def test_conversion(self): # Check the conversion functions s = TransferFunction([1, 0], [1, -1]) assert_(isinstance(s.to_ss(), StateSpace)) assert_(isinstance(s.to_tf(), TransferFunction)) assert_(isinstance(s.to_zpk(), ZerosPolesGain)) # Make sure copies work assert_(TransferFunction(s) is not s) assert_(s.to_tf() is not s)
def test_properties(self): # Test setters/getters for cross class properties. # This implicitly tests to_ss() and to_zpk() # Getters s = TransferFunction([1, 0], [1, -1], dt=0.05) assert_equal(s.poles, [1]) assert_equal(s.zeros, [0]) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) assert_equal(s.gain, 1) assert_equal(s.A, 1) assert_equal(s.B, 1) assert_equal(s.C, 1) assert_equal(s.D, 1) # state space setters s2 = TransferFunction([2, 3], [4, 5], dt=0.05) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) s2.A = 1 s2.B = 1 s2.C = 1 s2.D = 1 self._compare_systems(s, s2) # zpk setters s2 = TransferFunction([2, 3], [4, 5], dt=0.05) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning) s2.poles = 1 s2.zeros = 0 s2.gain = 1 self._compare_systems(s, s2)
def test_full(self): # Numerator and denominator same order num = [2, 3, 4] den = [5, 6, 7] num2, den2 = TransferFunction._z_to_zinv(num, den) assert_equal(num, num2) assert_equal(den, den2) num2, den2 = TransferFunction._zinv_to_z(num, den) assert_equal(num, num2) assert_equal(den, den2)
def test_numerator(self): # Numerator lower order than denominator num = [2, 3] den = [5, 6, 7] num2, den2 = TransferFunction._z_to_zinv(num, den) assert_equal([0, 2, 3], num2) assert_equal(den, den2) num2, den2 = TransferFunction._zinv_to_z(num, den) assert_equal([2, 3, 0], num2) assert_equal(den, den2)
def test_denominator(self): # Numerator higher order than denominator num = [2, 3, 4] den = [5, 6] num2, den2 = TransferFunction._z_to_zinv(num, den) assert_equal(num, num2) assert_equal([0, 5, 6], den2) num2, den2 = TransferFunction._zinv_to_z(num, den) assert_equal(num, num2) assert_equal([5, 6, 0], den2)
def test_properties(self): # Test setters/getters for cross class properties. # This implicitly tests to_ss() and to_zpk() # Getters s = TransferFunction([1, 0], [1, -1], dt=0.05) assert_equal(s.poles, [1]) assert_equal(s.zeros, [0])
def test_pole_one(self): # Test that freqresp() doesn't fail on a system with a pole at 0. # integrator, pole at zero: H(s) = 1 / s system = TransferFunction([1], [1, -1], dt=0.1) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) w, mag, phase = dbode(system, n=2) assert_equal(w[0], 0.) # a fail would give not-a-number
def test_freq_range(self): # Test that freqresp() finds a reasonable frequency range. # 1st order low-pass filter: H(z) = 1 / (z - 0.2), # Expected range is from 0.01 to 10. system = TransferFunction(1, [1, -0.2], dt=0.1) n = 10 expected_w = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 10, endpoint=False) w, H = dfreqresp(system, n=n) assert_almost_equal(w, expected_w)
def __init__(self, counter, denominator): """ An element is described by the counter and denominator of its transfer function. It has corresponding scipy lti and TransferFunction object as attributes. counter and denominator are list from highest order term to lowest. """ self.counter = np.asarray(counter, dtype=np.float64) self.denominator = np.asarray(denominator, dtype=np.float64) self.sys = lti(counter, denominator) = TransferFunction(counter, denominator)
