Пример #1
def delay(omegaV, free):
	E_0 = -1.1591
	E_m = [-0.8502, -0.3278, -0.1665]
	T = 3/0.02419
	delta_m = np.zeros(np.size(E_m))
	for j in (0, 1, 2):
	    delta_m[j] = E_m[j] - E_0
	optSize = np.size(omegaV)
	alpha1f = np.zeros(optSize, 'complex')
	alpha3f = np.zeros(optSize, 'complex')
	realFactor = np.zeros(optSize, 'complex')
	imagFactor = np.zeros(optSize, 'complex')
	T = 3 / 0.02419

	for i in range(0, np.size(defs.omega_dip)-1):
	    alpha1f[i] = dipole.constructDipole(omegaV[i], defsDipole.wf1)
	    alpha3f[i] = dipole.constructDipole(omegaV[i], defsDipole.wf3)

	dawsArg1st = T*(delta_m[0] - omegaV)
	dawsArg3rd = T*(delta_m[1] - omegaV)
	realFactor = np.real((alpha1f * np.exp(-free*np.power(dawsArg1st,2.0)))\
            + (alpha3f * np.exp(-np.sqrt(free)*np.power(dawsArg3rd, 2.0))))

	imagFactor = (alpha1f * ((-2 * cmath.sqrt(-1))\
            / (np.sqrt(np.pi))) * spcl.dawsn(free*dawsArg1st))\
                + (alpha3f * ((-2 * cmath.sqrt(-1))\
                    / (np.sqrt(np.pi))) * spcl.dawsn(np.sqrt(free)*dawsArg3rd))

	dE = np.gradient(omegaV)
	dIm = np.gradient(imagFactor, dE)
	dRe = np.gradient(realFactor, dE)
	derivFactor = (realFactor * dIm) - (np.imag(imagFactor * dRe))
	zSquared = realFactor*realFactor + np.imag(imagFactor)*np.imag(imagFactor)
	ans =  (realFactor * np.imag(dIm) - np.imag(imagFactor * dRe)) / zSquared
	return ans
    def TAnalytic(self):
            z     = vector of z coordinate postions such that 0 is surface and bed is negative thickness
            w     = vertical velocity in meters per second. also a vector of the same size as z
            H     = ice thickness
            ubar  = vertical average of the horizontal speed in meters per second.
            alpha = surface slope as a ratio of rise to run.
            lamb  = elevational lapse rate
            Qgeo  = geothermal heat flow
            Ts    = Surface temperature (mean annual)
            T     = a vector of temperatures (almost)
        z = self.Z
        w = self.w_z / spy
        H = self.Z[0] - self.Z[-1]
        ubar  = (self.u_b + 0.8 * (self.u_s - self.u_b)) / spy #np.average([self.u_s, self.u_b]) / spy
        alpha = deg2ratio(self.pz_spx)
        lamb  = self.lmbda
        Qgeo  = self.Q_geo
        Ts    = self.theta_s 
        k    = self.k    # Thermal conductivity of ice W/m/K
        rhoi = self.lrho # Density of ice kg/m^3 
        cp   = self.cp   # Heat Capacity of ice J/K/kg
        w    = w * spy
        ubar = ubar * spy 
        xphi = np.sqrt(np.abs(w[0] - w[-1]) / (2 * H * (k/(rhoi * cp)*spy)))
        coef = 2. * ubar * alpha * lamb * H / (w[0] - w[-1])
        T = Ts - Qgeo / (k * xphi) * np.sqrt(np.pi)/2. * \
            (ss.erf(xphi*H) - ss.erf(xphi * (-z))) \
            + coef * (ss.dawsn(xphi * H) - ss.dawsn(xphi * (-z)))

        return [T[-1::-1]]  # Be careful with this, your coordinate system may be different.
def rate_functions_model_2(a_t,b_t,a_s,b_s,j0,c0,temp):
    ks = (a_s/np.sqrt(temp))*np.exp(-b_s*b_s/temp)
    kt = (a_t/np.sqrt(temp))*np.exp(-b_t*b_t/temp)
    j = (1.0/(2.0*np.sqrt(np.pi)))*((a_s/np.sqrt(temp))*special.dawsn(b_s/np.sqrt(temp)) - (a_t/np.sqrt(temp))*special.dawsn(b_t/np.sqrt(temp))) + j0 + c0*temp
    return ks,kt,j
Пример #4
def rate_functions_model_3(a_t,b_t,a_s,b_s,j0,c,lamb0,lamb_coef,temp):
    ks = (a_s*(1.0+c*temp)/np.sqrt(temp))*np.exp(-b_s*b_s/temp)
    kt = (a_t*(1.0+c*temp)/np.sqrt(temp))*np.exp(-b_t*b_t/temp)
    j = (1.0/(2.0*np.sqrt(np.pi)))*((a_s*(1.0+c*temp)/np.sqrt(temp))*special.dawsn(b_s/np.sqrt(temp)) - (a_t*(1.0+c*temp)/np.sqrt(temp))*special.dawsn(b_t/np.sqrt(temp))) + j0*(1.0-(c*temp))
    lamb = lamb0 + temp*lamb_coef
    return ks,kt,j,lamb
Пример #5
def _siegert_interm(y_th, y_r, tau_m, t_ref, gl_order):
    """Calculate Siegert without exp(-y_th**2) factor for y_r <= 0 <= y_th."""
    assert np.all((y_r <= 0) & (0 <= y_th))
    e_V_th_2 = np.exp(-y_th**2)
    I_erfcx = 2 * dawsn(y_th)
    I_erfcx += e_V_th_2 * _erfcx_integral(y_th, np.abs(y_r), gl_order)
    return 1 / (e_V_th_2 * t_ref + tau_m * np.sqrt(np.pi) * I_erfcx)
Пример #6
 def testDawsnSmall(self, dtype):
   seed_stream = test_util.test_seed_stream()
   x = self.evaluate(
           [int(1e4)], 0., 1., dtype=dtype, seed=seed_stream()))
       scipy_special.dawsn(x), self.evaluate(tfp.math.dawsn(x)))
def Daws(x, n, method):

