Пример #1
def ar2lsp(a):
	Convert LPC ai to LSP
	:param a: LPC(order = p, lpc size = p + 1)
	:return lsf: LSP angle frequency
    a = np.array(a)
    a = a.reshape(-1, )
    if (np.real(a) != a).all():
            'Line spectral frequencies are not defined for complex polynomials.'
    if a[0] != 1.0:
        a = a / a[0]
    # print(a)
    a0 = np.poly1d(a)
    if np.max(np.abs(a0.roots)) >= 1.0:
        print('The polynomial must have all roots inside of the unit circle. ')

    p = len(a) - 1  # polynomial order
    a1 = np.concatenate((a, np.zeros(1)))
    a2 = a1[::-1]
    P1 = a1 + a2
    Q1 = a1 - a2

    if (p % 2):
        Q = deconvolve(Q1, np.array([1, 0, -1]))
        P = P1
        Q = deconvolve(Q1, np.array([1, -1]))
        P = deconvolve(P1, np.array([1, 1]))

    P0 = np.poly1d(P[0])
    Q0 = np.poly1d(Q[0])
    rP = P0.roots
    rQ = Q0.roots
    aP = np.angle(rP[0:len(rP):2])
    aQ = np.angle(rQ[0:len(rQ):2])
    aLSF = np.concatenate((aP, aQ))
    lsf = np.sort(aLSF)

    return lsf
Пример #2
def lpc_to_lsf(all_lpc):
    if len(all_lpc.shape) < 2:
        all_lpc = all_lpc[None]
    order = all_lpc.shape[1] - 1
    all_lsf = np.zeros((len(all_lpc), order))
    for i in range(len(all_lpc)):
        lpc = all_lpc[i]
        lpc1 = np.append(lpc, 0)
        lpc2 = lpc1[::-1]
        sum_filt = lpc1 + lpc2
        diff_filt = lpc1 - lpc2

        if order % 2 != 0:
            deconv_diff, _ = sg.deconvolve(diff_filt, [1, 0, -1])
            deconv_sum = sum_filt
            deconv_diff, _ = sg.deconvolve(diff_filt, [1, -1])
            deconv_sum, _ = sg.deconvolve(sum_filt, [1, 1])

        roots_diff = np.roots(deconv_diff)
        roots_sum = np.roots(deconv_sum)
        angle_diff = np.angle(roots_diff[::2])
        angle_sum = np.angle(roots_sum[::2])
        lsf = np.sort(np.hstack((angle_diff, angle_sum)))
        if len(lsf) != 0:
            all_lsf[i] = lsf
    return np.squeeze(all_lsf)
Пример #3
def poly2lsf(a):
    """Prediction polynomial to line spectral frequencies.

    converts the prediction polynomial specified by A,
    into the corresponding line spectral frequencies, LSF.
    normalizes the prediction polynomial by A(1).

    .. doctest::

        >>> from spectrum import poly2lsf
        >>> a = [1.0000,  0.6149, 0.9899, 0.0000 ,0.0031, -0.0082]
        >>> lsf = poly2lsf(a)
        >>> lsf =  array([0.7842, 1.5605, 1.8776, 1.8984, 2.3593])

    .. seealso:: lsf2poly, poly2rc, poly2qc, rc2is

    #Line spectral frequencies are not defined for complex polynomials.

    # Normalize the polynomial

    a = numpy.array(a)
    if a[0] != 1:

    if max(numpy.abs(numpy.roots(a))) >= 1.0:
        error('The polynomial must have all roots inside of the unit circle.');

    # Form the sum and differnce filters

    p  = len(a)-1   # The leading one in the polynomial is not used
    a1 = numpy.concatenate((a, numpy.array([0])))
    a2 = a1[-1::-1]
    P1 = a1 - a2        # Difference filter
    Q1 = a1 + a2        # Sum Filter

    # If order is even, remove the known root at z = 1 for P1 and z = -1 for Q1
    # If odd, remove both the roots from P1

    if p%2: # Odd order
        P, r = deconvolve(P1,[1, 0 ,-1])
        Q = Q1
    else:          # Even order
        P, r = deconvolve(P1, [1, -1])
        Q, r = deconvolve(Q1, [1,  1])

    rP  = numpy.roots(P)
    rQ  = numpy.roots(Q)

    aP  = numpy.angle(rP[1::2])
    aQ  = numpy.angle(rQ[1::2])

    lsf = sorted(numpy.concatenate((-aP,-aQ)))

    return lsf
Пример #4
def poly2lsf(a):
    """Prediction polynomial to line spectral frequencies.

    converts the prediction polynomial specified by A,
    into the corresponding line spectral frequencies, LSF.
    normalizes the prediction polynomial by A(1).

    .. doctest::

        >>> from spectrum import poly2lsf
        >>> a = [1.0000,  0.6149, 0.9899, 0.0000 ,0.0031, -0.0082]
        >>> lsf = poly2lsf(a)
        >>> lsf =  array([0.7842, 1.5605, 1.8776, 1.8984, 2.3593])

    .. seealso:: lsf2poly, poly2rc, poly2qc, rc2is

    #Line spectral frequencies are not defined for complex polynomials.

    # Normalize the polynomial

    a = numpy.array(a)
    if a[0] != 1:
        a /= a[0]

    if max(numpy.abs(numpy.roots(a))) >= 1.0:
        error('The polynomial must have all roots inside of the unit circle.')

