Пример #1
def denoise(self, vert_win=1, hor_win=10, noise=None, ftype='wiener'):
    Denoising filter

    For now this just uses the scipy wiener filter,
    We could experiment with other options though

    vert_win: int; optional
        vertical window size
    hor_win: int; optional
        horizontal window size
    noise: float; optional
        power of noise reduction, default is the average of the local variance of the image
    ftype: string; optional
        filter type

    if ftype == 'wiener':
        if noise is None:
            self.data = wiener(self.data, mysize=(vert_win, hor_win))
            self.data = wiener(self.data,
                               mysize=(vert_win, hor_win),
        raise TypeError(
            'Only the wiener filter has been implemented for denoising.')
Пример #2
def denoise(self, vert_win=1, hor_win=10, noise=None, ftype='wiener'):
    Denoising filter

    For now this just uses the scipy wiener filter,
    We could experiment with other options though

    vert_win: int; optional
        vertical window size
    hor_win: int; optional
        horizontal window size
    noise: float; optional
        power of noise reduction, default is the average of the local variance of the image
    ftype: string; optional
        filter type


    if ftype == 'wiener':
        if noise is None:
            # We want an error if there is no variance
            with np.errstate(divide='raise'):
                    self.data = wiener(self.data, mysize=(vert_win, hor_win))
                except FloatingPointError:
                    raise ValueError('Could not compute variance, specify noise for denoise')
            self.data = wiener(self.data, mysize=(vert_win, hor_win), noise=noise)
        raise ValueError('Only the wiener filter has been implemented for denoising.')
def smooth_data(X, smoother="savgol", window_length=35):
    """Apply smoothing to data."""
    # Axis along which to smooth
    axis = np.ndim(X) - 1

    # Check that window_length was appropriately set
    if window_length > X.shape[axis]:
        print("Window length {} larger than size of array {}.".format(
            window_length, X.shape[axis]))
        window_length = X.shape[axis]
        if np.mod(window_length, 2) == 0:
            window_length -= 1
        print("Shrinking window to size {}.".format(window_length))

    if smoother == "savgol":
        if window_length <= 3:
            raise ValueError(
                "window_length must be larger than 3, currently set to {}".
        return signal.savgol_filter(X, window_length, polyorder=3, axis=axis)

    if smoother == "median":
        if axis == 0:
            return signal.medfilt(X, kernel_size=window_length)
            return np.vstack(
                [signal.medfilt(x, kernel_size=window_length) for x in X])

    if smoother == "wiener":
        if axis == 0:
            return signal.wiener(X, mysize=window_length)
            return np.vstack(
                [signal.wiener(x, mysize=window_length) for x in X])
Пример #4
    def get_mother_cell_growth_props(self, mother_data_frame, lower_threshold=0.35, upper_threshold=0.75):
        """Get growth properties for a mother cell.

            mother_data_frame (pandas.Dataframe): Segmentation data of a mother cell
            lower_threshold (float): Trench loading lower threshold
            upper_threshold (float): Trench loading upper threshold
            doubling_time (numpy.ndarray): Doubling times data array for the trench, containing times, doubling times, and interval to previous doubling time
            doubling_time_smoothed (numpy.ndarray): Smoothed doubling times data array for the trench, containing times, doubling times, and interval to previous doubling time
            growth_rate_data (numpy.ndarray): Growth ratedata array for the trench, containing growth rates for length and area (smoothed and raw)
        # Get loading fractions
        loading_fractions = np.array(mother_data_frame["trench_loadings"])
        # Check whether trench unloads
        cutoff_index = len(loading_fractions)
        times_within_thresholds = (loading_fractions > lower_threshold)*(loading_fractions < upper_threshold)
        times_outside_thresholds = ~times_within_thresholds
        # Throw out trenches once you see a run of more than 5 timepoints with loading outside the loading thresholds
        if cutoff_index < 5:
            return None, None, None
        for i in range(min(len(loading_fractions)-4, self.timepoint_full_trenches), len(loading_fractions)-4):
            if np.all(times_outside_thresholds[i:i+5]):
                cutoff_index = i
        if cutoff_index < 5:
            return None, None, None
        # extract data from dataframes
        times = np.array(mother_data_frame["time_s"])[:cutoff_index]
        major_axis_length = np.array(mother_data_frame["major_axis_length"])[:cutoff_index]
        minor_axis_length = np.array(mother_data_frame["minor_axis_length"])[:cutoff_index]
        solidity = np.array(mother_data_frame["solidity"])[:cutoff_index]

        area = np.array(mother_data_frame["area"])[:cutoff_index]
        # Interpolate individual points where trench loading is messed up,
        # indicative of drift or bad segmentation
        repaired_data = self.repair_trench_loadings(np.array([major_axis_length, area, minor_axis_length, solidity]).T, times_outside_thresholds[:cutoff_index])
        major_axis_length = repaired_data[:,0].flatten()
        area = repaired_data[:,1].flatten()
        minor_axis_length = repaired_data[:,2].flatten()
        solidity = repaired_data[:,3].flatten()

        # Smooth with Wiener filter (minimum mean squared error)
        mal_smoothed = signal.wiener(major_axis_length)
        area_smoothed = signal.wiener(area)

        doubling_time = self.get_doubling_times(times, major_axis_length, relative_threshold=1.5)
        doubling_time_smoothed = self.get_doubling_times(times, mal_smoothed, relative_threshold=1.5)

        # Calculate growth rate as a gradient
        instantaneous_growth_rate_length = np.gradient(major_axis_length, times)
        instantaneous_growth_rate_area = np.gradient(area, times)
        instantaneous_growth_rate_length_smoothed = np.gradient(mal_smoothed, times)
        instantaneous_growth_rate_area_smoothed = np.gradient(area_smoothed, times)

        growth_rate_data = np.array([times, major_axis_length, mal_smoothed, instantaneous_growth_rate_length, instantaneous_growth_rate_length_smoothed, instantaneous_growth_rate_area, instantaneous_growth_rate_area_smoothed, minor_axis_length, solidity]).T

        growth_rate_data = np.concatenate([growth_rate_data, growth_rate_data[:,3:5]/major_axis_length[:, None], growth_rate_data[:,5:7]/area[:, None]], axis=1)

        return doubling_time, doubling_time_smoothed, growth_rate_data
Пример #5
def wiener_new(data, window):
    Apply the Wiener's filter to a positional data set.

