def cg(A, b, tol, maxiter, x0=None, I=None, pc="diag", verbose=True, viewiters=False): """Conjugate gradient solver wrapped for FEM purposes.""" print 'Starting conjugate gradient with preconditioner "' + pc + '"...' def callback(x): if viewiters: print "- Vector-2 norm: " + str(np.linalg.norm(x)) if pc == "diag": # diagonal preconditioner M = sp.spdiags(1 / (A[I].T[I].diagonal()), 0, I.shape[0], I.shape[0]) if I is None: u =, b, x0=x0, maxiter=maxiter, M=M, tol=tol, callback=callback) else: if x0 is None: u =[I].T[I].T, b[I], maxiter=maxiter, M=M, tol=tol, callback=callback) else: u =[I].T[I].T, b[I], x0=x0[I], maxiter=maxiter, M=M, tol=tol, callback=callback) if verbose: if u[1] == 0: print "* Achieved tolerance " + str(tol) + "." elif u[1] > 0: print "* WARNING! Maximum number of iterations " + str(maxiter) + " reached." if I is None: return u[0] else: U = np.zeros(A.shape[0]) U[I] = u[0] return U
def poisson_solver(self): # split into r, g, b 3 channels and # iterate through all pixels in the cloning region indexed in idx_map for i in range(len(self.idx_map)): neighbors, flag = self.count_neighbor(self.idx_map[i]) x, y = self.idx_map[i] if neighbors == 4: # degraded form if neighbors are all within clone region self.b_r[i] = 4*self.f[x,y,0] - (self.f[x-1,y,0] +self.f[x+1,y,0] + self.f[x,y-1,0] + self.f[x,y+1,0]) self.b_g[i] = 4*self.f[x,y,1] - (self.f[x-1,y,1] +self.f[x+1,y,1] + self.f[x,y-1,1] + self.f[x,y+1,1]) self.b_b[i] = 4*self.f[x,y,2] - (self.f[x-1,y,2] +self.f[x+1,y,2] + self.f[x,y-1,2] + self.f[x,y+1,2]) # have neighbor(s) on the clone region boundary, include background terms else: self.b_r[i] = 4*self.f[x,y,0] - (self.f[x-1,y,0] +self.f[x+1,y,0] + self.f[x,y-1,0] + self.f[x,y+1,0]) self.b_g[i] = 4*self.f[x,y,1] - (self.f[x-1,y,1] +self.f[x+1,y,1] + self.f[x,y-1,1] + self.f[x,y+1,1]) self.b_b[i] = 4*self.f[x,y,2] - (self.f[x-1,y,2] +self.f[x+1,y,2] + self.f[x,y-1,2] + self.f[x,y+1,2]) self.b_r[i] += flag[0] * self.b[x-1,y,0] + flag[1] * self.b[x+1,y,0] + flag[2] * self.b[x,y-1,0] + flag[3] * self.b[x,y+1,0] self.b_g[i] += flag[0] * self.b[x-1,y,1] + flag[1] * self.b[x+1,y,1] + flag[2] * self.b[x,y-1,1] + flag[3] * self.b[x,y+1,1] self.b_b[i] += flag[0] * self.b[x-1,y,2] + flag[1] * self.b[x+1,y,2] + flag[2] * self.b[x,y-1,2] + flag[3] * self.b[x,y+1,2] # use conjugate gradient to solve for u u_r =, self.b_r)[0] u_g =, self.b_g)[0] u_b =, self.b_b)[0] return u_r, u_g, u_b
def time_solve(self, n, solver): if solver == 'dense': linalg.solve(self.P_dense, self.b) elif solver == 'cg': cg(self.P_sparse, self.b) elif solver == 'minres': minres(self.P_sparse, self.b) elif solver == 'spsolve': spsolve(self.P_sparse, self.b) else: raise ValueError('Unknown solver: %r' % solver)
def test_laplacian(): import pylab as pl # Setup grid nx, ny = 500, 500 d = 2*pi/nx Lx, Ly = nx * d, ny * d g = 0 # make grid x = np.arange(-g, nx+g)*d y = np.arange(-g, ny+g)*d dx = x[1]-x[0] dy = y[1]-y[0] x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') # build laplacian A = build_laplacian_matrix(nx,ny,d=d) # A = poisson((nx, ny), spacing=(dx, dy), format='csr')/d/d # right hand side f = np.sin(x)*np.cos(2*y) f = np.random.rand(A.shape[0]) p_ex = np.sin(x)*np.cos(2*y)/(-1 - 4) print("Timing information") print("==================") print("") # with elapsed_timer() as elapsed: # p_ap = la.spsolve(A, f.ravel()) # print("spsolve {0}".format(elapsed())) with elapsed_timer() as elapsed: p_cg =, f.ravel())[0] print("cg {0}".format(elapsed())) # with elapsed_timer() as elapsed: # p_ap = la.gmres(A, f.ravel()) # print("gmres {0}".format(elapsed())) ml = ruge_stuben_solver(A) M = ml.aspreconditioner() with elapsed_timer() as elapsed: p_amg =, f.ravel(),M=M) print("pyamg cg {0}".format(elapsed()))
def test_lincg_L_diag_heavy_precond(): vals['Ldh'] = copy.copy(vals['L']) rdiag = numpy.random.rand(nparams) * 100 for i in xrange(len(vals['L'])): vals['Ldh'][i,i] += rdiag[i] vals['Ldh_inv_g'] = linalg.cho_solve(linalg.cho_factor(vals['Ldh']), vals['g']) symb['M'] = T.vector('M') vals['M'] = numpy.diag(vals['Ldh']) ### without preconditioning ### [sol, niter, rerr] = lincg.linear_cg( lambda x: [['L'], x)], [symb['g']], M = None, rtol=1e-20, maxiter = 10000, floatX = floatX) f = theano.function([symb['L'], symb['g']], sol + [niter, rerr]) t1 = time.time() [Linv_g, niter, rerr] = f(vals['Ldh'], vals['g']) print 'No precond: test_lincg runtime (s):', time.time() - t1 print '\t niter = ', niter print '\t residual error = ', rerr numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(Linv_g, vals['Ldh_inv_g'], decimal=3) ### with preconditioning ### [sol, niter, rerr] = lincg.linear_cg( lambda x: [['L'], x)], [symb['g']], M = [symb['M']], rtol=1e-20, maxiter = 10000, floatX = floatX) f = theano.function([symb['L'], symb['g'], symb['M']], sol + [niter, rerr]) t1 = time.time() [Linv_g, niter, rerr] = f(vals['Ldh'], vals['g'], vals['M']) print 'With precond: test_lincg runtime (s):', time.time() - t1 print '\t niter = ', niter print '\t residual error = ', rerr numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(Linv_g, vals['Ldh_inv_g'], decimal=3) ### test scipy implementation ### t1 = time.time() cg(vals['Ldh'], vals['g'], maxiter=10000, tol=1e-10) print ' (no preconditioning): Elapsed ', time.time() - t1 t1 = time.time() cg(vals['Ldh'], vals['g'], maxiter=10000, tol=1e-10, M=numpy.diag(1./vals['M'])) print ' (preconditioning): Elapsed ', time.time() - t1
def score(labels, kernel, labelbias=True): """ Given a (combined) kernel and a label vector, do label propagation, optionally with GeneMANIA's label biasing scheme for small positive sets. """ tstart = time.clock() if labelbias: numpos = (labels == 1).sum() numneg = (labels == -1).sum() labels[labels == 0] = (numpos - numneg) / (numpos + numneg) kernel = kernel.tocoo(copy=True) colsums = np.asarray(kernel.sum(axis=0)).squeeze() diag = 1. / np.sqrt(colsums + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) *= diag[kernel.row] * diag[kernel.col] numelem = len(diag) diag_indices = np.concatenate((np.arange(numelem).reshape(1, numelem), np.arange(numelem).reshape(1, numelem)), axis=0) normalizer_elems = 1 + np.asarray(kernel.sum(axis=0)).squeeze() normalizer = sparse.coo_matrix((normalizer_elems, diag_indices)) laplacian = normalizer - kernel laplacian = (laplacian + laplacian.T) / 2. discriminant, info =, labels) return discriminant
def _do_one_inner_iteration(self, A, b, **kwargs): r""" This method solves AX = b and returns the result to the corresponding algorithm. """'Solving AX = b for the sparse matrices') if A is None: A = self.A if b is None: b = self.b if self._iterative_solver is None: X = sprslin.spsolve(A, b) else: if self._iterative_solver not in ['cg', 'gmres']: raise Exception('GenericLinearTransport does not support the' + ' requested iterative solver!') params = kwargs.copy() solver_params = ['x0', 'tol', 'maxiter', 'xtype', 'M', 'callback'] [params.pop(item, None) for item in kwargs.keys() if item not in solver_params] tol = kwargs.get('tol') if tol is None: tol = 1e-20 params['tol'] = tol if self._iterative_solver == 'cg': result =, b, **params) elif self._iterative_solver == 'gmres': result = sprslin.gmres(A, b, **params) X = result[0] self._iterative_solver_info = result[1] return X
def trainWithLabels(self): regparam = self.regparam #regparam = 0. if self.qidmap != None: P = sp.lil_matrix((self.size, len(self.qidmap.keys()))) for qidind in range(len(self.indslist)): inds = self.indslist[qidind] qsize = len(inds) for i in inds: P[i, qidind] = 1. / sqrt(qsize) P = P.tocsr() PT = P.tocsc().T else: P = 1./sqrt(self.size)*(np.mat(np.ones((self.size,1), dtype=np.float64))) PT = P.T X = self.X.tocsc() X_csr = X.tocsr() def mv(v): v = np.mat(v).T return X_csr*(X.T*v)-X_csr*(P*(PT*(X.T*v)))+regparam*v G = LinearOperator((X.shape[0],X.shape[0]), matvec=mv, dtype=np.float64) Y = self.Y if not self.callbackfun == None: def cb(v): self.A = np.mat(v).T self.b = np.mat(np.zeros((1,1))) self.callback() else: cb = None XLY = X_csr*Y-X_csr*(P*(PT*Y)) try: self.A = np.mat(cg(G, XLY, callback=cb)[0]).T except Finished, e: pass
def poisson_solver(self): # split into r, g, b 3 channels and # iterate through all pixels in the cloning region indexed in idx_map for i in range(len(self.idx_map)): count, flag, neighbor_idx = self.count_neighbor(self.idx_map[i]) x, y = self.idx_map[i] # set neighboring pixel index in A to -1 for s in range(4): if neighbor_idx[s]!=-1: self.A[i ,neighbor_idx[s]] = -1 # b is degraded form if neighbors are all within clone region for channel in range(3): self.b[channel][i] = 4*self.F[x,y,channel] - (self.F[x-1,y,channel] +self.F[x+1,y,channel] + self.F[x,y-1,channel] + self.F[x,y+1,channel]) # have neighbor(s) on the clone region boundary, include background terms if count!=4: # dummy variable flag used to distinguish between neighbor within the cloning region and on the bounday for channel in range(3): self.b[channel][i] += flag[0]*self.B[x-1,y,channel] + flag[1]*self.B[x+1,y,channel] + flag[2]*self.B[x,y-1,channel] + flag[3]*self.B[x,y+1,channel] # use conjugate gradient to solve for u u = np.zeros((3,self.n)) for channel in range(3): u[channel] =, self.b[channel])[0] return u
def __init__(self, X, train_preferences, regparam = 1., **kwargs): self.regparam = regparam self.callbackfun = None self.pairs = train_preferences self.X = csc_matrix(X.T) regparam = self.regparam X = self.X.tocsc() X_csr = X.tocsr() vals = np.concatenate([np.ones((self.pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64), -np.ones((self.pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64)]) row = np.concatenate([np.arange(self.pairs.shape[0]),np.arange(self.pairs.shape[0])]) col = np.concatenate([self.pairs[:,0], self.pairs[:,1]]) coo = coo_matrix((vals, (row, col)), shape=(self.pairs.shape[0], X.shape[1])) pairs_csr = coo.tocsr() pairs_csc = coo.tocsc() def mv(v): vmat = np.mat(v).T ret = np.array(X_csr * (pairs_csc.T * (pairs_csr * (X.T * vmat))))+regparam*vmat return ret G = LinearOperator((X.shape[0], X.shape[0]), matvec=mv, dtype=np.float64) self.As = [] M = np.mat(np.ones((self.pairs.shape[0], 1))) if not self.callbackfun is None: def cb(v): self.A = np.mat(v).T self.b = np.mat(np.zeros((1,1))) self.callbackfun.callback() else: cb = None XLY = X_csr * (pairs_csc.T * M) self.A = np.mat(cg(G, XLY, callback=cb)[0]).T self.b = np.mat(np.zeros((1,self.A.shape[1]))) self.predictor = predictor.LinearPredictor(self.A, self.b)
def linear_solver(Afun=None, ATfun=None, B=None, x0=None, par=None, solver=None, callback=None): if callback is not None: callback(x0) if solver == 'CG': x, info = CG(Afun, B, x0=x0, par=par, callback=callback) elif solver == 'iterative': x, info = richardson(Afun, B, x0, par=par, callback=callback) else: from scipy.sparse.linalg import LinearOperator, cg, bicg if solver == 'scipy_cg': Afun.define_operand(B) Afunvec = LinearOperator(Afun.shape, matvec=Afun.matvec, dtype=np.float64) xcol, info = cg(Afunvec, B.vec(), x0=x0.vec(), tol=par['tol'], maxiter=par['maxiter'], xtype=None, M=None, callback=callback) elif solver == 'scipy_bicg': Afun.define_operand(B) ATfun.define_operand(B) Afunvec = LinearOperator(Afun.shape, matvec=Afun.matvec, rmatvec=ATfun.matvec, dtype=np.float64) xcol, info = bicg(Afunvec, B.vec(), x0=x0.vec(), tol=par['tol'], maxiter=par['maxiter'], xtype=None, M=None, callback=callback) res = dict() res['info'] = info x = VecTri(val=np.reshape(xcol, B.dN())) return x, info
