def test_gbt_with_sio_tf_and_zpk(self):
        """Test method='gbt' with alpha=0.25 for tf and zpk cases."""
        # State space coefficients for the continuous SIO system.
        A = -1.0
        B = 1.0
        C = 1.0
        D = 0.5

        # The continuous transfer function coefficients.
        cnum, cden = ss2tf(A, B, C, D)

        # Continuous zpk representation
        cz, cp, ck = ss2zpk(A, B, C, D)

        h = 1.0
        alpha = 0.25

        # Explicit formulas, in the scalar case.
        Ad = (1 + (1 - alpha) * h * A) / (1 - alpha * h * A)
        Bd = h * B / (1 - alpha * h * A)
        Cd = C / (1 - alpha * h * A)
        Dd = D + alpha * C * Bd

        # Convert the explicit solution to tf
        dnum, dden = ss2tf(Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd)

        # Compute the discrete tf using cont2discrete.
        c2dnum, c2dden, dt = c2d((cnum, cden), h, method='gbt', alpha=alpha)

        assert_allclose(dnum, c2dnum)
        assert_allclose(dden, c2dden)

        # Convert explicit solution to zpk.
        dz, dp, dk = ss2zpk(Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd)

        # Compute the discrete zpk using cont2discrete.
        c2dz, c2dp, c2dk, dt = c2d((cz, cp, ck), h, method='gbt', alpha=alpha)

        assert_allclose(dz, c2dz)
        assert_allclose(dp, c2dp)
        assert_allclose(dk, c2dk)
Пример #2
    def test_gbt_with_sio_tf_and_zpk(self):
        """Test method='gbt' with alpha=0.25 for tf and zpk cases."""
        # State space coefficients for the continuous SIO system.
        A = -1.0
        B = 1.0
        C = 1.0
        D = 0.5

        # The continuous transfer function coefficients.
        cnum, cden = ss2tf(A, B, C, D)

        # Continuous zpk representation
        cz, cp, ck = ss2zpk(A, B, C, D)

        h = 1.0
        alpha = 0.25

        # Explicit formulas, in the scalar case.
        Ad = (1 + (1 - alpha) * h * A) / (1 - alpha * h * A)
        Bd = h * B / (1 - alpha * h * A)
        Cd = C / (1 - alpha * h * A)
        Dd = D + alpha * C * Bd

        # Convert the explicit solution to tf
        dnum, dden = ss2tf(Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd)

        # Compute the discrete tf using cont2discrete.
        c2dnum, c2dden, dt = d2c((cnum, cden), h, method='gbt', alpha=alpha)

        assert_allclose(dnum, c2dnum)
        assert_allclose(dden, c2dden)

        # Convert explicit solution to zpk.
        dz, dp, dk = ss2zpk(Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd)

        # Compute the discrete zpk using cont2discrete.
        c2dz, c2dp, c2dk, dt = d2c((cz, cp, ck), h, method='gbt', alpha=alpha)

        assert_allclose(dz, c2dz)
        assert_allclose(dp, c2dp)
        assert_allclose(dk, c2dk)
Пример #3
def pole_zero(sys, xlim=None, ylim=None, figax=None, rcParams=None):
    if len(sys) == 2:
        z, p, k = signal.tf2zpk(*sys)
    elif len(sys) == 3:
        z, p, k = sys
    elif len(sys) == 4:
        z, p, k = signal.ss2zpk(*sys)
sys must have 2 (transfer function), 3 (zeros, poles, gain),
or 4 (state space) elements. sys is: {}""".format(sys))

    return _pole_zero(z, p, k, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, figax=figax,
Пример #4
def _get_zpk(arg, input=0):
    """Utility method to convert the input arg to a z, p, k representation.


    arg, which may be:

    * ZPK tuple,
    * num, den tuple,
    * A, B, C, D tuple,
    * a scipy LTI object,
    * a sequence of the tuples of any of the above types.

    input : scalar
        In case the system has multiple inputs, which input is to be
        considered. Input `0` means first input, and so on.


    The sequence of ndarrays z, p and a scalar k


    TypeError, ValueError

    .. warn: support for MISO transfer functions is experimental.
    z, p, k = None, None, None
    if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
        # ABCD matrix
        A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(arg)
        z, p, k = ss2zpk(A, B, C, D, input=input)
    elif isinstance(arg, lti):
        z, p, k = arg.zeros, arg.poles, arg.gain
    elif _is_zpk(arg):
        z, p, k = np.atleast_1d(arg[0]), np.atleast_1d(arg[1]), arg[2]
    elif _is_num_den(arg):
        sys = lti(*arg).to_zpk()
        z, p, k = sys.zeros, sys.poles, sys.gain
    elif _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
        z, p, k = ss2zpk(*arg, input=input)
    elif isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable):
        ri = 0
        for i in arg:
            # Note we do not check if the user has assembled a list with
            # mismatched lti representations.
            if hasattr(i, 'B'):
                iis = i.B.shape[1]
                if input < ri + iis:
                    z, p, k = ss2zpk(i.A, i.B, i.C, i.D, input=input - ri)
                    ri += iis
            elif _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
                iis = arg[1].shape[1]
                if input < ri + iis:
                    z, p, k = ss2zpk(*arg, input=input - ri)
                    ri += iis
                if ri == input:
                    sys = lti(*i)
                    z, p, k = sys.zeros, sys.poles, sys.gain
                    ri += 1
                ri += 1
        if (z, p, k) == (None, None, None):
            raise ValueError("The LTI representation does not have enough" +
                             "inputs: max %d, looking for input %d" %
                             (ri - 1, input))
        raise TypeError("Unknown LTI representation: %s" % arg)
    return z, p, k
Пример #5
    def filter(self, *filt):
        """Apply the given filter to this `TimeSeries`.

        All recognised filter arguments are converted either into cascading
        second-order sections (if scipy >= 0.16 is installed), or into the
        ``(numerator, denominator)`` representation before being applied
        to this `TimeSeries`.

        .. note::

           All filters are presumed to be digital (Z-domain), if you have
           an analog ZPK (in Hertz or in rad/s) you should be using
           `TimeSeries.zpk` instead.

        .. note::

           When using `scipy` < 0.16 some higher-order filters may be
           unstable. With `scipy` >= 0.16 higher-order filters are
           decomposed into second-order-sections, and so are much more stable.

            one of:

            - :class:`scipy.signal.lti`
            - `MxN` `numpy.ndarray` of second-order-sections
              (`scipy` >= 0.16 only)
            - ``(numerator, denominator)`` polynomials
            - ``(zeros, poles, gain)``
            - ``(A, B, C, D)`` 'state-space' representation

        result : `TimeSeries`
            the filtered version of the input `TimeSeries`

        See also
            for instructions on how to filter using a ZPK with frequencies
            in Hertz
            for details on the second-order section filtering method
            (`scipy` >= 0.16 only)
            for details on the filtering method

            If ``filt`` arguments cannot be interpreted properly
        sos = None
        # single argument given
        if len(filt) == 1:
            filt = filt[0]
            # detect LTI
            if isinstance(filt, signal.lti):
                filt = filt
                a = filt.den
                b = filt.num
            # detect SOS
            elif isinstance(filt, numpy.ndarray) and filt.ndim == 2:
                sos = filt
            # detect taps
                b = filt
                a = [1]
        # detect TF
        elif len(filt) == 2:
            b, a = filt
        elif len(filt) == 3:
                sos = signal.zpk2sos(*filt)
            except AttributeError:
                b, a = signal.zpk2tf(*filt)
        elif len(filt) == 4:
                zpk = signal.ss2zpk(*filt)
                sos = signal.zpk2sos(zpk)
            except AttributeError:
                b, a = signal.ss2tf(*filt)
            raise ValueError("Cannot interpret filter arguments. Please "
                             "give either a signal.lti object, or a "
                             "tuple in zpk or ba format. See "
                             "scipy.signal docs for details.")
        if sos is not None:
            new = signal.sosfilt(sos, self, axis=0).view(self.__class__)
            new = signal.lfilter(b, a, self, axis=0).view(self.__class__)
        new.__dict__ = self.copy_metadata()
        return new
Пример #6
def _get_zpk(arg, input=0):
    """Utility method to convert the input arg to a z, p, k representation.


    arg, which may be:

    * ZPK tuple,
    * num, den tuple,
    * A, B, C, D tuple,
    * a scipy LTI object,
    * a sequence of the tuples of any of the above types.

    input : scalar
        In case the system has multiple inputs, which input is to be
        considered. Input `0` means first input, and so on.


