Пример #1
    def g():
        d = len(Mu)
        assert Mu.shape == (d,), "Mu must be a vector"
        assert A.shape == (d, d), "A must be a square matrix"
        assert (A.T == A).all(), "and symmetric"
        assert V.shape == (d, d), "V must be a square matrix"
        assert (V.T == V).all(), "and symmetric"

        a = chol(A)
        v = chol(V)

        B = dot(V, inv(V + A))
        _a2 = V - dot(B, V)
        _a2 = chol(_a2)

        Y, U = array([0.0] * d), array([0.0] * d)

        for i in range(n + burnin):
            for _ in range(thin):  # skipe
                # sample Y | U ~ N(U, V)
                Y = U + dot(v, random.normal(size=d))

                # sample U | Y ~ N(A(A+V)^-1)(Y-Mu) + Mu,
                #                  A - A(A+V)^-1A)
                U = dot(B, (Mu - Y)) + Y + +dot(_a2, random.normal(size=d))

            if i >= burnin:
                yield [U, Y]
Пример #2
def whitenoise(data, wpow=10**(-11), fs=2.5 * 10**6):
    l = len(data[0])
    sig_noise = sqrt((wpow) * fs / 2)
    out1 = data[0] + sig_noise * random.normal(0, 1, l)
    out2 = data[1] + sig_noise * random.normal(0, 1, l)
    out3 = data[2] + sig_noise * random.normal(0, 1, l)
    out4 = data[3] + sig_noise * random.normal(0, 1, l)
    return out1, out2, out3, out4
Пример #3
 def testRewardFunction(self, x, typ, noise=0.000001):
     if typ == "growSin":
         return (sin((x - self.rangeMin) / 3.0) + 1.5 + x / self.distRange) / 4.0 + random.normal(0, noise)
     if typ == "rastrigin":
         n = x / self.distRange * 10.0
         if abs(n) > 5.0: n = 0.0
         # FIXME: imprecise reimplementation of the Rastrigin function that exists already
         # in rl/environments/functions...
         return (20.0 + n ** 2 - 10.0 * cos(2.0 * 3.1416 * n)) / 55.0 + random.normal(0, noise)
     if typ == "singleGaus":
         return self.getStND(x) + random.normal(0, noise)
     return 0.0
Пример #4
 def testRewardFunction(self, x, typ, noise=0.000001):
     if typ=="growSin":
         return (sin((x-self.rangeMin)/3.0)+1.5+x/self.distRange)/4.0+random.normal(0,noise)
     if typ=="rastrigin":
         if abs(n) > 5.0: n=0.0
         # FIXME: imprecise reimplementation of the Rastrigin function that exists already
         # in rl/environments/functions...
         return (20.0 + n**2 -10.0*cos(2.0*3.1416*n))/55.0+random.normal(0,noise)
     if typ=="singleGaus":
         return self.getStND(x)+random.normal(0,noise)
     return 0.0
Пример #5
def quadthermo_agent_gen():

	absmax=max(spr.normal(21,1),targetT+tolerance) #no support
	absmin=min(spr.gamma(4,1),targetT-tolerance) #no support

	while i<7 and r>vec[i]:
	for p in occ:
	fa=28.39+sp.random.gamma(shape=2.099,scale=28.696) #floor area from cabe dwelling survey
	flat=sp.random.uniform(0,1)<0.365 # flat or house
	if flat:
		U = 3.3*sp.sqrt(fa) #insulation in W/K floor area
		U= 3.6*sp.sqrt(fa)+0.14*fa
	k=U #insulation in W/K

	cm=1000*sp.exp(sp.random.normal(5.5,0.35)) #thermal capacity in J
	P=sp.random.uniform(6000,15000)# power in W

	if Prequ>P:
		print "!!!!!!!!!!!"
	return s
Пример #6
def thompson_sampling(y, std):
    Thompson sampling was first described by Thompson in 1933 as a solution to
    the multi-arm bandit problem.
    Thompson, W. 1933. “On the likelihood that one unknown probability
    exceeds another in view of the evidence of two samples”. Biometrika.
    25(3/4): 285–294.

    y : 1D vector Numpy Array
        The mean of the surrogate model at all test points used in the optimization.
    std : 1D vector Numpy Array
        The standard deviation from the surrogate model at all test points 
        used in the optimization.

    nu_star : float
        The maximum value from the Thompson Sampling.
    x_star : integer
        The index of the test point with the maximum value.
    tsVal : TYPE
        Sampled values for all test points.

    tsVal = random.normal(loc=y, scale=std)
    nu_star = np.max(tsVal)

    x_star = int(np.where(tsVal == nu_star)[0])

    return nu_star, x_star, tsVal
def main():

	mc = zeros(ITERATIONS)
	og = zeros(ITERATIONS)

