def findBump(twoder):
	mins = argrelextrema(twoder[20:70], np.less, order = 5)[0]
	maxes = argrelextrema(twoder[10:65], np.greater, order = 5)[0]
	max2der = max(abs(twoder))
	realmins = []
	realmaxes = []
	thresh = 0.00
	for i in range(len(mins)):
		ind = mins[i] + 20
		if twoder[min(len(twoder)-1,ind+6)] - twoder[ind] > thresh*max2der and twoder[ind-6] - twoder[ind] > thresh*max2der:
	if twoder[-1] < 0 and twoder[-3] < 0:
	for i in range(len(maxes)):
		ind = maxes[i] + 10
		if twoder[ind] - twoder[min(len(twoder)-1,ind+6)] > thresh*max2der and twoder[ind] - twoder[ind-6] > thresh*max2der:
	if len(realmaxes) <= 1:
		return -1
	startLoc = -1
	for i in range(len(realmins)):
		if realmins[-i-1] < realmaxes[1]:
			startLoc = (realmins[-i-1] + realmaxes[1])/2
	midLoc = -1
	for i in range(len(realmins)):
		if realmins[i] > realmaxes[1]:
			midLoc = (realmins[i] + realmaxes[1])/2
	return [startLoc, midLoc]
Пример #2
    def localMinMax(self, y, box_pts=None):

        #  detect local minima and maxima using the smoothed curve


        leny = len(y)
        # smooth the signal
        # print box_pts,len(y)
        if box_pts is None:             # detail segmentation box
            n = int(leny/10)
            box_pts = 3 if n<3 else n
        if leny>52 and box_pts>=leny:   # segment > 0.3s but box is too large
            n = int(leny/5)
            box_pts = n
        if box_pts < leny:
            self.ySmooth = uf.smooth(y, box_pts)
        half_box_pts = np.ceil(box_pts/2.0)

        if len(self.ySmooth):
            # for local maxima
            self.maximaInd = argrelextrema(self.ySmooth, np.greater)
            # remove the boundary effect of convolve
            self.maximaInd = [mi for mi in self.maximaInd[0] if (mi>half_box_pts and mi<leny-half_box_pts)]

            # for local minima
            self.minimaInd = argrelextrema(self.ySmooth, np.less)
            # remove the boundary effect of convolve
            self.minimaInd = [mi for mi in self.minimaInd[0] if (mi>half_box_pts and mi<leny-half_box_pts)]

        return box_pts
    def extract(self, spikes, sample_rate):
        channels_data = spikes
        number_of_channels = len(channels_data)
        number_of_points_in_channel = len(channels_data[0])
        lower_boundary = 0
        upper_boundary = int(number_of_points_in_channel / 2) - 1

        lmda = int(upper_boundary * 1.5)
        dt = 1.0 / sample_rate
        step_tau = int((upper_boundary - lower_boundary) / 50)  ## was constant 1000 ## ensure that integer
        number_of_iterations = len(np.r_[lower_boundary:upper_boundary:step_tau])  ##(upper_boundary-lower_boundary)/step_tau

        # TODO: From the auditory nerve activity compute the autocorrelation of each nerve activity
        iteration = np.zeros(number_of_iterations)
        for i in range(number_of_iterations):
            for j in range(number_of_channels):
                # TODO: Sum these autocorrelation across nerves to construct the summary autocorrelation
                iteration[i] += self.integration(lower_boundary, upper_boundary, sample_rate, dt, channels_data, j, i * step_tau, lmda)
        iteration = iteration / iteration[0]  ##normalization

        # TODO: Extract the argument of the first non-zero peak in the autocorrelation
        peak_tau = step_tau * argrelextrema(iteration, np.greater)[0][iteration[argrelextrema(iteration, np.greater)[0]].argmax()]

        # TODO: Pitch matching maybe?

        # TODO: Return pitch estimate
        return 1.0 / (peak_tau * dt)
Пример #4
def most_like_imf(data, imf, imf_index1, imf_index2): 

    residual_short_sample_width, residual_short_std, short_distance = most_like_gaussian(data,imf,imf_index1)
    print "short sample width %s"%residual_short_sample_width
    print "short std %s"%residual_short_std
    residual_long_sample_width, residual_long_std, long_distance = most_like_gaussian(data,imf,imf_index2)
    i = 1
    while residual_short_sample_width == residual_long_sample_width:# and residual_short_factor == residual_long_factor:
        residual_long_sample_width, residual_long_std, _ = most_like_gaussian(data,imf,imf_index2,i)
        print "long sample width %s"%residual_long_sample_width
        print "long std %s"%residual_long_std
        i += 1

    print "long sample width %s"%residual_long_sample_width
    print "long std %s"%residual_long_std

    confidence = 0
    if (short_distance/np.mean(data[-20:]))<0.01 and (long_distance/np.mean(data[-20:]))<0.01:
        confidence = 1
    long_period = gaussian_smooth(data, residual_long_sample_width, residual_long_std)
    short_period = gaussian_smooth(data, residual_short_sample_width, residual_short_std)
    diff = [short_period[i]-long_period[i] for i in range(len(long_period))]
    #diff = gaussian_smooth(diff, 21, 4)
    data = np.array(diff)
    max_index = list(argrelextrema(data,np.greater)[0])
    min_index = list(argrelextrema(data,np.less)[0])

    return max_index, min_index, residual_long_sample_width, residual_short_sample_width, diff, confidence
Пример #5
def calc_para(list1,list2):

    list1_max_index = list(argrelextrema(np.array(list1),np.greater)[0])
    list1_min_index = list(argrelextrema(np.array(list1),np.less)[0])

    list2_max_index = list(argrelextrema(np.array(list2),np.greater)[0])
    list2_min_index = list(argrelextrema(np.array(list2),np.less)[0])


#    if list1_max_index!=[] and list2_max_index!=[]:
#        error = abs(abs(list1[0]-list2[0])/list2[0])+abs(abs(list1[-1]-list2[-1])/list2[-1])+abs(abs(list1[list1_max_index[0]]-list2[list2_max_index[0]])/list2[list2_max_index[0]])+abs(1-list1_max_index[0]/list2_max_index[0])+abs(1-(len(list1)-list1_max_index[0])/(len(list2)-list2_max_index[0]))
#    if list1_min_index!=[] and list2_min_index!=[]:
#        error = abs(abs(list1[0]-list2[0])/list2[0])+abs(abs(list1[-1]-list2[-1])/list2[-1])+abs(abs(list1[list1_min_index[0]]-list2[list2_min_index[0]])/list2[list2_min_index[0]])+abs(1-list1_min_index[0]/list2_min_index[0])+abs(1-(len(list1)-list1_min_index[0])/(len(list2)-list2_min_index[0]))
        #error = abs(list1[0]-list2[0])+abs(list1[-1]-list2[-1])+abs(list1[list1_min_index[0]]-list2[list2_min_index[0]])
    if list1_max_index!=[] and list2_max_index!=[]:
#        list1 = [i/abs(list1[list1_max_index[0]]-list1[0]) for i in list1]
#        list2 = [i/abs(list2[list2_max_index[0]]-list2[0]) for i in list2]
    #    error = abs((list2[0]/list1[0])-1)+abs((list2_max_index[0]/list1_max_index[0])-1)+abs((len(list2)-list2_max_index[0])/(len(list1)-list1_max_index[0])-1)
        #error = abs((list2[0]-list1[0])/list2[0])+abs((list2_max_index[0]-list1_max_index[0])/list2_max_index[0])+abs(((len(list2)-list2_max_index[0])-(len(list1)-list1_max_index[0]))/(len(list2)-list2_max_index[0]))+abs((list1[list1_max_index[0]]-list2[list2_max_index[0]])/list1[list1_max_index[0]])+abs((list2[-1]-list1[-1])/list2[-1])
        error = abs((list2[0]-list1[0])/min(list2[0],list1[0]))+abs((list2_max_index[0]-list1_max_index[0])/min(list2_max_index[0],list1_max_index[0]))+abs(((len(list2)-list2_max_index[0])-(len(list1)-list1_max_index[0]))/min((len(list2)-list2_max_index[0]),(len(list1)-list1_max_index[0])))+abs((list1[list1_max_index[0]]-list2[list2_max_index[0]])/min(list1[list1_max_index[0]],list2[list2_max_index[0]]))+abs((list2[-1]-list1[-1])/min(list1[-1],list2[-1]))+abs((len(list1)-len(list2))/min(len(list1),len(list2)))
    if list1_min_index!=[] and list2_min_index!=[]:
#        list1 = [i/abs(list1[list1_min_index[0]]-list1[0]) for i in list1]
#        list2 = [i/abs(list2[list2_min_index[0]]-list2[0]) for i in list2]
    #    error = abs((list2[0]/list1[0])-1)+abs((list2_min_index[0]/list1_min_index[0])-1)+abs((len(list2)-list2_min_index[0])/(len(list1)-list1_min_index[0])-1)
        #error = abs((list2[0]-list1[0])/list2[0])+abs((list2_min_index[0]-list1_min_index[0])/list2_min_index[0])+abs(((len(list2)-list2_min_index[0])-(len(list1)-list1_min_index[0]))/(len(list2)-list2_min_index[0]))+abs((list1[list1_min_index[0]]-list2[list2_min_index[0]])/list1[list1_min_index[0]])+abs((list2[-1]-list1[-1])/list2[-1])
        error = abs((list2[0]-list1[0])/min(list2[0],list1[0]))+abs((list2_min_index[0]-list1_min_index[0])/min(list2_min_index[0],list1_min_index[0]))+abs(((len(list2)-list2_min_index[0])-(len(list1)-list1_min_index[0]))/min((len(list2)-list2_min_index[0]),(len(list1)-list1_min_index[0])))+abs((list1[list1_min_index[0]]-list2[list2_min_index[0]])/min(list1[list1_min_index[0]],list2[list2_min_index[0]]))+abs((list2[-1]-list1[-1])/min(list1[-1],list2[-1]))+abs((len(list1)-len(list2))/min(len(list1),len(list2)))
    return error
Пример #6
def find_strong_lines(x, xo, gggf, gggf_infm, cfile, logfile):
    # We need to find strong lines in spectrum and ingnore all small changes in flux.
    # Here - code checks the change in signal around inflection points and compares it
    # to noise multiplied by rejection parameter

    max_ind = argrelextrema(gggf, np.greater)
    min_ind = argrelextrema(gggf, np.less)

    max_tab = np.array([x[max_ind], gggf[max_ind]])
    min_tab = np.array([x[min_ind], gggf[min_ind]])

    thold = get_thold(gggf, cfile.getfloat('Lines', 'r_lvl'))
    str_lines = []

    if not (max_tab.size != 0 and min_tab.size != 0 and thold == 0.0):
        for item in gggf_infm:
            indx = np.abs(max_tab[0, :] - item).argmin()
            indm = np.abs(min_tab[0, :] - item).argmin()

            if ((np.abs(max_tab[1, indx]) > thold) and
                    (np.abs(min_tab[1, indm]) > thold)):

    str_lines = evaluate_lines(xo, str_lines,
                               cfile.getfloat('Lines', 'det_level'),
                               gggf_infm, logfile)
    return str_lines
def peaksValleys(data, attrib):

	for i in range(0,len(attrib)-2):

		k = [[], []] # k[0] picos e k[1] vales

		[k[0].append(data[j]) for j in argrelextrema(data, np.greater)[0]]
		[k[1].append(data[j]) for j in argrelextrema(data, np.less)[0]]

		#print (k[0])
		#print (k[1])

		aux = max(k[0])
		aux2 = min(k[1])
		for i in range(len(k[0])):
				if aux/k[0][i] < 0.7:

		for i in range(len(k[1])):
				if aux2/k[1][i] < 0.1:
		#print (k[0])
		#print (k[1])

	return k[0], k[1]
Пример #8
  def get_extrema(self, limits=(0.0, float('inf')), order=5):
    """Computes masks (i.e. arrays of indices) of the extrema of the force.

    order: integer, optional
      Number of neighboring points used to define an extremum; 
      default: 5.

    minima: 1D array of integers
      Index of all minima.
    maxima: 1D array of integers
      Index of all maxima.
    minima = signal.argrelextrema(self.values, numpy.less_equal, 
    maxima = signal.argrelextrema(self.values, numpy.greater_equal, 
    mask = numpy.where(numpy.logical_and(self.times >= limits[0],
                                         self.times <= limits[1]))[0]
    minima = numpy.intersect1d(minima, mask, assume_unique=True)
    maxima = numpy.intersect1d(maxima, mask, assume_unique=True)
    # remove indices that are too close
    minima = minima[numpy.append(True, minima[1:]-minima[:-1] > order)]
    maxima = maxima[numpy.append(True, maxima[1:]-maxima[:-1] > order)]
    return minima, maxima
Пример #9
def tribocycle_finder(y_disp):
    finds tribo-cycles using the y displacement curve
    :param y_disp:

    y_disp = moving_average(y_disp)
    maxima = argrelextrema(y_disp, np.greater, order=1000)
    minima = argrelextrema(y_disp, np.less, order=500)

    if maxima[0].size > minima[0].size:
        cycle_ends = maxima
        cycle_mid = minima
    elif minima[0].size > maxima[0].size:
        cycle_ends = minima
        cycle_mid = maxima
        print 'Error in tribocycle finder, y displacement waveform incorrect'
        cycle_ends = np.nan
        cycle_mid = np.nan

    return cycle_ends, cycle_mid
Пример #10
def plotPlots(linearray, sampletitle, roi):
	plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14))
	gs1 = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(8, 8)
	gs1.update(wspace=0.25,  hspace=0.3)
	from scipy.signal import argrelextrema

	for i, li in enumerate(linearray):  # [0, :]):

		axarr = plt.subplot(gs1[i])

		lin = linearray[:, i]


			ma = np.mean(lin[argrelextrema(lin, np.greater)[0]])
			mi = np.mean(lin[argrelextrema(lin, np.less)[0]])
		except IndexError:
			print "Index error."