def solve(self, x_0=None, tol=1e-05, max_iter=100, exchange_zero=1e-16): """ Solve the equation *A * x = b* using an linear equation solver. After solving old unknown vectors and volume field values are overwritten. """ if self.solver == "cg": solver_return =, self.b, x_0, tol, max_iter) elif self.solver == "bicg": solver_return = lin.bicg(self.A, self.b, x_0, tol, max_iter) elif self.solver == "lu_solver": solver_return = mylin.lu_solver_plu(self.p, self.l, self.u, self.b) elif self.solver == "lu_solver": solver_return =, self.b, x_0, tol, max_iter) self.x = solver_return[0] self.x_old_old = self.x_old # find max absolute residual diff_ = abs(self.x - self.x_old) max_diff_ = max(diff_) if max_diff_ == 0.: self.residuals.append(exchange_zero) else: self.residuals.append(max_diff_) print 'Residual for ' + + ': ' + str(max(diff_)) #update volume field self.field.V = self.x_old + self.under_relax*(self.x - self.x_old) # self.field.V = self.x return True
def stepTime(self): # solve for intermediate velocity self.calculateRN() self.qStar, _ =, self.rn) # projection step self.q = self.qStar
def trainWithPreferences(self): regparam = self.regparam X = self.X.tocsc() X_csr = X.tocsr() vals = np.concatenate([np.ones((self.pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64), -np.ones((self.pairs.shape[0]), dtype=np.float64)]) row = np.concatenate([np.arange(self.pairs.shape[0]),np.arange(self.pairs.shape[0])]) col = np.concatenate([self.pairs[:,0], self.pairs[:,1]]) coo = coo_matrix((vals, (row, col)), shape=(self.pairs.shape[0], X.shape[1])) pairs_csr = coo.tocsr() pairs_csc = coo.tocsc() def mv(v): vmat = np.mat(v).T ret = np.array(X_csr * (pairs_csc.T * (pairs_csr * (X.T * vmat))))+regparam*vmat return ret G = LinearOperator((X.shape[0], X.shape[0]), matvec=mv, dtype=np.float64) self.As = [] M = np.mat(np.ones((self.pairs.shape[0], 1))) if not self.callbackfun == None: def cb(v): self.A = np.mat(v).T self.b = np.mat(np.zeros((1,1))) self.callback() else: cb = None XLY = X_csr * (pairs_csc.T * M) self.A = np.mat(cg(G, XLY, callback=cb)[0]).T self.b = np.mat(np.zeros((1,self.A.shape[1]))) self.results['model'] = self.getModel()
def solve_divided(self): """ Solve the divided system of equations using a Schur compliment method. """ f1 = self.rhs[:self.mesh.get_number_of_faces()] f2 = self.rhs[self.mesh.get_number_of_faces():] current_p = np.zeros(self.mesh.get_number_of_cells()) def apply_lhs(x): return,, tol=1.e-16)) f1_tilde =, f1)[0] cg_rhs = current_p =, cg_rhs) print "solver residual=>", np.linalg.norm(apply_lhs(current_p)-cg_rhs) current_v =,, tol=1.e-10)+f1_tilde self.solution = np.concatenate((current_v, current_p))
def _solve(A, b, solver, tol): # helper method for ridge_regression, A is symmetric positive if solver == 'auto': if hasattr(A, 'todense'): solver = 'sparse_cg' else: solver = 'dense_cholesky' if solver == 'sparse_cg': if b.ndim < 2: from scipy.sparse import linalg as sp_linalg sol, error =, b, tol=tol) if error: raise ValueError("Failed with error code %d" % error) return sol else: # sparse_cg cannot handle a 2-d b. sol = [] for j in range(b.shape[1]): sol.append(_solve(A, b[:, j], solver="sparse_cg", tol=tol)) return np.array(sol).T elif solver == 'dense_cholesky': from scipy import linalg if hasattr(A, 'todense'): A = A.todense() return linalg.solve(A, b, sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=True) else: raise NotImplementedError('Solver %s not implemented' % solver)
def get_toneMap(img, P): P = np.float64(P) / 255.0 J = natural_histogram_matching(img) J = cv2.blur(J, (10, 10)) theta = 0.2 height, width = img.shape P = cv2.resize(P, (height, width)) P = P.reshape((1, height * width)) logP = np.log(P) logP = spdiags(logP, 0, width * height, width * height) J = cv2.resize(J, (height, width)) J = J.reshape( height * width) logJ = np.log(J) e = np.ones(width * height) Dx = spdiags([-e, e], np.array([0, height]), width *height, width * height) Dy = spdiags([-e, e], np.array([0, 1]), width * height, width * height) A = theta * ( + + b= logP.transpose().dot(logJ) beta, info = cg(A, b , tol = 1e-6, maxiter = 60) beta = beta.reshape((height, width)) P = P.reshape((height, width)) T = np.power(P, beta) return T
def test_ScalarView_mpl_unknown(): mesh = Mesh() mesh.load(domain_mesh) mesh.refine_element(0) shapeset = H1Shapeset() pss = PrecalcShapeset(shapeset) # create an H1 space space = H1Space(mesh, shapeset) space.set_uniform_order(5) space.assign_dofs() # initialize the discrete problem wf = WeakForm(1) set_forms(wf) solver = DummySolver() sys = LinSystem(wf, solver) sys.set_spaces(space) sys.set_pss(pss) # assemble the stiffness matrix and solve the system sys.assemble() A = sys.get_matrix() b = sys.get_rhs() from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg x, res = cg(A, b) sln = Solution() sln.set_fe_solution(space, pss, x) view = ScalarView("Solution")
def lsqr(X, y, tol=1e-3): import scipy.sparse.linalg as sp_linalg from ..utils.extmath import safe_sparse_dot if hasattr(sp_linalg, "lsqr"): # scipy 0.8 or greater return sp_linalg.lsqr(X, y) else: n_samples, n_features = X.shape if n_samples > n_features: coef, _ =, X), safe_sparse_dot(X.T, y), tol=tol) else: coef, _ =, X.T), y, tol=tol) coef = safe_sparse_dot(X.T, coef) residues = y - safe_sparse_dot(X, coef) return coef, None, None, residues
def h_sol_approx(x, lambdak, tol): # returns an approximate solution of the inner optimization K = pairwise_kernels(Xt, gamma=np.exp(lambdak[0]), metric='rbf') (out, success) = K + np.exp(lambdak[1]) * np.eye(x0.size), yt, x0=x) if success is False: raise ValueError return out
def solve(self, A, F,Solver): # "spsolve" for internal solver # "cg" for conjugate gradient A = A.tocsc() #F = F.toarray() if (Solver == "spsolve"): self.u = linalg.spsolve(A.astype(float32),F.astype(float32)) if (Solver == "cg"): self.u =,F.toarray())[0]
def conj_loss(X, y, Xy, M, epsilon, sol0): # conjugate of the loss function n_features = X.shape[1] matvec = lambda z: X.rmatvec((X.matvec(z))) + epsilon * z K = splinalg.LinearOperator((n_features, n_features), matvec, dtype=X.dtype) sol =, M.ravel(order='F') + Xy, maxiter=20, x0=sol0)[0] p =, M.ravel(order='F')) - .5 * (linalg.norm(y - X.matvec(sol)) ** 2) p -= 0.5 * epsilon * (linalg.norm(sol) ** 2) return p, sol
def _solve_cg(lap_sparse, B, tol): lap_sparse = lap_sparse.tocsc() X = [] for i in range(len(B)): x0 = cg(lap_sparse, -B[i].todense(), tol=tol)[0] X.append(x0) X = np.array(X) X = np.argmax(X, axis=0) return X
def calculate_potential2(space, x, y): b = space.flatten() potential_space = np.zeros_like(space) v0 = potential_space.flatten() from scipy.sparse.linalg import cg L = get_Laplacian_LinearOperator(space.shape) vsol, err = cg(L, b, x0=v0) potential_space = vsol.reshape(space.shape) return potential_space
def _solve_sparse_cg(X, y, alpha, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, verbose=0): n_samples, n_features = X.shape X1 = sp_linalg.aslinearoperator(X) coefs = np.empty((y.shape[1], n_features)) if n_features > n_samples: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.matvec(X1.rmatvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv else: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.rmatvec(X1.matvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv for i in range(y.shape[1]): y_column = y[:, i] mv = create_mv(alpha[i]) if n_features > n_samples: # kernel ridge # w = X.T * inv(X X^t + alpha*Id) y C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator((n_samples, n_samples), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) coef, info =, y_column, tol=tol) coefs[i] = X1.rmatvec(coef) else: # linear ridge # w = inv(X^t X + alpha*Id) * X.T y y_column = X1.rmatvec(y_column) C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator((n_features, n_features), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) coefs[i], info =, y_column, maxiter=max_iter, tol=tol) if info < 0: raise ValueError("Failed with error code %d" % info) if max_iter is None and info > 0 and verbose: warnings.warn("sparse_cg did not converge after %d iterations." % info) return coefs
def sbtv (measurements, side_size, n_angles, angle_step, BP, FP, c_mu=5e-1, c_lambda=1e-1, max_iter_cgs=10, max_iter=10): size_img2d = (side_size, side_size) size_img1d = side_size * side_size # Define a fucntion of the LinearOperator def A_func(recon_slice): recon_slice = np.reshape (recon_slice, size_img2d) DxtDx = Dxt(Dx(recon_slice)) DytDy = Dyt(Dy(recon_slice)) result = c_mu * BP(FP(recon_slice, n_angles, angle_step), n_angles, angle_step) + c_lambda * (DxtDx + DytDy) return np.real(np.reshape(result,(size_img1d,))) # Create LinearOperator M = LinearOperator((size_img1d, size_img1d), matvec = A_func, dtype=complex) # Split Bregman buffers dx = np.zeros(size_img2d) dy = np.zeros(size_img2d) bx = np.zeros(size_img2d) by = np.zeros(size_img2d) # Zeros and Eps buffers Z = np.zeros(size_img2d) EPS = Z + 1e-12 # Current solution u = np.zeros((side_size, side_size)) Atf = BP(measurements, n_angles, angle_step) i = 0 while i < max_iter: print "SBTV iter: %d | mu: %f lambda: %f" % (i, c_mu, c_lambda) tmpx = Dxt(dx-bx) tmpy = Dyt(dy-by) b = c_mu * Atf + c_lambda * (tmpx + tmpy) u_vec = np.reshape (u, (size_img1d,)) b_vec = np.reshape (b, (size_img1d,)) u_vec, flag = cg (A=M, b=b_vec, x0=u_vec, maxiter=max_iter_cgs) u = np.reshape (u_vec, size_img2d) tmpx = Dx(u) + bx tmpy = Dy(u) + by # Shrinkage s = np.array(np.sqrt (np.power(tmpx,2) + np.power(tmpy,2))) thresh = np.maximum(s - 1 / c_lambda, Z) / np.maximum(EPS, s) dx = thresh * tmpx dy = thresh * tmpy bx = tmpx - dx by = tmpy - dy i = i + 1 return u
def _solve_sparse_cg(X, y, alpha, max_iter=None, tol=1e-3, coef_init=None): n_samples, n_features = X.shape X1 = sp_linalg.aslinearoperator(X) coefs = np.empty((y.shape[1], n_features)) if n_features > n_samples: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.matvec(X1.rmatvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv else: def create_mv(curr_alpha): def _mv(x): return X1.rmatvec(X1.matvec(x)) + curr_alpha * x return _mv for i in range(y.shape[1]): y_column = y[:, i] mv = create_mv(alpha[i]) if n_features > n_samples: # kernel ridge # w = X.T * inv(X X^t + alpha*Id) y C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator( (n_samples, n_samples), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) if coef_init is not None: x0 = X1.matvec(coef_init) else: x0 = None coef, info =, y_column, x0=x0, tol=tol) coefs[i] = X1.rmatvec(coef) else: # linear ridge # w = inv(X^t X + alpha*Id) * X.T y y_column = X1.rmatvec(y_column) C = sp_linalg.LinearOperator( (n_features, n_features), matvec=mv, dtype=X.dtype) coefs[i], info =, y_column, x0=coef_init, maxiter=max_iter, tol=tol) if info != 0: raise ValueError("Failed with error code %d" % info) return coefs
def solveW(H): bw=np.ravel(Xlo.rmatvec(,order='F') def mvW(s): S=np.reshape(s,(nd,nk),order='F') return np.ravel(Xlo.rmatvec(Xlo.matmat(,order='F') + alpha*s Cw=sp_linalg.LinearOperator((nd*nk, nd*nk), matvec=mvW, dtype=Xlo.dtype) w, info =, bw, maxiter=max_iter,tol=tol) return np.reshape(w,(nd,nk),order='F')
def possion_solver(self): self.create_possion_equation() #Use Conjugate Gradient iteration to solve A x = b,self.b[:,0])[0];,self.b[:,1])[0];,self.b[:,2])[0]; self.newImage = for i in range(self.b.shape[0]): x,y = self.maskidx2Corrd[i] self.newImage[x,y,0] = np.clip(x_r[i],0,255); self.newImage[x,y,1] = np.clip(x_g[i],0,255); self.newImage[x,y,2] = np.clip(x_b[i],0,255); self.newImage = Image.fromarray(self.newImage) return self.newImage
def solveH(W): h=np.empty((nl,nk)) A=sp_linalg.aslinearoperator(Xlo.matvec(W)) def mvH(s): return A.rmatvec(A.matvec(s))+alpha*s for i in range(Y.shape[1]): Ch=sp_linalg.LinearOperator((nk,nk),matvec=mvH,dtype=Xlo.dtype) bh=A.rmatvec(Y[:,i]) h[i],,bh,maxiter=max_iter,tol=tol) return h