    # Form the sum and differnce filters

    p = len(a) - 1  # The leading one in the polynomial is not used
    a1 = numpy.concatenate((a, numpy.array([0])))
    a2 = a1[-1::-1]
    P1 = a1 - a2  # Difference filter
    Q1 = a1 + a2  # Sum Filter

    # If order is even, remove the known root at z = 1 for P1 and z = -1 for Q1
    # If odd, remove both the roots from P1

    if p % 2:  # Odd order
        P, r = deconvolve(P1, [1, 0, -1])
        Q = Q1
    else:  # Even order
        P, r = deconvolve(P1, [1, -1])
        Q, r = deconvolve(Q1, [1, 1])

    rP = numpy.roots(P)
    rQ = numpy.roots(Q)

    aP = numpy.angle(rP[1::2])
    aQ = numpy.angle(rQ[1::2])

    lsf = sorted(numpy.concatenate((-aP, -aQ)))

    return lsf
Пример #5
def get_irf(
	my_x = np.linspace(0,100,100*resolution)
	my_y = stats.beta.pdf(my_x/100, a, b)
	my_z = np.linspace(0,0,100*resolution)

	irf = signal.deconvolve(my_y, my_z)[1]
	block_response = signal.convolve(irf,my_z)
	basis_function = signal.deconvolve(block_response, my_z)[1] #should be equal to irf

	return irf/irf.sum()
def deconvolve_padded(inpvec, convvec):
    ninp = len(inpvec)
    nconv = len(convvec)
    padinpvec = zeros(len(inpvec) + len(convvec)) * 0j
    padinpvec[nconv / 2:nconv / 2 + ninp] = inpvec[:]
    deconvvec = deconvolve(padinpvec, convvec)
    return deconvvec
Пример #7
def xas_deconvolve(energy, norm=None, group=None, form='gaussian',
                   esigma=1.0, eshift=0.0, _larch=None):
    """XAS spectral deconvolution

    This function de-convolves a normalized mu(E) spectra with a
    peak shape, enhancing separation of XANES features.

    This can be unstable -- Use results with caution!

    energy:   array of x-ray energies, in eV or group
    norm:     array of normalized mu(E)
    group:    output group
    form:     form of deconvolution function. One of
              'gaussian' (default) or 'lorentzian'
    esigma    energy sigma to pass to gaussian() or lorentzian()
              [in eV, default=1.0]
    eshift    energy shift to apply to result. [in eV, default=0]

       The array 'deconv' will be written to the output group.

       Support See First Argument Group convention, requiring group
       members 'energy' and 'norm'
    if _larch is None:
        raise Warning("cannot deconvolve -- larch broken?")

    energy, mu, group = parse_group_args(energy, members=('energy', 'norm'),
                                         defaults=(norm,), group=group,
    eshift = eshift + 0.5 * esigma

    en  = remove_dups(energy)
    en  = en - en[0]
    estep = max(0.001, 0.001*int(min(en[1:]-en[:-1])*1000.0))
    npts = 1  + int(max(en) / estep)

    x = np.arange(npts)*estep
    y = _interp(en, mu, x, kind='linear', _larch=_larch)

    kernel = gaussian
    if form.lower().startswith('lor'):
        kernel = lorentzian

    yext = np.concatenate((y, np.arange(len(y))*y[-1]))
    ret, err = deconvolve(yext, kernel(x, 0, esigma))
    nret = min(len(x), len(ret))

    ret = ret[:nret]*yext[nret-1]/ret[nret-1]
    out = _interp(x+eshift, ret, en, kind='linear', _larch=_larch)

    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)
    group.deconv = out
Пример #8
def xas_deconvolve(energy, norm=None, group=None, form='gaussian',
                   esigma=1.0, eshift=0.0, _larch=None):
    """XAS spectral deconvolution

    This function de-convolves a normalized mu(E) spectra with a
    peak shape, enhancing separation of XANES features.

    This can be unstable -- Use results with caution!

    energy:   array of x-ray energies, in eV or group
    norm:     array of normalized mu(E)
    group:    output group
    form:     form of deconvolution function. One of
              'gaussian' (default) or 'lorentzian'
    esigma    energy sigma to pass to gaussian() or lorentzian()
              [in eV, default=1.0]
    eshift    energy shift to apply to result. [in eV, default=0]

       The array 'deconv' will be written to the output group.

       Support See First Argument Group convention, requiring group
       members 'energy' and 'norm'
    if _larch is None:
        raise Warning("cannot deconvolve -- larch broken?")

    energy, mu, group = parse_group_args(energy, members=('energy', 'norm'),
                                         defaults=(norm,), group=group,
    eshift = eshift + 0.5 * esigma

    en  = remove_dups(energy)
    en  = en - en[0]
    estep = max(0.001, 0.001*int(min(en[1:]-en[:-1])*1000.0))
    npts = 1  + int(max(en) / estep)

    x = np.arange(npts)*estep
    y = _interp(en, mu, x, kind='linear', _larch=_larch)

    kernel = gaussian
    if form.lower().startswith('lor'):
        kernel = lorentzian

    yext = np.concatenate((y, np.arange(len(y))*y[-1]))
    ret, err = deconvolve(yext, kernel(x, 0, esigma))
    nret = min(len(x), len(ret))

    ret = ret[:nret]*yext[nret-1]/ret[nret-1]
    out = _interp(x+eshift, ret, en, kind='linear', _larch=_larch)

    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)
    group.deconv = out
Пример #9
def range_deconv(data, matched_code):
    print("\nRange deconvolution starts ...")
    range_recover = np.zeros((EFFECTIVE_LENGTH, data.shape[1]), dtype='complex')
    for i in tqdm(range(data.shape[1])):
        range_recover[:, i] = deconvolve(data[:, i], matched_code)

    print("Range deconvolution finished!")
    return range_recover
    def _deconvoleSignals(self):
        """ Deconvolves the generator signal from the microphone signal,
            removing the effects of the generator on the signal.
        self.logger.debug("Entering _deconvoleSignals")

        self.system_response = deconvolve(self.microphone_response,self.generator_response)
        # deconvolve function returns a tuple (remainder, deconvolved signal)
        self.system_response = ifft(fft(self.microphone_response) / fft(self.generator_response))
Пример #11
def poly2lsf(a):
    a = a / a[0]
    A = np.r_[a, 0.0]
    B = A[::-1]
    P = A - B
    Q = A + B