	#farby = 
	QS = 10

	colors = [
		[0, 0, 0],
		[0, 0, 1],
		[0, 1, 0],
		[1, 0, 0],
		[0, 1, 1],
		[1, 0, 1],
		[0, 1, 1],

	for qpre in range(QS):
		q =  qpre + 2
		for it in range(ITERATIONS):
			W = random.normal(0, 0.1, [q, q])
			WI = random.uniform(-.1, .1, [q, 1])
			mc[it] = sum(memory_capacity(W, WI, memory_max=200, runs=1, iterations_coef_measure=5000)[0][:q+2])
			og[it] = matrix_orthogonality(W)
			print(qpre, QS, it, ITERATIONS)
		plt.scatter(og, mc, marker='+', label=q, c=(colors[qpre % len(colors)]))

	plt.ylabel("memory capacity")
Пример #8
    def find_conservative_MPPS(self, n_MPP=2, n_MPP_tries=100, err_g_max=0.2):
        Search for MPPs
        n_MPP        -  try to find this number of MPP's
        n_MPP_tries  -  max number of tries in search for new MPP 
        err_g_max    -  convergence criterion in MPP search

        k = 0
        U_MPP = []
        for i in range(n_MPP_tries):
            u0 = random.normal(size=(self.X_dist.dim))
            self.e = self.E_conservative[random.randint(

            conv, u_MPP = self.MPP_search(u0=u0,
            if conv:
                k += 1
                if k >= n_MPP: break

        return np.array(U_MPP)
Пример #9
    def generate_random_large_scale_field(self):
        """ mg is a gmg object """
        from scipy import random

        # level on which the random field is generated
        # this controls the scale of the field
        # current limitation: this has to be done on a level for which
        # each node has the whole domain
        flev = self.nlevs-1#min(6,self.nlevs-1)

        # gaussian noise parameters
        mu = 0.
        sigma = 1.

        # generate it on rank==0 then broadcast it
        # so that every rank has the same field
        if (self.myrank == 0):
            forc = random.normal(mu, sigma, (self.grid[flev].mv,self.grid[flev].nv))
            forc = forc*self.grid[flev].msk
            forc = None    
        forc = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(forc,root=0)

        # interpolate it on the finest grid
        self.x[flev][:,:] = forc
        for lev in range(flev-1,-1,-1):
            if self.grid[lev].flag=='peak':                
                self.x[lev]+= self.r[lev]
                self.grid[lev].smooth(self.x[lev],self.b[lev],2)#15oct changed ,1 to ,2

        return self.x[0]
Пример #10
def initialize_x(N, init_type='normal'):
    Initialized an array of length N filled with probability parameter.
    init_type: str
               Accepts 'equal', 'normal', and 'uniform'
    x = np.zeros(N)
    initialize = True
    while initialize:
        if init_type == 'normal':
            x = random.normal(p, min(p, (1 - p)) / 2, N)
        elif init_type == 'uniform':
            x = random.uniform(pmin, pmax, N)
        elif init_type == 'equal':
            x = np.full(N, p)
            print('init_type is wrong')

        if np.all(x <= pmax) and np.all(x >= pmin):
            initialize = False
            initialize = True

    return x
Пример #11
    def generate_random_small_scale_field(self):
        """ mg is a gmg object """
        from scipy import random

        # level on which the random field is generated
        # this controls the scale of the field
        # current limitation: this has to be done on a level for which
        # each node has the whole domain
        lev = 0  # min(6,self.nlevs-1)

        # gaussian noise parameters
        mu = 0.
        sigma = 1.

        # generate it on rank==0 then broadcast it
        # so that every rank has the same field

        forc = random.normal(mu, sigma, (self.grid[lev].mv, self.grid[lev].nv))

        # smooth twice on the finest grid
        self.x[lev][:, :] = forc
        self.grid[lev].smooth(self.x[lev], self.b[lev],
                              2)  # 15oct changed ,1 to ,2

        return self.x[0]
Пример #12
    def Run_MC(self, N_MC):
        Crude Monte Carlo
        TODO: if N_MC = None -> run until cov is acceptable
        beta     -   Reliability index (for comparison with FORM)
        pof      -   Probability of failure
        cov      -   Coefficient of variation
        # Sample in U space
        U = random.normal(size=(N_MC, self.X_dist.dim))

        # Trasform to X space
        X = self.X_dist.U_to_X(U)

        # Compute limit state and pof
        g = self.G(X)
        I = (g < 0) * 1
        pof = I.mean()

        # Coefficient of variation
        if pof > 0:
            var = pof * (1 - pof) / N_MC
            cov = np.sqrt(var) / pof
            cov = 1

        # Reliability index
        beta = -stats.norm.ppf(pof)

        return beta, pof, cov
Пример #13
    def newEpisode(self):
        if self.learning:
            params = ravel(self.explorationlayer.module.params)
            target = ravel(sum(self.history.getSequence(self.history.getNumSequences()-1)[2]) / 500)
            if target != 0.0:
                self.gp.addSample(params, target)
                if len(self.gp.trainx) > 20:
                    self.gp.trainx = self.gp.trainx[-20:, :]
                    self.gp.trainy = self.gp.trainy[-20:]
                    self.gp.noise = self.gp.noise[-20:]
                # get new parameters where mean was highest
                max_cov = diag(self.gp.pred_cov).max()
                indices = where(diag(self.gp.pred_cov) == max_cov)[0]
                pick = indices[random.randint(len(indices))]
                new_param = self.gp.testx[pick]
                # check if that one exists already in gp training set
                if len(where(self.gp.trainx == new_param)[0]) > 0:
                    # add some normal noise to it
                    new_param += random.normal(0, 1, len(new_param))


