninds, [0, 4, 6]) ukninds = ukninds[delinds] x0 = x0[delinds] if 'fixparam' in kwargs: for ipar in np.arange(len(fixvals)): if ~np.isin(fixpars[ipar], ukninds): continue kninds = np.append(kninds,[ipar])) knvals = np.append(knvals, fixvals[ipar]) delinds = ~np.isin(ukninds, fixpars[ipar]) ukninds = ukninds[delinds] x0 = x0[delinds] # process bounds to be consistent with x0 and ukninds... bounds = Bounds(lowbs[ukninds], highbs[ukninds], keep_feasible=True) lconstmat = [[]] lconstmin = [] lconstmax = [] if SameSource == True: if ~np.isin(4, ukninds) & ~np.isin(5, ukninds): lconstmat = np.append(lconstmat, [np.zeros(len(ukninds))], axis=0) lconstmat[:, ukninds == 4] = 1 lconstmat[:, ukninds == 5] = 1 lconstmin = np.append(lconstmin, 0.) lconstmax = np.append(lconstmax, 0.) if SameSigma == True: if ~np.isin(6, ukninds) & ~np.isin(7, ukninds): lconstmat = np.append(lconstmat, [np.zeros(len(ukninds))], axis=0) lconstmat[:, ukninds == 6] = 1 lconstmat[:, ukninds == 7] = 1 lconstmin = np.append(lconstmin, 0.) lconstmax = np.append(lconstmax, 0.) nlconstr = NonlinearConstraint(EMANLConstr1, -np.inf, 0.) if (SameSource == True) | (SameSigma == True): lconstr = LinearConstraint(lconstmat, lconstmin, lconstmax) constraints = [lconstr, nlconstr] else: constraints = nlconstr try: res = scipyminimize(EMAchisqr1, x0, args=(x, data, DtWeights), method='trust-constr', \ constraints=constraints,options={'verbose': 0,'maxiter':50000}, bounds=bounds) #constraints=constraints, except: continue pars = res.x Hess = nd.Hessian(EMAchisqr1)(pars, x, data, DtWeights) # args = {'x0': x[0]} # uncertanties from fitting, following Laughner et al. (2016) chisqr = EMAchisqr1(pars, x, data, DtWeights) try: invHess = np.linalg.inv(Hess) except: invHess = np.linalg.pinv(Hess) if np.any(np.isnan(invHess) == True): invHess = np.linalg.pinv(Hess) if np.any(np.isnan(invHess) == True): continue sigmas = np.sqrt(invHess * chisqr / (data.size - pars.size)) params = Parameters() for ikn in np.arange(len(kninds)): params.add(parnames[kninds[ikn]], value=knvals[ikn], brute_step=0.) for iukn in np.arange(len(ukninds)): params.add(parnames[ukninds[iukn]], value=pars[iukn], brute_step=sigmas[iukn, iukn]) if (minchisquare < 0) | (chisqr < minchisquare): SolutionUpdated = True EMAout = params minchisquare = chisqr # update initial guess means = np.array([EMAout['a'].value, EMAout['c'].value, EMAout['xa'].value, EMAout['xc'].value,\ EMAout['sigmaa'].value, EMAout['sigmac'].value]) if minchisquare < 0: continue if np.sqrt(minchisquare) / np.mean(data) < 0.01: FoundSolution = True ntry = maxtry break else: print( "solver wrong! specify one of these: pyipm, trust-constr, lmfit !" ) return [False, False] if (SolutionUpdated == False) & (SampleDoubled == False): nSample = * 2) SampleDoubled = True continue if (SolutionUpdated == True) & (SampleDoubled == True): nSample = / 2) SampleDoubled = False continue if (SolutionUpdated == False) & (SampleDoubled == True): nSample = / 2) ntry = maxtry SampleDoubled = False continue if minchisquare < 0: return [False, False] else: return [EMAout, True]