    if method == 'Trap':
        #apply Trapezoidal method
        integral_real = Trap(expo, 0, x, n)
        return np.exp(-x**2) * integral_real

    elif method == 'Simp':
        #apply Simpsons method
        integral_real = Simp(expo, 0, x, n)
        return np.exp(-x**2) * integral_real

    elif method == 'Scipy':
        #use scipy library
        return special.dawsn(x)

    elif method == 'Gauss':
        #apply gauss method
        integral = 0
        s, w = gaussxwab(n, 0, x)
        for i in range(n):
            integral += w[i] * expo(s[i])
        return np.exp(-x**2) * integral

        return 'Input error :D'
	def FourierSum(self,gam,nu):
		A0 = 0.0*gam; # make this the same shape as gam, if gam is an array
		alpha = 2 * (np.arcsinh(gam)-gam/np.sqrt(1+gam**2))
		beta = 2*gam/np.sqrt(1+gam**2)
		dnu = np.ceil(nu) - nu
		for n in range(self.terms):
			A0 += np.exp(-alpha*(n+dnu))*spsf.dawsn(np.sqrt(beta*(n+dnu))) # only valid for m=0
		return A0;
Пример #9
 def test_dawsn_larger(self, dtype):
   x = np.random.uniform(1., 100., size=int(1e4)).astype(dtype)
     from scipy import special  # pylint: disable=g-import-not-at-top
         special.dawsn(x), self.evaluate(special_math_ops.dawsn(x)))
   except ImportError as e:
     tf_logging.warn('Cannot test special functions: %s' % str(e))
Пример #10
def g(x):
    """Calculate `x + (1-2x^2) D(x)`, where D(x) is the dawson function"""
    # For x < 50, use dawsn from scipy
    # For x > 100, use dawsn expansion
    b = blend(x, 50, 100)
    y1 = x + (1 - 2 * x**2) * special.dawsn(x)
    y2 = dawsn_expansion_drop_first(
        x) - dawsn_expansion_drop_first_two(x) * 2 * x**2
    return b * y2 + (1 - b) * y1
Пример #11
def fitDipoleFactors(omegaF, m1, m3, c_1, c_3, free):
	E_0 = -1.1591
	E_m = [-0.8502, -0.3278, -0.1665]
	T = 3/0.02419
	delta_m = np.zeros(np.size(E_m))
	for j in (0, 1, 2):
	    delta_m[j] = E_m[j] - E_0
	optSize = np.size(omegaF)
	alpha1f = np.zeros(optSize, 'complex')
	alpha3f = np.zeros(optSize, 'complex')
	omegaV = np.zeros(optSize)
	realFactor = np.zeros(optSize, 'complex')
	imagFactor = np.zeros(optSize, 'complex')
	i = 0
	T = 3 / 0.02419

	for x in omegaF:
		omegaV[i] = x
		# alpha1f[i] = m1*x + c_1#constructDipole(x, defs.wf1) + c_1
		# alpha3f[i] = m3*x + c_3#constructDipole(x, defs.wf3) + c_3
		alpha1f[i] = constructDipole(x, defs.wf1) + c_1
		alpha3f[i] = constructDipole(x, defs.wf3) + c_3
		i = i + 1
	# print "Dipoles Calc'd"

	dawsArg1st = T*(delta_m[0] - omegaV)
	dawsArg3rd = T*(delta_m[1] - omegaV)

	realFactor = (alpha1f * np.exp(-np.power(dawsArg1st,2.0)))\
					+ (alpha3f * np.exp(-np.power(dawsArg3rd, 2.0)))

	imagFactor = (alpha1f * ((-2 * cmath.sqrt(-1))\
					/ (np.sqrt(np.pi))) * spcl.dawsn(np.sqrt(free)*dawsArg1st))\
						+ (alpha3f * ((-2 * cmath.sqrt(-1))\
							/ (np.sqrt(np.pi))) * spcl.dawsn(np.sqrt(free)*dawsArg3rd))

	domegaV = np.gradient(omegaV)
	phase_fit = np.arctan(np.imag(imagFactor)/np.real(realFactor))

	dphi_fit = np.gradient(phase_fit, domegaV)
	# print "dPhi calc'd"

