def check(method, directed_in): if directed_in: SP1 = shortest_path(directed_G, method=method, directed=False, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP1, undirected_SP) else: SP2 = shortest_path(undirected_G, method=method, directed=True, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP2, undirected_SP)
def test_overwrite(): G = np.array([[0, 3, 3, 1, 2], [3, 0, 0, 2, 4], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 0, 2], [2, 4, 0, 2, 0]], dtype=float) foo = G.copy() shortest_path(foo, overwrite=False) assert_array_equal(foo, G)
def test_undirected(): for method in methods: SP1 = shortest_path(directed_G, method=method, directed=False, overwrite=False) SP2 = shortest_path(undirected_G, method=method, directed=True, overwrite=False) yield (assert_array_almost_equal, SP1, undirected_SP) yield (assert_array_almost_equal, SP2, undirected_SP)
def test_buffer(method): # Smoke test that sparse matrices with read-only buffers (e.g., those from # joblib workers) do not cause:: # # ValueError: buffer source array is read-only # G = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[1.]])['WRITEABLE'] = False shortest_path(G, method=method)
def check(method, directed): SP1 = shortest_path(directed_G, directed=directed, overwrite=False, unweighted=True) SP2 = shortest_path(unweighted_G, directed=directed, overwrite=False, unweighted=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP1, SP2)
def test_unweighted_path(): for method in methods: for directed in (True, False): SP1 = shortest_path(directed_G, directed=directed, overwrite=False, unweighted=True) SP2 = shortest_path(unweighted_G, directed=directed, overwrite=False, unweighted=False) yield (assert_array_almost_equal, SP1, SP2)
def check(method, directed): SP1, pred = shortest_path(directed_G, directed=directed, overwrite=False, return_predecessors=True) SP2 = construct_dist_matrix(directed_G, pred, directed=directed) assert_array_almost_equal(SP1, SP2)
def _generateFeedback(self, **kwargs): distances = utils.pairwise(self.representatives, self.distance, self.symmetric_distance) mst = csgraph.minimum_spanning_tree(distances) distances = csgraph.shortest_path(mst,method="D", directed=False) super(MinimumSpanningTreeFeedback, self). generateFeedback(distances, **kwargs)
def run(self, phase=None, throats=None): logger.warning('This algorithm can take some time...') conduit_lengths = sp.sum(misc.conduit_lengths(network=self._net, mode='centroid'), axis=1) graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=conduit_lengths, sprsfmt='csr') if phase is not None: self._phase = phase if 'throat.occupancy' in self._phase.props(): temp = conduit_lengths*(self._phase['throat.occupancy'] == 1) graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=temp, sprsfmt='csr', prop='temp') path = spgr.shortest_path(csgraph=graph, method='D', directed=False) Px = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 0], ndmin=2) Py = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 1], ndmin=2) Pz = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:, 2], ndmin=2) Cx = sp.square(Px.T - Px) Cy = sp.square(Py.T - Py) Cz = sp.square(Pz.T - Pz) Ds = sp.sqrt(Cx + Cy + Cz) temp = path / Ds temp[sp.isnan(temp)] = 0 temp[sp.isinf(temp)] = 0 return temp
def run(self,phase=None): r''' ''' logger.warning('This algorithm can take some time...') graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=self._net['throat.length'],sprsfmt='csr') if phase is not None: self._phase = phase if 'throat.occupancy' in self._phase.props(): temp = self._net['throat.length']*(self._phase['throat.occupancy']==1) graph = self._net.create_adjacency_matrix(data=temp,sprsfmt='csr',prop='temp') #self._net.tic() path = spgr.shortest_path(csgraph = graph, method='D', directed = False) #self._net.toc() Px = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:,0],ndmin=2) Py = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:,1],ndmin=2) Pz = sp.array(self._net['pore.coords'][:,2],ndmin=2) Cx = sp.square(Px.T - Px) Cy = sp.square(Py.T - Py) Cz = sp.square(Pz.T - Pz) Ds = sp.sqrt(Cx + Cy + Cz) temp = path/Ds #temp = path temp[sp.isnan(temp)] = 0 temp[sp.isinf(temp)] = 0 return temp
def shortest_path(self, **kwargs): '''Mirrors the scipy.sparse.csgraph function of the same name: shortest_path(G, method='auto', directed=True, return_predecessors=False, unweighted=False, overwrite=False) ''' # ssc.shortest_path requires one of these formats: adj = self.matrix(dense=True, csr=True, csc=True) return ssc.shortest_path(adj, **kwargs)
def main(): data = LoadData() dijkstra = csgraph.shortest_path(data, method='D') floyd_warshall = csgraph.shortest_path(data, method='FW') #Impresion del calculo # print(data) print('\nDijkstra shortest path result:') print(dijkstra) print('\nFloyd-Warshall shortest path result:') print(floyd_warshall) #Impresion del grafo cities = CreateGraph(data) nx.draw(cities, with_labels=True, font_weight='bold') #nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(cities, pos=nx.spring_layout(cities))
non_clustered_adj[6, (5, 8, 9)] = 1 non_clustered_adj[7, (5, 8, 9)] = 1 non_clustered_adj[8, (6, 7, 0)] = 1 non_clustered_adj[9, (6, 7, 1)] = 1 non_clustered = [ [(0, 2), (1, 3), (4, 5), (6, 8), (7, 9)], [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 7), (6, 9)], [(0, 3), (2, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8)], [(0, 8), (1, 9)], ] clustered_graph = csgraph.csgraph_from_dense(clustered_adj) non_clustered_graph = csgraph.csgraph_from_dense(non_clustered_adj) clustered_shortest_paths = csgraph.shortest_path(clustered_graph) non_clustered_shortest_paths = csgraph.shortest_path(non_clustered_graph) # nc after, nc before, c after, c before convergence_targets = np.array([0.66, 0.57, 0.606, 0.546]) alignment_targets = np.array( [0.1, 0.078, 0.066, 0.043, 0.039, 0.107, 0.075, 0.077]) def empty_mind(n_categories=4, n_exemplars=4): n_rows = n_categories * n_exemplars + n_categories adj = np.zeros((n_rows, n_rows)) labels = [] for category_i in range(n_categories): for exemplar_i in range(n_exemplars):