        data (numpy array): containing all of the positional data in the format of (time, x, y, z)
        window (int): window size of the Wiener filter

        numpy array: filtered data in the same format
    x = data[:, 1]
    y = data[:, 2]
    z = data[:, 3]

    x_new = wiener(x, window)
    y_new = wiener(y, window)
    z_new = wiener(z, window)

    new_positions = np.zeros((len(data), 4))
    new_positions[:, 1] = x_new
    new_positions[:, 2] = y_new
    new_positions[:, 3] = z_new
    new_positions[:, 0] = data[:, 0]

    return new_positions
Пример #6
    def process(self, generated: np.ndarray, recorded: np.ndarray):
        w1 = 10
        w2 = self.sample_rate / 2.0

        sweep_smplen = int(generated.size)
        k_end = 10**((-6 * np.log2(w2 / w1)) / 20)
        k = np.log(k_end) / sweep_smplen

        attenuation = np.exp(np.arange(sweep_smplen) * k)
        divisor = generated[-1::-1] * attenuation

        if len(np.shape(recorded)) == 1:
            impulse_out = sig.wiener(sig.fftconvolve(recorded,
            sample_max = np.max(np.abs(impulse_out))
            return np.float32(impulse_out) / sample_max
        elif len(np.shape(recorded)) == 2:
            reshaped_record = np.array(list(zip(*recorded)))
            impulse_out = list()
            for x in reshaped_record:
                    sig.wiener(sig.fftconvolve(x, divisor))[sweep_smplen:])
            sample_max = np.max(np.abs(impulse_out))
            return np.float32(np.array(list(zip(*impulse_out))) / sample_max)
            raise ValueError(
                f"Recorded signal has a weird shape {np.shape(recorded)}")
Пример #7
def generateChc(L, H):
    L1 = wiener(L, [5, 5])
    H1 = wiener(H, [5, 5])

    x_ax = (L1 + H1) / 2
    y_ax = H1 - L1

    y_s = 0.17213 * (x_ax**3) - 1.399 * (x_ax**2) + 1.2392 * x_ax - 0.0027535
    y_p = 0.228 * (x_ax**3) - 0.51622 * (x_ax**2) + 0.30413 * x_ax + 0.0053274
    y_al = -0.409873 * (x_ax**4) + 0.90975 * (x_ax**3) - 1.298 * (
        x_ax**2) + 0.81073 * x_ax + 0.0018109
    y_a = (y_p + y_al) / 2
    y_b = (y_al + y_s) / 2

    choice_v1 = np.zeros(y_ax.shape)
    choice_v1[y_ax > y_b] = 1
    choice_v1[choice_v1 == 0] = 2
    choice_v1[y_ax < y_a] = 3

    a = L1
    b = H1
    c = np.log(a)
    d = np.log(b)
    q = c / d
    choice_v1[(q < 1.17) & (H < 0.19) & (L < 0.16)] = 4
    choice_v1[(q < 1.24) & (H < 0.42) & (L < 0.3)] = 4
    choice_v1[(x_ax < 0.06) & (y_ax < 0.06)] = 1
    return (choice_v1 - 1).astype(np.uint8)
Пример #8
    def generateChc(self):
        L1 = wiener(self.L, [5, 5])
        H1 = wiener(self.H, [5, 5])

        x_ax = (L1 + H1) / 2
        y_ax = H1 - L1

        y_s = 0.17213 * (x_ax**3) - 1.399 * (x_ax**
                                             2) + 1.2392 * x_ax - 0.0027535
        y_p = 0.228 * (x_ax**3) - 0.51622 * (x_ax**
                                             2) + 0.30413 * x_ax + 0.0053274
        y_al = -0.409873 * (x_ax**4) + 0.90975 * (x_ax**3) - 1.298 * (
            x_ax**2) + 0.81073 * x_ax + 0.0018109
        y_a = (y_p + y_al) / 2
        y_b = (y_al + y_s) / 2

        self.choice = np.zeros(y_ax.shape)
        self.choice[y_ax > y_b] = 1
        self.choice[self.choice == 0] = 2
        self.choice[y_ax < y_a] = 3

        a = L1
        b = H1
        c = np.log(a)
        d = np.log(b)
        q = c / d
        self.choice[(q < 1.17) & (self.H < 0.19) & (self.L < 0.16)] = 4
        self.choice[(q < 1.24) & (self.H < 0.42) & (self.L < 0.3)] = 4
        self.choice[(x_ax < 0.06) & (y_ax < 0.06)] = 1
        self.choice = (self.choice - 1).astype(np.uint8)
Пример #9
def get_processed_image_clip(start_date="2017-10-01",
    Intake a date range of photo records and then generate the enhanced resulted single image
    param: start date                             type:string
    param: num_days                               type:int
    param: end_date                               type:string

    output: np.array

    l = getimage.get_image_date_range(start_date, num_days, end_date, **kwargs)
    w, h = l[0].shape
    arr = zeros((h, w), float)
    N = len(l)
    for im in l:
        imarr = array(im, dtype=float)
        arr = arr + imarr / N
    out = matrix.round(arr)
    out *= 255.0 / out.max()
    out = signal.wiener(out, 5)
    avg = 60

    out[(out >= 0.9 * avg) & (out <= 1.7 * avg)] *= 0.5

    filtered = signal.wiener(out, 5)
    return filtered
Пример #10
def get_processed_image_band_reject(start_date="2017-10-01",
    Intake a date range of photo records and then generate the enhanced resulted single image
    param: start date                             type:string
    param: num_days                               type:int
    param: end_date                               type:string

    output: np.array

    l = getimage.get_image_date_range(start_date, num_days, end_date, **kwargs)
    w, h = l[0].shape
    arr = zeros((h, w), float)
    N = len(l)
    for im in l:
        imarr = array(im, dtype=float)
        arr = arr + imarr / N
    out = matrix.round(arr)
    out *= 255.0 / out.max()
    out = signal.wiener(out, 5)

    avg = 60.0
    bandwidth = 40
    reject_ratio = 0.4

    myFunc = np.vectorize(lambda x: x * (((avg**2 - x**2)**2 / (
        (2 * bandwidth)**2 * x**2 + (avg**2 - x**2)**2))**0.5 * reject_ratio +
                                         (1 - reject_ratio)))
    out = myFunc(out)

    filtered = signal.wiener(out, 5)
    return filtered
Пример #11
 def test_basic(self):
     g = array([[5,6,4,3],[3,5,6,2],[2,3,5,6],[1,6,9,7]],'d')
     h = array([[2.16374269,3.2222222222, 2.8888888889, 1.6666666667],
                [2.666666667, 4.33333333333, 4.44444444444, 2.8888888888],
                [2.222222222, 4.4444444444, 5.4444444444, 4.801066874837],
                [1.33333333333, 3.92735042735, 6.0712560386, 5.0404040404]])
     assert_array_almost_equal(signal.wiener(g), h, decimal=6)
     assert_array_almost_equal(signal.wiener(g, mysize=3), h, decimal=6)
Пример #12
def cplxwiener_filter(real_input, imag_input, mysize_=5, noise_=None):
    """cplxwiener_filter Implementation of Wiener filter on complex image

    scipy.signal.wiener(im, mysize=None, noise=None)[source]
Perform a Wiener filter on an N-dimensional array.

The Wiener filter is a simple deblurring filter for denoising images. This is
not the Wiener filter commonly described in image reconstruction problems but
instead it is a simple, local-mean filter.

Apply a Wiener filter to the N-dimensional array im.

Parameters: im : ndarray An N-dimensional array.  mysize : int or arraylike,
optional A scalar or an N-length list giving the size of the Wiener filter
window in each dimension. Elements of mysize should be odd. If mysize is a
scalar, then this scalar is used as the size in each dimension.  noise : float,
optional The noise-power to use. If None, then noise is estimated as the
average of the local variance of the input.  Returns: out : ndarray Wiener
filtered result with the same shape as im.