    The sequence of ndarrays z, p and a scalar k


    TypeError, ValueError

    .. warn: support for MISO transfer functions is experimental.
    z, p, k = None, None, None
    if isinstance(arg, np.ndarray):
        # ABCD matrix
        A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(arg)
        z, p, k = ss2zpk(A, B, C, D, input=input)
    elif hasattr(arg, '__class__') and arg.__class__.__name__ == 'lti':
        z, p, k = arg.zeros, arg.poles, arg.gain
    elif _is_zpk(arg):
        z, p, k = np.atleast_1d(arg[0]), np.atleast_1d(arg[1]), arg[2]
    elif _is_num_den(arg):
        sys = lti(*arg)
        z, p, k = sys.zeros, sys.poles, sys.gain
    elif _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
        z, p, k = ss2zpk(*arg, input=input)
    elif isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable):
        ri = 0
        for i in arg:
            # Note we do not check if the user has assembled a list with
            # mismatched lti representations.
            if hasattr(i, 'B'):
                iis = i.B.shape[1]
                if input < ri + iis:
                    z, p, k = ss2zpk(i.A, i.B, i.C, i.D, input=input - ri)
                    ri += iis
            elif _is_A_B_C_D(arg):
                iis = arg[1].shape[1]
                if input < ri + iis:
                    z, p, k = ss2zpk(*arg, input=input - ri)
                    ri += iis
                if ri == input:
                    sys = lti(*i)
                    z, p, k = sys.zeros, sys.poles, sys.gain
                    ri += 1
                ri += 1
        if (z, p, k) == (None, None, None):
            raise ValueError("The LTI representation does not have enough" +
                             "inputs: max %d, looking for input %d" %
                             (ri - 1, input))
        raise TypeError("Unknown LTI representation: %s" % arg)
    return z, p, k
Пример #7
def mapCtoD(sys_c, t=(0, 1), f0=0.0):
    """Map a MIMO continuous-time to an equiv. SIMO discrete-time system.

    The criterion for equivalence is that the sampled pulse response
    of the CT system must be identical to the impulse response of the DT system.
    i.e. If ``yc`` is the output of the CT system with an input ``vc`` taken
    from a set of DACs fed with a single DT input ``v``, then ``y``, the output
    of the equivalent DT system with input ``v`` satisfies:
    ``y(n) = yc(n-)`` for integer ``n``. The DACs are characterized by
    rectangular impulse responses with edge times specified in the t list.


    sys_c : object
           the LTI description of the CT system, which can be:

     * the ABCD matrix,
     * a list-like containing the A, B, C, D matrices,
     * a list of zpk tuples (internally converted to SS representation),
     * a list of LTI objects.

    t : array_like
        The edge times of the DAC pulse used to make CT waveforms
        from DT inputs. Each row corresponds to one of the system
        inputs; [-1 -1] denotes a CT input. The default is [0 1],
        for all inputs except the first.

    f0 : float
         The (normalized) frequency at which the Gp filters' gains are
         to be set to unity. Default 0 (DC).


    sys : tuple
         the LTI description for the DT equivalent, in A, B, C, D

    Gp : list of lists
         the mixed CT/DT prefilters which form the samples
         fed to each state for the CT inputs.


    Map the standard second order CT modulator shown below to its CT
    equivalent and verify that its NTF is :math:`(1-z^{-1})^2`.

    .. image:: ../doc/_static/mapCtoD.png
        :align: center
        :alt: mapCtoD block diagram

    It can be done as follows::

        from __future__ import print_function
        import numpy as np
        from scipy.signal import lti
        from deltasigma import *
        LFc = lti([[0, 0], [1, 0]], [[1, -1], [0, -1.5]], [[0, 1]], [[0, 0]])
        tdac = [0, 1]
        LF, Gp = mapCtoD(LFc, tdac)
        LF = lti(*LF)
        ABCD = np.vstack((
                np.hstack((LF.A, LF.B)),
                np.hstack((LF.C, LF.D))
        NTF, STF = calculateTF(ABCD)
        print("NTF:") # after rounding to a 1e-6 resolution
        print("Zeros:", np.real_if_close(np.round(NTF.zeros, 6)))
        print("Poles:", np.real_if_close(np.round(NTF.poles, 6)))


        Zeros: [ 1.  1.]
        Poles: [ 0.  0.]

    Equivalent to::

               (z -1)^2
        NTF = ----------

    .. seealso:: R. Schreier and B. Zhang, "Delta-sigma modulators employing \
    continuous-time circuitry," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, \
    vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 324-332, April 1996.
    # You need to have A, B, C, D specification of the system
    Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc = _getABCD(sys_c)
    ni = Bc.shape[1]
    # Sanitize t
    if hasattr(t, "tolist"):
        t = t.tolist()
    if (type(t) == tuple or type(t) == list) and np.isscalar(t[0]):
        t = [t]  # we got a simple list, like the default value
    if not (type(t) == tuple or type(t) == list) and not (type(t[0]) == tuple or type(t[0]) == list):
        raise ValueError("The t argument has an unrecognized shape")
    # back to business
    t = np.array(t)
    if t.shape == (1, 2) and ni > 1:
        t = np.vstack((np.array([[-1, -1]]), - 1, 1)), t)))
    if t.shape != (ni, 2):
        raise ValueError("The t argument has the wrong dimensions.")
    di = np.ones(ni).astype(bool)
    for i in range(ni):
        if t[i, 0] == -1 and t[i, 1] == -1:
            di[i] = False

    # c2d assumes t1=0, t2=1.
    # Also c2d often complains about poor scaling and can even produce
    # incorrect results.
    A, B, C, D, _ = cont2discrete((Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc), 1, method="zoh")
    Bc1 = Bc[:, ~di]

    # Examine the discrete-time inputs to see how big the
    # augmented matrices need to be.
    B1 = B[:, ~di]
    D1 = D[:, ~di]
    n = A.shape[0]
    t2 = np.ceil(t[di, 1]).astype(np.int_)
    esn = (t2 == t[di, 1]) and (D[0, di] != 0).T  # extra states needed?
    npp = n + np.max(t2 - 1 + 1 * esn)

    # Augment A to npp x npp, B to np x 1, C to 1 x np.
    Ap = padb(padr(A, npp), npp)
    for i in range(n + 1, npp):
        Ap[i, i - 1] = 1
    Bp = np.zeros((npp, 1))
    if npp > n:
        Bp[n, 0] = 1
    Cp = padr(C, npp)
    Dp = np.zeros((1, 1))

    # Add in the contributions from each DAC
    for i in np.flatnonzero(di):
        t1 = t[i, 0]
        t2 = t[i, 1]
        B2 = B[:, i]
        D2 = D[:, i]
        if t1 == 0 and t2 == 1 and D2 == 0:  # No fancy stuff necessary
            Bp = Bp + padb(B2, npp)
            n1 = np.floor(t1)
            n2 = np.ceil(t2) - n1 - 1
            t1 = t1 - n1
            t2 = t2 - n2 - n1
            if t2 == 1 and D2 != 0:
                n2 = n2 + 1
                extraStateNeeded = 1
                extraStateNeeded = 0
            nt = n + n1 + n2
            if n2 > 0:
                if t2 == 1:
                    Ap[:n, nt - n2 : nt] = Ap[:n, nt - n2 : nt] + np.tile(B2, (1, n2))
                    Ap[:n, nt - n2 : nt - 1] = Ap[:n, nt - n2 : nt - 1] + np.tile(B2, (1, n2 - 1))
                    Ap[:n, (nt - 1)] = Ap[:n, (nt - 1)] + _B2formula(Ac, 0, t2, B2)
            if n2 > 0:  # pulse extends to the next period
                Btmp = _B2formula(Ac, t1, 1, B2)
            else:  # pulse ends in this period
                Btmp = _B2formula(Ac, t1, t2, B2)
            if n1 > 0:
                Ap[:n, n + n1 - 1] = Ap[:n, n + n1 - 1] + Btmp
                Bp = Bp + padb(Btmp, npp)
            if n2 > 0:
                Cp = Cp + padr(np.hstack((np.zeros((D2.shape[0], n + n1)), D2 * np.ones((1, n2)))), npp)
    sys = (Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp)
    if np.any(~di):
        # Compute the prefilters and add in the CT feed-ins.
        # Gp = inv(sI - Ac)*(zI - A)/z*Bc1
        n, m = Bc1.shape
        Gp = np.empty_like(np.zeros((n, m)), dtype=object)
        # !!Make this like stf: an array of zpk objects
        ztf = np.empty_like(Bc1, dtype=object)
        # Compute the z-domain portions of the filters
        ABc1 =, Bc1)
        for h in range(m):
            for i in range(n):
                if Bc1[i, h] == 0:
                    ztf[i, h] = (np.array([]), np.array([0.0]), -ABc1[i, h])  # dt=1
                    ztf[i, h] = (np.atleast_1d(ABc1[i, h] / Bc1[i, h]), np.array([0.0]), Bc1[i, h])  # dt = 1
        # Compute the s-domain portions of each of the filters
        stf = np.empty_like(np.zeros((n, n)), dtype=object)  # stf[out, in] = zpk
        for oi in range(n):
            for ii in range(n):
                # Doesn't do pole-zero cancellation
                stf[oi, ii] = ss2zpk(Ac, np.eye(n), np.eye(n)[oi, :], np.zeros((1, n)), input=ii)
                # scipy as of v 0.13 has no support for LTI MIMO systems
                # only 'MISO', therefore you can't write:
                # stf = ss2zpk(Ac, eye(n), eye(n), np.zeros(n, n)))
        for h in range(m):
            for i in range(n):
                # k = 1 unneded, see below
                for j in range(n):
                    # check the k values for a non-zero term
                    if stf[i, j][2] != 0 and ztf[j, h][2] != 0:
                        if Gp[i, h] is None:
                            Gp[i, h] = {}
                            Gp[i, h].update({"Hs": [list(stf[i, j])]})
                            Gp[i, h].update({"Hz": [list(ztf[j, h])]})
                            Gp[i, h].update({"Hs": Gp[i, h]["Hs"] + [list(stf[i, j])]})
                            Gp[i, h].update({"Hz": Gp[i, h]["Hz"] + [list(ztf[j, h])]})
                        # the MATLAB-like cell code for the above statements would have
                        # been:
                        # Gp[i, h](k).Hs = stf[i, j]
                        # Gp[i, h](k).Hz = ztf[j, h]
                        # k = k + 1
        if f0 != 0:  # Need to correct the gain terms calculated by c2d
            # B1 = gains of Gp @f0;
            for h in range(m):
                for i in range(n):
                    B1ih = np.real_if_close(evalMixedTF(Gp[i, h], f0))
                    # abs() used because ss() whines if B has complex entries...
                    # This is clearly incorrect.
                    # I've fudged the complex stuff by including a sign....
                    B1[i, h] = np.abs(B1ih) * np.sign(np.real(B1ih))
                    if np.abs(B1[i, h]) < 1e-09:
                        B1[i, h] = 1e-09  # This prevents NaN in "line 174" below
        # Adjust the gains of the pre-filters
        for h in range(m):
            for i in range(n):
                for j in range(max(len(Gp[i, h]["Hs"]), len(Gp[i, h]["Hz"]))):
                    # The next is "line 174"
                    Gp[i, h]["Hs"][j][2] = Gp[i, h]["Hs"][j][2] / B1[i, h]
        sys = (
            sys[0],  # Ap
            np.hstack((padb(B1, npp), sys[1])),  # new B
            sys[2],  # Cp
            np.hstack((D1, sys[3])),
        )  # new D
    return sys, Gp
Пример #8
def mapCtoD(sys_c, t=(0, 1), f0=0.):
    """Map a MIMO continuous-time to an equiv. SIMO discrete-time system.