    P = deconvolve(P, np.array([1.0, -1.0]))[0]
    Q = deconvolve(Q, np.array([1.0, 1.0]))[0]

    roots_P = np.roots(P)
    roots_Q = np.roots(Q)

    angles_P = np.angle(roots_P[::2])
    angles_Q = np.angle(roots_Q[::2])
    angles_P[angles_P < 0.0] += np.pi
    angles_Q[angles_Q < 0.0] += np.pi
    lsf = np.sort(np.r_[angles_P, angles_Q])
    return lsf
Пример #12
 def magabs_cs2():
     #b.line_plot("magabs_cs", a.frequency*1e-9, a.MagAbs[:, 362])
     #b.line_plot("magabs_cs", a.frequency*1e-9, a.MagAbs[:, 0])
     bg=mean(a.Magcom[:, 0:50], axis=1)
     from scipy.signal import deconvolve
     from numpy import polydiv
     #from numpy import
     print shape(deconvolve(a.Magcom[:, 362], bg)[1])
     print shape(a.frequency[1:]*1e-9)
     b.line_plot("magabs_sub", a.frequency[:]*1e-9,  absolute(mean(a.Magcom[:, 342:382], axis=1))-absolute(bg)+0.02)#a.MagAbs[756:1093, 0])+0.02)
Пример #13
def poly2lsf(a):
    a = a / a[0]
    A = np.r_[a, 0.0]
    B = A[::-1]
    P = A - B
    Q = A + B

    P = deconvolve(P, np.array([1.0, -1.0]))[0]
    Q = deconvolve(Q, np.array([1.0, 1.0]))[0]

    roots_P = np.roots(P)
    roots_Q = np.roots(Q)

    angles_P = np.angle(roots_P[::2])
    angles_Q = np.angle(roots_Q[::2])
    angles_P[angles_P < 0.0] += np.pi
    angles_Q[angles_Q < 0.0] += np.pi
    lsf = np.sort(np.r_[angles_P, angles_Q])
    return lsf
Пример #14
def deconvolveWFM(wfm, impulse_resp, plot=True):
    padL = len(impulse_resp) - 1
    wfm = np.pad(wfm, (0, padL), 'constant')
    precomp, remainder = signal.deconvolve(wfm, impulse_resp)
    if plot:
    return precomp, remainder
Пример #15
 def magabs_cs2():
     #b.line_plot("magabs_cs", a.frequency*1e-9, a.MagAbs[:, 362])
     #b.line_plot("magabs_cs", a.frequency*1e-9, a.MagAbs[:, 0])
     bg = mean(a.Magcom[:, 0:50], axis=1)
     from scipy.signal import deconvolve
     from numpy import polydiv
     #from numpy import
     print shape(deconvolve(a.Magcom[:, 362], bg)[1])
     print shape(a.frequency[1:] * 1e-9)
     b.line_plot("magabs_sub", a.frequency[:] * 1e-9,
                 absolute(mean(a.Magcom[:, 342:382], axis=1)) -
                 absolute(bg) + 0.02)  #a.MagAbs[756:1093, 0])+0.02)
Пример #16
def deconvolution_harmonic(sig1k, sig1kresp, sig1kh, plot_figure=True):
    deconvolved1kq, deconvolved1kr, = deconvolve(sig1k[1::], sig1kresp[1::])

    if plot_figure is True:
        figd = plt.figure()
        axd = figd.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
        axd.plot(t[:-1:], deconvolved1kr, label='original')
        axd.axis([T-1, T,])
        axd.xlim(0, 0.2)
Пример #17
def ma_infinity(phi, theta, Q_long):
    t = [theta] if np.isscalar(theta) else theta.flatten()
    ph = phi.flatten()

    Q = len(t)  # MA order
    P = len(ph)  # AR order
    i1 = np.array([1.0, *t, *np.zeros(Q_long + P + Q)])
    i2 = np.array([1.0, *(-ph)])
    theta_inf = sps.deconvolve(i1, i2)[0]

    theta_inf = theta_inf[1:Q_long + 1]

    return theta_inf
Пример #18
def haroldpolydiv(dividend, divisor):
    Polynomial division wrapped around scipy deconvolve
    function. Takes two arguments and divides the first
    by the second.

    Returns, two arguments: the factor and the remainder,
    both passed through a left zeros trimming function.
    h_factor, h_remainder = (np.trim_zeros(x, 'f')
                             for x in deconvolve(dividend, divisor))

    return h_factor, h_remainder
Пример #19
def deblur(img):
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY).astype(np.float)
    kernel = np.array([1, 2, 4, 2, 1])
    output = np.zeros((gray.shape[0], gray.shape[1] - len(kernel) + 1))
    for idx in range(gray.shape[0]):
        line = gray[idx, :]
        res, remainder = deconvolve(line, kernel)
        output[idx, :] = res
    plt.plot(gray[-1, :-1] - gray[-1, 1:])
    plt.plot(gray[0, :-1] - gray[0, 1:])
    return output
Пример #20
def postprocess(g=None, vt=None):
    length = g.shape[0]
    b = np.array([1, -0.99])
    w = np.zeros(1)
    for j in range(length):
        gj = g[j]
        vtj = vt[j]
        if vtj[0] != 0:
            vtinvj = dsp.deconvolve([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], vtj)[0]
            dgj = dsp.lfilter(b, 1, gj)
            z = dsp.lfilter(vtinvj, 1, dgj)
            z = np.zeros(256)
        w = np.append(w, z)
    return w
Пример #21
def test_deconv_for_dummies():

    I am an idiot who does not understand convolution and deconvolution.
    This test function does things in a very simple manner so I can get to understand them.
    This is how it should, in principal, work.
    However, division by zero kills the scipy function, so I will need my own...
    print ''
    # Simple signal
    sig = np.array([1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 2., 2., 2., 2.,])

    # Simple filter
    filt = np.array([2., 2., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.])

    # Convolving the signal with the filter...
    res = signal.convolve(sig, filt)

    # quotient and remainder after deconvolution
    q, r = signal.deconvolve(res, filt)
    # Still don't have much intuition, but deconvolution removes the filter...
    # i.e. filter = quotient
    print 'signal ', sig
    print 'filter ', filt
    print 'convolution result ', res
    print 'deconvolving the filter from the result: quotient ', q
    print 'deconvolving the filter from the result: remainder ', r