label_cnt = [0] * 16 for seed in starting_points + label_specific_starting_points: st = time.time() label = ref_img[seed] err2 = np.logical_and(ref_img[:, :, seed[2]] == label, seg_img[:, :, seed[2]] != label) dist2 = scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt( err2, return_distances=True) print(time.time() - st) prob2 = dist2 / np.sum(dist2) cc2 = measure.label(err2) print(time.time() - st) end_point_prob = prob2 * (cc2 == cc2[seed[0], seed[1]]) end_point_cdf = np.cumsum(np.reshape(end_point_prob, [-1])) end_point_cdf_sample = np.random.uniform(0., 1., [1]) * end_point_cdf[-1] end_point_index = np.searchsorted(end_point_cdf, end_point_cdf_sample) end_point = list(zip(*np.unravel_index(end_point_index, dist2.shape)))[0] print(time.time() - st) graph_start_index = index_image[seed] graph_end_index = index_image[end_point[0], end_point[1], seed[2]] D = csgraph.shortest_path(graph, indices=[graph_start_index, graph_end_index], return_predecessors=True) print(time.time() - st) stroke = path(D[1][0, :], graph_start_index, graph_end_index) print(time.time() - st) stroke_points = list(zip(*np.unravel_index(stroke, index_image.shape))) label_cnt[label] += 1
def do_the_gossip(methods, T, W, initial_values, goal="average"): """ methods: list composed of some of the following elements: "simple", "shift-register", "splitting", "local averaging", ("jacobi",d) where d is the parameter of the Jacobi iteration. goal: value that the estimators are compared to, can be set for instance to the mean of the distribution of the initial values. Default is the average of the initial values. """ if goal == "average": average = np.sum(initial_values) / len(initial_values) else: average = goal # useful for the tuning of some methods def _need_spectral_gap(method): if method == "shift-register" or method == "splitting": return True elif type(method) == tuple and method[0] == "jacobi-gap": return True else: return False if True in map(_need_spectral_gap, methods): eigenvalues = eigs(W, k=2, return_eigenvectors=False, which='LR') radius = eigenvalues[0] results = {} for method in methods: variances = np.zeros(T) if method == "local averaging": n = len(initial_values) distances = shortest_path(W != 0, directed=False) for t in range(T): variances[t] = sum( (((distances <= t) @ initial_values) / ((distances <= t) @ np.ones(n)) - sum(initial_values) / n) **2) / n else: if method == "simple": g = SimpleGossip(initial_values, lambda x: elif method == "shift-register": g = ShiftRegisterGossip( initial_values, (8 - 4 * np.sqrt(4 - (1 + radius)**2)) / (1 + radius)**2, lambda x: elif method == "splitting": g = SplittingGossip(initial_values, 2 / (1 + np.sqrt(1 - radius**2)), lambda x: elif type(method) == tuple and method[0] == "general-jacobi": alpha = method[1] beta = method[2] coeffs = lambda t: coeffs_Jacobi(alpha, beta, t) g = PolynomialGossip(initial_values, coeffs, lambda x: elif type(method) == tuple and method[0] == "jacobi": d = method[1] coeffs = lambda t: coeffs_Jacobi(d / 2, 0, t) g = PolynomialGossip(initial_values, coeffs, lambda x: elif type(method) == tuple and method[0] == "jacobi-gap": d = method[1] coeffs = lambda t: coeffs_Jacobi_gap(d / 2, 0, 1 - radius, t) g = NormalizePolynomialGossip(initial_values, coeffs, lambda x: elif method == "best polynomial gossip": g = ParameterFreePolynomialGossip(initial_values, lambda x: elif type(method) == tuple and method[0] == "message-passing": d = method[1] g = PolynomialGossip(initial_values, lambda t: coeffs_Kesten_McKay(d, t), lambda x: else: raise NameError("The method " + str(method) + " doesn't exist.") for t in range(T): variances[t] = np.linalg.norm(**2\ / g.gossip() results[method] = variances return results
def adj_mat_to_dist_mat(adj_mat, directed=True, self_loop=False): dist_matrix = shortest_path(csgraph=csr_matrix(adj_mat), directed=directed) if self_loop: np.fill_diagonal(dist_matrix, 1) return dist_matrix
G[G < 0] = 0 G = np.sqrt(G) e = 0.8 * np.median(G) G[G > e] = 0 # Get rid of effectively Infinite distance for simplicity sG = np.sum(G, axis = 0) idx = np.where(sG != 0)[0] G = G[idx,:][:,idx] m = G.shape[0] ## Step 2: Using all pair shortest path algorithm, construct graph distance # matrix D = csgraph.shortest_path(csc_matrix(G)) D[D > math.pow(10,20)] = 0 D2 = np.power(D, 2) # Using square for inner product H = np.eye(m) - np.ones((m,1)).dot(np.ones((1,m)))/m # Construct special centring matrix H Dt = -0.5 * # Apply H to both sides of D2 Dt = ## Step 3: Low dim. representation that preserves distance information k = 10 V, S, U = np.linalg.svd(Dt) # computes the k largest singular values and # associated singular vectors of distance matrix # Use the eigenvectors corresponding to the largest eigenvalue as 1st # coordinate and second larges eignevalue as 2nd coordinate dim1_new = V[:,0] * np.sqrt(S[0])
node_index = 0 for _ in range(H): s_list = list(input()) s_table.append(s_list) adj = [[0] * (W * H) for _ in range(W * H)] node_index = -1 for h_i, s_list in enumerate(s_table): for w_i, s in enumerate(s_list): node_index += 1 if s == "#": continue if w_i + 1 < W: # 右隣と隣接しているか if s_list[w_i + 1] == ".": adj[node_index][node_index + 1] = 1 adj[node_index + 1][node_index] = 1 if h_i + 1 < H: # 下と隣接しているか if s_table[h_i + 1][w_i] == ".": adj[node_index][(h_i + 1) * W + w_i] = 1 adj[(h_i + 1) * W + w_i][node_index] = 1 adj = np.array(adj) d_matrix = shortest_path(adj) d_matrix[d_matrix == float("inf")] = -1 ans = int(d_matrix.max()) print(ans)
def detect_peduncle(peduncle_img, settings=None, px_per_mm=None, bg_img=None, save=False, name="", pwd=""): if settings is None: settings = settings.detect_peduncle() if (bg_img is not None) and save: fig = plt.figure() plot_image(bg_img) save_fig(fig, pwd, name + "_00") if bg_img is None: bg_img = peduncle_img if px_per_mm: branch_length_min_px = px_per_mm * settings['branch_length_min_mm'] else: branch_length_min_px = settings['branch_length_min_px'] skeleton_img = skeletonize_img(peduncle_img) junc_coords, end_coords = get_node_coord(skeleton_img) if save: visualize_skeleton(bg_img, skeleton_img, coord_junc=junc_coords, coord_end=end_coords, name=name + "_01", pwd=pwd) if save: fit_ransac(peduncle_img, bg_img=bg_img.copy(), save=True, name=name + "_ransac", pwd=pwd) # update_image = True # while update_image: skeleton_img, b_remove = threshold_branch_length(skeleton_img, branch_length_min_px) # update_image = b_remove.any() junc_coords, end_coords = get_node_coord(skeleton_img) if save: visualize_skeleton(bg_img.copy(), skeleton_img, coord_junc=junc_coords, coord_end=end_coords, name=name + "_02", pwd=pwd) graph, pixel_coordinates, degree_image = skan.skeleton_to_csgraph( skeleton_img, unique_junctions=True) dist, pred = csgraph.shortest_path(graph, directed=False, return_predecessors=True) end_nodes = coords_to_nodes(pixel_coordinates, end_coords[:, [1, 0]]) junc_nodes = coords_to_nodes(pixel_coordinates, junc_coords[:, [1, 0]]) path, path_length_px, branch_data = find_path(dist, pred, junc_nodes, end_nodes, pixel_coordinates, bg_image=bg_img.copy(), do_animate=False) branch_data = get_branch_center(branch_data, dist, pixel_coordinates, skeleton_img) path_img = path_mask(path, pixel_coordinates, skeleton_img.shape) junc_coords = pixel_coordinates[get_ids_on_path(path, pixel_coordinates, junc_nodes)][:, [1, 0]] end_coords = pixel_coordinates[get_ids_on_path(path, pixel_coordinates, end_nodes)][:, [1, 0]] end_coords = np.array([ pixel_coordinates[path[0]][[1, 0]], pixel_coordinates[path[-1]][[1, 0]] ]) # make sure that end nodes are not labeled as junctions if junc_coords.shape[0] != 0: for end_coord in end_coords: dst = distance(junc_coords, end_coord) mask = dst > 0.1 junc_coords = junc_coords[mask] if save: visualize_skeleton( bg_img, path_img, coord_junc= junc_coords, # junc_nodes=junc_nodes, end_nodes=end_nodes, coord_end=end_coords, name=name + "_03", pwd=pwd) if save: visualize_skeleton(bg_img, path_img, coord_junc=junc_coords, branch_data=branch_data, coord_end=end_coords, name=name + "_04", pwd=pwd) return path_img, branch_data, junc_coords, end_coords
def root( adata: AnnData, root: Union[int, str], layer: Optional = None, copy: bool = False ): """\ Define the root of the trajectory. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data matrix. root Either an Id (int) of the tip of the fork to be considered as a root. Or a key (str) from obs/X (such as CytoTRACE) for automatic selection. layer If key is in X, choose which layer to use for the averaging. copy Return a copy instead of writing to adata. Returns ------- adata : anndata.AnnData if `copy=True` it returns or else add fields to `adata`: `.uns['graph']['root']` selected root. `.uns['graph']['pp_info']` for each PP, its distance vs root and segment assignment. `.uns['graph']['pp_seg']` segments network information. """ adata = adata.copy() if copy else adata if "graph" not in adata.uns: raise ValueError( "You need to run `tl.tree` or `tl.curve` first to compute a princal graph before choosing a root." ) graph = adata.uns["graph"] if type(root) == str: if root in adata.obs: root_val = adata.obs[root] if root in adata.var_names: root_val = get_X(adata, adata.obs_names, root, layer).ravel()"automatic root selection using " + root + " values", time=False) avgs = list( map( lambda n: np.average(root_val, weights=graph["R"][:, n]), range(graph["R"].shape[1]), ) ) root = np.argmax(np.array(avgs)) d = 1e-6 + pairwise_distances(graph["F"].T, graph["F"].T, metric=graph["metrics"]) to_g = graph["B"] * d csr = csr_matrix(to_g) g = igraph.Graph.Adjacency((to_g > 0).tolist(), mode="undirected")["weight"] = to_g[to_g.nonzero()] root_dist_matrix = shortest_path(csr, directed=False, indices=root) pp_info = pd.DataFrame( {"PP": g.vs.indices, "time": root_dist_matrix, "seg": np.zeros(csr.shape[0])} ) nodes = np.argwhere( np.apply_along_axis(arr=(csr > 0).todense(), axis=0, func1d=np.sum) != 2 ).flatten() nodes = np.unique(np.append(nodes, root)) pp_seg = pd.DataFrame(columns=["n", "from", "to", "d"]) for node1, node2 in itertools.combinations(nodes, 2): paths12 = g.get_shortest_paths(node1, node2) paths12 = np.array([val for sublist in paths12 for val in sublist]) if np.sum(np.isin(nodes, paths12)) == 2: fromto = np.array([node1, node2]) path_root = root_dist_matrix[[node1, node2]] fro = fromto[np.argmin(path_root)] to = fromto[np.argmax(path_root)] pp_info.loc[paths12, "seg"] = pp_seg.shape[0] + 1 pp_seg = pp_seg.append( pd.DataFrame( { "n": pp_seg.shape[0] + 1, "from": fro, "to": to, "d": shortest_path(csr, directed=False, indices=fro)[to], }, index=[pp_seg.shape[0] + 1], ) ) pp_seg["n"] = pp_seg["n"].astype(int).astype(str) pp_seg["n"] = pp_seg["n"].astype(int).astype(str) pp_seg["from"] = pp_seg["from"].astype(int) pp_seg["to"] = pp_seg["to"].astype(int) pp_info["seg"] = pp_info["seg"].astype(int).astype(str) pp_info["seg"] = pp_info["seg"].astype(int).astype(str) graph["pp_info"] = pp_info graph["pp_seg"] = pp_seg graph["root"] = root adata.uns["graph"] = graph "node " + str(root) + " selected as a root", time=False, end=" " if settings.verbosity > 2 else "\n", ) logg.hint( "added\n" " .uns['graph']['root'] selected root.\n" " .uns['graph']['pp_info'] for each PP, its distance vs root and segment assignment.\n" " .uns['graph']['pp_seg'] segments network information." ) return adata if copy else None
def roots(adata: AnnData, roots, meeting, copy: bool = False): """\ Define 2 roots of the tree. Parameters ---------- adata Annotated data matrix. roots list of tips or forks to be considered a roots. meeting node ID of the meeting point fo the two converging paths. copy Return a copy instead of writing to adata. Returns ------- adata : anndata.AnnData if `copy=True` it returns or else add fields to `adata`: `.uns['graph']['root']` farthest root selected. `.uns['graph']['root2']` 2nd root selected. `.uns['graph']['meeting']` meeting point on the tree. `.uns['graph']['pp_info']` for each PP, its distance vs root and segment assignment). `.uns['graph']['pp_seg']` segments network information. """ adata = adata.copy() if copy else adata if "graph" not in adata.uns: raise ValueError( "You need to run `tl.tree` first to compute a princal tree before choosing two roots." ) graph = adata.uns["graph"] d = 1e-6 + pairwise_distances(graph["F"].T, graph["F"].T, metric=graph["metrics"]) to_g = graph["B"] * d csr = csr_matrix(to_g) g = igraph.Graph.Adjacency((to_g > 0).tolist(), mode="undirected")["weight"] = to_g[to_g.nonzero()] root = roots[ np.argmax(shortest_path(csr, directed=False, indices=roots)[:, meeting]) ] root2 = roots[ np.argmin(shortest_path(csr, directed=False, indices=roots)[:, meeting]) ] root_dist_matrix = shortest_path(csr, directed=False, indices=root) pp_info = pd.DataFrame( {"PP": g.vs.indices, "time": root_dist_matrix, "seg": np.zeros(csr.shape[0])} ) nodes = np.argwhere( np.apply_along_axis(arr=(csr > 0).todense(), axis=0, func1d=np.sum) != 2 ).flatten() pp_seg = pd.DataFrame(columns=["n", "from", "to", "d"]) for node1, node2 in itertools.combinations(nodes, 2): paths12 = g.get_shortest_paths(node1, node2) paths12 = np.array([val for sublist in paths12 for val in sublist]) if np.sum(np.isin(nodes, paths12)) == 2: fromto = np.array([node1, node2]) path_root = root_dist_matrix[[node1, node2]] fro = fromto[np.argmin(path_root)] to = fromto[np.argmax(path_root)] pp_info.loc[paths12, "seg"] = pp_seg.shape[0] + 1 pp_seg = pp_seg.append( pd.DataFrame( { "n": pp_seg.shape[0] + 1, "from": fro, "to": to, "d": shortest_path(csr, directed=False, indices=fro)[to], }, index=[pp_seg.shape[0] + 1], ) ) pp_seg["n"] = pp_seg["n"].astype(int).astype(str) pp_seg["n"] = pp_seg["n"].astype(int).astype(str) pp_info["seg"] = pp_info["seg"].astype(int).astype(str) pp_info["seg"] = pp_info["seg"].astype(int).astype(str) tips = graph["tips"] tips = tips[~np.isin(tips, roots)] edges = pp_seg[["from", "to"]].astype(str).apply(tuple, axis=1).values img = igraph.Graph() img.add_vertices(np.unique(pp_seg[["from", "to"]].values.flatten().astype(str))) img.add_edges(edges) root2paths = pd.Series( shortest_path(csr, directed=False, indices=root2)[tips.tolist() + [meeting]], index=tips.tolist() + [meeting], ) toinvert = root2paths.index[(root2paths <= root2paths[meeting])] for toinv in toinvert: pathtorev = np.array(img.vs[:]["name"])[ np.array(img.get_shortest_paths(str(root2), str(toinv))) ][0] for i in range((len(pathtorev) - 1)): segtorev = pp_seg.index[ pp_seg[["from", "to"]] .astype(str) .apply(lambda x: all(x.values == pathtorev[[i + 1, i]]), axis=1) ] pp_seg.loc[segtorev, ["from", "to"]] = pp_seg.loc[segtorev][ ["to", "from"] ].values pp_seg["from"] = pp_seg["from"].astype(int) pp_seg["to"] = pp_seg["to"].astype(int) pptoinvert = np.unique(np.concatenate(g.get_shortest_paths(root2, toinvert))) reverted_dist = ( shortest_path(csr, directed=False, indices=root2) + np.abs( np.diff(shortest_path(csr, directed=False, indices=roots)[:, meeting]) )[0] ) pp_info.loc[pptoinvert, "time"] = reverted_dist[pptoinvert] graph["pp_info"] = pp_info graph["pp_seg"] = pp_seg graph["root"] = root graph["root2"] = root2 graph["meeting"] = meeting adata.uns["graph"] = graph"root selected", time=False, end=" " if settings.verbosity > 2 else "\n") logg.hint( "added\n" + " " + str(root) + " is the farthest root.\n" " .uns['graph']['root'] farthest root selected.\n" " .uns['graph']['root2'] 2nd root selected.\n" " .uns['graph']['meeting'] meeting point on the tree.\n" " .uns['graph']['pp_info'] for each PP, its distance vs root and segment assignment.\n" " .uns['graph']['pp_seg'] segments network information." ) return adata if copy else None
def darMatrizCantidadPersonasCaminos(coorX, coorY, matrix_ct, dic_edificios_nodos, list_dict_syd): numNodes = len(coorX) # Matriz que guardara la cantidad de estudiantes que han pasado por los caminos matrix_cantidad_E = np.zeros((numNodes, numNodes)) # Se define una función que retorne la matriz de nodos intermedios entre el origen y el destino a partir de la matriz total de nodos precursores def get_path(Pr, i, j): path = [j] k = j while Pr[i, k] != -9999: path.append(Pr[i, k]) k = Pr[i, k] return path[::-1] matrix_ct_csr = csr_matrix(matrix_ct) # Se obtienen los nodos precursos de la función shortest_path importada de la libreria SciPy sp, pr = shortest_path(csgraph=matrix_ct_csr, directed=False, method='D', return_predecessors=True) # TEST: Se declara un contador de cuantos caminos de costo minímo se deben calcular. Esto se hace con el fin de hacer mas rápidas las computaciones countEstudiantes = 0 maxEstudiantes = len(list_dict_syd) for i in list_dict_syd: if countEstudiantes < maxEstudiantes: source = dic_edificios_nodos[i['s']] destiny = dic_edificios_nodos[i['d']] sp_indexes = get_path(pr, source, destiny) # Se cuentan la cantidad de estudiantes que transitaron por los caminos de costo minímo transitados # para que después se puedan usar estos datos en la función objetivo del costo de interacción # Ademas, se dibuja con una línea azul el camino de costo minímo entre dos nodos i = 0 while i < len(sp_indexes) - 1: matrix_cantidad_E[sp_indexes[i]][sp_indexes[i + 1]] += 1 plt.plot([coorX[sp_indexes[i]], coorX[sp_indexes[i + 1]]], [coorY[sp_indexes[i]], coorY[sp_indexes[i + 1]]], 'b', linewidth=2) i = i + 1 if len(sp_indexes) == 2 and matrix_ct[source, destiny] > RC: print("\nNo se ha encontrado camino") print(sp_indexes) print('STATUS: Calculating Dijkstra Shortest Path on %s' % (i)) countEstudiantes += 1 else: break return matrix_cantidad_E, numNodes
def _make_bibc_bcbv(bus, branch, graph): """ performs depth-first-search bus ordering and creates Direct Load Flow (DLF) matrix which establishes direct relation between bus current injections and voltage drops from each bus to the root bus :param ppc: matpower-type case data :return: DLF matrix DLF = BIBC * BCBV where BIBC - Bus Injection to Branch-Current BCBV - Branch-Current to Bus-Voltage ppc with bfs ordering original bus names bfs ordered (used to convert voltage array back to normal) """ nobus = bus.shape[0] nobranch = branch.shape[0] # reference bus is assumed as root bus for a radial network refs = bus[bus[:, BUS_TYPE] == 3, BUS_I] norefs = len(refs) G = graph.copy() # network graph # dictionary with impedance values keyed by branch tuple (frombus, tobus) # TODO use list or array, not both branches_lst = list( zip(branch[:, F_BUS].real.astype(int), branch[:, T_BUS].real.astype(int))) branches_arr = branch[:, F_BUS:T_BUS + 1].real.astype(int) branches_ind_dict = dict( zip(zip(branches_arr[:, 0], branches_arr[:, 1]), range(0, nobranch))) branches_ind_dict.update( dict( zip(zip(branches_arr[:, 1], branches_arr[:, 0]), range(0, nobranch)))) tap = branch[:, TAP] # * np.exp(1j * np.pi / 180 * branch[:, SHIFT]) z_ser = (branch[:, BR_R].real + 1j * branch[:, BR_X].real) * tap # series impedance z_brch_dict = dict(zip(branches_lst, z_ser)) # initialization of lists for building sparse BIBC and BCBV matrices rowi_BIBC = [] coli_BIBC = [] data_BIBC = [] data_BCBV = [] buses_ordered_bfs_nets = [] for ref in refs: # ordering buses according to breadth-first-search (bfs) buses_ordered_bfs, predecs_bfs = csgraph.breadth_first_order( G, ref, directed=False, return_predecessors=True) buses_ordered_bfs_nets.append(buses_ordered_bfs) branches_ordered_bfs = list( zip(predecs_bfs[buses_ordered_bfs[1:]], buses_ordered_bfs[1:])) G_tree = csgraph.breadth_first_tree(G, ref, directed=False) # if multiple networks get subnetwork branches if norefs > 1: branches_sub_mask = ( np.in1d(branches_arr[:, 0], buses_ordered_bfs) & np.in1d(branches_arr[:, 1], buses_ordered_bfs)) branches = np.sort(branches_arr[branches_sub_mask, :], axis=1) else: branches = np.sort(branches_arr, axis=1) # identify loops if graph is not a tree branches_loops = [] if G_tree.nnz < branches.shape[0]: G_tree_nnzs = G_tree.nonzero() branches_tree = np.sort(np.array([G_tree_nnzs[0], G_tree_nnzs[1]]).T, axis=1) branches_loops = ( set(zip(branches[:, 0], branches[:, 1])) - set(zip(branches_tree[:, 0], branches_tree[:, 1]))) # #------ building BIBC and BCBV martrices ------ # branches in trees brchi = 0 for brch in branches_ordered_bfs: tree_down, predecs = csgraph.breadth_first_order( G_tree, brch[1], directed=True, return_predecessors=True) if len(tree_down) == 1: # If at leaf pass if brch in z_brch_dict: z_br = z_brch_dict[brch] else: z_br = z_brch_dict[brch[::-1]] rowi_BIBC += [branches_ind_dict[brch]] * len(tree_down) coli_BIBC += list(tree_down) data_BCBV += [z_br] * len(tree_down) data_BIBC += [1] * len(tree_down) # branches from loops for loop_i, brch_loop in enumerate(branches_loops): path_lens, path_preds = csgraph.shortest_path( G_tree, directed=False, indices=brch_loop, return_predecessors=True) init, end = brch_loop loop = [end] while init != end: end = path_preds[0, end] loop.append(end) loop_size = len(loop) coli_BIBC += [nobus + loop_i] * loop_size for i in range(len(loop)): brch = (loop[i - 1], loop[i]) if np.argwhere(buses_ordered_bfs == brch[0]) < np.argwhere( buses_ordered_bfs == brch[1]): brch_direct = 1 else: brch_direct = -1 data_BIBC.append(brch_direct) if brch in branches_ind_dict: rowi_BIBC.append(branches_ind_dict[brch]) else: rowi_BIBC.append(branches_ind_dict[brch[::-1]]) if brch in z_brch_dict: data_BCBV.append(z_brch_dict[brch] * brch_direct) else: data_BCBV.append(z_brch_dict[brch[::-1]] * brch_direct) brchi += 1 # construction of the BIBC matrix # column indices correspond to buses: assuming root bus is always 0 after ordering indices are subtracted by 1 BIBC = csr_matrix((data_BIBC, (rowi_BIBC, np.array(coli_BIBC) - norefs)), shape=(nobranch, nobranch)) BCBV = csr_matrix((data_BCBV, (rowi_BIBC, np.array(coli_BIBC) - norefs)), shape=(nobranch, nobranch)).transpose() if BCBV.shape[0] > nobus - 1: # if nbrch > nobus - 1 -> network has loops DLF_loop = BCBV * BIBC # DLF = [A M.T ] # [M N ] A = DLF_loop[0:nobus - 1, 0:nobus - 1] M = DLF_loop[nobus - 1:, 0:nobus - 1] N = DLF_loop[nobus - 1:, nobus - 1:].A # considering the fact that number of loops is relatively small, N matrix is expected to be small and dense # that case dense version is more efficient, i.e. N is transformed to dense and # inverted using sp.linalg.inv(N) DLF = A - M.T * csr_matrix(sp.linalg.inv(N)) * M # Kron's Reduction else: # no loops -> radial network DLF = BCBV * BIBC return DLF, buses_ordered_bfs_nets
pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(g) nx.draw(g, pos=pos, node_color=graph_colors(g, vmin=-1, vmax=1), with_labels=False, node_size=100) plt.suptitle('Dataset of noisy graphs. Color indicates the label', fontsize=20) ############################################################################## # Barycenter computation # ---------------------- #%% We compute the barycenter using FGW. Structure matrices are computed using the shortest_path distance in the graph # Features distances are the euclidean distances Cs = [shortest_path(nx.adjacency_matrix(x)) for x in X0] ps = [np.ones(len(x.nodes())) / len(x.nodes()) for x in X0] Ys = [ np.array([v for (k, v) in nx.get_node_attributes(x, 'attr_name').items() ]).reshape(-1, 1) for x in X0 ] lambdas = np.array([np.ones(len(Ys)) / len(Ys)]).ravel() sizebary = 15 # we choose a barycenter with 15 nodes A, C, log = fgw_barycenters(sizebary, Ys, Cs, ps, lambdas, alpha=0.95, log=True)
def boxStats(boxNet): #fordavid other three calculated here? ## matrices boxNodes = len(boxNet) boxMat = nx.to_numpy_matrix(boxNet) boxSparse = csgraph_from_dense(boxMat) boxMatPath = shortest_path(boxSparse, method='auto', directed=False, return_predecessors=False, unweighted=True, overwrite=False) boxPathList = [] pairsNumBox = len(list(combinations(range(boxNodes), 2))) for i in range(boxNodes-1): for j in range(i+1, boxNodes): tempDist = boxMatPath[i][j] if tempDist > 0 and np.isfinite(tempDist): boxPathList.append(tempDist) ##boxNet characteristics degreeRaw = list( degreeBox = [] for i in degreeRaw: degreeBox.append(i) degreeNormBox = np.divide(degreeBox, np.sum(degreeBox), dtype = float) diameterPathBox = np.max(boxPathList) avgPathDistBox = np.mean(boxPathList) nEdgesBox = np.divide(np.sum(degreeBox), 2, dtype = float) edgePBox = nx.density(boxNet) globalEfficiencyBox = np.divide(sum(np.divide(1, boxPathList, dtype = float)),pairsNumBox , dtype = float) radiusBox = nx.radius(boxNet) kCoreBox = max(list(nx.core_number(boxNet).values())) degreeAssortBox = nx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(boxNet) avgDegreeBox = np.mean(degreeBox) maxDegreeBox = max(degreeBox) eValsBox = np.linalg.eigvals(boxMat) spectralRadiusAdjBox = max(abs(eValsBox)) eigenCentDictBox = nx.eigenvector_centrality_numpy(boxNet, weight=None) eigenCentRawBox = list(eigenCentDictBox.values()) eigenCentBox = np.divide(eigenCentRawBox, sum(eigenCentRawBox), dtype = float) colorsBox = nx.coloring.greedy_color(boxNet, strategy=nx.coloring.strategy_connected_sequential_bfs) colorNumBox = len(list(set(list(colorsBox.values())))) avgClustCoeffBox = nx.average_clustering(boxNet) scaledSpectralRadiusBox = np.divide(spectralRadiusAdjBox, avgDegreeBox, dtype = float) if motifChoice == 1: freqMBox = motifCalc4(boxNet) else: freqMBox = [0.166666667, 0.166666667, 0.166666667, 0.166666667, 0.166666667, 0.166666667] # network entropy lapMatBox= np.asarray(nx.to_numpy_matrix(nx.from_scipy_sparse_matrix(nx.laplacian_matrix(boxNet)))) eValsLapBox = np.linalg.eigvals(lapMatBox) eValsLapBoxSorted = sorted(np.real(eValsLapBox)) spectralGapBox = eValsLapBoxSorted[1] degreeSumBox = np.sum(degreeBox) lapMatBoxNorm = np.divide(lapMatBox, degreeSumBox, dtype = float) eValsLapBoxNorm = np.linalg.eigvals(lapMatBoxNorm) eValsLapNonZeroBoxNorm = [] for i in eValsLapBoxNorm: j = abs(i) if j > 0: eValsLapNonZeroBoxNorm.append(j) vonEntropyBox = np.divide(entropyCalc(eValsLapNonZeroBoxNorm), math.log(boxNodes,2), dtype = float) degreeEntropyBox = np.divide(entropyCalc(degreeNormBox), math.log(boxNodes,2), dtype = float) KSEntropyBox = np.divide(math.log(spectralRadiusAdjBox, 2), math.log(boxNodes-1,2), dtype = float) motifEntropyBox = np.divide(entropyCalc(freqMBox), math.log(len(freqMBox),2), dtype = float) popEntropyBox = np.divide(entropyCalc(eigenCentBox), math.log(boxNodes,2), dtype = float) graphEntropyBox = np.divide(graphEntropyCalc(colorsBox), math.log(boxNodes,2), dtype = float) return edgePBox, radiusBox, kCoreBox, degreeAssortBox, diameterPathBox, avgPathDistBox, nEdgesBox, globalEfficiencyBox, avgDegreeBox, maxDegreeBox, spectralRadiusAdjBox, spectralGapBox, scaledSpectralRadiusBox, colorNumBox, avgClustCoeffBox, freqMBox, motifEntropyBox, vonEntropyBox, graphEntropyBox, popEntropyBox, KSEntropyBox, degreeEntropyBox