        # don't call StateDependentAgent.newEpisode() because it randomizes the params
Пример #14
 def step(self):
     self.sensors = random.normal(loc=self.sensors * self.A +
                                  self.action * self.b,
     if self.hasRenderer():
         if self.delay:
Пример #15
 def drop_object(self):
     """Drops a random object (box, sphere) into the scene."""
     # choose between boxes and spheres
     if random.uniform() > 0.5:
         (body, geom) = self._create_sphere(self.space, 10, 0.4)
         (body, geom) = self._create_box(self.space, 10, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
     # randomize position slightly
     body.setPosition((random.normal(-6.5, 0.5), 6.0, random.normal(-6.5, 0.5)))
     # body.setPosition( (0.0, 3.0, 0.0) )
     # randomize orientation slightly
     #theta = random.uniform(0,2*pi)
     #ct = cos (theta)
     #st = sin (theta)
     # rotate body and append to (body,geom) tuple list
     # body.setRotation([ct, 0., -st, 0., 1., 0., st, 0., ct])
     self.body_geom.append((body, geom))
Пример #16
 def drop_object(self):
     """Drops a random object (box, sphere) into the scene."""
     # choose between boxes and spheres
     if random.uniform() > 0.5:
         (body,geom) = self._create_sphere(self.space, 10, 0.4)
         (body,geom) = self._create_box(self.space, 10, 0.5,0.5,0.5)
     # randomize position slightly
     body.setPosition( (random.normal(-6.5, 0.5), 6.0, random.normal(-6.5, 0.5)) )
     # body.setPosition( (0.0, 3.0, 0.0) )
     # randomize orientation slightly
     #theta = random.uniform(0,2*pi)
     #ct = cos (theta)
     #st = sin (theta)
     # rotate body and append to (body,geom) tuple list
     # body.setRotation([ct, 0., -st, 0., 1., 0., st, 0., ct])
Пример #17
def keplerSim(tau, e, T0, K, w, sig, tlo, thi, n):
	dt = (thi-tlo)/(n-1)
	data = zeros((n,2), Float)
	data[:,0] = r.uniform(tlo, thi, (n))
#	for i in range(n):
#            data[i,0] = tlo + i*dt
        data[:,1] = v_rad(K, w, tau, e, T0, data[:,0])+r.normal(0.,sig,(n))
        print "Created data."
	return data
Пример #18
def keplerSim(tau, e, T0, K, w, sig, tlo, thi, n):
    dt = (thi - tlo) / (n - 1)
    data = zeros((n, 2), Float)
    data[:, 0] = r.uniform(tlo, thi, (n))
    #	for i in range(n):
    #            data[i,0] = tlo + i*dt
    data[:, 1] = v_rad(K, w, tau, e, T0, data[:, 0]) + r.normal(0., sig, (n))
    print "Created data."
    return data
def GaussianRandomInitializer(gridShape, sigma=0.2, seed=None, slipSystem=None, slipPlanes=None, slipDirections=None, vacancy=None, smectic=None):

    oldgrid = copy.copy(gridShape)
    if len(gridShape) == 1:
	    gridShape = (128,)
    if len(gridShape) == 2:
	    gridShape = (128,128)
    if len(gridShape) == 3:
	    gridShape = (128,128,128)

    """ Returns a random initial set of fields of class type PlasticityState """
    if slipSystem=='gamma':
        state = SlipSystemState.SlipSystemState(gridShape,slipPlanes=slipPlanes,slipDirections=slipDirections)
    elif slipSystem=='betaP':
        state = SlipSystemBetaPState.SlipSystemState(gridShape,slipPlanes=slipPlanes,slipDirections=slipDirections)
        if vacancy is not None:
            state = VacancyState.VacancyState(gridShape,alpha=vacancy)
        elif smectic is not None:
            state = SmecticState.SmecticState(gridShape)
            state = PlasticityState.PlasticityState(gridShape)

    field = state.GetOrderParameterField()
    Ksq_prime = FourierSpaceTools.FourierSpaceTools(gridShape).kSq * (-sigma**2/4.)

    if seed is None:
        seed = 0
    n = 0

    Ksq = FourierSpaceTools.FourierSpaceTools(gridShape).kSq.numpy_array()

    for component in field.components:
        temp = random.normal(scale=gridShape[0],size=gridShape)
        ktemp = fft.rfftn(temp)*(sqrt(pi)*sigma)**len(gridShape)*exp(-Ksq*sigma**2/4.)
        field[component] = numpy.real(fft.irfftn(ktemp))
        #field[component] = GenerateGaussianRandomArray(gridShape, temp ,sigma)
        n += 1

    t, s = LoadState("2dstate32.save", 0)
    for component in field.components:
        for j in range(0,32):
            field[component][:,:,j] = s.betaP[component].numpy_array()