    The criterion for equivalence is that the sampled pulse response
    of the CT system must be identical to the impulse response of the DT system.
    i.e. If ``yc`` is the output of the CT system with an input ``vc`` taken
    from a set of DACs fed with a single DT input ``v``, then ``y``, the output
    of the equivalent DT system with input ``v`` satisfies:
    ``y(n) = yc(n-)`` for integer ``n``. The DACs are characterized by
    rectangular impulse responses with edge times specified in the t list.


    sys_c : object
           the LTI description of the CT system, which can be:

     * the ABCD matrix,
     * a list-like containing the A, B, C, D matrices,
     * a list of zpk tuples (internally converted to SS representation),
     * a list of LTI objects.

    t : array_like
        The edge times of the DAC pulse used to make CT waveforms
        from DT inputs. Each row corresponds to one of the system
        inputs; [-1 -1] denotes a CT input. The default is [0 1],
        for all inputs except the first.

    f0 : float
         The (normalized) frequency at which the Gp filters' gains are
         to be set to unity. Default 0 (DC).


    sys : tuple
         the LTI description for the DT equivalent, in A, B, C, D

    Gp : list of lists
         the mixed CT/DT prefilters which form the samples
         fed to each state for the CT inputs.


    Map the standard second order CT modulator shown below to its CT
    equivalent and verify that its NTF is :math:`(1-z^{-1})^2`.

    .. image:: ../doc/_static/mapCtoD.png
        :align: center
        :alt: mapCtoD block diagram

    It can be done as follows::

        from __future__ import print_function
        import numpy as np
        from scipy.signal import lti
        from deltasigma import *
        LFc = lti([[0, 0], [1, 0]], [[1, -1], [0, -1.5]], [[0, 1]], [[0, 0]])
        tdac = [0, 1]
        LF, Gp = mapCtoD(LFc, tdac)
        LF = lti(*LF)
        ABCD = np.vstack((
                np.hstack((LF.A, LF.B)),
                np.hstack((LF.C, LF.D))
        NTF, STF = calculateTF(ABCD)
        print("NTF:") # after rounding to a 1e-6 resolution
        print("Zeros:", np.real_if_close(np.round(NTF.zeros, 6)))
        print("Poles:", np.real_if_close(np.round(NTF.poles, 6)))


        Zeros: [ 1.  1.]
        Poles: [ 0.  0.]

    Equivalent to::

               (z -1)^2
        NTF = ----------

    .. seealso:: R. Schreier and B. Zhang, "Delta-sigma modulators employing \
    continuous-time circuitry," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, \
    vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 324-332, April 1996.
    # You need to have A, B, C, D specification of the system
    Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc = _getABCD(sys_c)
    ni = Bc.shape[1]
    # Sanitize t
    if hasattr(t, 'tolist'):
        t = t.tolist()
    if (type(t) == tuple or type(t) == list) and np.isscalar(t[0]):
        t = [t]  # we got a simple list, like the default value
    if not (type(t) == tuple or type(t) == list) and \
       not (type(t[0]) == tuple or type(t[0]) == list):
        raise ValueError("The t argument has an unrecognized shape")
    # back to business
    t = np.array(t)
    if t.shape == (1, 2) and ni > 1:
        t = np.vstack((np.array([[-1, -1]]), - 1, 1)), t)))
    if t.shape != (ni, 2):
        raise ValueError('The t argument has the wrong dimensions.')
    di = np.ones(ni).astype(bool)
    for i in range(ni):
        if t[i, 0] == -1 and t[i, 1] == -1:
            di[i] = False

    # c2d assumes t1=0, t2=1.
    # Also c2d often complains about poor scaling and can even produce
    # incorrect results.
    A, B, C, D, _ = cont2discrete((Ac, Bc, Cc, Dc), 1, method='zoh')
    Bc1 = Bc[:, ~di]

    # Examine the discrete-time inputs to see how big the
    # augmented matrices need to be.
    B1 = B[:, ~di]
    D1 = D[:, ~di]
    n = A.shape[0]
    t2 = np.ceil(t[di, 1]).astype(np.int_)
    esn = (t2 == t[di, 1]) and (D[0, di] != 0).T  # extra states needed?
    npp = n + np.max(t2 - 1 + 1 * esn)

    # Augment A to npp x npp, B to np x 1, C to 1 x np.
    Ap = padb(padr(A, npp), npp)
    for i in range(n + 1, npp):
        Ap[i, i - 1] = 1
    Bp = np.zeros((npp, 1))
    if npp > n:
        Bp[n, 0] = 1
    Cp = padr(C, npp)
    Dp = np.zeros((1, 1))