		# set_title('%.4f, %.4f' % (float(a[i]), float(b[i])))

	print, sampletitle, str(roi)
	# plt.savefig('{}/{}_{}_lines.pdf'.format(, sampletitle, str(roi)))
	plt.savefig( + '/%s_%s_lines.pdf' % (sampletitle, str(roi)))
Пример #11
def simplify3(nk):
	xk = nk/float(np.sum(nk))
	#print nk
	#X_plot = np.linspace(0, len(nk), 1000)[:, np.newaxis]
	X_plot = np.linspace(0, len(xk), sdiv)[:, np.newaxis]
	custm = stats.rv_discrete(name='custm',a=0,b=7, values=(range(len(xk)), xk))
	yk= custm.rvs(size=100000)
	#fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
	#ax.hist(yk, normed=True, histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.2)
	# gaussian KDE
	X=yk.reshape(-1, 1)
	kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=0.6).fit(X)
	log_dens = kde.score_samples(X_plot)
	mi, ma = argrelextrema(log_dens, np.less)[0], argrelextrema(log_dens, np.greater)[0]
	#print mi
	for i in mi:
		if start!=i:
			for j in xrange(start,i):
	for j in xrange(start,len(nk)):
	return np.array(result)
Пример #12
def find_order_edge_peaks(reduced):
    from scipy.signal import argrelextrema

    # make top and bottom edge images
    rolled = np.roll(reduced.flat, 5, axis=0)
    reduced.topEdgesImg = rolled - reduced.flat
    reduced.botEdgesImg = reduced.flat - rolled
    # take a vertical cut of edges
    reduced.topEdgesProfile = np.median(reduced.topEdgesImg[:, 40:50], axis=1)
    reduced.botEdgesProfile = np.median(reduced.botEdgesImg[:, 40:50], axis=1)

    # find the highest peaks in crosscut, search +/- 15 pixels to narrow down list
    top_extrema = argrelextrema(reduced.topEdgesProfile, np.greater, order=35)[0]
    bot_extrema = argrelextrema(reduced.botEdgesProfile, np.greater, order=35)[0]

    # find crosscut values at those extrema
    top_intensities = reduced.topEdgesProfile[top_extrema]
    bot_intensities = reduced.botEdgesProfile[bot_extrema]

    reduced.topEdgePeaks = zip(top_extrema, top_intensities)
    reduced.botEdgePeaks = zip(bot_extrema, bot_intensities)
Пример #13
def accumulateFrame(symbols, order, mindate, maxdate):
    connection = sqlite3.connect('../data/')
    c = connection.cursor()
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ts','min','max']).set_index('ts')
    for symbol in symbols:
        query = "SELECT ts,close,high,low FROM eod WHERE symbol = '" + symbol + "' AND ts BETWEEN " + str(mindate) + " AND " + str(maxdate) + " ORDER BY ts;"
        data = c.fetchall()
        dates = array([datetime.datetime.fromordinal(q[0]) for q in data])
        closes = array([q[1] for q in data])
        highs = array([q[2] for q in data])
        lows = array([q[3] for q in data])
        # compute extrema
        if len(lows) > 0:
            cmin = argrelextrema(data=lows, comparator=np.less, order=order)
            # create frame for minima indexed by date
            if(len(cmin[0]) > 0):
                mins = np.vstack((dates[cmin], np.negative(np.ones(cmin[0].size)), np.zeros(cmin[0].size))).transpose()
                df1 = pd.DataFrame(mins, columns=['ts','min','max']).set_index('ts')
                df = df.add(df1, fill_value=0)
        if len(highs) > 0:
            cmax = argrelextrema(data=highs, comparator=np.greater, order=order)
            # create frame for maxima indexed by date
            if(len(cmax[0]) > 0):
                maxes = np.vstack((dates[cmax], np.zeros(cmax[0].size), np.ones(cmax[0].size))).transpose()
                df2 = pd.DataFrame(maxes, columns=['ts','min','max']).set_index('ts')
                df = df.add(df2, fill_value=0)
    return df
def get_local_Extrema(time,data):
    ''' # Function to get the local extrema for a response
    # Inputs:
    #   time = time array corresponding to the data
    #   data = the response data array (only pass a single dimension/state at at time)
    # Output:
    #   localMaxes = the amplitude of the local maxes
    #   localMax_Times = the times of the local maxes
    # Created: 03/28/14
    #   - Joshua Vaughan
    #   - [email protected]
    #   -
    from scipy import signal
    # Get local maximums
    localMax_indexes = signal.argrelextrema(data, np.greater)
    localMaxes = data[localMax_indexes]
    localMax_Times = time[localMax_indexes]

    # Get local minimums
    localMin_indexes = signal.argrelextrema(data, np.less)
    localMins = data[localMin_indexes]
    localMin_Times = time[localMin_indexes]
    return localMaxes, localMax_Times, localMins, localMin_Times
Пример #15
    def check(self, data, date):
        dataarr = np.asarray(data)
        extmax = argrelextrema(dataarr, np.greater)
        extmin = argrelextrema(dataarr, np.less)

        newdata = [[],[]]
        retpattern = []
        for i,d in enumerate(data):
            if i in extmax[0] or i in extmin[0]:

        for idx, val in enumerate(newdata[0]):
            if idx + 6 > len(newdata[0]):
            itemx = newdata[0][idx: idx+6]
            itemy = newdata[1][idx: idx+6]
            for p in self.pattern:
                    ret = p.pattern(itemy)
                    if ret:
                        print itemx, itemy
                        #pylab.scatter(itemx, itemy)
                        retpattern.append({'name':, "iyd": itemy, \
                                                                "ixd": itemx})
                    print "error in %s" %

        return retpattern
Пример #16
def extract(x, y):
    """Extract the interesting measurements from a correlation function"""
    # Calculate indexes of maxima and minima
    maxs = argrelextrema(y, np.greater)[0]
    mins = argrelextrema(y, np.less)[0]

    # If there are no maxima, return NaN
    garbage = Struct(minimum=np.nan,
    if len(maxs) == 0:
        return garbage
    GammaMin = y[mins[0]]  # The value at the first minimum

    ddy = (y[:-2]+y[2:]-2*y[1:-1])/(x[2:]-x[:-2])**2  # Second derivative of y
    dy = (y[2:]-y[:-2])/(x[2:]-x[:-2])  # First derivative of y
    # Find where the second derivative goes to zero
    zeros = argrelextrema(np.abs(ddy), np.less)[0]
    # locate the first inflection point
    linear_point = zeros[0]
    linear_point = int(mins[0]/10)

    # Try to calculate slope around linear_point using 80 data points
    lower = linear_point - 40
    upper = linear_point + 40

    # If too few data points to the left, use linear_point*2 data points
    if lower < 0:
        lower = 0
        upper = linear_point * 2
    # If too few to right, use 2*(dy.size - linear_point) data points
    elif upper > dy.size:
        upper = dy.size
        width = dy.size - linear_point
        lower = 2*linear_point - dy.size

    m = np.mean(dy[lower:upper])  # Linear slope
    b = y[1:-1][linear_point]-m*x[1:-1][linear_point]  # Linear intercept

    Lc = (GammaMin-b)/m  # Hard block thickness

    # Find the data points where the graph is linear to within 1%
    mask = np.where(np.abs((y-(m*x+b))/y) < 0.01)[0]
    if len(mask) == 0:  # Return garbage for bad fits
        return garbage
    dtr = x[mask[0]]  # Beginning of Linear Section
    d0 = x[mask[-1]]  # End of Linear Section
    GammaMax = y[mask[-1]]
    A = -GammaMin/GammaMax  # Normalized depth of minimum

    return Struct(minimum=x[mins[0]],
Пример #17
def find_peaks_from_fourier(coefs, freqs):
	extremal_inds = signal.argrelextrema(coefs.real, np.greater)[0]
	extremal_inds = np.r_[extremal_inds, signal.argrelextrema(coefs.real, np.less)[0]]
	extremal_inds = np.r_[extremal_inds, signal.argrelextrema(coefs.imag, np.greater)[0]]
	extremal_inds = np.r_[extremal_inds, signal.argrelextrema(coefs.imag, np.less)[0]]
	extremal_inds = np.unique(extremal_inds)
	freq_inds = sorted(extremal_inds, key=lambda ind: -np.abs(coefs[ind]))
	return freqs[freq_inds]
Пример #18
def _diff_peaks_(hist):
    detect peaks in a histogram
    peaks = argrelextrema(hist, np.greater_equal, order = 2)
    valleys = argrelextrema(hist, np.less_equal, order = 2)
    return peaks[0], valleys[0]
Пример #19
def breaks(x, y, order=20, smooth_sigma=0.5):
    y = gaussian_filter1d(y, smooth_sigma)
    extremas = np.concatenate((
        argrelextrema(y, np.greater_equal, order=order)[0],
        argrelextrema(y, np.less_equal, order=order)[0]))
    for i in [0, len(x) - 1]:
        if i not in extremas:
            extremas = np.append(extremas, i)
    return np.sort(extremas)
Пример #20
def openFile(filepath, period):
    os.system('mkdir train_data')
    fp = open(filepath,'r')
    lines = fp.readlines()
    data_list = []
    print lines
    for eachline in lines:
	print "each line of data%s"%eachline
    x = np.arange(0,len(lines))
    y = data_list
    y_array = np.array(y)
    x_ymax = argrelextrema(y_array,np.greater)
    x_ymin = argrelextrema(y_array,np.less)
#ymax = []
#ymin = []
#for i in range(len(y)):
#    for j in range(len(x_ymax[0])):
#        if i == x_ymax[0][j]:
#            ymax.append(y[i])
#for i in range(len(y)):
#    for j in range(len(x_ymin[0])):
#        if i == x_ymin[0][j]:
#            ymin.append(y[i])
    y_new = []
    for i in range(len(y)):
        if i in x_ymax[0]:
        elif i in x_ymin[0]:
    for i in range(len(y_new)):
        y_new[i] = "%s\n"%y_new[i]

    for i in range(0,2*len(y)-period,2): 
        count = 0
	if i+period*2 > len(y_new):
	    #count = (len(y_new) - i)/2
	    count = period
	fp = open("train_data/data_afterpre_%s"%i,'w')
        fp.writelines("     1 1")
	fp.write("%s "%count)
Пример #21
def find_local_extrema(data):
    Function finding local extrema. It can also deal with flat extrema,
    e.g. a flat top or bottom. In that case the first index of all flat
    values will be returned.

    Returns a tuple of maxima and minima indices.
    diff = np.diff(data)
    flats = np.argwhere(diff == 0)

    # Discard neighbouring flat points.
    new_flats = list(flats[0:1])
    for i, j in zip(flats[:-1], flats[1:]):
        if j - i == 1:
    flats = new_flats

    maxima = []
    minima = []

    # Go over each flats position and check if its a maxima/minima.
    for idx in flats:
        l_type = "left"
        r_type = "right"
        for i in itertools.count():
            this_idx = idx - i - 1
            if diff[this_idx] < 0:
                l_type = "minima"
            elif diff[this_idx] > 0:
                l_type = "maxima"
        for i in itertools.count():
            this_idx = idx + i + 1
            if this_idx >= len(diff):
            if diff[this_idx] < 0:
                r_type = "maxima"
            elif diff[this_idx] > 0:
                r_type = "minima"
        if r_type != l_type:
        if r_type == "maxima":

    maxs = set(list(argrelextrema(data, np.greater)[0]))
    mins = set(list(argrelextrema(data, np.less)[0]))

    return np.array(sorted(list(maxs.union(set(maxima)))), dtype="int32"), \
        np.array(sorted(list(mins.union(set(minima)))), dtype="int32")
Пример #22
def get_feature_vector(data, start, end):
    subset = data[start: end]
    vector1 = numpy.mean(subset, axis=0)

    energy = numpy.sum(subset, axis=1)
    local_max = argrelextrema(energy, numpy.greater)[0]
    local_min = argrelextrema(energy, numpy.less)[0]
    avg_max = numpy.average(energy[local_max])
    avg_min = numpy.average(energy[local_min])
    i = 0
    j = 0
    local_attacks = {'slow': [], 'fast': []}
    local_decays = {'slow': [], 'fast': []}
    while i < len(local_max) and j < len(local_min):
        value = (energy[local_max[i]] - energy[local_min[j]]) / abs(local_max[i] - local_min[j])
        peak_type = 'fast' if energy[local_max[i]] > avg_max else 'slow'
        if local_max[i] > local_min[j]:
            j += 1
            i += 1
    vector2 = numpy.array([#numpy.mean(local_attacks['slow']), numpy.std(local_attacks['slow']),
                           numpy.mean(local_attacks['fast']), numpy.std(local_attacks['fast']),
                           #numpy.mean(local_decays['slow']), numpy.std(local_decays['slow']),
                           numpy.mean(local_decays['fast']), numpy.std(local_decays['fast']),
                           avg_max / avg_min])
    attacks = []
    decays = []
    for row in range(subset.shape[1]):
        # energy = numpy.sum(subset, axis=1)
        energy = subset[:, row]
        local_max = argrelextrema(energy, numpy.greater)[0]
        local_min = argrelextrema(energy, numpy.less)[0]
        local_attacks = 0
        local_decays = 0
        while i < len(local_max) and j < len(local_min):
            value = (energy[local_max[i]] - energy[local_min[j]]) / abs(local_max[i] - local_min[j])
            if local_max[i] > local_min[j]:
                local_attacks += value
                j += 1
                local_decays += value
                i += 1
    # vector2 = numpy.array(attacks)
    # vector3 = numpy.array(decays)
    # normalize_to_01(vector3)
    return numpy.concatenate((vector1, vector2), axis=0)
Пример #23
def find_extrema(series, maxmin):
    Input: Data series, extrama of intereset (max or min)
    Use scipy to find this
    scipy.signal.argrelextrema(array type of np,comparison operator eg np.greater or np.less)
    from scipy.signal import argrelextrema # use to find local minima or maxima in numpy array
    if (maxmin == 1):
        return argrelextrema(series,np.greater)[0]
    elif(maxmin == -1):
        return argrelextrema(series,np.less)[0] # Tuple, return only nparray
Пример #24
def best_split(data, I=(-np.inf, np.inf)):
    '''With bimodal data, finding split at lowest density.'''
    h_crit = critical_bandwidth_m_modes(data, 2, I)
    kde = KernelDensity(kernel='gaussian', bandwidth=h_crit).fit(data.reshape(-1, 1))
    x = np.linspace(max(np.min(data), I[0]), min(np.max(data), I[1]), 200)
    y = np.exp(kde.score_samples(x.reshape(-1, 1)))
    modes = argrelextrema(np.hstack([[0], y, [0]]), np.greater)[0]
    if len(modes) != 2:
        raise ValueError("{} modes at: {}".format(len(modes), x[modes-1]))
    ind_min = modes[0]-1 + argrelextrema(y[(modes[0]-1):(modes[1]-1)], np.less)[0]
    return x[ind_min]
Пример #25
 def extrem_interval(self, rawdata):
     data = np.array(rawdata)
     max_index = argrelextrema(data,np.greater)[0]
     min_index = argrelextrema(data,np.less)[0]
     if max_index[0]>min_index[0]:
         max_min_period_delta = [max_index[i]-min_index[i] for i in range(min(len(max_index),len(min_index)))]
         min_max_period_delta = [min_index[i+1]-max_index[i] for i in range(min(len(max_index),len(min_index))-1)]
         max_min_period_delta = [max_index[i+1]-min_index[i] for i in range(min(len(max_index),len(min_index))-1)]
         min_max_period_delta = [min_index[i]-max_index[i] for i in range(min(len(max_index),len(min_index)))]
     return (max_min_period_delta,min_max_period_delta)
Пример #26
 def ma_fig(self):
     data = np.array( 
     max_index = argrelextrema(data,np.greater)[0]
     min_index = argrelextrema(data,np.less)[0]
     for i in max_index:
     for i in min_index:
    def _get_cage_boundary(self, ground_point, frame, direction='left'):
        """ determines the cage boundary starting from a ground_point
        going in the given direction """

        # check whether we have to calculate anything
        if not self.params['cage/determine_boundaries']:
            if direction == 'left':
                return (0, ground_point[1])
            elif direction == 'right':
                return (frame.shape[1] - 1, ground_point[1])
                raise ValueError('Unknown direction `%s`' % direction)
        # extend the ground line toward the left edge of the cage
        if direction == 'left':
            border_point = (0, ground_point[1])
        elif direction == 'right':
            image_width = frame.shape[1] - 1
            border_point = (image_width, ground_point[1])
            raise ValueError('Unknown direction `%s`' % direction)
        # do the line scan
        profile = image.line_scan(frame, border_point, ground_point,
        # smooth the profile slightly
        profile = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(profile,
        # add extra points to make determining the extrema reliable
        profile = np.r_[0, profile, 255]