F = space.source_vector(pde.source, dim=3) A, F = bc.apply(A, F, uh) if False: uh.T.flat[:] = spsolve(A, F) elif False: N = len(F) print(N) start = timer() ilu = spilu(A.tocsc(), drop_tol=1e-6, fill_factor=40) end = timer() print('time:', end - start) M = LinearOperator((N, N), lambda x: ilu.solve(x)) start = timer() uh.T.flat[:], info = cg(A, F, tol=1e-8, M=M) # solve with CG print(info) end = timer() print('time:', end - start) elif True: P = space.stiff_matrix(c=2 * isBdDof = space.set_dirichlet_bc(uh, pde.dirichlet, threshold=pde.is_dirichlet_boundary) solver = LinearElasticityLFEMFastSolver(A, P, isBdDof) start = timer() uh[:] = solver.solve(uh, F) end = timer() print('time:', end - start, 'dof:', A.shape) else: aspace = CrouzeixRaviartFiniteElementSpace(mesh)
K = assembleGlobalStiffness(nodes, E, gN, p) F = assembleGlobalLoading(fun, nodes, E, gN, p) dirNodes = np.array([0, numNodes - 1]) dirVals = np.array([u_a, u_b]) [Kg, Fg] = applyDirichlet(K, F, dirNodes, dirVals) #-------------------------------------------------------- # use the finite element functions to obtain the solution #-------------------------------------------------------- [uSol, status] = cg(Kg, Fg) #----------------------------------------- # define the functionS for f # and the exact solution you have computed #------------------------------------------ u_exact = ((L**2/np.pi**2)*np.cos(np.pi*k/L) + ((alpha*(1-k**2)*L**2)/(4*np.pi**2*k**2))*np.sin(2*np.pi*k/L) - (L**2/np.pi**2) + 1)*nodes \ -(L**2/np.pi**2)*np.cos(np.pi*k*nodes/L) - ((alpha*(1-k**2)*L**2)/(4*np.pi**2*k**2))*np.sin(2*np.pi*k*nodes/L) + (L**2/np.pi**2) #Plotting plt.figure() plt.plot(nodes, u_exact, 'b', label='Exact Solution') plt.plot(nodes, uSol, 'r--', label='FEM Solution') plt.xlabel('Nodal Coordinates') plt.ylabel('Solution Values')
proc = proc + 1 K = Kdata[N * i:N * (i + 1), N * j:N * (j + 1)] #Grid n = int(N / 2) kk = np.asarray( list(range(0, n + 1)) + list(range(-n + 1, 0))) #kk = [0:N/2-1 N/2 -N/2+1:-1] in matlab xk, yk = np.meshgrid(kk, kk) #Solve g1 & g2 b1 = 1j * xk * np.fft.fftn(K) b2 = 1j * yk * np.fft.fftn(K) A = LinearOperator((N**2, N**2), matvec=spec2D) g1, exitcode1 = cg(A, b1.reshape(-1)) if exitcode1 != 0: print("cg not converged: %d, %d, %s" % (exitcode1, proc, 'g1')) g1, exitcode1 = gmres(A, b1.reshape(-1), x0=g1) # print('g1 convergence:', exitcode1) g2, exitcode2 = cg(A, b2.reshape(-1)) if exitcode2 != 0: print("cg not converged: %d, %d, g2" % (exitcode1, proc)) g2, exitcode2 = gmres(A, b2.reshape(-1), x0=g2) if proc % (2 * d_up) == 0: print("Processing: [%d/%d]" % (proc, d_up**2)) gm1 = g1.reshape(N, N) gm2 = g2.reshape(N, N)
def CGSolve(c1,dt24,c,p): tv = cg(np.eye(p.size)*(1+c1) + dt24*c , p, x0=(p/(1.0+c1)) )[0] return tv[:,np.newaxis]
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING): logging.basicConfig(level=loglev) import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as npla import itertools import time import TensorToolbox as DT import TensorToolbox.multilinalg as mla if PLOTTING: from matplotlib import pyplot as plt nsucc = 0 nfail = 0 #################################################################################### # Test Conjugate Gradient method on simple multidim laplace equation #################################################################################### import scipy.sparse as sp import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla span = np.array([0., 1.]) d = 2 N = 64 h = 1 / float(N - 1) eps_cg = 1e-3 eps_round = 1e-6 # sys.stdout.write("Conjugate-Gradient: Laplace N=%4d , d=%3d [START] \n" % (N,d)) # sys.stdout.flush() dofull = True try: # Construct d-D Laplace (with 2nd order finite diff) D = -1. / h**2. * (np.diag(np.ones( (N - 1)), -1) + np.diag(np.ones( (N - 1)), 1) + np.diag(-2. * np.ones((N)), 0)) D[0, 0:2] = np.array([1., 0.]) D[-1, -2:] = np.array([0., 1.]) D_sp = sp.coo_matrix(D) I_sp = sp.identity(N) I = np.eye(N) FULL_LAP = sp.coo_matrix((N**d, N**d)) for i in range(d): tmp = sp.identity((1)) for j in range(d): if i != j: tmp = sp.kron(tmp, I_sp) else: tmp = sp.kron(tmp, D_sp) FULL_LAP = FULL_LAP + tmp except MemoryError: print("FULL CG: Memory Error") dofull = False # Construction of TT Laplace operator CPtmp = [] D_flat = D.flatten() I_flat = I.flatten() for i in range(d): CPi = np.empty((d, N**2)) for alpha in range(d): if i != alpha: CPi[alpha, :] = I_flat else: CPi[alpha, :] = D_flat CPtmp.append(CPi) CP_lap = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp) TT_LAP = DT.TTmat(CP_lap, nrows=N, ncols=N, is_sparse=[True] * d) TT_LAP.rounding(eps_round) CPtmp = None CP_lap = None # Construct Right hand-side (b=1, Dirichlet BC = 0) X = np.linspace(span[0], span[1], N) b1D = np.ones(N) b1D[0] = 0. b1D[-1] = 0. if dofull: # Construct the d-D right handside tmp = np.array([1.]) for j in range(d): tmp = np.kron(tmp, b1D) FULL_b = tmp # Construct the TT right handside CPtmp = [] for i in range(d): CPi = np.empty((1, N)) CPi[0, :] = b1D CPtmp.append(CPi) CP_b = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp) TT_b = DT.TTvec(CP_b) TT_b.rounding(eps_round) if dofull: # Solve full system using npla.solve (FULL_RES, FULL_CONV) =, FULL_b, tol=eps_cg) if PLOTTING: from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm (XX, YY) = np.meshgrid(X, X) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 7)) plt.suptitle("CG") if d == 2: # Plot function ax = fig.add_subplot(131, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(XX, YY, FULL_RES.reshape((N, N)), rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) # Solve TT cg x0 = DT.zerosvec(d, N) (TT_RES, TT_conv, TT_info) =, TT_b, x0=x0, eps=eps_cg, ext_info=True, eps_round=eps_round) if PLOTTING and d == 2: # Plot function ax = fig.add_subplot(132, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(XX, YY, TT_RES.to_tensor(), rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) # Error if PLOTTING and d == 2: # Plot function ax = fig.add_subplot(133, projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(XX, YY, np.abs(TT_RES.to_tensor() - FULL_RES.reshape((N, N))), rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) err2 = npla.norm(TT_RES.to_tensor().flatten() - FULL_RES, 2) if err2 < 1e-2: print_ok("5.1 CG: Laplace N=%4d , d=%3d , 2-err=%f" % (N, d, err2)) nsucc += 1 else: print_fail("5.1 CG: Laplace N=%4d , d=%3d , 2-err=%f" % (N, d, err2)) nfail += 1 print_summary("TT CG", nsucc, nfail) return (nsucc, nfail)
############################################################################### # Scipy conjugate gradient # ------------------------ from scipy.sparse import diags from scipy.sparse.linalg import aslinearoperator, cg from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface import IdentityOperator print( "Solving a Gaussian linear system, with {} points in dimension {}.".format( N, D)) start = time.time() A = aslinearoperator(diags(alpha * np.ones(N))) + aslinearoperator(Kxx) c_sp = np.zeros((N, Dv)) for i in range(Dv): c_sp[:, i] = cg(A, b[:, i])[0] end = time.time() print('Timing (KeOps + scipy implementation):', round(end - start, 5), 's') ############################################################################### # Compare with a straightforward Numpy implementation: # start = time.time() K_xx = alpha * np.eye(N) + np.exp(-g * np.sum( (x[:, None, :] - x[None, :, :])**2, axis=2)) c_np = np.linalg.solve(K_xx, b) end = time.time() print('Timing (Numpy implementation):', round(end - start, 5), 's') print("Relative error (KeOps) = ",
def get_offline_result(self,i): ids = self.trunc_ids[i] trunc_lap = self.lap_alpha[ids][:, ids] scores, _ =, self.trunc_init, tol=1e-6, maxiter=20) return scores
def runTest(conf, kernel, load, layerDepth, pp=None): err_ = None data = { "h": [], "L2 Error": [], "Rates": [], "Assembly Time": [], "nV_Omega": [] } u_exact = load["solution"] # Delta is assumed to be of the form deltaK/10 in the mesh, so we obtain deltaK by deltaK = int(np.round(kernel["horizon"] * 10)) if not deltaK: raise ValueError( "Delta has to be of the form delta = deltaK/10. for deltaK in N.") n_start = 10 + 2 * deltaK N = [n_start * 2**l for l in list(range(layerDepth))] N_fine = N[-1] * 4 for n in N: mesh = RegMesh2D(kernel["horizon"], n, ufunc=u_exact, ansatz=conf["ansatz"], outdim=kernel["outputdim"]) print("\n h: ", mesh.h) data["h"].append(mesh.h) data["nV_Omega"].append(mesh.nV_Omega) # Assembly ------------------------------------------------------------------------ start = time() A = nlfem.stiffnessMatrix(mesh.__dict__, kernel, conf) f_OI = nlfem.loadVector(mesh.__dict__, load, conf) data["Assembly Time"].append(time() - start) A_O = A[mesh.nodeLabels > 0][:, mesh.nodeLabels > 0] A_I = A[mesh.nodeLabels > 0][:, mesh.nodeLabels < 0] f = f_OI[mesh.nodeLabels > 0] if conf["ansatz"] == "CG": g = np.apply_along_axis(u_exact, 1, mesh.vertices[mesh.vertexLabels < 0]) else: g = np.zeros(((mesh.K - mesh.K_Omega) // mesh.outdim, mesh.outdim)) for i, E in enumerate(mesh.elements[mesh.elementLabels < 0]): for ii, Vdx in enumerate(E): vert = mesh.vertices[Vdx] g[(mesh.dim + 1) * i + ii] = u_exact(vert) f -= A_I @ g.ravel() # Solve --------------------------------------------------------------------------- print("Solve...") # mesh.write_ud(np.linalg.solve(A_O, f), conf.u_exact) x = cg(A_O, f, f)[0].reshape((-1, mesh.outdim)) # print("CG Solve:\nIterations: ", solution["its"], "\tError: ", solution["res"]) mesh.write_ud(x, u_exact) if kernel["outputdim"] == 1: mesh.plot_ud(pp) # Some random quick Check.... # filter = np.array(assemble.read_arma_mat("data/result.fd").flatten(), dtype=bool) # plt.scatter(mesh.vertices[filter][:,0], mesh.vertices[filter][:,1]) # plt.scatter(mesh.vertices[np.invert(filter)][:,0], mesh.vertices[np.invert(filter)][:,1]) # # Refine to N_fine ---------------------------------------------------------------- mesh = RegMesh2D(kernel["horizon"], N_fine, ufunc=u_exact, coarseMesh=mesh, is_constructAdjaciencyGraph=False, ansatz=conf["ansatz"], outdim=kernel["outputdim"]) #mesh.plot_ud(pp) #mesh.plot_u_exact(pp) # Evaluate L2 Error --------------------------------------------------------------- u_diff = (mesh.u_exact - mesh.ud)[(mesh.nodeLabels > 0)[::mesh.outdim]] Mu_udiff = nlfem.evaluateMass(mesh, u_diff, conf["quadrature"]["outer"]["points"], conf["quadrature"]["outer"]["weights"]) err = np.sqrt(u_diff.ravel() @ Mu_udiff) # Print Rates --------------------------------------------------------------------- print("L2 Error: ", err) data["L2 Error"].append(err) if err_ is not None: rate = np.log2(err_ / err) print("Rate: \t", rate) data["Rates"].append(rate) else: data["Rates"].append(0) err_ = err #pp.close() return data
