Пример #1
def coef_filtro(tipo, C, R1, R2, Ts):
    """ Retorna una lista con los coeficientes del filtro según sus parámetros.
    tipo : str
        Tipo de filtro que cuyos parámetros se desean obtener.
    C : float
        Valor del capacitor en el filtro.
    R1 : float
        Valor de la resistencia del filtro.
    R2 : float
        Valor de la resistencia del filtro.
    Ts : float
        Período de muestreo de la señal a filtrar en segundos.
    signal.bilinear() : list de narray.
        Lista con los coeficientes del numerador y denominador.
    if tipo == 'rc':
        return signal.bilinear([1], [R1 * C, 1], 1 / Ts)
    elif tipo == 'lead-lag pasivo':
        return signal.bilinear([R2 * C, 1], [(R1 + R2) * C, 1], 1 / Ts)
    elif tipo == 'lead-lag activo':
        return signal.bilinear([R2 * C, 1], [R1 * C, 0], 1 / Ts)
        return 0
Пример #2
def prepare_video_filters():
	# TODO:  test these CLV+innerCAV parameters.  Should be same on PAL+NTSC 
	t1 = 25
	t2 = 13.75
	[tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-t2*(10**-8), -t1*(10**-8), t1 / t2)
	SP['f_emp'] = sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1/(freq_hz/2))

	# RF BPF and analog audio cut filters
	SP['f_videorf_bpf'] = sps.butter(1, [SP['vbpf'][0]/(freq_hz/2), SP['vbpf'][1]/(freq_hz/2)], btype='bandpass')

	if SP['analog_audio'] == True:
		SP['f_aleft_stop'] = sps.butter(1, [(SP['audio_lfreq'] - 750000)/(freq_hz/2), (SP['audio_lfreq'] + 750000)/(freq_hz/2)], btype='bandstop')
		SP['f_aright_stop'] = sps.butter(1, [(SP['audio_rfreq'] - 750000)/(freq_hz/2), (SP['audio_rfreq'] + 750000)/(freq_hz/2)], btype='bandstop')

	# standard post-demod LPF
	lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(SP['vlpf_order'], SP['vlpf_freq']/(freq_hz/2), 'low')
	# post-demod deemphasis filter
	[tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-SP['deemp'][1]*(10**-8), -SP['deemp'][0]*(10**-8), SP['deemp'][0] / SP['deemp'][1])
	SP['f_deemp'] = sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1/(freq_hz/2))

	# if AC3:
	#SP['f_arightcut'] = sps.butter(1, [(2650000)/(freq_hz/2), (3150000)/(freq_hz/2)], btype='bandstop')

	# prepare for FFT: convert above filters to FIR using FDLS techniques first
	forder = 256 
	forderd = 0 

	[Bbpf_FDLS, Abpf_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(SP['f_videorf_bpf'][0], SP['f_videorf_bpf'][1], forder, forderd, 0, phasemult = 1.00)
	[Bemp_FDLS, Aemp_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(SP['f_emp'][0], SP['f_emp'][1], forder, forderd, 0)
	[Bdeemp_FDLS, Adeemp_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(SP['f_deemp'][0], SP['f_deemp'][1], forder, forderd, 0)
	[Bplpf_FDLS, Aplpf_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a, forder, forderd, 0)

	Fbpf = np.fft.fft(Bbpf_FDLS, blocklen)
	Femp = np.fft.fft(Bemp_FDLS, blocklen)

	SP['fft_video'] = Fbpf * fft_hilbert

	if SP['analog_audio'] == True:
		[Bcutl_FDLS, Acutl_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(SP['f_aleft_stop'][0], SP['f_aleft_stop'][1], forder, forderd, 0, phasemult = 1.00)
		[Bcutr_FDLS, Acutr_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(SP['f_aright_stop'][0], SP['f_aright_stop'][1], forder, forderd, 0, phasemult = 1.00)
		Fcutl = np.fft.fft(Bcutl_FDLS, blocklen)
		Fcutr = np.fft.fft(Bcutr_FDLS, blocklen)
		SP['fft_video'] *= (Fcutl * Fcutr)
	SP['fft_video_inner'] = SP['fft_video'] * Femp

	# Post processing:  lowpass filter + deemp
	Fplpf = np.fft.fft(Bplpf_FDLS, blocklen)
	Fdeemp = np.fft.fft(Bdeemp_FDLS, blocklen)
	SP['fft_post'] = Fplpf * Fdeemp	

	# determine freq offset and mult for output stage	
	hz_ire_scale = (SP['videorf_100ire'] - SP['videorf_0ire']) / 100
	minn = SP['videorf_0ire'] + (hz_ire_scale * -60)
	SP['output_minfreq'] = sminn = minn / (freq_hz / tau)

	out_scale = 65534.0 / (SP['ire_max'] - SP['ire_min'])
	SP['output_scale'] = (freq_hz / tau) * (out_scale / hz_ire_scale)
Пример #3
 def __init__(self):
     '''Parameters Inicialization '''
     self.rospy = rospy
     self.aux_cmd_vel_topic = self.rospy.get_param("aux_cmd_vel_topic",
     self.frc_topic = self.rospy.get_param("frc_topic", "/frc")
     self.acontroller_rate = self.rospy.get_param("acontroller_rate", 30)
     # m = 4
     self.controller_params = {
         "m": self.rospy.get_param("mass", 0.1),
         "b_l": self.rospy.get_param("lineal_damping_c", 20),
         "k_l": self.rospy.get_param("lineal_stiffness_c", 11),
         "j": self.rospy.get_param("inertia", 1),
         "b_a": self.rospy.get_param("angular_damping_c", 15),
         "k_a": self.rospy.get_param("angular_stiffness_c", 0.7),
         "Ts": self.rospy.get_param("Ts", 1.0 / self.acontroller_rate)
     self.sub_frc = self.rospy.Subscriber(self.frc_topic, Wrench,
     self.pub_aux_cmd_vel = self.rospy.Publisher(self.aux_cmd_vel_topic,
     '''Node Configuration'''
     self.rospy.init_node("Admitance_Controller", anonymous=True)
     self.rate = self.rospy.Rate(self.acontroller_rate)
     self.vel = Twist()
     self.frc = 0
     self.trq = 0
     lnum = np.array([1, 0])
     lden = [
         self.controller_params["m"], self.controller_params["b_l"],
     anum = np.array([1, 0])
     aden = [
         self.controller_params["j"], self.controller_params["b_a"],
     [lnum_d, lden_d] = sg.bilinear(lnum, lden, self.acontroller_rate)
     [anum_d, aden_d] = sg.bilinear(anum, aden, self.acontroller_rate)
     self.systems = {
     self.change = self.enabled = False
     self.signal_in = {
         "frc": [],
         "trq": [],
Пример #4
def prepare_video_filters(SP):
    # TODO:  test these CLV+innerCAV parameters.  Should be same on PAL+NTSC
    t1 = 25
    t2 = 13.75

    [tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-t2 * (10 ** -8), -t1 * (10 ** -8), t1 / t2)
    Femp = filtfft(sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1 / (freq_hz / 2)))

    # RF BPF and analog audio cut filters
    Fbpf = filtfft(sps.butter(1, [SP["vbpf"][0] / (freq_hz / 2), SP["vbpf"][1] / (freq_hz / 2)], btype="bandpass"))

    # standard post-demod LPF
    Fplpf = filtfft(sps.butter(SP["vlpf_order"], SP["vlpf_freq"] / (freq_hz / 2), "low"))

    # post-demod deemphasis filter
    [tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(
        -SP["deemp"][1] * (10 ** -8), -SP["deemp"][0] * (10 ** -8), SP["deemp"][0] / SP["deemp"][1]
    Fdeemp = filtfft(sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1.0 / (freq_hz / 2)))

    SP["fft_video"] = Fbpf * fft_hilbert

    if SP["analog_audio"] == True:
        Fcutl = filtfft(
                [(SP["audio_lfreq"] - 750000) / (freq_hz / 2), (SP["audio_lfreq"] + 750000) / (freq_hz / 2)],
        Fcutr = filtfft(
                [(SP["audio_rfreq"] - 750000) / (freq_hz / 2), (SP["audio_rfreq"] + 750000) / (freq_hz / 2)],
        # if AC3:
        # SP['f_arightcut'] = sps.butter(1, [(2650000)/(freq_hz/2), (3150000)/(freq_hz/2)], btype='bandstop')

        SP["fft_video"] *= Fcutl * Fcutr

    SP["fft_video_inner"] = SP["fft_video"] * Femp

    # Post processing:  lowpass filter + deemp
    SP["fft_post"] = Fplpf * Fdeemp

    # determine freq offset and mult for output stage
    hz_ire_scale = (SP["videorf_100ire"] - SP["videorf_0ire"]) / 100
    minn = SP["videorf_0ire"] + (hz_ire_scale * -60)
    SP["output_minfreq"] = sminn = minn / (freq_hz / tau)

    out_scale = 65534.0 / (SP["ire_max"] - SP["ire_min"])
    SP["output_scale"] = (freq_hz / tau) * (out_scale / hz_ire_scale)
Пример #5
def prepare_video_filters(SP):
    # TODO:  test these CLV+innerCAV parameters.  Should be same on PAL+NTSC
    t1 = 25
    t2 = 13.75