        # determine first maximum and first minimum after that
        maxima = signal.argrelextrema(profile, comparator=np.greater_equal)
        pos_max = maxima[0][0]
        minima = signal.argrelextrema(profile[pos_max:],
        pos_min = minima[0][0] + pos_max
        # we have to use argrelextrema instead of argrelmax and argrelmin,
        # because the latter don't capture wide maxima like [0, 1, 1, 0]
        if pos_min - pos_max >= 2:
            # get steepest point in this interval
            pos_edge = np.argmin(np.diff(profile[pos_max:pos_min + 1])) + pos_max
            # get steepest point in complete profile
            pos_edge = np.argmin(np.diff(profile))

        if direction == 'right':
            pos_edge = image_width - pos_edge
        return (pos_edge, ground_point[1])
Пример #28
def peaks(signal):
    """signal must be a np array"""

    # for local maxima
    indices_max = argrelextrema(signal, np.greater)

    # for local minima
    indices_min = argrelextrema(signal, np.less)

    maxima = signal[indices_max[0]].max()
    minima = signal[indices_min[0]].min()

    return maxima, minima
Пример #29
def find_resonances(data, fit_dips_below = None, max_width = None):
	min_inds = (signal.argrelextrema(data, np.less)[0]).astype(int)
	max_inds = (signal.argrelextrema(data, np.greater)[0]).astype(int)
	widths = max_inds[1:] - max_inds[:-1]
	dip_inds = min_inds[1:] if min_inds[0] < max_inds[0] else min_inds[:-1]
	windows = [(max_inds[i], max_inds[i+1]) for i in range(len(dip_inds)-1)] # should this be 3?
	# a dip must go below fit_dips_below, unless fit_dips_below = None and it's width should be at most max_width unless max_width = None
	filter_fun = lambda p: ((data[p[0]] < fit_dips_below) if (fit_dips_below != None) else True) and (p[1] <= max_width if max_width != None else True)
	dip_inds, widths, windows = map(np.array, zip(*filter(filter_fun, zip(dip_inds, widths, windows))))
	# sort by width
	# sort_inds = np.argsort(-1 * widths)
	# return dip_inds[sort_inds], windows[sort_inds]
	return dip_inds, windows
Пример #30
  def get_extrema(self, order=5):
    """Computes extrema indices (minima and maxima) of the force coefficient.

    order: int
      Number of points on each side to use for comparison; default: 5.
    minima = signal.argrelextrema(self.values, numpy.less_equal, order=order)[0][:-1]
    maxima = signal.argrelextrema(self.values, numpy.greater_equal, order=order)[0][:-1]
    # remove indices that are too close
    self.minima = minima[numpy.append(True, minima[1:]-minima[:-1] > order)]
    self.maxima = maxima[numpy.append(True, maxima[1:]-maxima[:-1] > order)]
Пример #31
def process_results(path, ec_key, dataset_name):
    """ Read and process the results from this dataset"""
    print(path, dataset_name, ec_key)

    # Results folder
    results_folder = os.path.join(path, 'data/results')
    # List all the items in the results folder
    items = sorted(os.listdir(results_folder))
    # Select the csv files
    items = [item for item in items if ".csv" in item]
    # Select the axon recording files
    items = [item for item in items if item[:4] == "Axon"]

    # Array for the axons' activity maxima
    maxima = []

    # AP peak times
    appt_ = {}
    # AP latency times
    aplt_ = {}

    # Flags indicating which axons did fire and which not
    hasAP = {}

    # Voltage data
    data = {}

    # Geometrical properties
    xx_ = []
    yy_ = []
    rr_ = []

    # Iterate over the files and read them
    for filename in items:
        # Actually, i is taken from the file name
        i = int(filename.replace('Axon', '').replace('.csv', ''))
        data[i] = {}
        with open(os.path.join(results_folder, filename), "r") as f:
            fr = csv.reader(f)
            for row in fr:
                r0 = row[0]
                if ("NODE" in r0) or ("node" in r0):
                    data[i][key].append([float(x) for x in row[1:]])
                elif len(row) == 3:
                elif len(row) == 1:
                        # print(key)
                        data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
                    except NameError:
                        # There's no key yet
                    key = r0
                    data[i][key] = []

        # When the last key is read, don't forget storing it
        data[i][key] = np.array(data[i][key])
        del key

    # Check maxima and relevant stuff
    vcrit = 15.
    for i, data_ in data.items():
        axondata = data_["v"]
        # Check if the maximum is an AP
        # print(axondata)
        maximum = axondata.max()
        if maximum > 0:
            # Regions where v is greater than vcrit
            whereAPs = np.where(axondata > vcrit)
            # Time when the first AP is fired (v rises above vcrit mV)
            when1stAP = whereAPs[1].min()
            where1stAP = whereAPs[0][np.where(whereAPs[1] == when1stAP)][0]
            segment_maxima = argrelextrema(axondata[where1stAP], np.greater)[0]
            # Local maxima
            local_maxima = axondata[where1stAP][segment_maxima]
            # Local maxima greater than vcrit mV
            # IMPORTANT: I named the following variable when1stAP_ just so
            # it doesn't overwrite when1stAP, but I can make it overwrite
            # it if I want
            when1stAP_ = segment_maxima[np.where(local_maxima > vcrit)][0]
            if True:
                APpeaktime = dt * (when1stAP - 1)
                appt_[i] = APpeaktime
                aplt_[i] = APpeaktime - 0.01
            hasAP[i] = True
            hasAP[i] = False
            aplt_[i] = 'nan'
        i += 1

    # Maxima to array
    maxima = np.array(maxima)

    # AP peak times to array
    # And subtract the pulse delay from them
    appt_values = np.array(list(appt_.values())) - 0.01

    if len(appt_values) == 0:
        # print("No axon fired an AP")
        # sys.exit()

    # Geometrical properties to array
    xx_ = np.array(xx_)
    yy_ = np.array(yy_)
    rr_ = np.array(rr_)

    # Topology

    # Open and read topology file
    topo_path = os.path.join(path,
    with open(topo_path, 'r') as f:
        topology = json.load(f)

    # Open and read the contours file
    contours_file = os.path.join(path, 'data/load/created_nerve_contour.csv')
    contours = {}
    with open(contours_file, "r") as f:
        fr = csv.reader(f)
        for row in fr:
                # Try to get numbers
                x = float(row[0])
            except ValueError:
                # It's a string
                key = row[0]
                contours[key] = []
                y = float(row[1])
                # Append the point to the corresponding contour
                contours[key].append([x, y])

    # Delete the key for tidyness
    del key

    # Polygons for each fascicle and the nerve
    polygons = {}
    for k, c in contours.items():
        pol = geo.Polygon(c)
        polygons[k] = pol.plpol

    # Fired axons per fascicle and in total in the nerve
    fascicle_ap_counter = {}
    for k in contours:
        if 'ascicle' in k:
            fascicle_ap_counter[k] = 0

    # Find them
    for i, b in hasAP.items():
        if b:
            # Find fascicle of this axon
            for k, p in polygons.items():
                if 'ascicle' in k:
                    if p.contains_point((xx_[i], yy_[i])):
                        # print('Axon %i is in %s'%(i, k))
                        fascicle_ap_counter[k] += 1

    # Read electrode settings
    settings_path = os.path.join(path, 'settings/electrodes.json')
    with open(settings_path, 'r') as f:
        stim_settings = json.load(f)

    current = list(
        ['stimulation protocol'].values())[0]['currents'][0]

    total_number_APs = sum(list(fascicle_ap_counter.values()))

    # Dictionary to gather all the important data
    data_final = OrderedDict()
    data_final['dataset_name'] = dataset_name
    data_final['current'] = current
    data_final['fascicle_ap_counter'] = fascicle_ap_counter
    data_final['total_number_APs'] = total_number_APs
    data_final['AP times'] = aplt_

    # Save the data in the 'all data' dictionary
    data_all[dataset_name] = data_final

    # Save data into the data_recruitment dictionary
    for k, n in fascicle_ap_counter.items():

    # Save results in a json file
    with open('stim_results_%s%s' % (dataset_name, '.json'), 'w') as f:
        json.dump(data_final, f, indent=4)
def signal_mean_local_max(signal):
    local_max = argrelextrema(signal, np.greater)
    return np.mean(signal[local_max])
Пример #33

# Prepare
res = np.abs(filter.gaussian_filter(filter.hsobel(img), 5))
res = np.clip(res, 0.0, 0.2)

# Identify the left and right sides of the circles
vsum = np.sum(res, 0)
idx = argrelextrema(vsum, np.greater)
peaks = vsum[idx]
p1 = np.argmax(peaks)
peaks = np.delete(peaks, p1)
p2 = np.argmax(peaks)
p2 = p2 + 1 if p1 < p2 else p2
p1 = idx[0][p1]
p2 = idx[0][p2]

if p2 < p1:
    p1, p2 = p2, p1

pd3 = int(np.floor((p2 - p1) / 3))

Пример #34
def extract_ppg(ppg):
    # Derive heart rate (HR) from blood volume pulse (BVP), given by the PPG sensor.
    peaks_temp = signal.argrelextrema(ppg, comparator = np.greater_equal, order = 3)
    peaks_temp = peaks_temp[0]  # Find initial, unfiltered locations of the heart beat peaks.
    peaks = []

    window_start = 0
    window_end = 400
    t = 0.5 # Tolerance for locating true heart beat peaks.
    j = 0

    # Filter peaks in peaks_temp to locate the true heart beat peaks in the samples, separating
    # them from misidentified peaks.
    while window_end != 8400:
        window_mean = np.mean(ppg[window_start : window_end + 1])
        for i in peaks_temp:
            if (len(peaks) == 0):
                if (ppg[i] > t * np.amax(ppg[window_start : window_end + 1]) + t * window_mean and i >= window_start and i <= window_end and ppg[i] == np.amax(ppg[window_start : window_end + 1])):
                if (ppg[i] > t * np.amax(ppg[window_start : window_end + 1]) + t * window_mean and i - peaks[j] > 400 and i >= window_start and i <= window_end and ppg[i] == np.amax(ppg[window_start : window_end + 1])):
                    j += 1

        # Move the window along the samples to check for true peaks among 400 samples per loop (the size of our window).
        window_start += 400
        window_end += 400

    peaks = np.array(peaks)
    peaks_value = [ppg[a] for a in peaks]

    beat_count = len(peaks)  
    print("Beat count:", beat_count)

    # Calculate instantaneous HR, using 60.0 as seconds per minute.
    if beat_count >= 2:
        time_intervals = (peaks[1 : beat_count - 1] - peaks[0]) / 800.0 # Peak time interval differences from the first peak, using 800.0 as the sampling rate. 
        hr = np.zeros(beat_count - 1)

        for i in range(1, beat_count - 1):
            hr[i - 1] = 60.0 / (time_intervals[i - 1] / i)  
        hr = np.zeros(1)

    # Extract HR features.
    mean_hr = np.mean(hr)  # Calculate the mean of HR.

    # Calculate the mean of the absolute value of the first difference of the HR values.
    if len(hr) >= 2:
        mean_first_diff_hr = np.mean(np.fabs(np.diff(hr)))  
        mean_first_diff_hr = 0

    # Derive peak-to-peak interval (PPI) from BVP.
    if len(peaks) >= 2:
        ppi = (np.diff(peaks) * 1000.0) / 800.0
        ppi = np.zeros(1)

    # Extract heart rate variability (HRV) features.
    global_max_ppi = np.amax(ppi)  # Calculate the global maximum of the PPI signal.
    global_min_ppi = np.amin(ppi)  # Calculate the global minimum of the PPI signal.
    mean_ppi = np.mean(ppi)  # Calculate the mean of the PPI signal.
    std_ppi = np.std(ppi)  # Calculate the standard deviation of the PPI signal.

    # Calculate the square root of the mean of the squares of the differences between adjacent PP intervals (RMSSD).
    if len(ppi) >= 2:
        rmssd = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(np.diff(ppi), 2)))  
        ppi_diff = np.fabs(np.diff(ppi)) # First difference of PPI values, used for PP50 calculation.
        rmssd = 0
        ppi_diff = np.zeros(1) 

    pp50_count = 0

    # Calculate the proportion of the number of pairs of successive PPs that differ by more than 50 ms (PP50), divided by the total number of PPs (pPP50).
    if beat_count >= 2:
        for i in range(0, beat_count - 2):
            if ppi_diff[i] > 50:
                pp50_count += 1

        ppp50 = (float(pp50_count) / float(beat_count)) * 100.0  
        ppp50 = 0

    return mean_hr, mean_first_diff_hr, global_max_ppi, global_min_ppi, mean_ppi, std_ppi, rmssd, ppp50  
Пример #35
    def test_Network_04(self):
        cellParameters = dict(
            morphology=os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test',
            templatefile=os.path.join(LFPy.__path__[0], 'test',

        synapseParameters = dict(idx=0,

        populationParameters = dict(
            pop_args=dict(radius=100, loc=0., scale=20.),
            rotation_args=dict(x=0, y=0),
        networkParameters = dict(dt=2**-3,
        # set up
        network = LFPy.Network(**networkParameters)

        cell = network.populations['test'].cells[0]

        # create synapses
        synlist = []
        numsynapses = 2
        for i in range(numsynapses):
            synlist.append(LFPy.Synapse(cell=cell, **synapseParameters))
            synlist[-1].set_spike_times(np.array([10 + (i * 10)]))


        # test that the input results in the correct amount of PSPs
            ss.argrelextrema(cell.somav, np.greater)[0].size, numsynapses)

        # clean up
        os.system('rm -r tmp_testNetworkPopulation')
        for population in network.populations.values():
            for cell in population.cells:
        neuron.h('forall delete_section()')
Пример #36
def find_maxima(x):
    return signal.argrelextrema(x, np.greater)[0]
Пример #37
def analyze_mode(mode):
    maxima = signal.argrelextrema(mode, np.greater)
    minima = signal.argrelextrema(mode, np.less)
    extrema = np.size(maxima) + np.size(minima)
    zero_crossings = find_number_of_zero_crossings(mode)
    return extrema, zero_crossings, np.mean(mode)
Пример #38
        print "   (using a kde to find the chi-quare minima...)"

for x in range(0, n_objects):
    if (args.multiple):
        idx_value = np.where(ids == ids[x])[0]
        idx = idx_value[0]