    # Can we get the filter from the signal and the result of the convolution?
    q1, r1 = signal.deconvolve(res, sig)
    print 'Can we get the filter from the signal and the result of the convolution?'
    print 'q1, r1 = signal.deconvolve(res, sig)'
    print 'q1 = filter ', q1
    print 'r1 = remainder ', r1
    print 'Yes! The quotient is now the value I put in for the filter!'
Пример #22
def lpc_to_lsf(lpc_polynomial):
    """This code is inspired by the following:

        lpc_polynomial (list): length n + 1 list of lpc coefficients. Requirements
            is that the polynomial is ordered so that lpc_polynomial[0] == 1

        list: length n list of line spectral frequencies.
    lpc_polynomial = np.array(lpc_polynomial)

    assert lpc_polynomial[0] == 1, \
        'First value in the polynomial must be 1. Considering normalizing.'

    assert max(np.abs(np.roots(lpc_polynomial))) <= 1.0, \
        'The polynomial must have all roots inside of the unit circle.'

    lhs = np.concatenate((lpc_polynomial, np.array([0])))
    rhs = lhs[-1::-1]
    diff_filter = lhs - rhs
    sum_filter = lhs + rhs

    poly_1 = deconvolve(diff_filter, [1, 0, -1])[0] if (len(lpc_polynomial) - 1) % 2 else deconvolve(diff_filter, [1, -1])[0]
    poly_2 = sum_filter if (len(lpc_polynomial) - 1) % 2 else deconvolve(sum_filter, [1, 1])[0]

    roots_poly1 = np.roots(poly_1)
    roots_poly2 = np.roots(poly_2)

    angles_poly1 = np.angle(roots_poly1[1::2])
    angles_poly2 = np.angle(roots_poly2[1::2])

    return sorted(
        np.concatenate((-angles_poly1, -angles_poly2))
Пример #23
def prepare_gs(A_matrix, b_vector, S_matrix, s_vector, N, xs):
    num_states = len(A_matrix[0])
    padded_N = 2 * N - 1
    zero_pads = np.zeros(N - 1)

    kronecker_delt = np.asarray([1] + ([0] * (N - 1)))
    L = np.empty((padded_N, num_states, 1),
                 dtype=complex)  # FFT of the reciprocal of z

    # step: create reciprocals
    for i in range(num_states):
        temp_v = kronecker_delt - (A_matrix[i, i] * S_matrix[i, i].pmf(xs))
        reciprocal, _ = deconvolve(np.append(kronecker_delt, zero_pads),
        L[:, i, 0] = pfftw(np.append(reciprocal,
                                     zero_pads))  # FFT of reciprocals

    # step: deconv entire problem matrix and vector
    C_matrix = np.empty((padded_N, num_states, num_states),
                        dtype=complex)  # FFT matrix
    d_vector = np.empty((padded_N, num_states, 1), dtype=complex)  # FFT vector

    for i in range(num_states):
        d_vector[:, i, 0] = pfftw(
            np.append(b_vector[i] * s_vector[i].pmf(xs), zero_pads))
        for j in range(num_states):
            if i == j:
                C_matrix[:, i, j] = pfftw(np.zeros(padded_N))
            C_matrix[:, i,
                     j] = pfftw(np.append(S_matrix[i, j].pmf(xs), zero_pads))

    K_matrix = A_matrix * C_matrix * L
    kappa_vector = d_vector * L

    # step: zeropad H matrix
    for i in range(num_states):
        temp_v = ipfftw(kappa_vector[:, i, 0])
        temp_v[N:] = 0
        kappa_vector[:, i, 0] = pfftw(temp_v)

        for j in range(num_states):
            temp_v = ipfftw(K_matrix[:, i, j])
            temp_v[N:] = 0
            K_matrix[:, i, j] = pfftw(temp_v)

    return K_matrix, kappa_vector
Пример #24
def deconvolve_signal(L: scipysig.dlti, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    """Deconvolve a signal x using a specified transfer function L(z)
    L : scipy.signal.dlti
        Discrete-time rational transfer function used to
        deconvolve the signal
    x : np.ndarray
        Signal to deconvolve

    signal : np.ndarray
        Deconvolved signal
    dt = L.dt
    impulse = scipysig.dimpulse(L)[1][0].flatten()
    idx1 = np.argwhere(impulse != 0)[0].item()
    idx2 = np.argwhere(np.isclose(impulse[idx1:], 0.) == True)
    idx2 = -1 if idx2.size == 0 else idx2[0].item()
    signal, _ = scipysig.deconvolve(x, impulse[idx1:idx2])
    return signal[np.argwhere(impulse != 0)[0].item():]
Пример #25
def do_continuous_deconv(data, kernel, times):
    from scipy.signal import deconvolve
    # zero padding
    kernel_nsamp = np.round(kernel.shape[-1]).astype(int)
    zeropad = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1] + (kernel_nsamp, ))
    zeropadded = np.c_[zeropad, data, zeropad]
    print('  Continuous deconvolution...')
    len_deconv = zeropadded.shape[-1] - kernel_nsamp + 1
    times = times[:len_deconv - 2 * kernel_nsamp]  # no zeropad
    deconvolved = np.full(zeropadded.shape[:-1] + (len_deconv, ), np.inf)
    # do deconvolution
    for _trial in range(zeropadded.shape[0]):
        for _gap in range(zeropadded.shape[1]):
            for _attn in range(zeropadded.shape[2]):
                for _band in range(zeropadded.shape[3]):
                    signal = zeropadded[_trial, _gap, _attn, _band, :]
                    (deconvolved[_trial, _gap, _attn,
                                 _band, :], _) = deconvolve(signal, kernel)
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(deconvolved))
    # remove zero padding
    deconvolved = deconvolved[:, :, :, :, kernel_nsamp:-kernel_nsamp]
    return deconvolved, times
Пример #26
def smart_sub_shit(mask, div_length):
    max_val = max(mask)
    divisor = []
    quotient = []
    subdivisor = []
    found_divisor = False
    for submask in itertools.product(range(-max_val, max_val)[::-1], repeat=div_length):
        if not submask[0]:
        quotient, remainder = deconvolve(mask, submask)
        if sum(abs(remainder)) == 0:
            divisor = submask
            found_divisor = True
    if not found_divisor:
        if div_length < len(mask)-1:
            smart_sub_shit(mask, div_length+1)
            print("Divisor {} can't be split anymore.".format(mask))
        if len(quotient) > 2:
            subdivisor = smart_sub_shit(quotient.astype("int"), 2)
    return {"Quotient": quotient, "Divisor": list(divisor), "Subdivisor": subdivisor}
Пример #27
def haroldpolydiv(dividend, divisor):
    Polynomial division wrapped around :func:`scipy.signal.deconvolve`
    function. Takes two arguments and divides the first
    by the second.