    [tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-t2 * (10**-8), -t1 * (10**-8), t1 / t2)
    Femp = filtfft(sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1 / (freq_hz / 2)))

    # RF BPF and analog audio cut filters
    Fbpf = filtfft(
            1, [SP['vbpf'][0] / (freq_hz / 2), SP['vbpf'][1] / (freq_hz / 2)],

    # standard post-demod LPF
    Fplpf = filtfft(
        sps.butter(SP['vlpf_order'], SP['vlpf_freq'] / (freq_hz / 2), 'low'))

    # post-demod deemphasis filter
     tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-SP['deemp'][1] * (10**-8), -SP['deemp'][0] * (10**-8),
                        SP['deemp'][0] / SP['deemp'][1])
    Fdeemp = filtfft(sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1.0 / (freq_hz / 2)))

    SP['fft_video'] = Fbpf * fft_hilbert

    if SP['analog_audio'] == True:
        Fcutl = filtfft(
            sps.butter(1, [(SP['audio_lfreq'] - 750000) / (freq_hz / 2),
                           (SP['audio_lfreq'] + 750000) / (freq_hz / 2)],
        Fcutr = filtfft(
            sps.butter(1, [(SP['audio_rfreq'] - 750000) / (freq_hz / 2),
                           (SP['audio_rfreq'] + 750000) / (freq_hz / 2)],
        # if AC3:
        #SP['f_arightcut'] = sps.butter(1, [(2650000)/(freq_hz/2), (3150000)/(freq_hz/2)], btype='bandstop')

        SP['fft_video'] *= (Fcutl * Fcutr)

    SP['fft_video_inner'] = SP['fft_video'] * Femp

    # Post processing:  lowpass filter + deemp
    SP['fft_post'] = Fplpf * Fdeemp

    # determine freq offset and mult for output stage
    hz_ire_scale = (SP['videorf_100ire'] - SP['videorf_0ire']) / 100
    minn = SP['videorf_0ire'] + (hz_ire_scale * -60)
    SP['output_minfreq'] = sminn = minn / (freq_hz / tau)

    out_scale = 65534.0 / (SP['ire_max'] - SP['ire_min'])
    SP['output_scale'] = (freq_hz / tau) * (out_scale / hz_ire_scale)
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, Fs, method='Wk'):
     'method is always "Wk"'
     Hhb = [1, 0, 0]
     Hha = [1, 3.55430635052669, 6.31654681669719]
     Hlb = [394784.176043574]
     Hla = [1, 888.576587631673, 394784.176043574]
     Htb = [0.0127323954473516, 1]
     Hta = [0.000162113893827740, 0.0202101515037327, 1]
     Hsb = [1, 16.3639001956216, 221.746323841915]
     Hsa = [1, 23.1304074495073, 443.046541564901]
     self._Hh = ss.bilinear(Hhb, Hha, fs=Fs)
     self._Hl = ss.bilinear(Hlb, Hla, fs=Fs)
     self._Ht = ss.bilinear(Htb, Hta, fs=Fs)
     self._Hs = ss.bilinear(Hsb, Hsa, fs=Fs)
Пример #7
def c_weighting(fs=48000):
    Digital C-Weighting Filter Design

    fs : int
        sampling frequency

    z : ndarray
        Numerator of the transformed digital filter transfer function.
    p : ndarray
        Denominator of the transformed digital filter transfer function.
    f1 = 20.598997
    f4 = 12194.217
    C1000 = 0.0619
    np.pi = 3.14159265358979
    NUMs = np.array([(2 * np.pi * f4)**2 * (10**(C1000 / 20)), 0, 0])
    DENs = np.convolve(
        [1, 4 * np.pi * f4, (2 * np.pi * f4)**2],
        [1, 4 * np.pi * f1, (2 * np.pi * f1)**2])
    return signal.bilinear(NUMs, DENs, fs)
Пример #8
def a_weighting(fs=48000):
    """Digital A-Weighting Filter Design

    fs : int
        sampling frequency

    z : ndarray
        Numerator of the transformed digital filter transfer function.
    p : ndarray
        Denominator of the transformed digital filter transfer function.
    f1 = 20.598997
    f2 = 107.65265
    f3 = 737.86223
    f4 = 12194.217
    A1000 = 1.9997
    NUMs = np.array([(2 * np.pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000 / 20)), 0, 0, 0, 0])
    DENs = np.convolve(
        [1, 4 * np.pi * f4, (2 * np.pi * f4)**2],
        [1, 4 * np.pi * f1, (2 * np.pi * f1)**2])
    DENs = np.convolve(
        np.convolve(DENs, [1, 2 * np.pi * f3]),
        [1, 2 * np.pi * f2])
    return signal.bilinear(NUMs, DENs, fs)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, kind):
     assert kind in ["A", "B", "C"]
     if kind == "A":
         f1 = 20.598997
         f2 = 107.65265
         f3 = 737.86223
         f4 = 12194.217
         A1000 = 0.17
         numerator = [(2 * np.pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000 / 20)), 0, 0, 0, 0]
         denominator = sp.polymul([1, 4 * np.pi * f4, (2 * np.pi * f4)**2],
                                  [1, 4 * np.pi * f1, (2 * np.pi * f1)**2])
         denominator = sp.polymul(
             sp.polymul(denominator, [1, 2 * np.pi * f3]),
             [1, 2 * np.pi * f2])
     if kind == "B":
         f1 = 20.598997
         f2 = 158.5
         f4 = 12194.217
         A1000 = 1.9997
         numerator = [(2 * np.pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000 / 20)), 0, 0, 0]
         denominator = sp.polymul([1, 4 * np.pi * f4, (2 * np.pi * f4)**2],
                                  [1, 4 * np.pi * f1, (2 * np.pi * f1)**2])
         denominator = sp.polymul(denominator, [1, 2 * np.pi * f2])
     if kind == "C":
         f1 = 20.598997
         f4 = 12194.217
         C1000 = 0.0619
         numerator = [(2 * np.pi * f4)**2 * (10**(C1000 / 20.0)), 0, 0]
         denominator = sp.polymul(
             [1, 4 * np.pi * f4, (2 * np.pi * f4)**2.0],
             [1, 4 * np.pi * f1, (2 * np.pi * f1)**2])
     self.filter = sps.bilinear(numerator, denominator, 16000)
Пример #10
def parse_filter(args, analog=False, sample_rate=None):
    """Parse arbitrary input args into a TF or ZPK filter definition

    args : `tuple`, `~scipy.signal.lti`
        filter definition, normally just captured positional ``*args``
        from a function call

    analog : `bool`, optional
        `True` if filter definition has analogue coefficients

    sample_rate : `float`, optional
        sampling frequency at which to convert analogue filter to digital
        via bilinear transform, required if ``analog=True``

    ftype : `str`
        either ``'ba'`` or ``'zpk'``
    filt : `tuple`
        the filter components for the returned `ftype`, either a 2-tuple
        for with transfer function components, or a 3-tuple for ZPK
    if analog and not sample_rate:
        raise ValueError("Must give sample_rate frequency to convert "
                         "analog filter to digital")

    # unpack filter
    if isinstance(args, tuple) and len(args) == 1:
        # either packed defintion ((z, p, k)) or simple definition (lti,)
        args = args[0]

    # parse FIR filter
    if isinstance(args, numpy.ndarray) and args.ndim == 1:  # fir
        b, a = args, [1.]
        if analog:
            return 'ba', signal.bilinear(b, a)
        return 'ba', (b, a)

    # parse IIR filter
    if isinstance(args, LinearTimeInvariant):
        lti = args
    elif (isinstance(args, numpy.ndarray) and args.ndim == 2
          and args.shape[1] == 6):
        lti = signal.lti(*signal.sos2zpk(args))
        lti = signal.lti(*args)

    # convert to zpk format
    lti = lti.to_zpk()

    # convert to digital components
    if analog:
        return 'zpk', bilinear_zpk(lti.zeros,
    # return zpk
    return 'zpk', (lti.zeros, lti.poles, lti.gain)
Пример #11
def ITU_R_468_weighting(fs):
    Return ITU-R 468 digital weighting filter transfer function

    fs : float
        Sampling frequency


    >>> from scipy.signal import freqz
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> fs = 200000
    >>> b, a = ITU_R_468_weighting(fs)
    >>> f = np.logspace(np.log10(10), np.log10(fs/2), 1000)
    >>> w = 2*pi * f / fs
    >>> w, h = freqz(b, a, w)
    >>> plt.semilogx(w*fs/(2*pi), 20*np.log10(abs(h)))
    >>> plt.grid(True, color='0.7', linestyle='-', which='both', axis='both')
    >>> plt.axis([10, 100e3, -50, 20])


    z, p, k = ITU_R_468_weighting_analog()

    # Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter.
        # Currently private but more accurate
        from scipy.signal.filter_design import _zpkbilinear

        zz, pz, kz = _zpkbilinear(z, p, k, fs)
        return zpk2tf(zz, pz, kz)
    except ImportError:
        b, a = zpk2tf(z, p, k)
        return bilinear(b, a, fs)
Пример #12
def ITU_R_468_weighting(fs):
    Return ITU-R 468 digital weighting filter transfer function
    fs : float
        Sampling frequency
    >>> from scipy.signal import freqz
    >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    >>> fs = 200000
    >>> b, a = ITU_R_468_weighting(fs)
    >>> f = np.logspace(np.log10(10), np.log10(fs/2), 1000)
    >>> w = 2*pi * f / fs
    >>> w, h = freqz(b, a, w)
    >>> plt.semilogx(w*fs/(2*pi), 20*np.log10(abs(h)))
    >>> plt.grid(True, color='0.7', linestyle='-', which='both', axis='both')
    >>> plt.axis([10, 100e3, -50, 20])
    z, p, k = ITU_R_468_weighting_analog()
    # Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter.
        # Currently private but more accurate
        from scipy.signal.filter_design import _zpkbilinear
        zz, pz, kz = _zpkbilinear(z, p, k, fs)
        return zpk2tf(zz, pz, kz)
    except ImportError:
        b, a = zpk2tf(z, p, k)
        return bilinear(b, a, fs)
Пример #13
def A_weighting(fs):
    """Design of an A-weighting filter.
    b, a = A_weighting(fs) designs a digital A-weighting filter for
    sampling frequency `fs`. Usage: y = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, x).
    Warning: `fs` should normally be higher than 20 kHz. For example,
    fs = 48000 yields a class 1-compliant filter.
       [1] IEC/CD 1672: Electroacoustics-Sound Level Meters, Nov. 1996.
    # Definition of analog A-weighting filter according to IEC/CD 1672.
    f1 = 20.598997
    f2 = 107.65265
    f3 = 737.86223
    f4 = 12194.217
    A1000 = 1.9997

    NUMs = [(2*pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000/20)), 0, 0, 0, 0]
    DENs = polymul([1, 4*pi * f4, (2*pi * f4)**2],
                   [1, 4*pi * f1, (2*pi * f1)**2])
    DENs = polymul(polymul(DENs, [1, 2*pi * f3]),
                                 [1, 2*pi * f2])

    # Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter.
    # (Octave, MATLAB, and PyLab disagree about Fs vs 1/Fs)
    return bilinear(NUMs, DENs, fs)
Пример #14
def _transform(b, a, Wn, analog, output):
    Shift prototype filter to desired frequency, convert to digital with
    pre-warping, and return in various formats.
    Wn = np.asarray(Wn)
    if not analog:
        if np.any(Wn < 0) or np.any(Wn > 1):
            raise ValueError("Digital filter critical frequencies "
                             "must be 0 <= Wn <= 1")
        fs = 2.0
        warped = 2 * fs * tan(pi * Wn / fs)
        warped = Wn

    # Shift frequency
    b, a = lp2lp(b, a, wo=warped)

    # Find discrete equivalent if necessary
    if not analog:
        b, a = bilinear(b, a, fs=fs)

    # Transform to proper out type (pole-zero, state-space, numer-denom)
    if output in ('zpk', 'zp'):
        return tf2zpk(b, a)
    elif output in ('ba', 'tf'):
        return b, a
    elif output in ('ss', 'abcd'):
        return tf2ss(b, a)
    elif output in ('sos'):
        raise NotImplementedError('second-order sections not yet implemented')
        raise ValueError('Unknown output type {0}'.format(output))
Пример #15
def _transform(b, a, Wn, analog, output):
    Shift prototype filter to desired frequency, convert to digital with
    pre-warping, and return in various formats.
    Wn = np.asarray(Wn)
    if not analog:
        if np.any(Wn < 0) or np.any(Wn > 1):
            raise ValueError("Digital filter critical frequencies "
                             "must be 0 <= Wn <= 1")
        fs = 2.0
        warped = 2 * fs * tan(pi * Wn / fs)
        warped = Wn

    # Shift frequency
    b, a = lp2lp(b, a, wo=warped)

    # Find discrete equivalent if necessary
    if not analog:
        b, a = bilinear(b, a, fs=fs)

    # Transform to proper out type (pole-zero, state-space, numer-denom)
    if output in ('zpk', 'zp'):
        return tf2zpk(b, a)
    elif output in ('ba', 'tf'):
        return b, a
    elif output in ('ss', 'abcd'):
        return tf2ss(b, a)
    elif output in ('sos'):
        raise NotImplementedError('second-order sections not yet implemented')
        raise ValueError('Unknown output type {0}'.format(output))
Пример #16
def build_3rd_filter(omega, zeta, omega_1, lp=True, freq=FREQ):
    b = [1, 0, 0, 0] if not lp else [0, 0, 0, omega**3]
    a = [
        1, 2 * zeta * omega + omega_1, omega**2 + omega_1 * 2 * zeta * omega,
        omega**2 * omega_1
    return RealtimeFilter(*signal.bilinear(b, a, fs=freq))
def integrate(data, sample_frequency, integration_time):
    """Integrate the sound pressure squared using exponential integration.
    :param data: Energetic quantity, e.g. :math:`p^2`.
    :param sample_frequency: Sample frequency.
    :param integration_time: Integration time.
    Time weighting is applied by applying a low-pass filter with one real pole at :math:`-1/\\tau`.
    .. note:: Because :math:`f_s \\cdot t_i` is generally not an integer, samples are discarded. This results in a drift of samples for longer signals (e.g. 60 minutes at 44.1 kHz).
    integration_time = np.asarray(integration_time)
    sample_frequency = np.asarray(sample_frequency)
    samples = data.shape[-1]
    b, a  = zpk2tf([1.0], [1.0, integration_time], [1.0])
    b, a = bilinear(b, a, fs=sample_frequency)
    #b, a = bilinear([1.0], [1.0, integration_time], fs=sample_frequency) # Bilinear: Analog to Digital filter.
    n = np.floor(integration_time * sample_frequency).astype(int)
    data = data[..., 0:n*(samples//n)]
    newshape = list(data.shape[0:-1])
    newshape.extend([-1, n])
    data = data.reshape(newshape)
    #data = data.reshape((-1, n)) # Divide in chunks over which to perform the integration.
    return lfilter(b, a, data)[...,n-1] / integration_time # Perform the integration. Select the final value of the integration.
Пример #18
def A_weighting(fs):
    """Design of an A-weighting filter.
    b, a = A_weighting(fs) designs a digital A-weighting filter for
    sampling frequency `fs`. Usage: y = scipy.signal.lfilter(b, a, x).
    Warning: `fs` should normally be higher than 20 kHz. For example,
    fs = 48000 yields a class 1-compliant filter.
       [1] IEC/CD 1672: Electroacoustics-Sound Level Meters, Nov. 1996.
    # Definition of analog A-weighting filter according to IEC/CD 1672.
    f1 = 20.598997
    f2 = 107.65265
    f3 = 737.86223
    f4 = 12194.217
    A1000 = 1.9997

    NUMs = [(2*pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000/20)), 0, 0, 0, 0]
    DENs = polymul([1, 4*pi * f4, (2*pi * f4)**2],
                   [1, 4*pi * f1, (2*pi * f1)**2])
    DENs = polymul(polymul(DENs, [1, 2*pi * f3]),
                                 [1, 2*pi * f2])

    # Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter.
    # (Octave, MATLAB, and PyLab disagree about Fs vs 1/Fs)
    return bilinear(NUMs, DENs, fs)
Пример #19
def integrate(data, sample_frequency, integration_time):
    """Integrate the sound pressure squared using exponential integration.
    :param data: Energetic quantity, e.g. :math:`p^2`.
    :param sample_frequency: Sample frequency.
    :param integration_time: Integration time.
    Time weighting is applied by applying a low-pass filter with one real pole at :math:`-1/\\tau`.
    .. note:: Because :math:`f_s \\cdot t_i` is generally not an integer, samples are discarded. This results in a drift of samples for longer signals (e.g. 60 minutes at 44.1 kHz).
    integration_time = np.asarray(integration_time)
    sample_frequency = np.asarray(sample_frequency)
    samples = data.shape[-1]
    b, a = zpk2tf([1.0], [1.0, integration_time], [1.0])
    b, a = bilinear(b, a, fs=sample_frequency)
    #b, a = bilinear([1.0], [1.0, integration_time], fs=sample_frequency) # Bilinear: Analog to Digital filter.
    n = np.floor(integration_time * sample_frequency).astype(int)
    data = data[..., 0:n * (samples // n)]
    newshape = list(data.shape[0:-1])
    newshape.extend([-1, n])
    data = data.reshape(newshape)
    #data = data.reshape((-1, n)) # Divide in chunks over which to perform the integration.
    return lfilter(
        b, a, data
    )[..., n -
      1] / integration_time  # Perform the integration. Select the final value of the integration.
Пример #20
def smooth_filter(x):