#definition of combined perspectives and similarities matrices groups = ['marriage', 'loan', 'business', 'patronage'] s1 = similarities[0] #+similarities[7] s2 = similarities[6] #+similarities[3]+similarities[4] s3 = similarities[1] + similarities[2] s4 = similarities[5] + similarities[8] combined_similarities = np.array([s1, s2, s3, s4]) #definition of distances with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): distances = np.true_divide(1.0, combined_similarities) distances[distances == np.inf] = 0 distances = np.nan_to_num(distances) for i in range(4): distances[i] = shortest_path(distances[i], directed=False) #indices of families in Medici network for marriage and loan attributes: i = families.index('Medici') perspectives = groups[0:2] neighs1 = np.where(distances[0][i] != np.inf)[0] neighs2 = np.where(distances[1][i] != np.inf)[0] indices = list(set(list(neighs1)) & set(list(neighs2))) #corresponding families and distance matrices reduced_families = [families[i] for i in indices] reduced_distances = distances[0:2][:, indices][:, :, indices] #edges: edges1 = [] edges2 = []
import numpy as np from scipy.sparse.csgraph import shortest_path M = np.array([[0, 6, 7, 0, 0, 15], [6, 0, 9, 18, 0, 0], [7, 9, 0, 12, 0, 3], [0, 18, 12, 0, 8, 0], [0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 9], [15, 0, 3, 0, 9, 0]]) D, Pr = shortest_path(M, directed=False, method='D', return_predecessors=True) def get_path(Pr, i, j): path = [j] k = j while Pr[i, k] != -9999: path.append(Pr[i, k]) k = Pr[i, k] return path[::-1] print("shortest path [0..4]: ", get_path(Pr, 0, 4)) print("length [0..4]: ", D[0, 4]) print("") print("shortest path [0..5]: ", get_path(Pr, 0, 5)) print("length [0..5]: ", D[0, 5])
def connectivity_geodesic_subparc(surf_path, annot_path, con_verts_idx, out_annot_path=None, ref_vol_path=None, con_mat_path=None, parc_area=100, labels=None, hemi=None, mode="con+geod+adj", t2d=None, lut_path=os.path.join( FREESURFER_HOME, 'FreeSurferColorLUT.txt')): #Read the surface... (verts, faces, volume_info) =, read_metadata=True) #...its annotation lab, ctab, names = nibabel.freesurfer.read_annot(annot_path) #...and get the correspoding labels: labels_annot = annot_names_to_labels(names, hemi, lut_path=lut_path) #Read the indexes of vertices neighboring tract ends voxels: con_verts_idx = np.load(con_verts_idx) #Set the target labels: (labels, nLbl) = read_input_labels(labels=labels, hemi=hemi) if "con" in mode: #Compute voxel connectivity similarity matrix: con = node_connectivity_metric(con_mat_path, metric="cosine", mode='sim') #Read the T1 to DTI transform: t2d = np.loadtxt(t2d) #Read the reference tdi_lbl volume: vollbl = nibabel.load(ref_vol_path) vox = vollbl.get_data() voxdim = vox.shape #Get only the voxels that correspond to connectome nodes: voxijk, = np.where(vox.flatten() > 0) voxijk = np.unravel_index(voxijk, voxdim) vox = vox[voxijk[0], voxijk[1], voxijk[2]] #...and get their coordinates in xyz space voxxzy =[voxijk[0], voxijk[1], voxijk[2], np.ones(vox.shape[0])].T)[:3].T del vollbl, voxijk #Initialize the output: out_names = [] out_ctab = [] out_lab = lab nL = -1 #For every annotation name: for iL in range(len(names)): #Get the mask of the respective vertices iVmask = lab == iL #...and their indexes iV, = np.where(iVmask) nV = len(iV) #TODO: reconsider this point if nV == 0: continue #Find the corresponding label: lbl = labels_annot[iL] #If it is not one of the target labels: if lbl not in labels: #Just add this label to the new annotation as it stands: out_names.append(names[iL]) out_ctab.append(ctab[iL]) #and change the output indices nL += 1 out_lab[iV] = nL continue #Get the vertices and faces of this label: (verts_lbl, faces_lbl) = extract_subsurf(verts, faces, iVmask) #Mask of label vertices that are neighbors of tract end voxels ("con"): iV_con = np.in1d(iV, con_verts_idx) nVcon = np.sum(iV_con) #Get the con vertices and faces of this label: (verts_lbl_con, faces_lbl_con) = extract_subsurf(verts_lbl, faces_lbl, iV_con) #Calculate total area: roi_area = np.sum(tri_area(verts_lbl_con[faces_lbl_con])) #Calculate number of parcels: nParcs = int(np.round(roi_area / parc_area)) #If no further parcellation is needed if nParcs < 2: #Just add this label to the new annotation as it stands: out_names.append(names[iL]) out_ctab.append(ctab[iL]) #and change the output indices out_lab[iV] = nL + 1 nL += 1 continue connectivity = None geodist = vertex_connectivity(verts_lbl, faces_lbl, mode="sparse", metric='euclidean') if "adj" in mode: connectivity = geodist[iV_con, :][:, iV_con] = np.ones( #Find the closest neighbors of each non-con-vert to a con-vert... iV_noncon = ~iV_con noncon2con = np.argmin(geodist.todense()[iV_noncon, :][:, iV_con], axis=1) #...and map them noncon2con = iV[noncon2con] affinity = np.zeros((nVcon, nVcon)) if "geod" in mode: #Compute geodesic distances #geodist=gdist.local_gdist_matrix(verts_lbl, faces_lbl.astype('<i4'), max_distance=parc_area) #Unpack sparse matrix #geodist=geodist.todense() from scipy.sparse.csgraph import shortest_path #Set 0 values to maximum distance geodist = shortest_path(geodist.todense()[iV_con, :][:, iV_con], method='auto', directed=False, return_predecessors=False, unweighted=False, overwrite=False) max_gdist = np.max(geodist.flatten()) geodist[geodist == 0] = max_gdist #Set diagonal to 0 geodist = geodist - max_gdist * np.identity(nVcon) #Convert them to normalized similarities geodist = 1 - geodist / max_gdist #...and add them to the affinity metric affinity += geodist del geodist if "con" in mode: #Find the voxels of this label: iVox_lbl, = np.where(vox == lbl) vox_lbl = vox[iVox_lbl] #Find for each vertex the closest voxel node xyz coordinates: vertsINvox =[verts_lbl_con, np.ones(nVcon)].T)[:3].T from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist v2n = np.argmin(cdist(vertsINvox, voxxzy[iVox_lbl], 