        # First, do the version where I just look at all objects within range_frac of the best chi-square
        if (kde_version == 0):
            range_frac = 0.10

            minima_indices = []
            minima = []
            close_fits = []
            # Find all of the minima
            minima_indices = argrelextrema(chi2fit[:, x], np.less)[0]
            minima = tempfilt['zgrid'][argrelextrema(chi2fit[:, x], np.less)]
            if len(chi2fit[minima_indices, x] > 0):
                best_fit_chisq = np.min(chi2fit[minima_indices, x])
                best_fit_range = best_fit_chisq + range_frac * best_fit_chisq
                close_fits = np.where(
                    chi2fit[minima_indices, x] < best_fit_range)[0]

                    str([x])) + '  ' + str(z_spec[x]) + '  ' +
                    str(z_phot[x]) + '  ' + str(z_prob[x]) + '  ' +
                    str(q_z[x]) + '  ' + str(round(NIRc_SNR_raw[x], 4)) +
                    '  ' + str(z_a[x]) + '  ' + str(chi_a[x]) + '  ')
                if (len(close_fits) == 1):
Пример #39
def find_minima(x):
    return signal.argrelextrema(x, np.less)[0]
            u = np.zeros((w,dims[0], dims[1]))
            d = np.zeros((w+1,dims[0], dims[1]))
            raw = np.concatenate((u, raw, d), axis=0)
    elif raw.shape[0] > upper:
        # crop the image along the third dimension
        dh = int(raw.shape[0] - upper / 2)
        raw = raw[dh:-dh, :, :]
    return raw

for (c,(i,m)) in enumerate(list(zip(images,masks))):
    r = cv2.resize(r.astype("float32"), dsize=dims, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
    if seek_for_lungs:
        idx = argrelextrema(np.mean(r, (1, 2)), np.greater)
        min = idx[0][0]
        max = idx[0][-1]
        r = r[min+dmin:max-dmax]

    r, h =
    r = cv2.resize(r.astype("float32"), dsize=dims, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
    r = np.swapaxes(r, 0, -1)
    if seek_for_lungs:
        # seleziono solo gli indici corretti
        r = r[min+dmin:max-dmax]
    r = pad(r, upper)
Пример #41
    for i in range(len(x) - 1):
        if x[i] - x[i + 1] < 100 and lookup[x[i]] == lookup[x[i + 1]]:
            out.append(int((x[i] + x[i + 1]) / 2))
            i += 1
    return np.array(out)

d2ave = average(d2, 100)

minima = argrelextrema(d2ave, np.less_equal, order=400)[0]
maxima = argrelextrema(d2ave, np.greater_equal, order=400)[0]

minima_mask =[minima] > -0.45, minima)
maxima_mask =[maxima] < 0.45, maxima)

plt.scatter(minima_mask, d2ave[minima_mask])
plt.scatter(maxima_mask, d2ave[maxima_mask])

plt.plot(m2 / 100)

d3ave = average(d3, 100)
Пример #42
def add_spectacle_to_fits(old_fits_name, new_fits_name, **kwargs):
    threshold = kwargs.get('threshold', 0.01)
    plot = kwargs.get('plot', False)

    orig_hdu =
    new_hdu = fits.HDUList([orig_hdu[0]])

    keys_to_copy = ('LINENAME',
                    'XTENSION',     ## hack-y since don't want to not delete these

    ## now for the individual lines
    nlines =[0].header['NLINES'])
    for line_num in np.arange(nlines):
        key = 'LINE_'+str(line_num+1)
        line_name = orig_hdu[0].header[key]
        print('~~~~> trying',line_name,'~~~~~>>>>')

        if any([ == line_name.upper() for x in orig_hdu]):
            new_ext = orig_hdu[line_name]
            for k in orig_hdu[line_name].header:
                if k not in keys_to_copy:
                    print("deleting ", k)
                    del new_ext.header[k]

            lambda_0 = orig_hdu[line_name].header['RESTWAVE']
            disp = orig_hdu[line_name].data['wavelength']
            flux = orig_hdu[line_name].data['flux']
            tau = orig_hdu[line_name].data['tau']
            redshift = orig_hdu[line_name].data['redshift']
            zsnap = np.median(redshift)

            ## we want Nmin
            Nmin = np.size(np.where(new_flux[argrelextrema(new_flux, np.less)[0]] < (1-threshold)))
            new_ext.header['Nmin'] = Nmin

            print("~~~~> now trying to run spectacle on line ",line_name, "~~~~~~>")
            lines_properties = MISTY.get_line_info(disp, flux, \
                                            tau=tau, \
                                            redshift=zsnap, \
                                            lambda_0=lambda_0, \
                                            f_value=orig_hdu[line_name].header['F_VALUE'], \
                                            gamma=orig_hdu[line_name].header['GAMMA'], \
                                            ion_name=line_name, \
                                            threshold = threshold)

            for line_key in lines_properties:
                new_ext.header[line_key] = lines_properties[line_key]

            print('~~~~> all done with',line_name,'~~~~~<<<')
            print('<<<<<~~~~ ',line_name,' not found :-(  ~~~~~<<<<<<')

    print("writing out to .... " + new_fits_name)
    new_hdu.writeto(new_fits_name, overwrite=True, output_verify='fix')
Пример #43
def region_loc(f):
    f_4 = os.path.expanduser(f)

    im = cv2.imread(f_4)

    variant = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)

    channel_1, channel_2, channel_3 = variant[:, :,
                                              0], variant[:, :,
                                                          1], variant[:, :, 2]

    x = range(0, 1944)
    y = channel_3[:, 1100]

    cv2.line(variant, (1000, 0), (1000, 1944), (0, 0, 255), 15)

    signal2 = y

    signal_series = pd.Series(signal2)

    smooth_data = pd.rolling_mean(signal_series, 10)

    smooth_set = pd.Series(smooth_data)

    spl = UnivariateSpline(x, y)
    tm = signal.argrelextrema(spl(x), np.less)

    sm_factor = 5000

    while len(tm[0]) > 5:
        tm = signal.argrelextrema(spl(x), np.less)
        sm_factor = sm_factor + 200

    peakind = signal.find_peaks_cwt(spl(x), np.arange(10, 200), noise_perc=20)

    t = []

    for i in range(0, len(tm)):

    z = []

    for i in range(0, len(peakind)):

    #add LOOP for peaking back in so we know the inflection points

    #plt.plot(x, spl(x), 'r--')
    #plt.scatter(tm, t)
    #plt.plot(x, spl(x), 'r--')
    #plt.scatter(peakind, z)

    # Here we are looking to identify all of the peaks.  We are eliminating outliers lower than 50, because the
    #alog looks 50 pxl on both sides
    f_sets = []

    peak_location_factor = 0

    for i in tm[0]:
        if i > 50:
            f_der = np.gradient(spl(x)[i - 50:i + 50])

            peak_location_factor = 1

    peak_quants = []
    for i in range(0, len(f_sets)):

    ROI = peak_quants.index(max(peak_quants)) + peak_location_factor

    #Our final return is the location of the center of the "TEST LINE"
    B_C = tm[0][ROI]

    #**************************FX 2*********************************

    x = range(0, 2592)
    y = channel_3[B_C - 100, :]

    signal2 = y

    signal_series = pd.Series(signal2)

    smooth_data = pd.rolling_mean(signal_series, 10)

    smooth_set = pd.Series(smooth_data)

    spl = UnivariateSpline(x, y)
    tm = signal.argrelextrema(spl(x), np.less)

    sm_factor = 50000

    tm = signal.argrelextrema(spl(x), np.less)

    #while len(tm[0]) > 5:
    #    spl.set_smoothing_factor(sm_factor)
    #    tm  = signal.argrelextrema(spl(x), np.less)
    #    sm_factor = sm_factor + 200ps

    spike = min(spl(x)) + 30

    spike_value = 0
    spike_ind = 0

    while spike_value < spike:
        spike_value = spl(x)[spike_ind]
        spike_ind = spike_ind + 1

    return (B_C, spike_ind)
Пример #44
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
import sys

#read phi2 data from gkyl run
import postgkyl as pg
filename = sys.argv[1]
data =
beta = np.float(filename.split("_")[0].split("-")[1])

expected = 1.0 / np.sqrt(beta + .01)

#put timesteps and phi2 values into lists
times = data.peakGrid()[0]
phi2s = data.peakValues()

peaktimes = times[argrelextrema(phi2s, np.greater)[0]]
peaktimes = np.insert(peaktimes, 0, 0)
diff = 0
count = 0
for i in np.arange(peaktimes.size - 1):
    diff = diff + peaktimes[i + 1] - peaktimes[i]
    count = count + 1
period = 2 * diff / count
freq = 2 * np.pi / period
print("%f\t%f\t%f" % (beta, freq, expected))
Пример #45
list_of_means = []

#Estimate the mean brightness and only select the brightest stack and the stack before the brightest
for tiff_index in range(len(photos)):
    if photos[tiff_index] != '.DS_Store':
        tiff_photo = cv.imread(basepath + "/" + photos[tiff_index])
        #mean intensity of the pixels/mean intensity of the image
#if you plot lis_of_means you find distinct peaks in intensity of each image studied
dim1 = np.shape(tiff_photo)[0]
dim2 = np.shape(tiff_photo)[1]

array_of_means = np.array(list_of_means)
#find the maximum and minimum intensity from the list_of_means
local_maxima = argrelextrema(array_of_means, np.greater)[0]
local_minima = argrelextrema(array_of_means, np.less)[0]

false_maximas = []
#there are 2 maximas for each img (1 true and another false maxima) which can be visualised with plt.plot(list_of_means)
local_maxima_list = []
for maxima in local_maxima:

#check if the local maxima is actually a local minima
for minima in local_minima:
    for maxima in local_maxima:
        if minima == maxima + 1:
#remove all the false maximas
for false in false_maximas:
Пример #46
plt.plot(system1[0,0,:], system1[0, 1,:])

length = np.zeros((steps))
perihelion = []
theta = []
perihelion.append(system1[0, :, 0])
theta.append(np.arctan2(system1[0, 1, 0], system1[0, 0, 0]))

for i in xrange(steps):
    length[i] = np.linalg.norm(system1[0, :, i])

index = argrelextrema(length, np.less)

for i in index[0]:
    perihelion.append(system1[0, :, i])
    theta.append(np.arctan2(system1[0, 1, i], system1[0, 0, i]))
print theta

times = np.linspace(0, 1, len(theta))
plt.plot(times, theta)
plt.xlabel("Time [Yr]")
plt.ylabel("Angle $\\theta$")
plt.legend(["Theta with GR-correction"])

x = np.zeros(len(perihelion))
y = np.zeros(len(perihelion))
    return mul2

MazeSize = 300
GridNum = 500
max_lamda = 200
x = np.linspace(20, max_lamda, 300)
# for i in [40,60,80,100]:
for i in [40]:
    grids1 = CreateGrid(1, i)
    grids = CreateGrid(300, 0)
    cor = cross_correlation(grids1, grids)
    for jj in range(0, 100):
        grids = CreateGrid(300, 0)
        cor += cross_correlation(grids1, grids)
    local_max_index = argrelextrema(cor.reshape(-1), np.greater)[0]

    plt.plot(x, cor[0, :])
    plt.plot(x[local_max_index], cor[0, local_max_index], "o", label="min")
    plt.xlabel('lamda (cm)')
    plt.ylabel('Normalized Cross-Correlation')

    diff = [(x[local_max_index][i]) / x[local_max_index][i - 1]
            for i in range(1, len(local_max_index))]
    ave = [np.average(diff) for i in range(20, max_lamda)]
    plt.scatter(x[local_max_index][1:], diff)
    plt.plot(range(20, max_lamda), ave, color='r', linewidth=1.5)
    plt.xlabel('Peak Location (cm)')
    def generateGraphData(self):
        if debug:
        time = np.arange(len([:, 0])) * 1.0 / self.rate
        nfft = 1024 * 6
        pxx, freq, bins, plot = plt.specgram([:, 0],

        # Another plot
        a = np.mean(pxx, axis=0)
        aa = np.arange(len(a))
        a = a / np.max(a) * np.max([:, 0])
        aa = aa / np.max(aa) * time[-1]

        f = interp1d(aa, a)
        newSmooth = f(time)

        indMax = argrelextrema(newSmooth, np.greater)[0]
        indMin = argrelextrema(newSmooth, np.less)[0]

        lastValue = np.where(newSmooth == newSmooth[-1])[0]
        indMin = np.hstack((indMin, lastValue))

        # A plot
        # plt.plot(time,[:,0])
        # plt.plot(aa,a)
        # plt.plot(time[indMax],newSmooth[indMax])
        # plt.plot(time[indMin],newSmooth[indMin])

        notes = np.array([indMax, indMin]).T
        letterNotes, freqs, individualNotes = self.getFreq(notes,

        if debug:
            print("Letter notes: ")

        result = []
        # Format the notes
        for i, v in enumerate(letterNotes):
            #print v
            letters = letterNotes[i].encode('ASCII').lower()
                fixed = fixNotes(letters)
            except UnboundLocalError:
                m ='\w.\d', letters)
                shortenedNote =
                newNote = shortenedNote[0] + 's' + shortenedNote[-1]
                fixed = fixNotes(newNote)
                #print fixed

        print "Result:"
        return result
Пример #49
                                         minout=0, method='extremos')))

time = np.linspace(0, len(song)/fs, len(song))
umbral = 0.05
supra = np.where(envelope44k > umbral)[0]
silabas = consecutive(supra, min_length=100)

# %%
times = []
freqs = []
times_sil = []
freqs_sil = np.zeros_like(song)
freq_zc = np.zeros_like(song)
freq_max = 6000
max_sig = argrelextrema(song, np.greater, order=int(fs/freq_max))
max_pos = [x for x in max_sig[0] if song[x] > np.mean(song)]
for x in range(len(max_pos)-1):
    n_time = int((max_pos[x+1]+max_pos[x])/2)
    freq_zc[n_time] = fs/(max_pos[x+1]-max_pos[x])

def on_pick(event):
    global xmouse, ymouse
    global time
    global Sxx
    global df
    global tu
    global tu_closest
    global time_closest
    global f_event
for line in text:
    line_new = ''
    for a, b in enumerate(line):
        if b == ',': line_new = line_new + "."
        else: line_new = line_new + b
    i = i + 1

c = len(text)
tab = np.loadtxt(final, skiprows=17, delimiter="\t", max_rows=c - 17 - 1)

tablambda = tab[:, 0]
spectre = tab[:, 1]

from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
index = argrelextrema(spectre, np.less)
index_interf = np.empty([0], dtype=float)
mask1 = tablambda < lambdamax
mask2 = tablambda > lambdamin
mask = mask1 & mask2
ll = tablambda[mask]
ss = spectre[mask]
tt = np.empty(len(ss), dtype=float)

plt.plot(ll, ss)

N = len(ll)

ss_min = np.min(ss)
# critere pour la limite :
inter_lim = 2 * ss_min
Пример #51

if __name__ == "__main__":

    start = int(sys.argv[1])
    end = int(sys.argv[2])
    imf_number = int(sys.argv[3])

    data = load_data("../back_test/test_data/zgtb")
    data = [data[i]-ma_func(data,3)[i] for i in range(len(data))]
    print data[end]
    imf_base = emd_decom(data,6)
    imf_component_base = np.array(imf_base[imf_number][:end+1])
    imf_max_index_base = list(argrelextrema(imf_component_base,np.greater)[0])
    imf_min_index_base = list(argrelextrema(imf_component_base,np.less)[0])
    print "standard"
    print imf_max_index_base
    print imf_min_index_base

    data1 = data[start:end+1]
    imf = emd_decom(data1,6)
    imf_component = np.array(imf[imf_number])
    imf_component = np.array(imf[imf_number])
    imf_max_index = list(argrelextrema(imf_component,np.greater)[0])
    imf_min_index = list(argrelextrema(imf_component,np.less)[0])
    imf_max_index = [i+start for i in imf_max_index]
    imf_min_index = [i+start for i in imf_min_index]
    print "partial"
    print imf_max_index
Пример #52
def find_orientation(i,
                     s=(3 / 60.),
	Finds the orientation of NN

	To run this function for all sources, use setup_find_orientation_NN() instead.