    dividend : (n,) array_like
        The polynomial to be divided
    divisor : (m,) array_like
        The polynomial that divides

    factor : ndarray
        The resulting polynomial coeffients of the factor
    remainder : ndarray
        The resulting polynomial coefficients of the remainder


    >>> a = np.array([2, 3, 4 ,6])
    >>> b = np.array([1, 3, 6])
    >>> haroldpolydiv(a, b)
    (array([ 2., -3.]), array([ 1., 24.]))
    >>> c = np.array([1, 3, 3, 1])
    >>> d = np.array([1, 2, 1])
    >>> haroldpolydiv(c, d)
    (array([1., 1.]), array([], dtype=float64))

    h_factor, h_remainder = (np.trim_zeros(x, 'f') for x
                             in deconvolve(dividend, divisor))

    return h_factor, h_remainder
Пример #28
def haroldpolydiv(dividend, divisor):
    Polynomial division wrapped around :func:`scipy.signal.deconvolve`
    function. Takes two arguments and divides the first
    by the second.

    dividend : (n,) array_like
        The polynomial to be divided
    divisor : (m,) array_like
        The polynomial that divides

    factor : ndarray
        The resulting polynomial coeffients of the factor
    remainder : ndarray
        The resulting polynomial coefficients of the remainder


    >>> a = np.array([2, 3, 4 ,6])
    >>> b = np.array([1, 3, 6])
    >>> haroldpolydiv(a, b)
    (array([ 2., -3.]), array([ 1., 24.]))
    >>> c = np.array([1, 3, 3, 1])
    >>> d = np.array([1, 2, 1])
    >>> haroldpolydiv(c, d)
    (array([1., 1.]), array([], dtype=float64))

    h_factor, h_remainder = (np.trim_zeros(x, 'f')
                             for x in sig.deconvolve(dividend, divisor))

    return h_factor, h_remainder
Пример #29
    rhohat4a, cov_x4a, infodict, mesg, ier = arest02.fit((0,0,2))
    print rhohat4a
    print cov_x4a
    err4a = arest02.errfn(x=y4)
    print np.var(err4a)
    sige = np.sqrt(np.dot(err4a,err4a)/nsample)
    print sige
    print sige * np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_x4a))
    print np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_x4a))
    print arest02.rhoy
    print arest02.rhoe
    print "true"
    print ar
    print ma
    import gwstatsmodels.api as sm
    print sm.regression.yule_walker(y4, order=2, method='mle', inv=True)

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    ar1, ar2 = ([1, -0.4], [1, 0.5])
    ar2 = [1, -1]
    lagpolyproduct = np.convolve(ar1, ar2)
    print deconvolve(lagpolyproduct, ar2, n=None)
    print signal.deconvolve(lagpolyproduct, ar2)
    print deconvolve(lagpolyproduct, ar2, n=10)

xx_arr = screen_meas00.x
gauss = np.exp(-(xx_arr-np.mean(xx_arr))**2/(2*beamsize**2))/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*beamsize)

mask_gauss = gauss>0.2*gauss.max()
cut_gauss = gauss[mask_gauss]
cut_xx = xx_arr[mask_gauss]
cut_gauss /= cut_gauss.sum()

convoluted_screen = convolve(screen_meas00.intensity, cut_gauss)
diff = np.diff(xx_arr).mean()
convolved_xx = np.arange(0, len(convoluted_screen)*diff, diff) - len(cut_gauss)/2*diff

zero_arr = np.zeros([len(cut_gauss)//2])
intensity_padded = np.concatenate([zero_arr, screen_meas.intensity, zero_arr[:-1]])
deconvolved, remainder = deconvolve(intensity_padded, cut_gauss)

#random_distortion = np.random.randn(len(convoluted_screen))*0.01*convoluted_screen.max()
#random_distortion = 0
#deconvolved, remainder = deconvolve(intensity_padded, cut_gauss)

screen_decon = tracking.ScreenDistribution(screen_meas.x, deconvolved)


subplot = ms.subplot_factory(2,2)
sp_ctr = 1

sp0 = subplot(1, title='Screens')
step[len(step)/2:] = 1.0

plt.plot(x_times, step, color='black', label='Input step fn')

# Convolve step function with impulse response
step_response = np.convolve(h(h_times, tau), step, mode='valid')
plt.plot(h_times, step_response[:-1]/step_response.max(), color='green',
        marker='.', label='system response')
plt.title('Response to Step Function')

# Deconvolve to recover original signal
h_array = h(h_times, tau)

# Pad step_response(t) to be longer than h(t)
step_response = np.concatenate([np.zeros(len(h_times)), step_response,

x_reconstructed = signal.deconvolve(step_response, h_array)

x_len = len(step_response) - len(h_times) + 1
x_reconstructed_times = np.arange(-dt*x_len/2, dt*(x_len/2-1), dt)

plt.plot(x_reconstructed_times, x_reconstructed[0][:-1], color='blue', ls='',
        marker='s', label='recovered step fn')

Пример #32
def estimate_drivers(t_gsr, gsr, T1=0.75, T2=2, MX=1, DELTA_PEAK=0.02, FS=None, k_near=5, grid_size=5, s=0.2):
    TIME_DRV, DRV, PH_DRV, TN_DRV = estimate_drivers(TIME_GSR, GSR, T1, T2, MX, DELTA_PEAK):