	#return omegaV
	return dphi_fit
Пример #12
def fit_alphas_dynamic(omegaV, m_1, b_1, m_3, b_3, alpha_free):
    dawsarg_1st = T*(delta_m[0] - omegaV)
    dawsarg_3rd = T*(delta_m[1] - omegaV)
    alpha1f = fit_dipoles(omegaV, m_1, b_1)
    alpha3f = fit_dipoles3(omegaV, m_3, b_3)
    real_factor = (alpha1f*np.exp(-alpha_free*T*T*(delta_m[0]-omegaV)\
                     + (alpha3f* np.exp(-alpha_free*T*T*\
    imag_factor = (alpha1f*(-2*cmath.sqrt(-1))/\
        (np.sqrt(np.pi))*spcl.dawsn(np.sqrt(alpha_free)*dawsarg_1st)) + \
    domegaV = np.gradient(omegaV)
    phase_fit = np.arctan(np.imag(imag_factor)/np.real(real_factor))
    dphi_fit = np.gradient(phase_fit, domegaV)
    return dphi_fit  
Пример #13
def fitAlphas(omegaV, b1A, b1B, b1C, b1D, b1E, b1F, \
		b3A, b3B, b3C, b3D, b3E, b3F, b3G, b3H, b3I, alpha_free):                       
    dawsarg_1st = defs.T*(defs.delta_m[0] - omegaV)
    dawsarg_3rd = defs.T*(defs.delta_m[1] - omegaV)
    alpha1f = alphaOne(omegaV, b1A, b1B, b1C, b1D, b1E, b1F)
    alpha3f = alphaThree(omegaV, b3A, b3B, b3C, b3D, b3E, b3F, b3G, b3H, b3I)          
    real_factor = (alpha1f*np.exp(-alpha_free*defs.T*defs.T*(defs.delta_m[0]-omegaV)\
                     + (alpha3f * np.exp(-alpha_free* defs.T * defs.T *\
    imag_factor = (alpha1f*(-2*cmath.sqrt(-1))/\
        (np.sqrt(np.pi))*spcl.dawsn(np.sqrt(alpha_free)*dawsarg_1st)) + \
    domegaV = np.gradient(omegaV)
    phase_fit = np.arctan(np.imag(imag_factor)/np.real(real_factor))
    dphi_fit = np.gradient(phase_fit, domegaV)
    return dphi_fit 
 def _half_folded_tau_over_folded_var_freq_dist(self, x, S):
     if S < 0:
         S = -S
     rs = np.sqrt(S)
     var_normaliser = 4.0 * rs * dawsn(rs / 2.0) - S * self._SCAL
     if x <= self._DENOMINATOR:
         numerati = float(self.N) / (S * (1 - x))
         numerati = 1.0 / (2.0 * S * x * (1 - x))
     foldtau_over_fold_var_freq_dist = numerati * float(var_normaliser)
     return 0.5 * foldtau_over_fold_var_freq_dist
Пример #15
 def int_exact(self, X):
     q = np.zeros(X.size)
     i = 0
     fun1 = lambda x: np.power(erfcx(-x), 2) * dawsn(x)
     fun2 = lambda x: np.exp(-x * x) * np.power(erfcx(-x), 2)
     for x in X:
         y1, _ = quad(fun1, -np.inf, x)
         y2, _ = quad(fun2, -np.inf, x)
         q[i] = -np.pi / 4 * y1 + np.power(np.sqrt(np.pi) / 2,
                                           3) * erfi(x) * y2
         i += 1
     return q
Пример #16
def main():
    # evaluate at x = 4
    x = 4
    # store results as [[N], [Trapezoidal], [Simpson], [Gauss]]
    result = [[], [], [], []]
    for i in range(3, 12):
        N = 2 ** i
        # evaluate Dawson for various N using each integration method and store result
        result[1].append(evaluate_dawson(trapezoidal_integral, N, x))
        result[2].append(evaluate_dawson(simpson_integral, N, x))
        result[3].append(evaluate_dawson(gauss_wrapper, N, x))

    # title for the table        
    headers = ["N", "Trapezoidal rule", "Simpson's rule", "Gaussian Quadrature"]
    # create and print table using result
    tab = tabulate(np.array(result).T, headers=headers, tablefmt="pretty")
    # the practical error estimation I_2N - I_N using np.diff as result already 
    # contains evaluation for I_N, I_2N, I_4N...
    error = np.diff(result)
    error[1] = 1 / 3 * error[0] # Need to multiply by 1/3 for Trapezoidal method
    error[2] = 1 / 15 * error[1] # Need to multiply by 1/15 for Simpson's method
    # plot the error estimation
    # since diff subtracts the conscutive entries of array, plot by excluding the 
    # first N as result[0][1:]
    plt.loglog(result[0][1:], error[1], label = "Trapezoidal")
    plt.loglog(result[0][1:], error[2], label="Simpson's")
    plt.loglog(result[0][1:], error[3], label = "Gaussian")
    plt.title("Practical error estimation for different integration methods")