    # Add in the contributions from each DAC
    for i in np.flatnonzero(di):
        t1 = t[i, 0]
        t2 = t[i, 1]
        B2 = B[:, i]
        D2 = D[:, i]
        if t1 == 0 and t2 == 1 and D2 == 0:  # No fancy stuff necessary
            Bp = Bp + padb(B2, npp)
            n1 = np.floor(t1)
            n2 = np.ceil(t2) - n1 - 1
            t1 = t1 - n1
            t2 = t2 - n2 - n1
            if t2 == 1 and D2 != 0:
                n2 = n2 + 1
                extraStateNeeded = 1
                extraStateNeeded = 0
            nt = n + n1 + n2
            if n2 > 0:
                if t2 == 1:
                       nt - n2:nt] = Ap[:n, nt - n2:nt] + np.tile(B2, (1, n2))
                    Ap[:n, nt - n2:nt -
                       1] = Ap[:n, nt - n2:nt - 1] + np.tile(B2, (1, n2 - 1))
                       (nt - 1)] = Ap[:n,
                                      (nt - 1)] + _B2formula(Ac, 0, t2, B2)
            if n2 > 0:  # pulse extends to the next period
                Btmp = _B2formula(Ac, t1, 1, B2)
            else:  # pulse ends in this period
                Btmp = _B2formula(Ac, t1, t2, B2)
            if n1 > 0:
                Ap[:n, n + n1 - 1] = Ap[:n, n + n1 - 1] + Btmp
                Bp = Bp + padb(Btmp, npp)
            if n2 > 0:
                Cp = Cp + padr(
                    np.hstack((np.zeros((D2.shape[0], n + n1)), D2 * np.ones(
                        (1, n2)))), npp)
    sys = (Ap, Bp, Cp, Dp)
    if np.any(~di):
        # Compute the prefilters and add in the CT feed-ins.
        # Gp = inv(sI - Ac)*(zI - A)/z*Bc1
        n, m = Bc1.shape
        Gp = np.empty_like(np.zeros((n, m)), dtype=object)
        # !!Make this like stf: an array of zpk objects
        ztf = np.empty_like(Bc1, dtype=object)
        # Compute the z-domain portions of the filters
        ABc1 =, Bc1)
        for h in range(m):
            for i in range(n):
                if Bc1[i, h] == 0:
                    ztf[i, h] = (np.array([]), np.array([0.]), -ABc1[i, h]
                                 )  # dt=1
                    ztf[i, h] = (np.atleast_1d(ABc1[i, h] / Bc1[i, h]),
                                 np.array([0.]), Bc1[i, h])  # dt = 1
        # Compute the s-domain portions of each of the filters
        stf = np.empty_like(np.zeros((n, n)),
                            dtype=object)  # stf[out, in] = zpk
        for oi in range(n):
            for ii in range(n):
                # Doesn't do pole-zero cancellation
                stf[oi, ii] = ss2zpk(Ac,
                                     np.eye(n)[oi, :],
                                     np.zeros((1, n)),
                # scipy as of v 0.13 has no support for LTI MIMO systems
                # only 'MISO', therefore you can't write:
                # stf = ss2zpk(Ac, eye(n), eye(n), np.zeros(n, n)))
        for h in range(m):
            for i in range(n):
                # k = 1 unneded, see below
                for j in range(n):
                    # check the k values for a non-zero term
                    if stf[i, j][2] != 0 and ztf[j, h][2] != 0:
                        if Gp[i, h] is None:
                            Gp[i, h] = {}
                            Gp[i, h].update({'Hs': [list(stf[i, j])]})
                            Gp[i, h].update({'Hz': [list(ztf[j, h])]})
                            Gp[i, h].update(
                                {'Hs': Gp[i, h]['Hs'] + [list(stf[i, j])]})
                            Gp[i, h].update(
                                {'Hz': Gp[i, h]['Hz'] + [list(ztf[j, h])]})
                        # the MATLAB-like cell code for the above statements would have
                        # been:
                        #Gp[i, h](k).Hs = stf[i, j]
                        #Gp[i, h](k).Hz = ztf[j, h]
                        #k = k + 1
        if f0 != 0:  # Need to correct the gain terms calculated by c2d
            # B1 = gains of Gp @f0;
            for h in range(m):
                for i in range(n):
                    B1ih = np.real_if_close(evalMixedTF(Gp[i, h], f0))
                    # abs() used because ss() whines if B has complex entries...
                    # This is clearly incorrect.
                    # I've fudged the complex stuff by including a sign....
                    B1[i, h] = np.abs(B1ih) * np.sign(np.real(B1ih))
                    if np.abs(B1[i, h]) < 1e-09:
                           h] = 1e-09  # This prevents NaN in "line 174" below
        # Adjust the gains of the pre-filters
        for h in range(m):
            for i in range(n):
                for j in range(max(len(Gp[i, h]['Hs']), len(Gp[i, h]['Hz']))):
                    # The next is "line 174"
                    Gp[i, h]['Hs'][j][2] = Gp[i, h]['Hs'][j][2] / B1[i, h]
        sys = (
            sys[0],  # Ap
            np.hstack((padb(B1, npp), sys[1])),  # new B
            sys[2],  # Cp
            np.hstack((D1, sys[3])))  # new D
    return sys, Gp
Пример #9
def realizeNTF_ct(ntf,
                  tdac=(0, 1),
    """Realize an NTF with a continuous-time loop filter.


    ntf : object
        A noise transfer function (NTF).

    form : str, optional
        A string specifying the topology of the loop filter.

         * 'FB': Feedback form,
         * 'FF': Feedforward form

        For the FB structure, the elements of ``Bc`` are calculated
        so that the sampled pulse response matches the L1 impulse
        response.  For the FF structure, ``Cc`` is calculated.

    tdac : sequence, optional
        The timing for the feedback DAC(s). If ``tdac[0] >= 1``,
        direct feedback terms are added to the quantizer.

        Multiple timings (one or more per integrator) for the FB
        topology can be specified by making tdac a list of lists,
        e.g. ``tdac = [[1, 2], [1, 2], [[0.5, 1], [1, 1.5]], []]``

        In this example, the first two integrators have
        DACs with ``[1, 2]`` timing, the third has a pair of
        DACs, one with ``[0.5, 1]`` timing and the other with
        ``[1, 1.5]`` timing, and there is no direct feedback
        DAC to the quantizer.

    ordering : sequence, optional
        A vector specifying which NTF zero-pair to use in each resonator
        Default is for the zero-pairs to be used in the order specified
        in the NTF.

    bp : sequence, optional
        A vector specifying which resonator sections are bandpass.
        The default (``zeros(...)``) is for all sections to be lowpass.

    ABCDc : ndarray, optional
        The loop filter structure, in state-space form.
        If this argument is omitted, ABCDc is constructed according
        to "form."

    method : str, optional
        The default fitting method is ``'LOOP'``, which means that
        the DT and CT loop responses will be matched.
        Alternatively, it is possible to set the method to ``'NTF'``,
        which will result in the NTF responses to be matched.
        See :ref:`discrete-time-to-continuous-time-mapping` for a
        more in-depth discussion.


    ABCDc : ndarray
        A state-space description of the CT loop filter

    tdac2 : ndarray
        A matrix with the DAC timings, including ones
        that were automatically added.


    Realize the NTF :math:`(1 - z^{-1})^2` with a CT system (cf with the
    example at :func:`mapCtoD`).::

        from deltasigma import *
        ntf = ([1, 1], [0, 0], 1)
        ABCDc, tdac2 = realizeNTF_ct(ntf, 'FB')



        [[ 0.          0.          1.         -1.        ]
         [ 1.          0.          0.         -1.49999999]
         [ 0.          1.          0.          0.        ]]


        [[-1. -1.]
         [ 0.  1.]]

    ntf_z, ntf_p, _ = _get_zpk(ntf)
    ntf_z = carray(ntf_z)
    ntf_p = carray(ntf_p)
    order = max(ntf_p.shape)
    order2 = order // 2
    odd = order - 2 * order2
    # compensate for limited accuracy of zero calculation
    ntf_z[np.abs(ntf_z - 1) < eps**(1. / (1. + order))] = 1.
    method = method.upper()
    if method not in ('LOOP', 'NTF'):
        raise ValueError('Unimplemented matching method %s.' % method)
    # check if multiple timings mode
    if (type(tdac) == list or type(tdac) == tuple) and len(tdac) and \
       (type(tdac[0]) == list or type(tdac[0]) == tuple):
        if len(tdac) != order + 1:
            msg = 'For multi-timing tdac, len(tdac) ' + \
                  ' must be order+1.'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if form != 'FB':
            msg = "Currently only supporting form='FB' " + \
                  'for multi-timing tdac'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        multi_timing = True
    else:  # single timing
        tdac = carray(tdac)
        if != 2:
            msg = 'For single-timing tdac, len(tdac) must be 2.'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        tdac.reshape((2, ))
        multi_timing = False
    if ordering is None:
        ordering = np.arange(order2)
    if bp is None:
        bp = np.zeros((order2, ))
    if not multi_timing:
        # Need direct terms for every interval of memory in the DAC
        n_direct = int(np.ceil(tdac[1])) - 1
        if tdac[0] > 0 and tdac[0] < 1 and tdac[1] > 1 and tdac[1] < 2:
            n_extra = n_direct - 1  #  tdac pulse spans a sample point
            n_extra = n_direct
        tdac2 = np.vstack((np.array((-1, -1)), np.array(tdac).reshape(
            (1, 2)), 0.5 *, 1)), np.array([[-1, 1]])) +
                               (n_extra, 2)), 0) + (n_direct - n_extra)))
        n_direct = 0
        n_extra = 0
    if ABCDc is None:
        ABCDc = np.zeros((order + 1, order + 2))
        # Stuff the A portion
        if odd:
            ABCDc[0, 0] = np.real(np.log(ntf_z[0]))
            ABCDc[1, 0] = 1
        dline = np.array([0, 1, 2])
        for i in range(order2):
            n = bp[i]
            i1 = 2 * i + odd
            zi = 2 * ordering[i] + odd
            w = np.abs(np.angle(ntf_z[zi]))
            ABCDc[i1 + dline, i1] = np.array([0, 1, n])
            ABCDc[i1 + dline, i1 + 1] = np.array([-w**2, 0, 1 - n])
        ABCDc[0, order] = 1
        # 2006.10.02 Changed to -1 to make FF STF have +ve gain at DC
        ABCDc[0, order + 1] = -1
    Ac = ABCDc[:order, :order]
    if form == 'FB':
        Cc = ABCDc[order, :order].reshape((1, -1))
        if not multi_timing:
            Bc = np.hstack((np.eye(order), np.zeros((order, 1))))
            Dc = np.hstack((np.zeros((1, order)), np.array([[1]])))
            tp = np.tile(np.array(tdac).reshape((1, 2)), (order + 1, 1))
        else:  #Assemble tdac2, Bc and Dc
            tdac2 = np.array([[-1, -1]])
            Bc = None
            Dc = None
            Bci = np.hstack((np.eye(order), np.zeros((order, 1))))
            Dci = np.hstack((np.zeros((1, order)), np.array([[1]])))
            for i in range(len(tdac)):
                tdi = tdac[i]
                if (type(tdi) in (tuple, list)) and len(tdi) and \
                   (type(tdi[0]) in (list, tuple)):
                    for j in range(len(tdi)):
                        tdj = tdi[j]
                        tdac2 = np.vstack((tdac2, np.array(tdj).reshape(1,
                        if Bc is not None:
                            Bc = np.hstack((Bc, Bci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))))
                            Bc = Bci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
                        if Dc is not None:
                            Dc = np.hstack((Dc, Dci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))))
                            Dc = Dci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
                elif len(
                        tdi):  # we got tdac[i] = [a, b] where a, b are scalars
                    tdac2 = np.vstack((tdac2, np.array(tdi).reshape(1, -1)))
                    if Bc is not None:
                        Bc = np.hstack((Bc, Bci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))))
                        Bc = Bci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
                    if Dc is not None:
                        Dc = np.hstack((Dc, Dci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))))
                        Dc = Dci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
            tp = tdac2[1:, :]
    elif form == 'FF':
        Cc = np.vstack((np.eye(order), np.zeros((1, order))))
        Bc = np.vstack((np.array([[-1]]), np.zeros((order - 1, 1))))
        Dc = np.vstack((np.zeros((order, 1)), np.array([[1]])))
        tp = tdac  #  2008-03-24 fix from Ayman Shabra
        raise ValueError('Sorry, no code for form "%s".', form)