    Estimates the various driving components of a GSR signal.
    The IRF is a bateman function defined by the gen_bateman function.
    T1, T2, MX and DELTA_PEAK are modificable parameters (optimal 0.75, 2, 1, 0.02)
    k_near and grid_size are optional parameters, relative to the process
    s= t in seconds of gaussian smoothing
    if FS==None:
        FS = 1/( t_gsr[1] - t_gsr[0])

    # step 1: DECONVOLUTION

    # generating bateman function and tailored gsr
    bateman, t_bat, gsr_in = gen_bateman(MX, T1, T2, FS, gsr)
    L =len(bateman[0:np.argmax(bateman)])
    # deconvolution
    driver, residuals=spy.deconvolve(gsr_in, bateman)
    driver = driver * FS
    # gaussian smoothing (s=200 ms)
    degree = int(np.ceil(s*FS))
    driver=smoothGaussian(driver, degree)

    # generating times
    t_driver = np.arange(-L/FS, -L/FS+len(driver)/FS, 1/FS) + t_gsr[0]

    driver = driver[L*2:]
    t_driver = t_driver[L*2:]

    # peak detection
    # we will use "our" peakdet algorithm
#    DELTA_PEAK = np.median(abs(np.diff(driver, n=2)))
    max_driv, min_driv_temp = peakdet(driver, DELTA_PEAK)

    max_driv_temp, min_driv = peakdet(driver, DELTA_MIN)

    # check alternance algorithm based on mean>0
    maxmin[(max_driv[:,0]).astype(np.uint32)] =  1
    maxmin[(min_driv[:,0]).astype(np.uint32)] = -1

                OLD CODE
    markers= np.zeros(len(driver))
    while (index<len(maxmin)):
        if maxmin[index]==-1:
            portion = maxmin[prev+1: index-1]
            if np.mean(portion)<=0: # there is not a maximum between two mins
                markers[prev] = markers[prev] + 1
                markers[index] = markers[index] - 1
        index +=1

    start = np.arange(len(markers))[markers==1]
    end = np.arange(len(markers))[markers==-1]

    # create array of interimpulse indexes
    inter_impulse_indexes = np.array([0])
    for i in range(len(start)):
        inter_impulse_indexes = np.r_[inter_impulse_indexes, range(start[i], end[i]+1)]
    inter_impulse_indexes = np.r_[inter_impulse_indexes, len(markers)-1]
    inter_impulse_indexes, min_idx=get_interpolation_indexes(max_driv, driver, n=k_near)

    inter_impulse = driver[inter_impulse_indexes.astype(np.uint16)]
    t_inter_impulse = t_driver[inter_impulse_indexes.astype(np.uint16)]

    # interpolation with time grid 10s
    t_inter_impulse_grid = np.arange(t_driver[0], t_driver[-1], grid_size)

    # estimating values on the time-grid

    for index in range(1, len(t_inter_impulse_grid)-1):
        ind_start = np.argmin(abs(t_inter_impulse - t_inter_impulse_grid[index-1]))
        ind_end = np.argmin(abs(t_inter_impulse - t_inter_impulse_grid[index+1]))

        if ind_end>ind_start:
        inter_impulse_10 = np.r_[inter_impulse_10, value]

    inter_impulse_10 = np.r_[inter_impulse_10, np.mean(inter_impulse[ind_end:])]

    t_inter_impulse_grid  = np.r_[t_inter_impulse_grid , t_driver[-1]]
    inter_impulse_10 = np.r_[inter_impulse_10, driver[-1]]

    f = interp1d(t_inter_impulse_grid, inter_impulse_10, kind='cubic')

    tonic_driver = f(t_driver)

    phasic_driver = driver - tonic_driver

    return t_driver, driver, phasic_driver, tonic_driver
Пример #33
    rhohat4a, cov_x4a, infodict, mesg, ier = arest02.fit((0,0,2))
    print rhohat4a
    print cov_x4a
    err4a = arest02.errfn(x=y4)
    print np.var(err4a)
    sige = np.sqrt(np.dot(err4a,err4a)/nsample)
    print sige
    print sige * np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_x4a))
    print np.sqrt(np.diag(cov_x4a))
    print arest02.rhoy
    print arest02.rhoe
    print "true"
    print ar
    print ma
    import statsmodels.api as sm
    print sm.regression.yule_walker(y4, order=2, method='mle', inv=True)

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    ar1, ar2 = ([1, -0.4], [1, 0.5])
    ar2 = [1, -1]
    lagpolyproduct = np.convolve(ar1, ar2)
    print deconvolve(lagpolyproduct, ar2, n=None)
    print signal.deconvolve(lagpolyproduct, ar2)
    print deconvolve(lagpolyproduct, ar2, n=10)

         zscores_zeropadded = np.c_[zeropad, zscores_downsamp, zeropad]
         print('  Continuous deconvolution...')
         len_deconv = zscores_zeropadded.shape[-1] - ksamp + 1
         t_cont = t_downsamp[:len_deconv - 2 * ksamp]  # don't zeropad
         fit_continuous_deconv = np.empty(zscores_zeropadded.shape[:-1] +
         fit_continuous_deconv[:] = np.inf
         for _trial in range(zscores_zeropadded.shape[0]):
             for _gap in range(zscores_zeropadded.shape[1]):
                 for _attn in range(zscores_zeropadded.shape[2]):
                     for _band in range(zscores_zeropadded.shape[3]):
                         signal = zscores_zeropadded[_trial, _gap, _attn,
                                                     _band, :]
                         (fit_continuous_deconv[_trial, _gap, _attn,
                                                _band, :],
                          _) = ss.deconvolve(signal, kernel_downsamp)
         assert not np.any(fit_continuous_deconv == np.inf)
         # remove zero padding
         fit_continuous_deconv = fit_continuous_deconv[:, :, :, :,
     # combine results from different kernels
     if run_continuous_deconv:
 # finish subject
 if run_continuous_deconv:
 print('  Done: {} sec.'.format(str(round(time.time() - t0, 1))))
Пример #35
    else:  #ToDo: automatic parameters choice when None is recognized
            "Functionality in development, please enter parameters manually.\n"
        params = [2.2, 0.91]  #default parameters
        ker = kernel_selection('lognormal', params, time)  #default kernel