    WC = 0.5  # Tuning
    num = [1]
    den = [1 / WC, 1]

    (b, a) = signal.bilinear(num, den, fs=1)
    return signal.filtfilt(b, a, x)
Пример #21
    def calc_coefs(self, R):
        C = 25.0e-9
        RC = R * C
        b_s = np.array([RC, -1.0])
        a_s = np.array([RC, 1.0])

        b, a = signal.bilinear(b_s, a_s, fs=self.fs)
        return b, a
    def saveHTC(self, filename, disc='bilinear'):
        if disc.lower() == 'matched':
            # return discrete coefficients using matched zero pole method
            b, a = MatchedZeroPole(self.b * self.K, self.a, self.Ts)

        elif disc.lower() == 'bilinear':
            # return discrete coefficients using bilinear method
            b, a = signal.bilinear(self.b * self.K, self.a, 1 / self.Ts)
        saveHTC(b, a, filename)
Пример #23
    def calc_coefs(self, R, fbAmt):
        C = 15.0e-9
        RC = R * C
        b_s = np.array([RC * RC, -2 * RC, 1.0])
        a_s = np.array(
            [b_s[0] * (1.0 + fbAmt), -b_s[1] * (1.0 - fbAmt), 1.0 + fbAmt])

        b, a = signal.bilinear(b_s, a_s, fs=self.fs)
        return b, a
Пример #24
def discretise(C, Fs=100, method='bilinear', save=None):
    # discretizes the controller transfer function and saves it to file.
    if method == 'bilinear':
        coefz = signal.bilinear(C.num, C.den, fs=Fs)
    elif method.lower() == 'matchedzeropole':
        coefz = MatchedZeroPole(C.num, C.den, 1 / Fs)

    Cd = signal.TransferFunction(coefz[0], coefz[1], dt=1 / Fs)

    return Cd
Пример #25
def make_C_weighting(fs):

	den = p1
	den = np.polymul(den, p1)
	den = np.polymul(den, p4)
	den = np.polymul(den, p4)
	num = np.poly1d([(2.*np.pi*f4)**2, 0, 0])

	B, A = signal.bilinear(num, den, fs)
	return B, A
Пример #26
def make_C_weighting(fs):

	den = p1
	den = np.polymul(den, p1)
	den = np.polymul(den, p4)
	den = np.polymul(den, p4)
	num = np.poly1d([(2.*np.pi*f4)**2, 0, 0])

	B, A = signal.bilinear(num, den, fs)
	return B, A
Пример #27
def c_weighting(sample_rate):
    """Return digital filter coefficients
    for C weighting for given sample_rate"""
    f1 = 20.598997
    f4 = 12194.217
    C1000 = 0.0619
    numerators = [(2 * np.pi * f4)**2 * (10**(C1000 / 20)), 0, 0]
    denominators = np.convolve([1, 4 * np.pi * f4, (2 * np.pi * f4)**2],
                               [1, 4 * np.pi * f1, (2 * np.pi * f1)**2])
    b, a = bilinear(numerators, denominators, sample_rate)
    return b, a
Пример #28
def emphasis_iir(t1, t2, fs):
    """Generate an IIR filter for 6dB/octave pre-emphasis (t1 > t2) or
    de-emphasis (t1 < t2), given time constants for the two corners."""

    # Convert time constants to frequencies, and pre-warp for bilinear transform
    w1 = 2 * fs * np.tan((1 / t1) / (2 * fs))
    w2 = 2 * fs * np.tan((1 / t2) / (2 * fs))

    # Zero at t1, pole at t2
    tf_b, tf_a = sps.zpk2tf([-w1], [-w2], w2 / w1)
    return sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, fs)
    def __init__(self, order, ripple, Fs, Fc):

        :param order: int, Order of the analog filter
        :param ripple: float, Pass-band ripple in dB
        :param Fs: float, Sampling frequency of filter implementation in Hz
        :param Fc: float, 3dB edge frequency of low-pass filter in Hz

        B, A = sp.ellip(order, ripple, 40, 2 * np.pi * Fc, analog=True)
        b, a = sp.bilinear(B, A, Fs)
        super(AnalogFilter, self).__init__(b, a)
    def coefs(self, disc=None):
        if disc == None:
            #return continuous coefficients
            return self.b * self.K, self.a

        elif disc.lower() == 'matched':
            # return discrete coefficients using matched zero pole method
            return MatchedZeroPole(self.b * self.K, self.a, self.Ts)

        elif disc.lower() == 'bilinear':
            # return discrete coefficients using bilinear method
            return signal.bilinear(self.b * self.K, self.a, 1 / self.Ts)
Пример #31
def A_weight(fs):
    Coefficients and formula based on: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4331191/
    o = 2*pi*np.array([20.598997, 107.65265, 737.86223, 12194.217])
    G = -2.0

    num = [G*o[3]**2, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    denom = polymul(polymul(polymul([1, o[0]], [1, o[0]]), polymul([1, o[3]], [1, o[3]])),
                    polymul([1, o[1]], [1, o[2]]))

    return bilinear(num, denom, fs)
Пример #32
def grayscale_filter(img_gs):
    bil_1, bil_2 = bilinear(1, 4)
    img_gs_df = pd.DataFrame(img_gs)
    img_gs_sv_row = np.zeros(shape=[len(img_gs_df), len(img_gs_df)])
    img_gs_sv_col = np.zeros(shape=[len(img_gs_df), len(img_gs_df)])
    for i in range(0, len(img_gs_df)):
        img_gs_sv_row[i] = lfilter(x=img_gs_df.loc[i, :], b=bil_1, a=bil_2)
    for j in range(0, len(img_gs_df)):
        img_gs_sv_col[j] = lfilter(x=pd.DataFrame(img_gs_sv_row).loc[:, j],
    return (img_gs_sv_row, img_gs_sv_col)
Пример #33
def createFilter(fc, Q, fs):
    Returns digital BPF with given specs
    :param fc: BPF center frequency (Hz)
    :param Q: BPF Q (Hz/Hz)
    :param fs: sampling rate (Samp/sec)
    :returns: digital implementation of BPF
    wc = 2 * pi * fc
    num = [wc / Q, 0]
    den = [1, wc / Q, wc**2]
    dig_tf = signal.bilinear(num, den, fs)
    return dig_tf
Пример #34
def digital_filter(measurement_system, sampling_freq):
    # transform continuous system to digital filter
    bc, ac = sos_phys2filter(
        measurement_system["S0"], measurement_system["delta"], measurement_system["f0"]
    assert_almost_equal(bc, [20465611686.098896])
    assert_allclose(ac, np.array([1.00000000e00, 4.52389342e03, 5.11640292e10]))
    b, a = dsp.bilinear(bc, ac, sampling_freq)
        b, np.array([0.019386043211510096, 0.03877208642302019, 0.019386043211510096])
    assert_allclose(a, np.array([1.0, -1.7975690550957188, 0.9914294872108197]))
    return {"b": b, "a": a}
Пример #35
def A_weighting(fs):
    Design of an A-weighting filter.

    Designs a digital A-weighting filter for
    sampling frequency `fs`. Usage: y = lfilter(b, a, x).
    Warning: fs should normally be higher than 20 kHz. For example,
    fs = 48000 yields a class 1-compliant filter.

    fs : float
        Sampling frequency

    Since this uses the bilinear transform, frequency response around fs/2 will
    be inaccurate at lower sampling rates.  A-weighting is undefined above
    20 kHz, though.


    from scipy.signal import freqz
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fs = 200000  # change to 48000 to see truncation
    b, a = A_weighting(fs)
    f = np.logspace(np.log10(10), np.log10(fs/2), 1000)
    w = 2*pi * f / fs
    w, h = freqz(b, a, w)
    plt.semilogx(w*fs/(2*pi), 20*np.log10(abs(h)))
    plt.grid(True, color='0.7', linestyle='-', which='both', axis='both')
    plt.axis([10, 100e3, -50, 20])

       [1] IEC/CD 1672: Electroacoustics-Sound Level Meters, Nov. 1996.

    # Definition of analog A-weighting filter according to IEC/CD 1672.
    f1 = 20.598997
    f2 = 107.65265
    f3 = 737.86223
    f4 = 12194.217
    A1000 = 1.9997

    NUMs = [(2 * pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000 / 20)), 0, 0, 0, 0]

    DENs = polymul([1, 4 * pi * f4, (2 * pi * f4)**2],
                   [1, 4 * pi * f1, (2 * pi * f1)**2])
    DENs = polymul(DENs, [1, 2 * pi * f3])
    DENs = polymul(DENs, [1, 2 * pi * f2])

    # Analog confirmed to match https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-weighting#A_2

    # Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter.
    return bilinear(NUMs, DENs, fs)
Пример #36
def A_weighting(fs):
    Design of an A-weighting filter.