    # evaluating Dawson function using scipy.special.dawsn
    dawsn_eval = dawsn(4)
    # plot the absolute relative error by taking dawsn as the True value
    # log-log plot for absolute relative error for all 3 methods
    plt.loglog(result[0], np.abs(dawsn_eval - result[1]) / dawsn_eval, label = "Trapezoidal")
    plt.loglog(result[0], np.abs(dawsn_eval - result[2]) / dawsn_eval, label = "Simpson's")
    plt.loglog(result[0], np.abs(dawsn_eval - result[3]) / dawsn_eval, label = "Gaussian")
    plt.title("Absolute relative error using scipy.special.dawsn as the true value")
 def _get_variance_units_little_del_square(self):
     Returns steady-state phenotypic variance, in units little delta squared
     SHAPE_S, SCALE_S = float(self.E2Ns)**2 / float(self.V2Ns), float(
         self.V2Ns) / float(self.E2Ns)
     S_dist = gamma(SHAPE_S, loc=0., scale=SCALE_S)
     to_integrate = lambda ss: 4.0 * np.sqrt(np.abs(ss)) * dawsn(
         np.sqrt(np.abs(ss)) / 2.0) * S_dist.pdf(ss)
     b = S_dist.ppf(0.99999999999999)
     myintegral = quad(to_integrate, 0, b)[0]
     var_0_del_square = myintegral * self._MUT_INPUT
     return var_0_del_square
 def _the_integral_variance_per_unit_mut_input(self, x):
     if x <= self._a:
         return 0
     if self._a < x < self._SCAL / 2.0:
         numeratori = 2.0 * self._N * (
             2 *
             (self._rs * dawsn(self._rs / 2.0) - 1 + np.exp(-self._S * x *
                                                            (1 - x)) *
              (1 - self._rs * dawsn(self._rs / 2.0 * (1.0 - 2.0 * x)))))
         if x > self._b:
             x = self._b
         integtilldenom = 2.0 * self._N * (
             2 * (self._rs * dawsn(self._rs / 2.0) - 1 +
                  np.exp(-self._S * self._DENOMINATOR *
                         (1 - self._DENOMINATOR)) *
                  (1 - self._rs * dawsn(self._rs / 2.0 *
                                        (1.0 - 2.0 * self._DENOMINATOR)))))
         numeratori = 2.0 * self._rs * np.sqrt(np.pi) * np.exp(
             -self._S / 4.0) * (erfi(self._rs / 2.0 * (1.0 - self._SCAL)) -
                                erfi(self._rs / 2.0 * (1.0 - 2.0 * x)))
         numeratori += integtilldenom
     return numeratori
Пример #19
def rho_EQ(Vs,D,V):
    Rv = np.copy(V)
    (vT,vR) = (1.0,0.0)
    tmpg = np.greater(V,vR)
    indp = (np.where(tmpg))
    sqrtD  = np.sqrt(D)
        intovT  = special.dawsn((vT-Vs)/sqrtD)*np.exp((vT-Vs)**2/D)
        intovSD = special.dawsn(-Vs/sqrtD)*np.exp(Vs**2/D)
        Rv[indp[0][:]] = -special.dawsn((V[indp[0][:]]-Vs)/sqrtD)+np.exp(-(V[indp[0][:]]-Vs)**2/D)*intovT
            Rv[0:indp[0][0]] = np.exp(-np.square(V[0:indp[0][0]]-Vs)/D)*(-intovSD + intovT)
        tmpl = np.less(V,-2.0/3.0)
        indp = np.where(tmpl)
        Rv[indp[0][:]] = 0.0  
        sum_c = (V[2]-V[1])*np.sum(Rv)
        Rv = Rv/sum_c
        sum_c = (V[2]-V[1])*np.sum(Rv)
        Rv = Rv/sum_c        
    return (Rv,sum_c)
Пример #20
    def error(self, f, a, fc, s):  #, b):

        b = np.pi * (self.start - self.t0) * 1E-3
        result = a * np.exp(-(s * b)**2) * np.imag(
            np.exp(-2j * (f - fc) * b) * sp.dawsn(-(f - fc) / s + 1j * s * b))

        # This function often misbehaves while exploring parameter space.
        # Specifically, both np.exp(...) and np.imag(...) can blow up, but are supposed to (partially) cancel.
        # But it doesn't work out numerically, and we just get np.inf or np.nan.
        # I'd like an elegant solution to this problem, but for now just catch these errors.
        if (np.isinf(result)).any() or (np.isnan(result)).any():
            return a