def test_pole_one(self): # Test that freqresp() doesn't fail on a system with a pole at 0. # integrator, pole at zero: H(s) = 1 / s system = TransferFunction([1], [1, -1], dt=0.1) with suppress_warnings() as sup: sup.filter(RuntimeWarning, message="divide by zero") sup.filter(RuntimeWarning, message="invalid value encountered") w, mag, phase = dbode(system, n=2) assert_equal(w[0], 0.) # a fail would give not-a-number
def test_range(self): # Test that bode() finds a reasonable frequency range. # 1st order low-pass filter: H(s) = 0.3 / (z - 0.2), dt = 0.1 system = TransferFunction(0.3, [1, -0.2], dt=0.1) n = 10 # Expected range is from 0.01 to 10. expected_w = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n, endpoint=False) / dt w, mag, phase = dbode(system, n=n) assert_almost_equal(w, expected_w)
def test_conversion(self): # Check the conversion functions s = TransferFunction([1, 0], [1, -1], dt=0.05) assert_(isinstance(s.to_ss(), StateSpace)) assert_(isinstance(s.to_tf(), TransferFunction)) assert_(isinstance(s.to_zpk(), ZerosPolesGain)) # Make sure copies work assert_(TransferFunction(s) is not s) assert_(s.to_tf() is not s)
def test_manual(self): # Test dfreqresp() real part calculation (manual sanity check). # 1st order low-pass filter: H(z) = 1 / (z - 0.2), system = TransferFunction(1, [1, -0.2], dt=0.1) w = [0.1, 1, 10] w, H = dfreqresp(system, w=w) # test real expected_re = [1.2383, 0.4130, -0.7553] assert_almost_equal(H.real, expected_re, decimal=4) # test imag expected_im = [-0.1555, -1.0214, 0.3955] assert_almost_equal(H.imag, expected_im, decimal=4)
def test_auto(self): # Test bode() magnitude calculation. # 1st order low-pass filter: H(s) = 0.3 / (z - 0.2), system = TransferFunction(0.3, [1, -0.2], dt=0.1) w = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 1, np.pi]) w2, mag, phase = dbode(system, w=w) jw = np.exp(w * 1j) y = np.polyval(system.num, jw) / np.polyval(system.den, jw) # Test mag expected_mag = 20.0 * np.log10(abs(y)) assert_almost_equal(mag, expected_mag) # Test phase expected_phase = np.rad2deg(np.angle(y)) assert_almost_equal(phase, expected_phase)
def test_auto(self): # Test dfreqresp() real part calculation. # 1st order low-pass filter: H(z) = 1 / (z - 0.2), system = TransferFunction(1, [1, -0.2], dt=0.1) w = [0.1, 1, 10, 100] w, H = dfreqresp(system, w=w) jw = np.exp(w * 1j) y = np.polyval(system.num, jw) / np.polyval(system.den, jw) # test real expected_re = y.real assert_almost_equal(H.real, expected_re) # test imag expected_im = y.imag assert_almost_equal(H.imag, expected_im)
def test_manual(self): # Test bode() magnitude calculation (manual sanity check). # 1st order low-pass filter: H(s) = 0.3 / (z - 0.2), dt = 0.1 system = TransferFunction(0.3, [1, -0.2], dt=dt) w = [0.1, 0.5, 1, np.pi] w2, mag, phase = dbode(system, w=w) # Test mag expected_mag = [-8.5329, -8.8396, -9.6162, -12.0412] assert_almost_equal(mag, expected_mag, decimal=4) # Test phase expected_phase = [-7.1575, -35.2814, -67.9809, -180.0000] assert_almost_equal(phase, expected_phase, decimal=4) # Test frequency assert_equal(np.array(w) / dt, w2)
ax2.semilogx (w/(2*np.pi), phase, 'r-', linewidth="1") ax2.set_title('Phase') plt.tight_layout() ########################################### # Multiplico Transferencias para OpenLoop # ########################################### c = lti_to_sympy(pid) p = lti_to_sympy(planta) ol = c * p open_loop = sympy_to_lti(ol) open_loop = TransferFunction(open_loop.num, open_loop.den) #normalizo w, mag, phase = bode(open_loop, freq) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1) ax1.semilogx (w/(2*np.pi), mag, 'b-', linewidth="1") ax1.set_title('Open Loop Tf - Magnitude') ax2.semilogx (w/(2*np.pi), phase, 'r-', linewidth="1") ax2.set_title('Phase') plt.tight_layout() ############################################ # Cierro el lazo y hago pruebas temporales #