    Designs a digital A-weighting filter for
    sampling frequency `fs`. Usage: y = lfilter(b, a, x).
    Warning: fs should normally be higher than 20 kHz. For example,
    fs = 48000 yields a class 1-compliant filter.

    fs : float
        Sampling frequency

    Since this uses the bilinear transform, frequency response around fs/2 will
    be inaccurate at lower sampling rates.  A-weighting is undefined above
    20 kHz, though.


    from scipy.signal import freqz
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fs = 200000  # change to 48000 to see truncation
    b, a = A_weighting(fs)
    f = np.logspace(np.log10(10), np.log10(fs/2), 1000)
    w = 2*pi * f / fs
    w, h = freqz(b, a, w)
    plt.semilogx(w*fs/(2*pi), 20*np.log10(abs(h)))
    plt.grid(True, color='0.7', linestyle='-', which='both', axis='both')
    plt.axis([10, 100e3, -50, 20])

       [1] IEC/CD 1672: Electroacoustics-Sound Level Meters, Nov. 1996.

    # Definition of analog A-weighting filter according to IEC/CD 1672.
    f1 = 20.598997
    f2 = 107.65265
    f3 = 737.86223
    f4 = 12194.217
    A1000 = 1.9997

    NUMs = [(2*pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000/20)), 0, 0, 0, 0]

    DENs = polymul([1, 4*pi * f4, (2*pi * f4)**2],
                   [1, 4*pi * f1, (2*pi * f1)**2])
    DENs = polymul(DENs, [1, 2*pi * f3])
    DENs = polymul(DENs, [1, 2*pi * f2])

    # Analog confirmed to match https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-weighting#A_2

    # Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter.
    return bilinear(NUMs, DENs, fs)
Пример #37
def sd1_tone_test():
  import numpy as np
  from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
  from scipy.signal import bilinear
  x = np.arange(10000).reshape(1, -1)
  d = np.sin(x * 2 * np.pi * 1000 / 48000)
  out, b, a = tone_filter(d)
  b0, a0 = create_coeffs(.5)
  bref, aref = bilinear(b0, a0, sampling)

  assert_almost_equal(b[::-1], bref)
  assert_almost_equal(np.hstack(([1], -a[::-1])), aref)
def coeficientesPonderacionA(RATE=48000):
    f1 = 20.598997
    f2 = 107.65265
    f3 = 737.86223
    f4 = 12194.217
    A1000 = 1.9997

    NUMs = [(2 * pi * f4)**2 * (10**(A1000 / 20)), 0, 0, 0, 0]
    DENs = convolve([1., +4 * pi * f4, (2 * pi * f4)**2],
                    [1., +4 * pi * f1, (2 * pi * f1)**2])
    DENs = convolve(convolve(DENs, [1., 2 * pi * f3]), [1., 2 * pi * f2])

    # Uso de una transformación bilineal para obtener el filtro digital
    return signal.bilinear(NUMs, DENs, RATE)
Пример #39
 def __init__(self, sigma, num, den, dt):
     self.sigma = sigma
     self.dt = dt
     self._noise_time = np.zeros(0)
     self._zi = np.zeros([len(sigma), 2]) #initial conditions for filters
     self.chol_sigma = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma); 
     fs = 1/self.dt
     [self.bz, self.az] = ss.bilinear(num, den, fs=fs)
     self.make_samples(0, 3)
     actual_sd = np.std(self._noise_samples, 1)
     ideal_sd = np.sqrt(np.diag(self.sigma))
     self._gain = np.mean(ideal_sd) / np.mean(actual_sd)        
def calc_digital_characteristics(params, freq_sampling): 
    """ Model """  
    (T1, T2, t0, K) = params
    # Синтез цифрового фильта
    b_analog = array([K]) 
    # Судя по всему это повышение порядка фильтра
    p1 = P([T1, 1])
    p2 = P([T2, 1])
    ans = p1*p2
    a_analog = ans.coef
    #print a_analog
    b, a = signal.bilinear(b_analog, a_analog, fs=freq_sampling)
    return b, a, freq_sampling
Пример #41
    def __init__(self, type, fc, gain = 0, Q = 1, enabled = True):
        self._enabled = enabled
        self._type = type
        self._fc = fc
        self._g = gain
        self._Q = Q

        if type == FilterType.HPBrickwall:
            z, p, k = scsig.ellip(12, 0.01, 80, fc, 'high', output='zpk')
            self._sos = zpk2sos(z, p, k)[0]
        elif type == FilterType.LPBrickwall:
            z, p, k = scsig.ellip(12, 0.01, 80, fc, 'low', output='zpk')
            self._sos = zpk2sos(z, p, k)[0]
        elif type == FilterType.HPButter:
            z, p, k = scsig.butter(2 ** Q, fc, btype = 'high', output='zpk')
            self._sos = zpk2sos(z, p, k)[0]
        elif type == FilterType.LPButter:
            z, p, k = scsig.butter(2 ** Q, fc, output='zpk')
            self._sos = zpk2sos(z, p, k)[0]
        elif type == FilterType.LShelving or type == FilterType.HShelving:
            A = 10 ** (gain / 20)
            wc = np.pi * fc
            wS = np.sin(wc)
            wC = np.cos(wc)
            alpha = wS / (2 * Q)
            beta = A ** 0.5 / Q
            c = 1
            if type == FilterType.LShelving:
                c = -1

            b0 = A * (A + 1 + c * (A - 1) * wC + beta * wS)
            b1 = - c * 2 * A * (A - 1 + c * (A + 1) * wC)
            b2 = A * (A + 1 + c * (A - 1) * wC - beta * wS)
            a0 = (A + 1 - c * (A - 1) * wC + beta * wS)
            a1 = c * 2 * (A - 1 - c * (A + 1) * wC)
            a2 = (A + 1 - c * (A - 1) * wC - beta * wS)
            self._sos = np.array([[ b0, b1, b2, a0, a1, a2 ]])
        elif type == FilterType.Peak:
            self.g = gain
            wc = np.pi * fc
            b, a = scsig.bilinear([1, 10 ** (gain / 20) * wc / Q, wc ** 2],
                [1, wc / Q, wc ** 2])
            self._sos = np.append(b, a).reshape(1, 6)

        self._ord = self._sos.shape[0] * 2
Пример #42
def make_A_weighting(fs):

	p1_squared = np.polymul(p1, p1)
	p4_squared = np.polymul(p4, p4)

	den = p1
	den = np.polymul(den, p1)
	den = np.polymul(den, p4)
	den = np.polymul(den, p4)
	den = np.polymul(den, p2)  
	den = np.polymul(den, p3)

	num = np.poly1d([(2.*np.pi*f4)**2, 0, 0, 0, 0])

	B, A = signal.bilinear(num, den, fs)

	return B, A
Пример #43
    def weigh(self, weighting='A', zero_phase=False):
        """Apply frequency-weighting. By default 'A'-weighting is applied.

        :param weighting: Frequency-weighting filter to apply.
            Valid options are 'A', 'C' and 'Z'. Default weighting is 'A'.
        :returns: Weighted signal.
        :rtype: :class:`Signal`.

        By default the weighting filter is applied using
        :func:`scipy.signal.lfilter` causing a frequency-dependent delay. In case a
        delay is undesired, the filter can be applied using :func:`scipy.signal.filtfilt`
        by setting `zero_phase=True`.