        return result
Пример #21
def presetAlphas(omegaV, alpha_free):                       
    dawsarg_1st = defs.T*(defs.delta_m[0] - omegaV)
    dawsarg_3rd = defs.T*(defs.delta_m[1] - omegaV)
    alpha1f = alphaOne(omegaV, -9.81535556e+00,   3.13975075e-01,   4.94111384e+02,
          4.29958163e-01,  -2.09667678e+00,   5.85035181e+00)
    alpha3f = alphaThree(omegaV,\
          3.26519717e-01,  -3.86939149e-01,  -6.38185123e+00,
          9.69371148e+00,   6.33599497e-02,  -1.60485987e-01,
         -1.36571022e-01,   1.15095946e-02,  -7.15781666e-02)
    real_factor = (alpha1f*np.exp(-alpha_free*defs.T*defs.T*(defs.delta_m[0]-omegaV)\
                     + (alpha3f * np.exp(-alpha_free* defs.T * defs.T *\
    imag_factor = (alpha1f*(-2*cmath.sqrt(-1))/\
        (np.sqrt(np.pi))*spcl.dawsn(np.sqrt(alpha_free)*dawsarg_1st)) + \
    domegaV = np.gradient(omegaV)
    phase_fit = np.arctan(np.imag(imag_factor)/np.real(real_factor))
    dphi_fit = np.gradient(phase_fit, domegaV)
    return dphi_fit  
Пример #22
 def _kg(self, x, w, Gau_delta):
     auxiliary component for a static Gaussian Kubo Toyabe in longitudinal field, 
     x [mus], w [mus-1], Gau_delta [mus-1]
     w = 2*pi*gamma_mu*L_field
     Dt = Gau_delta * x
     DDtt = Dt**2
     DD = Gau_delta**2
     sqr2 = sqrt(2)
     argf = w / (sqr2 * Gau_delta)
     fdc = dawsn(argf)
     wx = w * x
     if (w != 0):  # non-vanishing Longitudinal Field
         Aa = real(
             exp(-0.5 * DDtt + 1j * wx) * dawsn(-argf - 1j * Dt / sqr2))
         Aa[Aa == inf] = 0  # bi-empirical fix
         nan_to_num(Aa, copy=False)  # empirical fix
         A = sqr2 * (Aa + fdc)
         f = 1. - 2. * DD / w**2 * (1 - exp(-.5 * DDtt) * cos(wx)) + 2. * (
             Gau_delta / w)**3 * A
         f = (1. + 2. * (1 - DDtt) * exp(-.5 * DDtt)) / 3.
     return f
Пример #23
 def _kg(self, t, w, Δ):
     auxiliary component for a static Gaussian Kubo Toyabe in longitudinal field, 
     t [mus], w [mus-1], Δ [mus-1], note that t can be different from self._x_
     w = 2*pi*gamma_mu*L_field
     Dt = Δ * t
     DDtt = Dt**2
     DD = Δ**2
     sqr2 = sqrt(2)
     argf = w / (sqr2 * Δ)
     fdc = dawsn(argf)
     wt = w * t
     if (w != 0):  # non-vanishing Longitudinal Field
         Aa = real(
             exp(-0.5 * DDtt + 1j * wt) * dawsn(-argf - 1j * Dt / sqr2))
         Aa[Aa == inf] = 0  # bi-empirical fix
         nan_to_num(Aa, copy=False)  # empirical fix
         A = sqr2 * (Aa + fdc)
         f = 1. - 2. * DD / w**2 * (1 - exp(-.5 * DDtt) * cos(wt)) + 2. * (
             Δ / w)**3 * A
         f = (1. + 2. * (1 - DDtt) * exp(-.5 * DDtt)) / 3.
     return f
Пример #24
def gaussian1d_complex(x,h,a,dx,fwhm):
    """Return a 1D gaussian given a set of parameters.

    :param x: Array giving the positions where the gaussian is evaluated
    :param h: Height
    :param a: Amplitude
    :param dx: Position of the center
    :param fwhm: FWHM, :math:`\\text{FWHM} = \\text{Width} \\times 2 \\sqrt{2 \\ln 2}`
    if not isinstance(x, np.ndarray):
        x = np.array(x)

    w = fwhm / (2. * gvar.sqrt(2. * gvar.log(2.)))
    b = (x - dx) / (np.sqrt(2) * w)
    return  (h + a * gvar.exp(-b**2.), h + a * 2 / np.sqrt(np.pi) * special.dawsn(b))
Пример #25
 def int_exact(self, X):
     '''Integral of the 2nd order Dawson function (with a change of order of integration)'''
     q = np.zeros(X.size)
     i = 0
     fun1 = lambda x: np.power(erfcx(-x), 2) * dawsn(x)
     fun2 = lambda x: np.exp(-x * x) * np.power(erfcx(-x), 2)
     for x in X:
         if x < -25:  #== -np.inf:
             q[i] = self.int_asym_neginf(x)
             y1, _ = quad(fun1, -np.inf, x)
             y2, _ = quad(fun2, -np.inf, x)
             q[i] = -np.pi / 4 * y1 + np.power(np.sqrt(np.pi) / 2,
                                               3) * erfi(x) * y2
         i += 1
     return q
Пример #26
def Daws(x, n, method):

    if method == 'Trap':
        #apply Trapezoidal method
        integral_real = Trap(expo, 0, x, n)
        return np.exp(-x**2) * integral_real

    elif method == 'Simp':
        #apply Simpsons method
        integral_real = Simp(expo, 0, x, n)
        return np.exp(-x**2) * integral_real

    elif method == 'Scipy':
        #use scipy library
        return special.dawsn(x)

        return 'Input error :D'
Пример #27
    def _pdf_k32(self, r, f, x, j):
        # PDF of k^3/2
        g = self.mod.g
        x13 = x**(1. / 3)
        x23 = x**(2. / 3)
        sig2fac = self.mod.s2 / self.mod.s2j[j]
        E = (f - x23) * sig2fac

        c = (x > 0)
        func = numpy.zeros(len(x))
        if (sum(c) > 0):
            if (self.ani):
                p = r / self.mod.raj[j]
                F = dawsn(x13 * p * sqrt(sig2fac)) / p
                func[c] = F[c] / (x13[c] * sqrt(sig2fac)) * self._Eg(E[c], g)
                func[c] = self._Eg(E[c], g)
        if (sum(~c) > 0): func[~c] = self._Eg(E[~c], g)
        return func
Пример #28
def animated_point_source_in_room():
    from scipy.special import dawsn
    N = 128
    x = np.linspace(-2, 2, N + 1)[:-1] + 0j
    dx = np.real(x[1] - x[0])
    M = N // 2
    y = z = x
    x, y, z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij')

