Пример #1
def octave_filters(Nbands, BandsPerOctave):
	# Bandpass Filter Generation
	pbrip = .5	# Pass band ripple
	sbrip = 50	# Stop band rejection
	#Filter order
	order = 2

	fi, f_low, f_high = octave_frequencies(Nbands, BandsPerOctave)

	fs = 44100 # sampling rate
	wi = fi/(fs/2.) # normalized frequencies
	w_low = f_low/(fs/2.)
	w_high = f_high/(fs/2.)

	B = []
	A = []
	# For each band
	for w, wl, wh in zip(wi, w_low, w_high):
		# normalized frequency vector
		freq = [wl, wh]
		# could be another IIR filter
		[b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, freq, btype='bandpass')
		B += [b]
		A += [a]
	return [B, A, fi, f_low, f_high]
Пример #2
def octave_filters_oneoctave(total_band_count, bands_per_octave):
    # Bandpass Filter Generation
    pbrip = .5  # Pass band ripple
    sbrip = 50  # Stop band rejection
    # Filter order
    order = 2

    fi, f_low, f_high = octave_frequencies(total_band_count, bands_per_octave)

    fi = fi[-bands_per_octave:]
    f_low = f_low[-bands_per_octave:]
    f_high = f_high[-bands_per_octave:]

    wi = fi / (fs / 2.)  # normalized frequencies
    w_low = f_low / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = f_high / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = (w_high < 1.) * w_high + (w_high >= 1.) * 1.

    B = []
    A = []

    # For each band
    for w, wl, wh in zip(wi, w_low, w_high):
        # normalized frequency vector
        freq = [wl, wh]

        # could be another IIR filter
        [b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, freq, btype='bandpass')

        B += [b.tolist()]
        A += [a.tolist()]

    return [B, A, fi, f_low, f_high]
Пример #3
def octave_filters(total_band_count, bands_per_octave):
    # Bandpass Filter Generation
    pbrip = .5      # Pass band ripple
    sbrip = 50      # Stop band rejection
    # Filter order
    order = 2

    fi, f_low, f_high = octave_frequencies(total_band_count, bands_per_octave)

    wi = fi / (fs / 2.)  # normalized frequencies
    w_low = f_low / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = f_high / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = (w_high < 1.) * w_high + (w_high >= 1.) * 1.

    B = []
    A = []

    # For each band
    for w, wl, wh in zip(wi, w_low, w_high):
        # normalized frequency vector
        freq = [wl, wh]

        # could be another IIR filter
        [b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, freq, btype='bandpass')

        B += [b]
        A += [a]

    return [B, A, fi, f_low, f_high]
Пример #4
def octave_filters(Nbands, BandsPerOctave):
    # Bandpass Filter Generation
    pbrip = .5  # Pass band ripple
    sbrip = 50  # Stop band rejection
    #Filter order
    order = 2

    fi, f_low, f_high = octave_frequencies(Nbands, BandsPerOctave)

    fs = 44100  # sampling rate
    wi = fi / (fs / 2.)  # normalized frequencies
    w_low = f_low / (fs / 2.)
    w_high = f_high / (fs / 2.)

    B = []
    A = []

    # For each band
    for w, wl, wh in zip(wi, w_low, w_high):
        # normalized frequency vector
        freq = [wl, wh]

        # could be another IIR filter
        [b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, freq, btype='bandpass')

        B += [b]
        A += [a]

    return [B, A, fi, f_low, f_high]
Пример #5
N = 2**13
fs = 44100.
x = arange(0,N)/fs
f = 63.4