def solve(self, y, A, Denoiser, cg_param=None): ''' Use the plug-and-play ADMM algorithm for compressive sensing recovery For the sub-least-square step: conjugate gradient method is used when A is given as a linear operator direct inverse is calcuated when A is given as a matrix Input: y: numpy array of shape (M,) A: numpy matrix of shape (M, N) or scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator Denoiser: Denoiser class (see module import_neural_networks), must have vector output cg_param: parameter for Reture: x_star: recovered signal of shape (N,) info: information stored from callback functions ''' if isinstance(A,linalg.LinearOperator): # copy cg_param if cg_param is None: self.cg_param = {} else: self.cg_param = deepcopy(cg_param) if "tol" not in self.cg_param: self.cg_param["tol"] = 1e-5 if "maxiter" not in self.cg_param: self.cg_param["maxiter"] = None # Build new linear operators for cg P_mv = lambda x: A.rmatvec(A.matvec(x)) + self.algo_param["rho"]*x P = linalg.LinearOperator((self.shape[1], self.shape[1]), matvec=P_mv, rmatvec=P_mv) q = A.rmatvec(y) # Initial iterations loss_func = lambda x: np.sum(np.square(y - A.matvec(x))) # define objective function loss = loss_func(self.algo_param["x0"]) loss_star = loss x = self.algo_param["x0"] z = x u = np.zeros_like(x) k = 0 tol = self.algo_param["tol"] loss_record = np.array([]) z_record = [] callback_res = [] # Start iterations while k < self.algo_param["maxiter"] and tol > 0: # least square step x, _ =, q + self.algo_param["rho"]*(z - u), x0=z, tol=self.cg_param["tol"], maxiter=self.cg_param["maxiter"]) # denoising step z = Denoiser.denoise(x + u) # dual variable update u += x - z # monitor the loss loss = loss_func(z) if loss < loss_star: loss_star = loss else: tol -= 1 loss_record = np.append(loss_record, loss) # record all the denoised signals z_record.append(z) # callback functions if self.algo_param["callback"] is not None: callback_res.append(self.algo_param["callback"](x, z, u, loss)) k += 1 x_star = z_record[np.argmin(loss_record)] else: # One time calculation P = np.linalg.inv( + self.algo_param["rho"]*np.eye(self.shape[1])) q = # Initial iterations loss_func = lambda x: np.sum(np.square(y - # define objective function loss = loss_func(self.algo_param["x0"]) loss_star = loss x = self.algo_param["x0"] z = x u = np.zeros_like(x) k = 0 tol = self.algo_param["tol"] loss_record = np.array([]) z_record = [] callback_res = [] # Start iterations while k < self.algo_param["maxiter"] and tol > 0: # least square step x = q + self.algo_param["rho"]* # denoising step z = Denoiser.denoise(x + u) # dual variable update u += x - z # monitor the loss loss = loss_func(z) if loss < loss_star: loss_star = loss else: tol -= 1 loss_record = np.append(loss_record, loss) # record all the denoised signals z_record.append(z) # callback functions if self.algo_param["callback"] is not None: callback_res.append(self.algo_param["callback"](x, z, u, loss)) k += 1 x_star = z_record[np.argmin(loss_record)] return x_star, callback_res
## displace atoms in far-field boundary according to u_bc = -EGF.f(II) logging.debug(' EGF displacement for {} along {}'.format( j, direction[d])) u_bc = setBC(j, grid, size_in, size_all, GEn, phi_R_grid, N, t_mag * a0, np.reshape(f, (size_in, 3))) ## add the "correction forces" out in the buffer region ## f_eff = f(II) - (-D.(-EGF.f(II)) = f(II) + D.u_bc f +=, 3 * size_all)) ## solve Dii.u = f_eff for u logging.debug(' entering solver for {} along {}'.format( j, direction[d])) t1 = time.time() [uf, conv] =, f, tol=args.tol) logging.debug(' %d, solve time: %f' % (conv, time.time() - t1)) ## since I put in initial forces of unit magnitude, ## the column vector uf = column of LGF matrix if ((j == LGF_jmin) and (d == 0)): G = uf[0:3 * size_123].copy() else: G = np.column_stack((G, uf[0:3 * size_123]))'Atom {} direction {}'.format(j, direction[d])) with h5py.File(args.Gfile, 'w') as f: f.attrs['size_1'] = size_1 f.attrs['size_12'] = size_12 f.attrs['size_123'] = size_123
def hoag_lbfgs(h_func_grad, h_hessian, h_crossed, g_func_grad, x0, bounds=None, lambda0=0., disp=None, maxcor=10, maxiter=100, maxiter_inner=10000, only_fit=False, iprint=-1, maxls=20, tolerance_decrease='exponential', callback=None, verbose=0, epsilon_tol_init=1e-3, exponential_decrease_factor=0.9): """ HOAG algorithm using L-BFGS-B in the inner optimization algorithm. Options ------- eps : float Step size used for numerical approximation of the Jacobian. disp : int Set to True to print convergence messages. maxfun : int Maximum number of function evaluations. maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations. maxls : int, optional Maximum number of line search steps (per iteration). Default is 20. """ m = maxcor lambdak = lambda0 if verbose > 0: print('started hoag') x0 = asarray(x0).ravel() n, = x0.shape if bounds is None: bounds = [(None, None)] * n if len(bounds) != n: raise ValueError('length of x0 != length of bounds') # unbounded variables must use None, not +-inf, for optimizer to work properly bounds = [(None if l == -np.inf else l, None if u == np.inf else u) for l, u in bounds] if disp is not None: if disp == 0: iprint = -1 else: iprint = disp nbd = zeros(n, int32) low_bnd = zeros(n, float64) upper_bnd = zeros(n, float64) bounds_map = {(None, None): 0, (1, None): 1, (1, 1): 2, (None, 1): 3} for i in range(0, n): l, u = bounds[i] if l is not None: low_bnd[i] = l l = 1 if u is not None: upper_bnd[i] = u u = 1 nbd[i] = bounds_map[l, u] if not maxls > 0: raise ValueError('maxls must be positive.') x = array(x0, float64) wa = zeros(2 * m * n + 5 * n + 11 * m * m + 8 * m, float64) iwa = zeros(3 * n, int32) task = zeros(1, 'S60') csave = zeros(1, 'S60') lsave = zeros(4, int32) isave = zeros(44, int32) dsave = zeros(29, float64) exact_epsilon = 1e-12 if tolerance_decrease == 'exact': epsilon_tol = exact_epsilon else: epsilon_tol = epsilon_tol_init Bxk = None L_lambda = None g_func_old = np.inf if callback is not None: callback(x, lambdak) # n_eval, F = wrap_function(F, ()) h_func, h_grad = h_func_grad(x, lambdak) norm_init = linalg.norm(h_grad) old_grads = [] for it in range(1, maxiter): h_func, h_grad = h_func_grad(x, lambdak) n_iterations = 0 task[:] = 'START' old_x = x.copy() while 1: pgtol_lbfgs = 1e-120 factr = 1e-120 # / np.finfo(float).eps _lbfgsb.setulb(m, x, low_bnd, upper_bnd, nbd, h_func, h_grad, factr, pgtol_lbfgs, wa, iwa, task, iprint, csave, lsave, isave, dsave, maxls) task_str = task.tostring() if task_str.startswith(b'FG'): # minimization routine wants h_func and h_grad at the current x # Overwrite h_func and h_grad: h_func, h_grad = h_func_grad(x, lambdak) if linalg.norm(h_grad) / np.exp( np.min(lambdak)) < epsilon_tol * norm_init: # this one is finished break elif task_str.startswith(b'NEW_X'): # new iteration if n_iterations > maxiter_inner: task[:] = 'STOP: TOTAL NO. of ITERATIONS EXCEEDS LIMIT' print('ITERATIONS EXCEEDS LIMIT') continue # break else: n_iterations += 1 else: if verbose > 1: print('LBFGS decided finish!') print(task_str) break else: pass if only_fit: break if verbose > 0: h_func, h_grad = h_func_grad(x, lambdak) print( 'inner level iterations: %s, inner objective %s, grad norm %s' % (n_iterations, h_func, linalg.norm(h_grad))) fhs = h_hessian(x, lambdak) B_op = splinalg.LinearOperator(shape=(x.size, x.size), matvec=lambda z: fhs(z)) g_func, g_grad = g_func_grad(x, lambdak) if Bxk is None: Bxk = x.copy() residual_init = linalg.norm(g_grad) if verbose > 1: print('Inverting matrix with precision %s' % (epsilon_tol * residual_init)) Bxk, success =, g_grad, x0=Bxk, tol=epsilon_tol * residual_init, maxiter=maxiter_inner) if success != 0: print('CG did not converge to the desired precision') old_epsilon_tol = epsilon_tol if tolerance_decrease == 'quadratic': epsilon_tol = epsilon_tol_init / (it**2) elif tolerance_decrease == 'cubic': epsilon_tol = epsilon_tol_init / (it**3) elif tolerance_decrease == 'exponential': epsilon_tol *= exponential_decrease_factor elif tolerance_decrease == 'exact': epsilon_tol = 1e-24 else: raise NotImplementedError epsilon_tol = max(epsilon_tol, exact_epsilon) # .. update hyperparameters .. grad_lambda = -h_crossed(x, lambdak).dot(Bxk) if linalg.norm(grad_lambda) == 0: # increase tolerance if verbose > 0: print('too low tolerance %s, moving to next iteration' % epsilon_tol) continue old_grads.append(linalg.norm(grad_lambda)) if L_lambda is None: if old_grads[-1] > 1e-3: # make sure we are not selecting a step size that is too smal L_lambda = old_grads[-1] / np.sqrt(len(lambdak)) else: L_lambda = 1 step_size = (1. / L_lambda) old_lambdak = lambdak.copy() lambdak -= step_size * grad_lambda # projection lambdak[lambdak < -6] = -6 lambdak[lambdak > 6] = 6 incr = linalg.norm(lambdak - old_lambdak) C = 0.25 factor_L_lambda = 1.0 if g_func <= g_func_old + C * epsilon_tol + \ old_epsilon_tol * (C + factor_L_lambda) * incr - factor_L_lambda * (L_lambda) * incr * incr: L_lambda *= 0.95 if verbose > 1: print('increased step size') elif g_func >= 1.2 * g_func_old: if verbose > 1: print('decrease step size') # decrease step size L_lambda *= 2 lambdak = old_lambdak print('!!step size rejected!!', g_func, g_func_old) g_func_old, g_grad_old = g_func_grad(x, old_lambdak) # tighten tolerance epsilon_tol *= 0.5 else: pass # if g_func - g_func_old > 0: # raise ValueError norm_grad_lambda = linalg.norm(grad_lambda) if verbose > 0: print(('it %s, g: %s, incr: %s, sum lambda %s, epsilon: %s, ' + 'L: %s, norm grad_lambda: %s') % (it, g_func, g_func - g_func_old, lambdak.sum(), epsilon_tol, L_lambda, norm_grad_lambda)) g_func_old = g_func if callback is not None: callback(x, lambdak) task_str = task.tostring().strip(b'\x00').strip() if task_str.startswith(b'CONV'): warnflag = 0 else: warnflag = 2 return x, lambdak, warnflag
# + {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "fragment"}, "execution": {"iopub.status.busy": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.926070Z", "iopub.execute_input": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.927415Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.931809Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.932624Z"}} x=op.solve(b) spl.norm(A*x-b) # + [markdown] {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "slide"}} # ## Conjugate Gradient # + {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "fragment"}, "execution": {"iopub.status.busy": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.941001Z", "iopub.execute_input": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.946217Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.949574Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.950147Z"}} global k k=0 def f(xk): # function called at every iterations global k print ("iteration {0:2d} residu = {1:7.3g}".format(k,spl.norm(A*xk-b))) k += 1 x,,b,x0=np.zeros(N),tol=1.0e-12,maxiter=N,M=None,callback=f) # + [markdown] {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "slide"}} # ## Preconditioned conjugate gradient # + {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "fragment"}, "execution": {"iopub.status.busy": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.954769Z", "iopub.execute_input": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.955871Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.959314Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.959905Z"}} pc=spspl.spilu(A,drop_tol=0.1) # pc is an ILU decomposition xp=pc.solve(b) spl.norm(A*xp-b) # + {"slideshow": {"slide_type": "fragment"}, "execution": {"iopub.status.busy": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.966049Z", "iopub.execute_input": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.966944Z", "iopub.status.idle": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.973399Z", "shell.execute_reply": "2020-09-12T14:17:26.973984Z"}} def mv(v): return pc.solve(v) lo = spspl.LinearOperator((N,N),matvec=mv) k = 0
# Create discrete space, a square from [-1, 1] x [-1, 1] with (11 x 11) points space = odl.uniform_discr([-1, -1], [1, 1], [11, 11]) # Create odl operator for negative laplacian laplacian = -odl.Laplacian(space) # Create right hand side, a gaussian around the point (0, 0) rhs = space.element(lambda x: np.exp(-(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2) / 0.1**2)) # Convert laplacian to scipy operator scipy_laplacian = odl.operator.oputils.as_scipy_operator(laplacian) # Convert to array and flatten rhs_arr = rhs.asarray().ravel() # Solve using scipy result, info =, rhs_arr) # Other options include # result, info = sl.cgs(scipy_laplacian, rhs_arr) # result, info = sl.gmres(scipy_op, rhs_arr) # result, info = sl.lgmres(scipy_op, rhs_arr) # result, info = sl.bicg(scipy_op, rhs_arr) # result, info = sl.bicgstab(scipy_op, rhs_arr) # Convert back to odl and display result result_odl = space.element(result.reshape(space.shape)) # result is flat'Result') (rhs - laplacian(result_odl)).show('Residual', force_show=True)
def _cg_wrapper(A, b, x0=None, tol=1e-5, maxiter=None): return cg(A, b, x0=x0, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)