############################## # Convierto Planta a Digital # # por Forward Euler # # y por Tustin # ############################## Fsampling = 2000 Tsampling = 1 / Fsampling planta_dig_tustin_n, planta_dig_tustin_d, td = cont2discrete( (planta.num, planta.den), Tsampling, method='tustin') planta_dig_euler_n, planta_dig_euler_d, td = cont2discrete( (planta.num, planta.den), Tsampling, method='euler') #normalizo con TransferFunction print("Planta en Digital") planta_dig_tustin = TransferFunction(planta_dig_tustin_n, planta_dig_tustin_d, dt=td) print(planta_dig_tustin) planta_dig_euler = TransferFunction(planta_dig_euler_n, planta_dig_euler_d, dt=td) print(planta_dig_euler) #dbode devuelve w = pi / dt, 100 puntos f_eval = np.arange(0, 0.5, 0.0001) #de 0 a 1 en saltos de 0.01 de fsampling w_tustin, mag_tustin, phase_tustin = dbode(planta_dig_tustin, n=1000) w_euler, mag_euler, phase_euler = dbode(planta_dig_euler, n=1000) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1)
def test_initialization(self): # Check that all initializations work s = TransferFunction(1, 1) s = TransferFunction([1], [2]) s = TransferFunction(np.array([1]), np.array([2]))
def simulate(args): # Left side constants kv_l = 0.83 # Kv ka_l = 0.1 # Ka kp_l = args['kp'] # Kp ki_l = args['ki'] # Ki kd_l = args['kd'] # Kd kf_v_l = args['kf'] # position feedforward kf_p_l = 0 # velocity feedforward # Right side constants kv_r = 0.85 ka_r = 0.11 kp_r = kp_l ki_r = ki_l kd_r = kd_l kf_v_r = kf_v_l kf_p_r = 0 # create system model left = TransferFunction([kd_l + kf_v_l, kp_l + kf_p_l, ki_l], [ka_l, kd_l + kv_l, kp_l, ki_l]) right = TransferFunction([kd_r + kf_v_r, kp_r + kf_p_r, ki_r], [ka_r, kd_r + kv_r, kp_r, ki_r]) # read in profile files left_profile = prepare_profile('demoLeft.csv') right_profile = prepare_profile('demoRight.csv') dt = left_profile[0, 2] dt_sim = 0.001 t_rr = np.arange(0, left_profile.shape[0] * dt, dt) # time on RoboRIO (time for setpoint updates) t = np.linspace(0, t_rr[-1], np.floor(1 / dt_sim * dt * left_profile.shape[0])) # time for simulation # staircased trajectories for using in the simulation u_left = staircase(left_profile, t, dt) u_right = staircase(right_profile, t, dt) # interpolated trajectories for error analysis u_left_c = np.interp(t, t_rr, left_profile[:, 0]) u_right_c = np.interp(t, t_rr, right_profile[:, 0]) tout_l, y_l, x_l = lsim(left, u_left, t) tout_r, y_r, x_r = lsim(right, u_right, t) err_pid_l = y_l - u_left # raw error (the one the PID sees) err_pid_r = y_r - u_right err_lerp_l = y_l - u_left_c # error based off of the interpolated trajectory err_lerp_r = y_r - u_right_c prof_traj = plot_mp(u_left_c, u_right_c, dt_sim) # path from profile actual_traj = plot_mp(y_l, y_r, dt_sim) # actual path followed dev = deviation(prof_traj, actual_traj) # Create ColumnDataSources for each plot u_time = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(t=t, l=u_left, r=u_right)) y_time = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(t=t, l=y_l, r=y_r)) err_time = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(t=t, l=err_lerp_l, r=err_lerp_r)) pt_data = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lx=prof_traj[:, 1], ly=prof_traj[:, 2], rx=prof_traj[:, 3], ry=prof_traj[:, 4])) at_data = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(lx=actual_traj[:, 1], ly=actual_traj[:, 2], rx=actual_traj[:, 3], ry=actual_traj[:, 4])) dev_data = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(t=t, l=dev[0], r=dev[1])) return u_time, y_time, err_time, pt_data, at_data, dev_data