	A big part of this function is a re-run of the postage function,
	since we need to make a new postage basically, but this time as an array.

	i : the new_Index of the source

	fitsim: the postage created earlier 

	ra, dec: the ra and dec of the source

	Maj: the major axis of the source // TO-BE

	s: the width of the image, default 3 arcmin, because it has to be a tiny bit
	lower than the postage created earlier (width 4 arcmin) or NaNs will appear in the image

	head and hdulist, the header and hdulist if a postage hasn't been created before.
	(This is so it doesn't open every time in the loop but is opened before the loop.)

	i, max_angle, len(err_indices)
	Which are: the new_Index of the source, the best angle of the orientation, and
	the amount of orientations that have avg flux value > 80% of the peak avg flux value along the line
	If plot=True, produces the plots of the best orientation and the Flux vs Orientation as well

    ################## BEGIN Postage Function #############
    if not head:
        head = pf.getheader(fitsim)
        hdulist =

    # for NN take the projected middle as the RA and DEC
    ra, dec = (ra + nn_ra) / 2., (dec + nn_dec) / 2.

    # Parse the WCS keywords in the primary HDU
    wcs = pw.WCS(hdulist[0].header)
    # Some pixel coordinates of interest.
    skycrd = np.array([ra, dec])
    skycrd = np.array([[ra, dec, 0, 0]], np.float_)
    # Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates
    # The second argument is "origin" -- in this case we're declaring we
    # have 1-based (Fortran-like) coordinates.
    pixel = wcs.wcs_sky2pix(skycrd, 1)
    # Some pixel coordinates of interest.
    x = pixel[0][0]
    y = pixel[0][1]
    pixsize = abs(wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])
    if pl.isnan(s):
        s = 25.
    N = (s / pixsize)
    # print 'x=%.5f, y=%.5f, N=%i' %(x,y,N)
    ximgsize = head.get('NAXIS1')
    yimgsize = head.get('NAXIS2')
    if x == 0:
        x = ximgsize / 2
    if y == 0:
        y = yimgsize / 2
    offcentre = False
    # subimage limits: check if runs over edges
    xlim1 = x - (N / 2)
    if (xlim1 < 1):
        xlim1 = 1
        offcentre = True
    xlim2 = x + (N / 2)
    if (xlim2 > ximgsize):
        xlim2 = ximgsize
        offcentre = True
    ylim1 = y - (N / 2)
    if (ylim1 < 1):
        ylim1 = 1
        offcentre = True
    ylim2 = y + (N / 2)
    if (ylim2 > yimgsize):
        offcentre = True
        ylim2 = yimgsize

    xl = int(xlim1)
    yl = int(ylim1)
    xu = int(xlim2)
    yu = int(ylim2)
    ################## END Postage Function #############

    # extract the data array instead of making a postage stamp
    from astropy.nddata.utils import extract_array
    data_array = extract_array(hdulist[0].data, (yu - yl, xu - xl), (y, x))

    # use a radius for the line that is the NN distance,
    # but with 4 pixels more added to the radius
    # to make sure we do capture the whole source
    radius = nn_dist / 2. * 40  #arcmin --> image units
    radius = int(radius) + 4  # is chosen arbitrarily

    # in the P173+55 1 arcmin = 40 image units, should check if this is true everywhere, for FieldNames it is.

    # check if there are no NaNs in the cutout image, if there are then make smaller cutout
    if True in (np.isnan(data_array)):
        if s < (2 / 60.):
            print "No hope left for this source "
            return i, 0.0, 100.5, 100.5, 'no_hope', 100.5, 100.5

        elif s == (2 / 60.):
            print "Nan in the cutout image AGAIN ", head['OBJECT'], ' i = ', i
                return find_orientation(i,
                                        s=(2 * radius + 2) / 40. / 60.,
            except RuntimeError:
                print "No hope left for this source, "
                return i, 0.0, 100.5, 100.5, 'no_hope', 100.5, 100.5

            print "NaN in the cutout image: ", head['OBJECT'], ' i = ', i
                return find_orientation(i,
                                        s=(2 * radius + 4) / 40. / 60.,
            except RuntimeError:
                print "No hope left for this source, "
                return i, 0.0, 100.5, 100.5, 'no_hope', 100.5, 100.5

    from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
    #the center of the image is at the halfway point -1 for using array-index
    xcenter = np.shape(data_array)[0] / 2 - 1  # pixel coordinates
    ycenter = np.shape(data_array)[1] / 2 - 1  # pixel coordinates

    # define the start and end points of the line with 'num' points and radius = radius
    x0, y0 = xcenter - radius, ycenter
    x1, y1 = xcenter + radius, ycenter
    num = 1000

    # the final orientation will be max_angle
    max_angle = 0
    max_value = 0
    # flux values for 0 to 179 degrees of rotation (which is also convenietly their index)
    all_values = []
    for angle in range(0, 180):
        # rotate line on the left side of the center
        x0_rot, y0_rot = rotate_point((xcenter, ycenter), (x0, y0), angle)
        # rotate line on the right side of the center
        x1_rot, y1_rot = rotate_point((xcenter, ycenter), (x1, y1), angle)
        # the rotated line
        x_rot, y_rot = np.linspace(x0_rot, x1_rot,
                                   num), np.linspace(y0_rot, y1_rot, num)
        # extract the values along the line,
        zi = map_coordinates(data_array,
                             np.vstack((y_rot, x_rot)),
        # calc the mean flux
        meanie = np.sum(zi)
        if meanie > max_value:
            max_value = meanie
            max_angle = angle

    # calculate all orientiations for which the average flux lies within
    # 80 per cent of the peak average flux
    err_orientations = np.where(all_values > (0.8 * max_value))[0]

    # find the cutoff value, dependent on the distance, should think about whether i want to use Maj
    # Ill defined cutoff value but is later redefined in
    # So selection should NOT be done on basis of the 'classification' column
    cutoff = 2 * np.arctan(
        (maj / 60.) / nn_dist) * 180 / np.pi  # convert rad to deg
    if len(err_orientations) > cutoff:
        classification = 'Large err'
        classification = 'Small err'

    # then find the amount of maxima and the lobe_ratio
    from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
    # rotate line on the left side of the center
    x0_rot, y0_rot = rotate_point((xcenter, ycenter), (x0, y0), max_angle)
    # rotate line on the right side of the center
    x1_rot, y1_rot = rotate_point((xcenter, ycenter), (x1, y1), max_angle)
    x_rot, y_rot = np.linspace(x0_rot, x1_rot,
                               num), np.linspace(y0_rot, y1_rot, num)

    zi = map_coordinates(data_array, np.vstack((y_rot, x_rot)), prefilter=True)
    # find the local maxima in the flux along the line
    indx_extrema = argrelextrema(zi, np.greater)

    if zi[0] > zi[1]:
        # then there is a maximum (outside of the line range) , namely the first point
        new_indx_extrema = (np.append(indx_extrema, 0), )
        del indx_extrema
        indx_extrema = new_indx_extrema
        del new_indx_extrema

    if zi[len(zi) - 1] > zi[len(zi) - 2]:
        # then there is a maximum (outside of the line range), namely the last point
        new_indx_extrema = (np.append(indx_extrema, len(zi) - 1), )
        del indx_extrema
        indx_extrema = new_indx_extrema
        del new_indx_extrema

    amount_of_maxima = len(indx_extrema[0])
    # calculate the flux ratio of the lobes
    lobe_ratio_bool = False
    lobe_ratio = 0.0  # in case there is only 1 maximum
    position_angle = 0.0  # in case there is only 1 maximum
    if amount_of_maxima > 1:
        if amount_of_maxima == 2:
            lobe_ratio = (zi[indx_extrema][0] / zi[indx_extrema][1])
            # calculate the position angle
            lobe1 = np.array(
                [[x_rot[indx_extrema][0], y_rot[indx_extrema][0], 0, 0]])
            lobe2 = np.array(
                [[x_rot[indx_extrema][1], y_rot[indx_extrema][1], 0, 0]])
            lobe1 = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(lobe1, 1)
            lobe2 = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(lobe2, 1)
            position_angle = PositionAngle(lobe1[0][0], lobe1[0][1],
                                           lobe2[0][0], lobe2[0][1])
            if position_angle < 0:
                position_angle += 180.

            # more maxima, so the lobe_ratio is defined as the ratio between the brightest lobes
            indx_maximum_extrema = np.flip(
                0)[:2]  #argsort sorts ascending so flip makes it descending
            indx_maximum_extrema = indx_extrema[0][indx_maximum_extrema]
            lobe_ratio = (zi[indx_maximum_extrema[0]] /

            #find the RA and DEC of the two brightest lobes
            lobe1 = np.array([[
                x_rot[indx_maximum_extrema][0], y_rot[indx_maximum_extrema][0],
                0, 0
            lobe2 = np.array([[
                x_rot[indx_maximum_extrema][1], y_rot[indx_maximum_extrema][1],
                0, 0
            lobe1 = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(lobe1, 1)
            lobe2 = wcs.wcs_pix2sky(lobe2, 1)
            # then calculate the position angle
            position_angle = PositionAngle(lobe1[0][0], lobe1[0][1],
                                           lobe2[0][0], lobe2[0][1])
            if position_angle < 0:
                position_angle += 180.

    if plot:
        # the plot of the rotated source and the flux along the line
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(12, 12))
        axes[0].imshow(data_array, origin='lower')
        axes[0].plot([x0_rot, x1_rot], [y0_rot, y1_rot], 'r-', alpha=0.3)
        Fratio = 10.
        if amount_of_maxima > 1:
            if ((1. / Fratio) < lobe_ratio < (Fratio)):
                lobe_ratio_bool = True

        plt.suptitle('Field: ' + head['OBJECT'] + ' | Source ' + str(i) +
                     '\n Best orientation = ' + str(max_angle) +
                     ' degrees | err_orientation: ' +
                     str(len(err_orientations)) + '\nlobe ratio ' +
                     str(lobe_ratio_bool) + ' | extrema: ' +
                     str(indx_extrema) + ' | nn_dist: ' + str(nn_dist) +
                     '\n lobe ratio: ' + str(lobe_ratio) +
                     ' | Position Angle: ' + str(position_angle))

        # saving the figures to seperate directories
        if amount_of_maxima == 2:
            plt.savefig('/data1/osinga/figures/cutouts/NN/try_4/2_maxima/' +
                        head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) + '.png')

        elif amount_of_maxima > 2:
            plt.savefig('/data1/osinga/figures/cutouts/NN/try_4/more_maxima/' +
                        head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) + '.png')

            plt.savefig('/data1/osinga/figures/cutouts/NN/try_4/1_maximum/' +
                        head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) + '.png')

        # the plot of the flux vs orientation
        plt.plot(all_values, label='all orientations')
                    label='0.8 fraction')
                    label='best orientation')
        plt.title('Best orientation for Source ' + str(i) +
                  '\nClassification: ' + classification + ' | Cutoff: ' +
                  str(cutoff) + ' | Error: ' + str(len(err_orientations)))
        plt.ylabel('Average flux (arbitrary units)')
        plt.xlabel('orientation (degrees)')
        plt.xlim(0, 180)
        # saving the figures to seperate directories
        if amount_of_maxima == 2:
            plt.savefig('/data1/osinga/figures/cutouts/NN/try_4/2_maxima/' +
                        head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) + '_orientation.png')
        elif amount_of_maxima > 2:
            plt.savefig('/data1/osinga/figures/cutouts/NN/try_4/more_maxima/' +
                        head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) + '_orientation.png')
            plt.savefig('/data1/osinga/figures/cutouts/NN/try_4/1_maximum/' +
                        head['OBJECT'] + 'src_' + str(i) + '_orientation.png')

    return i, max_angle, len(
    ), amount_of_maxima, classification, lobe_ratio, position_angle  #, err_position_angle
Пример #53
def data_construct(DataFrame, lookUp, predictionWindow, pairName):
    '''function to construct the features from the inspection window and to create the supervised x,y pairs for training.

    DataFrame : dataFrame
    LookUp : int
    predictionWindow : int
    pairName : str

    output : dict
        a dict containing inputs matrix, targets matrix, raw inputs and mapping dict for features

    # fetch data for indicators calculations
    openPrice = DataFrame.o.values.astype("double")
    closePrice = DataFrame.c.values.astype("double")
    highPrice = DataFrame.h.values.astype("double")
    lowPrice = DataFrame.l.values.astype("double")
    volume = DataFrame.volume.values.astype("double")

    # calculate technical indicators values
    simple_ma_slow = ta.SMA(closePrice, 30)  # slow moving average
    simple_ma_fast = ta.SMA(closePrice, 15)  # fast moving average
    exp_ma_slow = ta.EMA(closePrice, 20)  # slow exp moving average
    exp_ma_fast = ta.EMA(closePrice, 10)  # fast exp moving average
    bbands = ta.BBANDS(closePrice, timeperiod=15)  # calculate bollinger bands
    deltaBands = (bbands[0] - bbands[2]
                  ) / bbands[2]  # deltas between bands vector (bollinger)
    macd_s1, macd_s2, macd_hist = ta.MACD(
        closePrice)  # MACD values calculation
    sar = ta.SAR(highPrice, lowPrice)  # prabolic SAR
    stochK, stochD = ta.STOCH(highPrice, lowPrice,
                              closePrice)  # stochastic calculations
    rsi = ta.RSI(closePrice, timeperiod=15)  # RSI indicator
    adx = ta.ADX(highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice,
                 timeperiod=15)  # ADX indicator
    mfi = ta.MFI(highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice, volume,
                 timeperiod=15)  # money flow index

    # calculate statistical indicators values
    beta = ta.BETA(highPrice, lowPrice, timeperiod=5)  # beta from CAPM model
    slope = ta.LINEARREG_ANGLE(
        timeperiod=5)  # slope for fitting linera reg. to the last x points

    # calculate candle indicators values
    spinTop = ta.CDLSPINNINGTOP(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    doji = ta.CDLDOJI(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    dojiStar = ta.CDLDOJISTAR(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    marubozu = ta.CDLMARUBOZU(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    hammer = ta.CDLHAMMER(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    invHammer = ta.CDLINVERTEDHAMMER(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice,
    hangingMan = ta.CDLHANGINGMAN(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    shootingStar = ta.CDLSHOOTINGSTAR(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice,
    engulfing = ta.CDLENGULFING(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    morningStar = ta.CDLMORNINGSTAR(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    eveningStar = ta.CDLEVENINGSTAR(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    whiteSoldier = ta.CDL3WHITESOLDIERS(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice,
    blackCrow = ta.CDL3BLACKCROWS(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)
    insideThree = ta.CDL3INSIDE(openPrice, highPrice, lowPrice, closePrice)

    # prepare the final matrix
    matrix configurations ::> [o,c,h,l,ma_slow,ma_fast,exp_slow,exp_fast,
    a 33 features matrix in total
    DataMatrix = np.column_stack(
        (openPrice, closePrice, highPrice, lowPrice, simple_ma_slow,
         simple_ma_fast, exp_ma_slow, exp_ma_fast, deltaBands, macd_s1,
         macd_s2, sar, stochK, stochD, rsi, adx, mfi, beta, slope, spinTop,
         doji, dojiStar, marubozu, hammer, invHammer, hangingMan, shootingStar,
         engulfing, morningStar, eveningStar, whiteSoldier, blackCrow,

    # remove undifined values
    DataMatrix = DataMatrix[~np.isnan(DataMatrix).any(
        axis=1)]  # remove all raws containing nan values

    # define number of windows to analyze
    framesCount = DataMatrix.shape[0] - (
        lookUp +
        predictionWindow) + 1  # 1D convolution outputsize = ceil[((n-f)/s)+1]

    # define input/output arrays container
    rawInputs = {}
    inputsOpen = np.zeros((framesCount, lookUp))
    inputsClose = np.zeros((framesCount, lookUp))
    inputsHigh = np.zeros((framesCount, lookUp))
    inputsLow = np.zeros((framesCount, lookUp))
    inputs = np.zeros((framesCount, 62))
    outputs = np.zeros((framesCount, 1))