Nw = 2**13
window = zeros(N)
window[:Nw] = hamming(Nw)
y = window*sin(2*pi*x*f)
pbrip = .5
sbrip = 50
order = 2
fi = 63.41
flow = 62.5
fhigh = 64.33
wi = fi/(fs/2.)
wlow = flow/(fs/2.)
whigh = fhigh/(fs/2.)
w = [wlow, whigh]
[b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, w, btype='bandpass')

yf, zf = lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zeros(max(len(a),len(b))-1))
yf2, zf = lfilter(b, a, 0.*y, zi=zf)
yf3, zf = lfilter(b, a, 0.*y, zi=zf)

print(x[-1]+x, yf2)

subplot(211); plot(x,y); plot(x, yf); plot(x[-1]+x, yf2); plot(2*x[-1]+x, yf3)
subplot(212); loglog(fftshift(fftfreq(N,1./fs))[N/2:],fftshift(abs((fft(y)))**2)[N/2:]); loglog(fftshift(fftfreq(N,1./fs))[N/2:],fftshift(abs((fft(yf)))**2)[N/2:]); ylim(ymin=1e-6)
Пример #6
from numpy.fft import *
import numpy as np

#def fftsmooth(y, cutfreq=0.004):
def fftsmooth(y, cutfreq=0.01):
    freq = fftfreq(len(y))
    trans = rfft(y)
    #print 'freq:', freq[:trans.size-1], freq[0], freq[trans.size-2],trans.size-1
    #print 'freq cut:',cutfreq/freq[trans.size-2]*(trans.size-1)
    ncut = int(cutfreq/freq[trans.size-2]*(trans.size-1))
    newtrans = np.array([0+0j for i,t in enumerate(trans) if i <= ncut] + [t for i,t in enumerate(trans) if i>ncut])
    smoothedy = irfft(newtrans)
    return smoothedy

from  scipy.signal import lfilter#, medfilt
from scipy.signal import filter_design

#b,a = filter_design.butter(1, 0.03, btype='high', ouput='ba')
b,a = filter_design.ellip(1, 1., 1., 0.03, btype='high', output='ba')
def filtersmooth(y):
    #return medfilt(y, kernel_size=251)
    return lfilter(b,a,y)
Пример #7
from numpy.fft import *
import numpy as np

#def fftsmooth(y, cutfreq=0.004):
def fftsmooth(y, cutfreq=0.01):
    freq = fftfreq(len(y))
    trans = rfft(y)
    #print 'freq:', freq[:trans.size-1], freq[0], freq[trans.size-2],trans.size-1
    #print 'freq cut:',cutfreq/freq[trans.size-2]*(trans.size-1)
    ncut = int(cutfreq / freq[trans.size - 2] * (trans.size - 1))
    newtrans = np.array([0 + 0j for i, t in enumerate(trans) if i <= ncut] +
                        [t for i, t in enumerate(trans) if i > ncut])
    smoothedy = irfft(newtrans)
    return smoothedy

from scipy.signal import lfilter  #, medfilt
from scipy.signal import filter_design

#b,a = filter_design.butter(1, 0.03, btype='high', ouput='ba')
b, a = filter_design.ellip(1, 1., 1., 0.03, btype='high', output='ba')

def filtersmooth(y):
    #return medfilt(y, kernel_size=251)
    return lfilter(b, a, y)
Пример #8
Nw = 2**13
window = zeros(N)
window[:Nw] = hamming(Nw)
y = window * sin(2 * pi * x * f)
pbrip = .5
sbrip = 50
order = 2
fi = 63.41
flow = 62.5
fhigh = 64.33
wi = fi / (fs / 2.)
wlow = flow / (fs / 2.)
whigh = fhigh / (fs / 2.)
w = [wlow, whigh]
[b, a] = ellip(order, pbrip, sbrip, w, btype='bandpass')
#cheb1ord(wp, ws, 1., sbrip)
#cheby1(N, rp, Wn, btype='low', analog=0, output='ba')

yf = lfilter(b, a, y)
yf2 = lfilter(b, a, yf)

plot(x, y)
plot(x, yf)
plot(x, yf2)
    fftshift(fftfreq(N, 1. / fs))[N / 2:],
    fftshift(abs((fft(y)))**2)[N / 2:])