    # Inwards surging spherical wave with a gaussian profile
    # TODO: Figure out how to do an actual point source
    r = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
    r1 = 20 * r - 15
    u = -(np.exp(-r1**2) + 2j / np.sqrt(np.pi) * dawsn(r1)) / (r + 1)

    boundary = 0 * x

    wave_equation = WaveEquation(u, boundary, dx, dt=dx, decay=0)

    u = wave_equation.u[:, :, M]
    plots = [
        pylab.imshow(np.real(u), vmin=-0.05, vmax=0.05, extent=(-2, 2, -2, 2))
    plots.extend(pylab.plot(np.linspace(-2, 2, N), np.real(u[M])))
    plots.extend(pylab.plot(np.linspace(-2, 2, N), np.imag(u[M])))

    def update(frame):
        u = wave_equation.u[:, :, M]
        return plots

                  init_func=lambda: plots,
Пример #29
def k_0_H(x, ker_opts):

    # parameters:
    sigma_SB = ker_opts['sigma_SB']  # prefactor
    ell = ker_opts['ell']  # lengthscale
    SB_ker_type = ker_opts['SB_ker_type']  # type of kernel used

    a = 1. / (sqrt(2) * ell) * x

    # inverse quadratic kernel
    if SB_ker_type == 'IQ':
        out_val = -a / (1. + a**2)
    # squared exponential kernel
    elif SB_ker_type == 'SE':
        out_val = 2. / sqrt(pi) * dawsn(a)

    # multiply by prefactor
    out_val = (sigma_SB**2) * out_val

    return out_val
Пример #30
    def _pdf_k32(self, r, f, x, j):
        # PDF of k^3/2
        g = self.mod.g
        x13 = x**(1./3)
        x23 = x**(2./3)
        sig2fac = self.mod.s2/self.mod.s2j[j]
        E = (f-x23)*sig2fac

        c = (x>0)
        func = numpy.zeros(len(x))
        if (sum(c)>0):
            if (self.ani):
                p = r/self.mod.raj[j]
                F = dawsn(x13*p*sqrt(sig2fac))/p
                func[c] = F[c]/(x13[c]*sqrt(sig2fac))*self._Eg(E[c],g)
                func[c] = self._Eg(E[c],g)
        if (sum(~c)>0): func[~c] = self._Eg(E[~c],g)

        return func
Пример #31
def sincgauss1d_flux(a, fwhm, sigma):
    """Compute flux of a 1D sinc convoluted with a Gaussian of
    parameter sigma.

    :param a: Amplitude
    :param fwhm: FWHM of the sinc
    :param sigma: Sigma of the gaussian
    :param no_err: (Optional) No error is returned (default False)
    if np.all(np.isnan(gvar.mean(sigma))) or np.all(np.isclose(gvar.mean(sigma), 0)):
        return sinc1d_flux(a, fwhm)
    width = fwhm / orb.constants.FWHM_SINC_COEFF
    width /= math.pi

    def compute_flux(ia, isig, iwid):
        idia = orb.cgvar.dawsni(isig / (math.sqrt(2) * iwid))
        expa2 = gvar.exp(isig**2./2./iwid**2.)
        if not np.isclose(gvar.mean(idia),0):
            return ia * math.pi / math.sqrt(2.) * isig * expa2 / idia
        else: return gvar.gvar(np.inf, np.inf)

        _A = sigma / (np.sqrt(2) * width)
        dia = special.dawsn(1j*_A)
        expa2 = np.exp(_A**2.)
        return (a * np.pi / np.sqrt(2.) * 1j * sigma * expa2 / dia).real
    except TypeError: pass

    if isinstance(a, np.ndarray):
        result = np.empty_like(a)
        for i in range(np.size(a)):
            result.flat[i] = compute_flux(
                a.flat[i], sigma.flat[i], width.flat[i])
    else: result = compute_flux(a, sigma, width)
    return result
Пример #32
Question 2a
Authors: Genevieve Beauregard (Primary), Anna Shirlkalina
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as spop
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import special
import Lab2_functions as func
from time import time

#Question 2a
N = 8
x = 4

print("Dawsons actual=>", special.dawsn(4))
print("For N =", N, ",")
print("Our trap Dawson =>", func.D_trap(x, N))
print("Our simp Dawson =>", func.D_simp(x, N))