    # main loop and data
    for i in range(framesCount):
        mainFrame = DataMatrix[i:i + lookUp + predictionWindow, :]
        window = np.array_split(mainFrame, [lookUp])[0]
        windowForecast = np.array_split(mainFrame, [lookUp])[1]
        window configurations ::>

        #sma features detection
        ma_slow = window[:, 4]
        ma_fast = window[:, 5]
        uptrend_cross = ma_fast > ma_slow
        uptrend_cross = np.concatenate(
             (uptrend_cross[:-1] <
              uptrend_cross[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            uptrend_cross_location = np.where(uptrend_cross == True)[0][
                -1]  # latest uptrend cross_over location
            uptrend_cross_location = -1
        downtrend_cross = ma_slow > ma_fast
        downtrend_cross = np.concatenate(
             (downtrend_cross[:-1] <
              downtrend_cross[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            downtrend_cross_location = np.where(downtrend_cross == True)[0][
                -1]  # latest downtrend cross_over location
            downtrend_cross_location = -1
        if (uptrend_cross_location >
                downtrend_cross_location):  # latest cross is an uptrend
            sma_latest_crossover = 1  # uptrend sign
            sma_location_of_latest_crossover = uptrend_cross_location
            alpha_1 = (math.atan(ma_slow[uptrend_cross_location] -
                                 ma_slow[uptrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            alpha_2 = (math.atan(ma_fast[uptrend_cross_location] -
                                 ma_fast[uptrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            sma_latest_crossover_angle = alpha_1 + alpha_2
        elif (downtrend_cross_location >
              uptrend_cross_location):  # latest cross is a downtrend
            sma_latest_crossover = -1  # downtrend sign
            sma_location_of_latest_crossover = downtrend_cross_location
            alpha_1 = (math.atan(ma_slow[downtrend_cross_location] -
                                 ma_slow[downtrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            alpha_2 = (math.atan(ma_fast[downtrend_cross_location] -
                                 ma_fast[downtrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            sma_latest_crossover_angle = alpha_1 + alpha_2
        else:  # no cross in the given window
            sma_latest_crossover = 0  # no sign
            sma_location_of_latest_crossover = -1
            sma_latest_crossover_angle = 0
        up_count = np.sum(ma_fast > ma_slow)
        down_count = np.sum(ma_slow > ma_fast)
        if (up_count > down_count):
            sma_dominant_type_fast_slow = 1
        elif (down_count > up_count):
            sma_dominant_type_fast_slow = -1
            sma_dominant_type_fast_slow = 0

        #ema features detection
        exp_slow = window[:, 6]
        exp_fast = window[:, 7]
        uptrend_cross = exp_fast > exp_slow
        uptrend_cross = np.concatenate(
             (uptrend_cross[:-1] <
              uptrend_cross[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            uptrend_cross_location = np.where(uptrend_cross == True)[0][
                -1]  # latest uptrend cross_over location
            uptrend_cross_location = -1
        downtrend_cross = exp_slow > exp_fast
        downtrend_cross = np.concatenate(
             (downtrend_cross[:-1] <
              downtrend_cross[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            downtrend_cross_location = np.where(downtrend_cross == True)[0][
                -1]  # latest downtrend cross_over location
            downtrend_cross_location = -1
        if (uptrend_cross_location >
                downtrend_cross_location):  # latest cross is an uptrend
            ema_latest_crossover = 1  # uptrend sign
            ema_location_of_latest_crossover = uptrend_cross_location
            alpha_1 = (math.atan(exp_slow[uptrend_cross_location] -
                                 exp_slow[uptrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            alpha_2 = (math.atan(exp_fast[uptrend_cross_location] -
                                 exp_fast[uptrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            ema_latest_crossover_angle = alpha_1 + alpha_2
        elif (downtrend_cross_location >
              uptrend_cross_location):  # latest cross is a downtrend
            ema_latest_crossover = -1  # downtrend sign
            ema_location_of_latest_crossover = downtrend_cross_location
            alpha_1 = (math.atan(exp_slow[downtrend_cross_location] -
                                 exp_slow[downtrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            alpha_2 = (math.atan(exp_fast[downtrend_cross_location] -
                                 exp_fast[downtrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            ema_latest_crossover_angle = alpha_1 + alpha_2
        else:  # no cross in the given window
            ema_latest_crossover = 0  # no sign
            ema_location_of_latest_crossover = -1
            ema_latest_crossover_angle = 0
        up_count = np.sum(exp_fast > exp_slow)
        down_count = np.sum(exp_slow > exp_fast)
        if (up_count > down_count):
            ema_dominant_type_fast_slow = 1
        elif (down_count > up_count):
            ema_dominant_type_fast_slow = -1
            ema_dominant_type_fast_slow = 0

        # B.Bands features detection
        deltaBands = window[:, 8]
        deltaBands_mean = np.mean(deltaBands)
        deltaBands_std = np.std(deltaBands)
        deltaBands_maximum_mean = np.amax(deltaBands) / deltaBands_mean
        deltaBands_maximum_location = np.where(
            deltaBands == np.amax(deltaBands))[0][-1]  # location of maximum
        deltaBands_minimum_mean = np.amin(deltaBands) / deltaBands_mean
        deltaBands_minimum_location = np.where(
            deltaBands == np.amin(deltaBands))[0][-1]  # location of maximum

        # macd features detection
        macd_slow = window[:, 9]
        macd_fast = window[:, 10]
        uptrend_cross = macd_fast > macd_slow
        uptrend_cross = np.concatenate(
             (uptrend_cross[:-1] <
              uptrend_cross[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            uptrend_cross_location = np.where(uptrend_cross == True)[0][
                -1]  # latest uptrend cross_over location
            uptrend_cross_location = -1
        downtrend_cross = macd_slow > macd_fast
        downtrend_cross = np.concatenate(
             (downtrend_cross[:-1] <
              downtrend_cross[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            downtrend_cross_location = np.where(downtrend_cross == True)[0][
                -1]  # latest downtrend cross_over location
            downtrend_cross_location = -1
        if (uptrend_cross_location >
                downtrend_cross_location):  # latest cross is an uptrend
            macd_latest_crossover = 1  # uptrend sign
            macd_location_of_latest_crossover = uptrend_cross_location
            alpha_1 = (math.atan(macd_slow[uptrend_cross_location] -
                                 macd_slow[uptrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            alpha_2 = (math.atan(macd_fast[uptrend_cross_location] -
                                 macd_fast[uptrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            macd_latest_crossover_angle = alpha_1 + alpha_2
        elif (downtrend_cross_location >
              uptrend_cross_location):  # latest cross is a downtrend
            macd_latest_crossover = -1  # downtrend sign
            macd_location_of_latest_crossover = downtrend_cross_location
            alpha_1 = (math.atan(macd_slow[downtrend_cross_location] -
                                 macd_slow[downtrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            alpha_2 = (math.atan(macd_fast[downtrend_cross_location] -
                                 macd_fast[downtrend_cross_location - 1])) * (
                                     180 / math.pi)
            macd_latest_crossover_angle = alpha_1 + alpha_2
        else:  # no cross in the given window
            macd_latest_crossover = 0  # no sign
            macd_location_of_latest_crossover = -1
            macd_latest_crossover_angle = 0
        up_count = np.sum(macd_fast > macd_slow)
        down_count = np.sum(macd_slow > macd_fast)
        if (up_count > down_count):
            macd_dominant_type_fast_slow = 1
        elif (down_count > up_count):
            macd_dominant_type_fast_slow = -1
            macd_dominant_type_fast_slow = 0

        # sar features detection
        average_price = (window[:, 0] + window[:, 1] + window[:, 2] +
                         window[:, 3]) / 4
        sar = window[:, 11]
        uptrend = sar < average_price
        uptrend = np.concatenate(
             (uptrend[:-1] < uptrend[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            uptrend_location = np.where(
                uptrend == True)[0][-1]  # latest uptrend location
            uptrend_location = -1
        downtrend = sar > average_price
        downtrend = np.concatenate(
             (downtrend[:-1] <
              downtrend[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            downtrend_location = np.where(
                downtrend == True)[0][-1]  # latest downtrend location
            downtrend_location = -1
        if (uptrend_location >
                downtrend_location):  # latest signal is an uptrend
            sar_latest_shiftPoint = 1
            sar_latest_shiftPoint_location = uptrend_location
        elif (downtrend_location >
              uptrend_location):  # latest signal is a downtrend
            sar_latest_shiftPoint = -1
            sar_latest_shiftPoint_location = downtrend_location
        else:  # same direction along the frame under question
            sar_latest_shiftPoint = 0  # no sign
            sar_latest_shiftPoint_location = -1
        sar_total_number_shifts = np.where(
            downtrend == True)[0].shape[0] + np.where(
                uptrend == True)[0].shape[0]

        # stochastic(K) features detection
        stochK = window[:, 12]
        stochK_mean = np.mean(stochK)
        stochK_std = np.std(stochK)
        uptrend = stochK <= 20
        uptrend = np.concatenate(
             (uptrend[:-1] < uptrend[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            uptrend_location = np.where(
                uptrend == True)[0][-1]  # latest uptrend location
            uptrend_location = -1
        downtrend = stochK >= 80
        downtrend = np.concatenate(
             (downtrend[:-1] <
              downtrend[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            downtrend_location = np.where(
                downtrend == True)[0][-1]  # latest downtrend location
            downtrend_location = -1
        if (uptrend_location >
                downtrend_location):  # latest signal is an uptrend
            stochK_latest_event = 1
            stochK_event_location = uptrend_location
        elif (downtrend_location >
              uptrend_location):  # latest signal is a downtrend
            stochK_latest_event = -1
            stochK_event_location = downtrend_location
        else:  # same direction along the frame under question
            stochK_latest_event = 0  # no sign
            stochK_event_location = -1

        # stochastic(D) features detection
        stochD = window[:, 13]
        stochD_mean = np.mean(stochD)
        stochD_std = np.std(stochD)
        uptrend = stochD <= 20
        uptrend = np.concatenate(
             (uptrend[:-1] < uptrend[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            uptrend_location = np.where(
                uptrend == True)[0][-1]  # latest uptrend location
            uptrend_location = -1
        downtrend = stochD >= 80
        downtrend = np.concatenate(
             (downtrend[:-1] <
              downtrend[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            downtrend_location = np.where(
                downtrend == True)[0][-1]  # latest downtrend location
            downtrend_location = -1
        if (uptrend_location >
                downtrend_location):  # latest signal is an uptrend
            stochD_latest_event = 1
            stochD_event_location = uptrend_location
        elif (downtrend_location >
              uptrend_location):  # latest signal is a downtrend
            stochD_latest_event = -1
            stochD_event_location = downtrend_location
        else:  # same direction along the frame under question
            stochD_latest_event = 0  # no sign
            stochD_event_location = -1

        # rsi features detection
        rsi = window[:, 14]
        rsi_mean = np.mean(rsi)
        rsi_std = np.std(rsi)
        uptrend = rsi <= 30
        uptrend = np.concatenate(
             (uptrend[:-1] < uptrend[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            uptrend_location = np.where(
                uptrend == True)[0][-1]  # latest uptrend location
            uptrend_location = -1
        downtrend = rsi >= 70
        downtrend = np.concatenate(
             (downtrend[:-1] <
              downtrend[1:])))  # check the false->true transition
            downtrend_location = np.where(
                downtrend == True)[0][-1]  # latest downtrend location
            downtrend_location = -1
        if (uptrend_location >
                downtrend_location):  # latest signal is an uptrend
            rsi_latest_event = 1
            rsi_event_location = uptrend_location
        elif (downtrend_location >
              uptrend_location):  # latest signal is a downtrend
            rsi_latest_event = -1
            rsi_event_location = downtrend_location
        else:  # same direction along the frame under question
            rsi_latest_event = 0  # no sign
            rsi_event_location = -1

        # adx features detection
        adx = window[:, 15]
        adx_mean = np.mean(adx)
        adx_std = np.std(adx)
        splitted_array = np.array_split(adx, 2)
        m0 = np.mean(splitted_array[0])
        m1 = np.mean(splitted_array[1])
        adx_mean_delta_bet_first_second_half = (m1 - m0) / m0

        # mfi features detection
        mfi = window[:, 16]
        mfi_mean = np.mean(mfi)
        mfi_std = np.std(mfi)
        splitted_array = np.array_split(mfi, 2)
        m0 = np.mean(splitted_array[0])
        m1 = np.mean(splitted_array[1])
        mfi_mean_delta_bet_first_second_half = (m1 - m0) / m0

        # resistance levels features detection
        closePrice = window[:, 1]
        resLevels = argrelextrema(closePrice, np.greater, order=4)[0]
        if (resLevels.shape[0] == 0):
            relation_r1_close = 0
            relation_r2_close = 0
            relation_r3_close = 0
        elif (resLevels.shape[0] == 1):
            relation_r1_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[resLevels[-1]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_r2_close = 0
            relation_r3_close = 0
        elif (resLevels.shape[0] == 2):
            relation_r1_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[resLevels[-1]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_r2_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[resLevels[-2]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_r3_close = 0
            relation_r1_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[resLevels[-1]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_r2_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[resLevels[-2]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_r3_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[resLevels[-3]]) / closePrice[-1]

        # support levels features detection
        closePrice = window[:, 1]
        supLevels = argrelextrema(closePrice, np.less, order=4)[0]
        if (supLevels.shape[0] == 0):
            relation_s1_close = 0
            relation_s2_close = 0
            relation_s3_close = 0
        elif (supLevels.shape[0] == 1):
            relation_s1_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[supLevels[-1]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_s2_close = 0
            relation_s3_close = 0
        elif (supLevels.shape[0] == 2):
            relation_s1_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[supLevels[-1]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_s2_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[supLevels[-2]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_s3_close = 0
            relation_s1_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[supLevels[-1]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_s2_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[supLevels[-2]]) / closePrice[-1]
            relation_s3_close = (closePrice[-1] -
                                 closePrice[supLevels[-3]]) / closePrice[-1]

        # slope features detection
        slope = window[:, 18]
        slope_mean = np.mean(slope)

        # beta features detection
        beta = window[:, 17]
        beta_mean = np.mean(beta)
        beta_std = np.std(beta)

        # spinTop features detection    np.sum(np.where(a==1)[0])
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 19] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 19] == -100)[0])) * -1
        spinTop_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # doji features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 20] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 20] == -100)[0])) * -1
        doji_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # dojiStar features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 21] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 21] == -100)[0])) * -1
        dojiStar_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # marubozu features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 22] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 22] == -100)[0])) * -1
        marubozu_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # hammer features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 23] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 23] == -100)[0])) * -1
        hammer_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # invHammer features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 24] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 24] == -100)[0])) * -1
        invHammer_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # hangingMan features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 25] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 25] == -100)[0])) * -1
        hangingMan_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # shootingStar features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 26] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 26] == -100)[0])) * -1
        shootingStar_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # engulfing features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 27] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 27] == -100)[0])) * -1
        engulfing_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # morningStar features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 28] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 28] == -100)[0])) * -1
        morningStar_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # eveningStar features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 29] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 29] == -100)[0])) * -1
        eveningStar_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # whiteSoldier features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 30] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 30] == -100)[0])) * -1
        whiteSoldier_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # blackCrow features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 31] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 31] == -100)[0])) * -1
        blackCrow_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # insideThree features detection
        count100plus = np.sum(np.where(window[:, 32] == 100)[0])
        count100minus = (np.sum(np.where(window[:, 32] == -100)[0])) * -1
        insideThree_number_occurrence = count100plus + count100minus