    # scipy.signal.wiener(im, mysize=None, noise=None)
    # ,(size_, size_, size_)
    filtersiz = (3, 3, 3)
    print "Complex Wiener filter window size ", mysize_, " noise ", noise_
    if not noise_:
        noise_ = ndimage.standard_deviation(real_input)
    if not hasattr(mysize_, "__len__"):
        filtersize = np.array(mysize_)
        filtersize = mysize_
    if real_input.ndim == 3:
        real_img = wiener(real_input, mysize=filtersize, noise=noise_)
        imag_img = wiener(imag_input, mysize=filtersize, noise=noise_)
        real_img = np.empty_like(real_input)
        imag_img = np.empty_like(real_input)
        for echo in xrange(0, real_input.shape[4]):
            for acq in xrange(0, real_input.shape[3]):
                real_img[:, :, :, acq, echo] = wiener(real_input[:, :, :, acq,
                imag_img[:, :, :, acq, echo] = wiener(imag_input[:, :, :, acq,

    filtered_image = np.empty_like(real_input, dtype=np.complex64)
    filtered_image.real = real_img
    filtered_image.imag = imag_img
    return filtered_image
Пример #13
def perform_abel_discontinuous(x, data):

    if data.ndim == 1:
        data = np.atleast_2d(data)

    ny, nx = data.shape

    dx = x[1] - x[0]
    r = x[nx / 2:nx - 1]
    nr = len(r)

    smoothed = np.zeros((ny, nx))
    deriv = np.zeros((ny, nx))
    f_abel = np.zeros((ny, nr))
    sigma_deriv = 2

    for i in range(0, ny):

        w_discont = int(np.where(
            data[i, nx /
                 2:] != 0)[0][0])  # what happens if measured phase is zero?
        # unlikely to have exact value...

        if w_discont == 0:
            smoothed[i, :] = signal.wiener(data[i, :], mysize=10)
            deriv[i, :] = ifft(
                fft(smoothed[i, :]) *
                fft(periodic_gaussian_deriv(x, sigma_deriv * dx))).real
            tmp = abel(x, deriv[i, :])
            f_abel[i, :] = tmp[0]

            # avoid performing operations over discontinuity
            left = range(0, int(nx / 2 - w_discont + 1))
            right = range(int(nx / 2 + w_discont), nx)

            smoothed[i, left] = signal.wiener(data[i, left], mysize=10)
            smoothed[i, right] = signal.wiener(data[i, right], mysize=10)
            deriv[i, :] = ifft(
                fft(smoothed[i, :]) *
                fft(periodic_gaussian_deriv(x, sigma_deriv * dx))).real
            #deriv[i, left] = ifft(fft(smoothed[i,left]) * fft(periodic_gaussian_deriv(x[left], sigma_deriv*dx))).real
            #deriv[i, right] = ifft(fft(smoothed[i,right]) * fft(periodic_gaussian_deriv(x[right], sigma_deriv*dx))).real

            tmp = abel(x, deriv[i, :])
            f_abel[i, :] = tmp[0]
            f_abel[i, 0:w_discont + 1] = 0

    return (r, f_abel, deriv, smoothed)
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, data):
        data = ast.literal_eval(data)

        # Apply wiener filter to the data
        self.x = signal.wiener([ float(x) for x in data["dataX"] ])
        self.y = signal.wiener([ float(y) for y in data["dataY"]])
        self.z = signal.wiener([ float(z) for z in data["dataZ"]])
        t = data["timestamps"]
        # set a message if one is included
            self.msg = data['msg']
        except KeyError:
            self.msg = False
        #convert timestamps into deltas
        self.t = [(int(x)-int(t[0]))*10**-9 for x in t]
Пример #15
def reduce_noise(audio, method="wiener"):
    Apply a certain method to reduce audio noise.
        audio (numpy.array): the audio data as 1D numpy array
        numpy.array of the audio after reducing the noise
    NOTE: wiener is faster than logmmse
    methods = ["logmmse", "wiener"]
    assert method in methods, \
        "noise-reduction method must be one of these " + str(methods)
    output = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
    if method == "logmmse":
        sr = 16000 #sample rate
        # you can tune the following values
        initial_noise, window_size, noise_threshold = 6, 0, 0.15
        # number of frames per second
        chunk_size = 60*sr
        total_frames = audio.shape[0]
        frames_read = 0
        # iterate 1 second at a time
        while frames_read < total_frames:
            if frames_read + chunk_size > total_frames:
                frames = total_frames - frames_read
                frames = chunk_size
            audio_subsample = audio[frames_read:frames_read + frames]
            frames_read = frames_read + frames
            _output, _ = logmmse(audio_subsample, sr, initial_noise,
                                            window_size, noise_threshold)
            output = np.concatenate( (output, _output) )
    elif method == "wiener":
        output = wiener(audio)
    return output
 def getDisparitySet(self, filtereddata):
     curdisparityset = np.array([])
     for items in filtereddata:
         item = np.array(items[8:], dtype=float)
         lefteye = item[0:3]
         righteye = item[3:6]
         leftgaze = item[6:9]
         rightgaze = item[9:12]
         disparityangular = self.calculateDisparityAngular(lefteye, righteye, leftgaze, rightgaze)
         curItem = np.array([items[1], disparityangular])
         if curdisparityset.size == 0:
             curdisparityset = curItem
             curdisparityset = np.vstack((curdisparityset, curItem))
     disparityset = sg.wiener(np.array(curdisparityset[:, 1], dtype=float))
     dispritysettmp = np.array([])
     for i in range(len(curdisparityset)):
         curitem = np.array([curdisparityset[i, 0], disparityset[i]])
         if dispritysettmp.size == 0:
             dispritysettmp = curitem
             dispritysettmp = np.vstack((dispritysettmp, curitem))
     disparityset = dispritysettmp
     # plt.plot(map(float,curdisparityset[:,1]))
     # plt.xlabel(u'采样点',fontsize = 18)
     # plt.ylabel(u'视差角(rad)',fontsize = 18)
     # #plt.plot(disparityset)
     # plt.show()
     return disparityset
Пример #17
 def _smooth_columns(self, maturation_paths):
     pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'
     smoothed_maturation_paths = maturation_paths.copy()
     for col in maturation_paths:
         temp = wiener(maturation_paths[col])
         smoothed_maturation_paths.loc[:, col] = temp
     return smoothed_maturation_paths
Пример #18
def wiener(input, output="wiener_output.wav", plot=False):
    """ Apply a Wiener filter to an input WAV file """

    (nChannels, sampWidth, sampleRate, nFrames, compType,
     compName) = input.getparams()

    # extract audio from wav file
    input_signal = input.readframes(-1)
    input_signal = np.fromstring(input_signal, 'Int16')

    # Wiener filter design
    dim = 10
    output_signal = signal.wiener(input_signal, noise=80)

    if plot:
        # Plot input and output signals
        t = np.linspace(0, nFrames / sampWidth, nFrames, endpoint=False)
        plt.plot(t, input_signal, label='Input')
        plt.plot(t, output_signal, label='Output')

    scaled = np.int16(output_signal / np.max(np.abs(output_signal)) * 32767)
    write(output, sampleRate, scaled)
def segmentlocal(img, filter_size=5, level=0.2, selem_size=3,
                 rescale_low=(0, 50), rescale_high=(50, 100)):
    Segment image using gradients calculated locally. Apply a Wiener filter to 
    remove salt-and-pepper noise, then calculate gradients over local 
    neighborhoods using the specified structuring element. Threshold the image 
    constructed my multiplying the rescaled original image with its rescaled 
    derivative (this helps define the edges).