    ## To make seed consistent across grid sizes and convergence comparison
    gridShape = copy.copy(oldgrid)
    if gridShape[0] != 128:
        state = ResizeState(state,gridShape[0],Dim=len(gridShape))

    state = ReformatState(state)
    state.ktools = FourierSpaceTools.FourierSpaceTools(gridShape)
    return state 
Пример #20
def fill_region(l,r,sigma,v):
    if (l == r or l == r-1):
        m = int(round((r+l)*0.5))
        a = v[l] + (v[r]-v[l])*(m - l)/float(r - l)
        s = sigma*sqrt((m-l)*(r-m)/float(r-l))
        v[m] = a + s * random.normal()
Пример #21
 def drawSample(self):
     sum = 0.0
     rndFakt = random.random()
     for g in range(self.numOGaus):
         sum += self.sigmo(self.alpha[g])
         if rndFakt < sum:
             if self.sigma[g] < self.minSig: self.sigma[g] = self.minSig
             x = random.normal(self.mue[g], self.sigma[g])
     return x
Пример #22
 def drawSample(self):
     sum = 0.0
     rndFakt = random.random()
     for g in range(self.numOGaus):
         sum += self.sigmo(self.alpha[g])
         if rndFakt < sum:
             if self.sigma[g] < self.minSig: self.sigma[g] = self.minSig
             x = random.normal(self.mue[g], self.sigma[g])
     return x
Пример #23
    def perturbation(self):
        """ Generate a difference vector with the given standard deviations """
        #print self.sigList
        #print "_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_"
        #raw_input("Press Enter to continue")

        return random.normal(0., self.sigList)
Пример #24
def generate_data(N=100, true_params=secret_true_params, seed=42):
    x = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, N)
    y1 = my_model(x, *true_params)
    y2 = 1.0 * random.normal(size=N)
    # Create the data
    data = np.array([x, y1 + y2]).T
    # Shuffle the data
    permuted_data = random.permutation(data)
    # Save the data
    np.savetxt("dataN%d.txt" % N, data)
    return data
Пример #25
 def add_noise(self, temp):
   Add per-pixel Gaussian random noise.
   self.noise = random.normal(0,temp,[self.npix,self.npix])
   self.Fnoise = ft.fftshift(ft.fft2(self.noise))
   self.Txy = self.Txy + self.noise
   self.Fxy = ft.fftshift(ft.fft2(self.Txy))
   self.Clnoise = ((temp*self.mapsize_rad/self.npix)*self.Bl)**-2.e0
   self.Pknoise = np.interp(self.modk, self.k, self.Clnoise)
Пример #26
def generate_lin_regression(n, d, sigma):
    See cgd.pdf
    X = random.randn(n, d)
    for i in xrange(d):
        X[:, i] /= numpy.max(numpy.abs(X[:, i]))
    beta = random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=d)
    e = numpy.array(random.normal(0, sigma, n))
    y = X.dot(beta) + e.T
    return (X, y, beta, e)
Пример #27
def generate_lin_regression_nikolaenko(n, d):
    Generates a synthetic linear regression instance as in
    "Privacy-Preserving Ridge Regression on Hundreds of Millions of Records"
    X = random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(n, d))
    beta = random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=d)
    mu, sigma = 0, 1  # mean and standard deviation
    e = numpy.array(random.normal(mu, sigma, n))
    y = X.dot(beta) + e.T
    return (X, y, beta, e)
 def run(self):
     counter = 0
     for h in self.households:
         counter += 1
         wtp = max(0.0, random.normal(7.348656, 9.407043))
         h.SetField("wtp_extreme_heat", wtp)
         if counter % 100000 == 0:
Пример #29
def generate_data(N=100, true_params=secret_true_params,
                  seed = 42):
  x = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, N)
  y1 = my_model(x, *true_params)
  y2 = 1.0 * random.normal(size=N)
  # Create the data
  data = np.array([x,y1+y2]).T
  # Shuffle the data
  permuted_data = random.permutation(data)
  # Save the data
  np.savetxt("dataN%d.txt"%N, data)
  return data
Пример #30
    def sample(self, N):
        Generate N samples