def geodesicBB1D(nO, nD, Nit, mub0, mub1, cCongestion=0.0, potentialV=None, detailStudy=False, eps=10**(-5)): """ Main function which is called to do the computation Inputs: nO: number of discretization points of the source space [0,1] nD: number of discretization points per dimension of the target space Nit: number of ADMM iterations performed mub0, mub1: nD**2-arrays with temporal boundary conditions cCongestion: scale of the quadratic penalization of the density in the running cost potentialV: nD**2-array thought as a function on D detailStudy: to decide wether we compute the objective functional every iteration or not (slower if marked true) Outputs: mu: nO*nD*nD array with the values of the density E0, E1: nO*nD*nD arrays with the values of the momentum objectiveValue: value of the Lagrangian along the iterations of the ADMM primalResidual, dualResidual: values of the L^2 norms of the primal and dual residuals along the iterations of the ADMM """ startProgram = time.time() print("Parameters ----------------------") print("nO: " + str(nO)) print("nD: " + str(nD)) print("cCongestion: " + str(cCongestion)) print() #**************************************************************************************************** # Domain Building #**************************************************************************************************** # Domain Omega: centered grid xOmegaC = np.linspace(0, 1, nO) # Step Omega DeltaOmega = xOmegaC[1] - xOmegaC[0] # Domain Omega: staggered grid xOmegaS = np.linspace(-DeltaOmega / 2, 1 + DeltaOmega / 2, nO + 1) # Domain D (grid is "periodic") : centered grid xDC = np.linspace(0, 1 - 1 / nD, nD) yDC = np.linspace(0, 1 - 1 / nD, nD) xGridDC, yGridDC = np.meshgrid(xDC, yDC, indexing='ij') # Step D DeltaD = xDC[1] - xDC[0] # Domain D: staggered grid xDS = np.linspace(DeltaD / 2, 1 - DeltaD / 2, nD) yDS = np.linspace(DeltaD / 2, 1 - DeltaD / 2, nD) xGridDS, yGridDS = np.meshgrid(xDC, yDC, indexing='ij') # In D # The neighbors of the point i of centered are i-1 and i in staggered # The neighbors of the point i of staggered are i and i+1 in centered #*************************************************************************************************** # Function building #**************************************************************************************************** # Lagrange multiplier associated to mu. Centered everywhere mu = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD)) # Momentum E, lagrange mutliplier. Centered everywhere. The two last components indicate to which dr_i phi^alpha it corresponds # First number is component in Omega, second is component in D E0 = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD, 2, 2)) E1 = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD, 2, 2)) # Dual variable phi (phi^alpha staggered in alpha, centered everywhere else) phi = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) # Primal Variable A : A^alpha beta which corresponds to dr_beta phi^alpha. Same pattern as muTilde A = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD)) # Primal variable B, same pattern as E # First number is component in Omega, second is component in D B0 = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD, 2, 2)) B1 = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD, 2, 2)) # Lagrange multiplier associated to the congestion lambdaC = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD)) if potentialV is None: potentialV = np.zeros((nD, nD)) #**************************************************************************************************** # Boundary values #**************************************************************************************************** # Normalization ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- mub0 /= (np.sum(mub0)) mub1 /= (np.sum(mub1)) # Build the boundary term ----------------------------------------------------------------- BT = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) BT[0, :, :] = -mub0[:, :] / DeltaOmega BT[-1, :, :] = mub1[:, :] / DeltaOmega #**************************************************************************************************** # Scalar product #*************************************************************************************************** def scalarProduct(a, b): return np.sum(np.multiply(a, b)) #**************************************************************************************************** # Differential, averaging and projection operators #**************************************************************************************************** # Derivate along Omega of a staggered function. Return a centered function -------------------------- def gradOmega(input): output = (input[1:, :, :] - input[:-1, :, :]) / DeltaOmega return output # MINUS Adjoint of the two operator def gradAOmega(input): inputSize = input.shape output = np.zeros((inputSize[0] + 1, inputSize[1], inputSize[2])) output[1:-1, :, :] = (input[1:, :, :] - input[:-1, :, :]) / DeltaOmega output[0, :, :] = input[0, :, :] / DeltaOmega output[-1, :, :] = -input[-1, :, :] / DeltaOmega return output # Derivate along D of a staggered function. Return a centered function ---------------------------- def gradD0(input): inputSize = input.shape output = np.zeros(inputSize) output[:, 1:, :] = (input[:, 1:, :] - input[:, :-1, :]) / DeltaD output[:, 0, :] = (input[:, 0, :] - input[:, -1, :]) / DeltaD return output def gradD1(input): inputSize = input.shape output = np.zeros(inputSize) output[:, :, 1:] = (input[:, :, 1:] - input[:, :, :-1]) / DeltaD output[:, :, 0] = (input[:, :, 0] - input[:, :, -1]) / DeltaD return output # MINUS Adjoint of the two previous operators -- Same as derivative along D of a centered function, return a staggered one def gradAD0(input): inputSize = input.shape output = np.zeros(inputSize) output[:, :-1, :] = (input[:, 1:, :] - input[:, :-1, :]) / DeltaD output[:, -1, :] = (input[:, 0, :] - input[:, -1, :]) / DeltaD return output def gradAD1(input): inputSize = input.shape output = np.zeros(inputSize) output[:, :, :-1] = (input[:, :, 1:] - input[:, :, :-1]) / DeltaD output[:, :, -1] = (input[:, :, 0] - input[:, :, -1]) / DeltaD return output # Splitting operator and its adjoint ------------------------------------ # The input has the same staggered pattern as grad_D phi def splitting(input0, input1): output0 = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD, 2, 2)) output1 = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD, 2, 2)) # Output 0 output0[:, 0, :, 0, 0] = input0[:-1, -1, :] output0[:, 1:, :, 0, 0] = input0[:-1, :-1, :] output0[:, :, :, 0, 1] = input0[:-1, :, :] output0[:, 0, :, 1, 0] = input0[1:, -1, :] output0[:, 1:, :, 1, 0] = input0[1:, :-1, :] output0[:, :, :, 1, 1] = input0[1:, :, :] # Output 1 output1[:, :, 0, 0, 0] = input1[:-1, :, -1] output1[:, :, 1:, 0, 0] = input1[:-1, :, :-1] output1[:, :, :, 0, 1] = input1[:-1, :, :] output1[:, :, 0, 1, 0] = input1[1:, :, -1] output1[:, :, 1:, 1, 0] = input1[1:, :, :-1] output1[:, :, :, 1, 1] = input1[1:, :, :] return output0, output1 # Adjoint of the splitting operator. Take something which has the same staggered pattern as B, E and returns something which is like grad_D phi def splittingA(input0, input1): output0 = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) output1 = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) # Output 0 output0[:-1, -1, :] += input0[:, 0, :, 0, 0] output0[:-1, :-1, :] += input0[:, 1:, :, 0, 0] output0[:-1, :, :] += input0[:, :, :, 0, 1] output0[1:, -1, :] += input0[:, 0, :, 1, 0] output0[1:, :-1, :] += input0[:, 1:, :, 1, 0] output0[1:, :, :] += input0[:, :, :, 1, 1] # Output 1 output1[:-1, :, -1] += input1[:, :, 0, 0, 0] output1[:-1, :, :-1] += input1[:, :, 1:, 0, 0] output1[:-1, :, :] += input1[:, :, :, 0, 1] output1[1:, :, -1] += input1[:, :, 0, 1, 0] output1[1:, :, :-1] += input1[:, :, 1:, 1, 0] output1[1:, :, :] += input1[:, :, :, 1, 1] return output0, output1 # Returning the derivatives of phi ----------------------------------------------------------- # Derivatives wrt Omega of phi def derivativeOphi(): return gradOmega(phi) # Derivatives wrt D of phi. As phi is centered, we use the adjoint of the gradient def derivativeDphi(): return gradAD0(phi), gradAD1(phi) # Derivatives wrt D and splitting. Return an object which has the same staggered pattern as B and E def derivativeSplittingDphi(): output0 = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD, 2, 2)) output1 = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD, 2, 2)) dD0phi, dD1phi = derivativeDphi() output0, output1 = splitting(dD0phi, dD1phi) return output0, output1 #**************************************************************************************************** # Laplace Matrix and preconditionner for its inverse #**************************************************************************************************** # Build the Laplace operator ------------------------------------- auxCrap0 = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) auxCrap1 = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) def LaplaceFunction(input): inputShaped = input.reshape((nO + 1, nD, nD)) output = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) # Derivatives in Omega output += gradAOmega(gradOmega(inputShaped)) # Derivatives and splitting in D aux0, aux1 = splitting(gradAD0(inputShaped), gradAD1(inputShaped)) dD0, dD1 = splittingA(aux0, aux1) # Update output output += gradD0(dD0) output += gradD1(dD1) return output.reshape((nO + 1) * nD * nD) + eps * input LaplaceOp = scspl.LinearOperator(((nO + 1) * nD * nD, (nO + 1) * nD * nD), matvec=LaplaceFunction) # Build the preconditionner for the Laplace matrix using FFT: here we do not take into account S*S, where S is the splitting operator, it is why it is only a preconditionner and not the true inverse # We build the diagonal coefficients in the Fourier basis ----------------------------------------- # Beware of the fact that there is a factor 4 in front of the derivatives in D because of the multiplicity of E LaplaceDiagInv = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) for alpha in range(nO + 1): for i in range(nD): for j in range(nD): toInv = 0.0 # Derivatives in Omega toInv += 2 * (1 - cos(alpha * pi / nO)) / (DeltaOmega**2) # Derivatives in D toInv += 8 * (1 - cos(2 * pi * i / nD)) / (DeltaD**2) toInv += 8 * (1 - cos(2 * pi * j / nD)) / (DeltaD**2) if abs(toInv) <= 10**(-10): LaplaceDiagInv[alpha, i, j] = 0.0 else: LaplaceDiagInv[alpha, i, j] = -1 / (toInv + eps) # Compute the multiplicative constant for the operator idct( dct ) AuxFFT = np.random.rand(nO) ImAuxFFT = dct(AuxFFT, type=1) InvAuxFFT = idct(ImAuxFFT, type=1) ConstantFFT = AuxFFT[0] / InvAuxFFT[0] # Then we build the preconditionners as functions def precondFunction(input): inputShaped = input.reshape((nO + 1, nD, nD)) # Applying FFT input_FFT = dct(fft(fft(inputShaped, axis=2), axis=1), type=1, axis=0) # Multiplication by the diagonal matrix solution_FFT = np.multiply(LaplaceDiagInv, input_FFT) # Inverse transformation solution = ConstantFFT * idct( ifft(ifft(solution_FFT, axis=2), axis=1), type=1, axis=0) # Storage of the results output = solution.real return output.reshape((nO + 1) * nD * nD) # And Finally we transform them as operators precondOp = scspl.LinearOperator(((nO + 1) * nD * nD, (nO + 1) * nD * nD), matvec=precondFunction) #**************************************************************************************************** # Objective functional #**************************************************************************************************** def objectiveFunctional(): output = 0.0 # Boundary term output += scalarProduct(phi, BT) * DeltaOmega # Computing the derivatives of phi and split them in D dOphi = derivativeOphi() dSD0phi, dSD1phi = derivativeSplittingDphi() # Lagrange multiplier mu output += scalarProduct(A + lambdaC - dOphi + potentialV, mu) * DeltaOmega # Lagrange multiplier E. output += scalarProduct(B0 - dSD0phi, E0) * DeltaOmega output += scalarProduct(B1 - dSD1phi, E1) * DeltaOmega # Penalization of congestion if abs(cCongestion) >= 10**(-8): output -= 1 / (2. * cCongestion) * scalarProduct( lambdaC, lambdaC) * DeltaOmega * DeltaD**2 # Penalty in A, phi output -= r / 2 * scalarProduct( A + lambdaC + potentialV - dOphi, A + lambdaC + potentialV - dOphi) * DeltaOmega * DeltaD**2 # Penalty in B, phi. output -= r / 2 * scalarProduct(B0 - dSD0phi, B0 - dSD0phi) * DeltaOmega * DeltaD**2 output -= r / 2 * scalarProduct(B1 - dSD1phi, B1 - dSD1phi) * DeltaOmega * DeltaD**2 return output #**************************************************************************************************** # Algorithm iteration #**************************************************************************************************** # Value of the augmentation parameter (updated during the ADMM iterations) r = 1. # Initialize the array which will contain the values of the objective functional if detailStudy: objectiveValue = np.zeros(3 * Nit) else: objectiveValue = np.zeros((Nit // 10)) # Residuals primalResidual = np.zeros(Nit) dualResidual = np.zeros(Nit) # Main Loop for counterMain in range(Nit): print(30 * "-" + " Iteration " + str(counterMain + 1) + " " + 30 * "-") if detailStudy: objectiveValue[3 * counterMain] = objectiveFunctional() elif (counterMain % 10) == 0: objectiveValue[counterMain // 10] = objectiveFunctional() # Laplace problem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- startLaplace = time.time() # Build the RHS RHS = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) RHS -= BT * DeltaOmega RHS -= gradAOmega(mu) * DeltaOmega RHS += r * gradAOmega(A + lambdaC + potentialV) * DeltaOmega * DeltaD**2 # Take the splitting adjoint of both E and B ES0, ES1 = splittingA(E0, E1) BS0, BS1 = splittingA(B0, B1) RHS -= gradD0(ES0) * DeltaOmega RHS -= gradD1(ES1) * DeltaOmega RHS += r * gradD0(BS0) * DeltaOmega * DeltaD**2 RHS += r * gradD1(BS1) * DeltaOmega * DeltaD**2 # Solve the system solution, res =, RHS.reshape(((nO + 1) * nD * nD)), M=precondOp, maxiter=50) # print("Resolution of the linear system: " + str(res)) phi = solution.reshape((nO + 1, nD, nD)) / (r * DeltaOmega * DeltaD**2) endLaplace = time.time() print("Solving the Laplace system: " + str(round(endLaplace - startLaplace, 2)) + "s.") if detailStudy: objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 1] = objectiveFunctional() # Projection over a convex set --------------------------------------------------------- # It projects on the set Tr(A) + 1/2 |B|^2 <= 0. We reduce to a 1D projection, then use a Newton method with a fixed number of iteration. startProj = time.time() # Computing the derivatives of phi and split them in D dOphi = derivativeOphi() dSD0phi, dSD1phi = derivativeSplittingDphi() # Compute what needs to be projected # On A aArray = dOphi - potentialV + mu / (r * DeltaD**2) # On B toProjectB0 = dSD0phi + E0 / (r * DeltaD**2) toProjectB1 = dSD1phi + E1 / (r * DeltaD**2) bSquaredArray = np.sum(np.square(toProjectB0) + np.square(toProjectB1), axis=(-1, -2)) / 8 # Compute the array discriminating between the values already on the convex and the others # Value of the objective functional. For the points not in the convex, we want it to vanish. projObjective = aArray + bSquaredArray # projDiscriminating is 1 is the point needs to be projected, 0 if it is already in the convex projDiscriminating = np.greater(projObjective, 10**(-16) * np.ones( (nO, nD, nD))) projDiscriminating = projDiscriminating.astype(int) projDiscriminating = projDiscriminating.astype(float) # Newton method iteration # Value of the Lagrange multiplier. Initialized at 0, not updated if already in the convex set xProj = np.zeros((nO, nD, nD)) for counterProj in range(20): # Objective functional projObjective = aArray + 4 * ( 1. + cCongestion * r) * xProj + np.divide( bSquaredArray, np.square(1 - xProj)) # Derivative of the ojective functional dProjObjective = 4 * (1. + cCongestion * r) - 2 * np.divide( bSquaredArray, np.power(xProj - 1, 3)) # Update of xProj xProj -= np.divide(np.multiply(projDiscriminating, projObjective), dProjObjective) # Update of A and B as a result A = aArray + 4 * (1. + cCongestion * r) * xProj # Update lambdaC lambdaC = -4 * cCongestion * r * xProj # Rescale xProj so as it has the same dimension as B and E xProj = np.kron(xProj.reshape((nO * nD * nD)), np.ones(4)).reshape( (nO, nD, nD, 2, 2)) B0 = np.divide(toProjectB0, (1 - xProj)) B1 = np.divide(toProjectB1, (1 - xProj)) # Print the info endProj = time.time() print("Pointwise projection: " + str(round(endProj - startProj, 2)) + "s.") if detailStudy: objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 2] = objectiveFunctional() # Gradient descent in (E,muTilde), i.e. in the dual ----------------------------------------------- # No need to recompute the derivatives of phi # Update for muTilde -- no need to update the cross terms, they vanish mu -= r * (A + lambdaC + potentialV - dOphi) * DeltaD**2 # Update for E E0 -= r * (B0 - dSD0phi) * DeltaD**2 E1 -= r * (B1 - dSD1phi) * DeltaD**2 # Compute the residuals ------------------------------------------------------------------ # For the primal residual, just sum what was the update in the dual primalResidual[counterMain] = sqrt(DeltaOmega) * DeltaD * lin.norm( np.array([ lin.norm(A + lambdaC + potentialV - dOphi), lin.norm(B0 - dSD0phi), lin.norm(B1 - dSD1phi) ])) # For the residual, take the RHS of the Laplace system and conserve only BT and the dual variables mu, E dualResidualAux = np.zeros((nO + 1, nD, nD)) dualResidualAux -= BT dualResidualAux -= gradAOmega(mu) # Take the splitting adjoint of both E and B ES0, ES1 = splittingA(E0, E1) dualResidualAux -= gradD0(ES0) dualResidualAux -= gradD1(ES1) dualResidual[counterMain] = r * sqrt(DeltaOmega) * lin.norm( dualResidualAux) # Update the parameter r ----------------------------------------------------------------- # cf. Boyd et al. for an explanantion of the rule if primalResidual[counterMain] >= 10 * dualResidual[counterMain]: r *= 2 elif 10 * primalResidual[counterMain] <= dualResidual[counterMain]: r /= 2 # Printing some results ------------------------------------------------------------------ if detailStudy: print("Maximizing in phi, should go up: " + str(objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 1] - objectiveValue[3 * counterMain])) print("Maximizing in A,B, should go up: " + str(objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 2] - objectiveValue[3 * counterMain + 1])) if counterMain >= 1: print("Dual update: should go down: " + str(objectiveValue[3 * counterMain] - objectiveValue[3 * counterMain - 1])) print("Values of phi0:") print(np.max(phi)) print(np.min(phi)) print("Values of A") print(np.max(A)) print(np.min(A)) print("Values of mu") print(np.max(mu)) print(np.min(mu)) print("Values of E0") print(np.max(E0)) print(np.min(E0)) print("r") print(r) #**************************************************************************************************** # End of the program, printing and returning the results #**************************************************************************************************** print() print(30 * "-" + " End of the ADMM iterations " + 30 * "-") # Integral of the density intMu = np.sum(mu, axis=(-1, -2)) print("Minimal and maximal value of integral of the density") print(np.min(intMu)) print(np.max(intMu)) print("Maximal and minimal value of the density") print(np.min(mu) / DeltaD**2) print(np.max(mu) / DeltaD**2) print("Discrepancy between lambdaC and mu") print(np.max(lambdaC - mu * cCongestion / (DeltaD**2))) print("Final value of the augmentation paramter") print(r) print("Final value of the objective functional") print(objectiveValue[-1]) endProgramm = time.time() print("Total time taken by the program: " + str(round(endProgramm - startProgram, 2)) + "s.") return mu, E0, E1, objectiveValue, primalResidual, dualResidual
def solve_linear_system(self, animate=False): x0 = self.initial_guess() if animate: plt.figure(1) plt.clf() for c, v, xy in self.dirichlet_bcs: plt.annotate(str(v), xy) coll = self.grid.plot_cells(values=self.expand(x0)) coll.set_lw(0) coll.set_clim([0, 1]) plt.axis('equal') plt.pause(0.01) ctr = itertools.count() def plot_progress(xk): count = next(ctr) log.debug("Count: %d" % count) if animate and count % 1000 == 0: coll.set_array(self.expand(xk)) plt.title(str(count)) plt.pause(0.01) # I think that cgs means the matrix doesn't have to be # symmetric, which makes boundary conditions easier # with only showing progress every 100 steps, # this takes maybe a minute on a 28k cell grid. # But cgs seems to have more convergence problems with # pure diffusion. if animate: coll.set_clim([0, 1]) maxiter = int(1.5 * self.grid.Ncells()) code = -1 if 1: C_solved = linalg.spsolve(self.A.tocsr(), self.b) code = 0 elif 1: C_solved, code = linalg.cgs(self.A, self.b, x0=x0, callback=plot_progress, tol=self.solve_tol, maxiter=maxiter) elif 0: C_solved, code =, self.b, x0=x0, callback=plot_progress, tol=self.tol, maxiter=maxiter) elif 1: C_solved, code = linalg.bicgstab(self.A, self.b, x0=x0, callback=plot_progress, tol=self.solve_tol, maxiter=maxiter) elif 1: log.debug("Time integration") x = x0 for i in range(maxiter): x = plot_progress(x) else: def print_progress(rk): count = next(ctr) if count % 1000 == 0: log.debug("count=%d rk=%s" % (count, rk)) C_solved, code = linalg.gmres(self.A, self.b, x0=x0, tol=self.solve_tol, callback=print_progress) self.C_solved = self.expand(C_solved) for c, v, xy in self.dirichlet_bcs: self.C_solved[c] = v self.code = code if animate: evenly_spaced = np.zeros(len(C_solved)) evenly_spaced[np.argsort(C_solved)] = np.arange(len(C_solved)) coll.set_array(evenly_spaced) coll.set_clim([0, self.grid.Ncells()]) plt.draw()
PDE = poisson(geometry=geo, bc_dirichlet=bc_dirichlet, bc_neumann=bc_neumann, AllDirichlet=AllDirichlet, metric=Metric) PDE.assembly() PDE.solve() # getting scipy matrix A = PDE.system.get() b = np.ones(PDE.size) print "Using cg." x = cg(A, b, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter) print "Using cgs." x = cgs(A, b, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter) print "Using bicg." x = bicg(A, b, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter) print "Using bicgstab." x = bicgstab(A, b, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter) print "Using gmres." x = gmres(A, b, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter) print "Using splu." op = splu(A.tocsc())
xCorrect = np.linalg.solve(A, y) startT = time.process_time() if ALGORITHM=="general": x=np.linalg.solve(A,y) elif ALGORITHM=="sparse": x=la.spsolve(A,y) elif ALGORITHM=="biconjugate-gradient-iter": x=la.bicg(A,y) print(x.shape) print(A.shape,y.shape) elif ALGORITHM=="biconjugate-gradient-stabilized": x=la.bicgstab(A,y) elif ALGORITHM=="conjugate-gradient-iter":,y) elif ALGORITHM == "conjugate-gradient-squared": x = la.cgs(A, y) elif ALGORITHM == "conjugate-gradient-squared": x = la.cgs(A, y) elif ALGORITHM == "generalized-min-res": x = la.gmres(A, y) elif ALGORITHM == "improved-generalized-min-res": x = la.lgmres(A, y) elif ALGORITHM =="min-res": x=la.minres(A,y) elif ALGORITHM =="quasi-min-res": x=la.qmr(A,y) endT=time.process_time()