    n_imp = int(np.ceil(2 * order + np.max(tdac2[:, 1]) + 1))
    if method == 'LOOP':
        # Sample the L1 impulse response
        y = impL1(ntf, n_imp)
        # Sample the NTF impulse response
        y = dimpulse((ntf_z, ntf_p, 1., 1.), t=np.arange(n_imp + 1))[1][0]
        y = np.atleast_1d(y.squeeze())
    sys_c = []
    for i in range(Bc.shape[1]):  # number of inputs
        sys_tmp = []
        for j in range(Cc.shape[0]):  # number of outputs
            sys_tmp.append(ss2zpk(Ac, Bc, Cc[j, :], Dc[j, :], input=i))
    yy = pulse(sys_c, tp, 1, n_imp, 1)
    yy = np.squeeze(yy)
    # Endow yy with n_extra extra impulses.
    # These will need to be implemented with n_extra extra DACs.
    # !! Note: if t1=int, matlab says pulse(sys) @t1 ~=0
    # !! This code corrects this problem.
    if n_extra > 0:
        y_right = padb(np.vstack((np.zeros((1, n_direct)), np.eye(n_direct))),
                       n_imp + 1)
        # Replace the last column in yy with an ordered set of impulses
        if (n_direct > n_extra):
            yy = np.hstack((yy, y_right[:, 1:]))
            yy = np.hstack((yy[:, :-1], y_right))

    if method == 'NTF':
        # convolve CT loop response and NTF response
        yynew = None
        for i in range(yy.shape[1]):
            yytmp = np.convolve(yy[:, i], y)[:-n_imp]
            if yynew is None:
                yynew = yytmp.reshape((-1, 1))
                yynew = np.hstack((yynew, yytmp.reshape((-1, 1))))
        yy = yynew
        e1 = np.zeros(y.shape)
        e1[0] = 1.
        y = y - e1
    # Solve for the coefficients
    x = linalg.lstsq(yy, y)[0]
    if linalg.norm(, x) - y) > 0.0001:
        warn('Pulse response fit is poor.')
    if form == 'FB':
        if not multi_timing:
            Bc2 = np.hstack((x[:order].reshape(
                (-1, 1)), np.zeros((order, n_extra))))
            if n_extra > 0:
                Dc2 = np.hstack((np.array([[0]]), x[order:].reshape((-1, 1))))
                Dc2 = x[order:].reshape((-1, 1))
            BcDc = np.vstack((Bc, Dc))
            i = np.nonzero(BcDc)
            BcDc[i] = x
            Bc2 = BcDc[:-1, :]
            Dc2 = BcDc[-1, :]
    elif form == 'FF':
        Bc2 = np.hstack((Bc, np.zeros((order, n_extra))))
        Cc = x[:order].reshape((1, -1))
        if n_extra > 0:
            Dc2 = np.hstack((np.array([[0]]), x[order:].T))
            Dc2 = x[order:].T

    Dc1 = np.zeros((1, 1))
    Dc = np.hstack((Dc1, np.atleast_2d(Dc2)))
    Bc1 = np.vstack((np.ones((1, 1)), np.zeros((order - 1, 1))))
    Bc = np.hstack((Bc1, Bc2))
    # Scale Bc1 for unity STF magnitude at f0
    fz = np.angle(ntf_z) / (2 * np.pi)
    f1 = fz[0]
    ibz = np.abs(fz - f1) <= np.abs(fz + f1)
    fz = fz[ibz]
    f0 = np.mean(fz)
    if np.min(np.abs(fz)) < 3 * np.min(np.abs(fz - f0)):
        f0 = 0
    L0c = ss2zpk(Ac, Bc1, Cc, Dc1)
    G0 = evalTFP(L0c, ntf, f0)
    if f0 == 0:
        Bc[:, 0] =
            Bc[:, 0],
      [0, 1:], (tdac2[1:, 1] - tdac2[1:, 0])) / Bc[0, 0]))
        Bc[:, 0] = Bc[:, 0] / np.abs(G0)
    ABCDc = np.vstack((np.hstack((Ac, Bc)), np.hstack((Cc, Dc))))
    #ABCDc =, np.abs(ABCDc) > eps**(1./2.))
    ABCDc[np.nonzero(np.abs(ABCDc) < eps**(1. / 2))] = 0.
    return ABCDc, tdac2
Пример #10
def calculateTF(ABCD, k=1.):
    """Calculate the NTF and STF of a delta-sigma modulator.

    The calculation is performed for a given loop filter
    ABCD matrix, assuming a quantizer gain of ``k``.


    ABCD : array_like,
        The ABCD matrix that describes the system.

    k : float or ndarray-like, optional
        The quantizer gains. If only one quantizer is present, it may be set
        to a float, corresponding to the quantizer gain. If multiple quantizers
        are present, a list should be used, with quantizer gains ordered
        according to the order in which the quantizer inputs appear in the
        ``C`` and ``D`` submatrices. If not specified, a default of one quantizer
        with gain ``1.`` is assumed.


    (NTF, STF) : a tuple of two LTI objects (or of two lists of LTI objects).
                 If a version of the ``scipy`` library equal to 0.16.x or 
                 greater is in use, the objects will be ``ZeroPolesGain``
                 objects, a subclass of ``scipy.signal.lti``.

    If the system has multiple quantizers, multiple STFs and NTFs will be

    In that case:

    * ``STF[i]`` is the STF from ``u`` to output number ``i``.
    * ``NTF[i, j]`` is the NTF from the quantization noise of the quantizer
      number ``j`` to output number ``i``.


    Setting ``k`` to a list is unsupported in the MATLAB code (last checked
    Nov. 2014).


    Realize a fifth-order modulator with the cascade-of-resonators structure,
    feedback form. Calculate the ABCD matrix of the loop filter and verify
    that the NTF and STF are correct.

    .. code-block:: python

        from deltasigma import *
        H = synthesizeNTF(5, 32, 1)
        a, g, b, c = realizeNTF(H)
        ABCD = stuffABCD(a,g,b,c)
        ntf, stf = calculateTF(ABCD)

    From which we get:


             (z -1) (z^2 -1.997z +1) (z^2 -1.992z +0.9999)
         (z -0.7778) (z^2 -1.796z +0.8549) (z^2 -1.613z +0.665)


        a: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579
        g: 0.0028, 0.0079
        b: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579, 1.0
        c: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0

    ABCD matrix::

        [[  1.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   6.75559806e-04  -6.75559806e-04]
         [  1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00  -2.79396240e-03   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   8.37752565e-03  -8.37752565e-03]
         [  1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   9.97206038e-01   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   6.33294166e-02  -6.33294166e-02]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
           -7.90937431e-03   2.44344030e-01  -2.44344030e-01]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
            9.92090626e-01   8.02273699e-01  -8.02273699e-01]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00
            1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00]]


             (z -1) (z^2 -1.997z +1) (z^2 -1.992z +0.9999)
         (z -0.7778) (z^2 -1.796z +0.8549) (z^2 -1.613z +0.665)




    nq = len(k) if type(k) in (tuple, list) else 1
    A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(ABCD, m=nq + 1, r=nq)
    k = carray(k)
    diagk = np.atleast_2d(np.diag(k))

    B1 = B[:, 0]
    B2 = B[:, 1:]
    B1 = B1.reshape((B1.shape[0], 1)) if len(B1.shape) == 1 else B1
    B2 = B2.reshape((B2.shape[0], 1)) if len(B2.shape) == 1 else B2

    # In a single-quantizer system, D2 should be all zeros, as any
    # non-zero term in D2 would imply we got a delay-free loop.
    # The original MATLAB code implies so.
    # The trouble arises when we adapt and extend the code to calculate
    # the transfer functions for multiple-quantizer systems. There the
    # off-diagonal terms of D2 may very well be non-zero, therefore
    # in the following we consider D2.
    # this means that if you supply an ABCD matrix, with one quantizer
    # and an (erroneously) zero-delay loop, the MATLAB toolbox will
    # disregard D2 and pretend it's zero and the loop is correctly
    # delayed, spitting out the corresponding TF.
    # Instead here we print out a warning and process the ABCD matrix
    # with the user-supplied, non-zero D2 matrix.
    # The resulting TFs will obviously be different.