        # Standard normal samples
        U = random.normal(size=(N, self.dim))

        # Sample random means with equal probability
        random_means = self.means[list(random.randint(self.m, size=N)), :]

        return U + random_means
Пример #31
 def __init__(self, statedim, actiondim, sigma= -2.):
     Explorer.__init__(self, actiondim, actiondim)
     self.statedim = statedim
     self.actiondim = actiondim
     # initialize parameters to sigma
     ParameterContainer.__init__(self, actiondim, stdParams=0)
     self.sigma = [sigma] * actiondim
     # exploration matrix (linear function)
     self.explmatrix = random.normal(0., expln(self.sigma), (statedim, actiondim))
     # store last state
     self.state = None
Пример #32
 def drawSample(self, dm):
     sum = 0.0
     rndFakt = random.random()
     if dm == "max":
         for g in range(self.numOGaus):
             sum += self.sigmo(self.alpha[g])
             if rndFakt < sum:
                 if self.sigma[g] < self.minSig: self.sigma[g] = self.minSig
                 x = random.normal(self.mue[g], self.sigma[g])
         return x
     if dm == "dist":
         return rndFakt * self.distRange + self.rangeMin
     return 0.0
Пример #33
 def drawSample(self, dm):
     sum = 0.0
     rndFakt = random.random()
     if dm == "max":
         for g in range(self.numOGaus):
             sum += self.sigmo(self.alpha[g])
             if rndFakt < sum:
                 if self.sigma[g] < self.minSig: self.sigma[g] = self.minSig
                 x = random.normal(self.mue[g], self.sigma[g])
         return x
     if dm == "dist":
         return rndFakt * self.distRange + self.rangeMin
     return 0.0
Пример #34
    def __init__(self, statedim, actiondim, sigma= -2.):
        Explorer.__init__(self, actiondim, actiondim)
        self.statedim = statedim
        self.actiondim = actiondim

        # initialize parameters to sigma
        ParameterContainer.__init__(self, actiondim, stdParams=0)
        self.sigma = [sigma] * actiondim

        # exploration matrix (linear function)
        self.explmatrix = random.normal(0., expln(self.sigma), (statedim, actiondim))

        # store last state
        self.state = None
Пример #35
    def Run_MCIS(self, N_MC, u0=None):
        MC with importance sampling
        TODO: if N_MC = None -> run until cov is acceptable
        beta     -   Reliability index (for comparison with FORM)
        pof      -   Probability of failure
        cov      -   Coefficient of variation

        # Get MPP in U-space
        if u0 is None:
            conv, MPP_u = self.MPP_search()
            conv, MPP_u = True, u0

        # Sample in U space
        U = random.normal(size=(N_MC, self.X_dist.dim))
        pdf_U = np.prod(stats.norm.pdf(U), 1)

        # Shift samples to design point
        U_shifted = U + MPP_u
        pdf_U_shifted = np.prod(stats.norm.pdf(U_shifted), 1)

        # Trasform to X space
        X = self.X_dist.U_to_X(U_shifted)

        # Evaluate limit state
        g = self.G(X).flatten()
        I = (g < 0) * 1

        # Estimate pof
        q = I * (pdf_U_shifted / pdf_U)
        pof = (1 / N_MC) * q.sum()

        # .. and CoV
        if pof > 0:
            var = (1 / N_MC) * (1 / (N_MC - 1)) * ((q - pof)**2).sum()
            cov = np.sqrt(var) / pof
            cov = 1

        # Reliability index
        beta = -stats.norm.ppf(pof)

        return beta, pof, cov
Пример #36
 def randomlist(self,mode=1,size=1000,low=0,high=100):
     "generate a list followed given distribution"
     "IN:distribution model code which refer to randomlist method; sequence size; sequence range"
     "OUT:a sequence followed distribution like"
     x = []
     if mode == 1:        
         x = random.randint(low,high,size=size)
     if mode == 2:
         x = map(float,random.normal(loc=(low+high)/2.0, scale=(high-low)/6.0, size=size))
     if mode == 3:
         x = map(long,random.exponential(scale=1, size=size)+low)
     if mode == 4:
         x = map(long,random.pareto(1,size=size)+low)
     if mode == 5:
         x = map(long,random.poisson(lam=(low+high)/2.0, size=size))    
 #     x = random.choice(x,size=100)    
     return x
Пример #37
        def model(times):
            t_fold, t_fold_model = self.period_folding(times, available, m, m_err, out_dict)
            data = empty(0)
            rms = empty(0)
            for time in t_fold_model:
                # we're going to create a window around the desired time and sample a gaussian distribution around that time
                period = 1.0 / f
                assert (
                    period < available.ptp() * 1.5
                ), (
                    "period is greater than ####SEE VARIABLE CONTSTRAINT#### of the duration of available data"
                )  # alterring this.  originally 1/3
                # window is 2% of the period
                passed = False
                for x in arange(0.01, 0.1, 0.01):
                    t_min = time - x * period
                    t_max = time + x * period
                    window = logical_and(
                        (t_fold < t_max), (t_fold > t_min)
                    )  # picks the available times that are within that window
                        # there must be more than # points in the window for this to work:
                        assert window.sum() >= 2, str(time)  # jhiggins changed sum from 5 to 2
                    except AssertionError:
                        passed = True
                assert passed, "No adequate window found"
                m_window = m[window]
                mean_window = mean(m_window)
                std_window = std(m_window)