def update_W(m_opts, m_vars): # print "Updating W" if not m_opts['use_grad']: sigma = m_vars['X_batch_T'].dot( m_vars['X_batch']) + m_opts['lam_w'] * ssp.eye( m_vars['n_features'], format="csr") m_vars['sigma_W'] = ( 1 - m_vars['gamma']) * m_vars['sigma_W'] + m_vars['gamma'] * sigma x = m_vars['X_batch']['U_batch']) m_vars['x_W'] = (1 - m_vars['gamma']) * m_vars['x_W'] + m_vars['gamma'] * x if m_opts[ 'use_cg'] != True: # For the Ridge regression on W matrix with the closed form solutions if ssp.issparse(m_vars['sigma_W']): m_vars['sigma_W'] = m_vars['sigma_W'].todense() sigma = linalg.inv( m_vars['sigma_W']) # O(N^3) time for N x N matrix inversion m_vars['W'] = np.asarray(['x_W'])).T else: # For the CG on the ridge loss to calculate W matrix if not m_opts['use_grad']: # assert m_vars['X_batch'].shape[0] == m_vars['U_batch'].shape[0] X = m_vars['sigma_W'] for i in range(m_opts['n_components']): y = m_vars['x_W'][:, i] w, info =, y, x0=m_vars['W'][i, :], maxiter=m_opts['cg_iters']) if info < 0: print "WARNING: info: illegal input or breakdown" m_vars['W'][i, :] = w.T else: ''' Solving X*W' = U ''' # print "Using grad!" my_invert = lambda x: x if x < 1 else 1.0 / x l2_norm = lambda x: np.sqrt((x**2).sum()) def clip_by_norm(x, clip_max): x_norm = l2_norm(x) if x_norm > clip_max: # print "Clipped!",clip_max x = clip_max * (x / x_norm) return x lr = m_opts['grad_alpha'] * ( 1.0 + np.arange(m_opts['cg_iters'] * 10))**(-0.9) #(-0.75) try: W_old = m_vars['W'].copy() tail_norm, curr_norm = 1.0, 1.0 for iter_idx in range(m_opts['cg_iters'] * 10): grad = m_vars['X_batch_T'].dot( m_vars['X_batch'].dot(m_vars['W'].T) - m_vars['U_batch']) grad = lr[iter_idx] * (grad.T + m_opts['lam_w'] * m_vars['W']) tail_norm = 0.5 * curr_norm + (1 - 0.5) * tail_norm curr_norm = l2_norm(grad) if curr_norm < 1e-15: return elif iter_idx > 10 and my_invert( np.abs(tail_norm / curr_norm)) > 0.8: # print "Halved!" lr = lr / 2.0 m_vars['W'] = m_vars['W'] - clip_by_norm( grad, 1e0) # Clip by norm Delta_W = l2_norm(m_vars['W'] - W_old) except FloatingPointError: print "FloatingPointError in:" print grad assert False
def idot(self, x): tmp = + self.Sigmay, x, tol=1e-8, M=self.Mop) if tmp[1] > 0: print "Warning cg tol not achieved" return tmp[0]
def solve(self, kper, kstp): converged = False print 'Solving stress period: {0:5d} time step: {1:5d}'.format(kper+1, kstp+1) for outer in xrange(self.outeriterations): #--create initial x (x0) from a copy of x x0 = np.copy(self.x) #--assemble conductance matrix self.__assemble() #--create sparse matrix for residual calculation and conductance formulation self.acsr = csr_matrix((self.a, self.ja, self.ia), shape=(self.neq, self.neq)) #--save sparse matrix with conductance if self.newtonraphson: self.ccsr = self.acsr.copy() else: self.ccsr = self.acsr #--calculate initial residual # do not attempt a solution if the initial solution is an order of # magnitude less than rclose rmax0 = self.__calculateResidual(x0) #if outer == 0 and abs(rmax0) <= 0.1 * self.rclose: # break if self.backtracking: l2norm0 = np.linalg.norm(self.r) if self.newtonraphson: self.__assemble(nr=True) self.acsr = csr_matrix((self.a, self.ja, self.ia), shape=(self.neq, self.neq)) b = -self.r.copy() aif self.headsolution: t = b += t else: self.x.fill(0.0) else: b = self.rhs.copy() #--construct the preconditioner #M = self.get_preconditioner(fill_factor=3, drop_tol=1e-4) M = self.get_preconditioner(fill_factor=3, drop_tol=1e-4) #--solve matrix info = 0 if self.newtonraphson: self.x[:], info = bicgstab(self.acsr, b, x0=self.x, tol=self.rclose, maxiter=self.inneriterations, M=M) else: self.x[:], info = cg(self.acsr, b, x0=self.x, tol=self.rclose, maxiter=self.inneriterations, M=M) if info < 0: raise Exception('illegal input or breakdown in linear solver...') #--add upgrade to x0 #if self.newtonraphson: # if not self.headsolution: # self.x += x0 #--calculate updated residual rmax1 = self.__calculateResidual(self.x) # if self.bottomflag: self.adjusthead(self.x) #--back tracking if self.backtracking and rmax1 > self.rclose: l2norm1 = np.linalg.norm(self.r) if l2norm1 > 0.99 * l2norm0: if self.headsolution: dx = self.x - x0 else: dx = self.x lv = 0.99 for ibk in xrange(100): self.x = x0 + lv * dx rt = self.__calculateResidual(self.x, reset_ccsr=True) rmax1 = rt l2norm = np.linalg.norm(self.r) if l2norm < 0.90 * l2norm0: break lv *= 0.95 #--calculate hmax hmax = np.abs(self.x - x0).max() #--calculate if hmax <= self.hclose and abs(rmax1) <= self.rclose: print ' Outer Iterations: {0}'.format(outer+1) converged = True self.__calculateQNodes(self.x) #print self.cellQ[4], self.cellQ[-4] break
def NormalEquationsInversion(Op, Regs, data, dataregs=None, epsI=0, epsRs=None, x0=None, returninfo=False, **kwargs_cg): r"""Inversion of normal equations. Solve the regularized normal equations for a system of equations given the operator ``Op`` and a list of regularization terms ``Regs``. Parameters ---------- Op : :obj:`pylops.LinearOperator` Operator to invert Regs : :obj:`list` Regularization operators data : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Data dataregs : :obj:`list` Regularization data espI : :obj:`float` Tikhonov damping epsRs : :obj:`list` Regularization dampings x0 : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Initial guess returninfo : :obj:`bool` Return info of CG solver **kwargs_cg Arbitrary keyword arguments for :py:func:`` solver Returns ------- xinv : :obj:`numpy.ndarray` Inverted model. istop : :obj:`int` Convergence information: ``0``: successful exit ``>0``: convergence to tolerance not achieved, number of iterations ``<0``: illegal input or breakdown Notes ----- Solve the following normal equations for a system of regularized equations given the operator :math:`\mathbf{Op}`, a list of regularization terms :math:`\mathbf{R_i}`, the data :math:`\mathbf{d}` and regularization damping factors :math:`\epsilon_I` and :math:`\epsilon_{{R}_i}`: .. math:: ( \mathbf{Op}^T\mathbf{Op} + \sum_i \epsilon_{{R}_i}^2 \mathbf{R}_i^T \mathbf{R}_i + \epsilon_I^2 \mathbf{I} ) \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{Op}^T \mathbf{y} + \sum_i \epsilon_{{R}_i}^2 \mathbf{R}_i^T \mathbf{d}_{R_i} """ if dataregs is None: dataregs = [np.zeros(Op.shape[1])]*len(Regs) if epsRs is None: epsRs = [1] * len(Regs) # Normal equations y_normal = Op.H * data if Regs is not None: for epsR, Reg, datareg in zip(epsRs, Regs, dataregs): y_normal += epsR ** 2 * Reg.H * datareg Op_normal = Op.H * Op if epsI > 0: Op_normal += epsI ** 2 * MatrixMult(np.eye(Op.shape[1])) if Regs is not None: for epsR, Reg in zip(epsRs, Regs): Op_normal += epsR ** 2 * Reg.H * Reg # CG solver if x0 is not None: y_normal = y_normal - Op_normal*x0 xinv, istop = cg(Op_normal, y_normal, **kwargs_cg) if x0 is not None: xinv = x0 + xinv if returninfo: return xinv, istop else: return xinv
def main(parameters): r"""Calculates the ground-state of the system. If the system is perturbed, the time evolution of the perturbed system is then calculated. parameters ---------- parameters : object Parameters object returns object Results object """ # Array initialisations pm = parameters string = 'NON: constructing arrays' pm.sprint(string, 1, newline=True) pm.setup_space() # Construct the kinetic energy matrix K = construct_K(pm) # Construct the Hamiltonian matrix H = np.copy(K) H[0, :] +=[:] # Solve the Schroedinger equation string = 'NON: calculating the ground-state density' pm.sprint(string, 1) energies, wavefunctions = spla.eig_banded(H, lower=True) # Normalise the wavefunctions wavefunctions /= np.sqrt( # Calculate the ground-state density density = np.sum(np.absolute(wavefunctions[:, :pm.sys.NE])**2, axis=1) # Calculate the ground-state energy energy = np.sum(energies[0:pm.sys.NE]) string = 'NON: ground-state energy = {:.5f}'.format(energy) pm.sprint(string, 1) # Save the quantities to file results = rs.Results() results.add(, 'gs_non_vxt') results.add(density, 'gs_non_den') results.add(energy, 'gs_non_E') results.add(wavefunctions.T, 'gs_non_eigf') results.add(energies, 'gs_non_eigv') if ( # Propagate through real time if ( # Print to screen string = 'NON: constructing arrays' pm.sprint(string, 1) # Construct the Hamiltonian matrix H = np.copy(K) H[0, :] +=[:] H[0, :] +=[:] # Construct the sparse matrices used in the Crank-Nicholson method A = construct_A(pm, H) C = 2.0 * sps.identity(, dtype=np.cfloat) - A # Construct the time-dependent density array density = np.zeros((pm.sys.imax,, dtype=np.float) # Save the ground-state for j in range(pm.sys.NE): density[0, :] += np.absolute(wavefunctions[:, j])**2 # Print to screen string = 'NON: real time propagation' pm.sprint(string, 1) # Loop over each electron for n in range(pm.sys.NE): # Single-electron wavefunction wavefunction = wavefunctions[:, n].astype(np.cfloat) # Perform real time iterations for i in range(1, pm.sys.imax): # Construct the vector b b = C * wavefunction # Solve Ax=b wavefunction, info =, b, x0=wavefunction, tol=pm.non.rtol_solver) # Normalise the wavefunction norm = npla.norm(wavefunction) * np.sqrt( wavefunction /= norm norm = npla.norm(wavefunction) * np.sqrt( string = 'NON: t = {:.5f}, normalisation = {}'.format( i * pm.sys.deltat, norm) pm.sprint(string, 1, newline=False) # Calculate the density density[i, :] += np.absolute(wavefunction[:])**2 # Calculate the current density current_density = calculate_current_density(pm, density) # Save the quantities to file results.add(density, 'td_non_den') results.add(current_density, 'td_non_cur') results.add( +, 'td_non_vxt') if ( return results
def cg(self, A, F, uh): counter = IterationCounter() uh.T.flat, info = cg(A, F.T.flat, tol=1e-8, callback=counter) print("Convergence info:", info) print("Number of iteration of pcg:", counter.niter) return uh
E = np.zeros(vec_shape); E[0] = 1. # set macroscopic loading # PROJECTION IN FOURIER SPACE ############################################# Ghat = np.zeros((ndim,ndim)+ N) # zero initialize freq = [np.arange(-(N[ii]-1)/2.,+(N[ii]+1)/2.) for ii in range(ndim)] for i,j in itertools.product(range(ndim),repeat=2): for ind in itertools.product(*[range(n) for n in N]): q = np.empty(ndim) for ii in range(ndim): q[ii] = freq[ii][ind[ii]] # frequency vector if not == 0: # zero freq. -> mean Ghat[i,j][ind] = -(q[i]*q[j])/( # OPERATORS ############################################################### dot21 = lambda A,v: np.einsum('ij...,j... ->i...',A,v) fft = lambda V: np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftn (np.fft.ifftshift(V),N)) ifft = lambda V: np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.ifftn(np.fft.ifftshift(V),N)) G_fun = lambda V: np.real(ifft(dot21(Ghat,fft(V)))).reshape(-1) A_fun = lambda v: dot21(A,v.reshape(vec_shape)) GA_fun = lambda v: G_fun(A_fun(v)) # CONJUGATE GRADIENT SOLVER ############################################### b = -GA_fun(E) # right-hand side e,, ndof), matvec=GA_fun, dtype='float'), b=b) aux = e+E.reshape(-1) print('auxiliary field for macroscopic load E = {1}:\n{0}'.format(e.reshape(vec_shape), format((1,)+(ndim-1)*(0,)))) print('homogenised properties A11 = {}'.format(np.inner(A_fun(aux).reshape(-1), aux)/prodN)) print('END')
