Пример #1
    def check_lil_diags(self):




Пример #2
	def smooth(self,verts = None,alpha = 1.0):
		if self._adj is None : self._compute_neighbours()
		nverts = len(self.vertices)
		ns = lil_diags( [1./np.array(self._adj.sum(1)).flatten()],[0],(nverts,nverts) )
		reg = ns*self._adj*np.matrix(self.vertices)
		if verts is None :
			self.vertices = np.array((1.-alpha)*self.vertices + alpha*reg)
		else :
			self.vertices[verts] = (1.-alpha)*self.vertices[verts] + alpha*np.array(reg)[verts]
Пример #3
    def buildTransitionMatrix(self):
        """Build Markov transition matrix from the affinity matrix."""

        start = time.time()
        self._transition = np.dot(
            sparse.lil_diags([1 / np.array(self._affinity.sum(0)).flatten()], [0], [self._n_nodes, self._n_nodes]),
        LOGGER.debug("Markov transition matrix was built in {0:.2f}s.".format(time.time() - start))
Пример #4
	def smooth(self,verts = None,alpha = 1.0):
		if self._adj is None : self._compute_neighbours()
		nverts = len(self.vertices)
		ns = lil_diags( [1./np.array(self._adj.sum(1)).flatten()],[0],(nverts,nverts) )
		reg = ns*self._adj*np.matrix(self.vertices)
		if verts is None :
			self.vertices = np.array((1.-alpha)*self.vertices + alpha*reg)
		else :
			self.vertices[verts] = (1.-alpha)*self.vertices[verts] + alpha*np.array(reg)[verts]
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, model_graph, node_sizes, clqs, lattice=False):
        Initializes MRF object.

        model_graph: Numpy array or Scipy.sparse matrix
            A matrix defining the edges between nodes in the network. If
            graph[i, j] = 1 there exists a undirected edge from node i to j.

        node_sizes: List or Int
            A list of the possible number of values a discrete
            node can have. If node_sizes[i] = 2, then the discrete node i
            can have one of 2 possible values, such as True or False. If
            this parameter is passed as an integer, it indicates that all
            nodes have the size indicated by the integer.

        clqs: List of clique objects (cliques.py)
            A list of the cliques in the MRF.

        lattice: Bool
            Lattice is true if this MRF has a lattice graph structure, and
            false otherwise.
        """Assign the input values to their respective internal data members"""
        self.lattice = lattice
        self.num_nodes = model_graph.shape[0]
        self.cliques = clqs
        self.node_sizes = node_sizes

        """Convert the graph to a sparse matrix"""
        if ((type(model_graph) == type(np.matrix([0]))) or
           (type(model_graph) == type(np.array([0])))):
            model_graph = sparse.lil_matrix(model_graph)

        """In an MRF, all edges are bi-directional"""
        self.model_graph = model_graph - \
                               model_graph)], [0], (model_graph.shape[0], \
                                                    + model_graph.T
        Obtain elimination order, which is just the input order in the case
        of a lattice.
        if self.lattice == True:
            self.order = range(0, self.model_graph.shape[0])
            self.order = graph.topological_sort(self.model_graph)