                # now we're ready to sample that distribution and create our point
                new = (random.normal(loc=mean_window, scale=std_window, size=1))[0]
                data = append(data, new)
                rms = append(rms, std_window)
            period_folded_model_file = file("period_folded_model.txt", "w")
            #             model_file = file("model.txt", "w")
            for n in range(len(t_fold_model)):
                period_folded_model_file.write("%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (t_fold_model[n], data[n], rms[n]))
            #                 model_file.write("%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (available[n], data[n], rms[n]))
            #             model_file.close()
            return {"flux": data, "rms": rms}
Пример #38
    def __init__(self, mapsize=10.e0, pixels=1024, cosm=Cosmology()):
    Default will create a 10x10 degree FOV with 1024 pixels and
    a WMAP7 Cosmology.
        self.cosm = cosm

        self.mapsize_deg = mapsize  # map size in np.real domain
        self.mapsize_rad = np.deg2rad(self.mapsize_deg)
        self.fsky = (mapsize**2.e0) / 41253.e0
        self.npix = pixels

        self.Fmapsize = 1.e0 / self.mapsize_rad  # map size in Fourier domain

        self.pixsize = self.mapsize_rad / self.npix  # pixel size in radians
        self.pixsize_deg = self.mapsize_deg / self.npix  # pixel size in degrees

        self.mapaxis = (
            (self.mapsize_deg / self.npix) *  # range of axes
            np.arange(-self.mapsize_deg / 2.e0, self.mapsize_deg / 2.e0, 1))
        self.Fmapaxis = 1.e0 / self.mapaxis

        self.krange = (
            self.Fmapsize *  # define k-space
            np.arange(-self.npix / 2.e0, self.npix / 2.e0, 1))
        self.kx, self.ky = np.meshgrid(self.krange, self.krange)
        self.modk = sqrt(self.kx**2.e0 + self.ky**2.e0)

        self.Txy = random.normal(
            0, 1, [self.npix, self.npix])  # Gaussian random field
        self.Txy = self.Txy - np.mean(self.Txy)
        self.Fxy = ft.fftshift(ft.fft2(self.Txy))  # Fourier domain GRF
        self.Fxy = self.Fxy / sqrt(np.var(self.Fxy))

        self.build_Pk(self.cosm)  # Get flat-sky P(k) for cosmology
        self.Fxy = self.Fxy * self.Pk  # Apply the power spectrum
        self.Txy = np.real(ft.ifft2(ft.fftshift(self.Fxy)))

        self.ymap = np.zeros([self.npix, self.npix])
Пример #39
        def model(times):
            t_fold, t_fold_model = self.period_folding(times, available, m, m_err, out_dict)
            data = empty(0)
            rms = empty(0)
            for time in t_fold_model:
                # we're going to create a window around the desired time and sample a gaussian distribution around that time
                period = 1./f
                assert period < available.ptp()/3, "period is greater than one third of the duration of available data"
                # window is 2% of the period
                passed = False
                for x in arange(0.01, 0.1, 0.01):
                    t_min = time - x * period
                    t_max = time + x * period
                    window = logical_and((t_fold < t_max), (t_fold > t_min)) # picks the available times that are within that window
                        # there must be more than 3 points in the window for this to work:
                        assert (window.sum() > 5), str(time)
                    except AssertionError:
                        passed = True
                assert passed, "No adequate window found"
                m_window = m[window]
                mean_window = mean(m_window)
                std_window = std(m_window)
                # now we're ready to sample that distribution and create our point
                new = (random.normal(loc=mean_window, scale = std_window, size = 1))[0]
                data = append(data,new)
                rms = append(rms, std_window)
            period_folded_model_file = file("period_folded_model.txt", "w")
#             model_file = file("model.txt", "w")
            for n in range(len(t_fold_model)):
                period_folded_model_file.write("%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (t_fold_model[n], data[n], rms[n]))
#                 model_file.write("%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (available[n], data[n], rms[n]))
#             model_file.close()
            return {'flux':data, 'rms': rms}
Пример #40
    def step(self):
        """ integrate state using simple rectangle rule """
        thrust = float(self.action[0])
        rudder = float(self.action[1])
        h, hdot, v = self.sensors
        rnd = random.normal(0, 1.0, size=3)