        img (ndarray): input image

        filter_size (int): neighborhood size of Wiener filter
        selem_size (int): size of the disk structuring element
        level (float): threshold level, specified as a fraction of the 
            calculated Otsu threshold; must by in the range [0, 1]
        rescale_low (tuple): (low, high) values used to rescale original image
        rescale_high (tuple): (low, high) values used to rescale edges image

        ndarray: thresholded binary image (dtype = bool)

    img2 = wiener(img, (filter_size, filter_size))
    img3 = median_filter(img2, filter_size)

    img4 = complement(rescale(img3, rescale_low))

    img5 = bottomhat(img_as_uint12(img3), disk(selem_size))
    img6 = fillholes(img5)
    img7 = rescale(img6, rescale_high)

    img8 = img4 * img7
    return threshold(img8, level=level)
Пример #20
    def ProcessEvent(self, S):
        amps = []

        noise_w = np.array([self.J[a][a] for a in range(len(S))])
        amps = [
            sum(wiener(S[a], mysize=75, noise=noise_w[a].real))
            for a in range(len(S))

        E = sum(amps)

        if E < self.E_min or E > self.E_max:
            return False

        r = self.calc_r(amps)
        theta = get_angle_std(self.calc_theta(amps))

        for i in range(len(self.map_bins_part)):
            if r > self.map_bins_part[i][0] and r < self.map_bins_part[i][1]:
                for j in range(len(self.map_bins_part[i][2])):
                    if check_angle(theta, self.map_bins_part[i][2][j][0],
                        self.last_of_index = self.map_bins_part[i][2][j][2]

                        if self.last_of_index > -1:
                            return self.list_of[self.last_of_index].Execute(S)

                            return None

        self.last_of_index = -1
        return None
def segmentglobal(img, filter_size=5, level=0.7):
    Segment image using gradients calculated globally. Apply a Wiener filter to
    remove salt-and-pepper noise and a median filter to smooth edges, then 
    calculate gradients across the entire image (between adjacent pixels in 
    both directions). Threshold the image constructed my multiplying the 
    original image with its derivative (this helps define the edges).

        img (ndarray): input image

        filter_size (int): neighborhood size of Wiener and median filters
        level (float): threshold level, specified as a fraction of the 
            calculated Otsu threshold; must by in the range [0, 1]

        ndarray: thresholded binary image (dtype = bool)

    img2 = complement(img, 1.)
    img3 = wiener(img2, (filter_size, filter_size))
    img4 = median_filter(img3, filter_size)
    img5 = energy(img4)
    img6 = (1 + img5) * img4
    return threshold(img6, level=level).astype(bool)
Пример #22
def extract(outname,root,slit,pos,width=1.):

	Extracts a spectrum from 2d mask and variance images.

	  outname - name of output FITS file
	  root    - root name of input data (ie ROOTNAME_bgsub.fits)
	  slit    - number of slit to extract from (1 = bottom slit)
	  pos     - position along slit to extract
	  width   - gaussian-sigma width to extract

	  FITS file containing extracted spectrum.
	infile = root+"_bgsub.fits"
	wave = spectools.wavelength(outname)
	data = pyfits.open(outname)[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)
	infile = root+"_var.fits"
	varimg = pyfits.open(outname)[0].data.astype(scipy.float32)

	yvals = scipy.arange(data.shape[0]).astype(scipy.float32)

	fit = scipy.array([0.,1.,pos,width])
	weight = sf.ngauss(yvals,fit)
	weight[abs(yvals-pos)/width>1.5] = 0.
	weight /= weight.sum()

	spec = weight*data.T
	spec = spec.sum(axis=1)
	varspec = weight*varimg.T
	varspec = varspec.sum(axis=1)
	spec[varspec==0] = 0.
	smooth = signal.wiener(spec,7,varspec)
	smooth[scipy.isnan(smooth)] = 0.

	hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU()
	hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu])

	crval = wave[0]
	scale = wave[1]-wave[0]
	for i in [spec,smooth,varspec]:
		thdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(i)

Пример #23
def apply_wiener_filter(data, ich, n=16384):
    x = [data[ich * n + i] for i in range(n)]
    m = np.mean(x)
    #     y = wiener([a-m for a in x], mysize=500)
    y = wiener([a - m for a in x], mysize=500, noise=0.0003)
    for i in range(n):
        data[ich * n + i] = y[i] + m
Пример #24
def testWiener(x, y, s, npts):
        sigma2 = None #np.var(y)
        print sigma2
	wi = wiener(y, mysize=29, noise=sigma2)
	print "wieerr", ssqe(wi, s, npts)
	return wi
Пример #25
def slidingWindow(P,inX=3,outX=32,inY=3,outY=64,maxM=50,norm=True):
	""" Enhance the constrast

		Cut off extreme values and demean the image
		Utilize scipy convolve2d to get the mean at a given pixel
		Remove local mean with inner exclusion region

			P: 2-d numpy array image
			inX: inner exclusion region in the x-dimension
			outX: length of the window in the x-dimension
			inY: inner exclusion region in the y-dimension
			outY: length of the window in the y-dimension
			maxM: size of the output image in the y-dimension
			norm: boolean to cut off extreme values

			Q: 2-d numpy contrast enhanced
	Q = P.copy()
	m, n = Q.shape
	Q = exposure.equalize_hist(Q.astype('Float32'), nbins = 65)
	Q = detrend(Q.astype('Float32'), axis = 1)
	Q = detrend(Q.astype('Float32'), axis = 0)
	Q = wiener(Q.astype('Float32'), 4)

	return Q[:maxM,:]
Пример #26
def wise_psf_stamp(band):
    # psf noise: ~roughly 0.1 count in outskirts of W1 and W2
    if band >= 3:
        raise ValueError('Need to stare at W3+ PSF more!')
    if os.getenv('WISE_PSF_DIR', None) is None:
        raise ValueError('WISE_PSF_DIR must be set.')
    psfnoise = 0.1
    stamp = fits.getdata(
                     'psf_model_w' + str(band) + '.fits'))
    edges = numpy.concatenate(
        [stamp[0, 1:-1], stamp[-1, 1:-1], stamp[1:-1, 0], stamp[1:-1, -1]])
    medval = numpy.median(edges[edges != 0]) / 2
    stamp[stamp == 0] = medval
    stamp -= medval
    from scipy import signal
    stamp[stamp < 0] = 0.
    # suppress spurious warnings in signal.wiener
    olderr = numpy.seterr(invalid='ignore', divide='ignore')
    stamp = signal.wiener(stamp, 11, psfnoise)
    # taper linearly over outer 60 pixels?
    stampszo2 = stamp.shape[0] // 2
    xx, yy = numpy.mgrid[-stampszo2:stampszo2 + 1, -stampszo2:stampszo2 + 1]
    edgedist = numpy.clip(stampszo2 - numpy.abs(xx), 0,
                          stampszo2 - numpy.abs(yy))
    stamp = stamp * numpy.clip(edgedist / 60., stamp < 10, 1)
    import psf
    stamp = psf.center_psf(stamp, censize=19)
    stamp = stamp / numpy.sum(stamp)
    return stamp
Пример #27
 def _smooth_columns(self,maturation_paths):
     pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'
     for col in maturation_paths:
             temp = wiener(maturation_paths[col])
     return smoothed_maturation_paths
Пример #28
def smooth_by_linear_filter(data, win_size, win_type='rectangular'):
    #    half_win = int(math.floor(win_size/2))
    #    total_win = half_win*2+1
    total_win, half_win = actual_win_size(win_size)
    if win_type == 'gaussian':
        data_smoothed = gaussian_filter(data, total_win)
        return data_smoothed
    if win_type == 'wiener':
        data_smoothed = wiener(data, total_win)
        return data_smoothed
    if win_type == 'rectangular':
        weights = np.ones(total_win) / total_win
    elif win_type == 'hamming':
        weights = np.hamming(total_win) / np.sum(np.hamming(total_win))
    data_smoothed = []
    for i in range(len(data)):
        end = i + half_win
        if i + half_win >= len(data):
        if i - half_win < 0:
            start = 0
            data_smoothed.append(np.mean(data[start:end + 1]))
            start = i - half_win
            data_smoothed.append(weights.dot(data[start:end + 1].T))
    return np.array(data_smoothed)
Пример #29
def main():
    t = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)