    # ToDo: initial+final ramp, which will change dim_t

    # decovolution script
    twoseconds = int(round(2 / t_step))  # index corresponding to 2s
    newdim_t = dim_t - twoseconds + 1  # deconvolution samples : n-m+1
    activities = np.zeros((newdim_t, dim_x, dim_y))
    for i in range(dim_x):
        for j in range(dim_y):
            activities[:, i, j] = deconvolve(imgseq_array[:, i, j],

    #ToDo: add kernel plot and original/processed normalized plot
    Old method, it doesn't work properly (the ouput block doesn't work as input for the other pipeline modules)
    # re-converting into analogsignal
    signal = activity.reshape((dim_t, dim_x * dim_y))
    asig = block.segments[0].analogsignals[0].duplicate_with_new_data(signal)
    asig.name += ""
    asig.description += "Deconvoluted activity using the given {} kernel"\
    block.segments[0].analogsignals[0] = asig
Пример #36
def xas_deconvolve(energy, norm=None, group=None, form='lorentzian',
                   esigma=1.0, eshift=0.0, smooth=True,
                   sgwindow=None, sgorder=3, _larch=None):
    """XAS spectral deconvolution

    de-convolve a normalized mu(E) spectra with a peak shape, enhancing the
    intensity and separation of peaks of a XANES spectrum.

    The results can be unstable, and noisy, and should be used
    with caution!

    energy:   array of x-ray energies (in eV) or XAFS data group
    norm:     array of normalized mu(E)
    group:    output group
    form:     functional form of deconvolution function. One of
              'gaussian' or 'lorentzian' [default]
    esigma    energy sigma to pass to gaussian() or lorentzian()
              [in eV, default=1.0]
    eshift    energy shift to apply to result. [in eV, default=0]
    smooth    whether to smooth result with savitzky_golay method [True]
    sgwindow  window size for savitzky_golay [found from data step and esigma]
    sgorder   order for savitzky_golay [3]

       The array 'deconv' will be written to the output group.

       Support See First Argument Group convention, requiring group
       members 'energy' and 'norm'

       Smoothing with savitzky_golay() requires a window and order.  By
       default, window = int(esigma / estep) where estep is step size for
       the gridded data, approximately the finest energy step in the data.

    energy, mu, group = parse_group_args(energy, members=('energy', 'norm'),
                                         defaults=(norm,), group=group,
    eshift = eshift + 0.5 * esigma

    en  = remove_dups(energy)
    en  = en - en[0]
    estep = max(0.001, 0.001*int(min(en[1:]-en[:-1])*1000.0))
    npts = 1  + int(max(en) / estep)

    x = np.arange(npts)*estep
    y = interp(en, mu, x, kind='cubic')

    kernel = lorentzian
    if form.lower().startswith('g'):
        kernel = gaussian

    yext = np.concatenate((y, np.arange(len(y))*y[-1]))
    ret, err = deconvolve(yext, kernel(x, center=0, sigma=esigma))
    nret = min(len(x), len(ret))

    ret = ret[:nret]*yext[nret-1]/ret[nret-1]
    if smooth:
        if sgwindow is None:
            sgwindow = int(1.0*esigma/estep)

        sqwindow = int(sgwindow)
        if sgwindow < (sgorder+1):
            sgwindow = sgorder + 2
        if sgwindow % 2 == 0:
            sgwindow += 1
        ret = savitzky_golay(ret, sgwindow, sgorder)

    out = interp(x+eshift, ret, en, kind='cubic')
    group = set_xafsGroup(group, _larch=_larch)
    group.deconv = out
Пример #37
def pmtx(mtx):
    print ('\n'.join(''.join(' %4s' % col for col in row) for row in mtx))
def convolve(f, h):
    g = [0] * (len(f) + len(h) - 1)
    for hindex, hval in enumerate(h):
        for findex, fval in enumerate(f):
            g[hindex + findex] += fval * hval
    return g
def deconvolve(g, f):
    lenh = len(g) - len(f) + 1
    mtx = [[0 for x in range(lenh+1)] for y in g]
    for hindex in range(lenh):
        for findex, fval in enumerate(f):
            gindex = hindex + findex
            mtx[gindex][hindex] = fval
    for gindex, gval in enumerate(g):        
        mtx[gindex][lenh] = gval
    ToReducedRowEchelonForm( mtx )
    return [mtx[i][lenh] for i in range(lenh)]  # h
h = [-8,-9,-3,-1,-6,7]
f = [-3,-6,-1,8,-6,3,-1,-9,-9,3,-2,5,2,-2,-7,-1]
g = [24,75,71,-34,3,22,-45,23,245,25,52,25,-67,-96,96,31,55,36,29,-43,-7]
print h
print f
print g
out =signal.deconvolve(g, f) 
print out
Пример #38
# orig = np.r_[0, 4, 6, 9, 7, 5, np.zeros(14)]
# pmf = poisson.pmf(range(9), b)
# plt.plot(pmf)
# plt.show()

blur = convolve(orig, pmf, mode="full")


# http://freerangestats.info/blog/2020/07/18/victoria-r-convolution
def deconv(observed, kernel):
    k = len(kernel)
    padded = np.r_[np.zeros(k), observed]

    def error(x):
        return sum(convolve(x, kernel, mode="same")[:len(padded)] - padded)**2

    res = minimize(error, np.r_[observed, np.zeros(k)], method="L-BFGS-B")
    return res.x