        num, den = WEIGHTING_SYSTEMS[weighting]()
        b, a = bilinear(num, den, self.fs)
        func = filtfilt if zero_phase else lfilter
        return self._construct(func(b, a, self))
def integrate(data, sample_frequency, integration_time):
    Integrate the sound pressure squared using exponential integration.
    :param data: Energetic quantity, e.g. :math:`p^2`.
    :param sample_frequency: Sample frequency.
    :param integration_time: Integration time.
    Time weighting is applied by applying a low-pass filter with one real pole at :math:`-1/\\tau`.
    .. note:: Because :math:`f_s \\cdot t_i` is generally not an integer, samples are discarded. This results in a drift of samples for longer signals (e.g. 60 minutes at 44.1 kHz).
    b, a = bilinear([1.0], [1.0, integration_time], fs=sample_frequency) # Bilinear: Analog to Digital filter.
    n = int(floor(integration_time * sample_frequency))
    data = data[0:n*(len(data)//n)]
    data = data.reshape((-1, n)) # Divide in chunks over which to perform the integration.
    return lfilter(b, a, data)[:,n-1] # Perform the integration. Select the final value of the integration.
Пример #45
def ex4_2():
    wp = 0.2*np.pi
    ws = 0.3*np.pi
    fs = 4000.0
    T = 1/fs
    Wp = (2/T)*np.tan(wp/2);
    Ws = (2/T)*np.tan(ws/2);
    n, x = signal.buttord(Wp, Ws, 2, 40, analog=True)
    b, a = signal.butter(n, x, analog=True)
    b2, a2 = signal.bilinear(b, a, 4000)
    w, h = signal.freqz(b2, a2, worN=10000)
    image1 = subplot(2, 1, 1)
    image2 = subplot(2, 1, 2)
    plt.plot(w*fs/2/np.pi, abs(h))
    plt.plot(w*fs/2/np.pi, np.angle(h))
Пример #46
 def __init__(self, source, gain=1, **kwds):
     # Automatically duplicate mono input to fit the desired output shape
     gain = np.atleast_1d(gain)
     if len(gain) != source.nchannels and len(gain) != 1:
         if source.nchannels != 1:
             raise ValueError('Can only automatically duplicate source '
                              'channels for mono sources, use '
         source = RestructureFilterbank(source, len(gain))
     samplerate = source.samplerate
     zeros = np.array([-200, -200])
     poles = np.array([-250 + 400j, -250 - 400j,
                       -2000 + 6000j, -2000 - 6000j])
     # use an arbitrary gain here, will be normalized afterwards
     b, a = signal.zpk2tf(zeros, poles * 2 * np.pi, 1.5e9)
     # normalize the response at 1000Hz (of the analog filter)
     resp = np.abs(signal.freqs(b, a, [1000*2*np.pi])[1])  # response magnitude
     b /= resp
     bd, ad = signal.bilinear(b, a, samplerate)
     bd = (np.tile(bd, (source.nchannels, 1)).T * gain).T
     ad = np.tile(ad, (source.nchannels, 1))
     LinearFilterbank.__init__(self, source, bd, ad, **kwds)
Пример #47
def A_weighting(fs):
    Design of an A-weighting filter.

    Designs a digital A-weighting filter for
    sampling frequency `fs`. Usage: y = lfilter(b, a, x).
    Warning: fs should normally be higher than 20 kHz. For example,
    fs = 48000 yields a class 1-compliant filter.

    fs : float
        Sampling frequency

    Since this uses the bilinear transform, frequency response around fs/2 will
    be inaccurate at lower sampling rates.  A-weighting is undefined above
    20 kHz, though.


    from scipy.signal import freqz
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fs = 200000  # change to 48000 to see truncation
    b, a = A_weighting(fs)
    f = np.logspace(np.log10(10), np.log10(fs/2), 1000)
    w = 2*pi * f / fs
    w, h = freqz(b, a, w)
    plt.semilogx(w*fs/(2*pi), 20*np.log10(abs(h)))
    plt.grid(True, color='0.7', linestyle='-', which='both', axis='both')
    plt.axis([10, 100e3, -50, 20])

       [1] IEC/CD 1672: Electroacoustics-Sound Level Meters, Nov. 1996.
    b, a = A_weighting_analog()

    # Use the bilinear transformation to get the digital filter.
    return bilinear(b, a, fs)
Пример #48
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from numpy import exp

from pylab import *

b = np.array([1.0]) 
a = np.array([3.0, 1.0]) 
B, A = signal.bilinear(b, a) 
print B, A
#print 7*B, 7*A
Пример #49
def prepare_video_filters():
    # TODO:  test these CLV+innerCAV parameters.  Should be same on PAL+NTSC
    t1 = 25
    t2 = 13.75

    [tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-t2 * (10 ** -8), -t1 * (10 ** -8), t1 / t2)
    SP["f_emp"] = sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1 / (freq_hz / 2))

    # RF BPF and analog audio cut filters
    SP["f_videorf_bpf"] = sps.butter(
        1, [SP["vbpf"][0] / (freq_hz / 2), SP["vbpf"][1] / (freq_hz / 2)], btype="bandpass"

    if SP["analog_audio"] == True:
        SP["f_aleft_stop"] = sps.butter(
            [(SP["audio_lfreq"] - 750000) / (freq_hz / 2), (SP["audio_lfreq"] + 750000) / (freq_hz / 2)],
        SP["f_aright_stop"] = sps.butter(
            [(SP["audio_rfreq"] - 750000) / (freq_hz / 2), (SP["audio_rfreq"] + 750000) / (freq_hz / 2)],

        # standard post-demod LPF
    lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(SP["vlpf_order"], SP["vlpf_freq"] / (freq_hz / 2), "low")

    # post-demod deemphasis filter
    [tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(
        -SP["deemp"][1] * (10 ** -8), -SP["deemp"][0] * (10 ** -8), SP["deemp"][0] / SP["deemp"][1]
    SP["f_deemp"] = sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1 / (freq_hz / 2))

    # if AC3:
    # SP['f_arightcut'] = sps.butter(1, [(2650000)/(freq_hz/2), (3150000)/(freq_hz/2)], btype='bandstop')

    # prepare for FFT: convert above filters to FIR using FDLS techniques first
    forder = 256
    forderd = 0

    [Bbpf_FDLS, Abpf_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(
        SP["f_videorf_bpf"][0], SP["f_videorf_bpf"][1], forder, forderd, 0, phasemult=1.00
    [Bemp_FDLS, Aemp_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(SP["f_emp"][0], SP["f_emp"][1], forder, forderd, 0)
    [Bdeemp_FDLS, Adeemp_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(SP["f_deemp"][0], SP["f_deemp"][1], forder, forderd, 0)
    [Bplpf_FDLS, Aplpf_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a, forder, forderd, 0)

    Fbpf = np.fft.fft(Bbpf_FDLS, blocklen)
    Femp = np.fft.fft(Bemp_FDLS, blocklen)

    SP["fft_video"] = Fbpf * fft_hilbert

    if SP["analog_audio"] == True:
        [Bcutl_FDLS, Acutl_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(
            SP["f_aleft_stop"][0], SP["f_aleft_stop"][1], forder, forderd, 0, phasemult=1.00
        [Bcutr_FDLS, Acutr_FDLS] = fdls.FDLS_fromfilt(
            SP["f_aright_stop"][0], SP["f_aright_stop"][1], forder, forderd, 0, phasemult=1.00
        Fcutl = np.fft.fft(Bcutl_FDLS, blocklen)
        Fcutr = np.fft.fft(Bcutr_FDLS, blocklen)
        SP["fft_video"] *= Fcutl * Fcutr

    SP["fft_video_inner"] = SP["fft_video"] * Femp

    # Post processing:  lowpass filter + deemp
    Fplpf = np.fft.fft(Bplpf_FDLS, blocklen)
    Fdeemp = np.fft.fft(Bdeemp_FDLS, blocklen)
    SP["fft_post"] = Fplpf * Fdeemp

    # determine freq offset and mult for output stage
    hz_ire_scale = (SP["videorf_100ire"] - SP["videorf_0ire"]) / 100
    minn = SP["videorf_0ire"] + (hz_ire_scale * -60)
    SP["output_minfreq"] = sminn = minn / (freq_hz / tau)

    out_scale = 65534.0 / (SP["ire_max"] - SP["ire_min"])
    SP["output_scale"] = (freq_hz / tau) * (out_scale / hz_ire_scale)
Пример #50
##### FIR filter parameters
N = 12  # filter order
tau = 6 # time delay

# parameters of simulated measurement
Fs = 500e3
Ts = 1 / Fs

# sensor/measurement system
f0 = 36e3; uf0 = 0.1e3
S0 = 0.124; uS0= 1.5e-4
delta = 0.0055; udelta = 5e-3

# transform continuous system to digital filter
bc, ac = sos.phys2filter(S0,delta,f0)
b, a = dsp.bilinear(bc, ac, Fs)

# simulate input and output signals
time = np.arange(0, 4e-3 - Ts, Ts)
x = shocklikeGaussian(time, t0 = 2e-3, sigma = 1e-5, m0=0.8)
y = dsp.lfilter(b, a, x)
noise = 1e-3
yn = y + np.random.randn(np.size(y)) * noise

# Monte Carlo for calculation of unc. assoc. with [real(H),imag(H)]
runs = 10000
MCS0 = S0 + rst.randn(runs)*uS0
MCd  = delta+ rst.randn(runs)*udelta
MCf0 = f0 + rst.randn(runs)*uf0
f = np.linspace(0, 120e3, 200)
HMC = sos.FreqResp(MCS0, MCd, MCf0, f)
Пример #51
# 1664/345
deemp_pole = .1480 * 1 
deemp_zero = 3.20 * 1 
lowpass_b = sps.firwin(45, [.390/NYQUIST_MHZ, 2.700/NYQUIST_MHZ], pass_zero=False)
lowpass_a = [1.0]
lowpass_b, lowpass_a = sps.butter(4, [0.39/NYQUIST_MHZ, 2.700/NYQUIST_MHZ], btype='bandpass')

# 1664/345
deemp_pole = .1480 * 1 
deemp_zero = 3.20 * 1 
lowpass_b = sps.firwin(45, [.390/NYQUIST_MHZ, 2.600/NYQUIST_MHZ], pass_zero=False)
lowpass_a = [1.0]

[tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf([-deemp_pole*(10**-8)], [-deemp_zero*(10**-8)], deemp_pole / deemp_zero)
[f_emp_b, f_emp_a] = sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, .5/FREQ_HZ)

# .295 leftover scale:  1053 frames found, 34731 good samps, 374 ERRORS
bandpass = sps.firwin(55, [.335/NYQUIST_MHZ, 1.870/NYQUIST_MHZ], pass_zero=False)

# .295 leftover scale:  1053 frames found, 34731 good samps, 374 ERRORS
# 1647/352
bandpass = sps.firwin(53, [.335/NYQUIST_MHZ, 1.870/NYQUIST_MHZ], pass_zero=False)

# 1651/348
bandpass = sps.firwin(53, [.355/NYQUIST_MHZ, 1.870/NYQUIST_MHZ], pass_zero=False)
# 1652/343
bandpass = sps.firwin(53, [.355/NYQUIST_MHZ, 2.800/NYQUIST_MHZ], pass_zero=False)
# 1660/341
bandpass = sps.firwin(39, [.600/NYQUIST_MHZ, 2.800/NYQUIST_MHZ], pass_zero=False)
# 1660/339
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from scipy import signal
import pylab as pl
from numpy import *

fs = 8000.0 # 取样频率
fc = 1000.0  # 通带频率

# 频率为2kHz的3阶低通滤波器
b, a = signal.butter(3, 2*pi*fc, analog=1)

w, h = signal.freqs(b,a,worN=10000)
p = 20*log10(abs(h))

# 转换为取样频率为8kHz的数字滤波器
b2, a2 = signal.bilinear(b,a,fs=fs)

# 计算数字滤波器的频率响应
w2, h2 = signal.freqz(b2,a2,worN=10000)

# 计算增益特性
p2 = 20*log10(abs(h2))

# 找到增益为-3dB[精确值为: 10*log10(0.5)]的下标
idx = argmin(abs(p2-10*log10(0.5)))

# 输出增益为-3dB时的频率
print w2[idx]/2/pi*8000

# 输出公式 w = 2/T*arctan(wa*T/2) 计算的频率
print 2*fs*arctan(2*pi*fc/2/fs) /2/pi
Пример #53
##### FIR filter parameters
N = 12  # filter order
tau = 6 # time delay

# parameters of simulated measurement
Fs = 500e3      # sampling frequency (in Hz)
Ts = 1 / Fs     # sampling intervall length (in s)

# sensor/measurement system
f0 = 36e3; uf0 = 0.01*f0            # resonance frequency
S0 = 0.124; uS0= 0.001*S0           # static gain
delta = 0.0055; udelta = 0.1*delta  # damping

# transform continuous system to digital filter
bc, ac = sos_phys2filter(S0,delta,f0)   # calculate analogue filter coefficients
b, a = dsp.bilinear(bc, ac, Fs)         # transform to digital filter coefficients

# simulate input and output signals
time = np.arange(0, 4e-3 - Ts, Ts)                              # time values
x = shocklikeGaussian(time, t0 = 2e-3, sigma = 1e-5, m0=0.8)    # input signal
y = dsp.lfilter(b, a, x)                                        # output signal
noise = 1e-3                                                    # noise std
yn = y + rst.randn(np.size(y)) * noise                          # add white noise

# Monte Carlo for calculation of unc. assoc. with [real(H),imag(H)]
runs = 10000
MCf0 = f0 + rst.randn(runs)*uf0                 # MC draws of resonance frequency
MCS0 = S0 + rst.randn(runs)*uS0                 # MC draws of static gain
MCd  = delta+ rst.randn(runs)*udelta            # MC draws of damping
f = np.linspace(0, 120e3, 200)                  # frequencies at which to calculate frequency response
HMC = np.zeros((runs, len(f)),dtype=complex)    # initialise frequency response with zeros
Пример #54
  x = np.arange(10000).reshape(1, -1)
  d = np.sin(x * 2 * np.pi * 1000 / 48000)
  out, b, a = tone_filter(d)
  b0, a0 = create_coeffs(.5)
  bref, aref = bilinear(b0, a0, sampling)

  assert_almost_equal(b[::-1], bref)
  assert_almost_equal(np.hstack(([1], -a[::-1])), aref)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  import numpy as np
  from scipy import signal
  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  b0, a0 = create_coeffs(.9)
  print(b0, a0)
  print(np.roots(b0[::-1]), np.roots(a0[::-1])) # a0 roots should have a real part negative. It seems to be related to R3 smaller than R2. The equation must be wrong somewhere.
  b0d, a0d = signal.bilinear(b0, a0, sampling)
  print(b0d, a0d)
  print(np.roots(b0d), np.roots(a0d))
  size = 1000
  x = np.arange(size, dtype=np.float64).reshape(1, -1)/ sampling
  d = np.sin(x * 2 * np.pi * 1000)
  out, b, a = tone_filter(d)
  outt = signal.lfilter(b0d, a0d, d)

  plt.plot(x[0], d[0], label="Raw")
  plt.plot(x[0], out[0], label="Filtered")
Пример #55
def calculate_Pst(data):    
    show_time_signals = 0           #Aktivierung des Plots der Zeitsignale im Flickermeter
    show_filter_responses = 0       #Aktivierung des Plots der Amplitudengänge der Filter.
                                    #(zu Prüfzecken der internen Filter)
    fs = 4000    

    ## Block 1: Modulierung des Spannungssignals
    u = data - np.mean(data)                    # entfernt DC-Anteil
    u_rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.power(u,2)))     
    u = u / (u_rms * np.sqrt(2))                # Normierung des Eingangssignals
    ## Block 2: Quadrierer
    u_0 = u**2
    ## Block 3: Hochpass-, Tiefpass- und Gewichtungsfilter
    # Konfiguration der Filter
    HIGHPASS_ORDER  = 1 #Ordnungszahl der Hochpassfilters
    HIGHPASS_CUTOFF = 0.05 #Hz Grenzfrequenz
    LOWPASS_ORDER = 6 #Ordnungszahl des Tiefpassfilters
    if (f_line == 50):
      LOWPASS_CUTOFF = 35.0 #Hz Grenzfrequenz
    if (f_line == 60):
      LOWPASS_CUTOFF = 42.0 #Hz Grenzfrequenz
    # subtract DC component to limit filter transients at start of simulation
    u_0_ac = u_0 - np.mean(u_0)
    b_hp, a_hp = signal.butter(HIGHPASS_ORDER, (HIGHPASS_CUTOFF/(fs/2)), 'highpass')
    u_hp = signal.lfilter(b_hp, a_hp, u_0_ac)
    # smooth start of signal to avoid filter transient at start of simulation
    smooth_limit = min(round(fs / 10), len(u_hp))
    u_hp[ : smooth_limit] = u_hp[ : smooth_limit] * np.linspace(0, 1, smooth_limit)
    b_bw, a_bw = signal.butter(LOWPASS_ORDER, (LOWPASS_CUTOFF/(fs/2)), 'lowpass')
    u_bw = signal.lfilter(b_bw, a_bw, u_hp)
    # Gewichtungsfilter (Werte sind aus der Norm)
    if (f_line == 50):
      K = 1.74802
      LAMBDA = 2 * np.pi * 4.05981
      OMEGA1 = 2 * np.pi * 9.15494
      OMEGA2 = 2 * np.pi * 2.27979
      OMEGA3 = 2 * np.pi * 1.22535
      OMEGA4 = 2 * np.pi * 21.9
    if (f_line == 60):
      K = 1.6357
      LAMBDA = 2 * np.pi * 4.167375
      OMEGA1 = 2 * np.pi * 9.077169
      OMEGA2 = 2 * np.pi * 2.939902
      OMEGA3 = 2 * np.pi * 1.394468
      OMEGA4 = 2 * np.pi * 17.31512
    num1 = [K * OMEGA1, 0]
    denum1 = [1, 2 * LAMBDA, OMEGA1**2]
    num2 = [1 / OMEGA2, 1]
    denum2 = [1 / (OMEGA3 * OMEGA4), 1 / OMEGA3 + 1 / OMEGA4, 1]
    b_w, a_w = signal.bilinear(np.convolve(num1, num2),
                               np.convolve(denum1, denum2), fs)
    u_w = signal.lfilter(b_w, a_w, u_bw)
    ## Block 4: Quadrierung und Varianzschätzer
    LOWPASS_2_ORDER  = 1
    LOWPASS_2_CUTOFF = 1 / (2 * np.pi * 300e-3)  # Zeitkonstante 300 msek.
    SCALING_FACTOR   = 1238400  # Skalierung auf eine Wahrnehmbarkeitsskala
    u_q = u_w**2
    b_lp, a_lp = signal.butter(LOWPASS_2_ORDER,(LOWPASS_2_CUTOFF/(fs/2)),'low')
    s = SCALING_FACTOR * signal.lfilter(b_lp, a_lp, u_q)
    ## Block 5: Statistische Berechnung
    p_50s = np.mean([np.percentile(s, 100-30, interpolation="linear"),
                     np.percentile(s, 100-50, interpolation="linear"),
                     np.percentile(s, 100-80, interpolation="linear")])
    p_10s = np.mean([np.percentile(s, 100-6, interpolation="linear"),
                     np.percentile(s, 100-8, interpolation="linear"), 
                     np.percentile(s, 100-10, interpolation="linear"),
                     np.percentile(s, 100-13, interpolation="linear"),
                     np.percentile(s, 100-17, interpolation="linear")])
    p_3s = np.mean([np.percentile(s, 100-2.2, interpolation="linear"),
                    np.percentile(s, 100-3, interpolation="linear"),
                    np.percentile(s, 100-4, interpolation="linear")])
    p_1s = np.mean([np.percentile(s, 100-0.7, interpolation="linear"),
                    np.percentile(s, 100-1, interpolation="linear"),
                    np.percentile(s, 100-1.5, interpolation="linear")])
    p_0_1s = np.percentile(s, 100-0.1, interpolation="linear")
    P_st = np.sqrt(0.0314*p_0_1s+0.0525*p_1s+0.0657*p_3s+0.28*p_10s+0.08*p_50s)
    if (show_time_signals):
        t = np.linspace(0, len(u) / fs, num=len(u))
        #plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
        plt.plot(t, u, 'b', label="u")
        plt.plot(t, u_0, 'm', label="u_0")
        plt.plot(t, u_hp, 'r', label="u_hp")
        plt.xlim(0, len(u)/fs)
        #plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
        plt.plot(t, u_bw, 'b', label="u_bw")
        plt.plot(t, u_w, 'm', label="u_w")
        plt.xlim(0, len(u)/fs)
        #plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
        plt.plot(t, u_q, 'b', label="u_q")
        plt.xlim(0, len(u)/fs)
        #plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)
        plt.plot(t, s, 'b', label="s")
        plt.xlim(0, len(u)/fs)
    if (show_filter_responses):
        f, h_hp = signal.freqz(b_hp, a_hp, 4096)
        f, h_bw = signal.freqz(b_bw, a_bw, 4096)
        f, h_w = signal.freqz(b_w, a_w, 4096)
        f, h_lp = signal.freqz(b_lp, a_lp, 4096)
        f = f/np.pi*fs/2    
        plt.plot(f, abs(h_hp), 'b', label="Hochpass 1. Ordnung")
        plt.plot(f, abs(h_bw), 'r', label="Butterworth Tiefpass 6.Ordnung")
        plt.plot(f, abs(h_w), 'g', label="Gewichtungsfilter")
        plt.plot(f, abs(h_lp), 'm', label="Varianzschätzer")
        plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1., 1.), loc=2)    
        plt.axis([0, 35, 0, 1])
    return P_st, max(s)
Пример #56
sd10 = signal.freqs(b0, a0, worN=np.logspace(1, 4.5, 1000))
sd11 = signal.freqs(b1, a1, worN=np.logspace(1, 4.5, 1000))
sd1 = signal.freqs(b, a, worN=np.logspace(1, 4.5, 1000))