# Uncomment the below to get the error of for N slices

# N2b_trap= 2**(2)
# error = abs(special.dawsn(4) - func.D_trap(x, N2b_trap))
# print("For N =", N2b_trap)
# print("Our trap Dawson =>", func.D_trap(x, N2b_trap))
# print("Error =", error)
Пример #33
        i_log_q = 1 / log(q)
        a = pi_squared * i_log_q

        b = exp(a)
        b4 = b ** 4

        c = 0.5 * sqrt(-pi * i_log_q)

        return 2 / sqrt(pi) * sum(dawson(sqrt(-a) * (t - n)) for n in range(-10, 11)) * c / ((1 + 2 * (b + b4)) * c - 0.5)

theta_c = theta_complement

xs = [i * 0.0001 for i in range(3000)]

print max(abs(dawson(x) - dawsn(x)) for x in xs)

def float_list_to_bytes(l):
    bs = bytearray()
    for f in l:
        mantissa, exponent = frexp(f)
        mantissa = int(mantissa * 256 ** 6)
        exponent = max(0, min(255, exponent + 128))
        bs.extend(mantissa.to_bytes(6, 'big'))
    return bytes(bs)

bs = float_list_to_bytes([1,2,3,6.45,23.231])

import zlib
Пример #34
 def DI(a):
     return dawsn(a)
Пример #35
def isomer(aaiso, ciso, conj, conq, coniso, dii, drrho, drrhoh, eergi, egiso, exki,
           fciso, ffiso, fjh, fregi, niso, ngrpi, ndr, nt, ngroup, q, qh, rho,
           rhoh, r, rerg, rgisoi, rootki, soriso, tau): 

    tiso = tau - ciso

    #IF (TISO) 10, 20, 20                                                          #10
    if (tiso < 0):
    rtiso = math.sqrt(tiso)                                                        #20
    l = 1

    while (l < niso):
        exki[l-1] = math.exp(-tiso*dii[l-1])   #Changed [l] to [l-1] because Python arrays start at 1.
        rtkii[l-1] = math.sqrt(tiso*dii[l-1])  #Changed [l] to [l-1]
        soriso[l-1] = ai[l-1]*exxi[l-1]      #Changed [l] to [l-1]
        l += 1
    #CONTINUE end while loop                                                        #30

    i = 1
    j = 1
    k = 1
    l = 1
    while (i < ndr): #ENDS AT 220
        ri = 1/r[i-1]   #Changed [i] to [i-1] 
        r2i = ri * ri
        cj = conj * r2i
        cq = conq * r2i

        while (j < nt): #ENDS AT 140
            cur = 0.0
            qrh = 0.0
            cqh = cq * rhoh[i-1][j-1]         #Changed [i] and [j] to [i-1] [j-1]
            avrad = drrhoh[i-1][j-1] * ri     #Changed [i] and [j] to [i-1] [j-1]

            while (k < ngroup): #ENDS AT 130
                gmfp = drrhoh[i-1][j-1] * rgisoi[k-1] #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                emfp = math.exp(-gmfp)
                facto = fciso[k-1] + ffiso[k-1] * gmfp    #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                consj = cj * rergi[k-1] * emfp      #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                consq = cqh * eergi[k-1] * emfp     #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                aj = avrad * 20550000 * math.sqrt(gmfp)
                ah = (1.186 - 0.062 * egiso[k-1]) * aj #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                fkj = factor * 10000/(1.0+bbiso[k-1]*gmfp) #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                fkq = facto * 10000/(1.1+aaiso[k-1]*gmfp) #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                exfkj = math.sqrt(-rtiso*fkj)
                exkfg = math.sqrt(-rtiso*fkq)

                while (l < niso): #ENDS AT 120
                    cifkj = rootki[l-1] * fkj  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    cifkg = rootki[l-1] * fkq  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    xj1 = cifkj * 0.5
                    xq1 = cifkq * 0.5
                    cixj = xj1**2  # xj1 squared
                    cixq = xq1**2  # xq1 squared
                    excixj = math.exp(-cixj)
                    excixq = math.exp(cixq)
                    daj = exfkj - exki[l-1]  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    daq = exfkq - exki[l-1]  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    daj = aj * coniso[l-1] * daj  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    daq = ah * coniso[l-1] * daq  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    dbj = cifkj * exki[l-1] * excixj * aj * coniso[l-1]  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    dbq = cifkq * exki[l-1] * excixg * ah * coniso[l-1]  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    xj2 = rtkii[l-1] - xj1  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    xq2 = rtkii[l-1] - xq1  #Changed [x] to [x-1]

                    # if (xj2) 40, 50, 60
                    # go to 40 if neg, go to 50 if 0, go to 60 if positive
                    if (xj2 < 0): #if neg
                        xj2 = -xj2                                                   #40
                        # CALLING dawsn FUNCTIONS. wasn't sure where these would be, so I'm just calling special.METHODNAME
                        convj = daj + dbj * (special.dawsn(xj1) - special.dawsn(xj2))
                        #GOTO 70
                    elif (xj2 == 0): 
                        convj = daj + dbj * special.dawsn(xj1)                       #50
                        #GO TO 70
                    else: #elif (xj2 > 0)
                        convj = daj + dbj * special.dawsn(xj1) + special.dawsn(xj2)  #60
                    #CONTINUE                                                        #70