I_deconv, _ = deconvolve(obs, pmf)
# plt.plot(orig, label = "original")
plt.plot(obs, label="observed")
plt.plot(I_deconv, label="deconvolved")
Пример #39

img = cv2.imread("ronaldo.jpg")
cv2.imshow('img1', img)

dimen = (np.shape(img))
imgkey2 = cv2.resize(imgkey, (dimen[1], dimen[0]))
cv2.imshow('img2', (imgkey2))

imgkeystraight = np.reshape(imgkey2, (np.size(img)))

sign = np.reshape(img, (np.size(img)))
encrypimg = np.int32(sign) * imgkeystraight
key = np.int32(10 * np.sin(np.linspace(1, 10, 10)))
newsig = sig.convolve(key, encrypimg)
recoveredsig, remain = sig.deconvolve(newsig, key)

    'img3', np.reshape(np.uint8(np.divide(recoveredsig, imgkeystraight)),
Пример #40
TS = np.arange(T / ws) * ws
FS = np.arange(fs * ws) / ws
FS, TS = np.meshgrid(FS, TS)
fig1 = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111, projection="3d")
ax1.plot_surface(TS, FS, np.abs(SIG1KRESPS), cmap="autumn_r", lw=0.5, rstride=1, cstride=1)
ax1.azim = -90  # } set axit to top view
ax1.elev = 90  # }

# F = np.arange(-fs / 2, fs / 2, 1 / T)
F = np.arange(0, fs, 1 / T)

#from scipy import fftpack
#from scipy import signal

deconvolved1kq, deconvolved1kr,= deconvolve(sig1k[1::], sig1kresp[1::])

plt.plot(t, sig1k, t, sig1kresp)
#plt.axis([T-1, T,])
plt.xlim(0, 0.2)

plt.plot(F, np.abs(SIG1K), F, np.abs(SIG1KRESP))
plt.xlim(0, fs / 2)

#plt.plot(t[:-1:], deconvolved1kr)
#plt.axis([T-1, T,])
(dates_D, Rt_D, Rtu_D, Rtl_D, *_) = analytical_MPVS(df[state][:, "delta",

plt.Rt(dates_I, Rt_I, Rtu_I, Rtl_I, CI)\
    .title(f"{state} - $R_t(I)$ estimator")
plt.Rt(dates_D, Rt_D, Rtu_D, Rtl_D, CI)\
    .title(f"{state} - $R_t(D)$ estimator")


KA_dD = df["KA"][:, "delta", "deceased"]
KA_D = KA_dD.cumsum()
L = 14
dist = Exponential(scale=1 / L)
pmf = dist.pdf(np.linspace(dist.ppf(0.005), dist.ppf(1 - 0.005)))
pmf /= pmf.sum()

D_deconv, _ = deconvolve(KA_D, pmf)
D_deconv *= 1 / 0.02
plt.plot(KA_D.values.clip(0.1), label="deaths")
plt.plot(D_deconv.clip(0.1), label="deconv")
# plt.semilogy()
         step_response[:-1] / step_response.max(),
         label='system response')
plt.title('Response to Step Function')

# Deconvolve to recover original signal
h_array = h(h_times, tau)

# Pad step_response(t) to be longer than h(t)
step_response = np.concatenate(
    [np.zeros(len(h_times)), step_response,

x_reconstructed = signal.deconvolve(step_response, h_array)

x_len = len(step_response) - len(h_times) + 1
x_reconstructed_times = np.arange(-dt * x_len / 2, dt * (x_len / 2 - 1), dt)

         label='recovered step fn')

Пример #43
    grad_4_part_1 = (final  - current_label) / 1
    grad_4_part_3 = layer_3_act
    grad_4 = grad_4_part_3.T.dot(grad_4_part_1) 

    grad_3_part_1 = grad_4_part_1.dot(w4.T)
    grad_3_part_2 =  d_sigmoid(layer_3)
    grad_3_part_3 =   layer_2_act.reshape((1,4*4))
    grad_3   = grad_3_part_3.T.dot(grad_3_part_1 * grad_3_part_2)     

    grad_2_part_1 = (grad_3_part_1* grad_3_part_2).dot(w3.T).reshape((4,4))
    grad_2_part_2 =    d_sigmoid(layer_2)
    grad_2_part_3 =     layer_1_act
    grad_2 = signal.convolve2d(grad_2_part_3,(grad_2_part_1 * grad_2_part_2), mode='valid')

    grad_1_part_1,s = signal.deconvolve( (grad_2_part_1 * grad_2_part_2)[-1,:],w2.T[-1,:])
    grad_1_part_2 = d_sigmoid(layer_1)
    grad_1_part_3 = current_x_data
    # grad_1 = 

    print (grad_2_part_1 * grad_2_part_2).shape
    print w2.shape
    print    grad_1_part_2.shape  

# ----- END CODE -----
Пример #44
dmax = 20.0                     # Maximum depth up to which to generate model output
d = np.linspace(0,dmax,N)       # Depth grid
dd = d[1] - d[0]                # Depth grid spacing
Na = int(da/dd)                 # Grid point index corresponding to d = da
Nb = int(db/dd)                 # Grid point index corresponding to d = db

g_avs = impulse(g,d)            # Impulse response function (with averaging applied to remove singularity)

M = N                           # Length of inverse filter response w(R)
d_w = np.arange(M)*dd           # Depth grid for w(R)
Nd = M + N - 1                  # Number of output samples needed to obtain the inverse filter response of the required length

yd = D0*np.ones(Nd)             # Heaviside step function of length Nd

# Perform deconvolution of the step function with the averaged impulse response
w, remainder = signal.deconvolve(yd,g_avs)
w /= dd                        # Divide by grid spacing to obtain an approxiamtion of the continuous-valued weighting function

w2 = back_transform(w,da,db,d)

# Obtain the spread-out Bragg peak by deconvolution (cf. Bortfeld & Schlegel (1996), Eq. (B1))
SOBP = dd * signal.convolve(w2,g_avs[::-1])
SOBP = SOBP[N-1:]               # Remove boundary effects at the beginning of the convolution output

# Figure 1: Illustration of the Bragg peak
Ncont = 2001                        # More finely spaced, 'continuous' grid for plotting exact solution
dcont = np.linspace(0,dmax,Ncont)
dx_cont = dcont[1] - dcont[0]

gx = Bragg_peak(db,dcont)           # Exact Bragg peak (Bortfeld & Schlegel, Eq. (3))