    def f(t):
        return np.sin(
            np.pi * t) + 0.1 * np.cos(7 * np.pi * t + 0.3) + 0.2 * np.cos(
                24 * np.pi * t) + 0.3 * np.cos(12 * np.pi * t + 0.5)

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 3))

    axes[0].plot(t, signal.gausspulse(t, fc=5, bw=0.5))
    t *= 5 * np.pi
    axes[1].plot(t, signal.sawtooth(t))
    axes[2].plot(t, signal.square(t))

    t = np.linspace(0, 4, 400)
    plt.plot(t, f(t))
    # 中值滤波函数
             signal.medfilt(f(t), kernel_size=55),
    # 维纳滤波函数
    plt.plot(t, signal.wiener(f(t), mysize=55), linewidth=2, label="wiener")

Пример #30
def wiener_filter(time):

	rv_err = data[:,2]

	# Compute variance from given RV errors
	variance = sum(x*x for x in rv_err) / 228 # N = 228
	y_wiener = wiener(data[:,1], 600, variance) # wiener(im, box_size, noise)

	# Using Wiener filter
	plt.plot(time, y, 'o', color = 'b', label = 'Raw')
	plt.plot(time, y, color = 'b') # raw RV data

	plt.plot(time, y_wiener, 'o', color = 'r', label = 'Wiener') # smooth RV data
	plt.legend(loc='lower right', numpoints = 1)

	plt.title('Tau Ceti: Wiener Filter')
	plt.xlabel('JD - 2.44e6')
	plt.ylabel('RV (m/s)')

    # Using default smooth data
	plt.plot(time, y, 'o', color = 'b', label = 'Raw')
	plt.plot(time, y, color = 'b') # raw RV data

	plt.plot(time, y_smooth, 'o', color = 'r', label = 'Default Smooth') # smooth RV data
	plt.legend(loc='lower right', numpoints = 1)

	plt.xlabel('JD - 2.44e6')
	plt.ylabel('RV (m/s)')

Пример #31
    def test_wiener(self, num_samps):
        cpu_sig = np.random.rand(num_samps)
        gpu_sig = cp.asarray(cpu_sig)

        cpu_wfilt = signal.wiener(cpu_sig)
        gpu_wfilt = cp.asnumpy(cusignal.wiener(gpu_sig))
        assert array_equal(cpu_wfilt, gpu_wfilt)
 def getDisparitySet(self,filtereddata):
     curdisparityset = np.array([])
     for items in filtereddata:
         item = np.array(items[8:],dtype=float)
         lefteye = item[0:3]
         righteye = item[3:6]
         leftgaze = item[6:9]
         rightgaze = item[9:12]
         disparityangular = self.calculateDisparityAngular(lefteye,righteye,leftgaze,rightgaze)
         curItem = np.array([items[1],disparityangular])
         if curdisparityset.size == 0:
             curdisparityset = curItem
             curdisparityset = np.vstack((curdisparityset,curItem))
     disparityset = sg.wiener(np.array(curdisparityset[:,1],dtype=float))
     dispritysettmp = np.array([])
     for i in range(len(curdisparityset)):
         curitem = np.array([curdisparityset[i,0],disparityset[i]])
         if dispritysettmp.size ==0:
             dispritysettmp = curitem
             dispritysettmp = np.vstack((dispritysettmp,curitem))
     disparityset = dispritysettmp
     # plt.plot(map(float,curdisparityset[:,1]))
     # plt.xlabel(u'采样点',fontsize = 18)
     # plt.ylabel(u'视差角(rad)',fontsize = 18)
     # #plt.plot(disparityset)
     # plt.show()
     return disparityset
Пример #33
def doccl(data, centroids, fn, P):
    # setup mask (for results)
    maskdata = zeros_like(data)
    #%% (1) denoise
    if 'aparam' in P and 'wiener' in P['aparam']:
        filtered = wiener(data, [5, 5])  #TODO puts in negative values
        filtered = data
#%% (2) threshold (Otsu)
    thres = dothres(data, filtered, maskdata, fn, P)
    #%% (3) morphological ops
    morphed = domorph(data, thres, maskdata, fn, P)
    #%% (4) connected component labeling
    if centroids is None:
        centroids, nlbl, badind = dolabel(morphed)
        nlbl = centroids.size
        badind = []

#%% (5) property analysis (centroid extraction)
    centroid_sum = dosum(filtered, centroids, nlbl, badind, fn, P)
    #print('{:0.2f} sec. to compute {} centroids in {}'.format(time()-tic,nlbl,fn))

    return centroid_sum, centroids
Пример #34
def sigmaVV(dataset, xOff=0, yOff=0, xS=None, yS=None, \
    xBufScale=None, yBufScale=None, s='abs', filter_name='wiener', ws=7, que=[]):
    # calculate the sinclair matrix
    S_VV = dataset.GetRasterBand(2).ReadAsArray(xoff=xOff, yoff=yOff, \
    win_xsize=xS, win_ysize=yS, \
    buf_xsize=xBufScale, buf_ysize=yBufScale)
    # calculate the magnitude
    S_VV_ABS = absolute(S_VV)
    # calculate the linear sigma_naught
    if s == 'abs':
        SigmaVV = S_VV_ABS**2
    # calculate the sigma_naught in dB
    if s == 'sigma0': 
        SigmaVV = 2*10*log10(S_VV_ABS)
#    SigmaVVwnr = wiener(SigmaVV,mysize=(7,7),noise=None)
    #we're putting return value into queue
    #Filter the image using 'median' or Lee 'wiener' filtering methods
    if filter_name == 'median':
        # filter the image using median filter
        SigmaVVmed = medfilt2d(SigmaHH, kernel_size=ws)
    elif filter_name == 'wiener':
        # filter the image using wiener filter
        SigmaVVwnr = wiener(SigmaVV,mysize=(ws,ws),noise=None)
        print 'Please specify the name of the filter: "median" or "wiener"'
Пример #35
def Wiener(y, n):
    wi = sig.wiener(y, mysize=n)