fig = plt.figure()
plt.title("Analog filter frequency response (SD1 tone circuit)")
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

plt.loglog(sd10[0], np.abs(sd10[1]), "b", label="alpha=0")
plt.loglog(sd11[0], np.abs(sd11[1]), "g", label="alpha=1")
plt.loglog(sd1[0], np.abs(sd1[1]), "r", label="alpha=0.5")
plt.xlabel("Frequency (Hz)")
plt.ylabel("Amplitude (dB)")

b0d, a0d = signal.bilinear(b0, a0, 44100)
b1d, a1d = signal.bilinear(b1, a1, 44100)
bd, ad = signal.bilinear(b, a, 44100)

sd10d = signal.freqz(b0d, a0d)
sd11d = signal.freqz(b1d, a1d)
sd1d = signal.freqz(bd, ad)

fig = plt.figure()
plt.title("Digital filter frequency response (SD1 tone circuit) 44.1kHz")
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

plt.loglog(sd10d[0], np.abs(sd10d[1]), "b", label="alpha=0")
plt.loglog(sd11d[0], np.abs(sd11d[1]), "g", label="alpha=1")
plt.loglog(sd1d[0], np.abs(sd1d[1]), "r", label="alpha=0.5")
plt.xlabel("Frequency (rad/sample)")
Пример #57
def main():
	global lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a 
	global hz_ire_scale, minn
	global f_deemp_b, f_deemp_a

	global deemp_t1, deemp_t2

	global Bcutr, Acutr
	global Inner 

	global blocklen

	outfile = sys.stdout #.buffer
	audio_mode = 0 
	CAV = 0

	byte_start = 0
	byte_end = 0

	f_seconds = False 

	optlist, cut_argv = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:D:hLCaAwSs:")

	for o, a in optlist:
		if o == "-d":
			deemp_t1 = np.double(a)
		if o == "-D":
			deemp_t2 = np.double(a)
		if o == "-a":
			audio_mode = 1	
			blocklen = blocklen * 4 
		if o == "-L":
			Inner = 1
		if o == "-A":
			CAV = 1
			Inner = 1
		if o == "-h":
			# use full spec deemphasis filter - will result in overshoot, but higher freq resonse
			f_deemp_b = [3.778720395899611e-01, -2.442559208200777e-01]
			f_deemp_a = [1.000000000000000e+00, -8.663838812301168e-01]
		if o == "-C":
			Bcutr, Acutr = sps.butter(1, [2.50/(freq/2), 3.26/(freq/2)], btype='bandstop')
			Bcutr, Acutr = sps.butter(1, [2.68/(freq/2), 3.08/(freq/2)], btype='bandstop')
		if o == "-w":
			hz_ire_scale = (9360000 - 8100000) / 100
			minn = 8100000 + (hz_ire_scale * -60)
		if o == "-S":
			f_seconds = True
		if o == "-s":
			ia = int(a)
			if ia == 0:
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(5, (4.2/(freq/2)), 'low')
			if ia == 1:	
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(5, (4.4/(freq/2)), 'low')
			if ia == 2:	
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(6, (4.6/(freq/2)), 'low')
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(6, (4.6/(freq/2)), 'low')
				deemp_t1 = .825
				deemp_t2 = 2.35
			if ia == 3:	
				# high frequency response - and ringing.  choose your poison ;)	
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(10, (5.0/(freq/2)), 'low')
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(7, (5.0/(freq/2)), 'low')
			if ia == 4:	
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(10, (5.3/(freq/2)), 'low')
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(7, (5.3/(freq/2)), 'low')
			if ia == 51:	
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(5, (4.4/(freq/2)), 'low')
			if ia == 61:	
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(6, (4.4/(freq/2)), 'low')
			if ia == 62:	
				lowpass_filter_b, lowpass_filter_a = sps.butter(6, (4.7/(freq/2)), 'low')

	# set up deemp filter
	[tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-deemp_t2*(10**-8), -deemp_t1*(10**-8), deemp_t1 / deemp_t2)
	[f_deemp_b, f_deemp_a] = sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1/(freq_hz/2))

#	test()

	argc = len(cut_argv)
	if argc >= 1:
		infile = open(cut_argv[0], "rb")
		infile = sys.stdin

	byte_start = 0
	if (argc >= 2):
		byte_start = float(cut_argv[1])

	if (argc >= 3):
		byte_end = float(cut_argv[2])
		limit = 1
		limit = 0

	if f_seconds:
		byte_start *= freq_hz 
		byte_end *= freq_hz 
		byte_end += byte_start

	byte_end -= byte_start

	byte_start = int(byte_start)
	byte_end = int(byte_end)

	if (byte_start > 0):	
	if CAV and byte_start > 11454654400:
		CAV = 0
		Inner = 0 

	# set up deemp filter
	[tf_b, tf_a] = sps.zpk2tf(-deemp_t2*(10**-8), -deemp_t1*(10**-8), deemp_t1 / deemp_t2)
	[f_deemp_b, f_deemp_a] = sps.bilinear(tf_b, tf_a, 1/(freq_hz/2))

	total = toread = blocklen 
	inbuf = infile.read(toread)
	indata = np.fromstring(inbuf, 'uint8', toread)
	total = 0
	total_prevread = 0
	total_read = 0

	while (len(inbuf) > 0):
		toread = blocklen - indata.size 

		if toread > 0:
			inbuf = infile.read(toread)
			indata = np.append(indata, np.fromstring(inbuf, 'uint8', len(inbuf)))

			if indata.size < blocklen:

		if audio_mode:	
			output, osamp = process_audio(indata)
			nread = osamp 
			output_16 = process_video(indata)
			nread = len(output_16)
			total_pread = total_read 
			total_read += nread

			if CAV:
				if (total_read + byte_start) > 11454654400:
					CAV = 0
					Inner = 0

		indata = indata[nread:len(indata)]

		if limit == 1:
			byte_end -= toread 
			if (byte_end < 0):
				inbuf = ""