    D1 = D[:, 0]
    D2 = D[:, 1:]
    D1 = D1.reshape((D1.shape[0], 1)) if len(D1.shape) == 1 else D1
    D2 = D2.reshape((D2.shape[0], 1)) if len(D2.shape) == 1 else D2

    if np.diag(D2).any():
        warn("Delay free loop detected! D2 diag: %s", str(np.diag(D2)))

    # Find the noise transfer function by forming the closed-loop
    # system (sys_cl) in state-space form.
    Ct = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(nq) - D2 * diagk)
    Acl = A +,,, C)))
    Bcl = np.hstack(
        (B1 +,,, D1))),, Ct)))
    Ccl =,, C))
    Dcl =, np.hstack((, D1), np.eye(nq))))
    tol = min(1e-3, max(1e-6, eps**(1 / ABCD.shape[0])))
    ntfs = np.empty((nq, Dcl.shape[0]), dtype=np.object_)
    stfs = np.empty((Dcl.shape[0], ), dtype=np.object_)

    # sweep the outputs 'cause scipy is silly but we love it anyhow.
    for i in range(Dcl.shape[0]):
        # input #0 is the signal
        # inputs #1,... are quantization noise
        stf_z, stf_p, stf_k = ss2zpk(Acl, Bcl, Ccl[i, :], Dcl[i, :], input=0)
        stf = lti(stf_z, stf_p, stf_k)
        for j in range(nq):
            ntf_z, ntf_p, ntf_k = ss2zpk(Acl,
                                         Ccl[i, :],
                                         Dcl[i, :],
                                         input=j + 1)
            ntf = lti(ntf_z, ntf_p, ntf_k)
            stf_min, ntf_min = minreal((stf, ntf), tol)
            ntfs[i, j] = ntf_min
        stfs[i] = stf_min

    # if we have one stf and one ntf, then just return those in a list
    if ntfs.shape == (1, 1):
        return [ntfs[0, 0], stfs[0]]
    return ntfs, stfs
Пример #11
def calculateTF(ABCD, k=1.):
    """Calculate the NTF and STF of a delta-sigma modulator.

    The calculation is performed for a given loop filter
    ABCD matrix, assuming a quantizer gain of ``k``.


    ABCD : array_like,
        The ABCD matrix that describes the system.

    k : float, optional
        The quantizer gain. If not specified, a default value of 1 is used.


    (NTF, STF) : a tuple of two LTI objects.


    Realize a fifth-order modulator with the cascade-of-resonators structure,
    feedback form. Calculate the ABCD matrix of the loop filter and verify
    that the NTF and STF are correct.

    .. code-block:: python

        from deltasigma import *
        H = synthesizeNTF(5, 32, 1)
        a, g, b, c = realizeNTF(H)
        ABCD = stuffABCD(a,g,b,c)
        ntf, stf = calculateTF(ABCD)

    From which we get:


             (z -1) (z^2 -1.997z +1) (z^2 -1.992z +0.9999)
         (z -0.7778) (z^2 -1.796z +0.8549) (z^2 -1.613z +0.665)


        a: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579
        g: 0.0028, 0.0079
        b: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579, 1.0
        c: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0

    ABCD matrix::

        [[  1.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   6.75559806e-04  -6.75559806e-04]
         [  1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00  -2.79396240e-03   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   8.37752565e-03  -8.37752565e-03]
         [  1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   9.97206038e-01   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   6.33294166e-02  -6.33294166e-02]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
           -7.90937431e-03   2.44344030e-01  -2.44344030e-01]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
            9.92090626e-01   8.02273699e-01  -8.02273699e-01]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00
            1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00]]


             (z -1) (z^2 -1.997z +1) (z^2 -1.992z +0.9999)
         (z -0.7778) (z^2 -1.796z +0.8549) (z^2 -1.613z +0.665)



    A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(ABCD)
    if B.shape[1] > 1:
        B1 = B[:, 0]
        B2 = B[:, 1]
        B1 = B1.reshape((B1.shape[0], 1)) if len(B1.shape) == 1 else B1
        B2 = B2.reshape((B2.shape[0], 1)) if len(B2.shape) == 1 else B2
        B1 = B
        B2 = B

    # Find the noise transfer function by forming the closed-loop
    # system (sys_cl) in state-space form.
    Acl = A + k *, C)
    Bcl = np.hstack((B1 + k*B2*D[0, 0], B2))
    Ccl = k*C
    Dcl = np.array((k*D[0, 0], 1.))
    Dcl = Dcl.reshape((1, Dcl.shape[0])) if len(Dcl.shape) == 1 else Dcl
    tol = min(1e-3, max(1e-6, eps**(1/ABCD.shape[0])))
    # input #0 is the signal
    # input #1 is the quantization noise
    stf_p, stf_z, stf_k  = ss2zpk(Acl, Bcl, Ccl, Dcl, input=0)
    ntf_p, ntf_z, ntf_k = ss2zpk(Acl, Bcl, Ccl, Dcl, input=1)
    stf = lti(stf_p, stf_z, stf_k)
    ntf = lti(ntf_p, ntf_z, ntf_k)
    stf_min, ntf_min = minreal((stf, ntf), tol)
    return ntf_min, stf_min
Пример #12
_sys2ss = {
    _LSYS: lambda sys: _ss(,
    _LFILT: lambda sys: _ss(tf2ss(sys.num, sys.den)),
    _NUM: lambda sys: _ss(tf2ss(sys, 1)),
    _TF: lambda sys: _ss(tf2ss(*sys)),
    _ZPK: lambda sys: _ss(zpk2ss(*sys)),
    _SS: lambda sys: _ss(sys),

_sys2zpk = {
    _LSYS: lambda sys: sys.zpk,
    _LFILT: lambda sys: tf2zpk(sys.num, sys.den),
    _NUM: lambda sys: tf2zpk(sys, 1),
    _TF: lambda sys: tf2zpk(*sys),
    _ZPK: lambda sys: sys,
    _SS: lambda sys: ss2zpk(*sys),

_sys2tf = {
    _LSYS: lambda sys:,
    _LFILT: lambda sys: _tf(sys.num, sys.den),
    _NUM: lambda sys: _tf(sys, 1),
    _TF: lambda sys: _tf(*sys),
    _ZPK: lambda sys: _tf(*zpk2tf(*sys)),
    _SS: lambda sys: _tf(*_ss2tf(*sys)),

def sys2ss(sys):
    """Converts an LTI system in any form to state-space."""
    return _sys2ss[_sys2form(sys)](sys)
Пример #13
def realizeNTF_ct(ntf, form='FB', tdac=(0, 1), ordering=None, bp=None,
    """Realize an NTF with a continuous-time loop filter.

    ntf : object
        A noise transfer function (NTF).
    form : str, optional
        A string specifying the topology of the loop filter.

         * 'FB': Feedback form,
         * 'FF': Feedforward form

        For the FB structure, the elements of ``Bc`` are calculated
        so that the sampled pulse response matches the L1 impulse
        response.  For the FF structure, ``Cc`` is calculated.
    tdac : sequence, optional
        The timing for the feedback DAC(s). If ``tdac[0] >= 1``,
        direct feedback terms are added to the quantizer.

        Multiple timings (one or more per integrator) for the FB 
        topology can be specified by making tdac a list of lists,
        e.g. ``tdac = [[1, 2], [1, 2], [[0.5, 1], [1, 1.5]], []]``

        In this example, the first two integrators have
        DACs with ``[1, 2]`` timing, the third has a pair of
        DACs, one with ``[0.5, 1]`` timing and the other with
        ``[1, 1.5]`` timing, and there is no direct feedback
        DAC to the quantizer.
    ordering : sequence, optional
        A vector specifying which NTF zero-pair to use in each resonator
        Default is for the zero-pairs to be used in the order specified 
        in the NTF.

    bp : sequence, optional
        A vector specifying which resonator sections are bandpass.
        The default (``zeros(...)``) is for all sections to be lowpass.

    ABCDc : ndarray, optional
        The loop filter structure, in state-space form.
        If this argument is omitted, ABCDc is constructed according 
        to "form."


    ABCDc : ndarray
        A state-space description of the CT loop filter

    tdac2 : ndarray
        A matrix with the DAC timings, including ones
        that were automatically added.