def EMGFit(x, data, nSample, **kwargs): maxtry = 100 if "maxtry" in kwargs: maxtry = kwargs["maxtry"] parnames = ['a', 'x0', 'xsc', 'sigma', 'b'] # initial guess of each parameter nW = len(x) ini_a = np.sum( (data[1:] + data[0:nW - 1]) / 2. * np.absolute(x[1:] - x[0:nW - 1])) #Weights of each point DtWeights = data - data + 1 # DtWeights[data>np.nanpercentile(data,75.)]=4. # DtWeights[data < np.nanpercentile(data, 25.)] = 4. maxxW = x[np.nanargmax(data)] # print maxxW,x[0] # if maxxW <= x[0]: # return [False,False] #resx=np.absolute(x[1]-x[0]) HM = (np.max(data) - np.min(data)) / 2. + np.min(data) FWHM = np.absolute(x[np.nanargmin(np.absolute(data - HM))] - maxxW) * 2. / 2.355 minchisquare = -1 means = np.array([ini_a, 50., FWHM]) Gaussian = False GauDecay = False if 'GauDecay' in kwargs: if kwargs['GauDecay'] == True: GauDecay = True avgw10 = kwargs['minx0'] / 3600. if 'fixparam' in kwargs: fixpars = kwargs['fixparam'] fixvals = kwargs['fixvalue'] if 'solver' in kwargs: solver = kwargs['solver'] else: solver = 'trust-constr' FoundSolution = False SampleDoubled = False ntry = 0 while (FoundSolution == False) & (ntry < maxtry): ntry = ntry + 1 SolutionUpdated = False design = lhs(3, samples=nSample) stds = 0.99 * means for i in np.arange(3): design[:, i] = norm(loc=means[i], scale=stds[i]).ppf(design[:, i]) for jfit in np.arange(nSample + 1): if jfit < nSample: fitpars = design[jfit, :] else: fitpars = means if np.min(fitpars) < 0: continue if solver == 'lmfit': params = Parameters() params.add('a', value=fitpars[0], min=0.) # x-direction integration of total burden params.add('x0', value=fitpars[1], min=resx / 3) # x-direction distance in one-lifetime params.add('xsc', value=maxxW, min=np.min(x), max=np.max(x)) params.add('sigma', value=fitpars[2], min=0.5, max=np.max([maxxW - np.min(x), np.max(x) - maxxW ])) # # standard deviation params.add('b', value=np.min(data), min=0., max=np.max(data)) # background concentration out = minimize(residualEMG, params, args=(x, data), iter_cb=EMGCall) chisqr = np.sum(residualEMG(out.params, x, data)**2) if (minchisquare < 0) | (chisqr < minchisquare): EMGout = out.params minchisquare = chisqr if np.sqrt(minchisquare) / np.mean(data) < 0.01: break elif solver == 'trust-constr': # Do the scipy.optimize fit using "trust_constr" method global uknindsg, knindsg, knvalsg uknindsg = np.arange(5).astype(int) knindsg = np.array([]).astype(int) knvalsg = [] x0 = np.zeros(5) x0[0:2] = fitpars[0:2] x0[3] = fitpars[2] x0[2] = maxxW # , min = x[0], max = x[-1]) x0[4] = np.min(data) lbds = np.array([0., 0., np.min(x), 0., 0.]) hbds = np.array([ np.inf, np.inf, np.max(x), np.inf, np.max(data) ]) #np.max([maxxW - np.min(x), np.max(x) - maxxW]) # test if solutions are similar for different "fixsource" handling if 'fixparam' in kwargs: for ipar in np.arange(len(fixvals)): if (fixpars[ipar] == 1) & (np.absolute(fixvals[ipar]) <= 1.e-20): Gaussian = True if ~np.isin(fixpars[ipar], uknindsg): continue knindsg = np.append(knindsg,[ipar])) knvalsg = np.append(knvalsg, fixvals[ipar]) delinds = ~np.isin(uknindsg, fixpars[ipar]) uknindsg = uknindsg[delinds] x0 = x0[delinds] # process bounds to be consistent with x0 and ukninds... bounds = Bounds(lbds[uknindsg], hbds[uknindsg], keep_feasible=True) nlconstr = NonlinearConstraint(EMGNLConstr1, -np.inf, 100.) try: if Gaussian == True: res = scipyminimize(EMGchisqr2, x0, args=(x, data, DtWeights), method='trust-constr', \ options={'verbose': 0 ,'maxiter':50000}, \ bounds=bounds) # constraints=[lconstr, nlconstr], Hess = nd.Hessian(EMGchisqr2)(res.x, x, data) pars = res.x chisqr = EMGchisqr2(pars, x, data) else: res = scipyminimize(EMGchisqr1, x0, args=(x, data, DtWeights), method='trust-constr', \ constraints=[nlconstr],options={'verbose': 0,'maxiter':50000}, \ bounds=bounds) # constraints=[nlconstr], Hess = nd.Hessian(EMGchisqr1)(res.x, x, data, DtWeights) pars = res.x chisqr = EMGchisqr1(pars, x, data, DtWeights) except: continue try: invHess = np.linalg.inv(Hess) except: invHess = np.linalg.pinv(Hess) if np.any(np.isnan(invHess) == True): invHess = np.linalg.pinv(Hess) if np.any(np.isnan(invHess) == True): continue sigmas = np.sqrt(invHess * chisqr / (data.size - pars.size)) params = Parameters() for ikn in np.arange(len(knindsg)): params.add(parnames[knindsg[ikn]], value=knvalsg[ikn], brute_step=0.) for iukn in np.arange(len(uknindsg)): params.add(parnames[uknindsg[iukn]], value=pars[iukn], brute_step=sigmas[iukn, iukn]) if (minchisquare < 0) | (chisqr < minchisquare): SolutionUpdated = True EMGout = params minchisquare = chisqr # update initial guess means = np.array([ EMGout['a'].value, EMGout['x0'].value, EMGout['sigma'].value ]) if np.sqrt(minchisquare) / np.mean(data) < 0.01: FoundSolution = True ntry = maxtry break else: print( "solver wrong! specify one of these: pyipm, trust-constr, lmfit !" ) return [False, False] if (SolutionUpdated == False) & (SampleDoubled == False): nSample = * 2) SampleDoubled = True continue if (SolutionUpdated == True) & (SampleDoubled == True): nSample = / 2) SampleDoubled = False continue if (SolutionUpdated == False) & (SampleDoubled == True): nSample = / 2) ntry = maxtry SampleDoubled = False continue if minchisquare < 0: return [False, False] else: return [EMGout, True]
return (multi_obj_acq_total / sample_number) # l-bfgs-b acquisation optimization x_tries = np.random.uniform(bound[0], bound[1], size=(1000, d)) y_tries = [mesmo_acq(x) for x in x_tries] sorted_indecies = np.argsort(y_tries) i = 0 x_best = x_tries[sorted_indecies[i]] while (any((x_best == x).all() for x in GPs[0].xValues)): i = i + 1 x_best = x_tries[sorted_indecies[i]] y_best = y_tries[sorted_indecies[i]] x_seed = list(np.random.uniform(low=bound[0], high=bound[1], size=(1000, d))) for x_try in x_seed: result = scipyminimize(mesmo_acq, x0=np.asarray(x_try).reshape(1, -1), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=Fun_bounds) if not result.success: continue if (( <= y_best) and (not (result.x in np.asarray(GPs[0].xValues)))): x_best = result.x y_best = # ---------------Updating and fitting the GPs----------------- for i in range(len(functions)): GPs[i].addSample(x_best, functions[i](list(x_best), d)) GPs[i].fitModel() ############################ write Input output into file ################## input_output = open(os.path.join(paths, 'input_output.txt'), "a") input_output.write( str(GPs[0].xValues[-1]) + '---' + str([GPs[i].yValues[-1] for i in range(len(functions))]) + '\n')