    if sum(np.isnan(wi)) > 0:
        return y

    return wi
Пример #36
def writeMorseString(ffttimeseries, freq):
	#starts by defining long/short
	highCounter = 0
	spaceCounter = 0
	spaceDefinition = 10000
	isHigh = 0
	lowest = 10000
	shortSig = lowest #initial definition of a short signal
	longSig = lowest*2 #initial definition of a long signal
	fftsum = 0
	for i in range(0, len(ffttimeseries)):
	fftavg = fftsum/len(ffttimeseries)
	print "fftavg: ", fftavg
	filtered_fft = wiener(ffttimeseries[:,freq], 3)
	peakArray = []
	for i in range(0, len(ffttimeseries)):
		peakArray.append(isPeak(filtered_fft[i], freq, fftavg))
	for i in range(0, int(1*len(ffttimeseries))):
			highCounter +=1
			isHigh = 1
			if(spaceCounter!=0 and spaceCounter*2 < spaceDefinition):
				spaceDefinition = 3*spaceCounter
				print "space: ", spaceDefinition, "  ", i
			spaceCounter = 0
				print lowest, " ", i
			highCounter = 0
			isHigh = 0
		if(not isHigh):	
			spaceCounter +=1
	shortSig = lowest #initial definition of a short signal
	longSig = lowest*2 #initial definition of a long signal
	print "Short sig is: ", shortSig, " Long sig is: ", longSig, "space is: ", spaceDefinition
	morsestring = ""
	highCounter = 0
	spaceCounter = 0

	for i in range(0, int(1*len(ffttimeseries))):
			highCounter +=1
			isHigh = 1
			if(spaceCounter >= spaceDefinition):
				morsestring += " "
			spaceCounter = 0
				morsestring += "-"
			elif(highCounter < longSig):
				morsestring += "."
			highCounter = 0
			isHigh = 0
		if(not isHigh):	
			spaceCounter +=1
	return morsestring
Пример #37
def NormalizeColumnGains(imgArray,target=None,PlotAll=0,Plot=0,JustDark=0,Rows=0,Method="Mean",Wiener=0):
        Purpose: Normalize an image array to remove column gain bias. Designed for DayStar images.



#    img2=numpy.append(img,img,axis=0)

    if not isinstance(imgArray, np.ndarray):
        raise RuntimeError('numpy ndarray input required. Try using loadimg() first.')
    if imgArray.shape == (2192,2592):       #Assumes this is a raw DayStar image
    # useful index numbers
        imgTstart = 0           # image rows top start
        DRTend = 1080+16        # dark rows top end
        DRBstart = DRTend       # dark rows bottom start            
        imgBend = 2160+32       # image rows bottom start

        imgTop = DarkColNormalize(imgArray[imgTstart:DRTend,:], top=1, Plot=PlotAll, Method=Method)   # No Dark Columns, Just Dark Rows and pic
#            print "imgTop shape",imgTop.shape
        imgBottom = DarkColNormalize(imgArray[DRBstart:imgBend,:],Plot=PlotAll,Method=Method)
#            print "imgBottom shape",imgBottom.shape

        # Normalize Both Images to the same gain setting
        if target is None: # May want to change this to include all the options
        topFactor = target/np.mean(imgTop)
        bottomFactor = target/np.mean(imgBottom)

        NormImg = np.append(imgTop*topFactor,imgBottom*bottomFactor,axis=0)

        # Return just the dark or both?
        if not JustDark:
            NormImg = NormalizeColumnGains(NormImg,target=target,Method=Method)
#                if Rows:
#                    NormImg = NormalizeColumnGains(NormImg,target=target,Rows=Rows)

        if JustDark:
            print "You ToolBag! You are trying to normalize the dark columns of an image with no dark columns!!!"
            print "flatfield.NormalizeColumnGains   expects a dark column image of size   [2192,2592]"
            print "Image size passed is:   [%s]" % imgArray.shape
        NormImg = ImgColNormalize(imgArray,Method=Method)

    if Plot:
        PlotComparison(imgArray,NormImg,title="Full Image Gain Normalization")

    if Wiener:
        NormImg = signal.wiener(NormImg)

    return NormImg
def orient(image, height, width):
#initial filtering and solving of gradient for calculating orientation
    img = sp.wiener(image,[3, 3])
    Gy, Gx = np.gradient(img)
    orientnum = sp.wiener(2*Gx*Gy,[3,3])
    orientden = sp.wiener((Gx**2) - (Gy**2),[3,3])
    W2 = max([len(image), len(image[0])])
    W = 8
    ll = 9
    orient = np.zeros((imgN/W+1,imgM/W+1))
    snum = []
    sden = []
#calculates orientation
    for i in range(1,(imgN/W)*(imgM/W)+1):
        x = m.floor((i-1)/(imgM/W))*W
        y = ((i-1)%(imgN/W))*W
        numblock = orientnum[y:y+W,x:x+W]      
        denblock = orientden[y:y+W,x:x+W]
        if somma_denom != 0:
            inside = somma_num/somma_denom
            angle = 0.5*m.atan(inside)
            angle = pi2

        if angle < 0:
            if somma_num < 0:
                angle = angle + pi2
                angle = angle + pi
            if somma_num > 0:
                angle = angle + pi2
        orient[(y)/W+1][(x)/W+1] = angle
    return orient[1:len(orient)+1,1:len(orient[0])+1]
Пример #39
def getSpectrogramFeatures(X):
    """returns spectrogram features"""
    specFeatures = []
    for i, x in enumerate(X):
        print "...making spectrogram features for instance: %d ...." % (i + 1)
        specgramx = pl.specgram(x)[0]
        filteredX = signal.wiener(specgramx)
    return np.array(specFeatures)
Пример #40
def perform_abel_discontinuous(x, data):

    if data.ndim == 1:
        data = np.atleast_2d(data)

    ny, nx = data.shape

    dx = x[1]-x[0]
    r = x[nx/2:nx-1]
    nr = len(r)

    smoothed = np.zeros( (ny,nx) )
    deriv = np.zeros( (ny,nx) )
    f_abel = np.zeros( (ny,nr) )
    sigma_deriv = 2

    for i in range(0,ny):

        w_discont = int(np.where( data[i,nx/2:] != 0)[0][0]) # what happens if measured phase is zero?
                                                             # unlikely to have exact value...

        if w_discont == 0:
            smoothed[i, :] = signal.wiener(data[i,:], mysize=10)
            deriv[i,:]= ifft(fft(smoothed[i,:]) * fft(periodic_gaussian_deriv(x, sigma_deriv*dx))).real
            tmp= abel(x, deriv[i,:])
            f_abel[i,:]= tmp[0]