        # fill the inputs matrix
        inputs[i, 0] = sma_latest_crossover
        inputs[i, 1] = sma_location_of_latest_crossover
        inputs[i, 2] = sma_latest_crossover_angle
        inputs[i, 3] = sma_dominant_type_fast_slow
        inputs[i, 4] = ema_latest_crossover
        inputs[i, 5] = ema_location_of_latest_crossover
        inputs[i, 6] = ema_latest_crossover_angle
        inputs[i, 7] = ema_dominant_type_fast_slow
        inputs[i, 8] = deltaBands_mean
        inputs[i, 9] = deltaBands_std
        inputs[i, 10] = deltaBands_maximum_mean
        inputs[i, 11] = deltaBands_maximum_location
        inputs[i, 12] = deltaBands_minimum_mean
        inputs[i, 13] = deltaBands_minimum_location
        inputs[i, 14] = macd_latest_crossover
        inputs[i, 15] = macd_location_of_latest_crossover
        inputs[i, 16] = macd_latest_crossover_angle
        inputs[i, 17] = macd_dominant_type_fast_slow
        inputs[i, 18] = sar_latest_shiftPoint
        inputs[i, 19] = sar_latest_shiftPoint_location
        inputs[i, 20] = sar_total_number_shifts
        inputs[i, 21] = stochK_mean
        inputs[i, 22] = stochK_std
        inputs[i, 23] = stochK_latest_event
        inputs[i, 24] = stochK_event_location
        inputs[i, 25] = stochD_mean
        inputs[i, 26] = stochD_std
        inputs[i, 27] = stochD_latest_event
        inputs[i, 28] = stochD_event_location
        inputs[i, 29] = rsi_mean
        inputs[i, 30] = rsi_std
        inputs[i, 31] = rsi_latest_event
        inputs[i, 32] = rsi_event_location
        inputs[i, 33] = adx_mean
        inputs[i, 34] = adx_std
        inputs[i, 35] = adx_mean_delta_bet_first_second_half
        inputs[i, 36] = mfi_mean
        inputs[i, 37] = mfi_std
        inputs[i, 38] = mfi_mean_delta_bet_first_second_half
        inputs[i, 39] = relation_r1_close
        inputs[i, 40] = relation_r2_close
        inputs[i, 41] = relation_r3_close
        inputs[i, 42] = relation_s1_close
        inputs[i, 43] = relation_s2_close
        inputs[i, 44] = relation_s3_close
        inputs[i, 45] = slope_mean
        inputs[i, 46] = beta_mean
        inputs[i, 47] = beta_std
        inputs[i, 48] = spinTop_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 49] = doji_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 50] = dojiStar_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 51] = marubozu_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 52] = hammer_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 53] = invHammer_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 54] = hangingMan_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 55] = shootingStar_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 56] = engulfing_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 57] = morningStar_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 58] = eveningStar_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 59] = whiteSoldier_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 60] = blackCrow_number_occurrence
        inputs[i, 61] = insideThree_number_occurrence

        # fill raw inputs matrices
        inputsOpen[i, :] = window[:, 0].reshape(1, lookUp)
        inputsClose[i, :] = window[:, 1].reshape(1, lookUp)
        inputsHigh[i, :] = window[:, 2].reshape(1, lookUp)
        inputsLow[i, :] = window[:, 3].reshape(1, lookUp)

        # fill the output matrix
        futureClose = windowForecast[:, 1]
        if (pairName == "USD_JPY"):
                i, 0] = (futureClose[-1] - futureClose[0]
                         ) / 0.01  # one pip = 0.01 for any pair containing JPY
            outputs[i, 0] = (futureClose[-1] - futureClose[0]
                             ) / 0.0001  # one pip = 0.0001 for this pairs

    # create mapping dict.
    mappingDict = {
        "sma_latest_crossover": 0,
        "sma_location_of_latest_crossover": 1,
        "sma_latest_crossover_angle": 2,
        "sma_dominant_type_fast_slow": 3,
        "ema_latest_crossover": 4,
        "ema_location_of_latest_crossover": 5,
        "ema_latest_crossover_angle": 6,
        "ema_dominant_type_fast_slow": 7,
        "deltaBands_mean": 8,
        "deltaBands_std": 9,
        "deltaBands_maximum_mean": 10,
        "deltaBands_maximum_location": 11,
        "deltaBands_minimum_mean": 12,
        "deltaBands_minimum_location": 13,
        "macd_latest_crossover": 14,
        "macd_location_of_latest_crossover": 15,
        "macd_latest_crossover_angle": 16,
        "macd_dominant_type_fast_slow": 17,
        "sar_latest_shiftPoint": 18,
        "sar_latest_shiftPoint_location": 19,
        "sar_total_number_shifts": 20,
        "stochK_mean": 21,
        "stochK_std": 22,
        "stochK_latest_event": 23,
        "stochK_event_location": 24,
        "stochD_mean": 25,
        "stochD_std": 26,
        "stochD_latest_event": 27,
        "stochD_event_location": 28,
        "rsi_mean": 29,
        "rsi_std": 30,
        "rsi_latest_event": 31,
        "rsi_event_location": 32,
        "adx_mean": 33,
        "adx_std": 34,
        "adx_mean_delta_bet_first_second_half": 35,
        "mfi_mean": 36,
        "mfi_std": 37,
        "mfi_mean_delta_bet_first_second_half": 38,
        "relation_r1_close": 39,
        "relation_r2_close": 40,
        "relation_r3_close": 41,
        "relation_s1_close": 42,
        "relation_s2_close": 43,
        "relation_s3_close": 44,
        "slope_mean": 45,
        "beta_mean": 46,
        "beta_std": 47,
        "spinTop_number_occurrence": 48,
        "doji_number_occurrence": 49,
        "dojiStar_number_occurrence": 50,
        "marubozu_number_occurrence": 51,
        "hammer_number_occurrence": 52,
        "invHammer_number_occurrence": 53,
        "hangingMan_number_occurrence": 54,
        "shootingStar_number_occurrence": 55,
        "engulfing_number_occurrence": 56,
        "morningStar_number_occurrence": 57,
        "eveningStar_number_occurrence": 58,
        "whiteSoldier_number_occurrence": 59,
        "blackCrow_number_occurrence": 60,
        "insideThree_number_occurrence": 61

    # remove undifined values from the output
    refMatrix = inputs
    inputs = inputs[~np.isnan(refMatrix).any(
        axis=1)]  # remove all raws containing nan values
    outputs = outputs[~np.isnan(refMatrix).any(
        axis=1)]  # remove all raws containing nan values
    inputsOpen = inputsOpen[~np.isnan(refMatrix).any(
        axis=1)]  # remove all raws containing nan values
    inputsClose = inputsClose[~np.isnan(refMatrix).any(
        axis=1)]  # remove all raws containing nan values
    inputsHigh = inputsHigh[~np.isnan(refMatrix).any(
        axis=1)]  # remove all raws containing nan values
    inputsLow = inputsLow[~np.isnan(refMatrix).any(
        axis=1)]  # remove all raws containing nan values

    # create raw inputs dict.
    rawInputs["open"] = inputsOpen
    rawInputs["close"] = inputsClose
    rawInputs["high"] = inputsHigh
    rawInputs["low"] = inputsLow

    # return the function output
    output = {
        "mappingDict": mappingDict,
        "rawInputs": rawInputs,
        "inputFeatures": inputs,
        "targets": outputs
    return (output)
Пример #54
def calculateWidth(filamentNo,filamentData, params, plotIndividualProfiles, printResults):
	# reading user defined parameters 	
	npix    	= params["npix"] 
	avg_len 	= params["avg_len"] 
	niter   	= params["niter"]
	lam 		= params["lam"]
	pix 		= params["pixel_size"]
	dist 		= params["distance"] 
	fits_file	= params["fits_file"]
	dv 		= params["dv"]
	smooth		= params["smooth"]
	noise_level 	= params["noise_level"]
	int_thresh 	= params["int_thresh"]
	intensity	= fits.getdata(fits_file)

	resultsList	= []
	range_perp	= (np.arange(-npix,npix)*pix*dist/206265) 
 	n = 1
	n2 = avg_len
	# we divide the filament into smaller chunks so we can average 
	# the intensity profiles over these smaller chunks
	# the chunks are set to be 3 beamsize pieces and can be set with avg_len
	# in case the data is not divisble by avg_len there will be a left over chunk
	# these left over profiles will be averaged together
	leftover_chunk = len(filamentData)%n2
	#avg_until = len(filamentData)//n2

	while True: #n2 <  len(filamentData):	
		# this is only for testing 
		fig = pl.figure(figsize=(7,5))
		ax1 = aplpy.FITSFigure('/home/suri/projects/carmaorion/analysis/disperse/c18o/0.2kms_resolution/han1_mask_imfit_c18o_pix_2_Tmb_noEdges_north_v4.7-13.1.peak.fits', figure=fig)
		ax1.show_colorscale(cmap='Greys', vmin=-0.5,vmax=10.)
		ax1.tick_labels.set_font(size='large', weight='medium', \
                          stretch='normal', family='serif', \
                          style='normal', variant='normal')
		v = [320,680,270,500]
		ax1.add_scalebar(0.01142,'0.1 pc',color='black',linewidth=3.,corner='top left')
		#print 'n2 :', n2	
		print ' '
		print '######################################################################'
		print 'Calculating filament width using FilChaP'
		print 'Filament number		= ', filamentNo 	
		print 'Processed chunk		= ', n2//avg_len, 'of', len(filamentData)//avg_len
		print '######################################################################'

		line_perpList			= []
		line_perpList2			= []	
		average_profile			= np.zeros((npix))
		average_profile2		= np.zeros((npix))	
		average_profileFull		= np.zeros((npix*2))
		stacked_profile			= np.zeros((len(filamentData),npix*2))
		stacked_profile_baseSubt 	= np.zeros((len(filamentData),npix*2))

		while n < n2-1:
			print n
			x =filamentData[:,0]
			y = filamentData[:,1]
			z = filamentData[:,2]
			#xWorld, yWorld = w1.wcs_pix2world(x,y,0)
        		#xPix, yPix = w2.wcs_world2pix(xWorld,yWorld,0)
			pl.plot(x,y,'.', markersize=8)
			x0 = int(x[n])
			y0 = int(y[n])
			z0 = int(z[n])
			r0 = np.array([x0,y0], dtype=float) 		# point on the filament
			#to save the data
		        x0save = x0
		        y0save = y0
		        z0save = z0

			profileLSum = np.zeros(npix)      
			profileRSum = np.zeros(npix)
			# this is where we calculate the slices perpendicular to the spine of the filament
			# below loops are  part is implemented from Duarte-Cabral & Dobbs 2016.
			# we calculate distances in 2 separate for loops below
			# ################################################################################ 
			# find the tangent curve
			a = x[n+1] - x[n-1]
			b = y[n+1] - y[n-1]
			normal=np.array([a,b], dtype=float)
			#print a, b	
			#equation of normal plane: ax+by=const

			const = np.sum(normal*r0)
			# defining lists an array to be used below
			distance = np.zeros_like(intensity[0])
			distance2 = np.zeros_like(intensity[0])

			line_perp = np.zeros_like(intensity[0])
			line_perp2 = np.zeros_like(intensity[0])		
			# Loop 1: if the slope is negative
			if -float(b)/a > 0:
				for ii in range(y0-npix,y0+1):
					for jj in range(x0-npix,x0+1):
						distance[ii,jj]=((jj-x0)**2.+(ii-y0)**2.)**0.5 #distance between point (i,j) and filament
						if (distance[ii,jj] <  npix-1):
							dist_normal=(np.fabs(a*jj+b*ii-const))/(np.sum(normal*normal))**0.5 #distance between point (i,j) and the normal 
							# take the point if it is in the vicinity of the normal (distance < 2 pix)
							if (dist_normal < 2):
								line_perp[ii,jj] = distance[ii,jj] #storing the nearby points
				for ii in range(y0,y0+npix+1):
		               		for jj in range(x0,x0+npix+1):
		                        	if (distance2[ii,jj] <  npix-1):
		                                	if (dist_normal2 < 2): 
		                                        	line_perp2[ii,jj] = distance2[ii,jj] 
	 		  except IndexError:
				print 'Index Error while creating the perpendicular array!'
			# Loop 2_ if the slope is positive
			elif -float(b)/a < 0:
				for ii in range(y0,y0+npix+1):
					for jj in range(x0-npix,x0+1):
						if (distance[ii,jj] <  npix-1):
							if (dist_normal < 2):
								line_perp[ii,jj] = distance[ii,jj]
				for ii in range(y0-npix,y0+1):
					for jj in range(x0, x0+npix+1):
						if (distance2[ii,jj] <  npix-1):
							if (dist_normal2 < 2):
								line_perp2[ii,jj] = distance2[ii,jj]

			  except IndexError:
				print 'Index Error while creating the perpendicular array!'
			# now that we have the perpendicular slices ########
			# we can get the intensities along these slices ####
			perpendicularLine = np.array(line_perpList).reshape(-1,3)
                	perpendicularLine2 = np.array(line_perpList2).reshape(-1,3)
			pl.plot(perpendicularLine[:,1],perpendicularLine[:,0],'r.', markersize=0.5, alpha=0.7)
                        pl.plot(perpendicularLine2[:,1],perpendicularLine2[:,0],'r.', markersize=0.5,alpha=0.7)
			for dd in range(0,npix):

				if (dd == 0):	
					# this is where the skeleton point is x0,y0,z0
					# sum the intensities of the velocity channel before and after
					profileLSum[dd] = np.sum([intensity[z0-1,y0-1,x0-1], intensity[z0,y0-1,x0-1], intensity[z0+1,y0-1,x0-1]]) 

				if (dd > 0):
					# this is where we have to get the list of the perpendicular points
					# it could be that close to the caculated perpendicular line
					# there are several points that have to same distance to the line
					# we take the mean intensity and some over 3 channels
					index_d = np.where((line_perp>dd-1) * (line_perp<=dd))	
					profileLSum[dd] = np.sum( [np.mean(intensity[int(z0)-1,index_d[0]-1,index_d[1]-1]), \
							np.mean(intensity[int(z0),index_d[0]-1,index_d[1]-1]), \
                                                        np.mean(intensity[int(z0)+1,index_d[0]-1,index_d[1]-1])] )
				# it could also be that what the perpendicular got was NaNs
				# in that case, ignore them
				# if not, average them 
				# the average profile is what we will use for the fitting 				
				if np.isnan(profileLSum[dd]) != True:
					average_profile[dd] += profileLSum[dd]/(avg_len)

			for ddd in range(0,npix):        
				if (ddd == 0):
					# this is where the skeleton point is x0,y0,z0
					# sum the intensities of the velocity channel before and after	                       
				      	profileRSum[ddd] = np.sum([intensity[z0-1,y0-1,x0-1], intensity[z0,y0-1,x0-1], intensity[z0+1,y0-1,x0-1]]) 
				if (ddd > 0):
					# this is where we have to get the list of the perpendicular points
					# it could be that close to the caculated perpendicular line
					# there are several points that have to same distance to the line
					# we take the mean intensity and some over 3 channels
					index_d2 = np.where((line_perp2>ddd-1) * (line_perp2<=ddd))		
					profileRSum[ddd] = np.sum( [np.mean(intensity[int(z0)-1,index_d2[0]-1,index_d2[1]-1]), \
							np.mean(intensity[int(z0),index_d2[0]-1,index_d2[1]-1]), \
							np.mean(intensity[int(z0)+1,index_d2[0]-1,index_d2[1]-1])] )	
				if np.isnan(profileRSum[ddd]) != True:
		                         average_profile2[ddd] += profileRSum[ddd]/(avg_len)
			# stack both sides of the intensity profiles #################
			stacked_profile[n] = np.hstack((profileLSum[::-1],profileRSum))
			stacked_profile[n] = stacked_profile[n]*dv

			print stacked_profile[n]