                    if (xq2 < 0):
                        xq2 = -xq2                                                   #80
                        convq = daq + dbq * (special.dawsn(xq1) - special.dawsn(xq2))
                        #GO TO 110
                    elif (xq2 == 0):
                        convq = daq + dbq * special.dawsn(xq1)                       #90
                        #GO TO 110
                    else: #elif (xq2 > 0):
                        convq = daq + dbq * (special.dawsn(xq1) + special.dawsn(xq2))#100
                    #CONTINUE                                                        #110

                    cur = (convj + soriso[l-1]) * consj * fregi[k-1] + cur #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    qrh = (convq + soriso[l-1]) * consq * fregi[k-1] + qrh #Changed [x] to [x-1]

                    l += 1
                #CONTINUE end while loop l                                           #120
            k += 1
            # CONTINUE end while loop k                                              #130

            fjh[i-1][j-1] = cur + fjh[i-1][j-1] #Changed [x] to [x-1]
            qh[i-1][j-1] = qrh + qh[i-1][j-1]   #Changed [x] to [x-1]
        j += 1
        #CONTINUE  end while loop j                                                  #140

        j = 1
        k = 1
        l = 1
        while (j < ntm1): #ENDS AT 210
            qrg = 0.0
            cqg = cq * rho[i-1][j-1]                   #Changed [x] to [x-1]
            avrad = drrho[i-1][j-1] * ri               #Changed [x] to [x-1]

            while (k < ngrpi): #ENDS AT 200
                gmfp = drrho[i-1][j-1] * rgisoi[k-1]   #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                facto = fciso[k-1] + ffiso[k-1] + gmfp #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                consg = cqg * eergi[k-1] * exp(-gmfp)  #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                ag = avrad * (1.186 - 0.062 *
                              egiso[k-1]) * 20550000 * math.sqrt(gmfp) #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                fkg = facto * 10000/(1.1+aaiso[k-1] * gmfp) #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                exfkg = math.exp(-rtiso * fkg)

                while (l < niso): #ENDS AT 190
                    cifkg = rootki[l-0] * fkg            #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    xg1 = cifkg * 0.5
                    cixg = xg1**2
                    excixg = math.exp(-cixg)
                    dag = exfkg - exki[l-1]            #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    dag = ag * coniso[l-1] * dag       #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    dbg = cifkg * exki[l-1] * excixg * ag * coniso[l-1] #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                    xg2 = rtkii[l-1] - xg1             #Changed [x] to [x-1]

                    # if (xg2) 150, 160, 170
                    # go to 150 if neg, go to 160 if 0, go to 170 if positive
                    if (xg2 < 0):
                        xg2 = -xg2                                                    #150
                        convg = dag + dbg * \
                                (special.dawsn(xg1) - special.dawsn(xg2))
                        #GO TO 180
                    elif (xg2 == 0):
                        convg = dag + dbg * special.dawsn(xg1)                        #160
                        #GO TO 180
                    else: #elif (xg2 > 0)
                        convg = dag + dbg * (special.dawsn(xg1) + special.dawsn(xg2)) #170
                    # CONTINUE end if/else                                            #180

                qrg = (convg + soriso[l-1]) * consg * fregi[k-1] + qrg #Changed [x] to [x-1]
                l += 1
                #CONTINUE  end while loop l                                           #190
            k += 1
            #CONTINUE  end while loop k                                               #200
        q[i-1][j-1] = qrg + q[i-1][j-1]                 #Changed [x] to [x-1]
        j += 1
        #CONTINUE end while loop j                                                    #210
    i += 1
Пример #36
    start = time()
    for _ in range(n):
    end = time()
    return (end - start) / n

if __name__ == "__main__":
    dawson_traprule = lambda x, N: np.exp(-1 * x**2) * traprule(
        0, x, lambda t: np.exp(t**2), N)
    dawson_simprule = lambda x, N: np.exp(-1 * x**2) * simprule(
        0, x, lambda t: np.exp(t**2), N)
    print("Q2a i:")
    print("Trapezoid Rule:", dawson_traprule(4, 8))
    print("Simpson's Rule:", dawson_simprule(4, 8))
    print("Exact Value:", scis.dawsn(4))
    print("Q2a ii:")
    Nt = 200000
    Ns = 1000
    print("Trapezoid Rule Error: ", dawson_traprule(4, Nt) - scis.dawsn(4))
    print("Number of Slices:", Nt)

    print("Simpson's Rule Error:", dawson_simprule(4, Ns) - scis.dawsn(4))
    print("Number of Slices:", Ns)

    print("Traprule Time (s):", time_code(lambda: dawson_traprule(4, Nt), 10))
    print("Simprule Time (s):", time_code(lambda: dawson_simprule(4, Ns), 10))
    print("Scipy Function Time (s):", time_code(lambda: scis.dawsn(4), 1000))

Пример #37
 def get(self, x, x0):
     from scipy.special import dawsn
     return 0.5 / x0 * (2 * self.wm1 * (dawsn((x + x0) * self.wm1) - dawsn(
         (x - x0) * self.wm1)) - 1.0j * self.norm * (np.exp(-(
             (x + x0) * self.wm1)**2) - np.exp(-((x - x0) * self.wm1)**2)))
Пример #38
def numpy_dawsn(x):
    return dawsn(x)