            # avoid performing operations over discontinuity
            left = range(0, int(nx/2 - w_discont +1 ))
            right = range( int(nx/2 + w_discont) , nx )

            smoothed[i, left] = signal.wiener(data[i, left], mysize=10)
            smoothed[i, right] = signal.wiener(data[i, right], mysize=10)        
            deriv[i,:]= ifft(fft(smoothed[i,:]) * fft(periodic_gaussian_deriv(x, sigma_deriv*dx))).real
            #deriv[i, left] = ifft(fft(smoothed[i,left]) * fft(periodic_gaussian_deriv(x[left], sigma_deriv*dx))).real
            #deriv[i, right] = ifft(fft(smoothed[i,right]) * fft(periodic_gaussian_deriv(x[right], sigma_deriv*dx))).real  
            tmp= abel(x, deriv[i,:])
            f_abel[i,:]= tmp[0]
            f_abel[i, 0: w_discont+1] = 0

    return (r, f_abel, deriv, smoothed)
Пример #41
    def speckle_filter(self, filter_name='wiener', ws=7):
        Filter the image using 'median' filtering methods
        if filter_name == 'median':
            # filter the image using median filter
            self.SigmaHHmed = medfilt2d(self.SigmaHH, kernel_size=ws)
            self.SigmaHVmed = medfilt2d(self.SigmaHV, kernel_size=ws)
            self.SigmaVHmed = medfilt2d(self.SigmaVH, kernel_size=ws)
            self.SigmaVVmed = medfilt2d(self.SigmaVV, kernel_size=ws)

        elif filter_name == 'wiener':
            # filter the image using wiener filter
            self.SigmaHHwnr = wiener(self.SigmaHH,mysize=(ws,ws),noise=None)
            self.SigmaHVwnr = wiener(self.SigmaHV,mysize=(ws,ws),noise=None)
            self.SigmaVHwnr = wiener(self.SigmaVH,mysize=(ws,ws),noise=None)
            self.SigmaVVwnr = wiener(self.SigmaVV,mysize=(ws,ws),noise=None)

            print 'Please specify the name of the filter: "median"'
def filter_specgrams_test():
  test_dim = 54503
  nfeatures = 129 * 30 

  testX = numpy.zeros(test_dim * nfeatures).reshape(test_dim, nfeatures)
  for i in range(0, test_dim): 
    sp = specgram("../data/test/test%d.aiff" % (i+1))
    y = signal.wiener(sp)
    print y.shape
    testX[i, :] = y.reshape(nfeatures)
  return testX
Пример #43
def _gufunc_filter_wiener(x, y, mysize, noise, out=None):  # pragma: no cover
    # Pre-process
    xynm = preprocess_interp1d_nan_func(x, y, out)
    if xynm is None:  # all nan
    x, y, x_even, y_even, num_nan, mask = xynm

    # filter even data
    yf_even = signal.wiener(y_even, mysize=mysize, noise=noise)

    # Post-process
    postprocess_interp1d_nan_func(x, x_even, yf_even, num_nan, mask, out)
Пример #44
 def test_basic(self):
     g = array([[5, 6, 4, 3], [3, 5, 6, 2], [2, 3, 5, 6], [1, 6, 9, 7]], "d")
     correct = array(
             [2.16374269, 3.2222222222, 2.8888888889, 1.6666666667],
             [2.666666667, 4.33333333333, 4.44444444444, 2.8888888888],
             [2.222222222, 4.4444444444, 5.4444444444, 4.801066874837],
             [1.33333333333, 3.92735042735, 6.0712560386, 5.0404040404],
     h = signal.wiener(g)
     assert_array_almost_equal(h, correct, decimal=6)
Пример #45
def resto_wiener(mat):
    Wiener filter from scipy
    => [mat]    Numpy array
    <= wmat     Numpy array after restoration by Wiener filter
    from scipy.signal import wiener
    #im  = image_im2mat(im)
    res = wiener(mat)
    #res = image_mat2im(res)

    return res
Пример #46
def labGainProfil(wavelength, alphaSatPeak, gainBandwidth):
	Generate a gain profile from experimentales cross-section values
	# Construction d'une curve de cross-Section interpole
	eCrossSection = load('CrossSectionEm.dat')
	aCrossSection = load('CrossSectionAbs.dat')
	aCrossSectionZoom = load('CrossSectionAbs_Zoom.dat')

	# Petite passe pour que le pics a 975 fit en emission et en absorption
	aCrossSection_norm = aCrossSection[:,1]*(eCrossSection[:,1].max()/aCrossSection[:,1].max())

	eCS_spline = scipy.interpolate.splrep(eCrossSection[:,0],  signal.wiener(eCrossSection[:,1],5,10))
	aCS_spline = scipy.interpolate.splrep(aCrossSection[:,0]*1E9,  signal.wiener(aCrossSection_norm,5,10))
	aCSZoom_spline = scipy.interpolate.splrep(aCrossSectionZoom[:,0]*1E9,  signal.wiener(aCrossSectionZoom[:,1],5,10))

	eCS_WL = arange(850, 1100, 1)
	aCS_WL = arange(850, 1001 ,1)
	aCSZoom_WL = arange(1001, 1100, 1)
	eCS_int = scipy.interpolate.splev(eCS_WL, eCS_spline)
	aCSLeft_int = scipy.interpolate.splev(aCS_WL, aCS_spline)
	aCSRight_int = scipy.interpolate.splev(aCSZoom_WL, aCSZoom_spline)
	aCS_int = r_[aCSLeft_int, aCSRight_int]
Пример #47
def generatePlot(fftts, freq):
	fftsum = 0
	for i in range(0, len(fftts)):
	fftavg = fftsum/len(fftts)
	peakArray = []
	filtered_fft = wiener(fftts[:,freq], 19)
	for i in range(0, len(fftts)):
		peakArray.append(isPeak(filtered_fft[i], freq, fftavg))
		print filtered_fft[i]
	p = peakArray
	f = np.linspace(0, len(peakArray), len(p))
	plt.plot(f, p)
def filter_specgrams_train(seen):
  train_dim = len(seen)
  nfeatures = 129 * 30

  # First create trainY
  f = pandas.read_csv("../data/train.csv")
  trainY = f["label"]
  trainY = trainY.ix[map(lambda x: x - 1, seen)]

  # Next read Train data
  trainX = numpy.zeros(train_dim * nfeatures).reshape(train_dim, nfeatures)
  for i in range(0, len(seen)):
    sp = specgram("../data/train/train%d.aiff" % seen[i]) 
    y = signal.wiener(sp)
    print y.shape
    trainX[i, :] = y.reshape(nfeatures)

  return (trainX, trainY)
Пример #49
def pipeline(path, frame_ms=30, hop_ms=15):
    #sig, rate = librosa.load(path)
    #sig2, rate2 = ad.read_file(path)
    sig, rate = soundfile.read(path)
    sig = signal.wiener(sig)
    print("rate", rate)
    fsize = librosa.time_to_samples(float(frame_ms)/1000, rate)[0]
    hop = librosa.time_to_samples(float(hop_ms)/1000, rate)[0]
    print("frame size", fsize, "hop", hop)
    frames = librosa.util.frame(sig, fsize, hop)
    w = signal.hann(fsize)
    #frames_W = np.zeros_like(frames)
    #frames = frames.T
    print("windowing function")
    frames_w = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x,w: x*w, 0, frames, w)
    frames = frames_w
    print("window suppression")
    frames = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x,w: x/(w+1e-15), 0, frames, w)
    #    frames_W[i] = signal.convolve(frames[i],w, mode='same')
    #frames = frames_W.T
    #w = signal.correlate(w,w,mode='full')
    #w = w[w.size/2:]
    #frames = sigutil.enframe(sig, fsize, hop, signal.hann)
    print("normalized autocorrelation")
    naccs = np.apply_along_axis(nacc, 0, frames)
    naccs = np.apply_along_axis(trim_frame, 0, naccs)
    minacs = np.zeros_like(naccs)
    for i in range(len(naccs.T)):
        minacs[:,i] = min_ac(naccs.T, i)
    #acvars = np.apply_along_axis(acvar, 0, naccs2)
    acvars = np.apply_along_axis(acvar, 0, minacs)
    ltacs = np.zeros_like(acvars)
    for i in range(len(acvars)):
        ltacs[i] = ltac(acvars, i)
    return sig, rate, frames, fsize, minacs, acvars, ltacs
    def aggregate_windows(self,
        Recommended window size is 25*32
        :param window_seq:
        :param return_velocity:
        :param kwargs:

        for window in window_seq:

            window_scaled = wiener(window, 10)

            for win_index, win_item in enumerate(window_scaled):
                # if win_index == 0:
                yield win_item
Пример #51
def plotChirp(t, eFieldSVEA, filtering = [2000,500]):
	Plot the frequency chirp of a pulse
		* t: time vector
		* SVEA Amplitude Field of the pulse
	nt = len(eFieldSVEA)
	nuInstPulse = signal.wiener(nuInst(eFieldSVEA),filtering[0], filtering[1])
	width = ptsFWHM(pow(abs(eFieldSVEA),2))

	fig = plt.figure()
	ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)
	ax2 = ax1.twinx()

	y1, y2 = ax1.get_ylim()
	width = FWHM(t, pow(abs(eFieldSVEA),2))

	ax2.plot(nuInstPulse, color='red')
Пример #52
def deblurBeamObjectiveFunction(noiseRatio,beamArray,psf,actualApMeasurementX,actualApMeasurementY):
    """Objective function used to deblur the deconvolved beam image.
    An objective funtion is a function whos output is required to be optimal (in this case our optimal value
    is the minimal one) by some optimisation routine. One, or many arguments can be altered by the
    optimisation routine. In this case that parameter is the noiseRatio.

        noiseRatio            -A scalar value that represents the noise-power term in the wiener deconvolution
        beamArray             -A 2D numpy array of floats that represents the theoretical deconvolved i_pin
                                readings at each point in the space.
        psf                   -A 2D numpy array of floats that represents the aperture used to measure the
                                beam intensity.
        actualApMeasurementX  -Measured i_pin readings in the horizontal direction as a 1D numpy array of floats
        actualApMeasurementY  -Measured i_pin readings in the vertical direction as a 1D numpy array of floats

        totalRMSD             -The sum of the root mean squared deviations of the theoretical and measured
                                i_pin readings.
    #Deblur the image
    deconvolvedBeamArray = signal.wiener(beamArray,psf.shape,noiseRatio)

    #simulate the aperture scans
    simulatedApMeasurementsX,simulatedApMeasurementsY = simulateApertureScans(deconvolvedBeamArray,psf)

    #Calculate the root mean squared deviations (rmsd)
    rmsdX = rootMeanSquaredDeviation(simulatedApMeasurementsX, actualApMeasurementX)
    rmsdY = rootMeanSquaredDeviation(simulatedApMeasurementsY, actualApMeasurementY)
    ######### I used to need the line below (as opposed to the rmsdX above),
    ######### however since changing distribution to Anacdonda the code below
    ######### throws errors because there is a mismatch in the dimensions.
    #rmsdX = rootMeanSquaredDeviation(simulatedApMeasurementsX, actualApMeasurementX[0:-1])

    #Add the rmsds
    totalRMSD = rmsdX + rmsdY

    return totalRMSD
def slidingWindowH(P,inner=3,outer=32,maxM=50,norm=True):
	""" Enhance the constrast horizontally (along temporal dimension)

		Cut off extreme values and demean the image
		Utilize numpy convolve to get the mean at a given pixel
		Remove local mean with inner exclusion region

			P: 2-d numpy array image
			inner: inner exclusion region 
			outer: length of the window
			maxM: size of the output image in the y-dimension
			norm: boolean to cut off extreme values

			Q: 2-d numpy contrast enhanced vertically
	Q = P.copy()
	m, n = Q.shape
	Q = exposure.equalize_hist(Q.astype('Float32'), nbins = 65)
	Q = detrend(Q.astype('Float32'), axis = 0)
	Q = wiener(Q.astype('Float32'), 4)
	return Q[:maxM,:]
Пример #54
def wiener_filter(signal):
    """ Wiener filter. """
    output = wiener(signal, 2**5 - 1)
    return output
Пример #55
def _edge_detect(image, high_threshold=.75, low_threshold=.4):
    """ Edge detection for 2D images based on Canny filtering.

        image: 2D array
            The image on which edge detection is applied
        high_threshold: float, optional
            The quantile defining the upper threshold of the hysteries 
            thresholding: decrease this to keep more edges
        low_threshold: float, optional
            The quantile defining the lower threshold of the hysteries 
            thresholding: decrease this to extract wider edges

        grad_mag: 2D array of floats
            The magnitude of the gradient
        edge_mask: 2D array of booleans
            A mask of where have edges been detected

        This function is based on a Canny filter, however it has been
        taylored to visualization purposes on brain images: don't use it
        in the general case.

        It computes the norm of the gradient, extracts the ridge by
        keeping only local maximum in each direction, and performs
        hysteresis filtering to keep only edges with high gradient
    # This code is loosely based on code by Stefan van der Waalt
    # Convert to floats to avoid overflows
    np_err = np.seterr(all='ignore')
    # Replace NaNs by 0s to avoid meaningless outputs
    image = np.nan_to_num(image)
    img = signal.wiener(image.astype(np.float))
    # Where the noise variance is 0, Wiener can create nans
    img[np.isnan(img)] = image[np.isnan(img)]
    img /= img.max()
    grad_x = ndimage.sobel(img, mode='constant', axis=0)
    grad_y = ndimage.sobel(img, mode='constant', axis=1)
    grad_mag = np.sqrt(grad_x ** 2 + grad_y ** 2)
    grad_angle = np.arctan2(grad_y, grad_x)
    # Scale the angles in the range [0, 2]
    grad_angle = (grad_angle + np.pi) / np.pi
    # Non-maximal suppression: an edge pixel is only good if its magnitude is
    # greater than its neighbors normal to the edge direction.
    thinner = np.zeros(grad_mag.shape, dtype=np.bool)
    for angle in np.arange(0, 2, .25):
        thinner = thinner | (
                (grad_mag > .85 * ndimage.maximum_filter(
                    grad_mag, footprint=_orientation_kernel(angle)))
                & (((grad_angle - angle) % 2) < .75)
    # Remove the edges next to the side of the image: they are not reliable
    thinner[0]     = 0
    thinner[-1]    = 0
    thinner[:, 0]  = 0
    thinner[:, -1] = 0

    thinned_grad = thinner * grad_mag
    # Hysteresis thresholding: find seeds above a high threshold, then
    # expand out until we go below the low threshold
    grad_values = thinned_grad[thinner]
    high = thinned_grad > fast_abs_percentile(grad_values,
                                              100 * high_threshold)
    low = thinned_grad > fast_abs_percentile(grad_values,
                                             100 * low_threshold)
    edge_mask = ndimage.binary_dilation(
        high, structure=np.ones((3, 3)), iterations=-1, mask=low)
    return grad_mag, edge_mask