		#	plt.figure(1)
	#		plt.plot(xrange(-npix,0), average_profile[::-1])
#			plt.plot(xrange(0,npix), average_profile2)
			# subtract baselines from each of these profiles
			z = baseline_als(stacked_profile[n], lam, 0.01,niter)
			stacked_profile_baseSubt[n] = stacked_profile[n] -z	
			#if plotIndividualProfiles == True:
			#	pl.step(range_perp,stacked_profile_baseSubt[n],ls='-',color='#D3D3D3', lw=3.0, alpha=1.0)		
			n += 1
		# exiting the first loop that allowed us to average a number of intensity profiles ##
		# this number is taken as three times the beamsize of the CARMA-NRO data ############
		# avg_length:12 , can be changed according to the used dataset. #####################
		# below, we fit this averaged profile to calculate the width ########################

		# this is the average radial intensity profile we need for the width calculation
		# so stack together both sides of the profile (- and +)
		# and multiply with the velocity channel width because it is an integrated intensity profile
		pl.savefig('/home/suri/development/filchap_1.0/test_c18o_north/plots/slices_f103/widthPlotFil' + str(filamentNo)+'_slice' + str(n2) +'.png', dpi=300)
		average_profileFull = np.hstack((average_profile[::-1],average_profile2))
		average_profileFull = average_profileFull*dv
		# subtract baseline from the averaged profile
		# and also smooth it 
		# the smoothed profile will be used to find dips and peaks

		z2 = baseline_als(average_profileFull, lam, 0.01,niter)
		y_base_subt = average_profileFull -z2
		y_base_subt_smooth = gaussian_filter(y_base_subt, sigma=smooth) #3 beam=12
		####### calculating minima ######################################################## 
		# we calculate minima by looking at the minus side of the peak 
		# and to the plus side: minima left and right
		# in order to make sure the minima are global,
		# we put an integrated intensity threshold (at the moment 5*sigma) 
		# only minima that have values below this threshold will be taken into account
		minimaLeft = argrelextrema(y_base_subt_smooth[0:npix], np.less, order=6)
		minimaRight = argrelextrema(y_base_subt_smooth[npix:npix*2], np.less, order=6) 
		# following loops are where we decide which minima to use for the fit boundaries
		# in case there are multiple minima, the one close to the peak is selected
		# if there is no minima found, the entire range is used (from 0 to 2*npix).

		if len(minimaLeft[0]) > 1:
			b1 = minimaLeft[0][-1]
			#pl.axvline(x=range_perp[b1], ymin=0,ls='--',color='black', alpha=0.5)

		elif len(minimaLeft[0]) == 1:
			#pl.axvline(x=range_perp[minimaLeft[0][0]], ymin=0,ls='--',color='black', alpha=0.5)
			b1 = minimaLeft[0][0]

			b1 = 0
			#pl.axvline(x=range_perp[b1], ymin=0,ls='--',color='black', alpha=0.5)

		if len(minimaRight[0]) > 1:

			b2 = minimaRight[0][0]+npix
			#pl.axvline(x=range_perp[b2], ymin=0,ls='--',color='black', alpha=0.5)
		elif len(minimaRight[0]) == 1:
			#pl.axvline(x=range_perp[minimaRight[0][0]+npix], ymin=0,ls='--',color='black', alpha=0.5)
		        b2 = minimaRight[0][0]+npix

		        b2 = 2*npix
			#pl.axvline(x=range_perp[b2-1], ymin=0,ls='--',color='black', alpha=0.5)

		# plot the averaged profile
		#pl.step(range_perp,y_base_subt,'k-', lw=2.0, alpha=1.0)
		# uncomment if you want to plot the smoothed average profile
		#pl.step(range_perp,y_base_subt_smooth,'g',lw=1.0, alpha=0.4)
		# here we calculate the number of peaks ###########################################
		# within our boundaries 		###########################################
		# this will help compare the number of peaks & shoulders to the width #############
		#Adopted from Seamus' peak finding. 
		print 'Finding Peaks'	
		ydata_og 	= y_base_subt[b1:b2]
		ydata		= y_base_subt_smooth[b1:b2]
        	r		= range_perp[b1:b2]
		ny 		= len(ydata)
        	minr 		= np.min(r)
        	maxr 		= np.max(r)
        	dr		= (maxr-minr)/ny
		limit		= 5*noise_level 		# this is to check peak's significance	
        	dy		= np.zeros_like(ydata)
		for ii in range(0,ny-1):
                	dy[ii] = (ydata[ii+1]-ydata[ii])/dr
		ddy 		= np.zeros_like(ydata)
        	for ii in range(0,ny-2):
                	ddy[ii] = (dy[ii+1]-dy[ii])/dr
		# work out the number of peaks and shoulders
		switch 		= np.zeros_like(ydata)
	        decrease	= 0
        	shoulder	= np.zeros_like(ydata)
		for ii in range(2,ny-2):
			# find a shoulder
			if(ddy[ii+1] > ddy[ii] and ddy[ii+2] > ddy[ii] and ddy[ii-1] > ddy[ii] and ddy[ii-2] > ddy[ii] and (ydata[ii]>limit or ydata[ii-1]>limit or ydata[ii+1]>limit)):
				shoulder[ii] = 1
			# find a peak
			if((dy[ii] < 0.0 and dy[ii-1]>0.0) and (ydata[ii]>limit or ydata[ii-1]>limit or ydata[ii+1]>limit)):

                        	switch[ii] = 1
		# check if there are any peaks detected	
		if( np.sum(switch) < 1 ):
                	print "No peak was detected in this slice"
                	print "Did I go wrong? - Seamus"
                	#return [[0,0,0],0]
		n_peaks = np.sum(switch)
        	n_peaks = int(n_peaks)
		index = np.linspace(0,ny-1,ny)
        	index = np.array(index,dtype=int)

        	id_g = index[switch==1]
		cent_g = r[id_g]
        	amp_g = ydata[id_g]
		is_shoulder = int(np.sum(shoulder)) - n_peaks
		if(is_shoulder > 0):
			# if there exists a shoulder we plot them with vertical dashed lines 
                	shoulder_pos	= r[index[shoulder==1]]
			shoulder_amp	= ydata[index[shoulder==1]]
			print "Here are the shoulder positions", shoulder_pos
			#for kk in range(len(shoulder_pos)):
		#			pl.axvline(x=shoulder_pos[kk], ymin=0, ls='--', lw=1., color='g', alpha=0.5)	
			shoulder_pos    = []
			print 'I found no shoulders.'
		# finally calculating the width ################################################## 
		# initial guesses for the fits
		a		= np.amax(ydata_og)
		mu		= r[ np.argmax(ydata_og) ]
		pos_half	= np.argmin( np.abs( ydata_og-a/2 ) )
		sig 		= np.abs( mu - r[ pos_half] )
		p01 		= (a,mu,sig)
		p02 		= (a,mu,sig)

			# 1st method: calculate moments	
			tot_2, tot_3, tot_4 = 0, 0, 0	
			for ii in range(len(r)): 
				tot_2 += ydata_og[ii]*(r[ii] - np.mean(r))**2
				tot_3 += ydata_og[ii]*(r[ii] - np.mean(r))**3
				tot_4 += ydata_og[ii]*(r[ii] - np.mean(r))**4
			var = math.sqrt(tot_2/np.sum(ydata_og))
			mom3 = tot_3/np.sum(ydata_og)
			mom4 = tot_4/np.sum(ydata_og)
			FWHM_moments = var*2.35
			skewness = mom3/(var**3)
			kurtosis = mom4/(var**4) - 3

			print 'moment:', FWHM_moments	
			# 2nd method: fit Gaussian and Plummer functions
			co_eff,var_matrix	= curve_fit(gaus,r, ydata_og,p0=p01,absolute_sigma=True)	
			#print co_eff
			co_eff3,var_matrix3	= curve_fit(plum2,r, ydata_og,p0=p02)
			#print co_eff3
			co_eff4,var_matrix4	= curve_fit(plum4,r, ydata_og,p0=p02)
			#print co_eff4
			#Calculate Chi-squared 
			noise			= noise_level  # 0.47/sqrt(3)/sqrt(12)
			num_freeParams		= 3  	        
			# gaussian fits
			chi_sq_gaus		= np.sum((ydata_og-gaus(r,*co_eff))**2) / noise**2
			red_chi_sq_gaus		= chi_sq_gaus / (len(ydata_og) - num_freeParams)			
			# plummer 2 fits
			chi_sq_plum2		= np.sum((ydata_og-plum2(r,*co_eff3))**2) / noise**2	
			red_chi_sq_plum2	= chi_sq_plum2 / (len(ydata_og) - num_freeParams)	
			# plummer 4 fits
			chi_sq_plum4		= np.sum((ydata_og-plum4(r,*co_eff4))**2) / noise**2
			red_chi_sq_plum4	= chi_sq_plum4 / (len(ydata_og) - num_freeParams)
			fit			= gaus(range_perp,*co_eff)
			fit3			= plum2(range_perp,*co_eff3)
			fit4			= plum4(range_perp,*co_eff4)
			# fit standard deviation
			perr			= np.sqrt(np.diag(var_matrix))	
			perr3			= np.sqrt(np.diag(var_matrix3))
			perr4			= np.sqrt(np.diag(var_matrix4))	

		#	pl.plot(range_perp,fit,ls='-.', color='#0000CD', lw=1.) 	 
		#	pl.plot(range_perp,fit3,ls='-',color='#DAA520', lw=1.) 
		#	pl.plot(range_perp,fit4,ls='--',color='red', lw=1.)	
		#	pl.xlabel('Distance from the ridge [pc]')
		#	pl.ylabel('Integrated Intensity []')	
		#	pl.grid(True, alpha=0.2)
			#pl.savefig('/home/suri/development/filchap_1.0/test_c18o_north/plots/slices_f103/widthPlotFil' + str(filamentNo)+'_slice' + str(n2) +'.png', dpi=300)
			rangePix = b2-b1
			FWHM_plummer2 = 3.464*co_eff3[2]
			FWHM_plummer4 = 1.533*co_eff4[2]
			if printResults == True:
				print '###########################################################'
				print '############## Width Results ##############################'
				print ' '
				print 'FWHM (Second Moment)		=', FWHM_moments
				print 'FWHM (Gaussian Fit)		=', co_eff[2]*2.35
				print 'FWHM (Plummer 2)			=', FWHM_plummer2
				print 'FWHM (Plummer 4)			=', FWHM_plummer4 	
				print ' '
				print 'Skewness				=', skewness
				print 'Kurtosis				=', kurtosis
				print '###########################################################'	
		except (UnboundLocalError,RuntimeError,ValueError,TypeError) as e: 
			print 'I did not fit this.' 

		#print 'n2 just before the if: ', n2
		if leftover_chunk != 0 and n2 == len(filamentData)-1:
			print 'break here'
		elif leftover_chunk != 0 and n2 == len(filamentData)-leftover_chunk:
			n2 += leftover_chunk-1
			avg_len = leftover_chunk	
		elif leftover_chunk == 0 and n2 == len(filamentData):
			n2 += avg_len
		resultsArray = np.array(resultsList).reshape(-1,32)
		print resultsArray		

	return resultsArray
arrays = pd.concat([malFile_array, cleanFile_array], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
features.insert(4, 'max Day count', 'default value 0')
features.insert(5, 'min Day count', 'default value 0')
features.insert(31, 'Prevalence', 'default value 0')
features.insert(32, 'Peaks', 'default value ')
features.insert(33, 'Sharp peaks', 'default value ')

for i in range(len(arrays)):
    a = arrays["Day_Array"][i]
    a = map(int, list(a[1:-1].split()))
    a = np.array([int(s) for s in a])[i, 'max Day count'] = float(max(a))[i, 'min Day count'] = float(min(a))[i, 'Prevalence'] = float(sum(a))
    peaks = argrelextrema(a, np.greater, mode='wrap')
    peaks = peaks[0][a[peaks[0]] > 3][i, 'Peaks'] = len(peaks)
    #------Sharp peaks----
    prominences = peak_prominences(a, peaks)[0]
    sharp_peaks_over = peaks
    for j in range(len(peaks) - 1, -1, -1):
        if prominences[j] < 15:
            sharp_peaks_over = np.delete(sharp_peaks_over, j, 0)[i, 'Sharp peaks'] = len(sharp_peaks_over)

#create features.csv
parent_dir = os.getcwd()
features.to_csv(os.path.join(parent_dir, "features.csv"))

#------------------------Data exploration---------------------------------
def signal_p2pmv(signal):
    local_max = argrelextrema(signal, np.greater)
    local_min = argrelextrema(signal, np.less)
    return np.mean(local_max) - np.mean(local_min)
Пример #57
def findLocalMaxima(array):
    return argrelextrema(array, np.greater)[0]
Пример #58
def findLocalMinima(array):
    return argrelextrema(array, np.less)[0]
def signal_mean_local_min(signal):
    local_min = argrelextrema(signal, np.less)
    return np.mean(signal[local_min])
Пример #60
def MM_RWT(rwt,par=1000):
#% MM_RWT -- Modulus Maxima of a Real Wavelet Transform
#%  Usage
#%    maxmap = MM_RWT(rwt,par)
#%  Inputs
#%    rwt    Output of RWT
#%    par    optional. If present, keep thresholds only
#%           above a certain value. default = 1000
#%  Outputs
#%    maxmap binary array indicating presence of max or not
#%  Description
#%    Used to calculate fractal exponents etc.

    (n, nscale) = rwt.shape;
#    rwt[0:50,:] = 0
#    rwt[975:1024,:] = 0

#    rwtmax = np.amax(np.amax(rwt))
#    print "rwtmax is "
#    above_thresh = np.greater( rwt, .01*rwtmax)
#    rwt = np.multiply(above_thresh, rwt)

    maxmap = np.zeros((n, nscale));
    #do some thresholding
    localmaxes = signal.argrelextrema(rwt, np.greater, axis=0, order=1)
#    print len(localmaxes)
#    print localmaxes[0]
#    print localmaxes[1]

    maxmap[localmaxes] = 1
    #print np.where(maxmap)
#    t      = range(n);
#    tplus  = np.roll(t, 1)
#    tminus = np.roll(t, -1)
#    #only look for maxes, don't look for mins
#    #rwt    = np.abs(rwt);
#    for k in xrange( int(nscale) ):

#        #are you higher than t-1 and t+1?
#        localmax =  np.logical_and( np.greater(rwt[t,k], rwt[tplus,k]), np.greater(rwt[t,k], rwt[tminus,k]) )
#        #find the rwt value for the maxes (by multiplying by the boolean localmax matrix)
#        y =  np.multiply(localmax[:], rwt[:,k]);
#        #print "localmax size " + str(localmax.shape) + " y size + " + str(y.shape)
#        maxy = np.amax(y);
#            #print "maxy " + str(maxy)
#        maxmap[t,k] = (y >= maxy/par);

    #maxmap[0:50,:] = 0
    #maxmap[975:1024,:] = 0
    print "maxmap shape" + str( maxmap.shape)

    return maxmap