    Realize the NTF :math:`(1 - z^{-1})^2` with a CT system (cf with the
    example at :func:`mapCtoD`).::

        from deltasigma import *
        ntf = ([1, 1], [0, 0], 1)
        ABCDc, tdac2 = realizeNTF_ct(ntf, 'FB') 



        [[ 0.          0.          1.         -1.        ]
         [ 1.          0.          0.         -1.49999999]
         [ 0.          1.          0.          0.        ]]


        [[-1. -1.]
         [ 0.  1.]]

    ntf_z, ntf_p, _ = _get_zpk(ntf)
    ntf_z = carray(ntf_z)
    ntf_p = carray(ntf_p)
    order = max(ntf_p.shape)
    order2 = int(np.floor(order/2.))
    odd = order - 2*order2
    # compensate for limited accuracy of zero calculation
    ntf_z[np.abs(ntf_z - 1) < eps**(1./(1. + order))] = 1.
    # check if multiple timings mode
    if (type(tdac) == list or type(tdac) == tuple) and len(tdac) and \
       (type(tdac[0]) == list or type(tdac[0]) == tuple):
        if len(tdac) != order + 1:
            msg = 'For multi-timing tdac, len(tdac) ' + \
                  ' must be order+1.'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        if form != 'FB':
            msg = "Currently only supporting form='FB' " + \
                  'for multi-timing tdac'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        multi_timing = True
    else: # single timing
        tdac = carray(tdac)
        if != 2:
            msg = 'For single-timing tdac, len(tdac) must be 2.'
            raise ValueError(msg)
        multi_timing = False
    if ordering is None:
        ordering = np.arange(order2)
    if bp is None:
        bp = np.zeros((order2,))
    if not multi_timing:
        # Need direct terms for every interval of memory in the DAC
        n_direct = np.ceil(tdac[1]) - 1
        if tdac[0] > 0 and tdac[0] < 1 and tdac[1] > 1 and tdac[1] < 2:
            n_extra = n_direct - 1 #  tdac pulse spans a sample point
            n_extra = n_direct
        tdac2 = np.vstack(
                 (np.array((-1, -1)), 
                  np.array(tdac).reshape((1, 2)), 
                  0.5*, 1)), np.array([[-1, 1]])) 
                  + np.cumsum(np.ones((n_extra, 2)), 0) + (n_direct - n_extra)
        n_direct = 0
        n_extra = 0
    if ABCDc is None:
        ABCDc = np.zeros((order + 1, order + 2))
        # Stuff the A portion
        if odd:
            ABCDc[0, 0] = np.real(np.log(ntf_z[0]))
            ABCDc[1, 0] = 1
        dline = np.array([0, 1, 2])
        for i in range(order2):
            n = bp[i]
            i1 = 2*i + odd
            zi = 2*ordering[i] + odd
            w = np.abs(np.angle(ntf_z[zi]))
            ABCDc[i1 + dline, i1] = np.array([0, 1, n])
            ABCDc[i1 + dline, i1 + 1] = np.array([-w**2, 0, 1 - n])
        ABCDc[0, order] = 1
        # 2006.10.02 Changed to -1 to make FF STF have +ve gain at DC
        ABCDc[0, order + 1] = -1
    Ac = ABCDc[:order, :order]
    if form == 'FB':
        Cc = ABCDc[order, :order].reshape((1, -1))
        if not multi_timing:
            Bc = np.hstack((np.eye(order), np.zeros((order, 1))))
            Dc = np.hstack((np.zeros((1, order)), np.array([[1]])))
            tp = np.tile(np.array(tdac).reshape((1, 2)), (order + 1, 1))
        else: #Assemble tdac2, Bc and Dc
            tdac2 = np.array([[-1, -1]])
            Bc = None
            Dc = None
            Bci = np.hstack((np.eye(order), np.zeros((order, 1))))
            Dci = np.hstack((np.zeros((1, order)), np.array([[1]])))
            for i in range(len(tdac)):
                tdi = tdac[i]
                if (type(tdi) in (tuple, list)) and len(tdi) and \
                   (type(tdi[0]) in (list, tuple)):
                    for j in range(len(tdi)):
                        tdj = tdi[j]
                        tdac2 = np.vstack((tdac2, 
                        if Bc is not None:
                            Bc = np.hstack((Bc, Bci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))))
                            Bc = Bci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
                        if Dc is not None:
                            Dc = np.hstack((Dc, Dci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))))
                            Dc = Dci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
                elif len(tdi): # we got tdac[i] = [a, b] where a, b are scalars
                    tdac2 = np.vstack((tdac2,
                    if Bc is not None:
                        Bc = np.hstack((Bc, Bci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))))
                        Bc = Bci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
                    if Dc is not None:
                        Dc = np.hstack((Dc, Dci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))))
                        Dc = Dci[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
            tp = tdac2[1:, :]
    elif form == 'FF':
        Cc = np.vstack((np.eye(order), np.zeros((1, order))))
        Bc = np.vstack((np.array([[-1]]), np.zeros((order-1, 1))))
        Dc = np.vstack((np.zeros((order, 1)), np.array([[1]])))
        tp = tdac #  2008-03-24 fix from Ayman Shabra
        raise ValueError('Sorry, no code for form "%s".', form)

    # Sample the L1 impulse response
    n_imp = np.ceil(2*order + np.max(tdac2[:, 1]) + 1)
    y = impL1(ntf, n_imp)
    sys_c = []
    for i in range(Bc.shape[1]): # number of inputs
        sys_tmp = []
        for j in range(Cc.shape[0]): # number of outputs
            sys_tmp.append(ss2zpk(Ac, Bc, Cc[j, :], Dc[j, :], input=i))
    yy = pulse(sys_c, tp, 1, n_imp, 1)
    yy = np.squeeze(yy)
    # Endow yy with n_extra extra impulses.
    # These will need to be implemented with n_extra extra DACs.
    # !! Note: if t1=int, matlab says pulse(sys) @t1 ~=0
    # !! This code corrects this problem.
    if n_extra > 0:
        y_right = padb(np.vstack((np.zeros((1, n_direct)), 
                       n_imp + 1)
        # Replace the last column in yy with an ordered set of impulses
        if (n_direct > n_extra):
            yy = np.hstack((yy, y_right[:, 1:]))
            yy = np.hstack((yy[:, :-1], y_right))

    # Solve for the coefficients
    x = linalg.lstsq(yy, y)[0]
    if linalg.norm(, x) - y) > 0.0001:
        warn('Pulse response fit is poor.')
    if form == 'FB':
        if not multi_timing:
            Bc2 = np.hstack((x[:order].reshape((-1, 1)), 
                             np.zeros((order, n_extra))))
            if n_extra > 0:
                Dc2 = np.hstack((np.array([[0]]), 
                                 x[order:].reshape((-1, 1))))
                Dc2 = x[order:].reshape((-1, 1))
            BcDc = np.vstack((Bc, Dc))
            i = np.nonzero(BcDc)
            BcDc[i] = x
            Bc2 = BcDc[:-1, :]
            Dc2 = BcDc[-1, :]
    elif form == 'FF':
        Bc2 = np.hstack((Bc, np.zeros((order, n_extra))))
        Cc = x[:order].reshape((1, -1))
        if n_extra > 0:
            Dc2 = np.hstack((np.array([[0]]), x[order:].T))
            Dc2 = x[order:].T

    Dc1 = np.zeros((1, 1))
    Dc = np.hstack((Dc1, np.atleast_2d(Dc2)))
    Bc1 = np.vstack((np.ones((1, 1)), np.zeros((order - 1, 1))))
    Bc = np.hstack((Bc1, Bc2))
    # Scale Bc1 for unity STF magnitude at f0
    fz = np.angle(ntf_z)/(2*np.pi)
    f1 = fz[0]
    ibz = np.abs(fz - f1) <= np.abs(fz + f1)
    fz = fz[ibz]
    f0 = np.mean(fz)
    if np.min(np.abs(fz)) < 3*np.min(np.abs(fz - f0)):
        f0 = 0
    L0c = ss2zpk(Ac, Bc1, Cc, Dc1)
    G0 = evalTFP(L0c, ntf, f0)
    if f0 == 0:
        Bc[:, 0] =[:, 0], 
                          np.abs([0, 1:], 
                                        (tdac2[1:, 1] - tdac2[1:, 0]))
                                 /Bc[0, 0]))
        Bc[:, 0] = Bc[:, 0]/np.abs(G0)
    ABCDc = np.vstack((
                      np.hstack((Ac, Bc)),
                      np.hstack((Cc, Dc))
    #ABCDc =, np.abs(ABCDc) > eps**(1./2.))
    ABCDc[np.nonzero(np.abs(ABCDc) < eps**(1./2))] = 0.
    return ABCDc, tdac2
Пример #14
def calculateTF(ABCD, k=1.):
    """Calculate the NTF and STF of a delta-sigma modulator.

    The calculation is performed for a given loop filter
    ABCD matrix, assuming a quantizer gain of ``k``.


    ABCD : array_like,
        The ABCD matrix that describes the system.

    k : float or ndarray-like, optional
        The quantizer gains. If only one quantizer is present, it may be set
        to a float, corresponding to the quantizer gain. If multiple quantizers
        are present, a list should be used, with quantizer gains ordered
        according to the order in which the quantizer inputs appear in the
        ``C`` and ``D`` submatrices. If not specified, a default of one quantizer
        with gain ``1.`` is assumed.


    (NTF, STF) : a tuple of two LTI objects (or of two lists of LTI objects).
                 If a version of the ``scipy`` library equal to 0.16.x or 
                 greater is in use, the objects will be ``ZeroPolesGain``
                 objects, a subclass of ``scipy.signal.lti``.

    If the system has multiple quantizers, multiple STFs and NTFs will be

    In that case:

    * ``STF[i]`` is the STF from ``u`` to output number ``i``.
    * ``NTF[i, j]`` is the NTF from the quantization noise of the quantizer
      number ``j`` to output number ``i``.


    Setting ``k`` to a list is unsupported in the MATLAB code (last checked
    Nov. 2014).