# Desde aca utilizo ceros y polos que entrego sympy # ##################################################### planta = sympy_to_lti(Plant_out_sim) filter_sense = sympy_to_lti(Filter_out_sim) ####################################### # Convierto Planta y Filtro a Digital # # por Tustin # ####################################### Fsampling = 24000 Tsampling = 1 / Fsampling planta_dig_tustin_n, planta_dig_tustin_d, td = cont2discrete((planta.num, planta.den), Tsampling, method='tustin') #normalizo con TransferFunction print ("Planta Digital:") planta_dig_tustin = TransferFunction(planta_dig_tustin_n, planta_dig_tustin_d, dt=td) print (planta_dig_tustin) filter_dig_tustin_n, filter_dig_tustin_d, td = cont2discrete((filter_sense.num, filter_sense.den), Tsampling, method='tustin') #normalizo con TransferFunction print ("Filter Digital:") filter_dig_tustin = TransferFunction(filter_dig_tustin_n, filter_dig_tustin_d, dt=td) print (filter_dig_tustin) ######################## # Ecuacion PID Digital # ######################## ## Parametros analogicos del PID ( kp = 0.000318 ki = 0.25
print('Numerador Planta Sympy: ' + str(planta.num)) print('Denominador Planta Sympy: ' + str(planta.den)) ############################## # Convierto Planta a Digital # # por Tustin # ############################## Fsampling = 2000 Tsampling = 1 / Fsampling planta_dig_tustin_n, planta_dig_tustin_d, td = cont2discrete( (planta.num, planta.den), Tsampling, method='tustin') #normalizo con TransferFunction print("Planta en Digital") planta_dig_tustin = TransferFunction(planta_dig_tustin_n, planta_dig_tustin_d, dt=td) print(planta_dig_tustin) ######################## # Ecuacion PID Digital # ######################## # kp = 3.96 #ziegler-nichols # ki = 3960 # kd = 0.001 kp = 2 ki = 1000 kd = 0 ki_dig = ki / Fsampling kp_dig = kp - ki_dig / 2 kd_dig = kd * Fsampling
pid_poly = lti_to_sympy(controller) print("Raices del controlador:") print(roots(pid_poly)) # k1, k2, k3 = PID_analog_digital( ### Convierto Controlador por Forward Euler Fsampling = 1500 Tsampling = 1 / Fsampling cont_n, cont_d, td = cont2discrete((controller.num, controller.den), Tsampling, method='euler') #normalizo con TransferFunction print(cont_n) print(cont_d) controller_d = TransferFunction(cont_n, cont_d, dt=td) print(controller_d) #dbode devuelve w = pi / dt, 100 puntos f_eval = np.arange(0, 0.5, 0.0001) #de 0 a 1 en saltos de 0.01 de fsampling # w, mag, phase = dbode(controller_d, w=f_eval*np.pi) w, mag, phase = dbode(controller_d, n=1000) # w, mag, phase = dbode(controller_d) # print (w) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.semilogx(w / (np.pi), mag, 'b') ax1.set_title('PID Euler') ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude P D2 [dB]', color='b')