        thrust = min(max(thrust, -1), +2)
        rudder = min(max(rudder, -90), +90)
        drag = 5 * h + (rudder**2 + rnd[0])
        force = 30.0 * thrust - 2.0 * v - 0.02 * v * drag + rnd[1] * 3.0
        v = v + self.dt * force / self.mass
        v = min(max(v, -10), +40)
        torque = -v * (rudder + h + 1.0 * hdot + rnd[2] * 10.)
        last_hdot = hdot
        hdot += torque / self.I
        hdot = min(max(hdot, -180), 180)
        h += (hdot + last_hdot) / 2.0
        if h > 180.:
            h -= 360.
        elif h < -180.:
            h += 360.
        self.sensors = (h, hdot, v)
Пример #41
 def step(self):
     """ integrate state using simple rectangle rule """
     thrust = float(self.action[0])
     rudder = float(self.action[1])
     h, hdot, v = self.sensors
     rnd = random.normal(0,1.0, size=3)
     thrust = min(max(thrust,-1),+2)
     rudder = min(max(rudder,-90),+90)
     drag = 5*h + (rudder**2 + rnd[0])
     force = 30.0*thrust - 2.0*v - 0.02*v*drag + rnd[1]*3.0
     v = v + self.dt*force/self.mass
     v = min(max(v,-10),+40)
     torque = -v*(rudder + h + 1.0*hdot + rnd[2]*10.)
     last_hdot = hdot
     hdot += torque / self.I
     hdot = min(max(hdot,-180),180)
     h += (hdot + last_hdot) / 2.0
     if h>180.: 
         h -= 360.
     elif h<-180.: 
         h += 360.
     self.sensors = (h,hdot,v)
def SmecticInitializer(gridShape, sigma=0.2, seed=None):
    if seed is None:
        seed = 0

    state = SmecticState.SmecticState(gridShape)
    field = state.GetOrderParameterField()

    Ksq = FourierSpaceTools.FourierSpaceTools(gridShape).kSq.numpy_array()

    for component in field.components:
        temp = random.normal(scale=gridShape[0],size=gridShape)
        ktemp = fft.rfftn(temp)*(sqrt(pi)*sigma)**len(gridShape)*exp(-Ksq*sigma**2/4.)
        field[component] = numpy.real(fft.irfftn(ktemp))

    ## To make seed consistent across grid sizes and convergence comparison
    gridShape = copy.copy(oldgrid)
    if gridShape[0] != 128:
        state = ResizeState(state,gridShape[0],Dim=len(gridShape))

    state = ReformatState(state)
    state.ktools = FourierSpaceTools.FourierSpaceTools(gridShape)
    return state 
 def update(self): 
     self.state = [s + 0.1 * a for s, a in zip(self.state, self.action)]
     if self.noise:
         self.state += random.normal(0, self.noise, self.dim)
Пример #44
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph import MultiPlotWidget
    from pyqtgraph.metaarray import *
    print("MultiPlot is only used with MetaArray for now (and you do not have the metaarray package)")

app = QtGui.QApplication([])
mw = QtGui.QMainWindow()
pw = MultiPlotWidget()

data = random.normal(size=(3, 1000)) * np.array([[0.1], [1e-5], [1]])
ma = MetaArray(data, info=[
    {'name': 'Signal', 'cols': [
        {'name': 'Col1', 'units': 'V'},
        {'name': 'Col2', 'units': 'A'},
        {'name': 'Col3'},
    {'name': 'Time', 'values': linspace(0., 1., 1000), 'units': 's'}

## Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode.
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'):
Пример #45
 def newEpisode(self):
     """ Randomize the matrix values for exploration during one episode. """
     self.explmatrix = random.normal(0., expln(self.sigma), self.explmatrix.shape)
Пример #46
def make_brownian_path(mean, sigma, numpts):
    xn = sigma * sqrt(numpts)*random.normal()
    result = [ 0.0 for x in range(0,numpts)]
    result[len(result)-1] = xn;
    return [result[i]+mean*i for i in range (0,numpts)]
Пример #47
 def _forwardImplementation(self, inbuf, outbuf):
     outbuf[:] = random.normal(inbuf, expln(self.sigma))
Пример #48
 def genDifVect(self):
     # generates a difference vector with the given standard deviations
     self.deltas=random.normal(0.0, self.sigList)
Пример #49
 def drawRandomWeights(self):
     self.module._setParameters(random.normal(0, expln(self.params), self.module.paramdim))
 def run(self):
     for h in self.households:
         wtp = max(0.0, random.normal(7.348656, 9.407043))
         h.SetField("wtp_extreme_heat", wtp)
Пример #51

# Définition des paramètres
NomFichier = 'MESURES1.CSV'

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Début du programme
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Création d'une liste de mesures avec des erreurs aléatoires
# contruite autour de la valeur de référence de la tension
U = 3.992  # tension de référence
NbMesures = 1000
ListeMesures = []
for i in range(NbMesures):
    ListeMesures.append(random.normal(U, 0.002))

# Calcul des paramètres de la liste
NbMesures = len(ListeMesures)
MinListe = min(ListeMesures)
MaxListe = max(ListeMesures)
Moyenne = mean(ListeMesures)
EcartType = std(ListeMesures)

# Affichage des paramètres statistiques
print "Expression du résultat : ", Moyenne, " +- ", EcartType

# Définition des classes de l'histogramme
NbClasses = 10
ClasseRange = 0.002
Пример #52
 def _forwardImplementation(self, inbuf, outbuf):
     if not self.enabled:
         outbuf[:] = inbuf
         outbuf[:] = random.normal(inbuf, expln(self.params))
Пример #53
 def sampler(self, probabilities):
     return random.normal(probabilities, self.visibleVariances)
Пример #54
 def sample(self):
     """ Sample with mean mu and variance sigma  """
     return random.normal(self.mu, self.sigma, 1)
def main():
	Today's agenda:
		i)   generate initial matrices
		ii)  simulate
		iii) learn gauss
		iv)  simulate
		v)   plot & compare