    Realize a fifth-order modulator with the cascade-of-resonators structure,
    feedback form. Calculate the ABCD matrix of the loop filter and verify
    that the NTF and STF are correct.

    .. code-block:: python

        from deltasigma import *
        H = synthesizeNTF(5, 32, 1)
        a, g, b, c = realizeNTF(H)
        ABCD = stuffABCD(a,g,b,c)
        ntf, stf = calculateTF(ABCD)

    From which we get:


             (z -1) (z^2 -1.997z +1) (z^2 -1.992z +0.9999)
         (z -0.7778) (z^2 -1.796z +0.8549) (z^2 -1.613z +0.665)


        a: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579
        g: 0.0028, 0.0079
        b: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579, 1.0
        c: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0

    ABCD matrix::

        [[  1.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   6.75559806e-04  -6.75559806e-04]
         [  1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00  -2.79396240e-03   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   8.37752565e-03  -8.37752565e-03]
         [  1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   9.97206038e-01   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   6.33294166e-02  -6.33294166e-02]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
           -7.90937431e-03   2.44344030e-01  -2.44344030e-01]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
            9.92090626e-01   8.02273699e-01  -8.02273699e-01]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00
            1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00]]


             (z -1) (z^2 -1.997z +1) (z^2 -1.992z +0.9999)
         (z -0.7778) (z^2 -1.796z +0.8549) (z^2 -1.613z +0.665)




    nq = len(k) if type(k) in (tuple, list) else 1
    A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(ABCD, m=nq+1, r=nq)
    k = carray(k)
    diagk = np.atleast_2d(np.diag(k))

    B1 = B[:, 0]
    B2 = B[:, 1:]
    B1 = B1.reshape((B1.shape[0], 1)) if len(B1.shape) == 1 else B1
    B2 = B2.reshape((B2.shape[0], 1)) if len(B2.shape) == 1 else B2

    # In a single-quantizer system, D2 should be all zeros, as any
    # non-zero term in D2 would imply we got a delay-free loop.
    # The original MATLAB code implies so.
    # The trouble arises when we adapt and extend the code to calculate
    # the transfer functions for multiple-quantizer systems. There the
    # off-diagonal terms of D2 may very well be non-zero, therefore
    # in the following we consider D2.
    # this means that if you supply an ABCD matrix, with one quantizer
    # and an (erroneously) zero-delay loop, the MATLAB toolbox will
    # disregard D2 and pretend it's zero and the loop is correctly
    # delayed, spitting out the corresponding TF.
    # Instead here we print out a warning and process the ABCD matrix
    # with the user-supplied, non-zero D2 matrix.
    # The resulting TFs will obviously be different.

    D1 = D[:, 0]
    D2 = D[:, 1:]
    D1 = D1.reshape((D1.shape[0], 1)) if len(D1.shape) == 1 else D1
    D2 = D2.reshape((D2.shape[0], 1)) if len(D2.shape) == 1 else D2

    if np.diag(D2).any():
        warn("Delay free loop detected! D2 diag: %s", str(np.diag(D2)))

    # Find the noise transfer function by forming the closed-loop
    # system (sys_cl) in state-space form.
    Ct = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(nq) - D2*diagk)
    Acl = A +,,, C)))
    Bcl = np.hstack((B1 +,,, D1))),
           , Ct)))
    Ccl =,, C))
    Dcl =, np.hstack((, D1), np.eye(nq))))
    tol = min(1e-3, max(1e-6, eps**(1/ABCD.shape[0])))
    ntfs = np.empty((nq, Dcl.shape[0]), dtype=np.object_)
    stfs = np.empty((Dcl.shape[0],), dtype=np.object_)

    # sweep the outputs 'cause scipy is silly but we love it anyhow.
    for i in range(Dcl.shape[0]):
        # input #0 is the signal
        # inputs #1,... are quantization noise
        stf_z, stf_p, stf_k  = ss2zpk(Acl, Bcl, Ccl[i, :], Dcl[i, :], input=0)
        stf = lti(stf_z, stf_p, stf_k)
        for j in range(nq):
            ntf_z, ntf_p, ntf_k = ss2zpk(Acl, Bcl, Ccl[i, :], Dcl[i, :], input=j+1)
            ntf = lti(ntf_z, ntf_p, ntf_k)
            stf_min, ntf_min = minreal((stf, ntf), tol)
            ntfs[i, j] = ntf_min
        stfs[i] = stf_min

    # if we have one stf and one ntf, then just return those in a list
    if ntfs.shape == (1, 1):
        return [ntfs[0, 0], stfs[0]]
    return ntfs, stfs
Пример #15
def calculateTF(ABCD, k=1.):
    """Calculate the NTF and STF of a delta-sigma modulator.

    The calculation is performed for a given loop filter
    ABCD matrix, assuming a quantizer gain of ``k``.


    ABCD : array_like,
        The ABCD matrix that describes the system.

    k : float, optional
        The quantizer gain. If not specified, a default value of 1 is used.


    (NTF, STF) : a tuple of two LTI objects.


    Realize a fifth-order modulator with the cascade-of-resonators structure,
    feedback form. Calculate the ABCD matrix of the loop filter and verify
    that the NTF and STF are correct.

    .. code-block:: python

        from deltasigma import *
        H = synthesizeNTF(5, 32, 1)
        a, g, b, c = realizeNTF(H)
        ABCD = stuffABCD(a,g,b,c)
        ntf, stf = calculateTF(ABCD)

    From which we get:


             (z -1) (z^2 -1.997z +1) (z^2 -1.992z +0.9999)
         (z -0.7778) (z^2 -1.796z +0.8549) (z^2 -1.613z +0.665)


        a: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579
        g: 0.0028, 0.0079
        b: 0.0007, 0.0084, 0.055, 0.2443, 0.5579, 1.0
        c: 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0

    ABCD matrix::

        [[  1.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   6.75559806e-04  -6.75559806e-04]
         [  1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00  -2.79396240e-03   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   8.37752565e-03  -8.37752565e-03]
         [  1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   9.97206038e-01   0.00000000e+00
            0.00000000e+00   6.33294166e-02  -6.33294166e-02]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
           -7.90937431e-03   2.44344030e-01  -2.44344030e-01]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00
            9.92090626e-01   8.02273699e-01  -8.02273699e-01]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00
            1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00]]


             (z -1) (z^2 -1.997z +1) (z^2 -1.992z +0.9999)
         (z -0.7778) (z^2 -1.796z +0.8549) (z^2 -1.613z +0.665)



    A, B, C, D = partitionABCD(ABCD)
    if B.shape[1] > 1:
        B1 = B[:, 0]
        B2 = B[:, 1]
        B1 = B1.reshape((B1.shape[0], 1)) if len(B1.shape) == 1 else B1
        B2 = B2.reshape((B2.shape[0], 1)) if len(B2.shape) == 1 else B2
        B1 = B
        B2 = B

    # Find the noise transfer function by forming the closed-loop
    # system (sys_cl) in state-space form.
    Acl = A + k *, C)
    Bcl = np.hstack((B1 + k * B2 * D[0, 0], B2))
    Ccl = k * C
    Dcl = np.array((k * D[0, 0], 1.))
    Dcl = Dcl.reshape((1, Dcl.shape[0])) if len(Dcl.shape) == 1 else Dcl
    tol = min(1e-3, max(1e-6, eps**(1 / ABCD.shape[0])))
    # input #0 is the signal
    # input #1 is the quantization noise
    stf_p, stf_z, stf_k = ss2zpk(Acl, Bcl, Ccl, Dcl, input=0)
    ntf_p, ntf_z, ntf_k = ss2zpk(Acl, Bcl, Ccl, Dcl, input=1)
    stf = lti(stf_p, stf_z, stf_k)
    ntf = lti(ntf_p, ntf_z, ntf_k)
    stf_min, ntf_min = minreal((stf, ntf), tol)
    return ntf_min, stf_min
Пример #16
_sys2ss = {
    _LSYS: lambda sys:,
    _LFILT: lambda sys: tf2ss(sys.num, sys.den),
    _NUM: lambda sys: tf2ss(sys, 1),
    _TF: lambda sys: tf2ss(*sys),
    _ZPK: lambda sys: zpk2ss(*sys),
    _SS: lambda sys: sys,

_sys2zpk = {
    _LSYS: lambda sys: sys.zpk,
    _LFILT: lambda sys: tf2zpk(sys.num, sys.den),
    _NUM: lambda sys: tf2zpk(sys, 1),
    _TF: lambda sys: tf2zpk(*sys),
    _ZPK: lambda sys: sys,
    _SS: lambda sys: ss2zpk(*sys),

_sys2tf = {
    _LSYS: lambda sys:,
    _LFILT: lambda sys: _tf(sys.num, sys.den),
    _NUM: lambda sys: _tf(sys, 1),
    _TF: lambda sys: _tf(*sys),
    _ZPK: lambda sys: _tf(*zpk2tf(*sys)),
    _SS: lambda sys: _tf(*_ss2tf(*sys)),

def sys2ss(sys):
    """Converts an LTI system in any form to state-space."""
    return _sys2ss[_sys2form(sys)](sys)