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy.signal import lfilter, TransferFunction, dimpulse a = np.array([1, 7 / 140, -6 / 130, 0, -1 / 150, 1 / 150]) b = np.array([0, -6 / 20, -4 / 20, 0, 6 / 20, -4 / 20]) samples = 30 x = TransferFunction(b, a, dt=True) signal_in = dimpulse(x, n=samples) plt.figure(num=1, figsize=(8, 6)) plt.stem(signal_in[0], signal_in[1][0]) plt.title("Графік вихідного сигналу", fontsize=14) plt.xlabel('Номер відліку', fontsize=10) plt.ylabel('Амплітуда, В', fontsize=10) plt.minorticks_on() plt.grid(which='major', linewidth=1.2) plt.grid(which='minor', linewidth=.5)
def test_imaginary(self): # bode() should not fail on a system with pure imaginary poles. # The test passes if bode doesn't raise an exception. system = TransferFunction([1], [1, 0, 100], dt=0.1) dbode(system, n=2)
def tfcascade(tfa, tfb): tfc = TransferFunction( np.polymul(tfa.num, tfb.num), np.polymul(tfa.den, tfb.den) ) return tfc
Exemplo de filtro passa baixa utilizando Tustin a H(s) = ----------- (s + a) S -> Z H[Z] = Y[Z] / X[Z] """ W0 = 2 * pi * 1000 f0 = W0 / (2 * pi) # F0 em HZ # w0 = 2*pi*f0; # Definindo os coeficientes num = [W0, 0] den = [W0, 1] H = TransferFunction(num, den) print(type(H)) bode(H) Fs = 8000 Ts = 1 / Fs # Transforma de continuo para discreto, utilizando metodo de Tustin Hd = cont2discrete(H, Ts, 'bilinear') # Plotar em frequencia (Hz) [H, w] = freqz(Hd.Numerator[0, 0], Hd.Denominator[0, 0], fs=Fs / (2 * pi)) figure(2) plot(w, 20 * log10(abs(H))) grid()
ax2.semilogx (w/(2*np.pi), phase, 'b-', linewidth="1") ax2.set_title('Phase') plt.tight_layout() ########################################### # Multiplico Transferencias para OpenLoop # ########################################### c = lti_to_sympy(pid) p = lti_to_sympy(planta) ol = c * p open_loop = sympy_to_lti(ol) open_loop = TransferFunction(open_loop.num, open_loop.den) #normalizo ol if show_open_loop_bode: w, mag_ol, phase_ol = bode(open_loop, freq) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1) ax1.semilogx(w/(2*np.pi), mag_ol, 'b') ax1.set_title('Analog OpenLoop') ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude P D2 [dB]', color='b') # ax1.set_ylim([-40, 40]) ax2.semilogx(w/(2*np.pi), phase_ol, 'b') ax2.set_ylabel('Phase', color='b') ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') plt.tight_layout()
from scipy.signal import TransferFunction, lti numerator = 1.0 denominator = [-22.0, 0, 21.0 * 9.8] tf = TransferFunction(lti(numerator, denominator)) print("Transfer Function: {0}".format(tf)) print("Poles: {0}".format(tf.poles)) print("Zeros: {0}".format(tf.zeros)) zero_input = tf.output(0) print(zero_input)
ax2.set_title('Phase') plt.tight_layout() ####################################################### # Multiplico Transferencias para OpenLoop y CloseLoop # ####################################################### c = lti_to_sympy(controller) p = lti_to_sympy(planta) ol = c * p cl = ol / (1 + ol) open_loop = sympy_to_lti(ol) open_loop = TransferFunction(open_loop.num, open_loop.den) #normalizo ol close_loop = sympy_to_lti(cl) close_loop = TransferFunction(close_loop.num, close_loop.den) #normalizo cl w, mag_ol, phase_ol = bode(open_loop, freq) w, mag_cl, phase_cl = bode(close_loop, freq) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.semilogx(w / (2 * np.pi), mag_ol, 'b') ax1.semilogx(w / (2 * np.pi), mag_cl, 'y') ax1.set_title('Analog OpenLoop Blue, CloseLoop Yellow') ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude P D2 [dB]', color='b') ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax1.set_ylim([-40, 40]) ax2.semilogx(w / (2 * np.pi), phase_ol, 'b')