# first iteration residual: distribute "barF" over grid using "K4" b = -G_K_dF((barF - barF_t)[:2, :2]) F += barF - barF_t # parameters for Newton iterations: normalization and iteration counter Fn = np.linalg.norm(F) iiter = 0 # iterate as long as the iterative update does not vanish while True: # solve linear system using the Conjugate Gradient iterative solver dFm, i = tol=1.e-8, A=sp.LinearOperator(shape=(2 * 2 * Nx * Ny, 2 * 2 * Nx * Ny), matvec=G_K_dF, dtype='float'), b=b, maxiter=1000, ) if i: raise IOError('CG-solver failed') # apply iterative update to (3-D) DOFs F[:2, :2] += dFm.reshape(2, 2, Nx, Ny) # compute residual stress and tangent, convert to residual P, P_2, K4_2, be, ep = constitutive(F, F_t, be_t, ep_t) b = -G(P_2) # check for convergence, print convergence info to screen print('{0:10.2e}'.format(np.linalg.norm(dFm) / Fn)) if np.linalg.norm(dFm) / Fn < 1.e-5 and iiter > 0: break
def Solve(self, A, b, reuse_factorisation=False): """Solves the linear system of equations""" if not issparse(A): raise ValueError("Linear system is not of sparse type") if A.shape == (0, 0) and b.shape[0] == 0: warn("Empty linear system!!! Nothing to solve!!!") return np.copy(b) self.reuse_factorisation = reuse_factorisation if self.solver_type != "direct" and self.reuse_factorisation is True: warn( "Re-using factorisation for non-direct solvers is not possible. The pre-conditioner is going to be reused instead" ) # DECIDE IF THE SOLVER TYPE IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE PROBLEM if self.switcher_message is False and self.dont_switch_solver is False: # PREFER PARDISO OR MUMPS OVER AMG IF AVAILABLE if self.has_pardiso: self.solver_type = "direct" self.solver_subtype = "pardiso" elif self.has_mumps: self.solver_type = "direct" self.solver_subtype = "mumps" elif b.shape[0] > 100000 and self.has_amg_solver: self.solver_type = "amg" self.solver_subtype = "gmres" print( 'Large system of equations. Switching to algebraic multigrid solver' ) self.switcher_message = True # elif mesh.points.shape[0]*MainData.nvar > 50000 and MainData.C < 4: # self.solver_type = "direct" # self.solver_subtype = "MUMPS" # print 'Large system of equations. Switching to MUMPS solver' elif b.shape[ 0] > 70000 and self.geometric_discretisation == "hex" and self.has_amg_solver: self.solver_type = "amg" self.solver_subtype = "gmres" print( 'Large system of equations. Switching to algebraic multigrid solver' ) self.switcher_message = True else: self.solver_type = "direct" self.solver_subtype = "umfpack" if self.solver_type == 'direct': # CALL DIRECT SOLVER if self.solver_subtype == 'umfpack' and self.has_umfpack: if A.dtype != np.float64: A = A.astype(np.float64) t_solve = time() if self.solver_context_manager is None: if self.reuse_factorisation is False: sol = spsolve(A, b, permc_spec='MMD_AT_PLUS_A', use_umfpack=True) # from scikits import umfpack # sol = umfpack.spsolve(A, b) # SuperLU # from scipy.sparse.linalg import splu # lu = splu(A.tocsc()) # sol = lu.solve(b) else: from scikits import umfpack lu = umfpack.splu(A) sol = lu.solve(b) self.solver_context_manager = lu else: sol = self.solver_context_manager.solve(b) # print("UMFPack solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) elif self.solver_subtype == 'mumps' and self.has_mumps: from mumps.mumps_context import MUMPSContext t_solve = time() A = A.tocoo() # False means non-symmetric - Do not change it to True. True means symmetric pos def # which is not the case for electromechanics if self.solver_context_manager is None: context = MUMPSContext( (A.shape[0], A.row, A.col,, False), verbose=False) context.analyze() context.factorize() sol = context.solve(rhs=b) if self.reuse_factorisation: self.solver_context_manager = context else: sol = self.solver_context_manager.solve(rhs=b) print("MUMPS solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) return sol elif self.solver_subtype == "pardiso" and self.has_pardiso: # NOTE THAT THIS PARDISO SOLVER AUTOMATICALLY SAVES THE RIGHT FACTORISATION import pypardiso from pypardiso.scipy_aliases import pypardiso_solver as ps A = A.tocsr() t_solve = time() sol = pypardiso.spsolve(A, b) if self.reuse_factorisation is False: ps.remove_stored_factorization() ps.free_memory() print("Pardiso solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) else: # FOR 'super_lu' if A.dtype != np.float64: A = A.astype(np.float64) A = A.tocsc() t_solve = time() if self.solver_context_manager is None: if self.reuse_factorisation is False: sol = spsolve(A, b, permc_spec='MMD_AT_PLUS_A', use_umfpack=True) else: lu = splu(A) sol = lu.solve(b) self.solver_context_manager = lu else: sol = self.solver_context_manager.solve(b) # print("Linear solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) elif self.solver_type == "iterative": t_solve = time() # CALL ITERATIVE SOLVER if self.solver_subtype == "gmres": sol = gmres(A, b, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance)[0] if self.solver_subtype == "lgmres": sol = lgmres(A, b, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance)[0] elif self.solver_subtype == "bicgstab": sol = bicgstab(A, b, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance)[0] else: sol = cg(A, b, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance)[0] # PRECONDITIONED ITERATIVE SOLVER - CHECK # P = spilu(A.tocsc(), drop_tol=1e-5) # M_x = lambda x: P.solve(x) # m = A.shape[1] # n = A.shape[0] # M = LinearOperator((n * m, n * m), M_x) # sol = cg(A, b, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance, M=M)[0] print("Iterative solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) elif self.solver_type == "amg": if self.has_amg_solver is False: raise ImportError( 'Algebraic multigrid solver was not found. Please install it using "pip install pyamg"' ) from pyamg import ruge_stuben_solver, rootnode_solver, smoothed_aggregation_solver if A.dtype != b.dtype: # DOWN-CAST b = b.astype(A.dtype) if not isspmatrix_csr(A): A = A.tocsr() t_solve = time() if self.iterative_solver_tolerance > 1e-9: self.iterative_solver_tolerance = 1e-10 # AMG METHOD amg_func = None if self.preconditioner_type == "smoothed_aggregation": # THIS IS TYPICALLY FASTER BUT THE TOLERANCE NEED TO BE SMALLER, TYPICALLY 1e-10 amg_func = smoothed_aggregation_solver elif self.preconditioner_type == "ruge_stuben": amg_func = ruge_stuben_solver elif self.preconditioner_type == "rootnode": amg_func = rootnode_solver else: amg_func = rootnode_solver ml = amg_func(A) # ml = amg_func(A, smooth=('energy', {'degree':2}), strength='evolution' ) # ml = amg_func(A, max_levels=3, diagonal_dominance=True) # ml = amg_func(A, coarse_solver=spsolve) # ml = amg_func(A, coarse_solver='cholesky') if self.solver_context_manager is None: # M = ml.aspreconditioner(cycle='V') M = ml.aspreconditioner() if self.reuse_factorisation: self.solver_context_manager = M else: M = self.solver_context_manager # EXPLICIT CALL TO KYROLOV SOLVERS WITH AMG PRECONDITIONER # sol, info = bicgstab(A, b, M=M, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance) # sol, info = cg(A, b, M=M, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance) # sol, info = gmres(A, b, M=M, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance) # IMPLICIT CALL TO KYROLOV SOLVERS WITH AMG PRECONDITIONER residuals = [] sol = ml.solve(b, tol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance, accel=self.solver_subtype, residuals=residuals) print("AMG solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) elif self.solver_type == "petsc" and self.has_petsc: if self.solver_subtype != "gmres" and self.solver_subtype != "minres" and self.solver_subtype != "cg": self.solver_subtype == "cg" if self.iterative_solver_tolerance < 1e-9: self.iterative_solver_tolerance = 1e-7 from petsc4py import PETSc t_solve = time() pA = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=A.shape, csr=(A.indptr, A.indices, pb = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(b) ksp = PETSc.KSP() ksp.create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD) # ksp.create() ksp.setType(self.solver_subtype) ksp.setTolerances(atol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance, rtol=self.iterative_solver_tolerance) # ILU ksp.getPC().setType('icc') # CREATE INITIAL GUESS psol = PETSc.Vec().createWithArray(np.ones(b.shape[0])) # SOLVE ksp.setOperators(pA) ksp.setFromOptions() ksp.solve(pb, psol) sol = psol.getArray() # print('Converged in', ksp.getIterationNumber(), 'iterations.') print("Petsc linear iterative solver time is {}".format(time() - t_solve)) else: warn( "{} solver is not available. Default solver is going to be used" .format(self.solver_type)) # FOR 'super_lu' if A.dtype != np.float64: A = A.astype(np.float64) A = A.tocsc() if self.solver_context_manager is None: if self.reuse_factorisation is False: sol = spsolve(A, b, permc_spec='MMD_AT_PLUS_A', use_umfpack=True) else: lu = splu(A) sol = lu.solve(b) self.solver_context_manager = lu else: sol = self.solver_context_manager.solve(b) return sol
item.M[i, i + 1] = * item.xa / item.le item.M[i + 1, i] = * item.xa / item.le item.M[i + 1, i + 1] = * item.xa / item.le for item in element_table: K += item.M C = abs(np.amax(K)) if abs(np.amax(K)) > abs(np.amin(K)) else abs(np.amin(K)) for item in constrained_nodes: K[item, item] += C * 10**8 F = np.array([item.f for item in node_table]) # solving matrix D = cg(K, F)[0] # adding displacement to class variable for i, item in enumerate(D): node_table[i].d = item if item > 10**-5 else 0 # calculating strain and stress for item in element_table: item.eta = (-item.n1.d + item.n2.d) / (item.n2.x - item.n1.x) item.sigma = * item.eta print("NodeIndex Displacement") fw.write("NodeIndex Displacement\n") for item in node_table: print("{:9} {:19.4f}".format(item.num + 1, item.d))
def BlindSolver(self,y,reg_inf=10**-6,reg_sup=10**-3,\ verbose=True,warning=False,export=False): """ Solve the inverse problem for image y that may or may not be noisy, and the regularisation paramter alpha is blindly found. Parameters ---------- y (numpy.array): image of x or noisy image of x, size nx reg_inf (float): lower boundary for regularization parameter reg_sup (float): higher boundary for regularization parameter verbose (bool): if True, print statistic and plot reconstructed function warning (bool): if True, print warning if the regularization parameter saturates export (bool): export datas Retruns ---------- (numpy.array): solution of the regularized inverse problem, size nx """ # step 1 : estimating delta delta = self.nx * np.linalg.norm(y[:20]) / 20 reg = 0 error_compare = delta # step 2 :loop over alpha to find the best candidate of regularization for alpha in np.linspace(reg_inf, reg_sup, 10000): # step 3 : inversion if self.resol == 'cg': xd = cg(self.tTT + alpha * self.tDD, np.transpose(self.T).dot(y)) if self.resol == 'mycg': xd, _ = Conjugate_grad(self.tTT + alpha * self.tDD, np.transpose(self.T).dot(y)) else: xd = np.linalg.inv(self.tTT + alpha * self.tDD).dot( np.transpose(self.T).dot(y)) # step 4 : error computation Txd = error = np.linalg.norm(Txd - y) if error < error_compare: error_compare = error reg = alpha xadp = xd.copy() # step 5 : alert and statistics # warning if warning: if (reg == reg_inf): print("noise={:.3e}".format(delta),\ "inf=",reg_inf,", reg=",reg) print("Wrong regularization parameter, too high") print("==========================================") elif (reg == reg_sup): print("noise={:.3e}".format(delta),\ "sup=",reg_sup,", reg=",reg) print("Wrong regularization parameter, too low") print("==========================================") # verbose and plots if verbose: print("delta={:.3e}, inf={:.3e}, sup={:.3e}, reg={:.3e}".format(\ delta,reg_inf,reg_sup,reg)) t = np.linspace(0, 1, self.nx) plt.figure(figsize=(7, 4)) plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(t, y) plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(t, xadp) # export if export: if self.kern == True: kern = 'kernel' else: kern = '' Export(t, xadp, self.folder, "pred{}{}".format(self.a, self.p) + kern) # step 6 : return return xadp, delta
def _solve(self, A, b): if self.solver == "cg": x, info = cg(A, b, tol=self.tol) elif self.solver == "dense": x = solve(A, b, sym_pos=True) return x