'euclidean'), axis=1) del vertsINvox v2n = vox_lbl[v2n, :] #... assign the respective connectivity similarity con = con[v2n - 1, :][:, v2n - 1] #...and add them to the affinity metric affinity += con del v2n, con, iVox_lbl, vox_lbl from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering model = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=nParcs, affinity="precomputed", connectivity=connectivity, linkage='average') #Create the new annotation for these sub-labels: resLbl = [ names[iL] + "-" + str(item).zfill(2) for item in np.unique(model.labels_) ] #Add the new label names out_names.append(resLbl) #Initialize ctab for these labels ctab_lbl = np.repeat(ctab[iL, np.newaxis], nParcs, axis=0) #For the RGB coordinate with the bigger distance to 255 or 0 #distribute that distance to nParcs values: iC = np.argsort(ctab[iL, :3]) x = 255 - ctab[iL, iC[0]] >= ctab[iL, iC[2]] dist = np.where(x, 255 - ctab[iL, iC[0]], -ctab[iL, iC[2]]) iC = np.where(x, iC[0], iC[2]) step = dist / (nParcs - 1) dist = step * nParcs ctab_lbl[:, iC] = np.array(range(ctab[iL, iC], ctab[iL, iC] + dist, step), dtype='int') ctab_lbl[:, :3][ctab_lbl[:, :3] < 0] = 0 ctab_lbl[:, :3][ctab_lbl[:, :3] > 255] = 255 ctab_lbl[:, 4] = np.array( [rgb_to_fs_magic_number(ctab_lbl[iP, :3]) for iP in range(nParcs)]) out_ctab.append(ctab_lbl) #Finally change the output indices #of the "con" vertices... out_lab[iV[iV_con]] = nL + model.labels_ + 1 #and of the "non-con" vertices that follow their nearest con neighbor out_lab[iV[iV_noncon]] = out_lab[noncon2con] nL += nParcs #Stack everything together out_ctab = np.vstack(out_ctab) out_names = np.hstack(out_names) #...and write the annotation to a file if out_annot_path == None: out_annot_path = os.path.splitext(annot_path)[0] + str( parc_area) + ".annot" nibabel.freesurfer.write_annot(out_annot_path, out_lab, out_ctab, out_names)
alti = neighbor[3] if alti < 0: vec[neighbor_id] = dis*10 else: vec[neighbor_id] = dis/10 link_matrix.append(vec) return np.array(link_matrix), np.array(coord_matrix) if __name__ == '__main__': c = [[0, 4], [2, 4], [1, 2], [3, 1], [4, 3]] l = [[0, 6, 3, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 2], [2, 1, 0, 3, 0], [0, 0, 2, 0, 1], [0, 3, 0, 0, 0]] c = np.array(c) csr = csr_matrix(l) start = 4 end = 0 d, p = shortest_path(csr, return_predecessors=True, indices=start) route = get_path_row(start, end, p) print(d[end]) print(route)
def _fit_transform(self, X): self.nbrs_ = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=self.n_neighbors, algorithm=self.neighbors_algorithm, metric=self.metric, p=self.p, metric_params=self.metric_params, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ) self.n_features_in_ = self.nbrs_.n_features_in_ if hasattr(self.nbrs_, "feature_names_in_"): self.feature_names_in_ = self.nbrs_.feature_names_in_ self.kernel_pca_ = KernelPCA( n_components=self.n_components, kernel="precomputed", eigen_solver=self.eigen_solver, tol=self.tol, max_iter=self.max_iter, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ) kng = kneighbors_graph( self.nbrs_, self.n_neighbors, metric=self.metric, p=self.p, metric_params=self.metric_params, mode="distance", n_jobs=self.n_jobs, ) # Compute the number of connected components, and connect the different # components to be able to compute a shortest path between all pairs # of samples in the graph. # Similar fix to cluster._agglomerative._fix_connectivity. n_connected_components, labels = connected_components(kng) if n_connected_components > 1: if self.metric == "precomputed": raise RuntimeError( "The number of connected components of the neighbors graph" f" is {n_connected_components} > 1. The graph cannot be " "completed with metric='precomputed', and Isomap cannot be" "fitted. Increase the number of neighbors to avoid this " "issue.") warnings.warn( "The number of connected components of the neighbors graph " f"is {n_connected_components} > 1. Completing the graph to fit" " Isomap might be slow. Increase the number of neighbors to " "avoid this issue.", stacklevel=2, ) # use array validated by NearestNeighbors kng = _fix_connected_components( X=self.nbrs_._fit_X, graph=kng, n_connected_components=n_connected_components, component_labels=labels, mode="distance", metric=self.nbrs_.effective_metric_, **self.nbrs_.effective_metric_params_, ) if parse_version(scipy.__version__) < parse_version("1.3.2"): # make identical samples have a nonzero distance, to account for # issues in old scipy Floyd-Warshall implementation. += 1e-15 self.dist_matrix_ = shortest_path(kng, method=self.path_method, directed=False) G = self.dist_matrix_**2 G *= -0.5 self.embedding_ = self.kernel_pca_.fit_transform(G)
shape_df['filo_score'] = ((shape_df['filo_points']/shape_df['area']) - (shape_df['round_points']/shape_df['area']) ) shape_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) #*********************************************************************************************# filo_df = shape_df[(shape_df.filo_score >= 0.25) & (shape_df.area > 9)] filo_lengths, vertices = [],[] for ix in filo_df.index: coords = filo_df.coords[ix] box = filo_df.bbox_verts[ix] # skel = np.argwhere(medial_axis(pic_binary[box[0][0]:box[2][0],box[0][1]:box[2][1]]) == True) sparse_matrix = csr_matrix(squareform(pdist(coords, metric='cityblock'))) distances = csgraph.shortest_path(sparse_matrix, method = 'FW', return_predecessors=False ) ls_path = np.max(distances) farpoints = np.where(distances == ls_path) filo_lengths.append(float(round(ls_path / pix_per_um, 3))) vertices.append([coords[farpoints[0][0]],coords[farpoints[0][len(farpoints[0]) // 2]]]) filo_pic = pic_maxmin[box[0][0]:box[2][0],box[0][1]:box[2][1]] # vimage.gen_img(filo_pic,name = filo_df.label_bin[ix], savedir = '{}/filo'.format(img_name), show=False) filo_df['filo_lengths'] = filo_lengths filo_df['vertices'] = vertices shape_df = pd.concat([shape_df, filo_df[['filo_lengths','vertices']]],axis=1) # vimage.gen_img(pic_skels)
print "\n\n cosine matrix of friendship matrix \n" print cosine_mat new_mat = np.zeros(shape=(w1, w1)) for i in range(0, w1): for j in range(0, w1): new_mat[i][j] = max(friend_mat[i][j], cosine_mat[i][j]) print '\n\n After put 1 in rating matrix from friendship matrix \n' print new_mat rec = np.reciprocal(new_mat) print '\n\nreciprocal\n' print rec dijkstra = shortest_path( rec, method='D', directed=False, unweighted=False, ) print "\n\n dijkstra for shortest path \n" print dijkstra trust = np.reciprocal(dijkstra) print '\n\n Direct Trust \n' print trust for i in range(len(trust)): for j in range(len(trust)): if (trust[i][j] == inf): trust[i][j] = 0