	W = random.normal(0, sigma, [q, q])
	WI = random.uniform(-sigma, sigma, [q, 1])
	X = random.uniform(-1, 1, [q])

	a = ones([q])
	b = zeros([q])

	S = zeros([q, ITERATIONS])
	S2 = zeros([q, ITERATIONS])
	ahist = zeros([q, ITERATIONS])

	# i?) simulate
	U = random.uniform(-1, 1, [ITERATIONS])
	for it in range(ITERATIONS):
		net = dot(WI, U[it].reshape(1)) + dot(W, X)
		X = tanh( a * net + b)
		S[:, it] = X

	# iii) learn
	U = random.uniform(-1, 1, [ITERATIONS])
	for it in range(ITERATIONS):
		net = dot(WI, U[it].reshape(1)) + dot(W, X)
		Y = tanh( a * net + b)
		a, b = ipgauss(net, Y, a, b)
		ahist[:, it] = a
		X = Y

	# i?) simulate2
	U = random.uniform(-1, 1, [ITERATIONS])
	for it in range(ITERATIONS):
		net = dot(WI, U[it].reshape(1)) + dot(W, X)
		X = tanh( a * net + b)
		S2[:, it] = X

	# iv) view histogram
	def show_histograms():
		for yplt in range(gridy):
			print("\r {}/{}".format(yplt, gridy), end="")
			for xplt in range(gridx):
				indx = yplt*gridx + xplt
				pyplot.subplot(gridy, gridx, indx)
				std1 = std(S[indx, :])
				std2 = std(S2[indx, :])
				pyplot.hist(S[indx,:],  bins=BINCNT, normed=True, label="{}:bfr std1={:6.4f}".format(indx,std1))
				pyplot.hist(S2[indx,:], bins=BINCNT, normed=True, label="{}:atr std2={:6.4f}".format(indx,std2))
				print("std1={0}, std2={1}".format(std1, std2))

	for ciara in range(q):
		pyplot.plot(range(ITERATIONS), ahist[ciara, :], label="%d"%ciara)

	print("a = %s" % a)
	print("b = %s" % b)
Пример #56
        #mue learning
        sigmoA = self.sigmo(self.alpha)
        self.mue += self.alphaM * fakt * (x - self.mue) * sigmoA * norm

        #sigma learning
        if fakt > 0.0:
            self.sigma += self.alphaS * fakt * ((x - self.mue) ** 2 - self.sigma ** 2) / self.sigma * sigmoA * norm

    def sigmo(self, a):
        return 1.0 / (1.0 + exp(-1.0 * a))

    def invSigmo(self, a):
        return - log(1.0 / a - 1.0)

    def getSample(self):
        sampleX = self.drawSample()
        return sampleX

if __name__ == '__main__':
    m = MixtureOfGaussians()
    for i in range(10000):
        x = m.getSample()
        n = x / m.distRange * 10.0
        if abs(n) > 5.0: n = 0.0
        y = (20.0 + n ** 2 - 10.0 * cos(2.0 * 3.1416 * n)) / 55.0 + random.normal(0, 0.2) #one dimensional rastrigin
        m.learn(x, y)

        band_specific_names = observed_apparent_mag_names[observed_apparent_mag_band_mapping==m]
        fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12, 12))
        ax1 = subplot(111)
        # with some dust, poor color excess approximation
        dust_corrected_abs_mags = (apparent_mags - 0.85*prior_ebvs*(const_R_V*extinction_ccm_a[m] + extinction_ccm_b[m]) ) - prior_mus
        dust_corrected_abs_mag_errs = sqrt(apparent_mag_errs**2 + (0.85*prior_ebv_errs)**2 + prior_mu_errs**2)
        linear_period = (10**period_terms) * P_0
        ax1.errorbar(log10(linear_period), dust_corrected_abs_mags, dust_corrected_abs_mag_errs, linestyle="none", marker="s", color="blue") 
        polyfit_slope = []
        polyfit_intercept = []
        for iter in range(1000):
            fit_params = polyfit(period_terms, random.normal(dust_corrected_abs_mags, dust_corrected_abs_mag_errs), 1)
        polyfit_slope = array(polyfit_slope)
        polyfit_intercept = array(polyfit_intercept)
        best_fit_line = polyfit_intercept.mean() + polyfit_slope.mean()*logper_grid

        squared_m_errs = ((dust_corrected_abs_mags) - (polyfit_intercept.mean() + polyfit_slope.mean()*period_terms))**2
        sig_m = sqrt(squared_m_errs.mean())

        ci_err_grid = []
        for logper_val in logper_grid:
            ci_err_grid.append(sqrt(sig_m**2 + std(polyfit_intercept + polyfit_slope * logper_val)**2))
        ci_err_grid = array(ci_err_grid)