if Polos_Ceros_Analog == True: plot_s_plane(planta_TF) ################################################## # Convierto Planta por ZOH a una frecuencia alta # # para que no afecte polos o ceros # ################################################## Fsampling = 20 Tsampling = 1 / Fsampling planta_dig_zoh_n, planta_dig_zoh_d, td = cont2discrete( (planta_TF.num, planta_TF.den), Tsampling, method='zoh') #normalizo con TransferFunction print("Planta Digital Zoh:") planta_dig_zoh = TransferFunction(planta_dig_zoh_n, planta_dig_zoh_d, dt=td) print(planta_dig_zoh) w, mag_zoh, phase_zoh = dbode(planta_dig_zoh, n=10000) if Bode_Planta_Digital == True: fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.semilogx(w / (2 * np.pi), mag_zoh, 'y') ax1.set_title('Digital ZOH') ax1.set_ylabel('Amplitude P D2 [dB]', color='g') ax1.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax2.semilogx(w / (2 * np.pi), phase_zoh, 'y') ax2.set_ylabel('Phase', color='g') ax2.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')
def tfadd(tfa, tfb): tfc = TransferFunction( np.polyadd(np.polymul(tfa.num,tfb.den),np.polymul(tfa.den,tfb.num)), np.polymul(tfa.den,tfb.den) ) return tfc
ax2.set_title('Phase') plt.tight_layout() ### Convierto Planta por Forward Euler Fsampling = 2000 Tsampling = 1 / Fsampling planta_dig_tustin_n, planta_dig_tustin_d, td = cont2discrete( (planta.num, planta.den), Tsampling, method='tustin') planta_dig_euler_n, planta_dig_euler_d, td = cont2discrete( (planta.num, planta.den), Tsampling, method='euler') #normalizo con TransferFunction planta_dig_tustin = TransferFunction(planta_dig_tustin_n, planta_dig_tustin_d, dt=td) print(planta_dig_tustin) planta_dig_euler = TransferFunction(planta_dig_euler_n, planta_dig_euler_d, dt=td) print(planta_dig_euler) #dbode devuelve w = pi / dt, 100 puntos f_eval = np.arange(0, 0.5, 0.0001) #de 0 a 1 en saltos de 0.01 de fsampling w_tustin, mag_tustin, phase_tustin = dbode(planta_dig_tustin, n=1000) w_euler, mag_euler, phase_euler = dbode(planta_dig_euler, n=1000) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1)
Ubicacion Polos y Ceros y Respuesta en frecuencia """ ######################################################## # Control Digital Custom, elijo Ceros Polos y Ganancia # ######################################################## Fsampling = 24000 cont_zeros = [0.916, -0.89 + 0.29j, -0.89 - 0.29j] cont_poles = [1.0] cont_const = 0.01 cont_zpk_b, cont_zpk_a = zpk2tf(cont_zeros, cont_poles, cont_const) td = 1 / Fsampling controller_tf = TransferFunction(cont_zpk_b, cont_zpk_a, dt=td) print("Digital Controller:") print(controller_tf) ##################################### # Polos y Ceros del Control Digital # ##################################### plot_argand(controller_tf) ######################## # Bode Control Digital # ######################## w, mag, phase = dbode(controller_tf, n=10000) fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1) ax1.semilogx(w / (2 * np.pi), mag, 'c')
wsd = 2 * pi * fsa / fs pwpa = 2 * tan(wpd / 2) pwsa = 2 * tan(wsd / 2) N, wn = buttord(pwpa, pwsa, rp, rs, True) #N,wn=cheb1ord(pwpa,pwsa,rp,rs,True) #b,a=cheby1(N,rp,wn,'low',True) b, a = butter(N, wn, 'low', True) Fs = 1 num, den = bilinear(b, a, Fs) sys = TransferFunction(b, a, dt=1) w, h = freqz(num, den, 128) plt.plot((w * fs / (2 * pi)), 20 * log10(abs(h))) plt.grid() plt.title('Frequency response') plt.xlabel('Gain magnitude') plt.ylabel('Amplitude') y = lfilter(num, den, x1) plt.stem(y) plt.title('Output response')