def check(method, directed): SP, pred = shortest_path(directed_G, method, directed=directed, overwrite=False, return_predecessors=True) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, SP_res[directed]) assert_array_almost_equal(pred, pred_res[directed])
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 17, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,6], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,8,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0]] INICIO = 0 FIM = 1 print("START: " + str(INICIO)) print("END: " + str(FIM)) print("") print("##### scipy floyd_warshall") graph = csr_matrix(G_dense) dist_matrix, predecessors = floyd_warshall(csgraph=graph, directed=False, return_predecessors=True) print("##### Route:") print(get_path(predecessors, 0,4)) print("##### Distance:") print(dist_matrix[0][4]) print("") print("##### scipy shortest_path") D, Pr = shortest_path(G_dense, directed=False, method='FW', return_predecessors=True) print("##### Route:") print(get_path(Pr, 0,4)) print("##### Distance:") print(D[0][4])
def tree_to_dist_mat(sent_len, tree, directed=True, self_loop=False): adj_mat = tree_to_adj(sent_len, tree, directed, self_loop=False) dist_matrix = shortest_path(csgraph=csr_matrix(adj_mat), directed=directed) if self_loop: np.fill_diagonal(dist_matrix, 1) return dist_matrix
os.mkdir('figures/'+emb_name+'/genealogy_distance/') for t in np.arange(next(x[0] for x in enumerate(size) if x[1]>5),int(max(cell_lineage[:,0]))): adjacency = np.zeros((len(names_unique),len(names_unique))) indices = np.where(cell_lineage[:,0] == t) points = cell_lineage[indices[0],:] points = points[:,[1,2,3]] tri = Delaunay(points) edges = collect_edges(tri) G = np.zeros((points.shape[0],points.shape[0])) for e in edges: G[e[0],e[1]] = 1 G[e[1],e[0]] = 1 dist_matrix = shortest_path(G, return_predecessors=False, directed=False, unweighted=True) X = [] Y = [] dist_matrix_gen = np.zeros((points.shape[0],points.shape[0])) for i in range(points.shape[0]): for j in range(i+1,points.shape[0]): dist_matrix_gen[i,j] = genealogical_distance_static[names_unique.index(names[indices[0][i]]),names_unique.index(names[indices[0][j]])] X.append(dist_matrix[i,j]) Y.append(dist_matrix_gen[i,j]) dist_matrix_gen = dist_matrix_gen + np.transpose(dist_matrix_gen) plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7)) xedges = np.array(range(0,11))+0.5 yedges = np.array(range(0,21))+0.5 plt.hist2d(X,Y, bins=(xedges, yedges)) axes = plt.gca()
clustering_dist = probability_distribution(clustering_frequency, number_of_nodes) print_scatter_plot(clustering_dist, xaxis='Clustering Coeffecient', yaxis='Probability of Clustering Coeffecient', title=name + ' Clustering Coeffecient Distribution', log=True, logx=False, tofit=False, message='\nClustering Coeffecient Average: ' + str(np.round(clustering_average, 6))) elif (option == 'c'): min_dist_matrix = shortest_path(csgraph=sparse_matrix, method='auto', directed=not undirected, return_predecessors=False, unweighted=True) #print('Minimum Distance Matrix:\n', min_dist_matrix) min_dist_frequency = {} for i in range(number_of_nodes): min_dist_frequency = list_frequency(min_dist_matrix[i], min_dist_frequency) #print('Minimum Distance Frequency:\n', min_dist_frequency) number_min_dist_val = number_of_nodes * number_of_nodes #print('Number of Minimum Distance Values:', number_min_dist_val) if float('Inf') in min_dist_frequency:
def ss(): return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip() #input() def mss(): return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip().split() def limss(): return list(mss()) #list(input().split()) def lst(n:int): return [ss() for _ in range(n)] def llstr(n: int): return [limss() for _ in range(n)] #本当に貪欲法か? DP法では?? #本当に貪欲法か? DP法では?? #本当に貪欲法か? DP法では?? import numpy as np from scipy.sparse.csgraph import shortest_path, floyd_warshall, dijkstra, bellman_ford, johnson from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix h,w=mii() mat=[limii() for _ in range(10)] arr=[limii() for _ in range(h)] chk=shortest_path(csr_matrix(mat)) ans=0 for i in arr: for j in i: if j!=-1: ans+=int(chk[j][1]) print(ans)
graph_name = 'dwt_1005' mat_data = io.loadmat(graph_name + '.mat') graph = mat_data['Problem']['A'][0][0] graph_arr = graph.toarray() # get number of vertices n = graph.shape[0] num_of_pivots = 100 # maximum iteration for K_means max_iter = 50 start_time = time.time() shortest_paths = cs.shortest_path(graph) # randomly choose a pivot p0 = np.random.randint(0, n) pivots = [p0] # initialize list of minimum distances to each pivots mins = [] for i in range(n): mins.append([shortest_paths[p0][i], p0]) for i in range(1, num_of_pivots): # normal max/min sp: argmax = 0 for k in range(1, n): if mins[k][0] > mins[argmax][0]:
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix from scipy.sparse.csgraph import shortest_path, floyd_warshall, dijkstra, bellman_ford, johnson import numpy as np h, w = map(int, input().split()) l = [] for i in range(10): l.append(list(map(int, input().split()))) a = csr_matrix(np.array(l)) data = shortest_path(a) data = list(data) wall = [] for i in range(h): wall.append(list(map(int, input().split()))) ans = 0 for i in range(h): for j in range(w): if wall[i][j] == -1: pass else: ans += data[wall[i][j]][1] print(int(ans))
def check(method): SP = shortest_path(directed_G, method=method, directed=True, overwrite=False) assert_array_almost_equal(SP, directed_SP)
name1, name2 = line.strip().split('\t') j = characters.index(name1) k = characters.index(name2) counts[i, j, k] += 1 counts[i, k, j] += 1 f.close() #setup distance matrices n_samples = 40 counts = counts[:, 0:n_samples, 0:n_samples] distances = np.empty((3, n_samples, n_samples)) for i in range(3): distances[i] = 1.0 / np.maximum(0.5, counts[i]) #distances[i] /= np.maximum(1,distances[i].sum(axis=1))[:,None] import scipy.sparse.csgraph as csgraph distances[i] = csgraph.shortest_path(distances[i]) def mds(): mds = mview.MDS(distances[0], weights=None, dim=2, verbose=2), max_iter=30) mds.plot_embedding(labels=range(n_samples)) mds.plot_computations() def mpse(): mv = mview.MPSE([distances[0], distances[1]], data_args={'weights': 'reciprocal'}, verbose=2) mv.plot_embedding()